Thinking Skills Activity

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Thinking Skills Activity:

A few days ago I got a notification that really got me hooked on the moment I sew it. The
notification talked about a company. This company was offering a sponsorship of a University to
one student. As I continue reading I become a maze of what the sponsorship cover and by taking a
look at the requirements for the scholarship I’m sure that I am your best option for it. But first let
me introduce myself and tell you a little bit about why I’m your best option.

My name is Nestor Chavez and I’m almost 18 years old. By this age I got some remarkable aspects
that allows me to stand out from the rest of students that may apply to this scholar ship. First of
all, academically speaking my grades are above the average. At the same time, my more
remarkable grades are the ones related directly on the career I’m focus on.

Also, I want to make clear the fact that I am capable of focusing completely on the University and
what the scholarship demands. I good example of this is my ability at playing the drums; an activity
that with the pas of the years has developed my concentration and even motor skills. Some that
deserves a mention is that I’m not addicted to any “product” that may socially or medically
speaking harm my performance at the University; I’m not addicted to drugs, alcohol or anything

Finally I want to speak about the problem some students may face by adjusting to a new country,
culture and way of leaving. I got countless experiences on other countries and have investigated
about the country, laws and culture of the country where the University resides, so I could
perfectly fit on that place without wasting time on get used to the new reality. I also can speak
three different languages (English, Spanish and French) which will allow me a better
communication locally and internationally speaking off.

With all this explanation about myself I just want to end this with one statement. The same one
which I started this argument; I’m your best option”.

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