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Name: Zarish Sajjad

Class: 8

Subject: Computer

Presented to: Mrs. Saima

HTML: Hypertext markup
language, a standardized system
for tagging text files to achieve
font, color, graphics, and
hyperlink effects on World
Wide Web pages.
Introduction of HTML:
HTML stands for hypertext
markup language. It is used to design
web page. HTML was created by
Tim lee in 1991.
Types of HTML:

 Transitional

 Strict

 Frameset
How HTML mostly used for?
HTML is the most common
language used to create documents on the
World Wide Web. HTML
uses hundreds of different tags to define a
layout for web pages.
There are three list types in

 Unordered list

 Order list

 Description
Basic HTML tags:

<Html> defines an HTML document

<Title> defines a title for the document

<Body> defines the document’s body

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