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MongoDB Hands-on Practice

1. Create a new location for mongoDB data (DB and Log) and configure mongoDB to use the same.
2. Create a database with your KV name.
3. Create 3 collections with following config:
a. Teacher
i. Name
ii. Qualification (Single Value)
b. Student
i. Name
ii. Class
c. Class
i. Class ID (1 – 12)
ii. Subjects (Multiple value)
4. Insert at least 2 documents per collection.
5. Add a new teacher with following data:
a. Name: Soumik Datta
b. Qualification: MCA, MBA (List)
c. Subject Area: Database, Analytics, Web Development
6. Prepare a report showing all the students with assigned subjects.
7. Create the same final tables in local MySQL database and generate the report in Python.

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