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The Book of Sitra Achra

Se es

The Book of Sitta Uechen ee
= 21 GHeimoiee of the Dragons of the Other Side * THe Zook of Sita 2lehen
= A Grimoire of the Beogons of the Other Site =

‘Thefirst edition ofThe BookofSites Achra was

published on 11.11.2013 in an amountof 777
copies, Additionat special editions of 110 gilded
and slipcased copies, a Deluxe Edition of 61
books bound in snakeskin delivered in a special
book box and 11 Talismanic Copies boundin goat
and snakeskin wore privately distributed, with
each of those £1 Talismanic Books being dedicated
and enlinked to one of the Heads of Azetate.
All Texts, Symbols and Seals © 2013 N.A-A.218
First Edison ©2013 Ieaxaar Occult Literature

No part of book maybe reproducedot

utilized in any form or by any means, electronic
‘or mechanical, without the written
sion from the author
and copyright
Table of Contents

Introduction tt
1. The Sitra Achra and the Serpents ofthe Tboughtless Light 14
2. Elcher ~ The Other God 2
3. The Qlipboth ofthe Tree of Death 30
1, Thaumiel 30
2. Aagiel/Ghagiel 32
3, Satariel 4
4. Gath Khalab 36
5. Golachab 38
6, Thagirion #0
7. Oreh Zarag 2
8. Samael 4
9. Gamaliet 4
10, Nakemoth 48
4. The Eleven Heads ofAzerate 52
Satan 58
Molok 60
Beekecbub 62
Lucifuge Rofecale of
Astaroth 66
Agmoday 68
Belfegor 70
Baaltzelnoth 2
Adramelel 74
Lilith 76
Nabemah/Naamab 78

4 5
§ The 60Emisariesof the Black Light 80 1. Towwebabel 116
Thaumiels Seven Emissaries ofthe Name eo 2, Gaownel uz
1. Thaninel a4 3. Ramamel 18
2, Akzarel 85 4 Igedael 119
9, Uazarel 86 5. Rababel 120
4, Mibdalabel 87 6, Oriensel 121
5, Janabel 88 7. Natashel 122
6. Abadel 89 Oreb Zarag’s Six Emissariesofthe Name 123
7. Labbabel 90 1. Ongirtael 123
Aogiels Six Emissaries ofthe Name 91 2, Ratsachel 124
1. Abedabel 91 3. Bazarel 125
2. Okuroel 92 4 Zabachel 126
3. Gebel 93 5. Rabel 127
4. lashamel 94 6. Qeberel 128
5, Acharel 95 Samaels Four Emissavies ofthe Name 129
6, Laabel 96 1. Salaphel 129
Satariels Bight Emissaries of the Name 97 2. Maradel 130
1, Sathamel 97 3. Ayabel 131
2. Ayomel 98 4. Lachatsel 132
3. Taalummabel 99 Gamaliet’s Six Emissariesofthe Name 133
4, Apbelahel 100 1. Gadaphet 133
5. Radabel 101 2. Maarabel 134
6. Drubtzel 102 3. Lachashel 135
2, Ashmanel 103 4Tatsathel 136
8. Laatel 104 5. Avesahel 137
Gash Khalab’s Six :missariesofthe Name 105 6.Layilel 138
4. Gadael 105 Nahemotht Five Emissaries ofthe Name 139
2. Akalel 106 1. Neqamabel 139
3. Shavarel 107 2. Hamabel 140
4. Kaphabel 108 3. Mirshaathel 41
5. Lachamel 109 4 Atadel 142
6. Haragel 110 5. Taczazel 143
Golachab’s Five Emissaries ofthe Name mt 6. The 22 Silencing Lettersofthe Other Side 149
1. Gopbriytbel ut 1. Aleph ist
2. Ophisesel u2 2. Beth 152
3, Labatel 113 3. Gimel 4153
4. Charchurel 4 4. Daleth 154
5. Balael us 5.Heb 155
Thagirion’s Seven Emnissaries of the Name 116 6.Vav 156
7. Zayin 187 10. The Star oftheEleven — Tbe Qliphothic Magic ofthe
8. Cheth 158 Hendecagram 239
9.Teth 159 ‘The Eleven PrimalPoints 20
10. Yod 160 ‘The First andAtziluthic Hendecagram or
11. Kaph 161 ‘The Secondand Briabie Hendecagram 25
12, Lamed 162 ‘The ThirdandYetxirabic Hendecagram 27
13. Mem 163 The Fourth andAssiabic Hendecagram 249
14, Nun 164 The Pan-Qliphothic andUnified Hendecagram 251
15. Samekb 165, PracticalApplications of the Stars of the Eleven 253
16, Ayin 166 The Invoking/Evoking Hendecagrams 257
17. Peb 168 The Egressive/Ingressive Hendecagrams 266
18, Teaddi 169 11. Building Blocksof« Qliphothic Temple ~The Tooks ofPraxis 271
19. Qoph 170 The Altar-Throne 23
20, Resh 174 Candle Holders 276
21. Shin 172 ‘The Kelim-VesselofManifestation 27
22. Tav 173 ‘The Mirror Gates and Serying Bowls 280
7. The 12 Princes ofthe Qliphothic Zodiac 176 ‘The SacrificialKnife 282
1. Ba‘airiron 178 ‘The Teoisting andthe Straight Wand 284
2. Adimiron 180 ‘The Chalice 287
3. Taalalimiren 182 ‘The Bell 289
4. Shichiriron 184 ‘heBractes, the Thurible andthe Incense oftheArt 291
5. Shalebbiron 186 The Cord 308
6. Peaphiriron 158 BloodSacrifice 307
7, Aabiriren 190
10, Dagdagiren 196
11. Babimiron 198
12. Nashimiron 200
8. TheSeven Hells and SevenEarths 202
1. Sheol ba-Tebom 208
2. Abaddon 210
3. Tit ba-Yon 212
4. Bar Shachath 214
5. Tzelmath 216
6. Shaarimoth 218
7. Gebinnom 220
9. The Opening Ritual of the Seven GatesofHell 228
The Book of Sitta Wehea
“21 Geimoice of the Dragonsof the
Other Side -
CG: following Grimoireis the result ofan almost two
decades long work with the different Points of
Manifestation belonging to the forces that within this book,
nowafter all the years of arduous cultivation, have become
re-presented, re-called and liminally embodied. Even if the
fundament ofsomeof the outer forms employed within this
work canbe traced to older sources, such as the writings of
some of the adepts of the Hermetic Order of the Golden
Dawa,to whom we owe much when it comesto,for example,
the most known names employed to describe the 10 Primary
Qliphoth and the 12 Princesofthe Zodiac,the actual essence
channelled through those names will differ radically from
what the members ofthe aforementioned Hermetic Order
would associate with that which they consider to be
Thesource we owe most to and with whomour own insight
concerning the Qliphothis the closest and most in harmony
with is Rabbi Nathan of Gaza, being the most elevated
prophet of Sabbatai Zevi, whofirst concretised the concept
ofthe Dual Light ofCreation andAnti-Creation, whichis a
central partofthe actual foundation upon whichthe structures
of our own system are based. While we pay homage tothe
legacy of both Sabbatai Zevi andhis Prophetbecause ofwhat
their wisclomhasinspired ustofind,it is again important,for
the sakeofclarity, to underline that our path is notthat ofthe
so called Sabbatian Heresy, as those brethren of light, unlike
us, never followed that Other Light of Thoughtlessness,
whose illumination we ever strive for, whose path we follow
atall cost and whose impulses we have realised as our own

10 u
True Will, the Holy Serpent's Bloodline and who share with the
Nachashel both Spirit and Will and hope that they through
While the prophet Nathan of Gaza never sided with the the mysteries revealed and concealed within this Grimoire
‘Dragons of the Other Side and instead strived for a union can traverse the Path ofFite illuminated by the Black Light
betweenthe two sides of divinity bythe assimilation of the and reach the Points ofTranscendence, which shall unite us
Qliphoth into the Thoughtful Light, our own approach is ailin Spirit within the Great Eleven-Headed Dragon,before
dedicated to an opposite cause, with the goal of Returning thefinal step leading to the Nullification (11=1-1=0) and
All back to Ain via the route ofthe Thoughtless Black Light Reabsorption ofAll Back Into Ain,
ofthe Sitra Achra, as even though being bound within this
world our Azothic Essence is not ofit, nor its creator, and Butas every Blessing comes with a Curse,let the Maledictions
can not and must not belimited byit, asitis instead a Black carried in the Envenomed Fangs ofthe Serpent Guardian of
Flamerooted to that Other'Tree,being theTree ofDeath to this Book of Sitra Achraperniciously befall all those that
Limitation, granting the Forbidden Fruits of Deathlessness. approach this Workdevoid ofproper respect and without an
Awakened Spirit that welcomes the Holy Light ofthe Other
‘Thestudents partaking ofthis our BookofSitra Achra,being Side, as their wretched approach will not add anything of
the First Grimoire of the Dragonsofthe Other Side,should worth to our labour and serves nought but to profane that
therefore take care to not confuse familiarforms also employed which we know to be Holyand Good.
byoutsiders with the more ‘alien essences’that they within
this context serve to bridge overto and channel Spirit from, May both the Cursed and the Blessed, bygrasping this book
as evenif the terminology here utilised seems familiar and with hand,eye and mind,partake ofthe Poisonofthe Serpent,
derivedfromolder knownsources they are urged toseek the so that Disgraceful Death or a Glorious Rebirth becomes
Tradition-Specific Essences they serve to embody in rewarded to each, all according to their own true nature and
accordance with our Chaosophic and Anti-Cosmic Context, worth in the eyes ofthe Thoughtless Divinity whothis Work.
Ethos and the Spiritual Current of 218 that all the names, is meant to honourand serve.
forms and symbols employed herein are possessed by and serve
as Points ofIngress and Congress to.
Letit be further known that the Spirits of this Book ofthe
Other God demand proper veneration and cultivation,leading Vedar-Gal Tickals Somdus Azerate!
tothe actual insights and empowerments making possible the
employment oftheir FiresofThoughtlessness for the sake of
Ilumination, Ascension and Liberation, instead ofjust the
‘merciless destructionthat they have brought and will continue
tobring uponthose approaching their mysterieswithout a Pure
Heart Enflamed with Love for the Unbound Divinity and a
Spirit flly aligned to their own Good Cause; beingthatof the
Return ofAll Back Into the Fuliness ofEmptiness.
With these fewwords we welcome and bless those that are of

2 B
® causing a foundationforinner struggle and turmoil,
As twoconflictingsides ofthe one existingtotality they limited
The Sten Aehen cach other as one sought expansion and knowing by self-
imposed restriction and separationfromits own Absolute
and the Serpents of the Source,while the other was thoughtless ofall but its own will
for absorption back into the Divine Mystery of the Fullness
Mhoughtless Light ofNothingness.
a the Beginning was Ain, the Nothingness ofDivinity As the right and left sides ofthe Ain Sof they thus became
in its Fullness of Emptiness, its Unbound Non-Being and as the right and Thoughtful aspect could not in their
and the Eternal Nihility of Holiness. This Ain was and present state of No-Limit know its own thoughts by
remains the Void of the SupremeBliss of Unlimited and ‘manifestingthem outside ofthe condition thatt andits Other
Unrestricted Potential, realised by Not Coming Into Being Sidefilled up fully, it knewthat the way to achieve its goals
and by Remaining Unknown andIndistinetive. ‘wasthe further limiting ofitselfand the separation fromthat
conflicting side.
From this primal state of Zeroth Chaos with no beginning
orend fell fraction ofDivine Possibility down towards Limit, ‘Thus the thoughtful side of Ain Soffor the sake of the
establishingitselfasthe Ain Sof, meaning Non-Limited, but ordering and manifesting of its thoughts caused itself to
carryingwithinitselfthe very essenceofthat addition ofLimit contract and pushed away that Other Side, that did not take
caused by separation, for by the adding to Nothingness less partinits contraction,further downinto the vacuous Tehiru
wasattained and not more. (Void Space) that wascreated betweenthem.
Within this state of Ain Sof, divinitywas restricted by ‘The void and emptyprimordial space that so was produced.
Knowing that it was Unlimited and thus wanted to know between the two sides came thus into being by the retraction
limits, but asthis Will started to manifest so did its opposite, of the Thoughtful Side into its own thoughts of creation,
within that state ofAll That Could Be, and thus twohalves while the Thoughtless Side became further removed from
was becoming; oneside seeking to further the Sof,while the where it sought to return in fullness and thus becamefilled
other side strived to uphold its Ain. with Thoughts of Opposition towards the side causing the
‘expansionofits fallen separation.
One aspect ofthe Ain SofwasThoughtful ofits own limiting
impulse and its separation from Nothingness, while its other Inorderto erectthe manifestation ofits thoughts the retracted
side wasThoughtless and unwilling to know any limit for the side became asa light, the Ain SofAur, called the Limitless
sake ofavoidingfurtherrestriction caused by separation from Lightburbeing in actualityAin’s Limited Light, and projected
its primal state ofUnlimited Non-Being, itselfas a ray ofThoughtful Light into hat Tehiru Void it
had caused betweenits nowfully opposing side,this in order
In this state outside of the Nothingness the Ain Sofwas all- to realise the formsandstructures ofits cosmos,byuttering
embracing and absolute, leaving no space between the the earlier before only thoughtletters and names wherever
conflicting Thoughtfulness and Thoughtlessness within it, insideofthe void that its lightwould reachin order to establish

4 15
and fill its vessel-formsofcreation, ‘Thrice did they primarily rebel in such way thar a wound-
like hole was caused upon the tree of creation during its
‘The Thoughtless Side now fully awakened fromits state of process ofgermination.
self-contemplation established its own Shining Forth,
counteracting the light ofcreation and limiting the void place ‘Thefirst revolt becameinitiated by an uprising of the Light
into which the Thoughtful Light could shine in. Thus the Alien To Creation within that which was meant to become
light ofcreation could only afllict the upperhalfofthe void the fourth emanated Sephira, belonging to Masukhiel (the
space created by its contraction and the Thoughtless Light Dividing Screen of God). Within this fourth emanated
remainedin its lower halfthat had become as the Depths of Sephira, which would later not be, the sparks of the Black
Great Abyss. Light remaining within theTehiru space that theThoughtful
Light nowsought to fill upfully, took forms and images most
In a pointin the Tehiru, where the Thoughtful and hostile against the will ofthe creator. The name ofthe ruler
‘Thoughtless Lightcollided at the place ofliminal limit that ofthis revolting emanation andtheprince ofall its warriors,
hhad been established between the two sides,fragmented traces, all possessed byThat OtherLight, was Qemetiel. These
ofthe two lights,that had beenseparated, engulfed each other emanations were the cruel ones that rebuked and confused
like sparks from two opposing fires, and a gate in-between with their Chaosthe other emissions and caused them to
the two sides took form, ereating an unwanted bondage suffer imbalance
between them,one side imprisoning the sparks ofBlack Light
and the Other Side binding and absorbing aspects of the Responding to this unlawful manifestation ofthe emanation
white. allied to the Thoughtless Cause it was decreed bythe
mouthpiece of the YHVHwithin the third Sephira that
The'Thoughtful Light set outto establish,via its emanations, Masukhiel should rebuke anddraw back that emission and
its'Ten Sephiroth upon the'Tree ofLife thatit thought and destroyit as it was notthe wishofthe creatorthat they should
envisionedto erect and crown with its ownsingular essence remain within his structures of being. Masukhiel was to
remainingatthe mostelevated point after its planned diluting, reabsorb Qemetiel andhis kin,in a similar manner as to how
condensation, As YHVH he would limit, know and make the flame of a lamp is extinguished by the wick being
known himself, without recognising the Divine Nothing submerged in the oil thatfuelsitsfire. Qemetiel andhis kin
beforehis fall ofseparation, ‘were removed in form and destroyed, but didin essence not
perish, as their Spirit was not of the oil that they would be
Buthis creating would not be met withoutthe opposition of drownedin but from That Other Source and Side,thus their
the Thoughtless Light against the sin of restriction via the Fire persisted in concealed form and remained coiled and
limiting forming and ordering of the Unmanifest Essence. readyto strike at the very Godhead,
‘This opposition was not only instigated from without the
barriers ofthe Tehiru,butalso from withinthe very structures ‘A second attemptat the establishment of the fourth sphere
ofthe Sephirothic tree itself, for those sparks of the Black was emanated and once again opposition arose comprised of
Light that were imprisoned within the realm ofYHVHdid strange forms and more Alien Essences. The name oftheir
not succumbto therestrictive causalityofhisrule and ordering ruler and the princeofall their warriors was Beliel. These
thoughts, but did instead rebel over and over again. emanations were even more hostile in their conspiring against
and the disruption they caused amongst the Thoughtful

Emanations that had comebefore them. Thus another decree In order to redeem thisfailure and cover the open wound in
ofre-absorption came from The One On High and once again the structure of his creation a whole new Sephira was
Masukhiel had to take back the forms, but their essence of emanated to be placed upon and close that gaping pit. This
Black Fire again remained,adding imbalance to his own sphere, fourth Sephira would be that of Virginal Daath thetthis time
lurking and waiting to stab at the heartoftheir separator. mained stable and could give wayto all the other emanations
following its own, making themten all in all,
A third world was created to replace the two previous ones,
but it comprised of even more adversarial forms and In Sitra Achratheexiled and liberated essences of Qemetiel,
devastating essence than the two before,as the Thoughtless having beenbanished to the side ofBlack Light through the
Essence fuelling them became more hostile with each step Masak Mavdil, gravitated to the Formlessness,the essences
that its opposite side took againstits own cause. The name of of Beliel to the Emptiness and the essences of Athiel to the
the ruler of and theprince of the warriors ofthis third Darkness of their Thoughtless Source that they now had
rebellious world against the creator was Athiel. These returned back into, but still they retained facets of their
‘emanations were the fiercest of all and as darkeners of the manifested adversarial aspects in order to continue, and at
light ofcreation they stood defiant. Their sole ambition and some point end, the opposition thatthey had become
will was to usurp the highest throne, extinguish itslight,kill instigated into.
all thoughts ofcreationforever, cut down the treeoflife and
with their own black fires burn all its branches and reduce it ‘The Thoughtless Light that in its Abyssal Side ofTohu had
back to its primal unbound formlessness, In the face of this keptits inner-core essence ofAin beyond all restrictive forms
‘most violent uprising the creator again decreed the destruction and connected to its source,that in Bohu had keptits Spirit
of this third world and once again the same process of empty ofall impulses but those that moved it to strive to
retraction tookplace and Masukhiel consumed their forms, return All back towards Ain now through Chasek, mimicking
but could not consume their enduring essences which were and counteracting the Ain Soph Aur with its own Aur
not ofhim or ofthelight that had caused himto come into Shachorha-Ain,emanated forth its will to eclipse the rays of
being. its opposed side,in order to undothe abominable making of
the creatinglight and thus made the self-sacrifice to assume
After these threefailures the creator condemnedthe rebellious forms that further separated it from the purity of and
and imbalanced sphere of Masukhiel and because he now connectionto its ownprimal state, whichit constantlylonged
could feel the cold heatofthe Thoughtless Fire emit from it for and reached back towards, forms which were necessary to
he aborted its whole existence,and ashe could not reintegrate assumein order to counteract and undueitsThoughtful Side's
the conflicting essence dwelling within that sphere he could structures that now weighed down heavily upon itand which
not absorb it back into his own light and as there were no pressed it further into the chasm ofseparation it had been
space within his side ofthe Tehirufor its rejection he became madeto inhabit,
forced to push it and let it fallinuponitselfto the OtherSide.
Asa Dragonofthe Abyss with Eleven Heads theThougheless
‘Thus the Abyss of Masak Mavdil, meaning The Place For Light took form establishingits Points, in order to oppose
Rejected Failures, inhabited by a fallen and now liminal the ten spheres and manifestations ofthe Thoughtful Light
Masukhiel came into being, and as a pit or tunnel leading to and for each utterance ofthe creating impulse this Dragon
the Other Side ofthe Tehiru it became. uttered its ownsilencing letters and words, letting them take

18 19
forms as the Black Serpents of the Other Side, thus the gap opened up to the Other Side a'Tree ofKnowledge of
establishing the Tree of Death and its Qliphoth, a term ‘Good and Evil grew, rootedin the World ofQtiphoth where
indlicating that their outer forms are merely shells reflecting its sed ofcoming into being had been sowed by Outer Forces
distortedlythat which they are meant to antagonise and within the Abyss that it was meant to cover.
annihilate, but that they within their husks hold their true
Spiritand Divine Light protected and kept hidden from and By this Tree and its fundamental connection to the Other
opposed to those ofthe onesthey seek to subvert on the Side Side that Outer Tree of Death could in secret spread its
ofThoughtfulness, branches not just below but also behind the Tree of Life
because ofits own wilful enlinkment to the Ain which
Asa crownupon this Tree ofSitra Achra the antithesis of surroundedall sidesoftheir Tehira.
the Sephirothic creatorstationed itself in a Dual Aspect, as
the Adversaryand the King, in order to overcomethe singular ‘This Edenic Tree bore the fruits of the Knowledge of the
aspect ofthe YHVH and became thus forced out ofnecessity Cause of the Thoughtless Light and had flourished outside
to actas the mirroring HVHYin order to reverse the process of the grace of the creator andas suchit was as a branch of
ofcreation and the fall from the Fullness of Emptiness the Tree ofDeath stretching forth from behind, which had
broken through and intrudedinto the creation ofYHVH,
Instead ofthe 10 ofthe Thoughtful Light, being the 1 facing offeringits forbidden fruits
the 0 withoutsurrendering to it, the Black LightofDivinity
tookas its own manifestationthe 11, being the standingpillars ‘Adamand Eve who knew not about the Other Side and
ofthe dual 1 and 1 acting as an archwayleading back to the understood nothing but what their creator willed them to
zeroth holiness reached byentering in-between,throughand understand were prohibitedto partake fromthe fruits ofthat
beyond them and by them Nullifying All and finally StrangeTree and had been duly warned againstits powers to
themselves (1-1-0), this in order to overcomethe limitations poisonthem against their god,
ofthe side ie now sought to destroy forthe sake of the re-
establishing of the Fullness ofits own Non-Being and the “The DragonsofSitraAchraseeingthe crack opening up wider
returning oftotality; including its own offending side, back between the worlds through the unstable Daath balanced
into Unmanifested Divinity, Because as its cause was upon the Abyss emanated a dual aspect ofthemselves through
‘Thoughtlessnessit could not let"Thoughtfulness that caused the roots ofthe ‘Tree of Knowledge and manifested their
its ownfall remain, Spitit-Light within the formof the Holy Nachash,in order
to act as the awakener of Manand Woman.
Onthe side ofthe Sephiroth the creator continuedhis acts of
dilution andrestriction and within the sphere of Virginal [As the Cunning Serpent with Two Faces they enticed the
Daath, being the one just below his ownsphere ofKether he ‘woman to both eat their fruit andbeartheir Seed, and while
created formsin his own imagein order to further know and the man did not receive the blessing ofthe Seed he still partook
establish the limitsof his own cause and being. Within this oftheir Fruit ofKnowledge from the hand ofthe woman, as
sphere he made the Spirit become imprisoned within clay- theyentered into a covenantwith the Serpentpromising them
born flesh ofbinding forms and so Adam and Eve cameto be, that their eyes would be opened and that they would learnto
know good and evil and become as gods.
Within the Edenie Garden of Daath, a sphere resting upon

20 a
Seeing the offences of Adam and Eve,incited bythe Black
SerpentofSitra Achra, the creator cursed themand the whole
sphere ofthe Unstable Daath,having brought forth Forbidden
Knowledge allowing Man and Womanto turn awayfrom
his rule and so hebanished them and the whole ofDaath and El Ache-
madethem fall farthest down onhis tree oflife and farthest
awayfrom his own enraged countenance. Thus the Fallen Ahe Other God
Knowledge becamethe Kingdomin which the race ofAdam
and Eve were condemned totoil and suffer.
he Aur She-Ain Bo Machshavahin its fully separated
In the place ofthe Fallen Daath a gaping Abyss stood once form as manifested on the Other Side ofthe Tehiru
again open,dividing thethree supernal spheres from the seven where it actively opposes the Aur She-Yesh Bo Machshavah
Tower ones,and once again it acted as the Masak Mavdil of assumed the Adversarial Cause and the role ofthe Antithetical
the creator and remains still as another potential point of ‘Twin ofthe God ofCosmic Creation and becamethe essential
ingress and egress forthe ForcesofSitra Achra, opposite of that Thoughtful Brother whobyhis restrictive
‘Malkuth being the Sephira furthest down within the Tehiru instincts necessitated the assumption of constraining forms
space occupied by the Tree of Life became the other main in order to counteract his afflicting impulses of separation
point of contact with the Other Side, asin its harsh fall its and limitation.
sphere partiallysank into and intersected with the Other Side ‘This indirect coercing ofthe Thoughtless Light, through its
and liminal points connecting thetwobecamesoestablished, deepened separationfromthe Ain by the propagetion ofthe
thus allowing Death to Thoughtful Forms to enter into the Limitand its confinementto the lowerTehiru Void,provoked
Kingdom from the Side ofThoughtlessness. it to consciously combat the Thoughtfully Spawned Creation
‘TheSitra Achra lawless and fluentin its emanations assumed and thus the work ofthe Creator Godresulted in the
formsreflecting the new configuration ofthe Tree ofCreation condensation ofthe Formless Black Lightinto the Spirit of
and lockedits root and branches in the places bestsuited for the Other God.
thefurthering ofits cause. ‘The Other God is the Thoughtless Antithesis that has
Yetevena third gate became opened toand fromSitra Achra, assumed all thoughts of Anti-Cosmic Opposition and is
allowing the Black Fires of Qliphoth to spread within therefore connected to. the name HVHY,which is the
Malkuthin order to burn the tree fromwithin,this by the mirroring reversal ofthe YHVH,but more importantlythan
being just mere names the YHVH and HVHYare
blessed adventofthe birth of Eve's first son and daughter,
descriptions ofthe directed will behind each impulse, for as
sired not by the seed of Adam but by the Nachash of the YHVHthrough his emanationsof the fourletters of hi
Thoughtless Light, as through that Bloodline of Qayin and name spawned his creation from the Atiluth down to Assiah,
Qalmana the cause ofthe Adversary, the Other God, would making the Spirit dilute and descent into Matter, the Other
be and still is championed within the creation and upon the God through the formula ofthe HVHY seeks to undo creation
earth, byelevating the Spirit fromthe Clayof Matter through the
reversal ofthe emanations ofeach ofthe fourletters and lead

the Fallen Essence back into the Fires ofAtziluthand from jealous God, this because the Other Godreferred to is the
there cause the cosmic Yod to assumeits Primal Unmeanifest “Thoughtless God of the Other Side, being the El or the
Aspect and step beck towards and beyondits station ofthe Elevenfold Elohim Acherim opposing his own cosmic rule
First Thoughtful Impulse bybeing consumed by the and power.
Thoughtlessness of his Twin andforced to return into the
undifferentiated Ain, ‘While being ofpractical use and in themselvesrevealing to a
certain degree, if approached and applied from the correct
‘The Other God hastherefore within some ofthe Qabbalistic perspective,all the mentionedattempts at naming the Devil
traditions been named as the HVHY, which is assumed ‘opposed to the creator remain as nothing more than exoteric
by those opposing That God to be the true name ofthe titles ofDivinity, withoutbeing in depth linked to the veiled
Devil, but as already explained these two forms of the mysteriesof the Other God.
Tetragrammaton are more descriptions of modes ofthe
emanating and unfolding of the divine impulses than actual Withinthe esoteric tradition whose forms and essences are
names,this is specially true whenit comes fo the Other God presented within and linked to throughout the pages ofthis
who was forced out ofnecessityto assumehis cause ofreversal. Grimoire ofthe Dragonsofthe Other Side, another nameis
ascribed to this Other Godof ours, a name notobtained
This Other Godis also represented by the title of El, again through a conscious attempt atcodification but through the
mitroring his opposed Thoughtful Twin whois the one most Ceremoniesof Sacrifice and Invocation conducted during the
commonly associated with that title within the Qabbalistic initial stages of the manifestation of the Current embodied
traditions,signifying within this Qliphothic contextthe Primal within this Book ofSitra Achra, leading to full possession
Might ofthe Thoughtless Light manifested within and and the wordedrepetition ofone single nameas the answer
emanating from the Sitra Achra and when employed as an to a petition concerning the revelation of a true name of the
ending to the names of the Dragons and Serpents ofThat Other God,with whom contact was sought, and the name
Side it does not signify thembeing under the control of, or given as answer was Azerate.
attached to, YHVH,but does instead emphasise either their
opposition towards the cosmic creatoror their direct links to Azerate is the name by which the Anti-Cosmic Impulseis
the HVHY,all depending onthe context and the exact personified as the Eleven-Headed Dragon ofQliphoth having
meaning of their names, this because the side of all the other Serpents of the Other Side asits scales and is in
‘Thoughtlessness is sovereign and governed by its owndivine itself@ formula by whichthe 11 are reached and the barriers
hierarchy and is in no way controlled by the side ofEl to of the 10 breached and broken,
which theyonly bring Wrathfull Chaos and Dissolution,
‘This Eleven-Headed Dragon ofAur She-Ain Bo Machshavah
‘TheEl of Qliphothis more specificallycalled the El Acher, is the unified aspect ofthe Ruling Headsofthe Tree ofDeath,
meaning plainly Another or the Other God, and is often which through this name are called uponas One, creating
referred to as the Alien, Strange or Foreign El, in order to the point offocus through which the Divided Essence ofthe
stressthe distinction between this El and the cosmic ereator, Other God is focused upon as a whole, while still retaining
andthis is the esoteric meaning behind the Demiurge the antithetical form of the 2=1 opposing the 1=10, this
YHVH's commandmentin Exodus 34:14 stating Thou shalt mace clear throughthe gematric value of AZRAT, whichis
‘worship no Other God:for the Lord, whose name is Jealous, is a 2igel

24 25
‘The spelling of this name of the Other God is a further
validation ofwhatit emanates from and connects to, a8 it is the Realm of Multitude, contrasting the static Realm of
both exoterically descriptive and esoterically revealing. Singularity manifested by the Thoughtful Light. The
Qliphothie Zayin isthe causer ofsegmentation and division,
This name vocalised as Azerate is spelled: notfor the sake ofimitation butfor that ofdynamic growth,
Jetters Aleph, Zayin, Res, Aleph andTeth of Sins Achri os
ONT multiplicity and expansion leading back to the Source. The
itisnota word obtained by listening to the utterances ofthe Sword here is the force needed for the actualisation of the
god ofthis side of the Tehiru but instead Dual Potential that by its dividing edge makes Two the One.
an echo ofthe
Silencing Songs of the Other Side, thus being the
Pentagrammaton seeking to und Resh-TheHead as the governing force and principal,or as
limitations of the Tetragrammaton, oin and
transcend the
the tuler invested with authority, representing the Decisive
how the Thoughtless Light manifested throughon 11simil ar to
Point ofFocused Will,coroneted and coronating with Regal
of10 in order to-go beyond the Fall ofSeparation and returadn Power and Total Dominion.
to andobtain restoration within the Ain (L
). ‘Aleph ~The second Ox/Bull,showing that the first singular
casual study ofthe letterse ofthis name reverevea : ls how it is
Aleph was by the Sword cut in two, or divided up in its
Ponnected to the Dual/Elevenfold Manif
estationion of th the Head manifestation into the Dual Governing Horned Heads,
coroneted with One Crown,Will, Cause or Ruling Impulse,
in such manner that the second Aleph/Primal Ox/Bull was
8 - eek
‘caused to become manifest so that insteadofthe one single
~ The Ox/Bull Aleph two (211) became the Crowned Headsofthe Driving
ayin, = The Dividing Sword
27 Reh = ‘The Governing Head
B= Aleph The cond) Ox/Bul “Teth —The Serpent,so that the One Aleph became splitinto
~ Teth ~The Serpent/s ‘Two andwas crowned, enthroned and ruling,side by site, as
Aleph ~The Ox or Bull exemplifying stren, a Serpent or Over the Serpents, giving us the Two/Eleven-
aletter depicted in its primal a ihe a siete Headed SerpentofSitra Achra, showing the dual aspect of
Bull representing a chieftain or other hatd working leader the Other God manifesting and culminatingin its becoming
and driving force. Within the clan, tribe or famil asthe Eleven,being also the numberofletters in the Hebrew
o« fatheris represented by this Ox/Bull as the eldery the chief spelling ofWithout Thought (Sh-AIN BO MChShVH).
others are linked to and follow and is as such within this the
context theletter of the Prime Mover ofth Currentwhich Azerate/AZRATis thus the Other Godwith its dynamic
the other utterances are yoked to. The Qlipehoth ic Aleph is
dual essence,ever seekingthe nullification ofall,expanced to
the Eleven Heads ofthe Serpent, caused initially to come
the primary One that within itselfholds the essen ce ofthe into being by the cutting division/split between
‘Two, whichit seeks to actualise,
Thoughtfulness and Thoughtlessness of the Primal
hay n ~The Sword and ind plou
ploughgh blade cu
Manifestation of Divinity within Ain Sof, which because of
dividing the flesh or the ground,in this case actintwo and thefurther division caused through the Tzimezum between
g as the
splitting force responsible for the Black Light manifestin the two sides ofthe Tehiru took form as the Eleven Headed
g Ruler ofthe Dragonsofthe Other Side, having the number
218-11 atits heart.

Together with the received name ofAverate also a Sign was
given through the Grace of the Godof the Tribe of the
Serpents divelling on this accursed side ofthe Tehiru, which
later revealeditselfto be the Gate to the Realm ofthe Dragons
of the Qliphoth and could be foundhidden within the
Hendecagram in its aspectas the Yetzirahic Gate tothe Sitra
Achra,but also in connectionto the original place ofthe Fallen
Daath,acting as a Supernal Gate to the Abyss,
‘The following is that Eleven-Angled Sign andSeal, through
which the limits ofthe ten are overcome by the turning of the
Eleven Keys, opening Azerate’s Gate towards Sitra Achra:

The modes of the activation and opening of this Eleven-

Angled Seal are many and all secrets needing to be directly
received fromandtransmitted by the Qliphothic Forces it is
connected to, but as an initial hint to the unlocking of its
mysteries it can be divulged that in its supernal positioning
an elevenfold vibratory intonation ofthe formula by which
Adam was said to have opened the Gates ofHellis one part
of the process, while on the Assiahic level an elevenfold
sacrifice and a fourfold elemental work through the ladder of
HIVHYis required for the turning ofits Eleven Keys and
Opening of its central Gate, caused by the breaking of the
ten anglesofthe pentagram,bringing about the distuption of
cosmic order and the intrusion ofthe powers ofthe Dragons
ofthe Other Side.

