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Resources of the fuel are limited so there is a need for search of sustainable fuels and
researchers have come forward with the idea of Biofuels. Jatropha Biodiesel is one of the
potential fuels that researchers are thinking of considering. But in India and a few other
countries2, it has been a “Fracaso” because of a lack of knowledge and basic research gap.
But no one believed that jatropha alone can create a change in the Oil Industry. Though
jatropha oil can grow enormously on any landscape it takes five years to become fully
capable of yielding. Jatropha was called “Green Gold in A Shrub” in 2007, so the Indian
Government had Come up with a plan of cultivating Jatropha curcas on a high scale for
biofuels because of its benefits. The few challenges faced by the jatropha oil industry are that
there are very fewer reports on how it is produced and inferences on how different cultivation
techniques affect the seed yield and plantation.

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