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J of A
Applied Bioteechnology
ISSN 2327-0640
2019, Vol. 7, No. 2

Asseessing Produc
P ctivity aand Pro
ofitabiliity of H
Hybrid Rice
With Siite Specific N
Nutrientt Manag
gementt in Mid
W rn Teraii, Nepaal

Samiikshya Achaarya (Corresponding au

Institutte of Agricuulture and Animal
A Sciennce, Prithu Technical College,
C Tribbhuvan Uniiversity,
E-mail: acharyaasamikshya7

Binita Mahaara
Institutte of Agricuulture and Animal
A Sciennce, Prithu Technical College,
C Tribbhuvan Uniiversity,
E mahharabinita5@

Lal Prasad Am
Instituute of Agricuulture and Animal
A Scieence, Rampu
ur Campus, Tribhuvan University,, Nepal
E-mail: aamgainlp@g

Krishna Ary
Institutte of Agricuulture and Animal
A Sciennce, Prithu Technical College,
C Tribbhuvan Uniiversity,
E krishh.aryal2014

Bishnnu Prasad Kandel

Deparrtment of Pllant Breedin
ng, Post Graaduate Prog
gram, Instituute of Agricuulture and Animal
Sciencce, Tribhuvaan University, Kirtipur,, Nepal

J of A
Applied Bioteechnology
ISSN 2327-0640
2019, Vol. 7, No. 2

Receiveed: April 10,, 2019 Accepted: JJune 20, 201

19 Pub
blished: Junne 22, 2019
Doi: 100.5296/jab.vv7i2.14959 URL:

Rice (O Oryza sativva L.) is a dominant staple food d crop of Nepal whiich producttion and
producttivity is signnificantly declining com mpared to several
s yearrs due to inaappropriate nutrient
manageement practtices. A fielld experimeent was con nducted at Lamahi,
L Daang to evalluate the
performmance of hyybrid rice(U US-305) unnder rain feed condition n with fivee precision nutrient
manageement practiices [Viz: Nutrient
N Exppert® -Ricee (NE) recom mmendationn; Leaf Color Chart
(LCC) N and Nutrient Expert (P and K); Nutrient Ex xpert (N) an nd Farmers Fertilizer Practices
(P and K); Farmeers Fertilizer Practicees (FFP) an nd Governm ment Recom mmendation n (GR)]
replicatted four timmes in RCB BD designn during Ju une to Octo ober, 2018. The experrimental
finding showed thaat SSNM baased Nutrieent Expert® -Rice (NE)) recommenndation gav ve higher
-1 -1
grain yiield (6.36 toon ha ) andd straw yieldd (12.62 ton n ha ) whicch leads to hhighest grosss return
(NRs 242,498) andd B: C ratio o (3.08). Beetween the treatments Nutrient E Expert® -Riice (NE)
recomm mendation wasw excelleent to grow wth parametters like pllant height, crop grow wth rate,
relativee growth raate and leaff area indexx over FFP P. Further, Nutrient Exxpert® -Rice (NE)
recomm mendation gave
g significcantly higheer effective tiller m-2(354.50), pannicle length (26.31),
panicle weight (811.50), filled grain (390)) and fertiliity (87.56% %) over FFPP. Nutrient Expert®
-Rice (NNE) recomm mendation has h increaseed the grain n yield by 23 3.97% withh yield difference of
1.23 tonn ha and straw
s b 39.44 % with yield difference of 3.57 tonn ha-1 in com
yield by mparison
with F FFP. Hencee the expeeriment cooncluded th hat site sp pecific nuttrient manaagement
recomm mendation that
t accounnts Nutrientt Expert® -Rice- and leaf color cchart could d be the
practicaal decision tool
t for makking authenntic fertilizerr recommen ndation.
Keywords: Farmeers fertilizeer practice, Governmeent recomm
mendation, Leaf Colorr Chart,
Nutriennt expert-Ricce, Profitab
1. Introoduction
Rice (OOryza sativaa L.) a dom
minant stapl e food crop p for more than half oof world population
and appproximatelyy 480 millioon metric toons of milled rice is pro
oduced annnually (Muthhayya et
al., 2014). It’s production and
d consumptiion are amo ong the higghest in Asiian region of
o which
China aand India acccounts for about
a 50% ((Doberman n & Witt, 2003).
In Neppal, rice is cultivated under diffferent prod duction environments (irrigated, rain-fed
lowlandd and upland) and ecological regioons (Terai anda Inner Teerai- 67 to 9900 masl; Mid
M Hills
- 1000 to 1500 maasl; and Hig gh Hills - 15500 to 3050 0 masl) and
d dominatess the countrry’s crop
sector. A
Almost hallf of the tottal cultivateed area is devoted
d to rice
r annuallly and Teraai shares
majorityy of the couuntry’s rice output (MooAD, 2015)). Rice is cuultivated in approx. 1.5
5 million
hectaress of land with
w the pro oduction of 5.2 million d productiviity of 3.53 ton ha-1
n tones and
(MoAD D, 2017). This
T low prroduction aand producctivity of riice along w with its increasing
demandd made the country to import ricee from foreeign countries. The reccent officiall data of