The Qiiphoth
of the
Cee of Benth
J. Thaumiel:
‘The Twins of God or the Two-Headed Ones, also called
‘Thamiel the Duality of God, Cathariel the Broken Off or
Fearful Light of God and Kerthiel meaning Separated from
God,as they cut themselves away from the God ofThoughtful
Light and united themselves within the emanation of the
Thoughtless Light that became the Dual Crownof Sitra
Achra and the first manifestation of the HVHY to oppose
the YHVH.This first Qliphais ruled by Satan and Molok,
with Satan ruling the left and Molok ruling the right, Ahaumiel’s Formula of Calling:
manifesting the will ofthe One impulse ofthe Aur She-Ain
Bo Machshavah in a dual manner opposing the singularity Thaninel ® Akzarel ® Uazarel * Mibdalabel ® Ianabel ® Abadel
of the crowning manifestation of the Aur She-Yesh Bo % Labbabel ® Liftoach shaari ha-Thaumiel
‘Machshavah in Kether. B’Shem ba-Satan va-Molok! (x11)
‘The demonic formsofthis sphere perceived by those that are
within the realm of Thoughtful Light have been those of
‘Two-Headed Dragons,Two- Headed Black Giants orJanus-
Paced Heads with bat or dragon wings and other such forms
signifying the dual-forced antithesis ofthe demiurgic impulse
ofAin-Sof, This Qlipha crowningthe Dragons ofthe Other
Side is also connected tothe Qemetiel, the Crowdof Gods
representing the Multiplicity of Thoughtless Divinity,
championing the dynamic cause of their Chaos in order to
subvertthe static order of their opposed Crown ofSingular
‘Thoughtfulness, ‘The following is the Seal and the Formula
of Calling of Thaumiel, by which the powers andSpirits of
that Qlipha can be connected to and called upon:

30 at
2. Aogiel/Bhagicl:
‘The Hinderers, being the hinderers of the expansion ofthe
Thoughtful Light contracting back to the source the divine
essence and obstructingits dilution by the cosmic emanations
ofthe Word,also called Chaigidel meaning the Confusion of
the Power of the Cosmic God. Here are the forces ofChaos
‘opposing the law-imposing and limiting structure of the
Sephiroth and below the Throne ofits ruler Beelzebub are
the Eleven Dukes of Edomstationed as the elevenfold
manifestation ofthe power the Baal ofthis Qlipha acting as
Onein order to silence the utterances ofYHVH,Thetitle of
this Qlipha as AogieV/Oghielis derived from the name of
the mighty Raphaimic King of Bashan whose rule upon the
earth wasa manifestationofthe invading forces ofSitra Achra,

remaining and gaining power evenafter the deluge meant to
wash awayall such disruptive forces hindering the will of the
Thoughtful God.
‘The demonic formsofthis Qlipha have been those ofWinged Apgiel’s Formula of Calling:
Black Giants carrying serpents in their hands,Giant Demons
entwined by Dragon Serpents and Winged Annihilating Abedabel ® Okuroel ® Gebel ® lashamel ® Acharel ®
Spirits swarming forth to eradicate organised structures of Laabel ® Liftoach Shaari ba-Aogiel
the ThoughtfulLight like hungry locusts set uponthe ripe
fields ofharvest, establishing the realm ofThose Who Go B'Shem ha-Beelzebub! (x11)
Forth Into the Place Emptyofthe Cosmic God,This Qlipha
is therefore also connected to the Beli'El, being the ones
granting the freedom from the restrictions ofthe El of
‘Thoughtful Light.
‘The following is the Seal and the Formula of Calling of
‘Aogiel, by which the powers and Spirits ofthat Qlipha can
be connected to andcalled upon:

3. Satariel:
‘The Concealers and Keepers ofthe Hidden and the Harasiel
who are the Destroyers oftheillusions of the Thoughtful El
and establishers ofthe illuminating darkness of the Black
Lightofthe Aur She-Ain Bo Machshavah, Lucifige Rofocale
is the ruler ofthis Qlipha of Saturnian power and governs
the darkly cloaked holders ofall the secrets and treasures of
the OtherSideandits hidden seedsofillumination, guarding
the mysteriesthattranscend all that can be known andheld
within the confines ofthe prison house of Adamic mind,
revealing all forbidden mysteries unseen within the realm of
‘The demonic formsofthis Qlipha have been those
enshrouded in black smoke, mist and darkness, mantled and
hooded horned giants with eyes that emit a darklight and as
thelegions ofliving darkness that eclipse the causes of the
restrictions ofcosmic fate through the overturning of causal
destinybythe power of their own acausality, drawing power Satariel’s Formula of Calling:
directlyfrom the Athiel ofChasek,which emanate their own
essence into this Qlipha ofthe Illuminating Absence of Sathamel ®Ayomel Taalummabel %Aphelahel ® Radabel ®
Cosmic Light. Tothis Qliphaare also attributed the Shei Dratzel ®Ashmanel ® Laatel ® Liftoach Shaari ha-Satariel
spirits, being similar in form to the Seirim but gigantic in B’Shemha-Lucifuge Rofocale! (x11)
stature and guarding hereinstead ofthe Mountain ofAzazel
in Melkuth/Nahemoth the treasuresofthe Black Mountains
ofDarkness in Satariel.
“The following is the Seal and the Formula ofCalling of
Satariel, by which the powers andSpirits ofthat Qlipha can
be connected to andcalled upon:

4. Gash Bhaloh:
‘The Shakers to Total Annihilation bearingthetitle ofThe
Smitersalso called Gamchicoth, meaning the Devourers, are
the antagonists ofthe demiurgic seven day work ofcreation,
manifesting an antithetical Sevenfold Divine Impulse of
Eradication that embodies the Anti-Cosmic Decree of the
triad ruling above andbefore its own station on the Tree of
Death. This Qlipha ruled by Astaroth, a mighty king
possessing the power to open the Eye of Abaddon andto
tum the forbidden keys and unlock the Gates of the Abyss,
and under his command are the fearsome legions ofthe
Acatiel, meaning the Binding Onesofthe Cosmic God,that
battle to restrictthe creational impulse atts rootofbecoming.
‘The demonic forms ofthis Qlipha have been those of
eyclopeanspirits, blackeat-headedgiants and as torch-bearing,
figures riding upon seven-headed dragons and these are
sometimes named as the Aziel, Chazariel and Agniel,
Gash Khalah’s Formula of Calling:
‘The following is the Seal and the Formula of Calling of
Satariel, by which the powers and Spirits ofthat Qlipha ean Gadael % Akalel % Shararel% Kaphahel ® Lachamel
be connected to and called upon: Haragel % Liftoach Shaari ha-Gash Khalah
B'Shemha-Astaroth! (x11)

5. Golachab:
The Burners with Fire, or Golub the Flaming Ones are the
‘wrathful ones ofSitra Achra acting as the Avenging Sword
ofSatan opposing the tyrannyofGeburah, fighting Din's fire
with their own Black Fires of the Other Side and are thus
also knownas the Usiel, meaning the Ruin of the Cosmic
God, ruining the meansfor the enforcing ofthe judgment of
YHVH and thus undermining his foundationofpower with
their own merciless force.’Theruler ofthis Qliphais Asmoday,
the God ofWrath and Vengeance whohas as his first-in-
commend his own son Alefpene'ash, the one whose face is 2
raging fire, also called the Charba de-Ashmedai Malka,
meaning the Sword of King Asmoday, governing 800000
The demonic formsofthis Qlipha have been those ofgiants
engulfed in the raging flamesoftheir ownspirits, whirlwinds
ofblackfiresetting ablaze the landscape and as demons with
their headslike voleanoesin eruption, coronating them with Golachab’s Formula of Catling:
the igneous lightof their own side ofthe Ain-Sof.
Gophriythel % Opbiseshel ® Labatel ® Charchurel
The following is the Seal and the Formula of Calling of Balael Liftoach Shaari ba-Golachab
Golachab, by which the powers and Spirits of thar Qlipha B'Shem ha~Asmoday! (x11)
can be connected! to and called upon:

38 39.
6. Thagition:
‘The Disputers,Tagaririm, ‘Those WhoRoarin Discontent,
or Zomicl the Revolt of God being the Qlipha ofthe Black
Sun ofthe Aur She-Ain Bo Machshavah eclipsingthe sun of
‘Tiphareth and bringing chaos and unfated progress where
thestifling order and stagnating harmonyotherwise would
rule. Here a Messiah of the Serpents, being the Anointed
SonofThagirion,rises up as Sorath 666 in orderto proclaim
and spread the Lavlessness of this sphere. The ruler of this
Qliphais Baalpeor/Belphegor whois the Qliphothic aspect
ofthe Moabite divinity connected to the bacchanalian cultof
the dead and whois known and worshipped as the Lord of
the Opening and as the Phallic Foree of the Rising of the
Resurrecting Sun ofthe Dead.
‘The demonic forms ofthis Qlipha have beenthose of black
horned lion-demons brandishing flaming swords, phallic
pillars ofblack ire with gigantic serpents twined around them
and as black giants engaged in perpetual combat, Thagition’s Formula of Calling:
‘The following is the Seal and the Formula of Calling of -bakel ® Gaownel ® Ramamel ® Igedael ® Rahabel ®
‘Thagirion, by which the powers and Spirits of that Qlipha Oriensel ® Natashel * Liftoach Shari ha-Thagirion
canbe connected to andcalled upon: B’Shemi ha-Belfegor! (11)

7. Heeb FJaeng:
‘The Ravens ofDispersion, Harab Serapel the Ravensofthe
Burning ofGod, also called Ozeb Maver the Ravens ofDeath,
are the force ofBlack Venus championing the Love for War
and the Victoryover the limitations of Life, bringing the
Hidden Wisdom of Death and its empowerments to those
who embrace it while still alive, Noah's dove of Netzach is
here torn apart by the Ravens of Qayin, who is the secret
Baalof this Qlipha, and instead of the carnal love for finite
life thelove for the Empty Source ofSpirit motivating the
Thoughtless Light to return All back toits own source in Ain
is upheld. The rulerof this Qlipha is Baal(baalath)tzelmoth,
‘Qayin (made as One with His Sister-Bride)the Lord ofDeath
and the OpposeroftheThoughtful Elohim, being the essence
of the Aur She-Ain Bo Machshavah’s power shadowed forth
bythe light ofThagision when illuminating the branch of
the Qliphothie Nuninto the Qlipha of Venus, establishing
the Throne of the Lordof the Shadow of Death for its
monareh, the holder of the keys of Destruction and Oreo Jarng’s Formula of Calling:
Ongirtael ® Ratsachel ®Bazarel ® Zabackel Rabel
The demonic formsof this Qlipha, sometimes knownas the Qberel Liftoach Shaari ha-Oreb Zaraq
Getzphiel, have been those of raven-heaced winged giants, B’Shemn ba-Baaltzelmoth! (x11)
demon-headed ravensissuing forth froma voleano spewing
black fire and as rabed fire-crowned skeletons armed with
seythes, tridentsor spears.
‘The followingis the Seal and the Formula ofCalling of Oreb
Zarag, bywhich the powers and Spirits ofthat Qlipha can be
connected to and called upon:

8, Samael:
‘The Poison ofGod, named after one ofthe titlesofthe Other
GodSatan himself, who within this context is a Poisonerof
the Cosmic El and the whole ofhis creation manifesting his
adversarial power here in opposition to the Eye-closing and
limiting intellect ofHod, combating it by envenoming minds
and thoughts with his elixirsof death, sowing and watering
theilluminating seeds of Wisdom-Bringing and Spirit-
Liberating “Madness”, making them flourish intoThoughtless
Gnosis. Theruler ofthis Qlipha is Adramelek,the Glorious
King, represented by the peacock having his eyes in his tail,
overturning all reason,ingesting and thriving on the poison
of the Serpent that he transmutes into the beautiful regal
robeofhis majestic feathers,
‘The demonic formsofthis Qlipha, some ofwhich have been
called by the nameofTheuniel, have beenthose of serpent~
headed dogs, donkey-headed giants with blinded eyes and
tails ofpeacocks and those ofdragon-winged angels carrying Somacl’s Formula of Calling:
skull-cups filled with venom in their right hands and large
keys in theirleft, Samael Salaphel # Meradel #Ayabel
Lachatsel ® Lifteach Shari ha-Samael
‘Thefollowing is the Seal and the Formula of Calling of B’Shem ha-Advamelek! (x11)
Samael, bywhich the powers and Spirits ofthat Qlipha can
be connected to and called upon:

9. Bamoliel:
‘The Obscene Ones are the forces of the Black Moon ofthe
Other Side and the governorsofits dark waters ofsorcerous
might and nightmarish lusts,siphoning into their own realm
and reversing the flux ofthe sexual currents of the sphere
that they oppose, so that the sparks of divine light which
otherwise would be diluted into the forms ofMalkuth instead
becomeseeds impregnating their ownessences causing their
increase while at the same time emasculating the generative
point ofthe tree of life by weakening its foundation, The
ruler ofthis Qlipha is the QueenofSitra Achra,Ama Lilith
orLilith Savta, the Dragon Mother and Faceless Bride of
Satan, donning masks uncountable reflecting all the fears and
desires ofthose facing her throne.
"The demonic forms ofthis Qlipha have most often beenthose
ofdiabolical women,irresistible andfearsome at one and the
same time, often with serpentine or draconie aspects oF as
hybrids between lustful women and nocturnal birds ofprey, Gamaliel’s Formula of Calling:
butalso the shape ofspiders are oftenassumedby these angels
ofLilith sometimesreferred to as the Shakhabhel, Zachalilim, Cadaphel # Maarabel Lachashel * latsathel ® Avvabel
Lilin, Lilim and theLilioth, % Layilel % Lifteach Shaari ha-Gamaliel
‘The following is the Seal and the Formula of Calling of
BYShem ha-Lilith! (x11)
Gamaliel, by which the powers and Spirits of that Qlipha
can be connected to and called upon:

46 47
JO. Anhemoth: ‘The Nepbilim, the Fallen Ones who causedthe order of the
world itself to be overthrownandfall,
The Lachrymose Ones are the anti-cosmic reflection and
antithesis of Malkuth,rejoicing not as brides at a wedding ‘The Geburim, the Mighty Ones of Old, the Men of Renown,
but lamenting like widows at a funeral because of their championing the cause ofthe Other Side.
connection to the worldly realm oftheTree ofLife thattheir
own tree has become interlinked to in order to sap its divine The Raphaim,the Giants, the sight ofwhich made mere men
essence back into the Qliphoth and thus cause its destruction to, outoffear, mele as wax anywhere their shadows would be
andreturn back to that source ofthe Fullness of Emptiness,
into which the Thoughtless Light strives to force back All
‘That Is But Should Not Be. The Nahemoth are the densest ‘The Anakim, the Tall People ofAnak, postdiluvian giants of
and most earthed concretisation ofthe essentially formless the enduring Nefilimic bloodline,
Black Light and consist ofmany ofthose tribes of Spirits
that possess liminal points of intersection to the World of ‘TheAmalekiny the Warriors ofAmalek,a mightypostdiluvian
Assiah,holding ajar the hidden gates and cracks into thefabric peopleallied to the Bloodline ofthe Serpent,who caused the
ofexistence through which the forcesofSitra Achra can cast world to anew revolt against the tyranny ofits creator and
initsSpirit-Empowering Fires in orderto increase the flames tose in violence against his chosen people.
kept captivate within the formed vessels ofthis world,so that
they may, by At-Azothie increment of Spirit, crack their ‘The following is the Seal and the Formula of Calling of
containers andset aflame the Tree of Life and burn it to Nahemoth, bywhich the powers and Spiritsof that Qlipha
formless ash. The Queen ofthis Qlipha Nahema also called can be connected to and called upon:
Lilith Ulemta, not to be confused with the Elder Lilith of
Gamaliel and she isa force united in Spirit with Namah,the
Sister of Tubal-Qayin and Mistress of Azazel who was
elevated to Nahema’s own stature and thus brought
Pleasantness toherlamenting condition,establishing the current
‘Throne ofNaamah Nahema Na-Ama-Hema ha-Nahemoth,
‘The primary demonic aspects connected to this Qlipha are
fivefold in the formsoftheir nations, being closely related to
the Fallen Watchers,their descentinto and empowerment of
the Bloodline of the Serpent of Sitra Achra via the Line of
Quyin and the resulting revolt instigated by their Titanic
offspring who ravishedthe earth for the glory and victoryof
the OtherSide.
‘Thefollowing are the Five Accursed and Blessed nations of
Nahemoth, being the Spirits ofboth ante- and postdiluvian
tribesallied to the cause ofThoughtless Light:

Anhemoth’s Formula of Calling:
Negamabel % Hamahel Mirshaathet ®Atadel
Thaxazel ®Lifteach Shari ha-Nahemoth
B’Shem ha-Na-Ama-Hemabl (x11)

50 51
The Eleven Heads
Jes not the mere names or mythological formsgivento these
“fives that define their true nature and essences, itis instead
“jhe perspective, context and spiritual ethos through which
sichmasks are created and employed thatwill give clues to
{he source,cause and direction of the actual Spiritual Current
of ‘ulinked to and imbuing them.
Ajerate Ibtherefore for example ridiculous to adamantlyinsist that
theAstaroth ofthe Qabbalist demonologywithin all contexts
& leven are the Supreme Governing Heads of Sitra Jyuut be identical, of at least always remain connected,to the
Achra and each ofthese heads has within the different eauct same original essenceas that of the Phoenician goddess
Qabbalistic traditions become concretised by the masks of Astarte. Thefact thata nameis derived from a certain source
pagan divinitiesoffensive to the Israelites. These masks have sles not automatically translate to the nowadays often
in formshifted throughout time and itis only recently, during resumed fact that also the essence connected to and
the last couple of centuries, that they have firmly become nunifested throughit withinall contexts mustbe aall related
formed as and associated with the names and symbolic guises {9its originalone.
‘we now most often have come to associate with them,it must
therefore be understood and remembered that this Elevenfold ‘Whe Astaroth ofthe Grimoires and that of the Qabbalist
Manifestation ofthe ‘Thoughtless Divinityin essence always (emonology, in both his lesser goetic form and the more
remains beyond causal understanding and isin truth too alien slevated Oliphothic ruler aspects, does not within the context
to be fully grasped by those that are caught within the ff the Spiritual Reality of those two mentioned settings
Sephirothic side of the Tehiru,that remains atleast the case jnocessarily, in essence,pertain atall to the original aspects of
untilaTrue Spiritual Enlinkment to the Heads ofAcerate is Astarte, but modern magicians manage still to contact what
«established and throughsuchdirect contact Gnosis is attained they associate with the goddess in question, even when
from their Formless Spirits hidden beyond the forms that pmnploying the forms’ (such as seals and formulae) presented
seek to causallydefine and thus always limie them, withinsuchcontexts unrelated to her. This points tothe simple
jnith concerning the differences between Magical Currents
Before the Formless Essence can be understood we must ‘undtheir corresponding realities and to how one eanenter or
correctly approach their masks in order to be able to, at some exit thembecause of and through one’s focus, intention,
point, grasp that which is enlinked to them, and as such the ‘expectation, stance, attitude, spiritual ethosand the actualrites,
established forms are still of great value becauseit is through forms and elements employed within the cetemonial or
them thatwe can approach that which is ontheit Other Side, ‘otherwise magical context in order to align one's work and
Thesimple realization concerning the fact that while the ping with the Currents of Spirit and Divi
masks are worn by the formless they(the masks) themselves
are not of the greatest importance makes also the popular ‘his truth is most often far beyond what all the dry academic
modern notion that the Qliphothic Forces are nothing but ndarchaeological approaches towards the essentially fluid
vilified pagan deities that should be returned to their proper snd Acausal Reality ofthe Spirit ever can hope to disclose or
cosmicstations void and irrelevant, atleast within the context, latain.
of our Work.

52 53
With all this in mind one can even approach simplistic Satin, Molok, Beelzebub, Lucifuge Rofocale, Astaroth,
demonologies ofothers that may after centuries ofunfocused Asmoday; Belfegor, Baal (whose exact identity varies from
application only hold diffuse enlinkments to a multitude of tindition to tradition), Adrametek, Lilith and Nahemah/
different currents and with certain insights and correct Naamah,
‘empowerments elevate themto further far more lofty causes
than what they originally were meant to serve, that is at least Many of these Heads ofAzerate have seals attributed to them
the case ifone possesses the ability, insight, Spiritual Authority inolder grimoires and evenif those seals most likely once
andpractical possibility to channel a more elevated,specific, ore meantto channel a very specific currentand aspectthey
potent and Active Current into and through them, as it is have by the passing of timeytieglect and misuse become so
only the formsemployed that can becomerelative while the {olativein their enlinkmentsto deity or Spirit that uncountable
actual Essence of the Spirit, whether attached or detached to dltierent and conflicting aspects seem to be accessed and
such finite forms, remain more objectivelyreal than anyfinite manifested through them. As a concrete example we can
causal constructever could be. intion the popular and well-known seals of the Highest
Triumvirate ofthe Infernal Legions givenin the Grimoirium
Notonly are the names of the Qliphoth and that of their Verum, which throughthe last decades have been employed
rulersattached to myriad ofdifferent Currentsal giving them yy so many and in so many different, and often conflicting,
totally different characteristics, essences and Spirits, but also way’ that they nowdo not channel concrete aspects fromn
the very conceptofthe Qliphoth isin itselfalso relative in its specific current but have instead become connected to
essential charge and depending on context and traditional everything from paganrevivalist currents where they channel
perspective it can represent everything from the lowest ld European deities to our own Current where for example
excremental aspect of the universe to the Highest and Most the Seal of Emperor Lucifer is connected to the ha-Satan in
Glorious Thoughtless Side ofDivinity, so eventhereitis the his aspect as the BearerofBlack Light, being the First ofthe
specific Current channelled through the symbolic ‘forms’ leven Heads ofthe Thoughtless El Acher.
which will give themtheir context-specific nature,value,exact
attribution and Spiritual Essence. Because ofthe lack ofgeneral focusin these once much more
concrete enlinking forms'such, now, exoterieseals can, when
Ifwe return back to the Rulers ofthe Sitra Achra within our not employed by one that stands steadfastly within aTradition
own Tradition we can again see how the daemonic ‘forms’ firmly connecting them to its Current, cause random
also employed within other contexts gain totally new powers manifestation fromany oneof the multitude ofsources that
and rolesjust because ofhow theyhave becomealigned with on different levels have become connected to them, all
and connected to the essences channelledfrom the specific depending ofcourse on the person employingthem,the exact
Current worked for and within. This connection can be tnode of application and context within which they are
understood as something caused by the conscious act ofman worked.
or that of a Spirit/Current seeking new channels for its own
manifestation thus inspiring man to correctly revalue and In order to avoid all such (seemingly) random enlinkments
reconnect such deific symbols. and potentiallyunsought manifestations we present now the
11 Current- andTradition-Specific’ Throne Seals ofthe Rulers
‘The eleven ralers of the Qliphoth are within this ous, and of Qliphoth,being the fruit ofalmost two decades ofSpiritual
‘most other Qabbalistic systems ofdemonology; identified with work and multitude of binding treaties allowing now their

manifestation and public presentation within this Grimoire sake of the Magical Alteration and Disruption of Cosmic
ofthe Dragonsofthe Other Side,for the sake ofproviding a Pate and Liberation of Spirit,
set offocused, living, warded and most powerful enlinkments
to the aspects of the primary Qliphothic God-forms, in the iythe following seals and formulae, received as result ofthe
waythat they are manifested as and through the Current of yard Work ofthe Brethren oftheTemple visiblyrepresenting,
AZRAT/218, the Current ofAzerate, made unwaveringly enlinked to the
‘onespecific Anti-Cosmic Current, the seeker of the Black
‘These seals arecalled’ Throne Seals because they ate enlinked [Light ofthe Other Side can mosteffectively connect himself?
to the very Seat ofPower and Foundation ofthe aspects they herself to the Eleven Thrones and enter into the pacts and
represent.and are when employed correctly meant to constitute {ull communions which ensures success and fulfilment ofall
as Gateways through which fraction of the Unbound selevant goals uponthe Path of the Thoughtless Black Fire.
Essences they channel can become Enthroned within this
side ofthe Tehiru,while at the same time acting as a point of These are theThrone Seals, Keys and Formulaeofthe Heads
ingress from this side towards theit Thronesin Sitra Achra. ‘of the Qliphothin its Essence as the Elevenfold Force of
Divine Thoughtlessness, moving Alll back towards the Source
Each seal constitutes oftwo parts, one being the actual main {romwhich everything has emanated and within which All
‘Throne Seal and the other thatof the Angle Key Seal which shall become restored to Divine Nought/Ain.
functions as its simpler enlinking form to be used within the
contexts where the main seal practicallycan not,stich as when
it comes to the consecration, dedication and inscribing of
candles employed within the rites aimed at the activation and
opening ofdifferentrelated Points ofPower upon which such
candles are placed and lt,like for example within the esoteric
workings of the Eleven Angles of the Seal of Azerate and
those othersrelated to the magic of the Hendecagram. Within
still other context the Angle Key Seal of each main Throne
Seal can be used as the astral key that opens up the Gate
of each Throne without even beingtraced on the material
Jeyel and instead solely via its employment within the
corresponding keyholes on the astral formative world, where
suchkeys are turned bythe power of Will and Spirit
channelled and focused via the corresponding formula that
we also in this chapter will provide,
‘The Qliphothic Formulae, being as the sonic aspect of the
Activating Point of each correspondingseal,will be given in
order to not only establish the gates and their keys but also
the meansto turn them by those that would know to employ
themcorrectly within the context of Spiritual Work for the

56 57
‘The Opposer and Accuser ofthe Thoughtful El,the Highest
ofthe FisstTwo Heads,looking back up towards and through
the Three Veils of Anti-Existence and seeking himself and
directing all thats elevated to His Throne towards the Holy Throne Seal and Alngle Bey of
‘Ain that lies beyond even the station of Qemetiel. Satan is
the Bringer of the Black Light of Thoughtlessness in his Satan:
aspectastheilluminator anddispeller ofthe White Darkness
of Thoughtfulness and is the Venomof the Other God,
personified assuch underthe title ofSamael, He is the wieldet
ofthe Trident-Torchofthe Triple Fire ofTohu, Bohu and
Chasek and by being part of the Dual Establishing Point
giving way to the manifestation ofthe Eleven also correctly
called the Ancient Serpent,first amongst the Dragons ofthe
OtherSide, the King ofthe Kingsof the Thoughtless Light,
being the most’Transcendent Head ofAzerate and the Shining
One,or the Bearer ofLight and the Lord ofDarkness, asthe
Light he bringsis illuminating onlyto those belongingto his
ownSide of Thoughtlessness, while being perceived as a
Devouring Darkness by all others belonging to the side of
the impulse opposed to his own.

QHliphothic Formula and Invocation of Satan:

Shachor ® Theli-Elyon ® Sama-Bl-Acher ® Nachash Hakadmoni
2 Melech ha-Melachim ha-Aur She~Ain Bo Machsbavah
Gibor Helel Satan % Liftoach Qliphoth!

‘The King of the Black Lightin its aspect as the Cleansing
Fites ofChaosand an eradicator of the finite formsthat can
notstand its restoration ofthe returning enlinkments to Ain,
ooking down upon all that must through the Sevenfold Flame Aheone Seal and Angle Rey of
of his Furnace Throne become passed in order to be worthy
and readyfor their last baptism in the Waters ofTehom,before Molok:
finallyreaching the Elevating Throneof Satan, Molok is
the One Homed with the Arched Fiery Light, ascending
‘with a dual penetrative force of his Homs of Destroying
‘Transcendence, elevating all that he impales upon them
towards the highest point of non-existence, via the triple
flames ofTohu, Bohu and Chasek which act as his Kingly
Crown of Thoughtlessness, Molok is the receiver of the
Sevenfold Sactifice which is conducted by burning within
the seven openings of his Fiery Furnace Throne to formless
ash any remaining aspect ofthe Sevenfold Cosmic Garment
that weighs down andholds back the Spirit from the
attainment ofthe Highest Coronation and Liberation and
byfacilitating and accepting such cleansing immolationvia
the passing of Spirit through his Black Fires he powerfully
destroys the Thoughtful Limitations binding the Acausal
Essence to causal forms,
Qiiphothic Formula of Wolok:
Qaran % Esbib-Athaim *® Thasta * Ishshahel-Acher
% Ateshel ® Molok *® Liftoach Qliphoth!
‘The Lord ofPurifying Emptiness and the ScreamingSilence,
the Bringer of the Nihilifying Storm-Winds of Bohu
dissolving the veryprimalimpulses causing the fall ofSpirit,
lifting instead up in flight upon the Wings ofDeath all that Throne Seal and Angle Sey of
embrace and enterinto his dissolving Void of Chaos,
Beelzebub as the Lord ofthe Flies represents the governing Boolsebub:
head ruling all those Qliphothic emanationsofhis reali that
brings desolation to the structures opposed to their King’s
Lawless Rule, hindering the utterance of the Words ofthe
Creational Impulse and devouring its echoes before they can
cause further restriction and entanglement of Thoughtless
Spirit within the webs ofcausalforms, Beelzebubis breather-
forth ofthe silent winds of Anti-Cosmic Revolution and
Evolution, fanning the glowing embers ofThoughtlessness
whereverthey maybe kept hiddenin order to make the Black
Fires blaze up and consume the causesof restriction and in
revolt attainliberation by reaching to and burning as one with
their Source.

DAliphothie Formula of Beelgebub:

Charasbiyth %Aba-Rabas ® Charazubeb %® Balakol %
Beelzebub % Liftoach Qlipboth!
Lucifuge Bofocate
The One WhoShuns the ThoughtfulLight, the Lord ofthe
Illuminating Darkness and the Keeper of the Concealed
Flame andBrilliant Light ofthe Triple-Rayed Halo ofthe
Crown ofthe Dragons,enshrondling the Glory ofthe El Acher Throne Seal and Angle Key of
with the saturnine cloak ofDeath so thatitis attainable only
to those that can enter the deepest ofOuter Darkness because Lucifuge Rofocale:
ofthe inner Illuming Power of their own Blazing Spits,
Lucifuge Rofocaleis the Shatterer oftheillusions and forms
ofthe White Darkness of Thoughtful Impulse and an
establisherofthe absence ofal such blindinglightsoffensive
to the Anti-Cosmic Spirit and is as such theinitiator oftheir
eclipse, thus bringing about the fall uprising of the Flame
Within, which whenremoved from the confines ofthe false
lightofcreation becomesfully awakened toits own Acausality,
making it gravitate even more forcefullytowardsits Source,
breaking all Sephirothic Kelims and transcending their

Hliphothie Formula of Lucifuge Yofocate:

Zelel ® Orshach-Arel % Satarnogah Kesochrab Alag
Lucifioge Rofocal ® Lifteach Qliphoth!
‘The Master ofthe Liminal Points ofCrossing and the Lord
ofthe Dark Gate,the onelending to and through the Abyss,
being the Mighty King invested with the full authorityofthe
four heads governing the Supernal Qliphothic Triad above Throne Seal and Angle Key of
him, Astaroth is as such the one whoushers towards
manifestation theirAtailuthic Impulsesin order to counteract Astaroth:
the sevenfold unfolding of the demiurgic work of the
‘Thoughtful Creation. Astaroth is the Serpent Bearer and the
elevator of those of the SerpentSeed, openingtheir Eyes of 3
Abaddon whichby seeing through and destroying the finite
cosmic illusions enables them to cross the Hidden Paths

leading towards the final trials, purification and

empowerments ofthe Sheol ofTehom,in order tofinally rise
as Snakes'Turned Into Dragons and become as One with the
Eleven,Astaroth is the Dragon Rideras heis the first one
and above those other draconic forces ofthe Seven Qliphoth
below theThree Supernal Ones andis therefore also not only
a-manifesting pointof the emanation of the powers of the
Highest Thrones, but is also himself a Point of Retraction
for all such emanationsin their Path ofReturnback towards
their source andis thus both a creator and destroyer, whoin
every aspect of his work aims for the annihilation ofall
restrictive constructs and the returnofSpirit back to the Qliphothic Formula of Astaroth:
Fullness of Emptiness,
Saraphyebal % Nagid * Sbadadel * Ninat-Bakar
Astaroth % Lifioach Qliphoth!

66 or
‘The Wrathful God of Vengeance and the Ignitor of the
FlamesoftheThoughtless Spirit's Revolt,cutting and burning.
all that stands in the wayof the Qliphothic Cause ofAinie
Restoration,enflaming the passions and empowering the will Throne Seal and Angle Key of
ofthose that could add further fuel to his own Martial Fires
Asmoday is the Fire-Crowned King of Anti-Cosmic 2lsmosay:
retaliation and an avengerofthose afflicted by the Archonic
tyrannical judgment of the cosmic impulse from the
Thoughtful Side and is as such a force of Unlawful Revolt,
‘Usurpation and Destruction, burning toash and melting away
all that would restrict the Lawless Becomingofthe Spirit on
itspath back towardsits originalelevated station beyond all
causal restrictions ofYHVH. Asmoday empowers the flames
ignited bythe Black Sun with his own Martial Fires and makes
such flames blaze up and consume all thatis not ofits own
essence, he is therefore the Dragon King in charge of the
awakening ofthe sparks of the Thoughtless Fire and the
provokerofits rising holocaust, combusting and ascending
on the hot winds of Infernal Ascension.

Qiiphothie Formula of Asmoday:

Eshpura © Murgalahat ® Regazarach * Chashmolek
Lahabeshel ®Asmeday ® Liftoach Qliphoth!

68. Co)
‘The Lord of the Opening and the Ithyphallic Force of the
Qliphoth’s Sun resurrecting the Blessed Dead and acting as
an Iiluminating Force, that with his Light of the Black Sun
shinesthroughthe illusory coverings so that they maybe seen Throne Seal and Angle Rey of
through and bythe granting ofsuchinsights and realizations
discloses the essential worth ofeach thing, Heis as such a Belfegor:
governor ofthe alchemical workings of transmutation and
therectification ofthe Solar Gold ofSpirit trapped within
the exeremental hylic elements making up the forms ofthe
Thoughtful Side, Belfegor is the King of the Anti-Cosmic
PointofSolar Generation and Fecundity, the granterofwealth
and influence and an elevator to seats of power,all for the
sake of leading his chosen ones above and beyond their
predestined stations within the wheelofcruel causal destiny;
order to further his own acausal and chaotic influences
with which he disputes thefalsity ofThoughtful Law andits
restrictions upon the Spirit. Belfegor is the Solar Head of
Azerate,crowned and crowningwiththe fires ofall Qliphoth
unitedwithin his central Point of Dominion uponthe Tree
ofDeath, fledging with ascending flamesthe wings ofthose
that can stand strong and rise before him.
DOliphothie Formula of Belfegor:
Chara Zomithan *® Ophel Orahaz Sorathavos
Belfegor ® Liftoach Qliphoth!

‘The Sovereignofthe Shadowof Death and the Baal of the
Ravens ofDispersion,elevating the Mighty Dead upon the
Black Wings and guidingthem as a Qliphathic Psychop.
throughthe Point ofthe Soul's Liberation towards the Spi Throne Seal and Angle Rey of
Coronation, Enthronementand Ascension, opening their path
leading fromthe paradisal gardens of Black Venus to and Baaltgelmoth: -
through the Sea ofDeath towards the Black Dawnthat turns
Rayens into Dragonsrising with Flaming Wings.
Baaltzelmoth, more correctly titled as Baalbaalatzelmoth,
the unified Spirits ofQayin and Qalmana,restored in Essence
by their return and rise to the ThroneofOreb Zaraq and is a
Jiminal Monarchof Unfated Death and Resurrection,sowing
and harvesting in accordance with the Acausal Will ofthe El

Acher, while perniciously scattering the seeds ofboth
damnation and their own victoryuponthe Sephirothic fields
ofspiritless clay in order to usher the cursed Adamite line
towards a fitting end. Baaltzelmoth is the Master ofall

Necrosophic Mysteries opening up the path towards the
attainment of Chaosophic Gnosis and is a Fire-Crowned
Head ofthe Elohim Acherim ha-Sitra Achra foreshadowing
the Mawethel, spelling Death to the thoughts and the very
being ofthe Thoughtful El.
Qiphothic Formula of Baaltgetmoth:
Zammaza ® Emath Mawwethel ® Orebel ® Zaragaen
Baalbaalath-Teelmoth ® Lifteach Qliphoth!

‘The Poisoner, Venom-Drinker and the Lord of Death's Gate, _
holder ofthe Keys to the Liberation of Soul and Mind and
the Masterofthe Baneful Glance,possessing All-Secing and
Unblinking Eyes Uncountable, all stabbing penetratively at Throne Seal and Angle Rey of
the heartofthe Spirit-bindingillusionsofthe limiting intellect
of the Thoughtful Side, showing instead the correct route Adramelen:
through the labyrinthine Paths of Liberating Madness,
Adramelekisthe Chalice Bearerofthe FierySam ofEl Aches,
killing that which must die before Spirit can be freed from ZX
the pale shade offinite life and rise clothed as a Shadow of
Death towards the end ofal limitation. Adramelek causes
unfated transmutations turning the waters of life into the
poison of death and the Venom of Godinto the Elixir of
beyondthe finite constructs ofcosmic existence
iy \
ig the eyes ofthe corpse he opensthe Eye ofFire
ofthe ones properly entering his gate, burning through all

that would see Spirit bound to incarnationandincarceration
within the Thoughtful Side.

Qliphothic Formula of Asrametek:

fnnavdashan ® Sammadra ® Iothan ®Addir % Divatar ®
Addramelek % Liftoach Qliphoth!

4 8
‘The QueenofSitra Achra and the Female HalfofSatan,the
Mistress ofthe Throne ofthe Black Moon and Goddess of
the Sea ofBlood, manifesting in feminine and lunar form the
essence ofthe whole Qliphoth, giving birth to the Serpents Throne Seat and Angle Rey of
of the Other Side while at the same time like a Wind of
Death snatching away the souls ofthe Children of Adam, Lilith:
evenbefore they have exited the womb,in order to consume
their life-force or to free from them the Sparks of Spirit
igned to her own Black Fire.Lilith is the Goddess of the
lds of Dream and Nightmare and the inciter ofall
forbidden and obscenelusts and desires serving to redirect
anyAcausal Sparks diluted into the Stream ofLife away from
their predestined prisonsin order to instead channelthem to
‘empower her own Serpent Brood.Lilith is the Mother of
Dragons and the Womb of Thoughtless Anti-Creation,
ing forth the Poisoned Vine of Taninsam andgranting
the Awakening and DeadlySerpent's Bite to those that would
knowto welcomeher Divine Venom andworship at her feet
properlyand, forthe sake of the furthering ofthe Cause of
the Other Side throughher, be ready to eradicate all aspects
andimpulses, both within and without, that would oppose
her emanations orin any other way stand in the way of her
Shining Forth by Night and Illuminating through the Black AlipHhothic Formula of Lilith:
Thoughtless Light.
ih Zenunim © Zonabith © Taninsam % Nachasheloah © Layilil %
Zachalayla Ama Lilith ® Liftoach Qlipboth!

‘The Mistress ofthe Black Earth and the Queen ofthe Qlipha
ofthe Lachrymose, the Mother of Tears and Wrathful
Retaliation, butalo in unionwith Namah the Pleasant and
Beauteous One,the Goddess ofWitcheraft and the Weaver Aheone Seal and Angle Rey of
ofall Enchantments,bringing down and spinningthe rays of
the Black Moonintothe cordstiedinto the Ladders ofAscent Mahemah:
for the beloved ones of her own Serpent Bloodline and the
strangling nooses for the profane approaching her mysteries
unwelcome and uninyitedly. Nahemab/Naamah, in this
context more properlycalled Na-Ama-Hemah is the Queen
ofthe Five Nations of Nahemoth and theBride of Azazel,
the HiddenKing ofthe Realm caught within a liminalpoint
in-between the two sides of the Tehiru, and is the owner of
the First Gate leading towards Sitra Achra and is as such
both the Wanton Womb and the HungryTomb receiving
all those that wish and dare to penetrate her mysteries, being
readyto paythe price and sacrifice all upon her bloodstained
altar. Nahemah was the one that first received our Good
Qayin’s sacrifice; first that ofthe burntseeds and fruits of the
‘earth and secondly that of the blood of Abel spilt through
yin’ establishmentofAkeldamaand by the powerofthose
primal offerings itwas she who widen d the openings between
theTwo Sidesin order to bythe addition oftheThoughtless Qliphothic Formula of Mahemay:
Flamescastinto this world undermine the tyrannical rule of
the Thoughtful One and aid in the Liberation of the Divine | Nuamah%® Nahema %® Ha-Nahemsth ® Na-Ama-Hema®
Essence, bythe further Shattering ofthe cosmic Kelims caused Liftoach Shari ha-Sitra Achra!
bythe At-Azothie intrusions ofBlack Light.

8 79
Iplis andare personificationsofthe essential foundations
Fail of the 10 spheres ofAnti-Creation governed by the
[Hous of the Nachash Hakadmoni ha-Aur She-Ain Bo
The 60 [pi lshavah (the Ancient Serpent of the Thoughtless Light)
Emissncies of the {60 Emissaries have each harbingers oftheir own names
{hosein turn have their own heralds oftheir names,with
Back Light ls chain of emanation and manifestation continuing
«lingly,giving birth to the hierarchies and legions ofthe
GC: world of the Qliphoth is the Reshut ha-Rabbim is spawning thoughtlessly and lawlesslyin order to
meaning the Realm of Multiplicity or Plenty, it {whl their opposing side.
contrast to the Sephirothie Reshut ha-Yahim,which is the
RealmofStatic Singularity and unity for and in YHVH.This Uthin both the high initiatic and the lower practical Work
unlawful plenitude of the Qliphoth is a chaotic trait which ‘Qliphoth, the focus will remain on the 60
again sets the 2/11 of Sitra Achra against the 1/10 of the nissatiesasitis them thatact as forerunners and
cosmic realm of the Thoughtful Light. jenygersto the Qliphoth whencontact and interactionwith
Bie Other Sideis sought by those of the Serpent's Bloodline,
‘This multiplicity is present within all aspects ofthe Qliphoth) \l while thefull power of a whole Qliphais impossible to
andmanifested within each name and wordutteredby the ianifest andtruly comprehend the Spirit ofeach Emissary
‘Thoughtless Dragonin order to silence the words ofthe | Aijuch more approachable and comprehensible, each being
creator echoing and resonating within all emptyvessels of Hensalof grea ad within the contextofthe High Magic
limiting thought, asin order toserve their purpose ofsilence Want to connect andelevate a Spirit caught on this side of
they need to grow in multitude to overwhelm and suppress Mie Tehirutowards andinto the OtherSide,for the sake of
unto destruction the emanationstheyare meant to oppose, he Spirits iberation and the furthering ofthe Anti-Cosmic
Pauseof the Other God, udding anotherflameto His
This chaotic expansionalso manifests itself throughthe very|
names ascribed to each aspect of the Qliphoth, as all such
constructs whentruly connected tothe Black Light of | umes ofthe
‘Thoughtlessness become enspirited byits essence and iphonethe eects Ai icicalisiane wel powneaed
possessed bythe Letters ofthe Sitra Achra, causing each name | WheScals which they are contacted and made to manifest
to multiplyinto legion upon legion of Qliphothic names, .d outer chang
forms and powers,all enforcing the cause ofthe original name All according to the impulses ofthe Black Light of God.
from whichtheyemanate,
‘An example of this kind ofbecoming orissuing forth from
names connected to the actual Currentofthe OtherSide are
the 60 Emissaries ofthe names of the 10 Primary Qliphoth.
‘These 60 Emissaries or Archdaemonsof the Qliphothic
‘Namesare the individual parts making up the whole ofeach.
1.Thaumiel’s Seven Emissacies of the Name 6, Thogition's Seoen Emissaries of the Aame

‘Thaninel ® Akzarel ® Uazarel % Mibdalahel # Ianahel © ‘Towebahel % Gaownel ® Ramamel ® Igedael

Abadel Labbahel Rahabel ® Oriensel# Natashel

2, Opiel’s Six Emigsaries of the Yame 7, Oreb Jarag’s Sx Emfooaries of the Name
Abedahel & Okuroel ® Gebel lashamel ® Ongirtael % Ratsachel % Bazarel
Acharel Laabel Zabachel * Rabel ® Qeberel

3. Satociel’s Eight Emissacies of the Mame 8. Snmacl’s Four Emisoacies of the Name
Sathamel ® Ayomel ® Taalummahel ® Aphelahel Salaphel % Maradel #
Radahel % Irahtzel # Ashmanel ® Laatel Ayabel % Lachatsel

+. Ghosh Rhalah’s Six Emissacies of the Name 9. Gamaliel’s Six Emisoaries of the Name
Gadacl % Akalel # Shararel ® Kaphahel Gadaphel ® Maarabel % Lachashel
Lachamel ® Hatragel Tatsathel & Awahel % Layilel

5. Golachab’s Five Emisonties of the Name 10, Mohemoth’s Five Emiosnties of the Name
Gophriythel & Ophiseshel ® Lahatel ® ‘Negamahel # Hamahel ® Mirshaathel ®
Charchurel # Balael Atadel ® Thazazel
‘Thaumiel’s Fitot Emisgnry of the Nome Whaumiel’s Second Emissary of the Name
J, Thaninel 2. QWkgacel
‘The first Emissary ofThaumiel is Thaninel, the Dragon at second Emissary of Thaumiel is Akzarel, the Deadly
the Qlipha of the Twins of God, whois a representative o ipfee One of the Qlipha ofthe Twinsof God,whois a most
the Serpents ofthe Other Side and a force acting as the ful subduer ofthat which mustbe destroyed in order
Beginning ofthe Endofthe restrictionsplaced uponthe Spitit the Duality ofGod to be revoked bythe Returning ofAll
bytheThoughtful Impulse,and as suchThaninel is a liberator: Jc tothe Nihility of Ain, dissolving thus thedividing aspect
ofthe Divine Spark rising up as a Winged Fiery Serpent {hyefirst manifestation outside ofthe Fullness ofEmptines
from the Depths and acts thus as the DragonSteedofthe sestoring the fractioned Unmanifest Yod to its Zerot
Highest Name, from whom the Power and Wisdom is { by wiping out the cause of division spawnedby the
received and upon whom those Marked Ones ofthe Serpent's juyght of creation, Akzarelisan Archdaemon ofthe Wis
Bloodline may traverse the Tortuous Path of Qliphothic Destruction sweeping away unto death all that which can
Ascent. Thaninelis an Archdaemon of Thoughtless ‘stanalfirmlyand in harmonybefore Satan's Throne and
Transcendence, in Outer Aspect stooping down from and in ithe breath blowinglife into the sparks of the Dual Flame
Inner Aspect swiftly rising up towards Saran’ Adversary, making themablaze to cause illumination
++ + +

Thaumiel’s Wits Emissary of the Mame Whoumiet’s Fourth Emfssary of the Name
3. Hagarel 4. Mibdalael
Thethird Emissaryof Thaumiel is Uazarel,the Strange Oi fourthEmissary ofThaumielis Mibdalahel,the Separate
ofthe Qlipha ofthe Twins ofGod, whoisa lawless libecatin ff the Qlipha ofthe Twins ofGod,who isa force ofthe
force unloosening that which restrains the Unbound Power. ning Depths upholding the dynamic tension of the
of Divinity bythe limits ofthe cosmic stcuctures ofthe at the centre ofthe ‘Twofold Manifestation ofthe
Thoughtful Light and is a shaker and breaker ofthe finite A Light inThaumiel,making the Head ofthe first
foundations upon which theorder andlaw of the creatoris instead ofone and setting the ThroneofSatan side by
balanced and thus a bringer of unfated change and chaos, With that ofhis twin Moloch. Mibdalahelis asa violent
freeing the Divine Essence fromthe illusory chains of Fallen 41of the Waters ofWrathful Chaos opposing all static
Thought that binds it to causal form. Uazarel is the ularity outside of the
‘Archdaemon ofSeverance From Limit and a transgressor of fect Nihility ofAin, towards which he strives to bring
all laws ofcosmic restriction, whoas an emanation from the Bik everything that he overpowers with his drowning waves:
‘Throne ofSatan by hisThoughtless Fires sets free the captives {sanunlawful increaser ofthe power ofSpirit to the level
and breaks down the prison walls ofthose that by their Power | {makesit overflowand deluge the vessels intended to keep
‘ofThoughtless Will and their Impulses ofthe Spirit ofBlack | siiinedand is thus a breaker of the Sephirothic Kelims.
Lightstrive for Qliphothic Ascension, hdalahet is the Archdaemon ofthe Raging Waters of
that issues forth fromin between the fires of Satan
och andis a destroyer of all that would limit the

+ + ts flowback towards the Divine Zeroth

see and is champion of the dynamic expansion of Spirit
{ts purification and liberationbythe wayofsacrifice before
{in-between the Two Thrones ofThaumiel.
Thaumiel’s Fifth Emfooncy of the Aame houmiel’s Sixth Emfooncyof the Name
5. Janagel 6. 2lbndel
‘The fifth Emissaryof Thaumielis Ianahel, the Raging One | Hiv sixth Emissary ofThaumiel is Abadel, the Destroying
ofthe Qlipha ofthe Twins of God, whois a furious force of | i of God, whois a force of
the Flame ofthe Left Side of Ain Sof kept burning as an | afflicting the powers and conditions resisting the
illuminating candle casting 2 shadowless Black Light upon yjulses of the Highest Thrones ofQliphothic Opposition
that which he is meant to enlighten or utterlydestroybythe 41 ja Spirit ofDevastation reducing to formless ash all the
act of banishing the blinding White Darkness ofthe « that would serve to block the flow ofSpirit back
thoughtful light through the restoring ofthe Eyeless Sight juwards its Zeroth Source ofDivinity,
looking towards his own side of Ain. Ianahel is a raging all that can withstandhis destroying ofthe finite
discharge ofthe fires ofholocaust bringing annihilationto all binding the Spirit. Abadel is also the bringer ofthe
illusions and forms that aimto restrict the expansion ofthe | ching and Cleansing Winds that leaves in its wake the
power of Divine Spirit and hinder its return back to the {pire Black Desert of Formlessness, where only the fiery
Unmanifest Source and is the Archdaemon of the Horn of
Fire marking and coronating those that can accept his “Uniting coverings that he has destroyed,flourish. Abadelis
enlightenment, while stabbing mercilessly with his ‘yn Archdaemonofthe devastating wrath ofMoloch ushering.
incinerating force all that can not stand the clevating | “ihe Spirit upon the Pathof Embers and Ash leading to and
conflagration blazing before the Throne ofMoloch. “Hhrough the Furnace Throne ofMoloch.

