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xcode-select -p

/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools //if there is not CLT, we must have it

sudo gem install jekyll

sudo gem install rdiscont //markdown library for ruby

jekyll new my-archive /*cd my-archive then ls to check the files out, cd _site,
there will be all static files, you can also move your
js,css and img folders in*/
jekyll serve(ctrl+c to stop the deamond process)

_config.yml is your config file

title:"My Archive"
description:"my drawings and archive of CS"

extension: [smart]
permalink: /articles/:title

_layout defaul.html , you can modify as you want

index.html is our home page ,modify it as you like

liquid templating language is Ruby library for templating
jekyll serve --watch --baseurl ''

github-page, choose project or user site,create repository

git remote add github <your repository url>

git remote
git add .
git commit -m "my archive files"
git push master
git branch gh-pages
git push github gh-pages //now we have gh-pages branch

git status //when you change

git commit -a -m "updated or newly creaded file whichever"
git checkout gh-pages
git merge master
git push github gh-pages

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