J of A
Applied Bioteechnology
ISSN 2327-0640
2019, Vol. 7, No. 2

Governnment of Nepal N revealled that Neepal importted rice off worth NR Rs 21.24 biillion in
2017/188 (MOF, 20018). The possibility
p oof expandinng the areaa in future iis very limmited. To
fulfill thhe upsurge demand, th he farming hhas shifted from local variety to tthe hybrid varieties
for highher yield (H Heisey et al., 1998). Aggronomic management
m and technoological inno ovations
are needded to addrress these isssues at preesent. Yet, th
he productivvity of hybrrid rice is very
v low
in developing counntries highliighting the major constraint factorr of the prooduction technology
i.e. propper fertilizer management.
Less poossibility off promising g technologgies generatted by agricultural ressearch in our o land,
owing m major improoper fertilizzer managem ment resulteed under or over fertilizzation. Ferttilization
as a bllanket dosee without considering
c site speciffic soil and
d weather ccondition has h been
recommmended by government
g t bodies andd research sttation but yiield of cropp is directly affected
by nutrrient need of
o crop and nutrient coontent in so oil (Janssen et al., 19900). Poor farrmer are
unaware about thee fertilizer dose.
d So theere is great opportunityy in increassing producctivity of
rice deccreasing yieeld gap to fulfill
f nationnal demand d through immproved nut utrient manaagement,
as there is a connsiderable gap g betweeen research her managed fertilizerr plots and d farmer
manageed plots (Laadha et al., 2003).
Site sppecific nutriient manag gement (SS SNM) is th he specific approach tthat advocates the
optimum m use of indigenous
i nutrients ooriginating from soil, plant nutriients, manu ures and
irrigatioon water foccusing on balanced
b andd crop needd based nutrrient applicaation (Pamp
polino et
al., 20007). Site-Sppecific Nutrrient Manaagement (SS SNM) prov vides opporrtunities forr timely
applicattion of ferttilizer at op
ptimal ratess to fill the deficit beetween nuttrient need of high
yieldingg crop and nutrient
n sup
pply from naaturally occcurring indig
genous sourrces (Singh,, 2004).
Nutriennt Expert ® (NE) efforrtless, interractive and computer based b tool with consisstent 4R
stewarddship allows fertilizer with right source at rightr rate, right time aand right pllace that
works oon principlees of site specific nutrieent manageement (Dobeermann & W Witt, 2004).. LCC is
a simple, inexpenssive low technology toool of SSNM M that is welll suited as an indicato
or of leaf
N status for small scale farmeers in Asia.. It enables the applicaation of N aas per crop demand
which enhances thhe N use efficiency
e iin crops. The
T approacch is know wn as real- time N
manageement. This approach avoids a the exxcessive N applicationn by matchinng time and d amount
of fertillizers as perr the plant need
n (IRRI, 2010).The research aims at utilizzing the best way of
sustaineed nutrient managemeent practice in rainfed Mid Westeern Terai reegion of Nepal N for
higher rrice producttion.
2. Mateerials and Method
The expperiment was conducteed during thhe rainy seaason of 201 18 in farmer
er’s field off Lamahi
municippality, Dangg district wh hich geograaphically reppresents Mid-Western T Terai of Nepal. The
preliminnary nutrieent expert model
m quesstionnaire was
w prepareed and inteerviewed with w four
differennt farmers too record thee informatioon about theeir existing nutrient
n maanagement practices.
The obttained inforrmation’s were
w enteredd in NE Ricee software and a differennt doses of nitrogen
throughh Urea, phoosphorus through Diam mmonium Phosphate
( and potassium through
Murate of Potash (MOP) were recommeended. LCC C doses weere calculateed using leeaf color
chart att every tenn days inteerval startinng after ten n Days Aftter Transplaanting (DA AT). The

