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Personal Growth Exercise

1. What does your ideal day look like? Waking up early, do some meditation a.d have a
healthy breakfast. After that, go to my yoga class
for 2 hours and then go home and do some home-
staging. Lunch break. In the afternoon go manage
my art gallery, go see shows, take care of my
amazing kids. And after that have a beautiful family
dinner altogether.
2. What did you want to be when you I wanted to be a dancer, an architect, a pastry chef,
were younger? an art gallerist, a librarian and a CEO.

3. Who are you most inspired by? Why ? I’m inspired by legendary warriors : Vikings,
samurais, gladiators, etc.
But I’m also inspired by Rihanna, she build an
empire from nothing.
I’m inspired also by ancient geniuses like :
Michelangelo, Da Vinci, Sartre, Einstein. They
thrived in their respective fields.
4. Who would you love to meet ? What I’d love to meet an indian shaman before there was
would you ask ? the USA, and a Tibethan monk. I would ask about
their wisdom, how to bring peace between the
5. What habit would you most like to Lazyness and fear of doing what I love / of not
break ? being liked by others
What habit would you most like to
I would love to start a weekly sport activity, and
start ? yoga. And I wanna be good at meditating as well.

6. Think of a person you truly admire.

What qualities do you like about that
person ?

7. How do you like to relax ? By reading a good book, or catching upon a TV

Show. And also by long walks in nature or at the
beach with a great playlist.
8. When was the last time you did February 2017 ! I quit smoking !!! YAY 😃
something you were afraid of ?
9. What are you most proud of ? I quit smoking after 10 years -ish.
And my awesome marriage.
10. What are you most afraid of ? Lose the people I care about and what I built.

11. If life stopped today, what would you I’d regret not trying more sports/activities that I’ve
regret not doing ? always wanted to try.
I’d regret not having kids.

12. Who would you like to connect (or

reconnect) with ?
Why ?

13. What qualities do you admire in Patience, positivity, determination, motivation,

others? problem-solving, creativity

14. What practical skills do you wish you Have a math-mind !! Understand things
had? scientifically

15. Imagine you’re in your 90’s. I want to tell that I had an icredible life, filled with
What memories would you like to joy and love and lessons! But a lot of crazy
miracles… I want to be able to transmit hope and
have? What stories do you want to
happiness to my gran kids

16. What is your favorite Book : Light warrior/the alchemist : Paolo Coelho,
book/movie/song ? Why ? Because it represents all the knowledge of life
everybody should have
Movie :
Song : can’t choose, but I’d say jazz/soul because
the music touches my heart, it makes me “feel”
17. If you could make one change in the I would make
world, what would it be ?

18. What do you love to do for, or give to Food !! Food is all about love and generosity !
others (not an object – something
from you personally)?

19. What excites you ? Nature, new things, love,

20. What do you wish you did more of ? Be confident about me and life

21. Pretend money is no object. What I would answer to all my material needs, our
would you do ? families’ needs and others

22. What area in your life, right now, LOVELIFE !

makes you feel the best?
The worst? Well I’d say probably work because it
has always been stressful for me and even though I
Which area makes you feel the know it will all be okay in the end I keep being
worst? Why ? scared.

23. Let’s jump forward a year. What I hope I opened my online art gallery, maybe even
would you like to have achieved in my online clothing store.
We moved to a bigger and beautiful apartment and
the past year?
begin to plan how we’re gonna start our family

24. What piece of advice would you give 5 years old: You are worthy, you are loved, you can
to five-year-old you? do and try whatever you think of. You are perfect
as you are. And your hair will be magnificent one
Sixteen-year-old you?
day. Be kind. And yes, magic does exist!
Twenty-one-year-old you? 16 years old: don’t be scared or ashamed of your
Right now? tastes in life, you are unique & incredible! Go and
do what you truly want to do with your life! And
don’t drop Art.
21 years old: Life is hard right now, but you need to
learn some lessons. Be kind. Everything is going to
be alright! Your life will be as wonderful as you are
25. How do you want to be remembered “She was such full of life, always smiling and happy
in life? ! She was a nomad, always trying and doing new
things !! So inspirational! We always had a great
time with her! And her food was amazing ! She
could also be wise and very understanding, always
seeing the glass half full kind of woman ! But
mostly she had tons of love to give !


1. The Saturday Morning Test

What do you do on a Saturday morning when you have nothing to do? Your authentic self should go
toward that…

On a Saturday morning, I’d go to yoga class, then brunch and then a nice cultural tour (like museums,
ar gallery/show, cathedral,etc.)

2. The Bench Test

How do you feel when you put yourself in a new situation? Your authentic self will lead you toward

3. The Five People Test

Who are the five people closest to you in the things you love most? Your authentic self is an average
of those peop le . . .

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