Consumer Motivation

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INTRODUCTION:-........................................................................................................................................... 3
Objective of the report:- ............................................................................................................................... 3
Background of the report:- ........................................................................................................................... 3
LITERATURE REVIEW:- ................................................................................................................................... 4
Brand Motivation .......................................................................................................................................... 5
RESEARCH ANALYSIS:- ................................................................................................................................... 8
QUALITATIVE ANALYSIS:- .............................................................................................................................. 8
POPULATION AND SAMPLING:- .................................................................................................................... 8
Discussion Guide:- ......................................................................................................................................... 9
DATA COLLECTION:- .................................................................................................................................... 10
DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS:- ........................................................................................................... 11
QUESTION#1 ............................................................................................................................................... 11
QUESTION#2 ............................................................................................................................................... 11
QUESTION#3 ............................................................................................................................................... 11
QUESTION#4 ............................................................................................................................................... 12
CONCLUSION:- ............................................................................................................................................ 13

Objective of the report:-
The objective of the report to research upon the consumer motivation is that to get an idea of
what things trigger consumers like us regarding various products. Our report specifically focuses
on the consumer motivation for brands in which our area of research has been “Motivational
Factors for Lawn Brands”. The reason for choosing this area was to highlight the importance of
the upcoming and existing brands of lawn in Pakistan and the reason why women have tireless
desire to buy these brands in spite of the fact these are costly and is quite a hassle to buy these.

Moreover, our report also takes in account another main factor of consumer not buying the first
copy or the copied prints though they are easily available and are half the price as compared to
the original prints. We have conducted a qualitative research in which we took in-depth
interviews from 5 girls aged around 18-25 years to find out their factors of buying these brands.
We got the saturation point by our 4 interview that we will be discussing below.

Background of the report:-

As consumer behavior students we observe daily how this industry has boomed over the past
few years especially from3-4 years all over the cities of Pakistan. Around hundred more brands
have come in market and this industry has become quite lucrative but inspite of all this many of
us still criticize these exhibitions as waste of money yet we observe long queue outside the shops
and exhibition areas. We have taken all these aspects in account and have researched upon why
people still go for these brands.

The study of consumer motivation in the field of consumer behavior has helped marketers
identify the general and specific needs of human kind. It has been motivation only that has
triggered the companies to develop such products which satisfy the consumers unfulfilled needs.
Today it has become highly imperative for companies to research on those needs that are still
lacking or those that have not been fulfilled by any other in order to prosper and prosper in this
competitive era.

A simple definition of motivation states:-

“Internal and external factors that stimulate desire and energy in people to be continually
interested and committed to a job, role or subject, or to make an effort to attain a goal”
(Anon., n.d.)

Thus we can find out from the definition above that motivation is that driving force that compels
a person to give the best and do the better but however in consumer research motivation means

“That driving force within individuals that impels them to action”

Motivation results from the interaction of both conscious and unconscious factors such as the

(1) Intensity of desire or need,

(2) Incentive or reward value of the goal

(3) Expectations of the individual and of his or her peers.

Abraham Maslow is know to have formulated the motivation theory that was and still is used
widely for understanding consumer motive and behavior and for further study. He came up with
the explanation that human needs can be arranged in different degrees in ascending strength. One
the lower need is fulfilled it no longer remains a motivator and thus the consumer moves up a
step to identify and fulfill other desires that one longs for. The first and primary need amongst
these was the psychological need. Maslow stated that this included all the basic necessities like
food, water, clothing, education, medicine, shelter and sleep. All these are important to sustain
life and unless these were not provided no other degree of need will work out or desirable. Next
comes the security need, the need to be physically secure of any injury or harm and the defense