J of A
Applied Bioteechnology
ISSN 2327-0640
2019, Vol. 7, No. 2

experim ment was laiid out in Raandomized Complete Block B Desig

gn(RCBD) with five precision
nutrientt managem ment practicees [Viz: Nuutrient Exp pert® -Ricee (NE) recoommendatio on; Leaf
Color C Chart (LCC C) N and Nutrient
N Exxpert (P and K); Nutrrient Expert rt (N) and Farmers
Fertilizeer Practicees (P and K); Farm mers Fertiliizer Practices (FFP) and Gov vernment
Recomm mendation (GR)]
( whicch were repplicated fourr times. Eacch experimeental plot iss of size
of 25 m . The expeerimented variety
v was a hybrid varriety (US 30 05). The seeedlings werre grown
in nurseery bed adopting farmeers practice and were trransplanted in the mainn field after 22 days
maintaiining the sppacing of 25 cm × 25 cm. Fertiliizer recomm mendations rate was differ
d for
each asssigned treaatments. Haarvesting w was manuallly done at the secondd week of October. O
Variouss observatioons like plan nt height, efffective tilleers m , cro
op growth raate, relativee growth
rate, leaaf area indexx, length an
nd weight off panicle, teest weight, tiller
t paniclee conversioon index,
grain yiield, straw yield,
y biologgical yield, harvest inddex was takeen.
Comparrison of atttainable and
d observed yield and economics
e was done iin between NE and
FFP. GGross and Net revenu ue, B:C raatio, Partiaal factor prroductivity and Totall Factor
producttivity were calculated for
f econommic analysis. Data entry y and analyysis was don
ne using
excel annd R-studioo. ANOVA was
w perform med at 0.05% % level of siignificance..

Table 1. Treatmentt details of the

t experim
S.N. Treatmentts Fertilizeer recommeendation
1. NE K Urea ha-1 +80.43 Kgg DAP ha-1 + 86.66
225.06 Kg
Kg MOP P ha-1 (Repliication 1)
K Urea ha-11 + 50.00 kgg DAP ha-1 + 48.33
182.60 Kg
Kg MOP P ha-1 (Repliication 2)
K Urea ha-1 +60.86 K
213.15 Kg Kg DAP ha-11 +76.66
Kg MOP P ha-1 (Repliication 3 & 4)
2. LCC (N) +P
+ and K (N
NE) 60.86 Kg g Urea ha-1 and as P& &K calculatted from

3. NE (N) + P and K (FF

FP) K Urea ha-11 and P from
130.43 Kg m farmer praactice
4. GR 166.36 Kg
K Urea haa + 130.443 Kg DAP P ha-1 +
66.67 kg MOP ha-1
5. FFP As farmeer practice, Urea 30 kkg ha-1, DA
AP 15 kg
Note. NNE= Nutrient export®, GR= Govvernment reecommendaation, FFP=
= Farmers fertilizer
Practicee LCC= Leaff color chart
3. Resu
ults and Disscussions
3.1 Groowth Param
meters (Plan
nt height, C
Crop Growtth Rate, Reelative Grow
wth Rate, and
a Leaf
Area Index)
The diffferent preccision nutrieent manageement practtice showed
d significannt effect on
n growth

