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Mentee : Rose Ivy A.

Mentor : Maam Genelyn Baluyos
Grade : Grade 7
Subject : English
Method : 4A’s

I. Objectives:

At the end of the lesson, Students’s should be able to:

a. Observe correct subject-verb agreement.

II. Subject Matter Topic: Observing Correct Subject-Verb Agreement

. References: English Communication Arts and Skills through Philippine Literature pp. 49-50.

Tools: laptop, LCD projector, pictures

Activities: Give me a number, Pass the box

III. Strategy: 4A’s

Teacher Activity Students’ Activity

1. Old Lesson
A. Drill
Good morning class. Good morning ma’am.
Today class we will be playing
a game, are you excited? Yes maam.

Our game is the so called

“give me a number”

You will choose a number from the board. Each of the

number has corresponding question from our previous
lesson. After answering the question, you will choose
a number of your classmate. The chosen number will
be the one to answer after you. Understand?
Choose your number from 1-10. You will be given 1
minute to answer the question.
Understood? Yes, teacher.

Write the activity

1. She eats chocolate. Subject – She Verb- eats

2. The boys eat the chocolate. Subject – Boys Verb – eat
3. Maria went to town. Subject – Maria Verb – went
4. The Students’ has left the room. Subject – Students’ Verb- has left
5. He is wearing a blue shirt. Subject – He Verb – is wearing
6. You have a nice smile. Subject – You Verb – have
7. Rice tastes, taste good with chicken. Subject – Rice Verb - taste
8. The Students’s studied before their test yesterday. Subject – Students’s Verb- studied
9. Cars take people from one place to another. Subject – Cars Verb – take
10. It has rained this morning. Subject – It Verb – has rained
Teacher Activity Students’ Activity
B. Review

What is a subject? A subject is the one that is talked in the

sentence. It can be a noun, pronoun, things
and place.

What is a verb? A verb is an action word that indicates

action or a state of being.

2. New Lesson
A. Preparation(ams)

Class, what snacks do you usually buy during recess?

Okay, have you ever bought a chocolate drink?

Burger and coke.
What chocolate drink do you buy? Bread and juice.

Yes teacher.
Class, I have here chuckie and I am giving this to you.
Choc-o teacher.
Chuckie teacher.

If I give you this one chuckie, how many straws will I

One straw teacher.
give you?

What if I will give you 4 chuckie, how many straws

4 straws teacher.
will I give you?

What have you concluded in the activity that we had?

The number of straw that you gave us
depends with the number of chuckie that
you gave.
Class, do you know that the concept of subject-verb
Yes/No teacher.
agreement is also like that?

Do you want to learn more about subject-verb

Yes teacher.
Teacher Activity Students’ Activity

B. Presentation

Today we will be observing correct subject-verb

agreement but before that let’s have first an activity.

1. Activity

We will be having 5 groups. I will give each group an

envelope that contains your task. You will be given a
picture and out of that picture, you will be constructing a
sentence following by the guide questions provided. Then,
you are going need to underline the subject and encircle
the verb of the sentence.

Group 1

Guide Questions:
1. What kind of ice cream is shown in the picture? 1. A dirty ice cream is shown in the picture
2. How do many Filipinos call the ice cream? 2. Filipinos call ice cream as Filipino
3. Construct a sentence based on your answer in staple/favorite
number 1 & 2.
3. Dirty ice cream is a Filipino staple.

Group 2

Guide Questions:
1. Who is Rodrigo Roa Duterte? 1. Rodrigo Roa Duterte is the current
2. What was done to the president? president of the Philippines.
3. Construct a sentence based on your answer in 2. The president was inaugurated.
number 1 & 2. 3. The president of the Philippines was
Teacher Activity Students’ Activity
Group 3

Guide Questions:
1. What culture examples are shown in the picture? 1. The culture examples shown in the
picture are food and music.
2. How do food and music play role in the Philippine
culture? 2. Food and music play a big role in the
Philippine culture.