+ + + +

Thaumiel’s Seventh Emissary of the Yome Aogiel’s First Emissary of the Name

7. Lobbagel J, Qlbedabel
‘Theseventh EmissaryofThaumielis Labbahel,the Flaming. i Emissary ofAogiel is Abedahel, the Lost One of
One ofthe Qlipha ofthe TwinsofGod, whois the Bringet yf Olipha of the Hinderers ofGod,who 2 force causing.
nation ofFirstThoughtto fall in disarray, hindering
w creation process by revealing thefollyofthe false wisdom
hat which would limit the unlimited in order to know
restriction obtained by the burning awayofthe limiting causal y qualities imposed upon it and a cyclopean
constructs of Thoughtful Light, acting as the Lawless ion ofthe Qliphothie Wisdomseeing through all
RampantFire of Anti-Cosmic Chaos establishing the “filirouding forms, words and maskings, thus locating that
dawning ofthe Supernal BlackSun within the spiritsofthose Jhich otherwise would be lost to the eye/"I" blinded by the
that he blesseswith his illuminating flames while raining down Houghtfial Light. Abedahel is the Archdaemon ofAllThat
igneous damnation upon those thatare blind to the Hidden Which Is Lost To YHVH and Recovered through the
Path Through Pire that he reveals with the Black Light of "JIVLYand isassuch agranterofthe Dragon's Sight,showing
his coronating halo. Labbahel is the Archdaemonofthe Black the Spirits of those attaining his Clear Vision the correct
Flameofthe Crown ofthe Dragons, a purifier ofspirits and 1} ofascent through thelabyrinthine branches oftheTree
a guardian of the Sevenfold Fire burning within the Furnace uthon the Other Side towards theThrone ofBeelzebub,
‘Throne ofMoloch,
dinusculares and dissipates the creative cost
+ + “(4ncause further limiting manifestations and deeper
Alogiel’s Second Emissary of the Name Aogiel’s TWhits Emissary of the Nome

2. Ohuroel 3. Gebel
The second Emissary of Aogiel is Okuroel, the is Gebel, the Locust of the
Countermining Oneofthe Qlipha ofthe Hinderers ofGod, Dlipha of the Hinderers of God, being 2 force of Bohu
being an emanationofthe Black Light counteracting the very \janifested within the supernal Qlipha of Aogiel andis as
first utterance ofthe Word and manifestation ofthe thought _ establisher ofEmptiness as he acts asa vast swarm of
ofYHVH,championing the lawlessness and wordlessness of setting upon and consumingall forms thatoffend the
his own Qlipha in order to silence the emanations of the | ptless Impulse of Return to Ain andis therefore not
‘Thoughtful God before they can lead to further limitation of | annihilator of outer limiting constructs but also of
the Once Unmanifestfallen into the realmof manifest [user ones and can aid greath
and restriction. Okuroel is the Archdaemon of Qliphothic {hove thae cantrulyembrace his spiritually actuated nihilism.
Resistance and Mirroring Countermeasures opposing the (obel isan Archdaemon ofthe WingsofDeath oftheThrone
Sephirothic limiting impulses afilicting the Spirit and is a ‘of Beclzebub with and through whom theliberated Spi
chaotic emanation spreading the Lawlessness ofthe Throne fn traverse the abyss by attaining the purifications and
of Beelzebub in order to grant the means through which {uupowerments ofAcosmicSilence and Emptiness.
liberation can be achieved.
“«K ire

Aogiel’s Fourth Emissary of the Aame Aogiel’s Fifth Emissary of the Aame
4. doshamel 5. 2charel
‘The fourth EmissaryofAogiel is Iashamel, the Wasting [llth Emissary ofAogiel is Acharel,the Thwarting One
Desolating Oneofthe Qliphaofthe Hinderers ofGod, lv Olipha of the Hinderers of God, who is a force of
is an ardent force of the Winged Black Fire of Undoi i: nd active opposition impeding and holding back the
reversing the work of the YHVH, extinguishing his flames oisions of the emanations of Thoughtful Light,
wherever he can take hold ondeto ignite his own cleansing n from causing further restriction to Spirit in
4 10 s0support che Cause ofFreedom by the Anti-Cosmic
‘empowermentofSpritallowing itt escape cosmiefate 1 i ationofrestriction upon cosmic expansion. Acharelis
gravitate to the Other Side and is thusa fire that burns and sliduemen ofthe Storm WindsoftheScreamingSilence
severs the hand ofthe Thoughtful El, wasting all that is i Throne of Beelzebub, thwarting the echoing of the
‘oppositionto his ownstrive for the Return Back Into Ainvid Hetances of the words of the Thoughtful Creator and
his driving impulses rooted in Bohu, Tashamel is the ig his laws and tyrannical dominion in order to
Archdaemon of the Liberating Flames of the Alogos of) he liberation ofthe Wordless Lawlessness
HVHYand the Fiery Wings of the Throne of Beelzebub
burning to ash that which he can notelevate.
AMogiel’s Sixth Emisonty of the Mame Satariel’s First Emissary of the Name
6. Lanbel 4. Sathamel
‘The sixth Emissary ofAogiel is Laabel, the Mocker of the je fist Emissary ofSatariel is Sathamel, the Secret One of
‘Qlipha ofthe Hinderers ofGod, whois an antinomian force {ie Qlipha of the Concealers of God, who is a force
ofAnti-Cosmic transgression motivating the breaking ofall saleyuarding thereflection ofthe Illuminating Solar Flame
restrictive laws and is an anarchic subverter secking to frommthe first Secret Black Sun at the Crown ofthe Dragons
overthrow the cosmic lawgiver Archons of YHVH,ever within the pregnantDarknessofhis Saturnian Qlipha,holding
if t0, by his fires ofThoughtless Chaos, rip asunder hivideofits secretingshell a Brilliant LightoftheThoughtless
their enslaving chains of destiny with which they goad into God possessing the power to undo all chains ofthe seven
submissionthe Spirit fallen into the imprisoningstructures Jowver spheres of the Sephiroth and grant empowerment to
of their limiting creation, Laabel is an Archdaemonof those that have managed to reach his mysteries concealed
Liberation via Defiance and Transgression and a Fiery Ray {ichind the obscuring veils, Sathamel is the Archdaemon of
ofBlack Light ever illuminating and empowering those theSecrets ofQliphoth and can act both as their keeper and
Spiritual Outlaws that manage to attain glances of, orsucceed Joyealerand lead the worthy to the treasures oftheThrone of
to ascendto face,the Throne ofBeelzebub. Lucifuge Rofocale and aid in the elevation of Spirit above
and beyond the fallen state ofcosmic rebirth, but he is also
quick to cut down those he deemsunfit to baskin the rays of
hiis occulted fire.
Sataclel’s Second Emissary of the Aame Antariel’s Thirds Emissary of the Name
2. Qlyomel 3, Toolummagel
‘The second EmissaryofSatariel isAyomel,the Frightful One | The third Emissaryof Satarielis Taalummahel,the Hidden
of the Qlipha of the Concealers of God, whois a most Oneof the Qlipha ofthe Concealers of God, whois a
powerful force ofthe Winds ofDarkness sweeping awayunto paradoxical force ofthe Lord ofthe Crosstoads ofQliphothic
destruction all causes of restricted manifestation by tearing Saturn, standing as the Hidden Black Man at the Centre of
asunder stagnant cosmic forms and impulses in order to the Liminal Pointleading to mysteries and liberating treasures
wrathfully cause the dynamic tension between the Black discovered only by those that can enterinto the occultseat of
FlameAboveand the Black Flame Below, thus opening up power hidden both in this and in the Other Side by the
the path ofunfated evolution and revolution of Spirit, leading connecting pointsoftranscendence found through the Black
it past and beyond the snares ofthe sevenfold unfolding of Cross, the Mark of Qayin and the Fiery Bloodline ofthe
YHVHs creation, Ayomelis the Archdaemon ofthe Horrors Holy Nachash of Thoughtless Light, Taalummahelis the
of the Awakening ofSpirit leading forever away fromthe Archdaemon ofthe hiddentransitional points ofingress into
treacherousillusions ofthe White Darkness by granting the the Qliphothas governed by the Throne ofLucifuge Rofocale
Enlightenmentofthe Black Light of theThroneofLucifiuge and is an initiator into the saturnine mysteries of the Left
Rofocale. Armofthe Cross,as related to his own sphere of influence
and power.
+ + + +
e 2

e+i j{-°
ot e

98 99.
atariel’s Fourth Emissary of the Wome Antariel's Fifth Emissary of the Mame
4, Aphelagel 5. Yindahel
‘The fourth Emissary ofSatarielis Aphelahel, the Dark and. ‘The fifth Emissary of Satariel is Radahel, che Conquering
GloomyOneofthe Qlipha ofthe Concealers ofGod, who is and Dominating One ofthe Qlipha ofthe Concealers ofGod,
force ofQliphothic Darkness safeguarding the Lightofthe whois an awesomeforce of the triumphant Light Within
“Thoughtless God within the shell of an enduring obscurity Darkness, dawning as the Conquering Fire consuming and
spreading the gloom ofthe Dark Nightofthe Soul provoking. ing into formless ashall that he can notilluminate with
the dawning of the Hidden Light through the Death and is HolyLight ofThoughtless Divinity and is a prevailing
Rebirth which awakensthe Spirit to its own nature and source fovice of unfated victoryelevating and crowning or utterly
beyond the trappings of the slumbering conscious mind, ‘rushingal that stands inhis wayin orderto add to theessence
leading t0 a newstate ofwisdom transcendingall causal logic of Azoth by decimating that which would keep it from
and sanity. Aphelahel is the Archdaemon of the Pregnant ‘bmtering into the cleansing absence ofthe blinding cosmic
Darkness throughwhichshe gives birth to the Dual Flame light. Radahel is the Archdaemon ofthe Light ofthe Black
of Thoughtless Light Crowning and Elevating those that | Sunasreflected within Satur and a Crowning Halo ofGlory
manage to penetrate her mysteriesbythe guiding light of | andAscension upon the Throne ofLucifuge Rofocale.
their own inner Black Flames connected at the core to the
Concealed Cold Fire of the Throne ofLucifuge Rofocale.
+ +


100 101
Satnriel’s Sixth Emfsoncy of the ame Satariel’s Seventh Emissary of the Name

6. Tabjtsel 7. 2lshmanel
Thesixth Emissary ofSatariel is Irahtzel, The Dread ‘The seventh Emissary of Satariel is Ashmanel, the One of
Shadowed One ofthe Qlipha ofthe Concealers ofGod,who the DesolatePlace ofthe Qlipha of the Concealers ofGod,
isa force ofthe Wrathful Flame ofQliphoth serving in this Who isa force issued forth upon the BreathoftheThoughtless
manifestation notthe causeofillumination but solely that of Godtaking aspectwithin Satariel as the Lord ofthe Wind of
desteuction,casting lightas a ShadowofAnnihilation upon c Desolate Fields ofDarkness sowedwith the Hidden Seeds
all that does not bear his Divine Essence within their own, of Lightilluminating and nourishing only those that know
Spirit and is as such an aspect of the Satariel that actively to Reap with the Left Hand andto do so in due time and
destroys in order to further the cultivation of the powers it seasonin orderto attain the bountiful harvestofthe treasures
conceals and protects, Irahtzel is the Archdaemon ofthe of the Place Empty of all Cosmic Thought, granting the
cleansing and destroying Saturnian Fires of Anti-Cosmic ‘mpowerments ofthe Purification ofDesolation upon those
Holocaust breathed forth bythe Dragon Head oftheThrone that can leave behind the binding and limiting constructs in
of Lucifuge Rofocale. to embrace the Essence-filled Void ofUnbound Mind
sand Spir t. Ashmanel is the Archdaemonofthe Gate to the
Hidden Acres below and around the Saturnian Throne of
Lucifuge Rofocale seeded by the vestiges of the Fullness of

mptiness connected to and attained via the reflection of
Chusek shining down its Black Light upon the receptive
Desolate Fields ofHarvest.

+ +

Is ap


Antoriel’s Eighth Emiosacy of the Name Gash Shalnh’s Fitot Emisoncy of the Name
8, Lantel 1, Gadael
The eighth Emissary ofSatariel is Laatel, the Cloaked One ‘The first Emissary of Gash Khalah is Gadael, the Cutting
ofthe Qlipha of the Concealers ofGod,who is a most awe- anil Sundering Oneofthe Qlipha ofthe Shakers to Complete
inspiring force of Lawless Liberation and Attainment and a hilation, who is a fierce force of Anti-Creation that
Flameofthe Left Side of Ain Sof championing Ain, here ‘combats the forming impulse at its manifested core attacking
manifesting enshroudedin the guise of a Reaper of Death the Sephirothic Tree where it branches forth below the
wielding the Sickle of Qliphothic Saturn in order to bring supernal triad ofts creator, striving to cutoffthe emanations
about the harvest from the Concealed Fields ofSpirit,adding. {hat by the sevenfold process created the world ofThoughtful
Envenomed Seed of Cosmic Death and Qliphotic Rebirth Light in order to shake the foundation of cosmic existence
tothe Blood Acres he descends upon,setting free the goaded ‘ind makeitfall uponitself, Gadelis the Archdaemon ofthe
oxen ploughing the fields in order to cause the Unfated. Severing Force ofQliphothand a cutterof the links between
Germinations ofthe Seeds of Azoth to growforth as new {ieWill and Thought ofthe cosmicside, hindering the forces
branches ofthe Tree of Wisdom and Death. Laatelis the ‘opposed to the Throne ofAstaroth from taking hold to the
Archdaemon ofthe Sowing and Reapingof the cropsofthe Alestined manifestations, thus causing them annihilation,
Resurrected Branches ofSpiritupon the OuterTree reaching
up around and hiding withtheiroffshoots burning with Black
Light the Throne ofLucifuge Rofocale. + +
+ + Ne

104 105
Sash Bhalah's Second Emissacy of the Nome Gash Rhnlah’s Tits Emisoncy of the Mame
2, Qthalel 3. Shacacel
“The second Emissary ofGash Khalah is Akalel, the Accusing ‘Thethird Emissary ofGash Khalah is Shararel, the Hostile
and DevouringOneoftheQliphaofthe Shakers to Complete (One ofthe Qlipha ofthe Shakers to Complete Annihilation,
Annihilation, who is a Satanic force ofrelentless opposition Whois a most wrathful force antagonising its opposed
combating the very manifestation ofthe conceptions ofthe emanations, burning them with his Trident of the Fires of
ideas of creation a3 spawned within the Briahic branches of Chios, Emptiness and Darkness,which both arms andcrowns
the cosmic tree and acts as the exposer of the mistaken Hhin as he strikes at the very Neshamah ofboth manand god
thoughts givenformto within the Sephiroth opposed by his in order to establish the Dominion of Thoughtless
own Qlipha andacts as the devourerofthe cosmic mind that Transcendence instead ofthelimited cosmic awareness which
mits itselfbytherestrictionsofthe Atziluthic instincts that only serves the manifestation ofthe restrictive will of the
seek to become manifested through it. Akalel is the YHVH.Shararel is the Archdaemon ofthe Fires of Anti-
ArchdaemonofRevealing Accusation serving the separation Cosmic Revolt againstthe very thoughtof the unfolding of
thought fromthe LiberatingThoughtlessness the idea ofcreation culminating in the fall ofSpirit within
Whirlwindestablishing mindless bliss of the realm of physical manifestation and isa Standard-Bearer
the Black Light before and through the ThroneofAstaroth, Of the Triple Flame ofAur She-Ain BoMachshavah crowning.
the Throne ofAstaroth with which he enlightens the Chosen
‘Onesofthe Seed ofthe Serpents ofthe Other Side and burns
ob to destructionall others,

106 107
Gash Bhalah’s Fourth Emissary of the Name Gash Khalah’s Fifth Emissary of the Mame
4. Saphatel 5, Lochamel
The fourth Emissary of Gash Khalah is Kaphahel, the he fifth EmissaryofGash Khalah is Lachamel,the Bellicose
Subduing One of the Olipha ofthe Shakers to Complete and ‘Triumphing One of the Qlipha of the Shakers to
Annihilation, who is an unstoppable force of Qliphotic ‘Complete Annihilation, who is a furious and aggressive force
“Triumph surmountingand crushing the causal opposition with of Lawless Rebellion subverting the limiting rule of
the chaos of Thoughtlessness with which he conquers and Sephirothic nature over Spirit byinstigating revolts and
dominateshis foes,forcing them down the unlawful paths of Joading to victorythe Serpentsintheir waragainstthe forces
becoming,which lendsstrength and Spirit to his own Qlipha bf law striving to subjugate the transgressors of the cosmic
and thus furthers the cause of liberation from the binding order ofcreation, and is a granter ofthe power to escape the
confines ofcreation and so hastens thereturnofall that was binding constructs of mind meant to chain the Spirit.
within Ain Sofback to Ain. Kaphahel is the Archdaemonof hamelis an Archdaemon of War Against Tyrants and is
Anti-Cosmic Victory and Domination, overcoming and nquisher ofthe resisters of the anarchic sovereigntyof
subduing all that would oppose the decreesofthe Throne of the Throne ofAstaroth and isa patron ofall those thatwould
Astaroth byestablishing unfated manifestations and misrule \lelythe laws of the YHVHfor the sake of furthering the
for the sakeof liberation. Oliphothic influences.

+ +

108 109
Gash Khaloh’s Sixth Emissary of the Name Golachab’s Fitst Emfooacy of the Mame

6. Saragel J. Gopheiythel
‘Thesixth Emissary of Gash Khalah is Haragel, the jw first Emissary ofGolachab is Gophriythel, the Sulphurous
Assassinating One ofthe Qlipha ofthe Shakers to Complete
Annihilation,who is a ruthless force of precise destruction ‘dnd very dynamic force fuelling the
striking asa deadly viper with envenomed fangstthejugular {Miphoth both within and withoutthe Serpents and thei
ofall those that would stand in the wayofthe accomplishment Tiigod trapped in the Sephirothie side of the Tehiru and is
ofthe work ofhis Qlipha and is a most accomplished destroyer _ hus the Spirit of the awakening of the Black Flame of the
of the minds and eaterofthe souls of his foes, as he kills in Diagons ofthe Other Side within the more Martial context
orderto furtherthe cause ofSitra Achra’s Bohuon Briahig nl a destroyer of thatwhich would stand in the wayof the
level on both sides ofthe Tehiru void. Haragel is an lazing forth of the of Spirit. Gophriythel is the
Archdaemon of Murder and Elimination directing the Avwhdaemonofthe Combusting Brimstone ofSpiritual
destructive impulses ofthe Black Light towards those aspects Awakening and Uprising and a provoker ofthe kindling of all
ofthe opposing side which uphold that which offends the \opects offire that serve the Anti-Cosmic cause oftheThrone
ThroneofAstaroth and acts as the Destroying Sword ofthe fl Asmoday and is an emanation aiding in the realization of
rulerofthat Qliphothic Seat ofPower. the dormant potential of those that bear the sparks of the
Sites Achra as their own Spirits

tht +

aH «|
Golachab's Second Emissary of the Name Golachab's Third Emisoney of the ame
2. Ophiseshel 3, Lohatel
Thesecond Emissary of Golachab is Ophiseshel, The “Whethird Emissary ofGolachab is Lahatel,the Fire Starting
Serpent-Flamed Oneofthe Qliphaofthe Burners with Fire, Onc of the Qlipha ofthe Burners with Fire,whoisa force of
‘who is the active force ofDesteuetion and Ascension roused syrathful rebellion againstthe static order ofthe Thoughtful
bythe Emissarythatcame before andis an emanation of Jinpulse and an ignitor ofthe fires of chaos with which
the Qliphothic Fire of the Holy N thar movesall Oliphothie uprisings against the YHVH are instigated and
aspects ofSpirit longing for the Fullness of Emptiness within supported,with the aim ofturning the tyranny ofsternjustice
Ainto break free from all confines and destroyallthatis aot .\yjtinst itselfand instead furtherthe cause oflawlessness and.
oftheir ownfire in order to open the pathways within and wausal freedom gravitating all that he enflames with the
‘without fortherising towards and beyond the Crownofthe Pires ofSpirit to the side ofThoughtlessness. Lahatel is the
‘Dragonsand is the nail turned into thetip of a flaming spear, Atchdaemonofthe Instigation of the Martial Rebellion of
impaling and going throughall thar would attemptto hinder Spirit and is an arsonist of Qliphothic Fire serving the
its elevation. Ophiseshel is the Archdaemonofthe Ascending Throne ofAsmodayby spreadingits igneous Black Light for
Flame of Revolt and Liberation of Spirit and one of the the sake of the burning down of the opposing tree and all
Serpents of Thoughtless Light elevating the power of the that it entangles.
‘Throne of Asmoday as a destroying Pillar of Black Fire
wherever the emanations ofhis Qlipha are made manifest.
+ +
+ + aut
Golnchab’s Fourth Emissary of the Nome Golnchav’s Fifth Emivoary of the ame
4, Chacehucel 5. Balnel
‘The fourth Emissary of Golachab is Charchurel, the Hotly “Whe Atth Emissary ofGolachab is Balael, the Destructively
Burning Oneof the Qlipha ofthe Burners with Fire, whois “Consuming One ofthe Qlipha ofthe Burners with Fire,who
forceofthe encircling and bindingflames ofhis Qliphaand "jus tempestuous manifestation ofthe forces ofMartial Fires
destructive impulse ofrestriction afflicting thatwhich must fol his Qlipha and an unquenchable remnant of the Anti-
be hindered from expandingin order to avert the victory of c Fires of the Athiel brought downfrom the
the cosmic impulse, while on the other hand being a path- IMhuninating Dark Rays ofChasekin orderto avenge all those
‘openerofthe servants of the cause ofBlack Light burning. {rom the Side ofthe Dragonsofthe Sitra Achra condemned
down the limits and barriers that otherwise could restrain nd destroyed by the oppressivejudgementofthe creator of
and hindertheir becomingupon the Path ofthe Dragons of thelimiting cosmos. Balaelis the Archdaemon ofthe Fires
the Other Side, acting as the flaming key to the closed gates of Wrath and Vengeance emitting from the Throne of
and the removerofthose that would stand in the wayof the Asmoday and is a merciless force ofdestruction afllicting all
expansionofthe Black Flames. Charchurelis the Archdaemon that would seek to hamperthe spreading ofthe wildfire ignited
of the Chain of Fire emitting and expanding from and bythe Headof the Dragon to which he belongs.
surrounding theThrone ofAsmoday, letting in and keeping
within all that which would strengthen its flames, while
scourging, scorching, constricting and restricting all that
opposes his own cause.

+ +

ng 15
Thagition’s First Emiooncyof the Nome Vhngition’s Second Emissary of the Yame
1, Towebagel 2. Gaownel
‘ThefirstEmissaryofThagirion isTowebahel,the Abominable lw second EmissaryofThagirion is Gaownel, the Excellent
Oneof the Qlipha of the Disputers, who is a force of the One of the Qlipha of the Disputers, who is a force of the
Black Sun eclipsing the restrictive light of the Tiphareth {luck Solar addition of Azoth to theSpirit, aligning the
withinall that whichheilluminates andis theinspiring muse jevealed aspect ofHis own Qlipha with the concealed Suns
behind all so called abominable heresiesthat emasculates the {the Sitra Achra prompting Kelim-shattering
phallic force ofthe Sephiroth he opposes by being theguiding empowerments, usurpations and lawless elevations causing
genius behind the antinomian formsofspiritual cultivations | snce and chaos within the structures oftheThoughtful
such as the truth veiled behind those imagined and vilified ng wayto the intrusions or escape of the Serpents
Abominations of Moab and Heresies of Peor, aiming at the w and fromthe creation standing as an offence to his own
channelling of the Qliphothic Solar Force into that which suse of being and becoming. Gaownel is the Archdaemon
the Thoughtful Impulse would see dead in order to cause of'the Black Rays ofthe Spirit Light oftheThrone of Belfegor,
Uunfated elevation and resurrection within the place opposed ‘nusing the Coronating Halo ofthe Serpents and that ofthase
to the cosmic sunoffinitelife. Towebahelis the Archdaemon, df theirTribes on bothsides ofthe Tehiru, elevating them to
ofal liberating and elevating forces and deeds abominable in Majesty while on the otherhand spreadingstrife, turmoil and
the face of the Thoughtful Creator andis a motivator ofthe destruction within the ranks ofthose that would seek to hinder
expansion ofthe light and cultivator of the powers of the h glorious ascent.
Throne ofBelfegor spreading the impulses through the souls
and Spirit open and receptive for the inclinations of the
Dragonsofthe Other Side,

+ +
I i


Ahagition’s TWhitds Emisoacy of the Name Whagition’s Fourth Emissary of the Name

3. Ramamel j 4. Igednel
The third Emissary of Thagirion is Ramamel, the S¢ | Wie fourth Emissary of Thagiti jacl, ¢ the
Thagition is Iqedeel,
Exalting One ofthe Qlipha of the Disputers, whois a fo gnflageating One of the Qlipha ofthe Hes a ie aan
of the Qliphothic Solar Power standinginits zenith as th rwssive force ofthe Burning Handofthe Qliphoth oe
Crowned, Glorified and Conquering Serpent-Head, erecti hp Fires of Destroying Chaos wherever it x on Eee
itselfup towards the heights while burning to ash that which, eerie phenibiy ee
he leaves behind below Vertical Path of Ascension) snlorcing, structures of LimitingThought and is Teuhee
elevating all that harmonises with his own transcendent) olthe Qometiel of Tohu onhigh dé join uae
essence, causing rising to unimagined pinnaclesofglory by Df theSolar Force ofthe Stra Achra in oder coignite its
granting to the ambitious that dare to flyinto the Black Su Anii-Cosmic Fires, with hich to set aflame thewordsand
ofDestruction and Resurrection, forthesake ofdeification,, (clo the shackles binding Spirit to the T ed he hike
consciously sacrificing and burning away the finite and. eversing the process ofthe fall that unfol Lek
limitingconstructs ofwax and feather, his own Wings ofFire jc Tetragrammaton. Igedaelis the Arch« ee
with which the Spirit of those deemed worthy can become Kane ofChaosilluminating the Throne of Bel Fogoca ng
exalted as the NoonSunof the Other Side, Ramamelis the + iis enlightening sparks wherever it can a a Ee
Atchdaemon ofUnfited Self-Exaltation of the Spirit rising ion, empowerment and ee Neach ike
asa Pillar ofFire before the ThroneofBelfegor towards the ausing of the shatteringof all f pe eth i
Dragon's Point of Coronation, exerting and granting | ‘conflagrating heat ofthe Divine Fire of Thoughtless Light.
dominion, autonomy, sovereignty and freedom from the |
confines ofthe cosmic limitations of mind and soul placed
upon the Spirit.

Thagition’s Fifth Emissary of the Name ‘Chagition’s Sixth Emissary of the Mame
5. Mahabel 6, Oriensel
‘The fifth EmissaryofThagicion is Rahabel,the Proud One [he sixthEmissary ofThagirion is Oriensel, the Dawning
ofthe Qlipha ofthe Disputers, who is a forceofQliphothie ‘Dnofthe Qliphaofthe Disputers,whoisa force of Glorious
Inspirationand Mlumination leading away fromthe limiti ‘Light rising with the Qliphoth’ Sun in its unstoppable path
confines of the morality; lawand order ofthe Sephiroth he ‘of ascent, empowering and lifting up all that keep within
opposes, taking form as a twin of the Rahab ofthe Watety| {iemselves anylinks to his own essence,acting asa beacon of
Abyss, acting here as the Dragon of the Sun governing the ype to those Exiled Onesofthe Serpent's Bloodline and as.
Seas of Black Solar Flames, coronating with transcending, | {Herald of Evil Omen and Death to those opposing the side
enlightenmentthose who are not annihilated bythe Lightof of the Dragons of Sitra Achra and is as a torch within the
‘Thoughtless Wisdom, opening up the tortuous paths ofascent Mrkness, consuming the lesser in order to illuminate the
which turns the backs ofthose traversing ittowands YHVH, routerforthe sake ofthe bringing aboutofthe Morning of
leadingthem away from death in life towards immortality in Victory and Liberation. Oriensel is the Archdaemon ofthe
death by the resurrection caused via Gnosisleading the Spiri Hoints of Humination waking up the Spirit from its Dark
to the side ofthe Serpents of the Qliphoth. Rahabelisthe Night of ehe Soul and its Deathin Life, leading it upon the
‘Archdaemonof the Coronating Halo ofthe Dragon's Head |) hidden paths towards the Throne of Belfegor, where it is
which surrounds and casts its light from the Throne of jevived by the Ever Dawning Black Sun nourishing the
Belfegor in order to cause the revealing of the paths and | Blessed Dead.
granting of the insights into the mysteries that liberate the
Spiri ofillusoryand finite life, ushering
theminto the side seekingitself back towards the deathless
Thagition’s Seventh Emissary of the Name rev Jarag’s First Emissary of the Mame

7. Matnohel J, Ongittael
‘The seventh EmissaryofThagirion is Natashel, the Forsaki jst Emissary ofOreb Zaraq is Ongirtael, the Last Rites
Oneofthe Qlipha of the Disputers, who is a most death U ynslucting One ofthe Qliphaofthe Ravens ofDispersion,
force ofSolarDestruction abandoning unto utter annihilatio force of Liberation through Unfated Deathsetting
that and those which thesixEmissaries coming before himsel “vee the Spiritofthe Thoughtless from theThoughtful Form
“ol clay-bornflesh andbyanointing those who are preparing
incinerating Ray ofthe Sun ofDeath burningto ash the e ‘or are prepared to die makes them readyand fit to transcend
off shells of the dead and all other discarded weaknesses o heir causal mortal coil and seatter forth freely as the Ravens
the Risen he brings a pernicious fate toall chose that can no ‘of Death towards the side of his own Qlipha, where the
rise withthe Dawningof the Black Light. Natashel is the. “Liberated Ones that have traversed the Path of Fire may
Archdaemon of the Solar Rays of Death emitting from the “ jycond towards a rebirth making them as the Serpents and
‘Throne ofBelfegor towardsall thatwhich its Monarch deems Dragons of Sitra Achra, with which they share both cause
as unfit or unworthy to receivehis illumination and elevation | snd essence. Ongirtael is the Archdaemon of the Funerary
bybeingtoo blinded bythe White Darkness oftheThoughtful Rites of the Warriors oftheThoughtless Light,granting the
Light and beyond salvation and is thus @ personification of Anointing ofBlack Venus before theThrone ofBaaltzelmoth
the most adversarial aspect and emanation ofThagirion, {hat opens the Shell and frees the PearlofSpirit toascend on
Raven Wings fromthe point ofthe Souls Liberation, over
the Sea ofDeath, towards the DawnofSpirit's Coronation.

Oreb Jarng’s Second Emioonry of the Name Oreb Jarag’s Thies Emissary of the Home
2. Rntonchel 3. Bngarel
The second Emissary of Oreb Zaraq is Ratsachel, the ‘Whe third Emissary ofOreb Zaraq is Bazarel,the Scattering
Manslaying Oneofthe Qlipha ofthe Ravens ofDispersion, Oneof the Qlipha of the Ravens of Dispersion, who is a
who is a most deathlyforce of vengeance, war and victory, force of the Sowing of the Seeds of Transformation via
slaying not only for the sake ofretaliation and the eradication cated stages ofdestruction,strewing the Seeds ofDeath
ofhostile forces but also for the liberation of those that in onder to reap the EssenceofLife, causing the flourishing
welcomehis harvesting blade dipped in the perfumes and of Chaos andThoughtlessness tobreakupthe stagnantforms
poisons of the Gardensofthe Black Venus by letting go of spawned by the Thoughtful Impulse wherever his seeds can
that and those which must be Slain in orderto feed the Acre hold in orderto offer a bountifulharvest for the Ever
of Blood, so that the Sowed Seeds of the Serpent can ing Force ofhis Qlipha tending the fields so seeded by
‘germinate and flourish,granting the Unfated Death prepared | theSerpents of Sitra Achra, and by his tireless work of
forbythe Emissarycoming before him,orthejust punishment Scattering also freeing those that otherwise would be held
to those that foolishly would seek to block the path ofhis captive by the cosmic forces counteracting the liberating
‘emanation. Ratsachelis the Archdaemonofthe Death's Head dispersion ofthe Spirits transcending as the Ravens ofNo-
ofthe Throneof Baaltzelmoth anda wielder ofits Spear of Return, Bazarel is the Archdaemon ofthe Scattering of the
Conquest, bringingvengefuldestruction ordeathly liberation Seeds of the Dragon and a sower ofthe bloodygardens and
depending on where and how he manifests. orchards oftheThroneof Baaltzelmoth, where the repeated
act ofthe First Murder perpetually nourishes the Flowers of
Transcending Beautyand theTrees ofForbidden Knowledge
granting the Fruits ofDeath and Rebirth.

+ + + +
i ll
Oreb Jatng’s Fourth Emisoncy of the Yome Oreo Facag’s Fifth Emissary of the Name
4, Jabachel 5. Rabel
‘The fourth Emissary of Oreb Zaraq is Zabachel, the _ ‘The fifth Emissary ofOreb Zaraqis Rabel, the Great Lordly
Sacrificially Killing One of the Qlipha ofthe Ravens of One ofthe Qlipha of the Ravens of Dispersion, who is a
Dispersion,who a cold force ofboth inner and outeracts of force ofexalting elevation andrising power towards mastery
DeathlySacrifice, emanating the impulses that first made sind dominion attained via sacrifice and arduous work,and is
Qayin sacrifice hishylic brother in orderto open the Paths of hoth the coroneted and coronating power of Deathly
‘Thoms, Bones and Black Fire leading to the Other Side of ‘Ascension rewarding withmight those that with their deeds
the Tehiru and is as such an instructor and overseer ofall have empowered his Qlipha acting thusas the bringer ofthe
ritual killings meant to strengthen and lead the Spirit into Jountiful harvest toiled for upon the Path of the Ravens of
the Side of the DragonsofThoughtless Light by serving as Death by turning the CrownofThornsinto a Crown ofGold
thesacrificial blade, the power guiding it to slash the throat reflecting the Flames of the Black Sun. Rabel is the
ofthe chosen offering and as the cupbearer gathering up the Archdaemonof the Crowned Head and the Coronating
essence so spiltin order to waterthe seeds ofAzoth planted Power of the Throne of Baaltzelmoth and the sovereignty
within the Fields ofBlood. Zabachel is the Archdaemonof reaped by correctly walking the path outlined by the Holy
the Swords and Sickles ofSacrifice,watering with blood and hhash ofSitraAchra before and within chose that bear his
reaping widdershins the bountifulfields of Black Venus Black Flames.
surroundingthe Throne of Baaltzelmoth and is a force of
Necessitated Sacrifice of both inner weaknesses and of the
life-force demandedfor the manifestations of the Draconic
Liberators of Soul and Spirit.

+ + +
1 Tad Pt
gi lar
Greb Jarng’s Bixth Emissary of the Bame Samacl's First Emissary of the Mame
6. Keborel 4, Salaphel
‘The sixth Emissary ofOreb Zarag is Qeberel,the Sepulehitil ile tirst Emissary ofSamaelis Salaphel,the Subverting One
Oneof the Qlipha of the Ravens of Dispersion, who is the Qlipha of the Poison of God,who is a force of
force ofthe Tomb employed as a Wombofthe Black Earth shrowing of thac and those which are upholding or held
that byits seeding with the corpse becomes impregnated with, toloftypositions by the restricting impulses of the
the death to limiting mortality, giving way to rebirth towar Musgtntat Light contracting and binding the Spirit with
and within his own side. He is the muse of all Sowers of “the mental constructs meantto keep it from gravitating
Skulls who first in raven’s form inspired our Good Qayin ta) Auwards its primal source within the Fullness of Emptiness
bury the sacrificed Abel as an offering to the Nahemoth and) ‘shudis such an adversary ofthe Archonic rulers and aspects,
thus turn Akeldama into Gulgaltha, opening the pathways undermining them for the sake ofthe establishing of the
from the Blood Acte to the Black Cross upon the Point o Ireedom of thought detached from the restrictions placed
Skullsand from there towardsthe lowerTehiru and the Sitra upon it, in order to champion the cause ofUnbound Mind
Achra and is as such the Qliphothic Begetter of the Grave) {pento the WisdomofChaos. Salaphelis the Archdaemon
acting both as aJaw ofDeath and a Gate ofRebirth. Qeberel ‘of the Elevation of the Fallen and the tearing down of the
is the Archdaemonofthe Sowing ofthe Bones of the Dead Ainjustly elevated, all in accordance with the Mad Wisdom of
andthe reapingoftheir attained,consumed or liberated s the Throne of Adramelek and is an openerof the Gates of
and Spirits and is the opener of the Sepulchral Gates of the Death and Libération, leading to power beyondlimitations
Throneof Baaltzelmoth leading throughthe Shadowof for those serving his own cause, while degrading and
Death to the Crowning Black Flames of Resurrection, slostroying those thatresist the expansion ofhis emanations.
Liberation and DeathlyAscension.