J of A
Applied Bioteechnology
ISSN 2327-0640
2019, Vol. 7, No. 2

parametters such ass plant heig ght, crop grrowth rate, relative gro owth rate aand leaf areea index.
Plant heeight was found
fo to sig
gnificantly hhigher in NEE (99.89cmm) as compaared to FFP P (88.39)
but aree statisticallly at par with
w LCC(N N) combineed with NE E(PK), NE(N (N) combin ned with
FFP(PK K) and GR. Similarly, Crop grow wth rate (3.556), relativee growth raate (0.06), leaf
l area
index (44.08) was significantly
s y higher inn NE followwed by LCC C (N) combbined NE(P PK) with
reducedd value obsserved in FFP F respecctively. Thee result is similar to Chaturbedii (2005)
Budathooki et al. (22018) whicch reported that balancced applicattion of NPK K at a speccific site
gives hiigher value for growth parameterss.

Table 22. Effect of different prrecision nuttrient manag

gement on plant
p height
ht, crop grow
wth rate,
relativee growth ratee, LAI in hy
ybrid rice inn Lamahi, Dang
D 2018
Treatmeent Pllant heigh
ght Crop growth
g Reelative grow
wth Leaf Area
(ccm) rate ratte Index
NE 999.89a 3.56a 06a
0.0 4.08a
N) +NE (P and
a K) 944.49a 3.44a 05b
0.0 3.26ab
NE (N) + FFP (P and
a K) 988.41a 1.75b 04c
0.0 2.72b
GR 977.75a 1.48bc 04c
0.0 2.42bc
FFP 888.39b 1.29c 04c
0.0 1.75c
SEM(±)) 2..54 0.46 0.0
04 0.40
Grand M
Mean 955.79 2.31 0.0
04 2.85
LSD(P<<0.05) 5..78** 0.44*** 0.0
01** 0.88***
CV% 3..92 12.54 8.8
80 20.12
Note. S
Significant “*”;
“ Highlyy significantt “**”; Very y highly sig
gnificant “****”, NE= Nutrient
®, LCC= Leaaf color chart, LAI= Leaff area index

3.2 Yielld Attributinng Characters (Effectivve Tillers m-2, Length of Panicle, Weight of Panicle,
Numberr of Grains perp Paniclee, Fertility, Test Weigh ht and Tillerr Panicle Coonversion In
The ressult showedd significantt effect of ddifferent prrecision nuttrient managgement praactice on
yield atttributing characteristi
c ic such as effective tillers
t m-2, length of panicle, weight of
panicle,, number off grains per panicle, ferrtility, test weight
w and tiller
t paniclee conversio
on index.
The num mber of efffective tillerrs m varieed from 206 6 to 354 being significcantly higheer in NE
than FF
FP and are statistically
s at par withh LCC(N) combined
c with
w NE(PK)), NE(N) co ombined
with FFFP(PK) andd GR. The maximum ppanicle length of 26.31 cm was rrecorded in nutrient
expert rrecommenddation fertilizer dose. T The paniclee length obttained from m LCC(N)co ombined
with NE E(PK), NE((N) combineed with FFP P(PK), GR and FFP arre at par witth lowest paanicle in
farmerss practice (220.61 cm). Pertainingg to the pan nicle weighht, significanntly higherr panicle
weight (81.50 g) was
w obtained d from NE ffollowed by y GR (78.25 g). Similarrly, number of filled
grains pper panicle was record ded highest in LCC(N)combined with w NE(PK K) followed d by NE,
NE(N) combined with FFP(P PK), GR annd FFP resp pectively. Further,
F fert
rtility was recorded
highest in NE(N) combined
c with
w FFP(PK K) followed by NE, LC CC(N) combbined with NE(PK),

J of A
Applied Bioteechnology
ISSN 2327-0640
2019, Vol. 7, No. 2

GR andd FFP beinng FFP the lowest. Teest weight and tiller panicle
p connversion inddex was
recordeed lowest (14gm and 50
0.52 %) in F FFP as com
mpared to oth her treatmennts. This is because
of balannced supply and availability of NPK fertillizers to thee plants. Siimilar results were
reportedd (Haq, et al.,
a 2002; Gu
upta et al., 22016; Budatthoki et al., 2018).