3. Construct a sentence based on your answer in 3. Food and music play a big role in the
number 1 & 2. Philippine culture.

Group 4

Guide Questions:
1. What are the two biological dispositions shown in the 1. The two biological dispositions shown
picture? in the picture are male and female.

2. Do you think a male or female is eligible to lead? 2. Yes.

3. Construct a sentence based on your answer in number

1& 2. 3. A male or a female is eligible to lead.
Teacher Activity Students’ Activity
Group 5

Guide Questions:
1. Name the girl in the middle and identify her
relationship with the other two women beside her. 1. Anna is the oldest sister among the three
2. Assuming that these girls volunteer for a daughters.
philanthropic work every summer. Decide who
among the three daughters volunteer for a
philanthropic work every summer. 2. Either Anna or her sisters volunteer for a
philanthropic work every summer.

3. Construct a sentence based on your answer in number

1. 3. Anna or her sisters volunteer for a
philanthropic work every summer.
2. Analysis

At this time we will let the group to present their

work. (Students do as told)

Before checking your answers let us first read the rule

number 1 of the subject-verb agreement.

Base on the work of group 1, what is the subject of the

sentence? The subject of the sentence is ice cream.

What is the verb in the sentence? The verb of the sentence is is.

What is the form of the verb is? It is in singular form.

If the subject is singular then the verb must also be? It is also in singular form.

Very good. A singular subject must also take a

singular verb.
Who can give an example of a sentence that in which
the subject agrees with the verb. Ice cream vendors roam around
communities to sell.

What is the subject in the sentence? The subject in the sentence is ice cream
vendor ice cream vendors.
What is the form of the verb is? The form of the sentence is plural.

What is the verb in the sentence? The verb in the sentence is roam.

What is the subject in the sentence? The form of the subject is plural.
Teacher Activity Students’ Activity

Therefore, a plural subject must take a? A plural subject must take a plural verb.

Base on the work of group 2, what is the subject of the

sentence? The subject in the sentence is president.

What is the verb of the sentence? The verb in the sentence is was.

What does the subject do with the word? The subject agrees with the verb.

Does the clause that comes between the subject and

the verb affect the number of the subject? The clause that comes between the
subject and the verb does not affect the
number of the subject.
Therefore we can say that, a phrase or clause that
comes between the subject and the verb does not affect the Yes.
number of the subject.

Who can give another example of a sentence that has a

phrase or clause between the subject and the verb?

What is the subject of the sentence? The voters, together with the
candidates, march towards the rotunda.

What is the verb of the sentence? The subject of the sentence is voters.

What comes between the subject and the verb? The verb in the sentence is march.

A clause came between the subject and

Does the phrase affect the number of the subject? the verb.

No, teacher. The phrase or clause that

comes between the subject and the verb
Very good. does not affect the number of the subject.

Moving on to the work of group 3.

What is the subject of the sentence? The subject of the sentence is food and

What is the verb of the sentence? The verb of the sentence is play.

What is the form of the verb? The form of the verb is plural.

What is the form of the subject The form of the subject is plural.

Why do you say so? The form of the subject is plural

because it has 2 subjects combined by
conjunction the word and.

Therefore, if two subjects is joined by and, then what

form of the verb must it take? The two subjects which are joined by
the conjunction and must take the plural
Teacher Activity Students’ Activity
form of the verb.
Base on the work of group 4, what is the subject of
the sentence? The subject of the sentence is male or

What is the verb of the sentence? The verb in the sentence is is.

What is the form of the verb? The form of the verb is singular.

How about the form of the subject? The form of the subject is plural.

How can you say that the subject is plural when there
are two subjects in the sentence? There are two subjects in the sentence,
but the conjunction “or” indicates a choice,
meaning only one of them will be selected.
The conjunction or and nor denotes choices.
Therefore we can say that the two singular subjects
joined by or or nor use a singular verb.

Let us move on to the work of group 5.