against losing one’s job or property or any of the basic needs acquired in the first degree. Social
needs include the feeling of belongingness, being accepted by peers and other members of the
society. The need of being loved and friendship works as a motivator. After the previous need is
fulfilled people seek to satisfy their esteem needs that include being held in high regard and
reverence, both by others and themselves. People seek for achievement, recognition and attention
by others and self-confidence from themselves. Self-actualization is the highest degree of need
that causes motivation. It is being able to recognize ones own capabilities and acquiring those
potentials. Being able to reach the stage of self-fulfillment is what it’s about. Maslow explains
that as one stage is achieved the other will automatically be par-amounting. Although none of
this need can permanently be satisfied, it is important to figure out on which stage does a person
stand and then start to work towards satisfying those set of need or the ones above them to cause
motivation. Following this theory it is notably evident that females (including, college and
university students and/or working and stay-at-home moms) who buy big branded names of lawn
fabrics over the replicas are striving to fulfill their social and esteem needs. Going by these needs
it is important for some women to be accepted by their peers that they move around with. Thus,
these females tend to look alike their friends to be part of their social 'league'. It is a known fact
that most people tend to socialize with the kind of people who share similar habits and lifestyle
as theirs. Hence, the inclination towards branded and big names of lawn prints rather than the
copied versions. This allows them to feel they fit well and really belong to their social group, a
feeling of belongingness achieved. Next, once this stage has been conquered females feel self-
confidant about moving in society. They relate to their branded fabrics in the sense that they
serve as a boost and motivating element to their self-assurance. Other peers or social circles that
they move with who might not be able to afford the branded lawn apparels, look up to them and
appreciate their ability to be able to buy such clothes. Thus, women feel they're being respected
and they feel powerful above all others. Their peers pay attention to the latest and most talked
about brand they are wearing and inquire about it, causing them to feel they're given respect and
people are interested in what they have to say. This is the kind of relation that such people
develop with their branded lawn suits; it works as their motivation weapon.

Brand Motivation
All people have different appeals towards the same product. People might buy it for different
reasons; all of us tend to associate differently with the products we buy. Some feel good products
go beyond then just functioning and fulfilling the needs of the consumers. These products make
consumers happy, alive and self-fulfilled; they take pride in using it and spread a positive word-
of-mouth. Hence the price that they pay for such a product is considered very small over the
value that they receive out of it. Other clients feel their products should keep pace with the
changing world (latest trends, economic weather, social concerns etc) and tailor their features
accordingly. Companies that are flexible and receptive of change tend to make great many loyal
customers. Thus, the delivery of the message that one conveys to its customers should evolve
with changes with core values remaining intact at all times. Research suggests that people look

for the same kind of personality traits in their brands as they do in people they see around them
in their daily life. Some personality characteristics appeal them more than the other emotionally.
Marketers convey their positioning to their potential customers via effective visuals, strong
words and/or appropriate packaging. Talking about name-brand products versus their replicas, all
people in this world are motivated by two important factors that cause them to take an action,
these are, firstly, the need to flaunt and/or feel important secondly, the desire if ones ego to feel
important and grab attention. Our 'self' inside us constantly acts as a reminder for us of how
worthy and important we are. Alot of females who buy branded lawns get it to boost their self-
confidence. It helps them to fit in and not be like a loner. It acts as a protective shield for them
helping them avoid the awkward moments and to feel comfortable. Today, people are constantly
being judged by what they wear rather than their personalities. A complete change of focus has
occurred from personality development to apparent beauty as to 'fit in'. People buy branded
clothes or other branded products because it gives them chances to stand out from the people
who can’t afford to buy the same luxury. Then there are others who feel positive about products
that not everybody can buy. They feel it’s exclusive and adds a stature to their personality.
Consumers are also inclined towards brands in general because that is what the trend is. People
don’t want to see themselves falling back, instead the follow with great competitive spirit. Also
people like to show their personalities by the things that they possess like their hairstyle, clothes
or their car, and obviously they would like to convey the best image possible. In other words just
like brands people also have their own identities and they support their personal or professional
image by what they wear or use. Also consumers believe that highly-priced products have high
quality and low-priced products have low quality. And it is true that well-reputed products have
been able to deliver promising quality and have shown great consistency, thus, they have
achieved lifelong customers who have developed an emotional connection with the brand. Such
customers tend to iver so end on these brands with delight and will even go through an
inconvenience to attain it. People also are often influenced by prior experiences weather personal
or those of others; word-of-mouth plays a vital role as a motivating factor when it comes to
name-brand products. Lastly but as important as the other factors, culture appeal acts as a
motivator too. It’s self-reinforcing, laying in similar values for brands and preferences into the
next generation.