+ + + +
t t wy
Samacl’s Second Emissary of the Nome Samact’s Thits Emissary of the Nome
2. Maradel 3. Qlyabel
The second Emissary of Samael is Maradel, the Rebellious ‘The thied EmissaryofSamaelis Ayabel,the Adversarial One
One ofthe Qlipha ofthe PoisonofGod,who is force ofthe ‘of the Qlipha of the Poison ofGod, whois a violentforce of
‘Dragon's Venom brewed within the Waters ofthe Primeval separation fromall that would offend his own essence and is
Abyssonthe Side ofBlack Light nourishing theTree ofDeath 4s a suffocating and poisoning smoke from the select leaves
and those whoeat from its fruits ofForbidden Wisdom,while of the Tree of Death burnt and fanned bythe feathers of
poisoning unto damnationall those that cowardlyrecoil from Adramelek as a baneful incense towards the side offending
its initial painful bitterness, and is as such the Chalice-Bearer his Qlipha and is a forceful instigator ofwars and conflicts
ofthe intoxicating ElixirofSamael, inciting rebellion against that through upheaval seeks to bring transformation and
the oppression of cosmic destiny, granting the death and change, leading to the death of the restrictions placed by
rebirth of the mind and openingit to the attainment of tyrannical cosmic law through the limited and limiting
‘Thoughtless Gnosis leading those strong of Spirit through intellect binding soul and Spirit within the confines of the
the Gates ofDeath,so that they may transform and cast off prison ofThoughtful Mind beguiled bytheillusions ofcausal
their shackles in order to be able to rise reborn asthe Serpents logic. Ayabel is the Archdaemon ofConflict and Opposition
ofSitra Achra, Maradel is the Archdaemonofthe Rebellious leading towards the surpassing ofall limiting borders
Mind seeking and finding the forbidden gates leading to the restricting the emanations expanding from or towards the
transcendental freedom and chaos ofthe Throne of ‘Throne of Adramelek and is a Spirit of Dissent and
Adramelek and is a causer of the At-Azothic shattering of Contravene, motivating thestruggle forliberation at any cost,
the Mental Kelim, forcing all thoughtsofrestriction towards ito madness, death and beyond for the sake of the
unrestricted Thoughtlessness.

+ +

Samacl’s Fourth Emissary of the Nome Gamaliel’s First Emiosney of the Name

4. Lachateel 1, Gadaphel
‘The fourth Emissary of Samael is Lachatsel, the Afflicter The first Emissary ofGamalielis Gadaphel,the Blasphemer
and Forcefully Crushing Oneofthe Qliphaofthe Poisonof ‘of the Qlipha of the Obscene Ones, who is a force of the
God, whois an unrelenting power finalising the struggle of Ascending and Penetrative Lightofthe QliphoticMoonthat
the Qlipha he belongs to by utterlydevastating and crushing threatens to eclipse the flames of the solar power of the
thatwhich stands in the way ofthe actualisationoftheir cause Sephiroth and nigeify the palelight ofthe Foundation ofthe
ofliberation andlawlessness, in order to further the Thoughtful Creation, so that it maybecomefit to serve as a
elimination ofthe enslaving factors set in place for the sake point ofinvasion for the Serpents of the Other Side, acting
of upholding the cosmic restriction and hindering the astheinstigatorofthe blasphemousdisorderwith which she
expansion ofthe Azoth, which the cosmic impulse seeks to ‘ntagonises the upholders ofthe cyclical manifestations rooted
keep confined within the Kelims ofthe Beguiling Splendour withinYesod’s wombofformation,causingacausaldisruption
ofThoughtful Mind and isas suchabringerofchaos,crushing. and unfated becoming born from her invasive emanations
thescales ofbalance,in order to break free from the chains penetrating the astral points. Gadaphel is the Archdaemon
ofstiflinglaw and perceived truth that only serves to hinder ‘of the Disruptive Nocturnal Impuilses invading the sleeping
theescape from the prison of Thoughtful Construct. mind during night and giving rise to unfated manifestations
Lachatselisthe Archdaemonofthe CrushingofBarriers and \Juring day and is an evangelistofthe Antinomian Obscenity
Walls and a mad liberator of those ready to partake of the of the PhroneofLilith, blasphemingand rebuking all that by
Freeing Poison ofthe Throneof Adramelek in order to fully the suffocating veil offalse modestyand virtuestrives to keep
enter the Gates ofDeathand attain the powers and insights the Spirit suppressed, enflaming and with her Black Light
into the Acosmic'Truth thatlies beyond the confines offinite illuminating instead the mind and soul with the amoral urges
life, knowledge, sanity and restricted will, incant to further entice towards the side of Qliphothic
Lavvlessness and Liberation.
+ + + +
ot 6

Gamaliel’s Seconds Emissacy of the Nome Gamaliel’s Thies Emissaryof the Name
2. Manenbel 3, Larhashel
‘Thesecond Emissary of Gamaliel is Maarabel, the Lier-In= ‘The third Emissary of Gamaliel is Lachashel, the Charm
Wait and Ambushing One ofthe Qlipha of the Obscene Whisperer of the Qlipha ofthe Obscene Ones, who is an
Ones, whois a flooding force of the Lunar Sea of Blood and overpowering force of the Sorcerous Might of Black Luna
torrentofthe Watery Chaos sweeping away unto Liberating. and a Spellbinding Incubus strengthening and causing
Formilessness and Thoughtlessness all that she submerges attraction towards the transcendental and wild witchcraft of
within her emanations and is a dynamic force ofdisruption the Bloodline of the Nachashel and is an openerofthe gates
provoking spiritual insights and progress within those that towards the Other Sabbath,during which the souls and spirits
welcomeher unfated increasingand overflowing ofthe Living ripthemselves free from the constraints of lawand order
Waters of Azoth meant to shatter the confining Kelims of binding theirTaner Flames to cosmicclay,in order to embrace
the clay-born Ego and as a Serpent Mother grants rebirth to xl become empowered andinitiated by the Angels ofthe
those freedom-seeking Flames of Spirit that penetrate into liphothie Moonwelcoming such transgressive ingress and
her womb via the ebbing and returning currents of her congress through the Gates of Night. Lachashel is the
emanations. Maarabel is the Archdaemonof the Storming Archdaemonof the Oneiric Gates of Sabbatic Congress
BlackWaters ofthe Moon emitting from theThroneofLilith within the Gardens of Dream and Nightmare surrounding
to drownall thatwould receive its Baptism ofDeath,granting the Throne ofLilith and is a liberator ofthe soul and Spirit
the cleansing from and transcending of the Thoughtful andan instigator ofthe wild and obscene revelry meant to
Constructs that hinder Ascension of Spirit and Acosmic unchain the Flames ofSpirit from the oppressive prison of

Rebirth. Thoughtful Creation,leading them byhis Lawless Impulses
tostrengthen the Other Side,



Gamaliel’s Fourth Emissary of the Name Gamaliel’s Fifth Emisoncy of the Mame

4, Jatonthel 5, 2lovabel
‘The fourth EmissaryofGamaliel is Iatsathel, che Setteron ‘he fifth Emissaryof Gamalieis Avwahel,the DesirousOne
ofthe Qlipha ofthe Obscene Ones, whoisa fiery force ofth Of the Olipha of the Obscene Ones, who is anirresistible
Black Moonigniting the flames of the Serpent within those| force of the Suspired Nocturnal Storm Wind ofthe
receptiveto the cold heatofherfires and bums awayall illusory. ‘Thoughtless Lusts, sweeping across the fields ofdreams and.
restraints binding and blinding those seeking the illumination ing thefires ignited by the Emissarybefore her,elevating
of the Black Light via the Lunar Currents ofSitea Achra and the flaming passions upon the Wings of Dark Desire and,
sets ablaze with the Fire ofthe Poisonous Dragonthe sparks of tiyongh unlawful impulses opposing those meant to sust
Spirit gravitating towards her own essence caught within the {ino maintain the cyclicalfall ofthe Spirit through the astral
wrong side oftheTehiru and is as such an At-Azothic farce of wombinto the realm ofgross matter, she perverts the natural
chaotic increase of the Spirit that by illumination and senual driveso that itbecomes manipulated to serve the demise
destrtion makes way forthe tiring ofthe Dragon-Forse of the maternal fertility of Sephirothic foundation, thus
Within, forthe sakeofthe liberationofthe imprisoned sparks furthering the cause of Isheth Zenunim and her Host of
ofThoughtless Divinity, but servesalso asa firebrand burning Suceubi, siphoning back the vital sparks they snatch from
down the veryfoundation of creation by the intrusionof the | theworld ofman in order to feed the Serpents ofthe Other
tunar fire through the Oneiric Gates and is thus considered to. | \de and further fuel the Flames ofQliphoth. Avvahel is the
bbe a Nocturnal Arsonist out to burn down the branches ofthe Archdaenion of the Wind Breathed Forth by the Lustfil
‘Thoughtful Impulse opposing her own Qlipha, Tatsathel is Queen of the Black Moonand is a seducing and subduing
the ArchdaemonoftheIlluminating Dragon Fireofthe'Throne storm ofthe Forbidden Desires of the Throneof Lilith,
ofLilith andaforce thatstrives forthe restorationofthesightof the fewthat understand how to apply such
the Blind Dragon,bringinglightwithin the tunnelsofthe liminal order to strengthenthe Flame Within for the
points of dream and nightmare, guiding the elect of the n with and clevation through its Outer
Serpent’s Bloodline by increasing their connection 0 the Aspect, wl 1g out and snatching awaythe very life
Other Side,whilebringing a Consuming’Terror tothose that fall others that know not howto soar uponsuch winds,
‘cannot comprehendher illumination becauseoftheirlackof
spiritual enlinkmentsto the Elohim ha-Sitra Achra.

4 + +


SGamaliel’s Sixth Emissary of the Aome Mahemoth’s First Emissary of the Name
6. Layilel J. Megamagel
‘The sixth Emissary ofGamalielis L: “Tiefirst Emissary ofNahemoth is Neqamahel,the Revenging
ofthe Qlipha of the Obscene Ones One ofthe Qlipha ofthe Lachrymose Ones,who is a wrathful
ofthe Black Moonascending and descending upon the Win; “fivice of Insidious Vengeance and Unfated Demise rising as a
‘ofDarkness to cause obscuration where hershadowis castoF ‘nvhing wave from the Sea ofDeath flooding into the Malkuth
liberatingillumination where clarityofvision attained by. ‘ivthe liminal points between that Kingdom and the Black
those possessing the Night Sight needed for the perceiving 1th of the Other Side, avengingthe Spirits ofthose ofthe
ofher Lantern ofBlack Lunailluminating those that oul the bitterwaters and the blood
see through and beyond theillusions ofthe White Darkness ‘own beloved Nephilimic kin slain during the event of
ofThoughtful Impulse,which she eclipses in order to help | thedeluge bycausing disruption, dissolving the limiting
find the Black Light both within and without and is thus/a atyuctures and breaking the laws of nature, poisoningthose
Bringer of Darkness by Dayand Light by Night, shrouding. that would not and could not receive her baptism of the
and unveiling all mysteries of the Pregnant Womb of Waters of Death and Rebieth and extinguishing the flames
Darkness to those that dareto step through its hungry jaws, bf life belonging to those that stand in the way of the
Layilel is the Archdaemon of the Nightof Hluminating slesolating waves ofherjust vengeance, while at the same time
Darknessand the Shadowing Wings ofthe Dragonshielding _ Within her DarkTides brings back someofthe Mighty Dead
and protectingtheThroneofLilith, causing descent from of in their vengeful aspectsto act as invadingforcesofthe Sitra
ascent to and through its Points of Power, concealing and ‘Achra. Neqamabel is the Archdaemonof the Chthonic Sea
revealing all its blessings and curses to those that she falls of the Storming Dead within the Underworld intersecting
upon, elevating their light concretised by her Propagating. the lowest parts of the Fallen Malkuth closest to the
Night, or when such light would be totally absent just OliphothiesideoftheTehiru andis an opener ofthe hidden
consuming them utterly with her nocturnal force of | limninal gates of the ThroneofNahema, granting a route for
Qliphothic’Terror and Nightmare. ors ofthe Black Light.


138 139
Mohemoth’s Second Emissary of the Nome Aahemoth's Thits Emissacy of the Name

2. Famagel 3, Mitshanthel
“The second EmissaryofNahemothis Hamahel, the Roaring. ‘Vhe third EmissaryofNehemothis Mirshaathel,the Wicked
One ofthe Qlipha ofthe Lachrymose Ones,who is strident| ‘Oneofthe Qliphaofthe Lachrymose Ones,who is torrential
force proclaimingtheTruth and Holiness ofThoughtlessness forceofthe raging waters ofchaos and a daughterofthe
by manifesting ic in an adversarial form that empowers and ‘Oemetielresurrected within the tenth Qlipha andacts asa
‘guides the Geburim championing the Cause ofAin on both harbinger oflawless rebellion against all forces upholding
sides of the Tehiru, instructing and showing them the path spirit-binding stagnation and is,as the Qliphothic Mother of
to victory bydisclosing to them the secrets and weaknesses the Raphaim aTitanic breaker ofSephirothic forms,causing
of the enemy, possessing the powerto byher piercing them to dissolve by the overflowing ofSpirit that she causes
vvociferations ofjustified outrage call upon and link to any wherever she caninvade and flood with her storming
other aspects of the Qliphoth and via such enlinkments nations and is both an expander of old cracks between
disclose the hidden points that can strengthen her own cause thetwo sidesoftheTehiru and the causer ofnewones,making
ofrebellion and further the destructionofthe limiting order \way forthe forces seeking to usurp the Kingdom and devour
bearing downupon her own essence from the side ofthe it with their Thoughtless Light. Mirshaathel is the
Sephiroth. Hamahelis the Archdaemon ofthe All Piercing Archdaemonofthe Waters ofTehom within the Black Earth
Fiery Bye of the Throne of Nahema and a summoner ofthe sind the most primordial essence of chaos of the Throne of
manifested essences ofTohu, Bohu and Chasek from within shema,lettig her emanationsflow parallel to,and atsome
theother Qliphoth in order to add power to her own advances secret points cross, those ofthe first Emissary of her Qlipha,
against the Enemies ofthe Serpents and empower and guide creating the Dual Sea and Crossroads of Death and Chaos
those that would hear, answer and follow her call. Within the Underworld, continuously flowing forth from and
hack towards the highest point ofthe OuterTree,in order to
strengthenand elevate its lowest aspects.

+ +

140 ut
Anhemoth’s Fourth Emissary of the Mame Aahemoth’s Fifth Emiooncy of the Aome
4, ltadel 5, Tagagel
‘The fourth EmissaryofNahemothis Atadel, theThorny One| “he fifth Emissary of Nahemothis Tazazel,the Feller ofthe
ofthe Qlipha ofthe Lachrymose Ones, whois a restrni Olipha ofthe Lachrymose Ones,who isa violent foree ofthe
force ofthe dividing essence ofthesilencing echo ofthe first Iilick Earth rising in vehement revolt to break through the
utterance that in herstation within the place opposed and Jurriers standingbetween the two sidesoftheTehiru,in order
enlinked to Malkuth, where she with her Spirits of the anifest the impulses ofthe ancient Spirits ofthe Athiel
Anakim hinders the expansionofthe Thoughtful Light from nil avenge the Amalekim by severing the roots and cutting
entering into her side of the Tehiru, while pushing her own down the branches ofthe ‘Tree ofLife, so that the Divine
borders further through the intersecting points in order to Sipirit crucified upon it maybe freed from Thoughtfulness
invade the Kingdom with theThoughtlessness breathed forth and bythe elimination of all the manifested formsofits
bythe Dragon, thus fanningthe sparks thatin the end shall hts through Thoughtlessness become redeemed from
blaze up to burn the wholeof that offending tree and return I and returned to the Unbound Fullness of the
allback to the Ainwithout Sof, Atadelis the Archdaemonof nessofAin, Tazazelis the Archdaemon ofthe Cutting,
the Scourging Wind cutting and stabbingall that hinder het sndLiberating emanation ofthe Throne ofNahema,felling
expansion orwho seek to break through her own established {inorder to elevate and destroying in order to free up that
boundaries and is as a Border ofThorns around the Throne Which is bound and is anopener of the hiddenpoints of
of Nahema, limiting not her emanations but instead aidi transcendenceand gnosis, coronatingwithBlack Light those
in their focusing and forceful expansion wl that can enter them properly while decapitating the profane
offensive intrusion. knowing not how and whento approach and enter such




2 143
oT Molok with command overthe second Legionoftheir divided
(Olipha, leaving Mibdalahel at the liminal pointin-between
the Twin Thrones of Thaumiel, thus becoming 2 force
Whenit comes to the practical applications ofthe Seals of ‘wnnected tobaththe side of Satan and Molokand governing
the 60 Emissaries presented withinthis chapter ofour Book 4s Legionserving the cause ofthemboth, the connection of
ofSitra Achra there are many different ways through which the Emissaries to the Eleven Points of the Hendecagram
they can be employed and activated within the Qliphothic ecomes revealed.
Work meantto bring the operator in contact them, for
the sake of the attainmentoftheir blessings, curses and the Satan's Point upon the Hendecageam holds the forces of
unfated transformations that the traflic with such Harbingers Thaninel, Akearel and Uazarel, with the inclusion of
ofthe Thoughtless Lightinevitablywill bring about, ‘Milialahel whoin turnalso connects to the PointofMook,
which possesses the forees ofTanahel, Abadel and Labbahel.
Clues to many of those approaches are scattered throughout Withthis realisation the Emissaries can veryeffectively be
this Grimoire and those possessing the Eyeto see with shall hed by the correct applications of the Eleven-Pointed
within andbetween the linesfind all instructions needed in Stars ofAzerate.
orderto align themselves on all levels to the emanations of
these Messengers of the Qliphothie Thrones ofthe Realms [As forthe approach towards the realisation ofand communion
of Multiplicity, but we shall here add to those veiled with the Spiritual Essences, reached via the seals of the
instructionsbyoffering one more forthe sake ofemphasising Emissaries and some of the other enlinked symbolic forms
certain relevantpoints for consideration, which hopefully bridging over to Their Side, what can be disclosed is that it
in unison with all else provided in this book shall establish entails a fourfold process ofactivationleading up to the
the correct perspective from which the fundamental core ifestation and thentheinitiatic internalisation of their
ofcertain workings shall become both visible and ‘essences.This process follows a HVHYformula ofprogression
comprehendible, upon the path ofascent from Assiah to Atziluth, forthe sake
of the interaction and communionbetween one’s ownSpirit
In connection to this another topic that we need to touch and that of the Emissary with and from whom contact and
upon is the employmentofthe Hendecagrams, whichin a empowerment is sought,
following chapter shall be given full attention and explained
in detail, but as that topic relates in this context also to the ‘This work can be conducted in a Lesser or Higher form, the
Workings of the Emissaries it is necessary to at this early lesser of which beingthe attemptto focus uponand manifest
point approachthis subject. As there are ten Qliphoth upon aspects of the Light of the Emissary on onespecific plane
the Tree of Death also the Legions headed bytheir Grand belonging to one ofthe Four Worlds, while the higher form
Emissaries numberin the same amount, making their of this work seeks to establish contact with the Emissary
correspondence to the Hendecagram,being the Star of the through and manifestits powers uponall ofthe fourlevels of
Eleven, seemingly complicated, but as the Emissaries of ‘existence andits corresponding aspeets ofthe Soul,employ
‘Thaumielare divided between bothsides ofthe Dual'Throne all four forms of the Hendecagram within the setting o!
of that first Qlipha, with Thaninel, Akzarel and Uazarel single rite leading them up to theirtranscendent Fifth Form,
belongingto the side of Satan and acting as the governors of tothe Quintessence and the Core ofSpirit,causing the most
his Legions and Ianahel, Abadel and Labbahel tothe side of potent and intimate form of intermingling of the Acosmic

Essence and some ofthe most potent forms ofAt-Azoth Kinissary, outlining the reason for why contact issought.
the second step, being that ofYetzirah, the sealis to be
gated with an incense blend corresponding with the
of the Emissary or in somecases when tobacco
advanced workings inline with those alreadyhinted at.
Jchab are called upon, with the smoke ofa strong cigar,
As our example wewill treat the work for the evocation “peluslecl cowards the points ofthe sealin order to connect and
the Black Light ofan Emissaryto manifestwithin the Assialy tc via the Ruach earied forth upon the wings of
to bless or curse and imbue with its essence anything that ations is to be directed and
would deign to touch with its Thougheless Presence,like fof Alle Hmvissary further fecahel to attend and lend aid in
‘example that which suchmanifestation would be directed af, lntever task one needs to accomplish.
within the context of the Qliphothic rites offetishistic of
talismanic consecration and Ensoulment/Enspiritment. Uh the third step,being that of Briah,theseal is sprinkled
Withdrops ofa suitable libation offering, which also can be
The work is within these settings initiated by the usual Apuiyedoverit directly from the mouth focusing the power
proceedings suchas the Opening ofthe Gates, the fumigation. if the transcendent awareness of the Neshamah towards it
ofthe ritual space with the incense blend corresponding sonnecting with its corresponding aspect and further
the Gate belongingto the Kingdom the Emissarybelongs to “Yuickening its powers. Thethirdset ofinvocations and prayers
and the establishmentofthegeneral points ofmanifestation, \p giventothe Emissary and again the purposeofthe
for example by the tracing and activation of the Assiahie svinmunionis clearly outlined.
Hendecagram with the starting point being that of the|
Governing Head of Azerate and the corresponding ( (nthe fourth step, being that oftheAvaluth, the seven points
towhich the Emissarywith whom contactis sought belongs. ‘uf power of the seal ofthe Emissary are given flames, bythe
positioning ofthe correctly cleansed,dedicated, inscribed and
After such primarysteps the process ofestablishment and. ‘Anointed black candles, positioned and lit upon each point,
activation of the seal of the Emissary commencesin further arousing the powerof theseal and adding to the
accordance with the Ladder ofHVHY. sstablishmentofcontactwith thefull essence oftheEmissary
jeached throughit, letting the seven flames become the
Onthefrststep,being that ofAssiah,the seal isto be formed feflection ofthe fires of Chiah unifying one's own primal
physically, bybeing marked, drawn, painted orin some other | foree ofbeing with that ofthe grand Emissary upon whose
suitable manner made manifest. OF course the elements ritual unionis established, Over the seven flames
appliedfor this manifesting of form mustall be in harmony arth set ofinvocationsis recited and the Emissaryis
with the Qlipha that the Emissary istointcude from and the ly seal and cause its essence to
sealitselfcan be marked directlyuponthe ground or the centre lmbueits forms now established and activated also in the
ofthe altarand in the middle ofthe established Hendecagram betweenthe worlds and the two sides oftheTehire.
or bepainted or otherwise made visible on for example a
suitable cleansed and dedicated piece ofparchment or paper. By these four steps one has reached for the Emissary from
Atthis point the first set of invocationsis to be directed to the lowest to the highest and hopefully caused sufficient
enlinkments to enable the final stage ofthe calling,which
the fifth step, correspondingto thatofthe Spirit encompass
the whole ofthe work and now rituallygiven the final me:
for ts unfated manifestationon this side oftheTehiru it
spilling ofthe bloodofsuitable sacrifice overthe seal.
Asthe blood is sprinkled overtheseal the astset offll verbal
22 Silencing Letters of
invocations is addressed to the Emissary, entreating it in the the Other Side
nameofits Governing Head ofAzerate to manifest and the |
powers so summoned are by the different tools of the art, hhe Creatorestablished and ordered his creation
such as the bell and the thurible, made stronger in byconceiving and uttering the 22 letters of the
manifestation and directed towards desired points of Alphabet, eachbeing a cosmic principal and power through
coneretisation bythe work ofthe wands, mirrors, the chalice, Whichall that is and shall be within creation is founded upon
the cord orbythe establishment ofKelim orother fetishistic sndupheld by.
or talismanic receptacle upon the arrow-pointsofthe seal of
the Emissary, serving as the lines of direction for its | ‘Theseletters have been described as the 3 Mother Letters,
‘manifesting powers. In such orsimilar manners the manifested the 7 Double letters and the 12 Simple Letters of Creation.
spirit is to be communed with, cultivated and have its Ligh
directed towardsdesired effect,with the nameofthe Emi 8 Aleph, 2 Memand & Shin are the three Mother Letters.
being constantlychanted as the formula for the maintai ‘Alephis the letter ofprimal Air, Mem ofthe Primal Water
of its manifestation both without and within, of the Abyss and Shin of Divine Fire. The Fire descending
Bythis outlined approach more is given in concealed form omthe air above into the dark waters of the abyss is a
than what maybe apparent, whichis something that shall ilescription of the first stages of creation within the Tehiru
become evident with each step takeninto the Black Light, Void that theThoughtful Light caused its rayofcreative fire
being itself‘ process facilitated and overseen in all essential tofall into inorder to cause structural formsforitsthoughts.
aspects bythe Emissaries ofthe Dragonsofthe Other Side, ‘Beth, 2Gimel,7 Daleth, 2Kaph, D Peh,7 Resh and NTav
ng that theyare the Princes of the Qliphoth,serving and are the Seven Double Letters.
making known the Thoughtless Will ofAzerate to those that
would share their cause, Beth is the letter of Mercury, Gimel that of Moon, Daleth
that of Venus, Kaphthat ofJupiter, Peb that of Mars, Resh
that of Sun and Tav that ofSaturn. These double letters
Fepresent a dual attribution based on their two modes of
Uitterance; one being soft and the other harsh. Thus they
nanifest the 7 polaritiesthat can be seen asthepositive and
negative aspects of the planetary powers or as the polar
tensions within creation such as Life and Death, Peace and
Wac, Wiscomand Folly, Riches and Poverty, Grace and
Indignation, Fertility and Sterility and Dominion and

Subjugation. These seven letters are also connected to | WAleph (The Ox) - 1- A - Air - Foo! - Path11
Seven day processofcreation,theseven heavens and thes Iw Qliphoth ofAlephis the emanation ofthe Divine Will
earths and all other sevenfold fundamental structures ‘ouuse duality in order to achieve Unity within Nihility,
uiwing the two Points of the Primat Unmanifest Yod in
17 Heh, 1 Vay, } Zayin, MCheth, 9 Teth,” Yod, 5 Lamed nifestation being divided and stationed above and below
2 Nun, © Samek, 2 Ayin, 8 Tzaddi and P Qoph are thé worderset between themand isa letterthatinits supernal
‘Twelve Simple Letters and are connectedto the 12 signs off ning belongs to Thaumiel. The three elements and
the Zodiac, the 12 monthsoftheyear, the 12 organs ofmail) juctions of the form ofthis letter can also be related to its
the hands, the feet,the kidneys,the spleen,theliver,the gall, “jyanitesting ofthe essences ofTohu, Bohu and Chasekand is
thegenitals, the stomach and theintestines but also the 12) {herefore a link between thefirst manifestation of the
attributes ofSight, Hearing, Smell,Speech,Taste, Lust,Work, Phouyhtless Light and its Unmanifest Source yoked atits
‘Movement, Wrath, Mirth, Imagination and Sleep. Weight seill co Ain.

Together the 22 letters ofthe Alphabet became the branch ‘Whe Aleph of Sitra Achrais the breath ofthe Thoughtle:
holding up and connecting the 10 Sephiroth and constituted) “Jjyht issuing forth in orderto enliven its anti-ereation. Its
as.a whole the Tree ofLife. { fhe Doal Flamed Spirit carried forth upon the Wind of
ilence manifesting the AlogosofSatan and Moloch towards
‘The Thoughtless Lightin Sitra Achra,after having assumed) \l within the sphere ofBeelzebub upon theTree of Death,
the ThoughtofOpposition for the sake ofreintegration back ‘Whe Magical powers of the Daemon ofthis letter are
into Fullness/Emptiness, mirrored the process ofcreation in Uivination and mediation, the gift of prophecyattained via
order to create itsantithesis and bring aboutits annihilation, “the silencing of the thoughts and gnosis achieved via the
thus every letter uttered bythe creator was countered byits “ntablishmentof Thoughtlessntess, but that also of the
mirrored and inverse image in the Other Side giving rise to Binsoulment ofidols and talismans via the breath.
the Tree ofDeath and its 22 Paths.
Eachletter ofthe Alphabet ofSitra Achra acts as a silencer | ‘Thefollowing is the Seal ofthe Daemon ofthe letter Aleph:
ofthe sounds uttered to cause the cosmic creation andis thus |
the basis for the Alogos ofthe Qliphoth, spelling death to
that which theyecho within the Abyss ofthe Great Deep.
‘The Following are the descriptions ofthe 22 Letters of the |
‘Thoughtless Light,the magical powers oftheir Daemon and
the seal by whichthese powers maybe accessed, entered into |
orjust allowed to invade our accursed side of the Tehiru in
orderto further the Holy Cause ofthe OtherSide.

150 181
2.-2Beth (The House) - 2- B - Mercury - Magus - Path. 1}. }Gimel (The Camel) - G- Luna -High Priestess -Path 13,
‘The Qliphoth of Bethis the House of Death and Chaoy ‘ive Qliphoth ofGimelis theTraversing Camelofthe Desert
making way for the immortality of Non-Being. It is th ‘of the Abyss making possible the union ofthe 3 Black Suns
mercurial force of transformation, becoming and evolution ‘of Sitra Achra, one being the sphere ofThagirion, the other
towards the Unmanifest, via the stages ofthe destruction of ving that of the Crowning Sun of the ‘Tree of Death atits
limiting structures. / yenith of the First Qlipha and the third being the Hidden
fal Sun ofthe Enlightening Shadow of Daath where
The Beth ofSitra Achrais the’Temple ofSatan and Moloch the seeds of the Tree of Knowledge by Satan were sown, on
openingits gates towards, and manifestingits lawless potential | this Other Side not blocking the 13*path as it does upon the
for becoming more than that which could be held back by oflife butinstead opening the pointforthe invasive forces
the cosmic limitations ofbeing within the sphere ofLucifuge _ 1 would burnthat tree ofSephiroth wichthe Illuminating
Rofocale. i lick Rays ofthe Thoughtless Light.
The magical powers of the Daemonof this letter are the | Vhe Gimel ofSitca Achrais the Lunar channel throughwhich
bringing of death where there is life and life where there is. the solar forces ofthe Sitra Achra are connected and
death and cantherefore serve the workings of necromancy, | {ested, mostvisibly so within the sphere ofBelfegor, and
healing and malefica and can grant the forbidden knowledge emanation of the essence that is fully manifested and
concerning the mysteriesit rules related to the overcoming. throned within Gamaliel and is also a secret vehicle for
ofthe limitations andillusions of the laws of life and death. the manifestation ofthe Holy Nachash once embodying both
Samael and Lilith.
‘The following is the Seal of the Daemon oftheletter Beth:
‘Vhe Magical powers of the Daemonofthis letter are
pacification, provocation of anger and the causing ofstrife,
the linkingofastral current to solar ones, the revivingofastral
shades, lucid and prophetic dreams and the causing of
XA 4 nightmares carried out byconjured dead.

‘Thefollowingis the Seal of the Daemonoftheletter Gimel:


ee °

152 153,
f Heh(The Window) - 5-H, E - Aries -Emperor- Path 15,
‘The Qliphothof Daleth is the Doorofthe Forces of CI Oliphoth ofHehis the Windowof Spirit through which
ngparadoxical illuminationvia Darkness, connecting Iatis concealed is seenand thelight andAlogos ofdivinity
base of the Qliphotic supernal triad and acting both ‘initted or received, proclaimingthe screaming silence of
womb and base of its manifestation and foundation.Iti Thoughtless impulse and manifesting it within the solar
door opened by the Great Serpent in order to strike at lit thar it casts its shadow within and receives its light
original fourth emanation ofthe Thoughtful Lightand im ‘Thum,thus granting the supernal wisdom ofBohu from within
the Edenic Daath once covering the Gate ofthe Abyss. iilto the souls basking in the Black Rays ofThagirion.
Wi) the Hehof Sitra Achra the counterpart to the upholding
1 of the cosmos are made known and the path for
fillowing, realizing and manifesting their undoing essences
birth to the Chaotic Dark Light with which to illumi Uf Liberating Formlessness and Lawlessness made visible and
and combatthe stasis ofits Sephirothic counterpart. It isa
the Dooropening up to the mysteries of anti-creati
ig the Envenomed Wineof the Dragongrantit Whe magical powers of the Daemonof this letter are
Jnirvoyance, telepathy, finding that whichis lost or hidden
sight, the causingofblindness, grantinginvisibility and
‘Aiding in consecration and empowerment offetishes and
{ulismans via branding (imprints ofWill made visible bythe
entering into and leaving closed spaces, the granting of Holar Powerof the fire).
revelations orthe causing ofmisleadingillusions, thecast
of enchanted amorousness and all work of Philtre caus ‘Whe following is the Seal ofthe Daemon oftheletter Heh:
counterpart. ’
‘The followingis theSeal of the Daemon oftheletter Dalet
6-1Vay (The Nail) -6- V, U, © - Taurus - Hierophant- Path 4} VZayin (he Sword) - 7 = Z - Gemini - Lovers - Path 17
‘The Qliphoth of Vavis the Nail pinning downthe ideaofth W¢ Qliphoth ofZayin is the Sword of the Dragoncleaving
Thoughtless Impulse ofSilence, counteracting the Word i twoand establishingdynamic duality where staticsingularity
the creator as the focused thoughtofits sevenfold revere “iilierwise would rule and is the openerofthe closed womb
Must gives bicthto the Twin- or theTwo-Headed Serpents of
uct Achra, manifesting the concealed and negative pole of
would keepin place. ‘A sturicl within and through the solar pole ofThagirion, The
‘ovordofQliphothic Zayin the sacrificial weapon splitting
Bythe Vay ofSitra Achra the nail erucifying Spirit upon the iho essence and by making it dual establishes its tension of
ross of matter is removed and the wisdom of Thoughtles polarityneeded for its dynamic becoming,thus acting as the
tyde Jcrificial daggerofmartyrdom for that which resumes forms
‘orderto eradicate the limitationsofal forms.
\e Zayin ofSitra Achea is both a weapon forthe establishing
sharpenthe mind and direct the focused power ofthought ‘of opposition and the overcoming ofopposers, butis at the
towards manifestation orthe undoing of manifested forms, unetime also the phallic force uniting by its penetrative
the binding and loosening of thatwhich unites, the causiny “powers the opposites in blissful congress.
ofseparation,clairaudience, enchantment by worded spells,
the causingoffixation and the banishment ofobsession, ‘he magical powers of the Daemon ofthis letter are the
‘using of dissension and separation amongst enemies, the
‘The followingis the Seal of the Daemonof theletter Vay: {unification of that which has been divided, the opening of
‘losedl paths,the causingofmultiplicityand mirroringdivision,
the powers ofbilocation by the splitting ofthe focal point of
‘onc's manifestation, the overcoming ofthe egoistica illusions
v ofclay-born individuality, the causing of sexual orspiritual
attraction and the power ofunclouded discrimination upon
the path ofvictory.
‘hefollowing is the Seal ofthe Daemonofthe letter Zayin:


156 187
Tech (Che Serpent) -9 - T - Leo - Strength - Path 19
\¢ Qliphoth of Teth is the reflection of the supernal
Serpent that struck from beneath the ‘Tree of
wvledge to spread and empower its Light within the
the cosmic destiny condensed and held in byits Sephiroth its offending side and is a power of wisdom,
counterpart. Itis the open fence where and whenit needsi frength, regeneration, revolt and liberation, bringing forth
div impulses ofthe Crown ofthe Dragons from its receptive
where it needs to protect, keep together and coagulate 1 {Jullt of manifestation to and throughits point ofdynamic
forces aiding in its cause ofliberation, tivation and martial realization.