What is the subject in the sentence? The subject in the sentence is Anna or
her sisters.

What is the verb of the sentence? The verb in the sentence is volunteer.

What is the form of the verb? The form of the verb is plural.

Why do you think the verb is in plural form when

there are two subjects combined by the conjunction or
which denotes choices right? The conjunction “or” indicates a choice,
meaning only one of them will be selected.
The other subject closest to the verb is in
plural form.

Very good. If a singular subject and a plural subject

are joined and or or nor, the verb must agree with the
subject closest to it.
How about in this example. Her sisters or Anna volunteers for a
Everybody read. philanthropic organization.

What is the subject of the sentence? The subject of the sentence is her sisters
or Anna.

What is the verb of the sentence? The verb of the sentence is volunteers.

What is the form of the verb? The form of the verb is singular.

Why is it in singular form? It is in singular form because the verb

must agree with the subject closest to it.
Very good. The subject closest subject to the verb is
Teacher Activity Students’ Activity
3. Abstraction

In subject-verb agreement, what rules

are we going to remember? 1. A singular subject must take a
singular verb.
2. A phrase or clause that comes
between the subject and the verb
does not affect the number of the
3. Two subjects joined by “and”
take a plural verb.
4. If there are two singular subjects
joined by “or” or “nor”, use a
singular verb.
5. If a singular subject and a plural
subject are joined by “or” or
“nor”, the verb must agree with
the subject closest to it.

Why is subject- verb agreement important class? Subject-verb agreement unifies a

sentence and makes it easier to understand.
It is important to ensure that subjects and
verbs always agree with each other.

Very good. Subject-verb agreement is very important class;

It is like when you buy something form the grocery store you
have to pay the right price of the item.

For example you buy a corned beef worth 29.00 pesos; and
you will pay in the counter 100.00 pesos.

How much change will the cashier give you? The cashier will give me 71 pesos
because I only pay for those 29 pesos.

That’s right!
Just like in subject- verb agreement, you have to use the
right verb according to its subject.

4. Application
At this time we are going to have a short activity.
Count off from 1 -5. Group 1 is assigned to present a
short talk show. Group 2 is assigned to do an essay
writing. Group 3 is assigned to make a short script for an
advertisement. Group 4 is assigned to make a rap. All you
have to do is to construct at least 5 sentences observing the
subject-verb agreement. Your composition will be based
from your assigned task. I’m only giving you 10 minutes
to finish your task. Your output will be graded based on
the ff. criteria:

ACCURACY – 10 pts.
PROMPNESS – 5 pts.
(Students’s do as told.)
Teacher Activity Students’ Activity

IV. Assessment
Directions: Observe the subject-verb agreement of each
sentence. Write TRUE if the subject agrees with its verb
and write FALSE if the subject doesn’t agree with its verb.

1. Many songs in the different Philippine languages and

dialects share the same tune, such as the song
“Magtanim Ay’Di Biro”. 1. TRUE
2. One more feature is that, Philippine music relate in
war. 2. FALSE
3. Victory and defeat are highlighted to show emotions
and resolutions of conflicts as well. 3. TRUE
4. The beat and tempo of Philippine music also differs in
each region . 4. FALSE
5. In mostly indigenous groups, musical instruments like
percussion and gong are mainly used. 5. TRUE
6. She step down from the cart with a quick, delicate
poise. 6. FALSE
7. The young girls looks up with smiles. 7. FALSE
8. Her nails have been long but not painted. 8. FALSE
9. He have heard so much about her. 9. FALSE
10. Our pet swallow my ping pong ball. 10. FALSE

V. Assignment

Directions: Write a paragraph about your childhood

experiences. Construct it observing correct subject-verb
agreement. Underline the verb and encircle the subject.
Here is your guideline for writing.

Excell Good Needs Score

ent 2 Improvement
3 1 X2
that make
Content is
accurate and
all required
information is
presented in a
logical order.
The words
written are in
Teacher Activity Students’ Activity
The Students’
uses the

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