Table 33. Effect off different precision

p nuutrient manaagement on
n yield attriibuting charracter in
hybrid rrice in Lam
mahi, Dang 2018
Treatmeent Efffective tilller Lengthh of Weight
W of No ofo filled
m-22 paniclee (cm) panicle
p (g) grains
NE 3544.50a 26.31a 81.50
8 a
LCC (NN) + NE (P( and 292 2.00a 22.00b 78.00
7 b
NE (N)+ FFP (P annd K) 3477.00a 21.37b 77.75
7 b
GR 3199.00a 22.67b 78.25
7 b
FFP 2066.50b 20.61b 72.50
7 c
SEM(±)) 2.3
33 1.03 1.48
1 2.59
Grand M
Mean 3033.80 22.59 77.60
7 301.05
LSD(P<<0.05) 73..11** 2.07*** 2.19***
2 9.62**
CV% 15..62 5.95 1.83
1 2.07
Note. S
Significant “*”;
“ Highly
y significantt “**”; Very
y highly sig
gnificant “****”, NE= Nutrient
®, GR= Govvernment reecommendaation, FFP= Farmers ferrtilizer Pracctice

Table 44. Effect off different precision

p nuutrient management on
n yield attriibuting charracter in
hybrid rrice in Lam
mahi, Dang 2018
Treatmeents Fertility (%) Test weight (g) Tilller panicle
connversion ind
dex (%)
NE 56b
87.5 15.755ab 73.005 a

N) + NE (P and
a K) 88.12b 17.000a 64.557b
NE(N) + FFP (P annd K) 52a
90.5 17.000a 56. 85c
GR 55c
77.5 15.000bc 55.228c
FFP 24d
67.2 14.000c 50.552d
SEm(±)) 4.02
2 0.61 3.699
Grand M
Mean 82.2
20 15.755 60.005
LSD(P<<0.05) 2.10
0*** 1.24*** 2.7 8***
CV% 1.66
6 5.11 3.0 1
Note. S
Significant “*”;
“ Highly
y significantt “**”; Very
y highly sig
gnificant “****”, NE= Nutrient
®, GR= Govvernment reecommendaation, FFP= Farmers ferrtilizer Pracctice

J of A
Applied Bioteechnology
ISSN 2327-0640
2019, Vol. 7, No. 2

3.3 Yielld Parameteer (Grain Yiield, Straw Y

Yield, biolog
gical yield and
a Harvesst Index)
The ressearch reveealed that grain
g yields of rice vaaried signifiicantly duee to variouss SSNM
treatmeents. The highest grain n yield of riice (6.36 ton ha-1) wass recorded iin NE being g highly
significcant over GR and FFP but remainned at par with w the graain yield obbtained und der LCC
(N)com mbined with NE (PK) followed
f byy NE(N) com mbined with FFP(PK) . The higheest straw
yield off 12.62 ton ha
h was ob btained from m NE treatm ment which wasw significcantly superrior over
other treeatments GR R (9.47 ton ha-1) and FF n ha-1) treatm
FP (9.50 ton ments but reemained at par with
LCC(N N) combinedd with NE(P PK) (12.87 tton ha ) an nd NE(N) co ombined wiith FFP(PK K) (10.82
ton ha ). Highest biological yield was oobtained from the LCC(N) combbined with NE(PK)
(18.55 ton ha-1). The
T lowest biological vvalue obtaiined in GR and FFP aat a statisticcally par
(15.65 tton ha andd 15.62 ton hah -1). Signifficantly highest harvest index wass obtained from
f NE
fertilizeer recommeendation (41 1.38%) folloowed by LC CC(N) com mbined withh NE(PK) (3 39.57%)
followeed by NE(N N) combined d with FFP(P PK) and GR R (35.21% and 33.93% %) respectiv
vely. The
lowest harvest inddex was ob btained froom farmer practice (2 28.73%). T These resultts are in
conform mity with fiindings of other
o researrchers (Kabbir et al., 2011, Doberrmann et all., 2003,
Biradarr et al., 20066).