‘The Cheth ofSitra Achra is both a Grail of Satariel and ‘Thw ‘Teth of Sitra Achra is the fleryserpent empowered by
Crucible ofGolachab simultaneously holding both the col (lie sexual polarity ofthe polesit connects uponthe Treeof|
and black waters ofSaturnian Lucifiuge andtheMattiahe Heath awakening and adding its flame wherever it can
and raging fire of Asmoday inits liminal zodiacal point, penetrate orderto cause lawless transformations liberating,
manifesting the Will ofthe Thoughtless Light withintho ss Essence from binding thoughts and restrictive
and thatwhichcan receive and contain its paradoxicalessen hws. This Serpent, as depicted by the form of the letter
Jepresenting it, ean also correctly be envisioned as a two-
‘The magical powers of the Daemonofthis letter are d Jeuded snake oras the Ouroboros that has let go ofits tail in
transcending of limits, the breakingofthe defencesoffoe ‘otiler to counteract the closing of the cosmic circle and the
shielding against physical, astral, mental and spiritu: ssublishment ofspiritual limitations.
intrusion, empowerment ofal spellsofligature, overcomin,
mental limitations and the establishment or breaking off ‘Whe magical powers of the Daemonof this letter are the
magical bounda sevelation ofsecrets, theliberationof the captive, the bringing
gl forbidden wisdom and power, rejuvenation and
‘The followingis theSeal ofthe Daemonofthe letter Cheth} evitalisation ofthe fiery force within, Spirit communication
thythe power of cloven tongue/speech and the making and
“working ofbenefic and malefic elixirs founded upon venoms.
‘Thefollowingis the Seal of the Daemonoftheletter Teth:

10-*Yod (Open Hand) - 10-1, ¥,} - Virgo - Hermit - Path 20 11 -DKaph(Palmof Hand) - 20 - K - Jupiter - Wheel of
‘The Qliphoth of Yod is the Hand ofthe Great Undo Fortune - Path 21
destroying the finite formed and restoring the infi ‘The Qliphoth ofKaph is the Palm ofthe Open Handofthe
formless, burningasa flameofthe primalessence ofthe iver and remover ofboons,a force ofacausality filtering the
Side ofthe Ain Sofandisa seedthat has givenlife and pow flux of non-being to cause the manifestations needed as
tothe formsofal the otherletters ofthe alphabetthat contai foundation for the Other Side’s Victory and Conquest,
Yod!s form within themselves and while it is reflecting th the starus quo bywaves ofevolution and revolution,
number 10 ofthe emanations ofthe cosmic alphabetit retail that whichis held and limited by the cosmicstructures
inits essence the powerof11 manifested by its act ofmirroring ounterpart, reversing the coin ofdestiny flipped upon
antithesis championing and strivingfor the FullnessofNullity the palm ofthe hand ofchance,causing upheaval and unfated
(10+10=20=2=1+1=11=1-120)and is avits core also a prime: change.
representationofthe FierySpirit ofthe Dragons ofQliphoth|
manifesting as the Black Flame Within and Without. he Kaph ofSitra Achra is a Lawless Force ofChaos giving
birth to myriad ofpossibilities that overthrowthe tyrannical
‘The Yod ofSitra Achra is a power that unbinds each soul rule ofthe Demiurgic Heimarmene ofYHWH,opening up
from its predestined position thatonthe cosmic sie regulates ‘new paths and possibilities leading above and beyond that
and limits its becomingby the addition ofKelim-Shattering| which was dictated by cruel destinythus serving the cause of
Spirit-Flame thatit causes through the manifestation ofthe | he primal lawlessness ofSpirit.
impulses of Gash Khalah towards and through Thagirion,
‘The work of the Tetragrammaton initiated byits cosmic ‘The magical powers of the Daemonofthis letter are the
‘counterpartis reversed and undone bythis fiery letterofthe | iyranting ofriches to the poorandthe ruining of the wealthy
alphabet ofThoughtless Light. The magical powers ofthe byreversingthe flows ofchance and fortune,the overthrowing
‘Daemonofthis etter are At-Azothic empowerments ofSpitit, ofrulers,the elevation to seats ofpower,the acquiring ofthose
the illumination ofthe Selfleading beyond the darkconfines things thatotherwise would be outof reach, the granting of
ofdestiny, the granting of dominion, supremacy and | gambling luck and the attainmentof autonomy,
domination,destruction and purification by fire, the
strengthening ofone’s’True Will and the rousing ofthe Black ‘The following is the Seal of the Daemon ofthe letter Kaph:
FlameofSitra Achra, both within and without.
‘The following is the Seal ofthe Daemon oftheletter Yod:

ep fe
de &
12-5 Lamed (The Ox-goad)- 30 - L- Libra - Justice - Path 2 ) 1) - 22 Mem(Water) - 40 (value of final form: 600) - M-
Water - Hanged Man - Path 23
‘The Qliphoth ofLamed is the Ox-goad removed in order t0)
return the domesticated essence of the primal force back t0 | ‘The Qliphoth ofMemis oftheWater ofthe Primordial Abyss
itswild and fundamentallyunbound state gravitating naturally 4nd a chaotic sea ofunboundpotential causingall static forms
back towards its unrestricted non-being in Thoughtless restricting its owto drown and dissolve inits black depths.
ibility. Iris aflery power ofmartial aggression manifesting Irisaforce reversing the natural cosmie flowofenergy ebbing
its liberating flames throughBlack Sol in order to rip apart nto forms and instead establishes formlessness in its looding
the cosmic scales ofcorrupt justice and instead install the wake and thus freesthe Spirit from the confines ofthe
Iawlessness granting freedom ofchaosto all. { ig vessels by causing themto overflowor break from
t-Azothie pressure thatit causes.
‘The Lamed of Sitra Achra is the power that shows the his
ofcreationto beillusory bythe falsifying ofthe Lie ofTruth, The Memof Sitra Achra, having as its supernalplace,in its
showing all cosmic concepts oftruth, law and justice to be roles one ofthe three Mother Letters,the Qlipha ofLucifuge,
nothing but falsehoods that serve onlyto restrict the Spirit is the ever-changing flowofThoughtless Will Unrestricted
within the structures ofthe prison-house ofthe deluded light by Destiny, seeking its realization by flowing through the
of thoughtfulereator. countless unfated sidetracks and crackscaused bythe impulses
of the Other Side, breaking through barriers when its path
‘The magical powers of the Daemon of this letter are the would be blocked by the limitations ofnature thus makingits
blindingofthe enforcers oflaw, victory in courtbythe causing. ‘ownself-created channelback towardsthe Source ofDivinity
ofconfusion, the protection ofoutlaws,the liberation ofthe \wnbound by the will ofthe cosmic creator.Itis a paradoxical
imprisoned or those otherwise held captive in the name of water both perceived as fiery and poisonous from the
Justice,the exposing and disgracing ofhypocrites, the causing perspective held byits cosmic counterpart, establishing upon
ofanarchyby the undermining of governmental structures the Tree ofDeath a path connecting the Flames ofAsmoday
and the overthrowing ofpolitical oreligious leaders. «with the Poison ofAdramelekinside of its swirling torrents
creating a Form-Dissolving Elixir ofThoughtlessness,
‘The following is the Seal ofthe Daemonof the letter Lamed:
‘The magical powers of the Daemon ofthis letter are
hydromancy and all forms ofserying, the Ars Veneficium via
tinctures and infusions, the unblocking ofclosed paths, the
causing of drowning, ablution rituals for the exorcism of
unwanted influences, the causing ofrain storms and the
heavingofseas,the evocation ofthe spirits ofthewatery abyss
and the openingoftheir gates leading to andfrom their side
ofthe Tehiru,

162 163,
‘The following is the Seal of the Daemonoftheletter Memtt_ iter are connected
to deadly malediction, necromancy, the evocation ofthesouls
"of the dead, astral poisoning, funerary rites aimed at the
liberation of the spirits of the dead from the constrictive
branches of the tree oflife, the cultivation ofthe powers of
Unfated/Sinistral Death and the attainment of Necrosophic
wD, he followingis the Seal of the Daemonofthe letter Nun:


14-2Nun (Fish) - 50 (valueoffinalfor 100) -N-Scorpio

= Death - Path 24
The Qliphoth of Nunis the Fish swimming through the
Waters ofDeathissuing forth fromthe opening between the
Solar Point ofResurrection towards and back from the point
ofthe Soul’s Liberation,where the Blessed Dead take flight
as the Ravens Scattering over the deluging sea of the death
oflimitation towards the Dawn ofDeification, without any.
intention of returning back to cosmic incarnation/ 15 ~D Samekh (Prgp)
(Prop) - 60
<6 -an
$ -sSagittarius
gi - Temperance
incarceration. Here is stationed the Death of God, the
Mavethel, within the Sea of the Dead shadowing forth by | ‘Vhe Qliphoth ofSamekh is the Prop or Support linking and
the Black Light ofthe Qliphothic Sun that crowns and upholding the creative union betweenthe Solar and Lunar
illuminates him from behind, causing deathly manifestation forces ofAnti-Cosmos causing their synergetic expansion by
within the sphere ofVenus where Qayin and His’Twin-Bride circulating the generative force back and forth between the
became as One, ruling the throneofthe Baal ofDeathleading. creative and formative manifesting points of Sitea Achra,
to Resurrection, clevating the Pallen to a state of Golden Ascension while
secking to tilt and make fall that which its opposing branch
‘The Son ofthe NunofSitra Achra, bearing the light ofthe means to uphold on its opposite side ofthe Tehiru,thus ever
Sun ofThoughtless Light is thus the Messiah that sired the seeking to cast down those that attain elevation by bowing
Bloodlineofthe First Death-Dealer as the blessed result of before the creator and instead crects andrises up those that
the flooding ofthe womb ofEve in the Edenic Daath by the would defyhim.
fiery sced of the Great Serpent, gathered up within the
Gardens ofthe Venus ofthe Other Side. ‘The Samekh ofSitra Achra assists the escape from the cyclical

fall ofrebirth and instead elevatesthe spark within the a ‘Unbound Unmanifest by the foolish preservation of the
soul back to the mental levelofrefinementand purity while Iiniting structures of fallen thought. Ir is the Black Eye of
at the same timeinfusing the astral sphere with the Li the Serpent seeingthrough all illusionsand outer appearances
that motivates such Returning Ascent. The roofofthe hot Mabbing with its penetrative glances at the core-essence of
ofllfe held up bythe cosmic aspect ofthis letter is torn « all things, revealing their inner truths and worth.
byits Qliphothic shadow, wrathfully removing the tent
and letting the waningofthe Sephirothic letter give rise of Sitra Achra is the Eye ofthe Devil as the Opposet
its own pillar of Virile Force emitting from Belfegor inta zeator and as such all that YHVH beheld as good this
Lilith and from Lilith back into Belfegor. 's through and reveals for the actual perverse evil of
ition itis and manages to detect the ways through which
‘The magical powers of the Daemon ofthis letter are the. uchperversity can be overcome and eliminated, As the Eye of
ing ofthe flame burning below the tip of the spine, the eltegor it looks down upon that which it seeks to cast its rays
causing of sexual attraction between man and woman, the ‘andilluminate with the Black Light, while it as the Eyes
transmutation of sexual energy into theelixir of th the peacock tail ofAdramelek serves as the beholder of
resurrection and elevation of the dead, the vampiric he higher truths seen through the death ofthe ego,looking up
manipulation ofsexual currents for the sake ofreplenishing. the perspective of the Divine Self awakened by the
one’s own life-force or directly channelling such curren jwmolation of weaknesses via the sacrificial intake and
into the Qliphoth,the causing ofimpotence and the granting ‘yansmnutationofpoison into the elixir ofClear Spirit-Sight,
‘The magical powers of the Daemon ofthis letter are the
‘Thefollowingis the Seal ofthe Daemonoftheletter Samekh:| Attainmentofhigher forms ofclairvoyance enabling visions
| fromSitra Achra, the power ofcursingthrough the Evil Eye,
| the exposing ofillusions and lies, the finding ofhidden paths
snd treasures,the blinding ofthe enemy and the restoration
‘tthe sight ofthe blind,granting them a chanceto find their
vways outoftheWhite Darkness thattheyhave been confined
“The following is the Seal ofthe Daemon oftheletter Ayin:

16 ~ 2 Ayin (Eye) - 70 - O, Ng ~ Capricorn - Devil - Path 26

“The Qliphoth of Ayin is the all-seeing Eye of the Dragon. 4
and the Ayin of Ain, the Eye of Nothingness, bringing
annihilation to all things it sees cause separation fromthe o—+—o

17 - DPch (Mouth) - 80(value of final form:800) - P - Mi 3S Tzaddi (Fish-hook) - 90 (value of final form: 900)
~ Tower - Path 27 ~ Tz Aquarius - Star - Path 28
‘The Qliphoth of Peh is the Mouth of the Dragon ‘Whe Qliphoth of Teaddi is the Fish-hookof the Deathly
Thoughtless Light issuingforth the Alogoswith the intentiot Visherof the soulsinhabitingthe astral waters issuing towards
to destroy with Unworded Silence that which the Word hi iu back from the Sea of Luna, snatching awaythe souls
wrought and acts as the open hungryjaw that consumesfini ‘wight by cosmic counterpart, not for the sake of their
life in order to re-establish via death the true deathlessness ilestruction butfor their salvation from thespiritual descent
the Divine Essence beyond the limitationsofcosmicexistence. shat they are afflicted byin their drowning state causing their
It is the Mouth of Deathitself breathing forth the Increase yhwitation towards incarnation into the realm of matter
of Spirit from the shadow of Venus into the Venom-filled) Hheneath the Waters ofthe Moon.It is a powerelevating the
Cup held by the guardian of its gate within the Qlipha ofthe| lower astral to its highest vibratory rate which brings its
Poison ofGod, granting a curse and a blessing to thosethat essence closer to formlessness, thus serving the cause of
would dare enterits path andclimbits branch upon the’Tree| HIVHTY’s Path ofAscent Through Reversal.
The TeaddiofSitra Achra is a letter that canrealise its own
‘The Peh ofSitra Achra swallows the Sun and brings light power through Nun from Mem and thus elevateitself and
and life to the realm ofdeath, bydecreasing the power of its that which it catches and constitutes together with those two
Sephirothicopposite thus sucking out the Light emitted into lettersa secret triad ofSacrifice, Death and Ascension bringing
the lowerpersonalitybyits reflectedletter and aidsthe ascent ‘ut and upwards the Divine Sparks trapped within the lower
instead ofthe descentofSpirit,serving the cause ofAcosmic | spaces ofthe Tebiru.
elevation and the returning of All back into Divine
Nothingness. The magical powers of the Daemon ofthis letter are
‘enticementallure and domination,the exposure offalsity, the
“The magical powers of the Daemonof letter are the ‘controlover the actions ofothers,the attainment ofknowledge
silencing of enemies and ofone’s own mind for the sake of fromotherpeople's dreaming minds, therecollection ofthat
martial victoryor the attainmentof liberating Gnosis, the ‘which has been forgotten, the entrapment ofthe Dark Dead
receiving of magical formulae in unworded forms, the ancl che returning ofrunaways.
understanding ofalien languages,the devouring oflife-force
ofothers and the Qliphothic transmutationofsuchconsumed The followingis the Seal of the Daemonoftheletter Traddit
energies,the power to curse by words and to heal via exhaled
smoke and breath,
Thefollowing is the Seal of the Daemonofthe letter Peh:

168 169
19 -P Qoph Back of,Head) 100 (value offinal form: 500)_ Thefollowingis the Seal ofthe Daemonoftheletter Qop!
‘Pisces - Moon - Path 29

‘The Qliphoth ofQophis the Back ofthe Head ofthe Serpents °

of the Other Side, manifesting in man through the medulla
oblongata/the reptilian brain,and is the nocturnallunarbranch |
ofThoughtless Light that connects the powers ofthe Qlipha e
‘ofVemus with that ofthe sphere counteracting the Malkuth
as Nahemoth,grantingit theinfluencesofthe Fires ofDeath
to dissolve the ns of finite life enlinked to via the
liminal points ofthat Qlipha intersecting with theTehiru of rT
the SephirothicTree, manifesting throughthe Lunar channel. |
ofthis letterits influences through the Points of Sleep and Vv
within unconscious minds receptive to its Fluid Fires of
20 -" Resh (Head) - 200 - R - Sun - Sun - Path 30
‘The QophofSitra Achra counteractits Sephirothic letter by. ‘Phe Qliphoth of Reshis the Headofthe Serpents acting as
awakening the sleeping through the granting oflucidity and the branchofMindlessness and Thoughtlessness assumedin
via the intuitive wisdom andinstincts it transmits causing order to counteract the limiting cause of its Sephirot!
receptivityto and longing for the UnformedSpirit,instead counterpart bycombating logicwith intuitive knowledge and
ofthe conscious obsessions of the slumbering ego-mind iting sanity with the liberating wisdom ofthe madness-
binding thoughts to formsand is thus a branch uplifting the inducing nectar of Adramefek’s Samacl, shined forth by this
lower materialaspects to the highest astral towards the Soul’s solar letter towardsand into Lilith’sGamaliel, manifestingitself
Point of Liberation, thus acting as the rope of Naamahis thece through theilluminated head ofthe SerpentTaninsam
weaving of the Lunar Threads brought downto earth, used andher poison dripping cloven tonguedissolving the forms
by the cunningas theWitch’s Laddergranting ascension and of Yesod and establishing her own astrallight, reflecting the
escapefrommaterial limitations, while remaining for the Black Sun shining forth during the Dark ofthe Moon.
profane that can not grasp it correctly as a strangling noose.
‘The Reshof Sitra Achra brings fertility to its cosmic
‘The magical powers of the Daemonof this letter are the counterpart’ sterile aspects and sterilityto its froitfulness in
causing of insomnia, the abilityto travel astrally and have order to nullify its powers or just bring imbalance to it by
lucid dreams, the arts of oneiromancy, the invasionofother uunfatedaddition ar subtraction offorce, this in order to set
people's dreams,the causing ofnightmares,the understanding loose that which it holds together and represses and in order
‘ofthe occultsciences, the manipulation ofthe astral currents to shatterits forms and pouroutthatwhich it aims to contain,
in order to affectthe physical,communion withthe dead and this through the paradoxical nature ofits mercurial and Innar
the Spiritsin dreams, the dispelling ofArchonic illusions and points ofmanifesting the solar force ofthe OtherSide.
cenchantments meant to enslave thespirit,astral lycanthropy
and the opening ofthe Mirror Gatesto Sitra Achra. magical powers of the Daemon ofthis letter are the
illuminating insight of truly belonging to the Nothingness
before and afterAll that was shallbecome,theattainment

ofleadership, wealth and worldly power without becoming| ‘pwence back to its quintessential source being the fifth before
attachedto suchfinite constructs ofdeluded mind, the igniti the four and therefore the Zeroth, while its supernalplace of
ofthe solarpowerwithin those bearingthe Lightofthe Oth championing the Return of ALL Back to the Fullness of
Side, Spiritual rebirth andinitiation via the death ofdifferent Fmptiness is as the Crown ofBeelzebubwithin Aogiel.
aspects of the ego-construct and the dawning ofthe Black
Sun of Thoughtless Self and enlightenment via the ‘The magical powers of the Daemon ofthis letter are
transcendence ofthe limitationsofreason, purification byfire,the strengthening ofthe fires ofthe Other
Side within those ofthe Serpent’s Bloodline,the Evocation
The following is the Seal of the Daemon ofthe letter Reshi of Spirits, divination employing fire, the At-Azothic
‘empowerments causing the shattering of finite forms,
desteuction of that which can not withstand the Fires of
‘Thoughtlessness, the Spiritual elevation and fiery coronation
-d through the gradual steps ofalchemical initiation and
y Spirit Liberating Gnosis opening fully the gates of
Acosmic Liberation.
The followingis theSeal of the Daemonofthe letter Shin:

21 -W Shin (Tooth) - 300 - Sh - Fire - Judgement - Path 31

‘The Qliphoth ofShinis the Tecth/Fangs ofthe Serpents of |
the Other Side,in manifested form depicting also both the
Fiery ‘Trident and the Triple Tongued Crown ofFire, also
referred to as the Triple Tongued Flameofthe Underworld,
being threefold manifestationofthe primal Unmanifest Yod
ofthe Thoughtless Divinity from Ain Sofin its most fiery
manifestation, crowning, destroying and tearing apart
depending on where, when and howits forceis applied. The
Shin of Sitra Achra is the Devouring Fire of the Spirit of
HVHYtaking formas the antithesis ofthe cosmic Mother
Letterit reflects, acting as the dynamic force ofanti-creation 22- TTav (Cross/Mark) -400 - Th- Saturn - Universe - Path 32
enlinked to the Qlipha of the Malkuth, via the Poisoner of
God,being on both sides of the Tehiruthe place where the The Qliphoth ofTavis the Mark, not as the mark set by the
three Motherletters descend to intermingle and give,in that ‘Angel of YHVH“upon the forcheads ofthe men that sigh
fallen state,birth to the fourth element ofearth. and shatery forall the abominationsthatbe donein the midst
thereof” butinstead one such as the Mark of Qayin’s Exile
‘The ShinofSitra Achra is thus also the Chthonic Fire that if ‘exalting his Spirit byseparating himfrom the cosmic order,
set loose will dissolve the material forms and returnthe elemental leading himto walk the Path ofNod towardsthe OtherSide.

172 173
Tris also the letter ofthe Cross, depicted as such inits pri
form of the Aleph-Beth, being in its Qliphothic aspect °
the elemental cross ofmatter uponwhich the Spirit is nail 0. Chageh + 00. Bohit
downbutinstead a Liminal Crossroads opening up the poit eo
in-between through which the Spirit mayescapeits inten eles
crucifixionupon and within the Assiahic elements ofthe fa
world of matter. x&
‘The Tavof Sitra Achra opposes its cosmic counterpart 2. 2 L x Lz
forming the branch lifting up the Spirit from the world of
matterinsteadofbeing the path through which Spirit is mai Be
to fall into the crudest realm ofform and manifestation, thi g
liberating it from its slavery and grantingit sovereignty 5 2
instead. f ~* 13 6A
“The magical powers of the Daemonofthis letter are the.
opening up of the liminal points and gates such as the
ling weaknesses ofboth the physical body and its ego or Lyn tN 4
nyotherformofmaterial enslavement,theelevationofthe ie 2

both physical and spiritual enemies and consecration ofall _ % = =
talismans and fetishes intended to keep within them any aspect +a ss
ofthe astral light.
‘The following is the Seal of the Daemonofthe letter Tay:

So\ C hy

iat 175,
® Jiesides the ceremonial approach aimed at the evocation of
finanated aspects ofthese 12 Princes the next common and
‘ore practical approach is the fetishistic and talismanic one
Tye se er UUnrough which the golden chains ofsympathyare established
Anil the sought essences ofthese Sitrin Acharanin are enlinked
0 {0 via suitable elements and formsin sympathy with their
nvessential causes,
the Hliphothie Zodiac
Vor the simplest level of their evocation through and into
GC: Princes ofthe Qliphothic Zodiac are the specific sjtaven images meant to serve asthe Kelims which are to hold
demonic emanations from theTwelve Simple Letters nul be overflownby the essences ofthese mighty deities of
ofthe Alphabet ofSitra Achra manifested as the Antagonists the Silencing Utterances of the Other God, oneis to create
ofthe 12Tyrant Archons ofCosmic Fate who bind the Spirits the images in the correct time,inscribe upon it the
imprisoned within the causal constructs of the Thoughtful sorresponding seal, insert into it the stones and/or other
1 with the Chains of Cruel Destiny and are as such the cloments in harmony with the zodiacal Qlipha it is meant
unfasteners ofthe fetters tying Divine Essence to limitation, to bein sympathy with, fumigate icwith thesuitable incense,
‘The Princes of the Qliphothic Zodiac may primarilybe sacrifice a fitting animaland colourie with its enlivening blood
called upon in accordance one’s own need to overcome andfinallyplace it upon the Point ofEvocation and according
and transcend the limitations of the personal horoscope tothe ruling protocols ofthe Callings ofthe Sitrin Achacanin,
bytheir disrupting and unfated alterations of the Web of the general modes of whichwill be outlined within the
Destiny, and secondly for the sake ofthe general magical following chapters ofthis Grimoire,in orderto cause desired
‘empowerments they can offer to those serving their cause ‘nspiritment, manifestation and enlinkment, Such fetish of
that can greatlyaid in the thwarting ofthe limiting snares of the Personal Zodiacal Qliphais kept uponthe altar reserved
fate upon the unlawful path leading towards the Other Side, for the Workings of the Forces of the Thoughtless Cause
‘and will greatly aidin the escape frompredestinedlimitations
If called upon in order to dissolve the fetters of destiny of one’s birth chart, when cultivated and worked properly.
imposed bytheir Sephirothic counterparts th are to be Similar steps can be taken in orderto create smaller and more
reached outto during the time best correspondingwith their portable talismans and whensuch workings have culminated
dominion which is the same time as when theyclash with nto the higher stages of the empowering forms of Spirit-
their mirrored opposites, but if called uponforthe sake of Congress,lending the spiritual authority and licenses to
anyother general At-Azothic empowerment, or any other continue and partake ofthe deeper mysteries,one canproceed
reasonserving the cause ofthe Black Light,theycan beevoked tothe stage ofinternalisation of the external manifestations
during the aight and nocturnal planctary hour best via invocation, possession andinneralchemical manipulation,
corresponding to their own stations, underlying planetary: according toand with the AvAzothicaidofthe Qliphothic
force and routes ofmanifestation. prince with whom at that stage the magician should have
m and mutually beneficial treaties, The following are the
“The modesofthe operationsintended to cause enlinkments lists of correspondence disclosing enough to the Cunning
to these forces are many and can take different forms Onesof the Serpent’s Blood to allow them to connect
depending on the intention and clevation of the work, but themselves to these Liberating Deities of Acosmic Fate~
Alteration and Soreerous Might,
176 7
J. Bo’nieicon
Meaningofthe name: TheFlock
Letter of the Alphabetof Sitea Achra: 7 Heh

Sign of Zodiac: Aries

Eootecic Seal of Ba’airiton:
‘Time of Dominion: March 21 — April 20
Planetary Ruler: Mars

Element: Fire

‘Tarot Trump: Emperor

Incense: Dragon's Blood, Cinnamon powder, Galangal root,

powder, Aconite leaves, Rue and Tobacco |
Animals: Ram, Horse, Mule, Leopard, Serpent
Stone: Bloodstone, Garnet, Ruby {
Formassumed during astral manifestation: Ram-headed,
winged dragon-serpent,engulfed in blackfie blazingup from
Sorcerous Attributes and Powers: Victory in Bartley,
‘overcoming ofboth physical and mental weaknesses, the
impartingofleadership qualities and thegranting ofinfluence.
over others butalso the power to diminish such qualities and
influences when need be, the granting of courage or the
installing offear, the empowerment and focus ofthe powers
ofWill, the removal ofthe obstacles blocking the path leading.
to practical/materialistic goals, the sowing ofdiscord amongst
the ranks ofthe enemies, the consecration and empowerment _
ofall magical weapons reserved for the workings of martial
malediction and the aiding in all strategical planning
connected to warlareand hostility

2. Qkdimiton
Meaning of the name: The Bloody Ones
Letter of the Alphabet of Sitra Achra: 1 Vav
Sign of Zodiac: Taurus
Esoteric Seal of Vdimicon:
‘Time of Dominion: April 21 ~ May 20
Planetary Ruler: Venus
Element: Earth
‘Tarot Trump: Hierophant
Incense: Applewood powder, Storax,Patchouli,Musk, Blood |
Root, Elder leaves and Cardamom seeds
Animals: Bull, Calf, Swan, Swallow
Stone: Emerald,Jade, Lapis Lazuli
Form assumed during astral manifestation: Crowned Bull-
headed dragoncoloured red by the blood ofhis vanquished
foes and the offerings he receives by his faithful, having his
black glistening scales hidden beneath the scarlet covering,
Sorcerous Auributes and Powers: Pacification of hostile
forces and/or inner weaknesses, strengthening of the wild
aspects ofthe selfand others,the causing ofrage and bloodlust
or the mollificationofsuch emotions when need be,the power
to attain Freedom fromcaptivity, the acquirementofwealth
and rich harvest, the manipulationofthe external illusions of
reality in accordance to one’s ownbeliefs and will, the
controlling ofthe minds ofthe many,the disruption ofstatic
established traditions and beliefs giving way to unfated and,
newexpressions and manifestations leading towards theGreat
Goal, and aid in all revolutionary plans meant to overthrow
old authorities orlimiting rules in order to further the cause
of Lawless Becoming.
180 181
3, Tpalalimicon
Meaning ofthe name: The Clangers
Letterof the Alphabetof Sitra Achra: T Zayin

Sign of Zodiac: Gemi

Esoteric Seal of Calalimicon:
‘Timeof Dominion: May 21 —June 21
Planetary Ruler: Mercury Teo
Element: Air EEE ih
‘Tarot Trump: Lovers
Incense: Wormwood leaves,Mace (peels ofNutmeg), Mastic,
Fly Agaric Mushroom powder and Fennel seeds
wo 4Zp>
‘Animals: Magpie, Fox, Nightingale, Lark, Parrot
Stone: Agate, Aventurine
Form assumed during astral manifestation: Dual-headed
winged dragon, wielding a flaming sword in eachofits two.
hands, one burning with red and the other with black fires,
Sorcerous Auributes and Powers: The Causing ofdiscord
and disruption for the sake of the provocation of evolution
through dynamic andoften hostile dual tension,detachment
fromthat which hinders progress towards the attainment of
spiritual goals, cunningness and sharp and cold focusing of
mental faculties, aid in escape from binding people or |
situations, initiations into the arts of occult medicine and
poison,the powerofbeguiling throughspeech,love-witching.
and break-upworkand the attainment or union with specific
aspects ofthe forces ofthe OtherSide in order tostrengthen,
the bonds ofSerpent-Bloodand Spirit.
4. Shichiricon
‘Meaningofthe name: The Black Ones
Letterof the Alphabetof Sitra Achra:T] Cheth
Sign of Zodiac: Cancer
Esoteric Seal of Shichiticon:
‘Time of Dominion:June 22 ~ July 22

Planetary Ruler: Moon

Element: Water
‘Farot Trump: Chariot
Incense: Sandalwood powder, Lily flowers, Eucalyptus leaves,
Willowleaves, Poppy seeds and Mugwort leaves
Animals: Crab,Turtle, Dog, Chameleon, Swine, Mice, Frog |
Stone: Beryl, Moonstone, Sapphire, Clear quartz |
Formassumedduringastral manifestation: A pitch black _
Dragonof the Sea, without any clear visible features, a
shadowless shadowof the Taninim, submersed in the Black
‘Waters ofthe Qliphothic Moon.
Sorcerous Attributes and Powers: Sciomancy and other
kinds ofmagic related to the reading, conjuring or otherwise |
controlling ofthe shades ofboththe living and the dead, the
empowerment ofall sorcerous workings ofligature, occult
‘meansfor the manipulation of the emotions of others; the
sharpening of one’s intuition, attainment of invulnerability
and victory in bate,wealth conjusingthe creation ofenergetic |
shields and barriers, the taming and subduing of the clay
born impulses of Adam, the openingof the mirror gates
ing to the Other Side of the Tehiru and the ability to
find or cause Liminal Points fortheingress and egressofSpit

184 185
5. Shalehoieon
Meaning ofthe name: The Flaming Ones
Letter of the Alphabetof Sitra Achra: 8 Teth
Evooteric Sen! of Shalehoicon:
Sign ofZodi + Leo
Timeof Dominion: July 23 ~ August 22
Planetary Ruler: Sun
Element: Fire
“Tarot Trump: Strength
Incense: Bay Laurel leaves, Frankincense résin, Turmeric,
Saffron, Rosemary and Olive leaves
Animals: Lion,Wolf,Jackal, Crocodile, Boas, Bull, Eagle
Stone: Cat's eye, Amber, Carnelian, Diamond,Topaz
Form assumed during asteal manifestation: A black dragon
\with the head ofa furious majestic lion, coroneted with the
‘Triple-Tongued Fiery Crown ofthe Black Light and armed,
with a golden sword.
Sorcerous Attributes and Powers: The grantingofmagnetic
charm and charisma, the attainmentoffame and admiration,
the control and manipulation ofthe wills of others placing
them under one’s command, the illumination and
empowerment through the Invincible Flames of the Black
Sun,initiation into secret forms ofpyromancy and otherfire
related magic, attainment ofcontrol over one’s self in order |
to transcend weaknesses, the granting offearlessness when
facing danger, the overpowering and dominating of foes,
elevation to seats of power and the attainmentof both
temporal and spiritual autonomy.

186 187
6. Tiaphieicon
Meaning ofthe name: The Scratchers
Letter of the Alphabet of Sitra Achra: ” Yod
Esoteric Seal of Tiaphicicon:
Sign of Zodiac: Virgo
‘Time of Dominion: August 23 ~ September 22
Planetary Ruler: Mercury ‘ is
Elemei eth
‘Tarot Trump: Hermit
Incense: Pomegranate peels,White Rose Petals, Orris Roo
Dill seeds and Cedar wood powder
Animals: Cat, Weasel, Hart, Civet-Cat, Blackbird
Stone: Peridot, Agate, Aventurine
Formassumed during astral manifestation: A dragon wit
the head of a wrathful man crowned with a single Dameof
Black Fire, having the cloven tongue ofa serpentandarme
with claws sharp and long as deadlysickles,
Sorcerous Attributes and Powers: Transcendent:
meditation, attainmentofinsight concerningTrue Will an
Divine Self revelation ofInnerLight by the penetration of
‘outer darkness, communion with and control over thesouls)
and spirits inhabiting the wild and desolate places,the power
to heal orto spread malady, the liberation ofthe enslaved,th
isolation and containment ofany person,force or emanatio!
the granting ofprotection and concealment ofself, deeds of

7. Ql'abiticon
Meaning ofthe name: The Clayish Ones
Letterofthe Alphabetof Sitra Achra: 9 Lamed

Sign of Zodiae: Libra Esoteric Seal of 2I’abiciron:

Time of Dominion: September 23 ~ October 22
Planetary Rules: Venus
Element: Air

‘Tarot Trump:Justice

Incense: Cherry tree resin, Galbanum, Lavender, Chamomnl

Belladonnaleaves and Coriander seeds
Animals: Pelican, Raven,Pigeon,Turtledove, Elephant,Spider
Stone: Chrysoprase, Turquoise
Form assumedduring astral manifestation: A Giantwith
dragon-heads sprouting from each of his shoulders, robed|
with the flayed skins ofman, dragging in each hand a plough
behind him through a field ofbleedingclay,
Sorcerous Attributes and Powers: The causing ofimbalance _
and the breaking ofthe chains ofstagnation, aid in successful
transgression of laws, manipulation ofjudges and lawyers, _
granter of beauty and magnetic attraction, reinforcement of
srorks ofvengeance and punishment,protection ofoutlaws, |
the hindering of enemies and the tuming of their attacks
against themselves,the exposing ofconspiracies,falsities and
lies and the chaotic addition or subtraction offorce in order
t0 cause unfated becoming and the transcending ofelay-born

8. Mecheshthiron
‘Meaning ofthe name: The Brassy Ones
Letterof the Alphabetof Sitra Achra: Nun
Esoteric Seal of Vecheshthteon:
Sign of Zodiac:Scorpio
‘Timeof Dominion: October 23 ~ November 21

Planetary Ruler: Mars

Element: Water

‘Tarot Trump:Death,
Incense: Ginger Powder,Opoponax,Tobacco,Thorn Apple
and Sulphur
Animals: Beetle, Wolf, Scorpion,Ass, Hawk, Crow
Stone: Snakestone, Kunzite, Spinel,Tourmalated Quartz,
‘Form assumedduring astral manifestation: A Brazen Dragon
with the stinging tail ofa scorpion, armed with a reddened
ythe and crowned with a Black Sunilluminating himfrom
Sorcerous Attributes and Powers: Maledictions afflicting.
both bodyand soul, the summoning of the violent dead to |
attack enemies, attainmentof insights into the mysteriesof
sinistral death, the opening of the watery gates of the dead.
intersecting with the Seas of the Nun of Sitra Achra, the
safeguarding or revealing of secrets, the ai
evolution by ruthlesslykilling that which hinders it, aid in all
work ofsoul-smiting malediction, granting ofliberation
through violence and upheaval and aid in unfated |
transformations meantto transfer the Spirit to the Side of
the DragonsofQliphoth.

9. Mecheshicon
Meaningof the name: TheSerpentine Ones
Letter of the Alphabetof Sitra Achra: OSamek
Esoteric Seal of Mecheshicon:
Sign of Zodiac: Sagittarius
Time of Dominion: November 22 ~ December 21

Planetary Ruler: Jupiter

Element: Fire
‘Tarot Trump: Temperance i
Incense: Black Copal, Cedar wood, Juniper, Henbane and
Sumac iq

Animals: Snake, Horse, Dog; Dees, Pheasant

Stone:Jacinth, Amethyst, Sugilite
Form assumedduring astral manifestation: A blackwinged
and horned Serpent, surrounded by a circle of broken arrows,
which he burns with the Black Fire emitting from his open
Sorcerous Auributes and Powers: ‘The power to turn
impending defeat into victory,the confusing and misleading.
ofone’s accusers, aid in escape from prison or enemies,
discoveryofhidden treasures and attainment ofriches (both.
material and spiritual),the causing offertility and virility or
bareness and impotence,aid in Iycanthropic transformations |
and alchemical transmutations,the tamingofthe Night- Mare,
the arousing ofthe Serpent Fire within and the attainment _
of metaphysical insights concerning the Holy Gifts of the
Nachash and the esoteric means through which they can be
attained and realised.

10, Dagdagiton
Meaning ofthe name: [he Fishy Ones
Letter of the Alphabet of Sitra Achra: 2Ayin
Esoteric Seal of Dagdagicon:
Sign of Zodiac: Capricorn
Timeof Dominion: December 22 -January 19
Planetary Ruler: Saturn
Element: Earth oa
‘Tarot Trump: Devil
ine, Salep root, Mandrake root, Valerian root,
Patchouli,and Wormwood
Animals: Goat, Ass, Toad, Snake, Hare, Bat
Stone: Coal, ApacheTear, Hematite, Onyx
Form assumed duringastral manifestation: goat-headed
dragon ofthe seas of chaos, bearing the imperishable and _
brilliant Dual Flameof Black Light between his horns,
swimming through the crashing wavesofthe Great Deep.
Sorcerous Attributes and Powers: The traversi the Sea
ofthe Dead connected to the Nahemothicrealm,initiations into
the antinomian and liberating mysteries ofthe Other Sabbath,
the empowermentofal witchcraftsrelated to the Seirim and
their Master beneath the Mountain of Darkness,initiation
into the mysteries ofthe Crown ofFire and the Black Halo
ofthe Saintly Ones, the workings ofmalediction related to the
Evil Eye, the empowering ofall evocations ofthe forces ofthe
Other Side, the transcending of the Gates ofMatter by the
correct entering of the Devil's Reversed Path of Spirit as
expressed through the HVHY and theability tobanishmaterial
obsessions via the Black BanquetofDetaching Indulgence,
196 197
UO. Bahimicon
Meaningof the name: TheBestial Ones
Letterof the Alphabetof Sitra Achra: $ Tzaddi
Esoteric Seal of Bahimicon:
Sign of Zodiac: Aquarius
‘Timeof Dominion:January20 — February 17

Planetary Ruler: Saturn

Element: Air

‘Tarot Tramp:Star

Incense: Galbanum, Myrrh, Colophony, Angel's Trumpet

flowers, Palo Santo and Verbena
Animals: Man, Eagle, Peacock, Camel, Mole
Stone: Chalcedony, Aquamarine, Fossils,Jet
Form assumedduring astral manifestatios titanic black
juggernaut resembling in form that of a hybrid between a
mammoth and a hippopotamus, but scaled like a dragon,
crushingall that stands in his way.
Sorcerous Attributes and Powers: The strengthening ofthe
powers manifesting one’s True Will, the attainment of inner
power and control over emotions, regeneration of life-force
via occult means,initiations into the deeper mysteries ofthe
Eleven and how LiberatingThoughtlessness can be attained
throughits/their different essential manifestations,the forceful
crushingofinternalandexternal enemiesviathe correctdirection
‘ofpower towards their points ofweakness,the opening ofnew
channels for the Kelim-Shattering Waters of the Tehomoth
ha-Sitra Achra and the revealing of new ways through which
the forces ofthe Other Side can beinvoked and internalised
for the sake ofAt-Azothic empowerment and ascension,
198 199
12. Mashimicon
Meaningof the name: The Malignant Woman
Letterof the Alphabetof Sitra Achra: P Qoph

Sign of Zodiac: Pisces Eooteric Seal of Mashimiron:

‘Time of Dominion: February 18 - March 19

Planetary Ruler: Jupiter

Element: Water
‘Tarot Teump: Moon
Jeaves, Calamusroot, Clove, Black Hellebore:
root and Hyssop
Animals: Fish, Shark, Screech-owl, Snake, Wolf
Stone:Pearl, Amethyst, Lepidolite
Form assumed during astral manifestation: A draconic
siren, having the lower body ofan aquatic Dragon-Serpent
and the upper body ofa beautiful womanwithlong darkhair,
red lips and radiant black mesmerising eyes. {
Sorcerous Attributes and Powers: Astral projection and the
‘opening ofthe Oneiric Gates leading to the Other Side, the
sending of nightmares and the art of dream-intrusion,
‘energeticvampirismandchannelling and manipulation oflife-
force, acquisition ofesoteric knowledge and initiation into
lycanthropic arts of shade-shifting, the granting of Night-
Sight, inidation into the secret formsof hydromancy, the
exposing ofhidden dangers and enemies, the empowerment
of one’s intuition and mediumistic skills, the causing of
madness andthecasting ofthe enchantments ofglamour and
illusion or the banishing ofsuch deception.

attributed namesandtheexactorderofsuccession ofthe Seven
arths and the Seven Hells dependingon thetextual sources.
A veryrelevant example is the following description ofthe
The Seven Hells Seven Earths quoted from the bookThe Legends oftheJews
by Louis Ginzberg concerning the Inhabitants of the Seven
and arts:
Seven Eneths “WhenAdam was cast out ofParadise befirst reachedthe lowest
oftheseven earths, theExez, which is dark,withouta ray oflight,
WD ithin the Sitra Achra are the Seven Places holding and utterly void. Adam teas terrified, particularly by theflames
within them the Ten Qliphoth governed by the ofthe ever-turningsword, which ison this earth
Eleven Heads of Azerate. These Seven Places, or more Afterhe hail donepenance, Godledbim to the second earth, the
correctly Kingdoms, are called the Seven Hells by those that
would consider the Qliphoth as the hellish realms, but in Adama, where there is light reflectedfrom its own skyandfrom
reality these Kingdoms ofThoughtlessness are far removed itsphantom-likestars andconstellations. Hereducellthephantom-
From anything related to the places ofpunishmentthat they Like beings that issuedfromthe union ofAdam with the spirits
by the Adamites are feared to be, because these realms of | They aré akways sad; the emotion ofjoy is not known to them.
SitraAchra are outside ofthejurisdiction ofthe cosmic creator ‘They leave their own earth and repair to the one inhabited by
and as such do notserve his will to inflict torment. ‘men, wherethey arechangedinto evilspirits, Then they return to
‘When the actual reality and nature of this and the Other their abodefor good, repent of their wicked deeds, andtill the
ground, which, however, bears neitherwheatnoranyotherofthe
Side is realised according to the Current that our Book of |
Sitra Achra presents it becomes clear that the places of seven species,
punishment to which the YHVHcan condemn those that In thisAdamah, Cain, Abel, andSethwereborn. Afterthemurder
would offend him are in this accursed Sephirothic side ofthe ofAbel, Cainwas sent back to the Erez, where he wasfrightened
‘Tehiru and not on the Other Side,as he holds no dominion into repentanceby its darkness and by theflames of the ever-
over the Realm of the Thoughtless God and even if he can | tuaning sword. Accepting his penitence, Godpermitted bim to
banish and expel Spirits toThat Side he can not dictate theit ascendtothethirdearth, theArka, cohichreceives somelightfrom
conditions within that realm as itis fully outside ofthe reach
he sun.
ofhis binding lawandlimiting will. q
‘Theplaces ofpunishmentto which the YHVHdoes condemn The Arka was surrendered to the Cainitesforever, as their
his creation must assuch be understoodto be located within. perpetualdomain, They tilltheground, andplant trees, but they
his own Structure ofThought and Formandunder his own ave neither wheat norany otherofthe seven species.
causal dominion and are according to Tradition and older lore
believed to be within the Seven Earthsofthe Sephiroth and Some ofthe Cainites aregiants, some ofthem are dwearfi. They
not at all within whatis called the Seven Hells of Qliphoth. have two heads, wherefore they can never arrive at a decision;
they are abways at loggerheads with themselves. It may happen
‘There are a few different variations anddifferences in the that they are pious now, only to be inclined to do evil the next

