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Class II

Item no.963628.R2
VestasOnline Live Update
VestasOnline Business
SCADA Technical Documentation

Vestas Wind Systems A/S · Alsvej 21 · 8900 Randers · Denmark ·

Item no.: 963628.R2 ® Date 2008-07-01
VestasOnline Live Update
Issued by: Technology ® Class: II
Type: MAN VestasOnline Business Page 2 of 12

History of this Document

Changes in this document:

Rev. no.: Date: Description of change

0 2007-03-22 First edition

1 2007-09-25 Screen dumps changed in chapter 2,3,5,6

2 2008-07-01 Note added in chapter 1

Vestas Wind Systems A/S · Alsvej 21 · 8900 Randers · Denmark ·

Item no.: 963628.R2 ® Date 2008-07-01
VestasOnline Live Update
Issued by: Technology ® Class: II
Type: MAN VestasOnline Business Page 3 of 12

Table of Contents
1. Introduction...................................................................................................................... 4
2. Start up ............................................................................................................................ 5
3. First time use ................................................................................................................... 5
4. Registration form ............................................................................................................. 6
5. Edit user profile ............................................................................................................... 7
6. Live updating ................................................................................................................... 8
7. Dongle view ................................................................................................................... 11
8. About ............................................................................................................................. 12

Vestas Wind Systems A/S · Alsvej 21 · 8900 Randers · Denmark ·

Item no.: 963628.R2 ® Date 2008-07-01
VestasOnline Live Update
Issued by: Technology ® Class: II
Type: MAN VestasOnline Business Page 4 of 12

1. Introduction
This document describes the Live Update system for automatic download when new versions
of the VestasOnline® Business or Express client are available.

The Live Update uses the Internet to connect to a central server at Vestas from where the
latest client version can be downloaded. The difference between the Live Updater and a
standard client update (delivered on an installation CD-ROM or downloaded from Ves- is that the Live Update system only updates the necessary files. E.g. when a
new turbine release has been issued, the Live Update system can be used to update the
event list codes.

The Live Update system is included from the VestasOnline® Business version 3.3 release. It
is not available for any previous VestasOnline® Business releases.

NOTE Live Update can only be run as administrator.

Vestas Wind Systems A/S · Alsvej 21 · 8900 Randers · Denmark ·

Item no.: 963628.R2 ® Date 2008-07-01
VestasOnline Live Update
Issued by: Technology ® Class: II
Type: MAN VestasOnline Business Page 5 of 12

2. Start up
The Live Update program is started from the VestasOnline® installation menu, located under
the Windows Start menu: All programs -> Vestas -> VestasOnline® Client-> Live Update

Live Update can only be started if a valid dongle is available.

3. First time use

When starting Live Update for the first time, the following main screen appears:

To start Live Update, click the “Start update” button.

Live Update is based on a validation system where the user must identify himself. The first
time Live Update is used, the dongle will be identified by the Live Update server. If the dongle
is not registered in the Live Update database, the user must fill in a registration form. This
registration form includes an e-mail account. This e-mail account is necessary to complete
the registration, because a login password will automatically be delivered via e-mail to the

Vestas Wind Systems A/S · Alsvej 21 · 8900 Randers · Denmark ·

Item no.: 963628.R2 ® Date 2008-07-01
VestasOnline Live Update
Issued by: Technology ® Class: II
Type: MAN VestasOnline Business Page 6 of 12

4. Registration form
The first time a dongle is registered by Live Update, the window below appears.

The registration form must be completed correctly before the live updater can be used.
All items marked with an asterisk (*) must be filled out before the registration form can be

If the “I want to be notified when new updated are available” tag has been checked, the user
will be notified whenever a new update is available from the live update. The notification will
be sent to the registered e-mail account. Even if this flag has not been checked, the user can
at any time run Live Update and check for new versions.

