Name: Zarish Sajjad Class: 7 Subject: Computer Subject Teacher: MRS, Saima Vickey

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Name: Zarish Sajjad

Class: 7

Subject: Computer

Subject Teacher: Mrs,Saima Vickey

Summer Vacation Homework

Types of Computer
 Digital Computer
 Hybrid Computer
 Analog Computer
Types of Digital Computer
 Micro Computer
 Mini Computer
 Mainframe Computer
 Super Computer
Digital computers are the most popular computers.
They work by representing each quantity as a
combination of binary digits 0 and 1 and dividing
various operations into counting and adding operations

Hybrid Computer
Hybrid computers use both digital and analog
components, for instance they use digital memory for
the storage of intermediate results and analog devices
for computational purposes.

Analog Computers
Analog computers work b setting some
physical quantity proportionate to the numbers
in the problem and measuring changes in the
physical quantity.
Micro Computers
A microcomputer is a small, relatively inexpensive computer
with a microprocessor as its central processing unit (CPU).
It includes a microprocessor, memory, and minimal
input/output circuitry mounted on a single printed circuit
board. Microcomputers became popular in the 1970s and
1980s with the advent of increasingly powerful
microprocessors. The predecessors to these computers,
mainframes and minicomputers, were comparatively much
larger and more expensive. Many microcomputers (when
equipped with a keyboard and screen for input and output)
are also personal computers.

The abbreviation micro was common during the 1970s and

1980s, but has now fallen out of common usage.
These are the
computers that
typically sit on
the desktop
.These are
designed to be used by only single user at home
or office.

Example: IBM, PC, Apple Macintosh.

Are portable computer designed to sit on its
user lap .They come in various sizes.

Example: Sony VAIO, Dell Inspiron, Panasonic,

Palm tops:
Are small computers which can fit
into your palm .They are not as
powerful as desktops or laptops.

Palm TX, Apple iPhone,

A tablet is a
computer made
only out of a
touch screen. It

Can take input and give output at the same



Apple iPad, Samsung galaxy note.

Mini computers
A minicomputer, is a class of smaller computers that was
developed in the mid-1960s and sold for much less than
mainframe and mid-size computers from IBM and its direct
competitors. Minis were designed for control,
instrumentation, human interaction, and communication
switching as distinct from calculation and record keeping.
Many were sold indirectly to original equipment
manufacturers for final end use application. During the two
decade lifetime of the minicomputer class (1965–1985),
almost 100 companies formed and only a half dozen
remained .When single-chip CPU microprocessors appeared,
beginning with the Intel 4004 in 1971, the term
"minicomputer" came to mean a machine that lies in the
middle range of the computing .


HCL Magnum, HP 1000series.

Main frame computers

Mainframe computers (colloquially referred to as "big iron") are

computers used primarily by large organizations for critical
applications; bulk data processing, such as census, industry and
consumer statistics, enterprise resource planning; and transaction
processing. They are larger and have more processing power than
some other classes of computers: minicomputers, servers,
workstations, and personal computers.

The term originally referred to the large cabinets called "main

frames" that housed the central processing unit and main memory of
early computers. Later, the term was used to distinguish high-end
commercial machines from less powerful units. Most large-scale
computer system architectures were established in the 1960s, but
continue to evolve. Mainframe computers are often used as servers.
Super computer
These are very powerful machines fitted
with multiple processors for performing
complex scientific calculations. They are
known as number crunching machines as
they can execute billions of instructions
per second. They are used for scientific
applications and weather

IBM Roadrunner,
dawning nebulae
Name: Zarish Sajjad

Class: 7

Subject: Social Studies

Subject Teacher: Mrs. Sadaf Javed

Summer Vacation Homework

Checking the spelling

The spelling and grammar option of Word can be used

for checking and correcting the spellings mistakes in
the document. To open the spelling and grammar
dialog box, go to the tools menu and click spelling
and grammar option in the drop down menu.
Find and replace

The find and the replace features can be used to

find a specific text or replace a specified text with
another text. To activate the Find and Replace
dialog box, open the Edit menu and click on the
Find and Replace option.
Formatting text

The formatting of text involves changing

the font specification, text alignment, text
ident, and line and paragraph spaces.
Text can be also be made bod ,italic or
underline by selecting the text that is to
be changed and then clicking on the
appropriate option.
Text alignment

Text alignment means how the text is

align with respect to the page margins.
 Align right
 Align left
 Center
 Justified
Idents specify the distance between the
page margins and the actual appearance
of the text in the text area.

Line and paragraph spacing

Line and paragraph spacing can be
adjusted by specifying appropriate values
in the paragraph dialog box. To open
paragraph dialog box, go to the format
menu from the menu bar, and click on the
paragraph option.
Print preview

Allows you to view the document before

printing it.
Standard tool bar

Print preview button

Inserting picture in document

 Open the Word document that you

want to insert a photo in.
 Click the place in your document
where you want the picture to appear.
 Access the "Insert Picture" dialog
 Browse to the photo you want to
 Click the file, then click "Insert."
 Modify the picture as necessary.
Inserting word art
 Click where you want to insert
decorative text in a document.
 On the Insert tab, in the Text group,
click WordArt.
 Click any WordArt style, and start to
Borders and shading

 Click Home tab.

 Move to Paragraph group.
 Find out the Border and Shading
button, and click the down arrow next
to it.
 Choose the Border and Shading
option, or specify the different border
Inserting table
o Open Word or the document where you
wish to put a table. You can insert
tables into any version of Word.
o Position the cursor on the area where
you want the table to be inserted. Click
the “Table” button that is located
under the “Insert” tab.
o Choose your method of inserting your
Inserting hyperlinks
 Select the text or picture that you want
to display as a hyperlink.
 On the Insert tab, click Hyperlink. You
can also right-click the text or picture
and click Hyperlink on the shortcut
 In the Insert Hyperlink box, type or
paste your link in the Address box.

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