Table 55. Effect of different

d preecision nutrrient manag
gement on yields
y in hybbrid rice in Lamahi,
Dang 20018
Treatmeents Graain yieldd Straw yield Biiological Harvesst index
-1 -1
n ha ) (ton ha ) yield (ton ha- 1) (%)
NE 6a
6.36 12.62a 8.22a
18 41.38a
LCC (NN) + NE (P 7a
P and 6.17 12.87a 8.55a
18 39.57abb
NE (N)) + FFP ( P and 5.84 10.82ab 6.15ab
16 35.21bcc
GR 0b
5.20 9.47c 5.65b
15 33.93c
FFP 3b
5.13 9.05c 5.62b
15 28.73d
SEm(±)) 0.29
9 0.83 2.4
40 2.31
Grand M
Mean 5.74
445 10.97 16
6.84 35.76
LSD(P<<0.05) 0.67
7** 2.36* 2.3
36* 4.54***
CV% 7.61
1 13.96 9.11 8.24
Note. S
Significant “*”;
“ Highly
y significantt “**”; Very
y highly sig
gnificant “****”, NE= Nutrient
®, GR= Govvernment reecommendaation, FFP= Farmers ferrtilizer Pracctice

3.4 Com
mparison off Increase in
n Grain Yielld Over FFP
The stuudy showed that NE baased nutriennt managem ment can prooduce 1.23 tton ha-1 mo ore grain
yield thhan the existting FFP wh
hich is equivvalent to 23.97 % increaase in yield. Similar ressults was
recordeed by Shresttha et al. (20

J of A
Applied Bioteechnology
ISSN 2327-0640
2019, Vol. 7, No. 2

Table 6. Effect of different

d preecision nutrrient management on grrain yield ovver FFP in hybrid
rice in L
Lamahi, Daang 2018
Treatmeents Grrain yield (ton Yieeld differen nce over IIncrease in n yield
-1 -1
haa ) FFPP (ton ha ) oover FFP (%
NE 6.36 1.23 223.97
LCC (N N) + NE (P and
a K) 6.17 1.04 220.27
NE (N) + FFP ( P and
a K) 5.84 0.71 13.84
GR 5.20 0.07 1.36
FFP 5.13 - -
Note. N
NE= Nutriennt export®, LCC= Leeaf Color Chart
C GR= Governmen
G nt recommeendation,
FFP= FFarmers fertiilizer Practiice

3.4.1 C
Comparison of Nutrien
nt Expert E
Estimated Attainable
A Rice
R Yield V
Versus Actu
ual Rice
The com mparative figure
f of NE
E-simulatedd yield and the
t actual observed
o yieelds recordeed in the
farmer field indicaates that NEE-based ferttilizer recom
mmendation ns formulatted by the software
proved to be zestfful to reach the yield ttargets. Thee NE-simulaated target yield was 6.55 6 ton
-1 -1
ha andd yield in faarmer’s field
d was 5 tonn ha respecctively. Wh hile, the corrresponding average
actual yyield observved was 6.36 ton ha-1 aand 5.13 tonn ha-1 respecctively. Thiss illustrates that the
fertilizeer recommeendations deeveloped byy NE had attained thee targeted aattainable yields.y A
similar result was accorded
a in
n Karnataka state of Ind dia by Majumdar et al. (2013).

