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Drilling Tools and Remedial

Trackmaster Plus - Whipstock Information Sheet

Pre-Job Information Sheet

Date Ordered: Bit Size & Type:
Ordered By: Bit ROP @ KOP:
Order Taken By: Formation @ KOP:
Customer: Est. start date:
Engineer: KOP depth:
Engineer Phone: Max. dogleg severity:
Company Rep: Dogleg severity @ KOP:
Rig: Hole Angle @KOP:
Rig Phone: Azimuth @KOP:
Type drive on rig: Face orientation:
Field: Directional Co.:
Lease/County: Wireline Co.:
Well #: GYRO Co.:
Loading dock: Mud Co.:
Casing Size: Mud type & wt before pkr:
Wt & grade: Mud type & wt after pkr:
How old is casing: Mud yield and visc after pkr:
Workstring conn: Type whipstock:
HWDP conn: Type anchor:
Drill collar conn: Is well survey and complete procedure available?
BHT: AVOID P/U Drillpipe when GIH with whipstock!

1 Do you have a tapered string of casing? Y/N Any restrictions or tight spots in casing? Y/N
2 Do you have any special drift casing? Y/N
ID: Drift:
3 Will we need to cut through dual strings of casing? Y/N
Size Wt Grade
4 What type of BHA will be used to drill well?
5 Do you have a good Cement Bond at KOP? Y/N
6 Are you prepared to run a Casing Collar Log? Y/N to run a Casing Scraper? Y/N
7. Do you plan to do a squeeze or shoe test at KOP, after window is cut? Y/N
Give Max. PSI or Max. mud wt to TD?
8 Do you have sufficient pump capacity, how many BBL/Min?
9. How many feet do you plan to drill off of whipstock?
With Mills? With BHA?
10. Will you Underream, or run a Hole Opener in the open hole? Y/N To what size?
List hole opening BHA to be run through window:
11 Type of Completion? O/H C/H If liner, list size, wt, thread & shoe type:
If open hole completion, list BHA:

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