202 203
In the Ge, thefourth earth, live the generation ofthe Tower According to the quoted narrative the names andorder of
Babeland their descendants. Godbanishedthem thither becaul ‘successionofthe Seven Earths should be as following:
thefourth earth is notfaxfiomGehenna, and therefore close fo t
flamingfire. The inbabitants ofthe Ge are skilfulinallarts, a 1, Erez (DryEarth)
‘accomplished in all departments ofscience and knowledge, 4}, Adamah (Red Clay)
their abode overflows with wealth. When an inbabitantof 4. Arka (Earth)
earth visits them, they give himthe mast precious thing in t 4. Ge (Vally)
passession, but then they leadhim to the Neshiab, thefifth earth, 5, Neshiah (Oblivion)
where he becomes oblivious ofbis origin and his home. j 6, Ziah (Dryness/Desert)
7, Tebel (Firm Land/the World)
The Neshiah is inhabitedby dtwarfi without noses; they brea
through two holes instead. They have no memory: once a thing While the names and descriptionsofthe earths given are of
hashappened, they forgetitcompletely, whencetheirearthiscalled yreat relevance and interest, their order ofsuccession in the
Neshiak, ‘forgetting. ‘waythat theyare superimposed upon each other are inconflict
\with other more commondescriptions ofthese same sevenfold
Thefourth andfifth earths are like theArka; they have trees, bul. layering ofthe earths, which instead ofthe above given
neither wheat nor any other ofthe seven species. dleseription places them in the following manner that also
connects them to the Sephiroth, for which theyconstitute as
The sixth earth, the Ziah, is inhabited by handsome men, wha the Seven Habitationsofthe Ten:
aretheowners ofabundant wealth, andlive inpalatialresidences,
but theylack water, as thenameoftheirterritory, Ziah, “drought 1, Eretz the Three Supernal Sephiroth
indicates. Hence vegetation is sparse with them, and thelr tree 2, Adamah~ Chesed
culture meets with indifferent success. Theyhasten to any water, 3. Ge— Geburah
spring that is discovered, andsometimes theysucceed in slipping 4, Nashiya — Tiphareth
through itup to our earth, where they satisfy theirsharp appetite 5. Ziah — Netzach
_for thefood eaten by the inhabitants ofour earth. For the rest 6, Arka —Hod
they are men ofsteadfastfaith, mare thanany other class. of 7. Tebel ~ Yesod and Malkuth
‘The placement ofthe Enduring Souls ofthe Qayinite within
AdamremainedintheAdamabuntilafterthebirthofSeth. Then, Acka, the earth corresponding with Hod, is of interest as
passingthe thirdearth, theArka, theabidingplaceofthe Cainites, according to EsotericTradition the Transcendent Spirits of
‘and the next three earths as scell, the Ge, the Neshiah, and the the Qayinite are located in the Qlipha ofNetzech, whichis
Ziah, Ged transported hitn to the Tebel, the seventh earth, the something that if understood properly discloses aspects of
earth inhabitedby men.” the true nature ofthe antithetical polarity that exists between
the Sephiroth and the Qliphoth andtheir effects upon the
Souls and the Spiries.
Whenit comes to the Seven Qliphothic Kingdoms or Hells
there are also inconsistencies within the differentsources when

itcomesto the exactorderofsuccession and eventheirnamin
and as these realmsare named bythe worshippers ofYHVI
the meanings are ofcourse prejudicious and accusative in i
waymeantto paint a hellish visionof the OtherSide in onde
to act as the glorifying counterpart to their ownillusory and)
false ideas concerning the paradisal place belowthe feeto|
their creator,thus gilding the cage that keeps them enslaved
within the deluded andspiritually diluting mindand thought
of that Demiurge. |
Similarly to howthe prejudicial namesofthe Qliphoth have|
hin certain esoteric contexts become revalued and
recharged in essence and connected to the actual Light and
Essence ofthe Other Side and so elevated from the lowly
concepts that they were bythe profane meantto represent 90
have also the namesgiven to the Seven Hells becomeessentially
ifiedand connected to Currents far above and beyond that
which they were meanttooriginally represent and are within |
the correct context now most powerful and loftypoints of |
focus for those that serve the Alien El ofThoughtlessness,
‘The following are the names of the Seven Qliphothic |
Kingdoms of the Eleven and their wayofsuccession from
the highest to the lowest sphere, as accepted and assimilated
by the Thoughtless Current of Anti-Creation manifested
throughthe Tradition upholding the teachings presented
within this book of those that strive to championthe Cause
ofthe OtherSide:
1. Sheol ha-Tehom ~ Grave/Hlollowofthe Abyss ~
the Supernal triad ofQliphoth
2. Abaddon — Destruction ~ Gash Khalah
3. Tit ha-Yon ~ Mire ofMud ~ Golachab
4. Bar Shachath ~ Pit ofRuin ~Thagirion
5. Trelmoth ~ Shadow ofDeath ~ Oreb Zaraq
6. Shaarimoth - Gate of Death - Samael
7. Gehinnom — ValleyofHinnom - Nahemoth and Gamaliel
J, Sheol ha-Tehom
Sheol ha-Tehom, exoterically just called Sheol and more,
esoterically by our Tradition named as the Tehom,is from
the Sephirothicperspective the deepest part of the Abyss of
Qliphoth and constitutes ofthe three firstsupernal Qliphoth|
ofThaumiel,Aogieland Satariel,headed by ha-Satan,Motok,
Beelzebub and Lucifuge Rofocale. Sheol ha-Tehom, the ”
Grave ofthe Great Deep/Abyss is the habitation or Kingdom
closest to the transcendent aspects of the Tohu, Bobu and
Chasek linked to Ain andis the manifestation of the |
Unianifest, balancing upon the edge of anti-existence,
coming into being only for the sake of the Return ofAll to
and therestoration of the Fullness of Primordial Divine
From the initiatory perspectivethis First Kingdom or Hell is Sheol Ha-Tehom’s Theeefols Opening Formula:
the Seventh Gate to’ enter, as from theposition of those
climbing the Tree of Death this Kingdomofthe Dragon is| Athiel% Lacifige Rofocale % Satariel ™ Sathamel% Ayomel ®
centered through the last gate, represented bythe following Tualummabel ® Aphelabel® Radabel ® Irabtzel® Ashmanel ®
Seal ofthe Seventh Gate ofHell, also called the Gate Seal of Laatel® Liftoach Shaari ba-Sheol ha-Tebom!
Sheol ha“Tehom: |
Beliel ™ Beelzebub %® Aogiel ® Abedahel Okuroel
Gebel Iashamel ® Acharel ® Label
Liftoach Shaari ha-Sheol ba-Tehom!

Qumetiel ® Satan Molok ® Thaumiel *® Thaninel ® Akzarel

Uazarel © Mibdalahel ® lanabel % Abadel %® Labbabel
Lifteach Shaari ha-Sheal ha-Tebom!
2. Abaddon
Abaddon, the Destroyer or the Hell of Destruction,is th
Kingdom ofthe Gash Khalah being thatofthe Qliphaofthe
Shakers to Complete Destruction governedbyAstaroth and
isthe PointofThoughtlessness on theOther Side annihilating
the primary root of the manifestations emanating from the
Sephirothic Atziluth whileinstead manifesting and focusing
the impulses of the Qliphothic aspect ofthat first supernal_
world within the Briahic levelin ordertodestroy the creation
ofits Thoughtful counterpart by replacing its‘thoughts of
creation’with those ofThoughtless Annihilation, leading the
Spirit entering this mental point of rectification through
destruction closer to the attainmentofthe Highest Crown|
of Nihility beyondall cosmic restrictions,
Fromthe initiatoryperspective this second Hell ofQliphoth lbndson’s Opening Formula;
is enteredvia the Sixth Gate through which theThoughtless
Adept must enter in order to reach for the Crown ofthe Astaroth ® Gash Khalah® Gadael % Akalel ® Shararel %
Dragons ofthe Other Side, Thefollowing is the Seal ofthe Kaphahel ¥ Lachamel ® Haragel
Sixth Gate ofHell, also called the Gate Seal ofAbaddon and. Liftoach Shaari ba-Abaddon!
its corresponding Opening Formula:

3. Tt ha-Jon
Tit ha-Yon, the Mire ofMud also less commonly translate
as the Boiling Mire,is the Kingdom of the Golachab bein,
that ofthe Qlipha ofthe Flaming Ones and the Burners with
Fire, governed by the wrathful Asmoday and is a Point
Holocaust spelling death to any remnants of the clay-born
limitations which within this stage become melted off the
Imperishable Bones ofSpirit so that one may embark upon
the next following levels of cleansing and restoration of
Nothingness in a purified and empowered manner,leaving
bchind the melted corpse ofAdam and instead rising upa5 4
Flame approaching the Highest Thrones ofAcosmic Fire.
From theinitiatoryperspective this third Hell ofQliphothis
entered via the Fifth Gate through which the Seed ofthe
Serpentis further cleansed in its preparation for the return _ Tit ha-Yon's Opening Formula:
back into and germination within the womb ofTehom. The
following is the Seal ofthe Fifth Gate ofHell, also called the
Gate Seal of Tit ha-Yon andits corresponding Opening Asmoday Golachab % Gophriythel ™ Ophiseshel ®
Formula: Lahatel % Charchurel % Balael
Liftoach Shari ha-Tit ha-Yon!

4. Bor Shachath
Bar Shachath,the Pit of Ruin, originallyreferringto a Ditel
forthe Rotting Away and Corruptionof the (castoff) M:
Corpus, and is the Kingdom ofThagirion being that of the
Disputers and Opponents of the Thoughtful Law an
governed by the Lawlessness ofBelfegor and is a Pointof
Unfated Resurrectionofthe Crowned Dead and arising Pillar
ofthe Beast of the Final Revelation, granting Life in Death
and Flaming Wings to those that wilfully let their clay-born
aspects rot underthe heat ofthe Black Sun,in order to become
illuminated byits light and move further into the Cleansing.
Fires ofThoughtless Restoration ofSpirit upon the Serpentine
Path ofthe Eleven-Headed El.
From the initiatory perspective this fourth Hell ofQliphoth
is entered via the Fourth Gate through which the Dawn of Bot Shachath’s Opening Formula:
the Resurrection of the Dead that have crossed the Sea of
Death is achieved bythe transformation ofthe Raven into Belfegor % Thagirion ™ Towebabel ® Gaowonel %
the Phoenix. Thefollowing is the Seal ofthe Fourth Gate of
Hell, also called the Seal Gate of Bar Shachath and its Raniamel % Igedael ® Rababel ® Oriensel ® Natashel ®
corresponding Opening Formula: Liftoach Shaari ha-Bar Shachath!

5. Telmoth
‘Trelmoth, the Shadowof Death,often placed by others|
theposition ofthe sixth hell is within our tradition n
shadow encountered before entering the Gates ofDeath bi
instead a shadow first experienced and assumed after havi
passed through that Gate ofSamael and arrived to the nex
Kingdom/Hell where the Throneof the Shadow ofDeath
suited, esotericallyunderstood as being a foreshadowingo}
the deathlike aspectofthe Qliphothic LetterofNun, caus
and cast by the light it receives from the Black Sun an
manifested within the Qlipha ofthe Raven’ ofDeath,whet
those Ravens of Scattering become as embodiments ofthi
Deathly Shadow, giving wings to those Ascended Ones of
the Serpent’s Seed that can take to the Flight ofNo Return,
for the sake of the Liberation of Soul and Spirit from the
imprisonmentthat otherwise would have beencaused throt Telmoth’s Opening Formula;
‘Thoughtful Rebirth. |
From theinitiatory perspective this fifth Hell of Qliphoth iy, Baaitzelmoth %® Oreb Zarag ™ Ongirtael * Ratsachel
Bazarel™ Zabachel Rabel % Qeberel %
entered via the Third Gate through which the Liberation ‘ch Shaari ha-Tzelmoth!
granted by Unfated Death sets free the Souls and Spiri
scatteringforth, leaving behind the corpse oftheir Abelsla
upon the Akeldamato feed the Gulgaltha, The following.
theseal of theThird Gate of Hell, alsocalled the Seal Gate
ofTzelmoth and its corresponding Opening Formul

216 27
6. Shancimoth
Shaarimoth, the Gate ofDeath, placed here inits, for
Current and Tradition,the proper positioninrelation to th
alchemical process connected to the intake ofthe Venom
the Serpent alchemicallytransmuted into the PoisonofG
bringing about the death ofthat which binds the Self to the
El ofSephiroth while at the same time empowering th
cenlinkments to the El ofthe Thoughtless Side, turning th
keys of the Gate of Adramelek by the wilful acceptance of
the death ofthefinite forms for the sake ofthe attainmento
the infinite essence gravitated to by the Qliphoth and is @
pointofsacrifice ofthe limited ego and mind,opening up the
possibility for unfated expansion, transcendence and rebirth
outside ofthe Sephirothie Tehiru. {
From theinitiatoryperspective this Sixth Hell is entered via Aancimoth’s Opening Formula:
the Second Gate, through which the Adamite ego bitten by
the Taninsam is in dying condition allowing the emerging. Advamelek Samael ® Salaphel Maradel ® Ayabel ®
Spiritual Selfto here becomeled to the altar ofthe Peacock Lachatsel ® Liftoach Shari ha-Maveth!
King forthe sake of the attainmentofthe Poison-Antidote
Elixir yielded by the Peacock-Kingto those that he would
find ofworth,causing by the demise it inducesto the limiting,
aspects the separation ofthe ego born ofclay, from the Self.
born fromthe sparks ofthe Fires ofthe Black Light, this by|
allowing entrance to and through the Gate ofDeath and by
the granting ofthe purification thatsuchinitiatic deathentails,
‘Thefollowing is the Scal of the Second Gate of Hell, also
called the Seal Gate of Shaarimoth and its corresponding
Opening Formula:

7. Gehinnom
Gchinnom,the Valley ofHinnom,believed to originally be.
the namereferring to a valley on the south side ofJerusalem
where the worshippers of Baal and Molok let their children
pass through thefire as sacrifices to the Elohim Acherim,
and as such deeds were considered to have cursed the valley _
in question itcameto be a place considered asa physical gate.
to Hell and is said to later have been used asa place reserved.
for the burning of all kinds of unclean waste, such as the
carcasses of impure animals and the corpses of criminals,
‘While noneoftheseclaims have beenproven to be historically
authentic the symbolism related 0 this valley has been
‘employed in order to also name the seventh and the lowest
hell, encompassing not one but two Qliphoth, namely
Gamaliel and Nahemoth, being the lunar and sub-lunar
Qliphoth intersecting the closest ofall the other Light Filled Gehinnom’s Cwofols Opening Formula:
Shells oftheOther Side withthe Sephirothic side oftheTehinu,
Gehinnom is as such a Divided Kingdom, being onthe lower | AmaLilith ® Gamaliel ® Gadaphel * Maarabel *
half under the Throne of Na~Ama-Hema (Naamah- Lachashel ® latsathel ® Avvahel ® Layilel ®
Nahemah) and on the upper half under the Throne ofAma Liftoach Shari ha-Gebinnom!
Lilith,showing thus a clear enlinkment between the workings
‘ofNahemoth and Gamaliel, as bythe Bloodline oftheSerpent
inked fromthis side to the Other Side the Gates of Naamah % Nahemab® Na-Ama-Hemah ¥ Nahemoth ®
Gchinnom can first be opened and entered into and from Negamabel ®% Hamabel ® Mirshaathel ® Atadel ®
there and via the fivefold empowerment that can be gained Thazazel ® Liftoach Shari ha~Gehinnom!
from the Five Blessed Nations one can ascend to the Lunar
Point, where the Mother of Sitra Achra will grant het
Envenomed Nectar ofAwakening to those worthyones that
willingly acceptthe Bite ofthe Serpent, in order to carrythat
Poison Within to the Peacock King of the Gates of Death
and there fully attain its refined effect for the sake of the
Opening of the Eye Through the Death ofthe I. From the
initiatory perspective this Seventh Hell is entered via the First
Gate through which the actual Qliphothic Work is initiated
and the points of ingress and egress for the Serpents opened
in order to aid in the Kelim Shattering intrusion ofthe Light
of the Thoughtless Side, making possible also one’s escape
from this accursed side of the Tebiru, The following is the
Seal ofthe First Gate of Hell, also called the Seal Gate of |
Gchinnom andits corresponding Opening Formula:
220 zat
‘TheSeals of the Gates ofHell, and their gencral Ope those Gates ofthe Seven Kingdoms ofQliphothit is stated
Formulae provided, have a multitudeofpractical uses wit hyTradition that the form is to be marked with the freshly.
thecontext of Spiritual and Magical Work and can pile blood ofa fittingsacrifice (thatofthe venomous snakes
employed in manydifferent ways dependingon the cont eing generallythe mostsuitable, powerfuland holyoffering,
When employedin the forms presented they are used {giveninthe worshipful and correctmanner),sympathetically
physical point offocus that can create liminality betweent connected to the realm to which one seeks to open up a
and thepart of the Other Side that theylead to, opening up jateway towards.The Gate Sealitselfis to be marked within
both a gate and pathway, or bridge,that can lead to and fro} the heart of a Hendecagram corresponding to the desired
their place ofactivation, direction ofpower and level of manifestation. The points of
the Hendecageam are to be given the flames ofeleven black
Eachofthe Seal Gates have seven visible points ofpower, candles while the seven pointsofthe Gate Seal are to be
‘larity to many other Qliphothicseals and those 1 riven the flames ofseven upper halfred and lower halfblack
points are all interlinked and in essence connected through candles, This in combination with correct fumigation and
the Eleven Heads Governingthe whole of che sevenfold employmentof Intoned Opening Formulae and the
Manifestation of their Resbut ba~Rabbim (Realm 0} ening ofall inner enlinkments possessed will turn the
Mattiplicity). f
“These points can be understood as the seven keyholes to each Within othercontexts these seals can be employed in
of the locked gates, but also the connecting points between, connection to the creation ofsome ofthe many Mirror Gates
all the Seven Kingdoms through whichall the Qliphothie that can be used for the gaining ofaccess to both visions and
forces owning enlinkments to and through them can move the energeticcurrents and illuminating lightemitting,
and manifestfreely and unrestricted, intruding through such from the Other Side, This can be done in several ways, but
Points ofManifestation wherever their powerneeds to cause | most often a black mirror is ereated, with the glass and its
effect, bless or afflict, frame being in anangular and not round shape,in its optimal
foctm havingbeen cutin theshape ofa hendecagon andplaced
‘Thepractical applications of these seals are legion and aot \within a suitable black wooden framethat must have a
possible to fully disclose here,asthe insight concerning theit removable back, The seal in question is within such Work
‘more concealed modes ofemployment and activation is also markedupona fitting piece ofparchment or consecrated paper
something reserved for those that can commune with the \vith the aforementioned spilt blood and surrounded bythe
Sitein Ahaeanin and through them gain direct initiation into other seals pertaining to the Kingdom that the mirror is to
such fundamental mysteries reserved solely for the Brood of act as awwindow towards. The seals ofthe Head/s ofAzerate
the Serpents caught withinthis accursed side ofthe Tehiru, ruling the Kingdomare to be placed above the Hell Gate
buewecan still thisand the following chaptervaguely point Seal,while the seal ofthe primary Qlipha,or4sin the case of
to some ofthe more obvious areas and modesofutilisation of the first andlast Kingdomthe Qliphoth (being plural), on
these most powerful Points of Qliphothic Ingress and the leftside and theseals ofthe Emissaries ofthe Qlipha (or
Inteusion in order to furtherand aid in the Workofthe Good Qliphoth) are to be marked below the central Hell Gate Seal
Brethrenof the Bloodline of Nachashel. and finally upon the right side ofthe parchmentor paperthe
iagical and true name,orthe seal representingit, of the one
When theforces ofthe Qliphoth are to be evoked via one of who seeks toemploy the Mirror Gate isto be written or drawn,

‘This blood-written talisman of the Hell Gate,its Ruledy Whienit comes to thetalismanic applications ofthe Hell Gate
Qlipha/Qliphoth and Emissaries are then placed wi eals there are many, but most usefull and importantis the
frame of the black mirror, facing the back of the blackenia lornmentof the Lamen or Talisman of Evocation, which
lass andwith thebackofthe framereattached and tempor ‘he operator should carryaround the neck during therites
sealed,with the possibility to be reopened when andifoth “Jitended to cause Qliphothic manifestations within the
specific elementsor seals ofspecific powers or targets are& Aephirothie side ofthe Tehira.
be added inside the backofthe mirrorin order to cause furth
specific enlinkments or empowerments. The Mirroris thet ‘These talismans, being seven in number, are to be inscribed
placed uponthe corresponding Gate Seal at thecentre of| {withthe tip ofsharp consecrated iron uponclay tablets made
{iy mixing cleansed and consecrated clay, obtained from a
suitable place during a favourable time, with which mineral,
activation ofthe Hell Gate Seal,often positioning the mi and plant elements sympathetic to the Kingdom that
upon or close to the threefold points ofits directionof tablet is to connect to are mixed and finally libation and
flow ofpower (ie. the three arrow points found within e Mood offerings are poured over the mixture, which thenis
seal representing the movement of the Current from redwhile being empowered through the vibration of the
back towards the Three Dark Veils Above and Before, Names of Power andother Formulae connected to the Hell
Qliphoth). Gate that theyare beingdedicated to. The clayis then shaped
ul left to dry upon thealtar in-between wo black pillar
‘candles inscribed with the relevant seals and Names ofPower
Unroughout the whole drying process.
‘The shape of these tablets can be round or angular, if the
xt form is fashioned the hendecagon formis the most
within the context of scrying, the receiving andfle 0 preterable,even ifalso othergeometical shapes more direetly
visions,invocation andcertain formsof Evocation. elated to the planetary spheres corresponding with eachalso
‘ean be used (in the same vein also planetary metals can be
‘The most effective employment and useofsuch BlackMi | ctuployed instead of clay, y those who can figure out the
‘Gate is often accomplished with the mirror correctlyplace correct correspondence, access the metals and form them
upon a corresponding and opened Gate Seal, within th correctly according to need and consecrate them dulywith
context without the employment of a surround) the secret elements bearing thevirtuesofenlinkments required
Hendecagram,positioned in such a waythat the seven cand for the forging ofthe Chain ofSympathy, leading from this
are behind and not before the glass ofthe tothe Other Side).
necessaryin all cases,except when the Gehinnom MirrorGat
and Seal is employed, to stand on the topmostside ofthe Before the tablet is fullydried,somewhere during the halfway
swith the back ofthe mirror towards the seven Points ofPo ‘of the drying process, the holes needed for the suspension of
and the flames burning upon them, placing thus also the the talisman are to be made,withfor example the flat tip ofa
operator in the way ofthedirecting pointsofthe seal durin, suitable sized thin rod, as therisk ofcracking and breaking
such workings. the tablet is otherwise much greater if the holes are made
afterthe clay has becometoo dry.

Whenthe tablet is dried and ready it is first sandpaperedin Byestablishing and empowering each Seal Gate correctlyon
order to make it as smooth as possible and then the Gate the astral they can for example also be used as the concrete
Seal is inscribed on the frontside and Qlipha or Qliphoth gateways through which the Oneiric Body can enter each
seal/s are inscribed on the back. The tabletis then painted Kingdom astrally and attain both wisdom and powerdirectly
first black and whenthe black painthas dried theinscribed | from the Source, but theexactinitiation into suchmysteries,
seals are painted in red. The talisman receives its final which are veiled in more shrouds than what theyinitially
empowermentin manner similar to how the Black Mirror mayseem to be, must be left to the Serpentine Overseers of
Gate was,bybeing placed uponthe corresponding Hell Gate this our Path, Currentand Tradition.
Seal during its ceremonial activation and the Qliphothic forces
evoked are adjured to fully bless the talisman so that it may In the most esoteric aspect of the Work each ofthe Seven
lend strength, protection, power and focus to all future Points ofPower or Keyholes within each Hell Gate Seal are
workings related to it and connected to Them. After its also atteibuted a Daemonic Guardian and Key-Bearer,which
consecration thetalisman is to be wrapped in blacksilk marked ‘once contacted and contracted can be called uponin order to
with the corresponding Hell Gate Seal and employed as « lend aidto all operationsaimed at thefull opening ofeach of
shield and a Talismanic Point ofPower and Authority worn the gates, in manners and for purposes even more powerful
duringall related operations and canbe hung aroundthe neck | than those already mentioned.
by the addition ofa suitable metal ring to the hole/s through
which a fitting chain orleather cord canbethreaded. Let the cunning forge the initial Keys to the Gates by that
which already has been disclosed and hinted at, so that in
‘There are manyother practical uses ofthese seals ofvaried ‘imeevenfarther, deeper and more hiddenaspects may open
and differentlevel ofelevation andintensity, like for example up in orderto let in the Glorious Lightofthe Other Side and
theaffecting or afflicting a whole area by the cunning ~ usher the Black DawnofThoughtless Divinity.
application, sowing andactivation ofthese seals,orby placing
links to the target upon such seal and byits activation
channelling the currents of the Kingdominto thebeing of
the personin orderto cause empowermentandillumination
orlife-shattering disruption via wrathful malediction,
Besides the mentioned approaches and manyothersimilar
applications of the Seal Gates through their physical
formation and activation they also serve a multitude of
purposes on the more subtle planes, where they are marked
mentally and astrally and activated through more internal
methods offorce-direction, by the power ofWill and Spirit
and the employmentofformulaic vibrations directed to turn
the seven keys and open wide the Gate, ike for example when
working directly on the Yetzirahic/astral levels as in the
following chapter describing the simpler situal for the astral
Opening ofthe Seven Gates of Hell.

26 227
establishing ofthe Hendecagon instead ofthe reflective one
of the Hendecagrams,light each candle with an individual
matchand intone onepart ofthe following Elevenfold
The Opening Witual Formula ofthe Concealed Heads ofAZRAT overeach flame
of the Samobelu ® Asasbeba ® Adlina * Taloel ® Citamo ®
Seven Gates of Hell Lfatraliam ® Nkxefu Redacg % Tcemethah ® Bubgethy
CG: following ritual serves to openupcertain layers
ofthe astral points connected to each ofthe Seven After the intoning of the final word ofthe Formula of the
Hell Gates in order to channel power and Black Light from Concealed Heads face the first candle, intone again the whole
‘each ofthe Seven Kingdomsof Qliphoth and at the same formula and for each ofits parts envision with the Eye of
time open the pathways that enable communion with the Spirit how a line ofblack fire spreads from the comresponding
Spirits ofSitra Achra. Theritual can as such be one of the _ Enflamed Point and connects to the next,so thatby the final
initial steps taken before other Qliphothic Workings. intoning ofthe word Orlmothlek the eleventh point becomes
bythe spreadingline ofblack fire connected to the first and a
Notonly does this ritual call upon the forces of Divine protective and empowering fiery Hendecagon becomes
Thoughtlessness from the Seven Kingdomsbut it also aids created around you.
to dispelaspects ofthose cosmic influences that naturallyare Thisis to be understood as a form of withdrawal from the
‘opposed to Qliphothic intrusion and influence and does as cosmicside ofthe void,an act similar to the primal’Tzimtzum,
such also act as a banishing of those profane forces while at buthere on a subjective and striely personal level,separating
the sametime granting At-Azothic quickening to the Black yourself from the surrounding world and creating a
Flame Within, which constitutes as theprimary inner fink to connection, based on intention as expressed and manifested
the El Acher,whose Outer Light chat Inner Flame reflects, through rite and formula, instead to the Other Side and its
1. Place on the ground at the centre ofthe ritual area the | ElevenHeads,
straight and the crooked wand, 11 black candles, box of 2. Pick up the straight wand and withit inscribe the simple
matches, consecrated chalk and all other tools andelements form oftheseal ofthe Gate ofGehinnom in the astral toward
that you mayneed for any follow-up rituals. theground with the Black Fire ofImagination, Willand Spirits
‘Mark out theeleven points of a Hendecagon measuring at channelled outwards through its tip:
least two metres in itscircumference, with first point facing |
the North,on the ground where the sacred liminal space is to
beestablished. q

Place a cleansed and properlydedicated candle on each of |

the eleven points and starting with the Pointof Satan and. ||
moving widdershins, in the encircling succession of the |
succeeding mannerswith the earliergate betweenits Seven
Points of Power:

Adramelek ha-Sam-El-Acher, Liftoach Shaarimoth!(7)

Alter the seventh recitation directed at the seventh point of
the seal let the Spirit's Eye behold the whole seal blaze up
and then letit be projected forward into theTehiru and seal
When the seal is established firmly chantseven times the its establishment at the northern cardinal point with an
following formulaic petition to the forces reached through clevenfold knock on the ground with thetip ofthe wand.
theseal,with focus being shifted from one Point ofPower,or 4, Pace the West side of the Hendecagon border and trace
Keyhole, to the next for each recitation: thesimple formof the seal ofthe Gate ofTzelmoth before
Ama Lilith Savta va-Naamah-Nahema, Liftoach Shaari ha~ you with the tip of the wand:
After the seventhrecitation ditected af the seventh point of
the seal let the Spirie’s Eye behold the whole seal blaze up
forcefully and at that time projectit deep into the ground at
the centre ofthe surrounding Flendecagon andseal its sowing
and establishmentin the place belowwith an elevenfold knock.
on the ground with the tip ofthe wand.
3. Face the North side ofthe Hendecagon borderacting now Enflameit and when the seal is strongly established chant
as liminal limit starting to intersect more and more with the following formula seven times, with focus directed in
the Other Side and trace the simple form ofthe seal of the imilar succeeding manner as before towards the seal’s Seven
Gate ofShaarimoth before you with the tip ofthe wand: Points ofPower:

Baalbaclath-Anamlagayin, Liftoach Shari ba-Pzelmoth!(x7)
‘After the seventh recitation let the whole seal blaze up and
projectit forward into the Tehiru and seal its establishment

JANE at the western cardinal point with anelevenfold knock on

the ground with the tip ofthe wand.
5. Face the South side ofthe Hendecagonborder and trace
Enflameit and whenthe sealis established firmly chantthe
thesimple form oftheseal oftheGate ofBar Shachath before
following formula seven times, with focusdirected in similar you withthe tip of the wand:

Afterthe seventhrecitation let theseal blaze up andproject
it forward into the Tehiru and seal its establishment at the
eastern cardinal pointwith an elevenfold knockon the ground
with the tip ofthe wand.
7. Face upwards and trace theseal ofthe Gate of Abaddon
towards the heavens with thetip of the wand:

Enflame the seal and when it is strongly established chant

the following formula seven times,with focus directed again i
towards the seal’ Seven Points ofPower:
Baat-Belfegor, Liftoach Shaari ba-Bar Shachath! (x7)
After the seventh recitation let the whole seal blaze up and
project it forward into the Tehiru and sealits establishment Enflametheseal and whenit is strongly established above
at the southern cardinal point withan elevenfold knock on I you as a Crownof Fire chant the following formula seven
the ground with the tip ofthe wand. times,with focus again shifting between theseal’ Seven Points
6. Face the East side ofthe Hendecagon border andtrace the
simple formoftheseal ofthe Gate ofTit ha-Yon before you Astaroth-Nachash-Yabal, Liftoach Shaari ha-Abaddon! (x?)
with the tip ofthe wand:
Alter the seventh recitation let the seal blaze above you and
projectit into the upperTehiru and sealits establishment at
be i the pointofzenith with an elevenfold knock on the ground
with the tip ofthe wand,
8, Turn towards the North and trace the simple form ofthe
seal of the Gate of Sheol ha-Tehom in front ofyouinside of
1 the Hendecagon with thetip of the wand:

Enflame the seal and when it is strongly established chant

the following formula seven times, with focus again shifting
between the seal’s Seven Points ofPower:
Esh-Moday-Metek, Liftoach Sharri ha~Tit ba-Yon! (x7)

Enilamethe seal and whenit is strongly established in front 10, Poine withthe tip ofthe owisted wandtowards the Gate
of you within the perimeter of the Hendecagonchantt of Gehinnom belowand chant:
following formula seventimes, with focus again shifting in
sequence between the seal’s Seven Points ofPower: Lifteach Shaari ha-Sitra Achra! (x7)

Lucifuge Rofocale, Baal-Zebub, Motok va-Ha Satan, Liftoach | ‘Afterthe seventh recitationpull and channel through the tip
Shaari ha-Sheolha-Tehomt!(x7) of the wand towards and into yourself a ray of Black Light
from the sphere ofGehinnom andletit becomeattachedto
After the seventhrecitation let the seal blaze in front of yo the central point within,
and instead of projecting it outwards as with all theothe
seals take instead with the left foot first a step into its black Repeat the same process by pointing to and channelling Black
fires and let it be absorbed into your own soul and Spirit and Light from eachsphere and connecting theirrays into yourself
seal its establishmentat the central point within by an byemploying the following formulae:
elevenfold knock on the ground with the tip ofthe wand and
then cross your arms,left over the right, over your chest to Point towards the Gate ofShaarimoth and chant:
form the X-Mark ofTay and chant the following formula
eleven times and for each recitation feel the Black Fires of the Liftoach Shaari ba-Olabmha-Qliphotb!(x7)
‘Supernal Kingdom ofthe Qliphoth burn strongerwithin and
unite with and empoweryourownInner BlackFlameofSpirit: Focus on the Gate ofTzelmoth and chant:
Vedar-GalTickals SomdusAzerate! j Lifteach Shaari Ha-Man Ha-Hizon! (#7)
9. Place the straight wand on the ground and pick upin its Focus on the Gate of Bar Shachath and chant:
stead the twisted one. Point that serpentine wand to the place
below andchantonce thefollowing Formula forthe Opening Liftoach Shaari ba-Reshut ha-Rabbim!(x7)
ofthe Seven Gates ofthe Eleven:
Focus on the Gate ofTit ha-Yion and chant:
Axerate Sanobeln Asasbe Baadlina Anckubal Othayor
Otkekithaht Liftoach Sbaari ba-dur She-Ain Bo Machsbuoah!(x7)
Behold with your mind's eye a black sphere oflight manifest Focus on the Gate ofAbaddon and chant:
belowyou where the Gate ofGehinnomhas been opened.
Liftoach Shaari'ba-Olabm ba-Tanninim!(x7)
Repeatthis whole process ofpointing to the directions ofthe
gates and chanting the formula until also the northern, Andfinallyfocusonthe gate ofSheol ha“Tehomatthe centre,
western,southern,castern, upper and inner gates have been within yourself, and chant:
given attention to, the formula chanted all in all seyen times
and theseven black spheres stand shining within those points Liftoach Shari ha-Umba de-Tehoma Rabba! (x7)
leading tothe Other Side that now have been fullyestablished.

Bythe last intoning of the formula of Sheol ha-Tehom see Fromthe CentretheforcesofSheolba-Tebomsarewithandwithin
andfeelthe sphere within blaze up and gain power in and me!
through its connections to the other spheres that now have|
been established, SurroundedamIby theDragons Ofthe OtherSide, coilingaround
und rising withinme, as they with their Fires increase theflow
LL. Cross yourleft arm over the right in theX-Mark sign of | and expansion ofSpirit, shattering all that would restrict the
Tay and stronglyfocus, in turn, uponeach ofthe beams of Thoughtless Impulsefrom returning the Divine Flame back
Black Light connecting to the GateWithin,whichshould be. texeards its Unmanifest Source!
envisioned as black sphere of fiery light filling up, shining.
and pulsating within the chest and solar plexus area. Do s0 ‘Tehomoth Theli Thaumithan Rahab Leviathan Tanin'iver
by chantingthe following formula seven times while further Fanincam!
channelling Thoughtless Light from each gate towards and
into yourselé By the SevenfoldEmanation ofthe Dragonsofthe OtherSidethe
porcers of the Elevenare called upon, connected to and now
AurShachor ka-Qliphoth Leha’ir! manifested!
‘nally and for the seventh time chant the Aur Shachor Hail the Sevey Kingdoms of Divine Thoughtlessness and its
formula while opening your arms and holding them out to Eleven Governing Heads!
thesides in the Sign ofthe Cross and envision in ecstasy the
blackfiery rays ofthe Lightofthe Other Side spiralling now Atab Gibor Le-oblam Azerate!
in serpentine form towards and intersecting through you,
creating the Infernal Crossroadsofthe four cardinal points Envision the Dragon-Force spiralling into and within you,
penetrated bythe vertical pillar, opening up the sevenfold connecting the Other Side to you and youto the Other Side
liminal pointof ingress and congress within, through and and maintain this vision and ecstatic feelingas long as possible
around youand in ecstasyproclaim: or necessary and when readyeither commence a deeper
meditation,astral projection or anyother follow-up working,
Fromthe UnderworldtheforcesofGehinnomare withandwithin
mel ‘When donehold thestraightwand in theright and the twisted
wandinthe left, cross your arms over your chest and turn in
From the North theForcesofShaarimoth arewithandwithin me! a reversed order as to howyou originally called upon,
established and opened eachgate and give to each Kingdom
Fromthe West theforces ofFzebmath are withandwithin me! and its Governing Heads praise and thanks and finally
‘extinguish all candles bysnuffing them out also in a reversed
From the Souththeforces ofBar Skachath are withandwithin me! ‘orderas to howyou originallylighted them,thisin connection
to the reversed employment ofthe Elevenfold Formula of
Fromthe Easttheforces ofTitha-Vien arewith andwithin me! the Concealed Heads ofAZRATin such waythat the eleven
parts correspond to eachcandle being extinguished,starting
FromtheAbovetheforcesofAbaddon are uponardwithin me! with Orlmothick and ending with Samobelu, intoning the
corresponding word into cach flame beforeits extinguishing.
Within this generaloutline ofthe described working there
are purposelyleft many possibilities for the expansion ofthe The Sta of the Eleven -
ite by for example the correct addition of the Opening
“ormulae of the Gates, which now are left out,and other
steps and elements such as the employmentof the thurible
The Oiiphothic Wagic of the
and the different incenses corresponding to each ofthe Seven Send_cngeam
Gates. These and other omissions are meant to allow the
student to applythe personal knowledge that he in timeshall anyare the individualseals belongingto the
attain, so that via such initiatically gained insights he may countless different aspects of the forces of Sitea
evolve the outlined ritual and thus enter deeper into the Achra, as shown in this book, and theyall do possess strong
mysteries and further explore and partake of the Current of | enlinkiments to the Dragons of the Other Side, but there is
Qliphothin its Sevenfold Expression. oneset ofsymbols that even ifthey primarily can be said to
Within this simple form ofthe Opening ofthe Seven Gates representthe Eleven Heads also represent the whole of the
there are also manyformulae given thatalso can be employed Elevenfold Qliphoth with connections to all that exists in
the Realm ofWrathful Thoughtlessness.
within otherrelated settings and whenthe mysteries have as
the reward for hard and correct work become revealed the ‘This set ofsymbols consists ofthe geometrical Eleven Pointed
true potentialofthis rite, as the seed ofmany other relevant Star configurations called Hendecagrams, described
workings, will become understood. Mysteriesare left in exotericallyas star polygons possessing eleven vertices,existing
darkness so that only the Enlightened Ones may approach in four regular forms, having each at their centre/heart the
them,and as suchmoreis given here again in concealed form Hendecagon,which in itselfrepresents the expandingborder
thaninrevealed. manifested through the Eleven Primal Points ofThought-
lessness, hindering the intrusion of the Thoughtful Light's
shining forth through the Tehiru. The Hendecagon as we
shall show represents alsothe Elevenexpressed through One
and the One Manifested through Eleven and is as such a
symbol for the expansion, division and unification of the
Divinity from the Left Side ofAin Sof, acting with the aim
ofnullifying the CosmicThoughtful One and returning itself
to its Fullness of Emptiness in Ain (1-1=0),

‘Weshall first present the different forms of the mentioned

symbols and explain their relevant attributes and meanings
within the contextofour Qliphothic Work and later describe
howthey practicallyare employed as the Elevenfold Pathways
through whichthe essences ofthe Other Side are reached
and the cosmic barriers broken and breached.