7 6.55
5 6.36
5 5.1
Grain Yield(ton ha-1)

Simullated yield Actual yieeld

Figure 11. Comparisson of preciision nutriennt managemment treatmeents in stimuulated and observed
yieldd in hybrid rice in Lam
mahi, Dang 2018

J of A
Applied Bioteechnology
ISSN 2327-0640
2019, Vol. 7, No. 2

3.4.2 Prrofitability Ratios

R of Different Nuttrient Practiices in Hybrrid Rice Prooduction
Econom mic analysiss of differen
nt treatmentts showed that
t the highhest gross rreturn was obtained
from NNE (Rs 2424498) follow wed by NE(N N) combineed with FFP P(PK) (Rs 2206211). Th he gross
revenuee from GR and
a LCC(N)) combined with NE(PK K) are at parr and was grreater than FFP.
F The
lowest ggross revenuue is obtain
ned from FFFP (Rs 15139 95). The hig
ghest net revvenue was obtained
from NE E(N) combined with FFP(PK)
F (Rss 7925) folllowed by NE
N and LCC C(N) combin ned with
NE(PK)) (both stattistically at par). Thouggh the cost of cultivatiion is higheer in NE than other
manageement practiices, the gro oss and net revenue is higher, because of high gher grain annd straw
yield. T
The highest B:
B C ratio was
w obtainedd in NE (3.0 08) whereas lowest B: C ratio was obtained
from treeatment GRR dose. Hen nce highest B: C ratio of NE show ws its superriority amoongst the
others. Similar resuult was founnd by IRRI (2010).
The ressults depicteed that high
hest PFP waas obtained from NE (1.92) whichh is at par with
w GR
manageement practtice (1.91).. The PFP of both LCC(N) L co
ombined NE E(PK) and d NE(N)
combinned FFP(PK K) are at par being sllightly loweer than thee highest. SSimilarly, TFP
T was
significcantly higheest in NE (0.49) folllowed by LCC(N)
L co
ombined NE E(PK) (0.4 48). PFP
measurees normallyy show higheer rates of ggrowth than TFP becausse growth inn productiviity could
result fr
from more intensive usse of inputs,, including fertilizer an
nd machineery, rather th
han TFP

Table 77. Effect of different

d preecision nutrrient management on prrofitability rratios in hyb
brid rice
in Lamaahi, Dang 2018
Treatmeent Gross Neet B:C ratio Partial Total factor
Revennue Reevenue factor prod
h -1)
(NRs ha NRs ha-1)
(N producctivity
NER 242498a 644188ab 3.08a 1.92a 9a
LCC(N))+ NE (P and
a 177761c 622302ab 2.26c 1.40b 8a
NE(N)++ FFP (P and
a 206211b 755925a 2.61b 1.51b 5b
GR 173286c 588380b 2.02d 1.91a 0ab
FFP 151395d 511499b 2.26c 1.70ab 1b
SEm(±) 1.7328
8 3.8842496 0.17 0.04 0.13
Grand M
Mean 190230.8 622459.35 2.44 1.69155 0.41
LSD 19699.41*** 133618.16* 0.05*** 0.34* 0.11
CV% 6.72 144.15 1.41 13.41 18.4
Note. Significant “*”;
“ Highly significant “**”; Very highly sign
nificant “****”

4. Concclusions
Comparrative analyysis of diffferent preccision nutriient management pracctices show
wed that

J of A
Applied Bioteechnology
ISSN 2327-0640
2019, Vol. 7, No. 2

Nutriennt Expert® (NE) was superior

s ammong the rest 5 treatmeents in term ms of growtth, yield
attributiing charactters, yield and econom mic analysis followed d by LCC(N (N) combin ned with
NE(PK)). NE has increased grrain yield bby 23.97% than t FFP while 22.30% % than GR whereas
straw yyield increaased by 39.4 44% compaared to FFP P. Physical optimum yyield obtain ned was
higher iin NE dose where Econ nomic optimmum yield was w higher in NE(N) ccombined FFP(PK).
Thus, F From the research it caan be concluuded that thhe precision nutrient mamanagement practice
using NNutrient Exppert® (NE)aas a decisionn tool has brrought signiificant posittive effect onn hybrid
rice prooduction as it
i make use of the rightt source of fertilizer,
f at right time, iin right amoount and
in right place and fulfilled
f the growing deemand for rice.
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J of A
Applied Bioteechnology
ISSN 2327-0640
2019, Vol. 7, No. 2

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