Our main area of research was to identify the main Motivational Factors of consumer going for
branded lawn. Nowadays, with the major advancement in Pakistan over the last decade and the
latest international as well as local brands of clothing entering the market and bringing in with
them the trend of casual readymade suits which were elegant as well as latest in trends. It paved
a perfect pathway for the upcoming local brands that started their eastern clothing. Young
designer started exhibiting their designs and even before summer come the summer lawns are in
market from February. Every year we see new brands emerging which indicates one thing for
marketers that this industry has a lot of potential to grow and expand as people were looking for

this and with time their need got fulfilled. The initial designers who recognized this need and
who brought this trend were Gul Ahmed, Al Karam Textile, Nishat Linen, Mausammary, Junaid
Jamshed, Khaadi. These brands charged a very high price and people were willing to buy as they
were getting branded clothes that was giving a premium quality. Over the time all other people
recognized this and started entering into this industry. Today, all of us have revolutionized
ourselves and are willing to pay this amount to get quality clothes which are unique and elegant
at the same time. The role of marketers play a vital role in identifying the main factors which
women are looking to wear in summers and when consumer desires are fulfilled they are willing
to pay even a higher amount for this like we have experienced it in our daily lives. Also, some
famous designers came up the extension of these brands which included Men summer clothes
and winter designs which are heavily advertised and sold in markets too. This all has not just
boomed our textile industry but has given a very strong pathway to media industry and local

Along with this we have observed that the copied prints or commonly referred to as the first
copies are available which basically the replica of these original brands are. These copied prints
are available at the most famous shops and shopping plazas yet the difference in some of these
are not so notable at first but when we use them then the quality of their prints is very weak and
the color fades away just after one wash which as compared to the original prints last quite
longer. The price although is very less almost half the price compared to the original price.
People have many reasons for not buying these copied prints as some of them consider it against
their ego, some consider it too low quality. We even see some people who willingly buy these
copied prints because they like the prints but their purchasing power doesn’t allow them to buy
the original prints. So they buy these prints despite of knowing its shortcomings. Every person
including us need to make our own fashion style which is unique and makes the woman stand
out of the crowd, thus women are willingly ready to give high prices to the designer prints so that
they can be the first to wear the original lawn prints which will make them the trend setter rather
than the trend follower.

To trigger this need, marketers initially billboards as their medium to convey it to masses and
nowadays with social media getting a hold of our advertising they heavily advertised it to people
by their respective pages etc. Also, catalogues are sent by different brands to their homes in order
to convey their prints and designs and the latest trends that they came with easily.

We conducted in-depth interviews as part of our report in order to get the most detailed and frank
answers from our sample audience. We needed to analyze the reasons behind why people go for
name-brand lawns and how widely has this trend started to prevail. Interviews gave us the
chance to record every individuals answer precisely with all focus on one person at a time. We
started our interview with the pretty basic ones like name and if they wore branded lawns so as to
allow them to get the hang of our activity and also permit us to filter and select the appropriate
people who needed to be interviewed for the right data. While some people got comfortable
really quick and presented us with candid answers others were seen to be conscious because they
were being video recorded and answered briefly with not much reasoning behind. However, the
variety if questions enabled us to capture their true opinions and preferences. A focus group was
another option; however this could not be conducted due to time clashes of students and most of
them preferred not to disclose their personal brand preferences in front of people directly. Thus,
in-depth interviews were used as a qualitative tool for us to access our target audience and
conduct our analysis for data regarding our topic. It turned out to be a helpful tool giving us a
great amount of data to interpret.


As our research was qualitative so we conducted in depth interviews from 8 girls studying at
SZABIST aged between 18-25 years out of which only 5 qualified to be interviewed. All of them
wear branded clothes and have different reasons for choosing different brands. We screened
them after the first question which was “do you wear branded (designer) Lawn”? Those who said
Yes as the answer to this question were interviewed to find their factors that motivate them to
buy these brands and not go for copied prints. We got a few diverse answers from the girls which
were the first two interviews but after that we got the same answer and thus we concluded that
we have reached our saturation point.

Discussion Guide:-
Location: Szabist 100 campus
Introduction: Hello and thank you for sparing a few minutes of your time with us. My name is
Beenish Raza and accompanying me today is my class mate Abeeha Zehra. We are working on
our Consumer Behavior report based on Motivation. We are specifically going to talk about why
females today prefer to buy name-brand lawns rather than their replicas that are so easily and
widely available in markets. For this purpose we would like to interview you and know your
personal opinion and thoughts. * The interview will last for not more than 2:50 minutes * so as
to help us in interpretation we will be video recording you * we ensure you that this video will
only and only be used for the purpose of our research * keep yourself calm, be open and honest.
It’s ok if you stumble while speaking, everyone tends to make such mistakes so its perfectly
So let’s get started!
1) May i please know your name to begin with?
2) Do you wear branded lawns to university, social gatherings with friends and/or family or even
3) Which brands of lawn do you usually prefer to buy for yourself and others?
4) What are the reasons for your inclination towards these brand names over others?
5) The market is flooded with replicas of branded lawns, do you ever buy them? Why or why
Alright. Thank you for your participation.