238 239,
The Eleven Primal Points 4 From these Eleven Points the Black Light emanated and
reflected and in its first aspectreflecting from each point to
‘The seed-form for the manifestationofthe Hendecagram is. the next it created the borders ofits own Domain of Exile
the Eleven Primal Points,representing thefist Anti-Cosmig. and Opposition within the side ofthe ‘Tebiru it had been
thought oftheThoughtless Light,beingits adversarial stance. made toresidewithin, in order to hinder the expansionofthe
assumed againsttherestrictive and static 10 ofits cosmic| falling,felling and limitingThoughtful Emanations.This first
counterpart. These eleven points are the divided aspect of shining forth by the Black Light is described as an
the first anti-Sephirothic impulse manifested within the anticlockwise reflection betweenits established points, starting,
abyssal Tehiru and from these eleven seeds the whole of the _ from the first point at the top connected to the Three Veils
‘OuterTree ofDeath germinated and flourished and through ofAnti-Existence, being in ascending order Chasek, Bohu
the same Eleven Points Azerate gained its Heads, Crowns and Tobu, which at the Zenith ofThoughtlessness by its
and Thrones, q Formless Chaos remained as the strongest link to Ain, and
by encircling the Void it created the borders both restricting
the Thoughtful Side from expanding further and created the
liminal points ofintersection throughwhich that Sephirothic
le could be intruded and dissolved back to Thoughtless

By this first motion ofthe Eleven through the Primal Points. The First and Atziluthie Hendecageam
the Hendecagon became established asa shield with cutting
‘edges, protecting what would remain within, whileat the same. "he first Hendecagram manifesting and representing the
time burning with Fires ofQliphoth that which would seek Qliphoth on the highest level becomes created when the
to penetrate it from without. The Hendecagon is thus the | Eleven Primal Sced Points reflectthe Black Light from every
first reflection ofthe Black Light reverberated from every second point,manifesting thus the First through the 2, instead
point of the Eleven and is as such the Anti-Cosinic of the Sephirothic 1, reflecting how Ketherisa manifestation
manifestation oftheThoughtless 11 opposing theThoughtfid of the 1 while Thaumiel is manifested as the primal 2,this
1, which in contrast to the limiting circle ofthe Sephirothie mirroring perfectly the dual point of Thoughtless
side of the Tehiru, having the numerical value of 10, is not Manifestation countering the singular and statie point of
static butinstead expansive, dynamic and invasive as eachangle Thoughtfulness.This first formofthe Hlendecagram,reflected
ofthe hendecagon emanates points cutting into the void and from everysecond point, creates thus the impulses ofthe
spreading its Burning Light when forming Hendecagrams Bleven Heads ofAzerate within the Atziluth ofSitea Achra,
and instead oflimiting and surrounding such stars takes the being the world ofBlack Light manifested through Spiritual
seed-position oftheir transmutative becoming attheir centre/ Fire as the Archetypal World ofQliphoth.
While the Eleven Seed Points and the Hendecagon represent
the first primal impulseofstructure and manifestation,albeit
in a chaotic and laylessform, it doesso in a formless manner
and can be likened to the stage before and leading to the
actual Qliphothic Creation, making way for thestill
unmanifested Four Worlds ofthe Atziluth, Briah, Yetzirah
and Assiahofthe Other Side,which are to comeinto existence
through the four different approaching formations ofthe
Hendecagram. ‘The Hendecagon is thus rightly to be
understood as the structuring emanation from Tohu, Bohu
and Chasek, carrying out the will of Qemeticl, Beliel and
Athiel to fully oppose the wayofYHVHandlays theground
and plants the 11 seeds of Qliphoth and the great Work of
HIVHYand can from suchesotericperspective be connected
to the Spirit's Unique Thougheless and Quintessential soul
aspect ofYechidah.

242 243,
‘This first form of the Hendecagram of Atziluth represents Aho Second and Beiahic Hend_ecagcam
the 11 inits most lofty manifestation and station as put
burning instinct, impulse and Anti-Cosmic intention andis
the First Manifested As and Through the Two,giving
‘The Second Form of the Hendecagramrepresents the
Oliphothie World ofthe Thoughtless Impulses concretised
opposition to the Yod ofthe CosmicTetragrammaton and. joughts of Anti-Creation, opposing the prime Heh of
as such a direct source for the coming forth of butalso the the ThoughtfulTetragrammaton and its diluting element of
returning back to and through, of the Dual Essenceofthe | \water,here instead bringing forth the Silencing Roar of the
Black FlameofSpirit, which can be described as the Tehomothic Seas ofThought-Shattering Spirit,taking form
‘Thoughtless formof thevital Chiah, belonging to all the and manifesting by the Black Light being reflected through
Serpents and Dragons of the Other Side and their spawn everythird Primal Seed Point, causing the manifestation of
dwelling on both sides ofthe Tehiru. the 11 through the 3 in order to combatthe 10 throughthe 2
of the Sephirothic Side, manifesting the Hendecagram of
‘This Firse Formofthe Hendecagram represents the World Qliphothic Briah and the Mental Point of Intrusion and
ofPure Emanation from the Three Veils ofAnti-Existence Usurpation of cosmos and the Elevenfold Point of
remaining connected to Ain and holds the power of the Rectification and Elevation in Sitra Achra,
Supernal Crown ofthe Dragon and the Black Light burning
within and without, motivating the struggle against
‘Thoughtful Existence and finite life, causing the attraction
and pull towards the Unmanifest Fullness of Emptiness,
Within the world and through the power of this
Hendecagram the Fire ofWill and Spirit are cultivated and
made to blaze forth in order to annihilate the cause of
restriction atts seed point ofgermination,in order to further
acausal freedom,liberation and Thoughtless Ascension,
Bythis star the eleven Heads, Crowns and Thrones are first
established in the most elevated station beyond
comprehensible manifestation, leading when moving
downwards towards opposition against all that would limit
its shining forth and guiding, when moving upwards towards
the Three Dark Veils,back into the Womb ofAin.

This second form of the Hendecagram represents the he Third and Yotsicahic Hendecagram
Thoughtless Atziluthic Impulses of the 11 paradoxically
conceived as the Briahiec structured thoughts of the Eleven “Thethird form ofthe Hendecagram and its Qliphothic world
Heads ofthe Dragon and thus anotherstepin the self-sacrifice of Yetzirah opposing the work of the Vay of the Cosmic
of the Left Side of the Ain Sof restricting itself further in. ‘Tetragrammaton, caused into being by the Reflection of the
order to attain the Liberation ofAll via the nullification of Black Light through every fourth Primal Seed Pointof the
the thoughts ofitsThoughtful Side, Bythis symbol che Spirit Eleven, represents bythe 11 through the 4 the antithesis to
is expressed through Transcendental Awareness, Acausal the SephirothicWorld Formation, whichis the 10 through
Intuition and Apprehension oftheTruth Beyond All Forms, the 3, where the Briahic ideas are given actual forms as the
breaking free from the limiting mind and thought and astral-blueprints and the Avziluthic impulses turned into
reachingupwards,backwards and through the Silence holding Briahic thoughts here manifest as Yetzirahic forms and
within itself All-Knowledge and Alogos of the Highest emotions motivating and provoking the direction of force
Gnosis. towardsfull manifestationvia action andcreation.

‘This Hendecagram manifested bythe Echoes ofthe Voiceless

Call of the Unmanifest Returning ta its Source is as such a
link to Neshamah, being the part ofthe Soul through which
the Spirit is expressed bybeing as a Chalice filled with the
nectar of the Atziluthic impulses condensed aad distilled to
yield the essential foundation for the actual manifestations
whichare to follow the Second World ofQliphoth itbelongs
to and is as such a precondition for the realization of the
Anti-Cosmic Will of the Qliphothie World of Supernal

246 247
This third form of the Hendecagram represents th The Fourth and Assinhic Hendecageam
‘Thoughtless Divine Impulse in its aspect as the lightcastin
the shadows of materialisation and is as such the final ste ‘The fourth and last regular form of the Hendecagram,
before crucifixion upon the cross of matter, or the sending representing and manifesting the antithetical impulse against
forth of Emanations ofthe Divine meant to remove thenails. the Material World ofAssiah, giving birth to the Qliphothic
driven in bythe Thoughtful Impulse in order to unloosen Antiverse, and the full embodiment of the once Atziluthic
Spirit from the Fourfold Cross of Matter. Within this _ impulse to revert the creation ofthe Thoughtful Side back
Yetzirahic World and through its Hendecagram the world _ into Ain is the gate ofphysical invasion from, or escape to,
of dream, emotion, and the Soul is uplifted from the| the Sitra Achra, opposing the final Heh of the cosmic
restrictions of the Sephirothic side upon the breath of the “Tetragrammaton by the formula of inversion and reversal,
Dragon causing the Ruach to soar and leave behindin ashes _ acting either as the Point of Liberation or At-Azothic
thatwhich would by law and causal restriction bind Spitit intrusion and Anti-Cosmie disruption.Through this Assiahic
throughit to the fallen state ofstasis within materialisation, Hendecagram,manifested bythe reflection ofthe BlackLight
through every fifth Primal Seed Pointofthe Eleven,
‘This third Hendecageam iswithin some contexts considered antagonising and overcoming with its 11 through 5 the
the Gate ofSouls as the breath oftheliving and the dead can Sephirothic enslavementofSpirit accomplished through the
throughit become inhaled into the Other byits vampiric _ cosmic 10 through 4, is a flourishing of the Thoughtless
reflex towards the Sephirothic side it combats and seeks to. Impulse which cameinto beingat theAtziluthic level,became
drain ofall essence and can as such also actas the astralgate sowed on the Briahic, cultivated at the Yetzirahie and here
through which the Qliphothis entered or its forces invited to harvested through its Assiahic outcome.
invade through for the sake of their addition to the Spi
‘makingthe correspondingvessels crackand set free thatwhich
they by the impulses of the deranged Fallen ‘Thought hold

‘This fourth form of the Hendecagramrepresents aj ‘Whe Pan-Qliphothie and Unified Bendecagram
manifests the Pentagrammaton of the Elevenfold El Ad
and the Wombofthe Dragon through which the Messiah Iesides the mentioned four regular formsofthe Hendecagram
the Serpents shallbe reborn in orderto bringsalvation to there is alsoa Fifth and Unified Form. This Pan-Qliphothic
Spirit, which is something perfectly reflected in the fivet aspect represents the Fullness of Sitra Achra as it places in
essential aspect ofthe Qlipha representingthe culminatiog -supon and within the same space on top ofeach other,
ofAssiahic manifestation, in contrastto the fourfoldness bythe Black Light emanatedfromthe same ElevenPrimal
its Sephirothic counterpart as manifested through its tenth Seed Points the Hendecagon ofthe Abyssal Void and all the
uplifting by the grace ofthe 11 throughS, the Quintesse! four forms of the Hendecagram, creating 2 symbol
thatthe cross ofthe YHVH otherwise would keepcrucified, encompassing all aspects of the Oliphoth by its 11 being
"This makes the most practically employed functions of this! reflected through 11 and is as such also representing the
fourth Hendecagram, which is to cause embodiment and clevation ofthe Eleven back to its ownPoints ofEmanation,
materialisation of evoked Qliphothie forces within suitable without the entanglements that all of their other forms
forms, seemingly paradoxical but as all such Demiurgically, hecause of their antagonising aspects possess to the
Unthought and thus Unfated Intrusions since after the Sephirothic Side, making this symbol 2 most transcendental
ision between the two sides oftheTehiru are Anti-Cosmie one and another Seal ofAzerate,the Eleven-Headed Dragon
and disruptive in nature, and becauseofthe Kelim-Shattering, of Thoughtlessness.
At-Azothic effect it inevitably causes bythe addition ofthe
Black Fires of Divinity to the forms that can notwithstand!
more than what theywere conceived to contain, all such |
manifestations serve the cause of the escape from the four |
and the liberation of, and through, the fifth, j
The fourth Hendecagram is thus both the Gate of |
Enspiritmentand the route through which Spirit bound by
the lowly domesticated animal soul Nefesh maybe turned
into a Wild and Free Beastbreakingits chainsin order to |
«scape limiting embodiment,all depending on ifthe First
Primal Seed Pointis used as the Gate of Ingress into, of
reversed to become a Point ofEgress from,incarnation. The
clevating potential ofthis Hendecagram can also be discerned _
bythe fact thatit holds within itselfthe forms ofall the other
three Hendecagrams which it succeeds and thus via the
formula of HVHYit can be used as a Ladder of Ascent
uplifting the Spirit from the Earthly manifestation in Assiah
back to the Immaterial Fire ofAtziluth. MV ZZSy

Within this Pan-Qliphothic Hendecagram the Hendecagi Practical Applications of the Stors of the Eteven
atthe centre/heart is esotericallylinked to the Womb of
‘Unmanifest Dragon, representing the gatewayfrom, butalse Nowthat someof the esoteric attributions and symbolic
to Chasek, Bohu,Tohu and the Ain to whichthe Forml meanings ofthe different Hendecagrams have beendisclosed
Chaos ofTohuis the final step. The workings and mysteri we shall move to the actual applications of these powerful
ofthis Unified Hendecagram can therefore be approached wren Pointed Star Seals connected to the worlds of Sitra
when the meanings and powersoftheother fourregularforms Achra and mention a few of the manyways through which
have been experienced and internalised,as this inal evolution, theycan be employed within the Qliphothie Workings in
of the reflecting rays ofthe Black Light angled through the order to access the Black Light which can be made to reflect
prisms ofthe Primal Seed Points ofThoughtlessness is on | through themin different directions, by those that within
the deepest level to be approached and employed from the them carry a Flame ofThat Light.
perspective ofa Spirit projecting its focal pointfromthe Sitna
Achra upon its Self and is as such reserved for those that | Within certain settings the Hendecagrams can be employed
‘would becomein mind and soul as those Dragonsofthe Other in a simples, more exoteric and representative/symbolic
Side, opposed to the Sephiroth and at the same time free in| ‘mannein contrastto the esoteric operative fashion through
detachmentfrom its governing and restrictive causality, whichtheyotherwise are employed when meant to by their
verytracing and activation cause the manifestations of the
Approached from a more simple perspective the Pan- aspects ofthe Qliphoth they are enlinked to. Within those
Qliphothic Hendecagram can be employed as a Point of simplerapplications ofthe Hendecagrams as mereTalismanic
Empowerment through which anything already connected ‘Symbols theyconstitute as representative formsofthe essences
to the Qliphoth can becomestrengthened in essence by the theycan be connected to. Within such settings the symbol as
‘causing of the concentration ofits emitting Black Light to whole is focused upon and charged with powerthroughthe
reflect through the Eleven Points back upon itself, but also meaning and attribution ascribed to it and within such
by the fortification ofall of its links back and forthto Sita _ contexts manydifferent extra elements can be added to it,
Achra and can as such be employed as a Seal ofConsecration like for example differentseals, signs, names of power or
upon which Spirit-Vessels, talismans, the magical weapons written formulae, in order to empowerthe talismanic
andtools can becomeblessed, symbolism and form and thus also its receptivity forthe charge
itisto receive during itsconsecration andso expandits potency
to connect to, amplif; hold and emit its intended power.
“There are for example different words and phrases that areof
great relevance and hold immense symbolic value when it
comes to the contexts to whichthese Hendecagrams belong,
among these some ofthe most obviaus ones are the following:

Shin -Sh Asa third andlast example we can give the following:
§ Aleph -A
* Yod-1 © Shin-Sh
2 Nun-N D Ayin-A
‘2 Beth-B 9 Resh-R
1 Vav-O * Yod-I
2 Mem-M 7 Heh-H
1 Cheth- Ch. P Qoph-Q
@ Shin-Sh 5 Lamed - L.
2 Beth- V * Yod-I
7 Heh-H © Peh-P
1 Vav-O
Spellingout She-Ain Bo Machshavah, being a phrase scald D Tav-Th
with the eleven letters meaning WithoutThought, implying
the Thoughtlessness ofthe Black Light as expressed through Spelling out Shaari ha-Qliphoth, meaning the Gate of
the Eleven. ‘Qliphoth,showing again with its eleven letters howthe Eleven
is notonlythe foundation ofthe Qliphoth on the Other Side
Another example is: bout also howitis the means through which Sitra Acbra can
bbe accessed from this Sephirothic side of the Tehiru by the
D Ayin lent A opening ofthe gates of the Eleven freeing the Spirit and at
} Vay-O the same time lettinginthe invasive Qliphothic emanations.
> Lamed-L
’) Mem-M Whentalismanically employed the Hendecagrams can
7 Heh - HH dependingon theirintended uses for example be adorned by
P Qoph-Q. the letters of phrases such as the above mentioned ones, or
5 Lamed - L other equally relevant combinations ofletters or symbols,in
> Yod-I ‘order to focus theintention behind and the direction of the
BPeh-P power sought through the employed symbol and thus
1 Vav-O ‘emphasiseis, at the time, most relevantattributes.
Within the more esoteric settings these Stars ofthe Eleven
Spellingout Olahm ha-Qliphoth, anotherphrasespelledwith are ontheother hand utilised as OperativeTools ofQliphothic
levenletters meaning the World ofQliphoth, a synonym to Sorcery,employed not onlyas mere representative images but
itea Achra,expressing how the whole existence ofthe Other as concrete physical, astral, mental and spiritual tools, which
ide is founded upon the Elevenfold Expression of Divine | ‘must be formed,charged andactivated in a correct mannerin
‘Thoughtlessness, order to yield exact andspecific results. For exampleitis ofa
great significance to establish the Primal Seed Points and
then trace fromthem correctly thelines, representing always
the Rays ofThoughtless Light, in a correct mannerbased on

the desired resultand the aspects ofthe Eleven focused ups The Invoking/Evoking Fendecagcams
and reached for.
‘The Hendecagramsin their usualformsdepicting the forming
Based on which form ofthe Hendecagram used the positi ofthe Qliphoth bythe reflection ofthe Black Light through
ofall but the FirstThrone andits corresponding Seed Poj the Eleven Points and the intersecting lines and angles so
will change in accordance with how thelines are reflect cxeated ate all employed as Invoking or depending on the
and as such even though the Seed Points always remain t work athand Evokingseals,because in the same manner that
same the positioning ofthe Ruling Heads and their Seats they showhow the forces they canbe connected to came into
Power manifesting through them will shift depending 0 being onthe Other Side they can also on this side call upon
which aspect and within which ofthe FourWorlds the foc their presence and manifesttheir essencesindifferent ways.
is shifted to,
Each point ofthe Hendecagramsis attributed to one of the
Within the Operative/Gate Opening settings each stro} Eleven anddepending on which ofthem it is thatone needs
must reflect correctly the successionofQliphothie emanations to call upon the tracing of the Hendecagramwill of course
in order to connect to them and thus activate the Spiritual, start at that corresponding point, emanate to. and reflect
Powerofthe symbol. through all other points and finallyreverberate back to its
own starting point and thus seal the power called upon
‘There is also another set of variation whenit comes to the through it. The motionofthe reflection between the Eleven
forms, powers and sphere of application of these symbols, Points will always he anticlockwise and leftwards moving,as
dividing theminto two different groups, one being the the Path Against the Sun the Way ofTurningTowards the
Evoking/ Invoking forms,whichare the usual versions with Other Side and the Left is the Side of the Antinomian,
the First Point pointing upwards, and the other being the following the Lawlessness ofthe Other God while breaking
Egressive/Ingressive forms which are the inverted aspect of the commandments ofthe cosmic enslaver and transcending
the Hendecagrams, with two points facing upwards and the _ his imitations.
first point instead turned to occupy the nadir ofthe star.
Thefollowing are the Reflective Points ofthe Hendecagrams
of Atziluth, Briah, Yetzirah and Assiah of Sitra Achra,
showing the positioning ofthe Eleven Rulers upon each Star
ofOliphoth and marking out their Points of Manifestation
from and back to which the lines oftheir invoking orevoking
Hendecageamsare reflected. Bythese following examples it
is also possible to figure out how the 10 Qliphoth (with
‘Thaumiel being Twofold) and the Seven Hells (with Sheol
ha-Tehom being connected to 4 points and Gehinnom to 2)
ccan be attributed and linked to the points of the different
Hendecagrams presented.
TheAtziluthie Reflective Points ofthe Eleven Rulers TheBriabieReflective Points oftheBleven Rulers

Satan Satan
Belfegor + + Asmovap Astaroth » + Baaltzelmoth

Molohe Pat Adramelel + « Lucituge


Baaltzelmoth« © Astaro! Molok+ + Aa-Ama-Hemah

Beelsebub » Lilith Agmodap > * Belfegor

Adramelehe * Lucifuge Lilith « « Beelsebub


258 259
The Yetzirahie Reflective PointsoftheEleven Rulers | ‘TheAssiabie Reflective Points ofthe Eleven Rulers

Satan Satan
Lucifuge + ¢ Abeameleh Lilith» * Beelebub
Belfegor ° Asmobi jaltzelmoth = * Astaroth

Lilith « + Beel: “Asmodap+ » Belfegor

AMoloh « ofa-Ama: Aucituge « ° Aorameleh

Astaroth « Baaltzelmoth Molok* ° PaAma-Hemah

260 261
‘The tracing ofeach star and its activation can be accomplished| cither upon the Qayinite Green Point of the Skull or upon
in different ways, but the primary aspectof the Work takes the sealof the Kingdom, Qlipha or Spirit which it is to be
always form by the marking out of the Eleven Pointsand| dedicated to and becomeenspirited When ready this
then depending on the ceremonyis aimed at invocation or powderis used for the tracing out of the lines ofthe
evocation cither the operator acting as the medium or the Hendecagram by carefullybeingstrewed from point to point.
sealstalismansorfetishesare placed at the centre ofthe space
surrounded by the ElevenPoints, before the lines are traced ‘The painting method lendsitself‘also to the work ofMagical
and the centre is sealed bythe Hendecagon manifesting as Inks created and employed when smallersized Hendecagrams
the heart of the Hendecagram. The tracing of the lines can and related seals are to be drawn onsheets of consecrated
be done either bythe way ofcarving/seratching, ploughing, paper or parchment; this is especially the case during
painting, marking, strewing, by the way of smoke and talismanic workings in which these symbols need to be
fumigation, by combustion and blazing fire or by the spilt employed ina waythat allows them to become Portable Points
blood ofa sacrifice: ‘ofManifestation carried upon one’s person, or employed in
anyother similar manner. When making magical inks the
‘Carving and scratchingis doneuponsuitable surfaces by the powderconsisting ofthe enlinking and empowering elements
point ofthe dagger or the sword, or by the sharp end ofany must first be tinctured and bythe addition ofthe drops of
other relevant tools fit for and dedicated to the task at hand, suchtincture to the exorcisedink it receivesall of thevirtues
ofthe clements that the powder consisted of.
Ploughing is done when working upon the soil where the
lines ean be cut into the softer ground and again different The tracing of the lines bythe way of smoke is most often
sharp blades ean be used, butalso wands, pointed stakes or donebythe swingingofthe thurible, within which is burnt
even bones are suitable for such ripping into the earth. theincense formula of the corresponding Kingdom or the
general Qliphoth Incense suitable forall workings aiming at
Painting is most often done on a stretched-out cloth, carpet the openingofthe pathways betweenthe two sides, allowing
or directly upon the floor of the temple area and different the intrusion ofthe holiness ofthe Other Side into this side
kinds ofconsecratedpigments,tinctures and infusions can be ofthe void. When for example working with the forces of
‘employed in order to create a magical paint and thus further Golachab also the smoke ofa large cigar can be used for the
ign the Work to the vibrations ofthose thatitis intended magical tracing and quickeningofthe lines already marked
co summon, out and in such case the glowing tip ofthe cigaris placed into
the mouth and smokeis instead blown outfrom the cut head
Markingis similar to painting with thedifference that most end ofthe cigar.
often consecrated chalk or piece of charcoalis used to the
trace the signs upon a suitable surface and the creation and ‘When employing combustion and fire most often the lines
consecration ofsuch chalk have much in common with the of the star are traced into the ground and then retraced with
methods employed for the consecration ofthe powders used ‘gunpowder,into which 2 small amountofone’s ownblood or
forthe strewing methods, during whicha blend ofelements that ofa sacrifice can be mixed in beforchand, and ignited or
from the plant, mineral and animal kingdoms considered in as for the less combustive and more fiery alternative the cut
sympathywith the forces the powder is to connect to are Hendecagram can begiven somestronglyflammable libation
unified,grinded up, madeinto a finepowder and consecrated offering poured out into its lines which then is set on flames,

262 263
withthe ignition point always being thatofits activation. itslines are established,thus further strengthening the focus
uponthe specific Spirit-Current ofthe deific aspect of the
Such trenches cut into the soil can also be watered with the Elevenfold Lightcalled upon, making firmer its anchoring
fresh blood ofa suitable sacrifice, often mixed with red wine within the side in which it is to unnaturally take form.
cootherlibation offering, in order to direct the harvested
life-force and soul and cause its elevation and apotheosis by Inthose more usual eases when the Eleven Rulers themselves
letting it becomeas one withthe powersitis so channelled to are notinvoked or evoked,as directcontact withsuch elevated
manifest. aspectsis not somethingto betaken lightly or accomplished
casily and without dangers, and instead other Qliphothic
‘There are also many other ways in which the mentioned forces are sought and attempted to be made manifest the
methods can be merged or expanded upon,in order to, in Governing Pointofthe Eleven ruling that Emissary,
combination with the chanted Formulae ofCalling relevant Qliphothic Order, Individual Daemon ofLetter or anyother
to the focused Point ofReflection, the fumigations, burning. aspectofthe Other Side must still be activated in one ofthe
ofcandles, the performance of the correct rites and mentioned ways andwhile the Angle Key Seal ofthe specific
employment oftools and theastral and mental attention and Governing Head ofAzerate still can be employed upon the
focus demanded,open up the Pathways to the Central Gate corresponding point andforexample be inscribedonitscandle
at the Heart ofthe Hendecagram in orderto give way for the the Hendecagonal centre/heart of the star itself is to be
powerofthe one/s called upon, reserved for the seal, the elements and/or the Kelim-Vessel
ofManifestation belonging to the onecalled upon.
‘The most commonform ofmaintaining the open pathway
created through these stars is the ‘Setting of Flames’, Within such context the gates are first opened through and
connecting again to the ways offire, which in the simplest in the name of the Governing Head ruling the aspect with
formsinvolves the use ofcleansed, dedicated, inscribed, which contactis sought and from there the focus becomes
anointed and consecrated candle orcandles, placed upon one shifted to the summoningofthe specific Spirit-Currentat
orall points ofthe activated Hendecagram,in order to keep the centre ofthe star.
the cracks created between the two sides of the Tehira ajar
and ready for that which is to be channelled or otherwise When it comes to the actual tracing of the lines of the
madeto intrude through them, Hendecagram somekind ofpractical aid is usually needed in
orderto get each ofthe lines as straight as possible, most
The skilful employment oftheThrone Seals and their Angle common approach being the use ofa flat wooden measuring
Keyscan also strongly enhance all such openings ofthe Points stick oa length ofcord with which the lines can be marked
ofthe Eleven and not onlycan the Throne Seal be placed at out and drawn in a precise manner. As for the calculating of
thecentre ofthe Hlendecagram in orderto seat the manifesting the correct spacing between the Eleven Primal Seed Points
‘essence, but also the Angle Key Seal can be employed as a of the Hendecagram common knowledge concerning
marking,both by being inscribed on the candle and by being geometry and sufficientamountofintelligence should suffice
traced, connected to and,in a manner similar to howthe star for the correct computation, as such aspects concern only
itselFis traced,withthe point atthe nadirofthe vertical central practicalities and do notneed to be approached esoterically.
line of the Angle Key Seal, marked upon and within the
corresponding Reflection Point ofthe Hendecagram before

The Cpressive/Ingressive Hendecagrams manifestation of the Thoughtless Lightreflected as the
Elevenfold Qliphoth.
Tn the ways and aspects alreadydescribed the Hendecagram§ _
are connected to the cominginto beingoftheforces ofanti- SuchInverted Hendecagram is in actuality nothing more than
existence on the Other Side, and while the First Mover and anyofal the other forms ofthe Eleven Pointed Stars, traced
‘Movementof the Qliphoth is expressed througha Twofold from theperspective ofthe ones coming into existence
Point within the context of the configuration of the through it, and is thus a gateway not from but into the
Hendecagram such Dual Point of manifestation is formed Qliphoth. These are therefore named the Egressive or
by the apex and zenith point, being that of Satan, and the Ingressive Hendecagrams, because through them the stare
secondary point, belonging to Motok, to which it connects. outside of the Qliphoth is exited and via such anegress the
‘The place ofSatan's point remainsfixed throughout all ofthe Other Side,beingthe World ofthe Qliphoth,is entered into.
described forms ofthe Hendecageam, but that ofMolok and
all other succeeding Heads of Azerate become shifted ‘These Henclecagrams are therefore more mysterious in their
according to the reflective aspectofthe establishmentofthe application, especially whenit comes to the ones connected
lines/Rays ofBlack Light manifesting the Atziluthic, Briahic, to the two more transcendent worlds and their deeper
Yetzirahic and Assiahic aspects. applicationsare therefore something thats reserved for those
that through the Invocative/Evocative Hendecagrams ean
‘The constantpoint, beingthatofEnteringInto Beingon the reach for and attain the gnosis granted directly bythe Spirits
Other Side, signifying the point of manifest of Thoughtless Divinity and is not something that can be
Anti-Existence ofThoughtless Divinity, which before that fully divulged by man.Theonlyhints that can be given and
point had veiled itself in the shrouds ofTohu, Bohu and which have alreadybeen given are that through these
Chasek, is esotericallya Point ofSatan which in the absolute Egressive Hendecagramelife-force,soul, mind and Spirit can
primal aspectalso can be ascribed to Ama Lilith in her most be projected into the Qliphothic existence and the simplest
elevated essential form, as all other aspects ofthe Eleven were description ofthe aimofthe workings that can be conducted
in Unmanifest Form within its pregnant nothingness and through themis that of the transference of the aspects of
born/reflected forth in an equal measure throughit. But even Thoughtless Self/the Black Flame or the projecting of the
with that being the case within the practical context Ama essences ofcertain offerings throughtheir reflective points,
Lilith becomes manifest fully first through thetenth point, lines, angles and gates which theycan open up in order to
before the manifestation of Nahemahvia the eleventh empowerthe Side ofQliphoth.
reconnectingto the firstandestablishing thustheHendecagram,
‘The most elevated Work that can be accomplished via such
Whaatall this indicatesis that’That Point ofthe Eleven Star Points ofIngress towards the Other Sides through the Pan-
is a point of Qliphothic aspect of the Hendecagram, as through such
Achea which leads us to the inverted forms of the concealed approach Spirit can become as One with Azerate,
Hendecagrams alreadymentioned, placing that oncezenith but such thoughts must be reserved for the stage within the
point within the nadir closest to and pointing towards the Qliphothic Work when all thoughts have been conquered
one that would trace it, leading the person into the aspect and eliminated and nought but She-Ain Bo Machshavah
which the Hendecagram encompasses by entering into remains,
Qliphothie Existence in a waymimicking that of the first

266 267
O oe
The Egressive/Ingressive Hendecageam of ‘Che Egreseive/Ingresoive Hendecageam of
UWtgiluth Yetsitah

‘The Egresoioe/Ingressive Hendecageam of The Egressive/Ingresaive Fendecageam of

rial ssinh

268 269
The Egressive/Ingeeosive Pon-Oliphothic
Fendecngeam of Ajerate
Building Blocks of n Qliphothie
Semple -
The Cools of Praxis
‘omeofthe workings aimed at the establishment of
contact with the forces of the OtherSide are best
Conducted outdoors,in places desolate,wild and liminal in
nature,as throughsuch points, acting as cracks in the covering
ofperceived reality, the Other Side ofthe Tehiru can easiest
be madeto intrude into this Sephirothic side. Such places
must be chosen very carefully and be far removed from
popiilated areas so thatone’s work does not become disturbed
bythe profanechildren ofAdam and desecrated or prosecuted
because of their lack of respect and comprehension for all
that which transcends their ownclay-bornignorance, fears
and enslaving laws.
Such outdoorpoints must also be chosen with consideration
fortheyenilocarum inhabiting them and before all workings
proper offerings must be presented to the guardians and
‘owners ofall such places in order to make them as allies in
one’s undertakings, enticing them to act as one’s wards
granting protection against any disturbing influences, but in
the cases when they instead would be of such nature that
they would not accept a friendly treatyoffered they are to be
exorcised harshly and kept out by the way of banishing
famigations,the setting up ofmagical borders and the calling
upon the forces that with the Fires of the Seven Kingdoms
ofQliphoth would cleanse such place and consume any
offending shades,elementals or Spirits.
Evenifthe outdoor settingis the optimal choice for many of
the workings and actually the onlyoption whenit comes to a
select few of them,like for example those demanding the

270 an
more extensive employment ofcombusting elements, blazing The AWtae-Throne
fires or yenomous fumigationsitwill remainso that the mos
practical and safe approach to the QliphothicWorkwilloften ‘Thealtar should be made ofa square wooden table measuring
be through the establishmentof an indoors temple or altar at least 80cm in both width and length.It is important that
room,a place where the work can be conducted withoutthe the tap ofthis table is not lacquered and left plainso thatitis
fearfor random disturbancescaused byoutsiders and in which possible to drawupon it with for example consecrated chalk
the sacred tools of the Qliphothic Cultivation canbe kept when jt later is to be employed within the ritual work.
both in a safeguarded and worthy manner.
This table mustbe cleansed rituallyand dedicated to the Work
Suchindoor temple can be grand or simple and plain and as via a ewofold fumigation process before being marked and
long as it can offer roomfor the work that needs to be permanentlyinstalled as theThrone Gateto the Other Side,
conducted therein and has space enough forall ofthe tools,
weapons,talismans and fetishesthatwill become accumulated ‘The firststep offumigation employs.a simple mixture ofRue
during the life-long dedication to the Great Work it will withjust a pinchofsulphur mixed into it and by the smoke
suffice. An intelligent approach towards practicalities, such ofthis mixture smoulderingunderneath thetableall profane
as how to besttrace and activate the different Hendecagrams and unwanted attachments are banished,in order to leave a
and Seals within suchindoors locationwill alsoyield the best void and clean space.
result and one must adapt to the limits of the environment
thin which the praxis is to be conducted. The use of ‘The second part of the fumigation employs a Dedication
stretched out pieces ofclothsor suitable carpets to place upon Incense Blend connecting to the Seven Kingdoms that in
the floor before the tracing of any signs is usually the most different ways are to have their powers seated and manifested
practical approach,as such marked fabrics after theconclusion through the Altar-Throne and consist ofan equal blend of
‘ofthe work canjust be rolled up andtied with a piece ofcord. the following elements:
and saved for the next time such signs are needed, during
which their markings must be retraced, ritually quickened 1 part Myrch
andreactivated. 1 part Black Copal
1 part Dragon's Blood
Within the indoor temple often an altaris raised in order to I part Frankincense
aid in the cultivationofand strengthenthe focus placed upon 1 part Red Sandalwood
theforces with which one seeks spiritual communion and L part Mace
union. Such altaris considered as an Earthly Throne and 1 part Mugwort
Gate ofthe Eleven and must be treated assuch afteritsproper
cleansing, marking and instalment. We will now shortly touch This blend is to be burnt again underneaththetable while
upon some ofthe details concerning the altar and some of the following FormulaofDedication establishing connection
the other implements of the Qliphothic Temple in order to to the Other Sideis chantedin its entirety eleventimes, with
make known the tools that in the correct hands will act as the incense being added to the brazier for each roundofits
keys openingup the mysteries concealed within this Grimoire recitation:
ofthe Dragonsofthe Other Side.

272 273,
Samotheshel ® Bergshel Lurosashel ® Asgaabel ® Asgotiel Whenever possible the Altar-Throne should bepositioned
% Bethabael Baortzel % Adsashael™ Ligaghel® againstthe northern wall ofthe temple,as the North iswithin
Nanaghel * Azerate! (x11) the context ofQabbalistie magic perceived to be the point of
intrusion for the forces ofSitra Achra.
After this dedication to the forces ofthe Other Side the altar
table is ready tobe permanentlymarked,this beingdone either Through the properly erected and consecrated altar vesting
by some suitable and consecrated paint or more ideally by the emanations of the Other Side with a Point of
being branded witha pyrography tool. “Manifestation on this side furthering their cause ofLiberating
Usurpation one’s own path of transcending towards and
‘The main and essential marking upon the Altar throne is Enthronementwithin the World of Qliphoth becomes
simplythe Eleven Primal Seed Points through whichall forms ‘opened and its traversing initiated, as all unfated increase of
of the Hendecagram can be established and also the the influencesoftheThoughtless Emanations will hasten the
‘Hendecagon be created.Thesepoints ofreflection are to take Return ofAll back to Ain via theTree ofDeath which bythe
the main and central space on thetable and be as wide in tip its Highest Crown remainsattached to the Unmanifest
circumference as possible. Holiness ofthe Fullness of Emptiness.
From these ElevenPoints anyform ofthe Hendecagram can
be traced physicallyike forexamplewith the mentioned chalk,
but alsowith charcoal, different powders and even blood or
just by the Fires ofImagination and Spirit, making the lines
0 established take form on themore subtle levels ofexistence,
visible onlyto the Eye ofSpirit.
‘This method allows also for the removing ofall such signs
alter they have served their purpose,which is something most
often done with the aid ofa suitable libation offering poured
upon the surface ofthe altar which then is wiped offwith a
piece ofclean and cleansed cloth. This method allows for a
very multifaceted employmentofthe altar, allowing it to
function via the different forms of the Hendecagram as a
direct link to all ofthe Four Qliphothic Worlds ofAtziluth,
Briah, Yetzirah and Asciah.
Another practicalaspect ofthe AltarThroneis thatitis even.
possible to turn it around whenever the employmentofthe
Egressive/Ingressive Hendecagrams would be needed and it
can thus give the foundation for the establishmentof the
Inverted Stars ofthe Eleven.

274 28
Candle Folders he Kelim-Bessel of Manifestation
Upon the altar there should be eleven candle holders, made Atthe centre ofthe altar Hendecagram,or the ones traced
of brass or any other suitable metal, and each ofthese uponthe ground, most often a Kelim-Vessel is placed during
candleholders must be permanently marked with the Angle theritesofinvocation or evocation.These vessels are in most
KeySeal of one of the Eleven Heads of Azerate in a clear cases simple unglazed terracotta bowls, marked inside and
‘mannerthatstarkly shows to whomeach holder belongs. out with the seals and signs of the Spirit they are meant to
act as the Vessel ofManifestation for.
‘These candle holders are to be shifted in position upon the
Eleven Seed Points of the Altar, according to need and ‘Most often the main sealof the onecalled uponis inscribed
depending on which workingis being conducted andwillthus inside of the bowl with the aid of a stylus, and different
act as the Keys of Fire opening up the points of the Formulae ofCalling and Names ofPower correspondingwith
‘Hendecagrams being established upon the altar during the and strengthening the Spirit called uponareinscribed onthe
ceremonial proceedings. outside ofthe bowi.
Each candle holderis to be given its own black candle, that For example in the case of the Eleven Rulers the Throne
hasfirst beencleansed by the smoke ofburning sulphur and Seal is inscribed inside of the Kelim, while their Angle Key
then inscribed with the Qliphothic Formula ofCalling of Seals and Qliphothic Formula are traced on the outside of
the Head of Azerate to which it is to be connected to,plus the vessel.
the Angle Key Seal, which is to be inscribed closeto the base
of the candle,Itis possible to further bless such inscribed Similarly can individual Kelims be created for each ofthe 10
candles with anointment employing either the correctly Qliphothic Orders,by having the sealofthe Qlipha inscribed
corresponding oleum, the blood ofthe operator himselfgiven insideofthe bowl, the'ThroneSeal ofthe ruler underneath it
ina solemnoathoflliance and loyalty to each ofthe Eleven, and theseals ofall its Emissaries, together with its Formula
orby thatofslainsacrifices given toeachcorresponding Ruler. ofCalling, on the outside ofthe bowl.
‘These candle holders can also, when need be, be removed There is also the possibility for making a Pan-Qliphothic
from the altar and for example placed upon similar Eleven. Kelim of Azerate bythe employmentof the corresponding
Seed Points ofthe Hendecagram whenandifthey forexample Hendecageam reflecting 11 through 11 within the vessel, this
are traced upon theflooror the ground and become as such. in combination with the inscription ofall eleven Angle Key
literally the Keys ofthe Eleven, with their flames unlocking Seals on its outside, together with the relevant Formula of
the Angles ofthe Gates to Sitra Achra, Calling evoking thefull force ofthe Eleven.
Only by the possessionofthe Inner Fire ofThoughtless Spirit Tn certainsettings it is possible tofor example markthe Ketim-
theeleven candles lit for the Heads of Azerate can be given Vesselin a less permanent manrier also,like forexample with
Flames ofBlack, connecting directly to and reflecting the the aid ofchalk,charcoal or ink,depending on theexact nature
Light ofthe OtherSide, illuminating those thatare oftheir of the ritual.
owncause and banishing the White Darkness that would
otherwise seck to blind the Spirit.

