Unidad 1 y 2: Tarea 2 - Escritura: Samara Paez Código: 1093917832 Grupo: 900001 - 239)

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Unidad 1 y 2: Tarea 2 - Escritura

Código: 1093917832
Grupo: 900001_239}


Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia

Vicerrectoría de Relaciones Internacionales
Ingles A1
1. Presentación

Dear colleagues and tutors. My name is Samara Paez Acevedo, I am 23 years old, I live in
the Tibu NS municipality, I am currently a psychology student, my favorite pastime is to
listen to music, I live with my daughter and my husband, I work in my Boutique, my
favorite program is the Comedy series and my favorite sport is skating.

My means of contact are:

Email: samarapaezreichelt@gmail.com

Telephone number: 3213100979

2. Texto

MY ROUTINE I'm Samara, I'm 23 years old. I have trigena skin. My hair is brown, as my
eyes are green. I am very friendly and sincere I get up every day at 6 in the morning. I
prepare breakfast. I sent my daughter to school at 6:45 in the morning. I start my academic
and work day. I prepare lunch at noon. I pick up my daughter from school, at 2 in the
afternoon I go back to my business. Work until 7 o'clock at night. I prepare dinner in the
afternoon. I do homework with my daughter. I take her to the bathroom, put on my
pajamas and then take her to bed. Finally I study until 11 at night and go to sleep.
Activities that I like to do in my free time. In my free time I practice sports. I go for a walk
with my family. I complement my university work. I watch TV
3. Evidencia de aportes

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