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Family – Possessive ‘s – Have got

I. Look at the tree and write the correct word.

1. Anne is Paul’s ___________________. 6. Diana is George’s __________________.

2. Emily is Jack’s ___________________. 7. Paul is Peter’s _________________.

3. Emily is Pau’s ___________________. 8. Amelia is Henry’s _________________.

4. Sarah is Diana’s _________________. 9. Emily and Peter are George and Sandra’s


5. Jack is Sarah’s __________________. 10. Henry is Emily’s ___________________

II. Answer about YOU.

1. Your mother’s father is your ____________________.

2. Your mother’s son is your ______________________.

3. Your mother’s sister is _________________________.

4. Your daughter’s daughter is your ______________________.

5. Your mother’s brother is your ______________________.

6. Your brother’s son is your _____________________.

7. Your wife or husband’s mother is your _________________________.

8. Your uncle’s son is your ______________________.

9. Your father’s sister is your ___________________.

10. Your mother’s daughter is your ___________________.

III. Complete the conversation with the correct word from the box.

is – has – have – ‘s got – have – great – got – hasn’t

Teacher: ________ you ________ a car?

John: Yes, I ________. It’s a Toyota.

Teacher: Good. And what colour _______ it?

John: It’s blue.

Teacher: And _________ your father got a car?

John: No, he ________, but he __________ a motorbike.

Teacher: Really?

John: Yes, it’s _________.

IV. Complete with the correct form of have got.

1. Luciana ____________ a beautiful car.

2. __________ you _________a Ferrari?

3. I _____________ a car, but I’ve got a bike.

4. __________ your mother ___________ a mobile phone?

5. She ______________ a brother, but she’s got 2 sisters.

6. My parents _______________ a very big house.

7. Your friends ______________ CDs.

8. My friend _______________ a big family: two brothers and three sisters.

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