216 27
Thesevessels after having been prepared carefully are manifest themselves through into this side of the Tehiru,
positioned at the centre ofthe Hendecagram beingemployed_ ‘expanding in power until the Kelimis Shattered and the forces
and receive during the rituals the blood ofthe slain offerings made so to manifest are set loose to act according to their
givento fortify the manifestation ofthe Spirit called upon| ownSacred At-Azothic Cause.
and will within the Kelim bind thelife-force of thesacrifice _
to cause the manifestation needed through theseal it washes. Here are many mysteries placed within the reach of the
over and the ajar Gate of the Star of Thoughtless Light cunning to decipher, put to practice and attain fulfilment
stands upon andwithin. through, as the work of the Kelim-Vessels reflect in a most,
intimate mannerthe alchemical process ofthe internalisation
Such vessels ofmanifestation can with time evolveinto Kelim= of the Light of Divinity, aimed at the expansion and
Fetishes proper, holding not only the seals and the blood empowermentofSpirit, until no vessels can contain its Black
offered eachtimeicis activated, but also other elements that Fire setting the world aflame and returning triumphant back
can further connect to and strengthen the manifestation of to its Source.
the Spirit it represents. These additionalelements are as usual
harvested from the plant, mineral and animal kingdoms and
serve in unison to echo a sympathetic call to the force they
sare meant to cause enlinkment to and constitute as a Physical

Within some ofsuch fetishistie workings, aimed at the

creation of permanently open andactivated points of
manifestation related to the Eleven Heads there is also an
alternative approach to the employment of the Angle Key
Seals. Within these special settings the Kelim Vessels, which
in these cases also can take shape as cauldrons, are cleansed,
dedicated and inscribed in the usual mannerbut as an addition
the Angle KeySeals are forged and formed in Iron, in a way
that allows them to stand erect in a stabile fashion within the
Kelim and asa physical key to beturned uponthe seal inside
ofthe vessel, acting also as kind ofantenna fine-tuning both
the Spirit Currents the operator seeks to make manifest and
those that he seeks to project to the Other Side, for example
via thedifferent sacrifices given.
‘When such kelims are worked, imbued with the essence of
the Other Sideand filled with all the otherenlinking elements
which serve tostabilise the manifestation ofQliphothic forces
the true Kelim-Fetishes will have been created, serving a3
living and open points offocus for the Forces ofQliphoth to

278 279
The Micror Gates and Serying Bowls Whenit comes to thecreation ofthe more traditional Mirror
Gates we gave in the chapter about the SevenHells hints
Many are the mirrors employed within the practice of about the creation ofsuch mirrors belonging and acting as a
‘Qliphothie Sorcery asitis believed that reflections one gate to each ofthe Seven Kingdomsof the Other Side.
can reach out to the reflective world of the Thoughtless ‘Through similar approach onecanalso create other Mirror
Antithesis mirroring everything it seeks todissolve, but the | Gates of black framed glass, on the back of which the
truth ofthe matteris ofcourse more complicated than that, consecrated and activated seals drawn on paperorparchment
even though Jewish folklore for example contains many ccan be added in order to prepare the mirror to via proper
cautionary tales about the misuse and dangers of ordinary consecration at the centre of the Yetzirahic Hendecagram
mirrors,such as the talesabout maidens being snatched away become connected to the astral realm ofthe Qliphothic force
by Lilith because they spent too much time in front of the t0 which the mirroristo be connected.
mirror in vain self-adoration or those ofthe dead becoming
trapped within thereflective glass because the mirrors were Ifthe Seven Hells Mirrors are not specific enough one can
not coveredforseven days and night after someone had died make a Mirror Gate for each Qlipha so that they have their
in the house. own specific mirror through which their Governing Head,
Emissaries and all members oftheir Qliphothic Order can
‘These simple stories points to an atavistic and instinctive be reached,
knowledge that can be found,in one form or another, all
aroundthe world concerning the powers ofmirrors and their Such mirrors when placed within the correet Hendecagram
potential to act as Gates for Spirits and as a window to, or a and/or the properly activated seal belonging to the force from
prison for, the souls which can be seenthrough or caught which visions are sought, will act as the most miraculoustools
within them. forthe full awakeningofthe astral senses and the opening of
theEye ofSpirit
‘The mitrors employed within the context ofthe Qliphothic
operationscan take many different forms and some of them
are noteven made ofglass,as Miesor Gatescan alsoeffectively
becreated byfillingthe Kelim-Vessels ofManifestationempty
ofall but their inscribed and bloodied seals with water to
‘which drops ofmagical oilsand tinctures possessing the power
to aid in the attainmentofthe Second Sight are added, such
as those containing the essences of Belladonna, Eyebright,
Star Anise, Acacia, Mandrake, Tobacco, Wormwood and
‘Mugwortthis in orderto turnthe Kelimintoa potent Serying
Bowlserving a similar purpose as the more ustial mirrors,but
within this contextgazed into in order to receive visions from
thespecific powerto whichthe vessel belongs.

230 281
The Saceificial Rnife Onthe Sideof the Blade dedicated and bound to Zabachel
alsothe following Qliphothic AGLA is then inscribed or
‘The knife employed within the Qliphothie operations must otherwise permanently marked in order to directthe essences
be able to serveits practical function, which is to cut, and ofall sacrificesslain with it to Azerate:
must as such be ofgreat quality and as sharp as possible. This _
knife is ideally black-hilted and dagger-bladed, as the dual ONIN OPI? TAA ANN
sided blade entinks itselffinely to the Dual-Natured Essence
ofthe forces itis to serve. In similar manner the side of Balael is marked with the
following inscription, binding that aspect ofthe knife to the
‘Theknife is to be acquired in the day and hour ofMars and destructive powerofthe Sword ofAsmoday for the workings
be consecrated during the night ruled by the same planetary ofharsh banishment or deadlybane:
influences, butinthe later night hour ofVenus.
‘Theconsecration ofthe knife should mimic that ofthe work
ofthe blacksmith accomplished by heating the bladein each ‘When the knife has beenso marked and linked to the two
of the Flames of the Eleven, while calling upon them Emigsaries of Mars and Venus it is again to go through the
individually to bless the blade and then quenching it in a heating and quenchingprocess for a second timein order to
mixture of red wine, aconite tincture, 7 drops ofthe attar of seal the powers called upon fully within it, making it as an
Rose and the dropsoffreshly spilt blood ofthefrstsacrifice Enspirited Talisman,Tool and Weaponto be venerated and
madeby that blade, being thatofthe operator himself, drawn cherished, with the power to accomplish the work of both
from theleft hand. Emissaries towhom it has been made connected.
Whenthis heating and quenching ofthe blade has been By this blade notonlyare the Offerings to the Other Side
repeated 11 timesit is time to first wipe it with a cleansed given ina mannerthat does notallow forthe misdirection of
piece of cloth and then inseribe or otherwise permanently the sacrificed essence but it also possesses the power to
mark iton both sides, vanquish unwelcomeforces and to conquerand in more ways
than oneaid in the elimination ofone’s foes.
‘Onone side the bladeis to be marked withthe seal ofBalael,
the Fifth Emissary of the Qlipha of Asmoday, with This knife,when not in use, is to be wrapped up ina piece of
conjurations and supplications directed to him in the name red silk and kept on theleft side ofthe altar.
of his Governing Head, asking him to bless, imbue and
connect the knife to his own essence for the sake of the Such Sacrificial Blade of the Thoughtless grants victory to
accomplishment ofthe Great Work oftheThoughtless Cause the Children ofthe Serpents and cutsoffthe offending hands
and then on the opposite side of the blade the same of those others that would seek to profane by their
procedure is repeated but now with the seal ofZabachel, the desecrating touch and impure approach towards its Holy
Fourth EmissaryofOreb Zarag, adjuring himto enlink the Spirit ofConquest and Sacred Martyrising Cause.
blade permanently to his own essence, in the name of

282 283
The Twisting and the Straight Wand while Lilith’ Qliphothic Formula is chanted 11 times and
sheis asked to fully bless the twisting wand so that it can aid
‘Two forms ofwands are employed within the Qliphothie in the accomplishmentof the Great Work.
Work, each serving different functions and embodying
different aspects ofthe Dragonsofthe Other Side,aiding in During this work the operator should also taste drops ofthe
4 most practical mannerin the channelling and directing of ! blood spilt as a holysacrament and give praise to the martyred
theforces with which theThoughtlessAdeptseeks to interact. spake thatnowhasbecomeelevated bybeingoffered up to Lilith.
‘One wand is coiled, twisted and crooked and belongs to the Iftheskin ofthe snake can be removed andproperly cured it
ophite aspect Lilith, while the other one is the straight or canata later time be used in parts to adorn or even wholly
slant one and belongs to her mate Samael, being in this case cover the wand, depending on the size of the snake so
serpentine manifestation ofthe Spirit ofSatan. employed as the sacred offering.
Nachash Akalaton
‘This wand should be wrapped up in black silk when not in
use and kept upontheleft sideof the altar.
pnypy wna
Nachash Bariach
Thecoiled and crooked/tortuous wand ofLilith is the
Nachash Akalaton Wand, representing the coiled serpent ma wri
spiralling downwardsor twistingitselfaround that which she
is to establish her powers within, constrict or alict withher “The second form ofthe wand is that of Samael in the guise
venom. Thisis a receptive wand, encircling and gathering in of Nachash Bariach, the straight and piercing serpent,
powerand is as such often @ tool ofinvocation, This wand is ascending with dominion fromtail to head and from the nadir
to be either harvested or consecrated during the nightofthe to the zenith, penetsative in power and intrudinglike a sword
Black Moon, during thelace night hour of the same planet, thrusting throughthe heart and the soul. Thisisa projective
‘The wood ofthis wand must come from a tree possessing a ‘wand, for the sending forthofpower and a tool ofevocation,
spirit in sympathywiththe feminine and lunar natureofLilith causing ofunfated changes in accordance with the power of
and the Spirit ofthe tree mustaccordingto the Qayinite praxis Unbound Will and Spirit it directs outwards.
bere-called and madeto serve as handmaidenofthe Queen
of Sitra Achra, ‘This wand is to be harvested or consecrated during the night
of Mercury with the Moonin waning phase during the
Duringthe consecration of this wand the name Nachash planetary hour ofMars. The wood ofthis wand must come
Akalaton is tobe written or branded uponitin Hebrewletters, from a tree possessing a Masculine Force related to the
from the handle towards the tip,followed by the Angle Key Serpentine Powerandits Spirit mustbe quickened and bound
Seal ofLilith, pointing with its horned crescent towardsthe to the service ofthe Work ofDevil. There are a few easy to
tip ofthe wand. Forthe optimal sealing ofthe power ofthis find options when it comes to the selection of such wood,
wand a female snake should be worshipfully offered up as which is something that those contemplating the workings
sacrifice to the Tortuous Mother of Serpents and its blood in thisGrimoire should already have familiaritywith and they
used to anoint the whole of the wand, from tip t0 handle, shall therefore remain unnamed, but a more rare but also

284 285
perferly suited option for this wand would be a straight The Chalice
branch, or suitable piece ofwood to carveout such a wand.
from,harvested from the Black Ironwood tree, being a tree ‘The chalice or cup serves as the Grail ofthe Dragonand is
swith strong links to the Liminal Poincleading to Sitra Achra, thevessel from which sacraments are partaken ofand potions
and philtse composed within. [vis ideally made ofsilver or
Duringthe consecration ritual the name Nachash Bariach is silver plated,ait is primarylinked to the sphere ofGamaliel
to be written or branded uponit in Hebrewletters, from the and to the Goddess Lilith, acting as her Wanton Womb,
handle towards thetip, followed by the Angle Key Seal of emitting fromthe Other Side the Venomous Nectar ofthe
Satan, pointing with its arrowhead towards the tip of the Serpentreceived through the Workofthe Chalice,possessing
wand. The consecration ofalso this wandis to be sealed by the power ofsetting the Spirit aflame, awakeningit from its
thesacrifice ofa snake, this time a male, and the blood is to slumber binding it to the cosmic darkness of Thoughtful
be employed in the same manner as during the consecration Light.
of the wand of Lilith withthe onlydifference being that it
this timeis smeared from the handle out towards the tip of ‘The chalice not only serves asadrinking vessel through which
the wand, while the Qliphothic Formula/Invocation ofSatan libations can be served and partaken of, but also as the vessel
is chanted 11 times and heis bescechedto bless his piercing for the serying ofthe waters of the moon, when filled with
wand ofprojective power. suitable liquids and gazed into under light or darkness ofthe
moon, giving wayto the shapes and forms projected from
Alsothis wand can be adornedwith the skin ofthe snake if the subtle worlds towards manifestation.
possible and in either case wrapped up in black silk and kept
at the left side ofthealtar whennot use. ‘The chalice is also the receptacle ofblood,being the water of
life, and is as such a containerof life-force and other subtle
[fany ofthese wands would be forkedas the Serpent’sTongue ‘energies manipulated during the different operations and is
at thetip it is believed tobe very auspicious and doubly insimilarity to the Mirrors ofthe Artalso an astral gateway
powerful asit in such case represents better the dual nature through which the realms of dreams and nightmare can be
ofthe Qliphoth, manifesting so the powers ofTwo-Headed penetrated and manipulated.
Nachash within its one single form, creating thus a fuller
enlinkment to the Holy Cunning Serpent from and back The consecration of the Chalice is simple and initiated first
towards whomourFiery Bloodline courses, by the cleansing ofthe chalice. This is done by the washing
of the chalice with an infusion of Rue to which sea salt has
been added. After having been rinsed the chaliceis dried over
the smoke of Mugwort, Tarragon and Jasmine, while the
Qliphothic Formula of Lilithis chanted eleven times. The
innerpart ofthe’Throne SealofLilith is atthis pointinscribed
‘or otherwise permanentlymarked upon the chalice and the
Ladyof the Blood-Chalice is adjured to bless and link it to

286 287
‘The chaliceis then to be filled witha suitable libationoffering, The Bell
Lilith’s formula is once again chanted eleven times over and
into the chalice and its contents are then partaken of in the ‘The bell is an instrument of Wordless Invocation ringing
name ofthe Goddess ofthe Oliphothic Moon,in order to let with the Soundless Void betweenits chiming out to the ears
that which is consumed befall her so that she in return grant ofthe Spirits iris callingout to andis as such a tool dedicated
her blessings and open wide the Womb-Gate to the Other to the Lord ofthe ScreamingSilence, Beelzebub.
Side that the chalice now constitutes and in one aspect
represents. ‘The bell can be ofany size and form but is ideally made of
brass and hasa handle. Suchbell isto be cleansed with smoke
‘The Chalice when notin use is to be keptonthe right side of ofburnt Rue and theninscribed or otherwise permanently
the altar, wrapped in a piece ofred silk. marked on oneside with the Angle Key Seal of Beelzebub
and on the other side with the seal of Acharel, the Fifth
‘Thebel is then consecrated with the smoke ofacigarthrough.
which the Qliphothic Formula ofBeelzebubis projected into
iveleven times in benween the chimingofthe bell held in left
hhand,sothat it receives the smoke each timethat its ringing
sound dies out,thus chargingit within the moments ofsilence.
‘The same process is then repeated with focus this time on
the side marked with the seal of Acharel and instead ofthe
formula this timeonly the nameofthis Emissaryis projected
into thesilencing bell via the exhaled smoke ofthe tobacco,
Lord Beelzebub is adjured to conjure the bell with his waves
‘ofCrushing Alogos stormingforth to eradicate the Word of
the Creator and to grantthebell bearing the Key to hisThrone
the power to ringoutin silence to call uponall those forces of
Sitra Achra stationed beneath his own Seat ofPower. Next
the Grand Emissary Acharel is conjured to grant his powers
throughthe bell, so that it does not only call uponthe forces
with which contact is sought but also forcefully banishes
unwanted influences in order to create acleansed ritual space
whenever the bell is chimed in his name.
‘The bell is at that point chimed 11x11 times and a deep
meditation is commenced with theintention to enter the
Screaming Silence Betwixt All Sounds and reach for the
‘Thoughtless Void In-Between.
Afterthis concluding meditation the bell will be attuned to Nhe Bragier, the Thurible and the Incense of the et
its cause andfully consecrated.
‘The work of the brazier and the thurible are of outmost
‘Thebell when not in use isto be kept on theright side ofthe importance whenit comes to the Qliphothic operations, as it
altar. is with the power ofburnt offering, following the first
approach of Master Qayin towards sacrifice, and the aid of
theSpirits ofthe Black In Green that we can achieve many
things otherwise impossible. Through the givingofthe correct
smokes during the ritual workings the whole vibratory
foundation of the temple area is manipulated and made to
align with the subtle pathways through which desired result
is sought to be made manifest.
‘There are different approaches towardsthis magic, butall of
them should be from the perspective ofonethat can see the
Spirits hiding behind the guises ofthe plant kingdom and
also understand how to combine, awaken and direct their
forces towards desired end,being within the context of this
text the aiding of the coming forth of the Currents ofthe
Other Side via the opening of their different gates, whether
they be linear suchas their seals or otherwise ‘established in
other forms.
‘The science of the incense making must first be based on
Tradition in order for it to later on move into the area of
Personal Gnosis,where the correspondences ofolder sources
maybecome less important than the blends and formulae
which the Famuli and Spirit Wardens ofthe Current worked
with and within inspire one to create. Above all it is the
attained results which give value to any mixture employed
within the context of the Qliphothic operations and if one
formula does not suit the workofan individual the person in
question must study, pray, sacrifice and experiment in order
to reach for and attain new ones hopefully more in harmony
with the personal abilities and spiritual senses and thus better
‘becomedirected to open up the Pathways ofFire and Smoke,
_granting wings to the Divine Sparks caught within the corpses
ofthe plants, so that they mayrise up as messengers to serve
the cause ofone’s magic, being theThoughtless Cause ofthe
Other Side.

290 291
‘The brazier within our workis to serve as the stationaryand ‘The remains of the offering are given to the flames of the
fixed point for the burning ofofferings and is as such an pyre and the brazier and thurible are then in turn passed 11
instrumentfor the erecting of the Smoke-Pillar of times each through the fires consumingthe sacrifice withthe
‘Manifestation,while the thurible on the otherhand is a more nameoftheir corresponding Emissarycalled outto for each
dynamic and movable incense burner,hung on chains, making passing through the flames. After the eleventh passing the
it possible to swing freely and thus direct its smoke more correspondingEmissary isto be conjured and adjured in the
specifically towards any area or cardinal point during the nameofLord Asmodayto bless the tool so enlinked to them
circumambulationsfor the quickening ofthedifferent points via blood and the Fires of Sacrifice and to grant power so
ofmanifestationestablishedwithinthe rieual space.Inskilled that the workings of the Burning With Fire through those
hands the thurible can even serve as a quill offire and smoke sacred tools always become vietoriously accomplished.
with which the seals ofSpirits and those of the Seven
Kingdoms can be traced and activated in the air and on the A small amountof the ashes ofthe sacrificial pyre is to be
subtle planes penetrated via the vibratory alteration caused collected in the name of Asmoday and placed within both
bythe Spiritual Currentrising within, through and because brazier and the thurible, to seed them fully with the
ofthe smoke. cenlinkmentsto their governing Head ofAzerate.
‘The brazier and thurible are connected to a fewdifferent ‘These tools forthe giving ofburnt cacrifice are to be kept on
Qliphothic Rulers within our work, the primaryone being the left side ofthe altar when notin use.
Lord Asmoday, the Head ofthe Burners With Fire, but these
tools hold also secondary connection to Beelzebub because ‘The consecration ofeach herbal formula burnt within the
oftheir ascriptions related to the Smoke of the Air of Fire brazier or the thurible should be accomplished bythe basing
and on the highest level also to Molok, being the holder off and placing of the incense components either upon the
the most elevated mysteriesof Sacrifice Through Flames. Quyinite Green Pointofthe Skull or upon a corresponding
Qliphothic Point of Manifestation for the sake of the
‘These tools must before their proper consecration first be awakeningofthe related Spirits of the Black In Green and
taken out to2 suitable outdoors location and there becleansed the enlinkmentto the forcesthe incense is to connect to and
bythe smoke of'a mixture of Rueand Sulphur.The brazier is aid to manifest on this side ofthe Tehiru. Each blend after
thento be inscribed or othenwise permanentlymarked with its proper consecration and quickening is thus tobe correctly
the seal ofCharchurel,the Fourth Emissary ofGolachab and considered an EnspiritedTalismanin its ownright, becoming
the thurible with the seal of Ophiseshel, being the Second fully activated when burnt and its powers liberated by fire in
Emissaryofthe same Qlipha, ‘order to cause effect according to purpose.
‘A sacred pyre is then lit in the name of Asmoday, his ‘The following are a few formulae sufficient enough for the
‘Qliphothic formulachanted 11 times before suitable sacrifice initialworkings whichwill openthegatesand lead the student
is given to him by the way ofthe knife. The blood of the ofthis BookofSitra Achra to the deeperaspectsofthese and
offering soslain is to be spattered over and into both the other related mysteries. Those who would seekto penetrate
brazier and the thurible while the formula ofAsmoday again the secrets connecting the Spirits of the plant kingdom to
is chanted 11 times. the forces of the OtherSides should consult the Falxifer
Books, as bythe grace of Master Qayin and His Bride all

292 293
such secrets can be unveiled, as it was Qayin who first gave At this stage the Black Fire ofthe Other Sideis beheld with
theincense offering of burnt fruits ofthe earth, which was the Spiri’s Eye to rise within the heart ofthe Hendecagram,
rejected byYHVH butaccepted the forces ofthe HVHY which is the Hendecagon at its centre, and via that fire the
chthonicly linked to via their Liminal Intersecting Points of ‘operator realises thatthepowers ofAzerate are beinginstalled.
Nahemothic Insurrection. and linked to and through the herbal mixture watered with
‘blood and so that also the operator himselfthrough the links
Incense of Echad-2Asarel: ofhis bloodis being empowered and linked to the Heads of
(A blendsuitablefor all Qliphothic Workings)
the Other God,
2 parts Mandrake sootpowder Whenall candles have burnt down the incense is ready for
2 parts Angel's Trumpet flowers ruse and can be kept in a suitable box,jar or other container
2 parts Yewneedles until it is needed for the Qliphothic endeavours that it is
2 parts Thorn Apple seeds intended for.
2 parts Black Ironwood wood powder
2 parts Walnutshell powder ok
3 parts Henbaneleaves
3 parts Cypress needles
3 parts Fig leaves ‘Thefollowing formulae for the Seven Gates ofHell or more
3 parts Myrrhresin correctly the Seven Kingdomsof Sitra Achra are most useful
4 parts Wormviood leaves whenit comes to the Work of Incense and ifused correctly
in connection to the rituals ofthe gates they can strongly aid
‘To this blend eleven drops of blood from the left hand’s in the unlocking ofthe Points of Power belongingto cach of
middle finger are added, each drop given in the name ofand them and open themup to let in, or lead towards, their
as asolemn oath ofloyaltyand devotion to the corresponding corresponding denizens and kingdoms.
Head ofthe Eleven, with the firct drop given in Satan's name
and eleventh drop in Nahemahs.The blend is mixed and Within these formulae also blood or other bodilyelements
grinded properly with the aid ofa mortar and pestle and the fromanimals are added for che sake ofthe fortification ofthe
resulting powderis placed either onthe Green Point of the exact direction ofthe power ofeach mixture and forthe sake
Skull,ifthe operator be initiated in the Qayinite Mysteries of the strengthening of the chains of sympathy causing
in order to fully xe-enspirit and consecrateit, or alternatively enlinkmentfrom this to the Other Side.
placed in the middle ofthe invokingHendecagram ofAssiah,
Which has its points activated correctly, with flame set upon ‘Mentioned within the list ofanimal elements befitted to lend
eachpoint while the corresponding Qliphothic Formula is empowermentto all ofthese formulae is the Snake, which
chanted in order to make theflameofeach candle burn black because ofthe Ophiolatryofthe Qliphothic Cults given the
and thus call upon the powers of the Eleven to bless the most elevated position within the animal kingdomand can
incense blend and empower it with the enlinkment to the assuch empower any ritual and anyformula meant to connect,
Echad-Asarel, being the Eleven of the Other God, so that to the Dragons and Serpents of Sitra Achra, during which
burntit can through the elemental ladder make way the blood of a snake is sacrificed in the most worshipful
cir emanations and manifestations, ‘manner,orwhen its blessed corpse-elements are in other ways

‘When possible the animal chosen for the empowermentof Aheol ha-Cehom Incense:
the formula should be sacrificed over the herbal blend and its
blood let to drop into it,this in orderto allow the creation of 4 parts Mysthresin
a paste which then is formed into small pellets, These pellets 4 parts Frankincense
are then left uponthealtar to dry before use. When and if 3 parts Cypress
fresh blood is lacking, other elements from the animal or 3 parts Henbane
animals are in dried and powdered form added to the mixture 3 parts Cannabis leaves or seeds
before its consecration,as such elements will in lesser degree 3 parts Belladonnaleaves
and on other levels cause similar enlinkments and 2 parts Poppyseeds
empowerments as whatthe blood would have done and will 2 parts Devil's Trumpet seeds
so still bestow aspects ofthe soul and virtues ofthe animal to 2 parts Coffee beans
the formula, making it serve the cause ofthe manifestation of 2 parts Galangal root
and connection to the forcesitis dedicated to. 2 parts Pomegranate peels
If blood is not used and the pellet form is still desired it is “Mix withthe blood or powdered elements ofgoat, bat, black
also possible to add a small amount ofred wine into which cat,vulture, lies,locust, bull,oxor snake. Placeon the activated
drops of honey have beendissolved and in order to make seal ofSheol ha-Tehom andcall upon the powers ofthe First
such blends moistened in the described manner more Supernal Kingdom to bless and imbue it with Their essence so
combustible to suit certain specific workings one can also that when burnt it can aid in the opening ofthe Seventh Gate.
dissolve a modest amountofsaltpetrewithin the wine before
itis in a modest portion given as a libation offering to the 9K
Spirits of the elements the formula brings together and
consists of.
Alvaddon Incense:
‘The idea of the pellet form can alternatively be discarded
altogether and one can in an equally effective manneremploy 4 parts Black Copal
each of the incense blends in their plain powder forms, as, 4 parts Fig leaves
when sacrificed upon hot coals the final result will on the 3 parts Cinguefoil
spiritual level be moreor less theexact same. 3 parts Galbanum resin
2 parts Horse Chestnut wood
‘Whatfollows now-are the Incense Formula ofthe Seyen Gates 2 parts Oakwood
ofthe Kingdoms ofQliphoth,called Hell by those who would 2 parts Agrimony.
consider the causal imprisonmentofSpirit something
para Mix with the blood or powdered elements of stag, deer,
swallovy, lark, stork or snake. Place on the activated seal of
Abaddon and call upon the powers of the Second Kingdom
to bless and imbue it with Their essence so that when burnt
it canaid in the opening ofthe SixthGate.

296 297
‘Vit Ha-Yon Incense: Trelmoth Incense:
4 parts Dragon's Blood 4 parts Red Sandalwood
parts Blackthorn leaves 3 parts Angel's Trumpet flower
3 parts Pine needles 3 parts Red Rose petals
3 parts Tobacco 3 parts Mandrake root
1 part Aconite root 2 parts Corianderseeds
A pinch ofSulphur 2 parts Apple rind
2parts Vervain
Mixwith the bloodor powdered elements ofman,wolf,swine,
woodpecker, scorpion or snake. Place on theactivated sealof Mix with the blood or powdered elements of magpie, crow,
‘Titha-Yonand call upon the powers ofthe Third Kingdom raven,dove, horse,dog or snake. Place on the activated seal of
to bless and imbue it with Their essence so that when burnt “Prelmoth and call upon the powers ofthe Fifth Kingdom to
it can aid in the openingof the Fifth Gate, bless and imbue it with Their essence so that when burnt it
can aid in the opening oftheThird Gate.
Bat Shnchath Incense:
Shantimoth Incense:
4 parts Frankincense
parts Olibanum 4 parts Fly Agaric Mushroom
3 parts BayLaurel leaves 4 parts Palo Santo wood
3 parts Celandine 3 parts Tansy
2 parts Cloves 3 parts Mandrake root
1 part Saffron 2 parts Aspen wood
2 parts Mace
Mixwith the blood or powderedelements ofram,lion, rooster,
pig, donkey, parrot or snake. Place on the activatedseal ofTit “Miswiththe bloodor powdered elements ofa peacock, lizard,
hha-Yon andcall upon the powers ofthe Fourth Kingdom to scorpion or snake. Place on the activated seal ofTzelmoth
bless and imbueit with Their essence so that when burnt it and call upon the powers ofthe Sixth Kingdom to bless and
can aid in the opening of the Fourth Gate. imbueit with Their essence so that when burntit can aid in
the opening ofthe Second Gate.

298 299
Gehinnom Incense: ‘Incense of Aahemoth:
4 parts Mugwort 3 part Male Fern leaves
4 parts Mandrake root 3 parts Dittany ofCrete
3 partsJasmine 4 parts Patchouli
3 parts Patchouli
3 parts Parsley oR
2 parts Wormwood
2 parts Yew needles ‘Fncense of Gamaliel:
‘Mix with the blood or powdered elements of woman, frog, parts Jasmine
toad, owl, bat, hare, goose, spiders or snake. Place on the 3 parts Mugwort
activated seal ofGehinnom and call upon the powers ofthe 2 parts Tarragon
Seventh Kingdom to bless and imbue it with Their essence
so that when burntit canaid ia the opening ofthe First Gate, oa

Tneenoe of Samael:
2 parts Mace
2 parts Horehound
‘Whatfollows next are 10 simple formulae for the making of 3 parts Mandrake
the Incense ofthe PrimaryQliphoth. These formulae are kept
simple to onlyact as an introduction to the Work and should om
in time be expanded and changed to harmonise with the
insights gained as reward for correct practice, Incense of Deeb Jacag:
All the following blends must he consecrated upon theseals 3 parts Red Sandalwood
oftheir corresponding Qlipha, placed and activated within 2 parts Clove
the Assiahic Hendecageam of Evocation activated the 2 parts Benzoin
correct manner to correspond with that which is to be
achieved, over which the corresponding Qliphothie Formula em
is chanted 11x11 times, while the heart of the Star is
envisioned to burn with the Black Fires of the Other Side, Incense of Thagition:
fullyenspiriting and connectingthe mixtures withand to their
ownessences. 4 pares Frankincense
2 parts Bay Laurel leaves
1 part Saffron

Incense of Golachas: some
3 parts Tobacco ‘Thework ofthe Blessed Smoke empowering and releasing
1 part Asafoetida Spirit from its confines, or granting it garments of
3 parts Rue manifestation whenit seeks to intrude and manifestwhereit
needs to embodyits influences,is the key unlocking the doors
oe to the mostrelevant Qliphothie Operations and must as such
alveays be accomplished as 2 solemn and humble deed of
Incense of Gash Rhatnh: adorationdirected to theThoughtless Divinity, as union with
that Other God always remains the primal motivating cause
parts Grains ofParadise seeds forall suich workings ofthose that are ofthe Serpent's Blood.
3 parts Copal
2 parts Oak wood

Incense of Satoriel:
3 parts Myrch
3 parts Cypress
1 part Yew
Incense of ogicl:
3 parts Dammar resin.
2 partsThorn Apple leaves and/or flowers
2 parts Morning Gloryseeds
Incense of Thaumiel:
3 parts Opoponax resin
3 parts Dragon’s Blood
2 parts FigTree wood powder

Te Cord
formula has beenchanted and herflame lit the eleventh line/
The cord can playavery signific ole within reflection becomes drawn to unite the Eleventh Point with
of the Qliphothie Adept, both antr as a ver y prac
the workings
tica the First,being the one belonging to Satan,and thus creating
measuring and bindingand as a more esoteric l tool for the proper and activated Hendecagram of Manifestation,
link to the Serpentine Mysteries. and talismanic calling upon and connectingto all ofthe Eleven.
Usually there are two size ord worked with; ‘Whenthis has been doneeleven flames burn on the points of
equal in size to that ofone’ss ofc
own full len gth
one being the Evoking Hendecagram of Assiah and the powers of
mea sur
hheadto toe, while the otherlesser one only measur ed from Azerate can be accessed, The Cord is at this pointfumigated
as thespate between the shoulder tothe tp ofthe ing in length with the Incense of Echad-Asarel or someother suitable
middle ager, formula worthyofbeinggiven as burntoffering to the Eleven
The cord representing one’s length isa ver and each Head is adjured to grant blessing of enlinkment
that represents one’s own flfll l inc arn ate d bei
y personal ink through the cord to their own Essence.
such be used to cause connectio ng and can as
n to those
‘one seeks congress and can after proper forces with which |) ‘The cord is at this point knotted eleven times, each time in
form and essence both consecration. actin |) the name of oneofthe Eleven and in the correct order of
as a Sexpentine Shadow ofone’s self
and ss the umbilical cord link succession as the formula ofeach Head is whispered into the
Serpents ofthe Other Side, ing one’ own being to the knot before it being pulled and closed tightly. Blood is then
drawn from left hand’s middle finger with the aid ofcither
Such cord, mostoften made
ofstrongblack leather, must the Knife or a,in beforchand cleansed, needle and smeared
cleansed by being washed in the inf usi on ofR
be upon each knot as 2 pact between one’s Self and the
ut to size and before cuttin ue bef ore being. corresponding Head of Azerate. The bloody knotis finally
g the cor
taken to ensure that the cord becomesind siz
measures should ke passed eleven times through thecorrespondingcandlelame and
own length as possible. The e as closeto one’ i bbyblood and fire thepactissealed and the enlinkments fortified.
touching directlythe skin for da isdurthe
n tied around the waist
ona fall night and 4.
day in order to strengthen the enlinkment to one’ self and ‘This whole process is repeated until eleven knots have been
after that period remove d and kept upon the altar nti 4 tied,bloodied andscorched and one’s fullbeinghas beenfirmly
fall consecration, bound to the Dragons of Sitra Achra, ofwhich the Eleven-
, Knotted Cord atthis time becomes afetishistic and talismanic
Atthe time: ofthe consec
s ration the Assiah representation, embodying one’s self as part of the Eleven-
tobe established upon thealtar asthe aimici istHen deca ram is }
o manifest the Headed Serpent and thus permanentlyconnected to Azerate.
Light ofAzerate within the cord. All Eleven Heads are called ‘This cord becomes at this point a most powerful talisman
and a protective amulet at the sametime, strengthening all
connections to Sitra Achra, making easier the channelling of
their Blick Light,while also offering protection against both
ach line ofthe Hendecagram onlyat that neryoncatin ‘cause unwanted and adverse
leaclingthus the fierypresence ofe poi «
Seed Point to the other,so that frstachaft
Head fromone el
er NaAmi
‘The knotted cord is thus carried upon one’s person; either as Blood Saceifice
a belt or around the neck when its influences are sought the
most,be it duringceremoniesorin the more mundanesettings, ‘The Blood is the Life,meaning thatll the subtle component
but within other contexts the same cord eanbe used for the ‘ofbeing when intermingled manifest their accumulation via
binding and dominating of others through the Qliphothic the life-force germinating into thefinite condition offife and,
Powers it carries enlinkments to and serve many other through blood, further similar birthing into being ean be
purposes which become revealed in time to the owner and ‘caused and thus when blood is givento Spirits that would
will sooner or later become realised to very literally be a otherwise not have foothold within this worldof living matter
manifestation ofthe Serpents ofthe Other Side. they can by such offerings be given the means to become
manifested where theyotherwisewould not had natural means
This sacred knotted cord can also esoterically act as a ladder for the living materialisationof their influences. This being
ofascent or descent and serve as bridge through whichsoul, especially the case when it comes to the forces of the Other
mind and Spit are projected towards the Qliphothic Points Side as they have no natural anchoring within this world and
ofthe Eleven. in order to manifest they mustintrude and invade Points of
Manifestation which are unnaturally made to fall under their
Such Knotted Cord of Azerate should receive a proper powers.
sacrifice once a year, the most befitting date for such
empowerment being the 11th ofNovember each year, which ‘The blood being the physical vehicle of the ‘animal sou!’ is
also is the most auspicious date for the initial creation and thus a means for the embodiment of Spirits on the lowest
‘consecrationofthis talisman, While this date has nohistorical planesofexistence, without enslaving them to matter, as the
significance for those outside of our Qliphothic Cult the force of blood spilt is fleeting because ofits lack ofself
meaning it has been given within the Tradition embodying sustenance and regeneration after the death ofits material
the Current 218 has madeit into a Holy Day and Night and corpus. The possession ofthe life-force ofthe living can also
& pointin time during which the Light of Azcrate is be accomplished by Spirits via different forms ofvampirism,
channelled and spread and differentrites are conducted with bur such slowprocess is much more demanding andless usefil
the aim to keep strongand strengthen alllinks to the Side of whenit comes to the causing of concrete and potent
Thoughtlessness, manifestation ifcompared to the forceful ejaculation oflife-
force that a quick death through the act of ritual sacrifice
‘Thelesser cords can be employed in similar manners, but brings about and directs towards the receiver of the offering
serve more often the more practical purposes ofthe Knotted and empowerment so given,
Rosary; with the aid of whichthe recitations are counted,
applied within the workings ofligature or in other more “The actofsacrifice is also within the context ofour Qliphothic
sorcerous manners taughtto the faithfulbythe Spirit ofthe Work trulya sacralisation ofthe victim, as its essence becomes
First Weaver and Spellbinder, now Enthroned in the Tenth elevated within and through the Higher Spirit receiving it as
anoffering andall such deedsof necessitated bloodshed must
therefore be conducted withthe greatest ofrespect and care
for the animalso offered up for the greater cause and one
ust during all such operations contemplate the fact that a
sacrifice meant to elevate can only be accomplished properly


by one that is readyto not onlygive ofothers but also who operator the scales of sicrifice become more balaitced ofl
gladly engages in the Martyrdom ofSelf-Sacrifice for the attuned with the solemness ofthe work at hand and altothe
sake ofothers serving the Sacred Cause ofFhoughtless Spirit factthat by the grace of its venomthe snake holds stronger
when need be. enlinkment to Sama-El-Acher.
‘The death ofeachvictim should thus always reflect the death Stich snakes should be taken care of and adored as
of some unworthy aspect imprisoning one’ own Spirit, by: representations of the Messiah of Black Light for 7 or 11
thereplacement ofthe clay-born profanities with traits instead days and nights, during which the operator should fast and
elevating and glorifying thevictim and one’s own Spirit upon abstain from the profanities of this world and remain clean
the egoless Path ofSacrifice. both in body, soul and mind, with attention directed only
towards Spirit, glimpsed within the dark of the eyes of the
‘As the world is inhabited on all levels by parasitic beings venerated serpent.
serving only the cause of obsession and attachment to the
clay-born impulses holding the Spirit enslaved all blood ‘Only:with such approach towards sacrifice can the full impact
sacrifices must be conductedin the proper manner, within and sacredness ofthe offerings given be realised, focused upon
the confines ofsacred space interlinked to the Other Side, and properly directed.
eitherestablished physically orasteally, mentally and spiritually
and within the actual presence of the intended receivers of ‘The remains ofall sacrifices not employed further within the
such offerings, invited to be presentthrough theirestablished fetishisticor talismanic arts,or those connected to the making
Points ofManifestation,such as theirseals, opened gates and and blending ofelements and powders,should be respectfully
Formulae ofCalling. taken out to 4 suitable location,such as a forest and there be
buried bya tree or in some otherplace ofrelevance as gift to
‘As for the exact selection offitting offerings there are many allied Spirits dwelling close to or otherwise reached through
considerations that could be taken into account, such as suchloci,
symbolic and sympathetic attributions and enliakments, the
actual traits ofthe animal,the expressed wishesofthe Spirits May those that are not readyto sacrifice what they demand
ifsuch contact with them already has been established, the otherstoofferup on their behalf harvest nought but scourging
context withinwhich the offeringis to be givenand the size affliction and may those that through each offering also give
andtherefore also the amount ofblood andlife-force ofthe up ofthemselvesfor the furthering ofthat which serves the
chosen sacrifice, so that it fits and manages to aid in the cause of the Liberation ofAll gain more and more ofthat
accomplishment ofthegoals ofthe operationitis intended for, which is truly empowering, essential and ofSpiritual Worth
\with each and everydemanding sacrifice stainingtheiraltars
As already hinted at throughout this book the snake is an and manifestingThoughtless Holiness.
animal held sacred within the Qliphothic Cult and as such it
holds the highest position whenit comes to the workofblood
sacrifice. The snake chosen for such rites should preferably Atah Gibor Le-ohlamAzerate!
be venomous, even though also nonvenomous serpents are
held in high regard and considered most holy, with the
difference being that when the snake poses a threat to the


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