Vestas Wind Systems A/S · Alsvej 21 · 8900 Randers · Denmark ·

Item no.: 963628.R2 ® Date 2008-07-01
VestasOnline Live Update
Issued by: Technology ® Class: II
Type: MAN VestasOnline Business Page 7 of 12

Please read the “Important Information text” at the bottom of the registration form.

The password field and the use password flag can only be edited after the password has
been sent to the user.

Please be aware that the e-mail address MUST be entered correctly. If the e-mail address is
incorrect, Live Update will not be available before the user has contacted Vestas to get the
password reset.

5. Edit user profile

The user profile that was created in the Registration form (see section 4. Registration form)
can be modified by clicking “Update user profile” button from the main Live Update window.

The Update user profile feature is only available after Live Update has been used once.

Vestas Wind Systems A/S · Alsvej 21 · 8900 Randers · Denmark ·

Item no.: 963628.R2 ® Date 2008-07-01
VestasOnline Live Update
Issued by: Technology ® Class: II
Type: MAN VestasOnline Business Page 8 of 12

6. Live updating
To start the update sequence, click the Start update button.

When connecting to the Live Update server, it is necessary to identify the user. This is done
by entering a user name and a password. This user profile will be linked to the inserted don-

If the dongle is not recorded by the Live Update server, the user will be asked to register.
Please see chapter 4 to get details about the registration form.

In the event that the user has forgotten the password, it is possible to ask the Live Update
server to resend the password to the registered e-mail address.

If the user name or the password is wrong, the login will fail. The status for the login will be
displayed in the status field on the main Live Update window.

Vestas Wind Systems A/S · Alsvej 21 · 8900 Randers · Denmark ·

Item no.: 963628.R2 ® Date 2008-07-01
VestasOnline Live Update
Issued by: Technology ® Class: II
Type: MAN VestasOnline Business Page 9 of 12

When the Live Update connects to the server, it will scan the local installation and compare it
with the latest version located on the Live Update server. If one or more files need to be up-
dated, Live Update will show the following dialog box:

This dialog box will display the size of the update and an estimated download time.
If the dialog box is answered with download Yes, the download will start.

The status window will display the overall status of the download process. The upper pro-
gress bar is displaying the status of the currently downloaded file, and the lower progress bar
is displaying the overall download status. Additionally, the status field will display the file
name of the currently downloaded file.

At any time the download process can be terminated by pressing the Stop update button.

Please be aware that if the download is stopped, no changes have been installed. Until all
files have been downloaded successfully, the installation process will not start.

Even though the update has been stopped prematurely, it can be resumed at any time. Files
that already have been downloaded will not be downloaded again. If the update is resumed,
Live Update will continue from the last downloaded file.

When the download has been completed, the system will install the files automatically, and
the status field will display the following message: “The update is finished: Please reboot”

Vestas Wind Systems A/S · Alsvej 21 · 8900 Randers · Denmark ·

Item no.: 963628.R2 ® Date 2008-07-01
VestasOnline Live Update
Issued by: Technology ® Class: II
Type: MAN VestasOnline Business Page 10 of 12

When the installation is finished, the system needs to be rebooted to ensure that all updates
are applied.

Vestas Wind Systems A/S · Alsvej 21 · 8900 Randers · Denmark ·

Item no.: 963628.R2 ® Date 2008-07-01
VestasOnline Live Update
Issued by: Technology ® Class: II
Type: MAN VestasOnline Business Page 11 of 12

7. Dongle view

By pressing the Dongle icon , the Dongle View window will appear.

All codes that are available in the dongle are displayed.

Vestas Wind Systems A/S · Alsvej 21 · 8900 Randers · Denmark ·

Item no.: 963628.R2 ® Date 2008-07-01
VestasOnline Live Update
Issued by: Technology ® Class: II
Type: MAN VestasOnline Business Page 12 of 12

8. About

By pressing the About icon , the program’s About box will appear with information about
version number and date.

Vestas Wind Systems A/S · Alsvej 21 · 8900 Randers · Denmark ·

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