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Edmond Sun - 10/30/2019 Page : A05


Keep trick-or-treaters 7FSM

Verla Ba
age 61, ente
the eternal

safe on Halloween
of God on F
Oct. 25, 201
Verla was b
Jan. 18, 195
Edmond, Ok
to Robert A
Rainbow Fleet, EPD offer safety tips and Beverly
(Faulk) Bak
OKLAHOMA CITY — to accompany children encourage parents to set chief of police. “Children She graduat
Rainbow Fleet Child Care of all ages while trick-or- ground rules for their should only approach from Edmon
Resource and Referral treating and ensure their children before homes with porch lights Memorial H
in 1976 whe
and the Edmond Police visibility using glow trick-or-treat- and never go inside a active in the
Department (EPD) are sticks, reflective tape or ing,” said JD home for a treat. Pep Club.
urging parents to take flashlights. Younger, Predetermining a well- Verla wa
specific safety precau- “We Edmond lit route and ensuring member of
tions this Halloween. reliable communication Baptist Chu
“The National Safety channels are other of Edmond
Council reports chil- important ways to participated
dren are more than increase trick-or-treat youth activi
twice as likely to be safety.” attended Ok
hit by a car and Parents are also State Unive
killed on encouraged to with a B.S. i
Halloween than inspect candy for Economics
on any other day abnormalities and minor in Nu
of the year,” said allergens, and to Verla marri
Carrie Williams, take care when “Jim” Mich
Rainbow Fleet selecting costumes on Feb. 18, 1
executive direc- and costume Oklahoma C
tor. “In addition makeup to ensure had two chi
to this scary sta- costumes do not James “Jim
tistic, parents impede sight and Larkin, II an
Megan Lark
must worry about mobility. worked as a
food safety, allergies “As always, law financial an
and other risks relat- enforcement authori- Fleming Foo
ed to the holiday.” ties should be notified if 2000. She lo
In response to these you notice anything sus- laugh and w
risks, Rainbow Fleet and picious or unlawful,” happy spend
EPD encourage parents Younger said. time with he
teaching the
bake, color
stories. She

Backyard poultry workshop in Norman fierce suppo

children’s a
no matter h
different an
BY JOSHUA CAMPBELL Saturday, Nov. 2. Southeast Area Livestock Specialist, to her own,
AG., NATURAL RESOURCES EDUCATOR The goal of the workshops is to Brian Freking, will present some
provide people interested in chick- basic information on poultry nutri-
The desire to raise chickens con- ens and other types of poultry use- tion as well as a simple nutrition
tinues to grow. With the cities of ful information no matter what spreadsheet that he has created for
Edmond and Shawnee recently their experience level may be. poultry enthusiasts. At 11 a.m., the
allowing backyard chickens within There will be workshops that cover University of Arkansas Extension
the city limits, local farm stores will the basics for the new backyard Poultry Veterinarian, Dr. Dustan
likely see another increase in poultry keeper as well as more Clark, will provide information and
demand for chicken related items. advanced topics for more experi- answer questions related to biose-
People new to chickens may have a enced breeders looking for ways to curity as well as identifying, pre-
number of questions about raising improve flock heath, biosecurity, venting, and treating common ill-
(c)2019 Edmond inEdition
hereSun, central Oklahoma.
10/30/2019 and incubation success. Attendees nesses in poultry. At noon, Dr. Sara
October 31, 2019 9:03 am (GMT +5:00) Powered by TECNAVIA
Questions about brooding chicks, will also have free access to the Orlowski with the University of
feeding hens, treating illnesses and poultry show which will feature Arkansas will present advanced

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