From our five interviews we collected the following information:-



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We interviewed students from our universities that lie in the age bracket of 18-25. So as to
achieve our target sample of interviewees we posed the first question inquiring if they wore
name-brand lawns. 5 out of a total of 8 said they did. This accounted for 62.5percent of the
population, depicting that a whole lot of young girls today prefer to wear branded lawns
especially with the weather being so hot during summers. Others who said they don't wear
branded lawns were usually either that that preferred to wear western attires, a tank top and jeans
or long tunics with jeans.


The second question that we asked from the girls was that which brands they like to wear out of
so many brands available in the market. We got a variety of answers from the girls but the
majority said Junaid Jamshaid or Khaadi. The girls showed their preference by telling that they
like to wear Junaid Jamshaid, Khaadi, Mausammary, Daaman, Sana Safinaz and Gul Ahmad.
Junaid Jamshaid and Khaadi got to be the most preferred lawn and Sana Safinaz was also
preferred but girls pointed while saying that they won’t go for it as according to them the brand
is quite expensive and over priced for lawn price.


After getting to know their brand preferences and we asked them about what factors encouraged
them to buy name brand lawns. We got a variety of answers stating all sorts of personal reasons
for their choice of brands one motivating factor however was common amongst them all, quality.
All the girls showed great emphasis on quality because for them comfortable and value for the
money they spent was utmost important. Because females of this age want to look their best and
follow the latest trend they also gave great significance to the pattern and design. Alot of them go
for decent yet fashionable cuts and small prints rather than larger floral one. Their favorite kind
of fabric to wear during summers was lawn because it provides them with the right level of

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comfort, the fabric is light and one gets to choose from a variety of colors and shades. One of the
interviewees pointed out how she loves the fact that prints and colors are in total sync with the
seasons. With summers come bright colors like orange, green yellow pink etc and cold weathers
are accompanied with the shades of blue, brown, purple etc. university and college going girls
prefer to buy readymade lawn tunics rather than going through the hassle of buying the fabric
and getting them stitched. They're available in different sizes, colors and are designed according
to the latest trends. This gives them added motivation to buy name-brand lawns.


In determining the factors for buying the branded prints, it was necessary to take into account the
factors of women for not buying the copied prints available in the market at half the price. When
asking about the reason for not buying these we got the opinion that people nowadays are not
ready to compromise on quality for price as they believe that the high price for which they pay
for the original copies is worth it and it makes them satisfied.

Three girls said that the quality of these copied prints is very low and the color fades away after
one wash which makes it useless to be worn anywhere. The prints are exactly like original but
the fabric used is of very low quality and if looked closely it misses that fine print that they get
from the original version. Fourth named Amna elaborated her answer by telling that she would
never feel satisfied if she is wearing copied prints so she would never go for copied prints. The
fifth girl said that it depends on her choice and circumstances. If she doesn’t have enough money
to buy the original print and she thinks that original is not worth the price so she would go for the
copied prints and would buy it.

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This report has enabled us to examine people’s motives and motivating factors behind their
buying preferences. In general we have analyzed that people tend to develop a connection with
the kind of brands they buy. They consider these brands as part of their personality representing
to people the class and society that they belong to. People want to look their best at all times and
feel the need to be recognized and respected for their looks and things that they possess. Alot of
people take this as a way to 'fit in' while others simply don’t want to compromise on their
comfort and style statement. We got a chance to talk with people specifically about name-brand
lawns over replicas. Consumers today have great exposure and are well aware. They prefer
quality over price and make sure that they receive true value in return for their money. Girls
prefer to wear name brands because they are of good quality, according to the latest trend and
have great variety. Moreover, we also came across another factor that due to the increasing
competition in textile especially the lawn fashion industry, people are even aware enough to
know the real worth of the original brands and are mature enough to distinguish between the
price that the suit offers and the price that they are willing to give. As people easily switch over
to other brands of they find that the price of one brand is over price than it’s worth. Hence they
would never buy a lawn suit at a high price and would switch to other brand that is giving same
lawn suit at a low price and is affordable. Thus, although the local markets today are flooded
with replica lawns a majority still prefers to buy name-brands hence, the great hype every
summer of so many branded lawns and even otherwise throughout the year are worth purchasing
because they deliver promising quality and long lasting satisfaction.

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