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1. Summary of article 1
2. Comments/Critiques 2
3. References 3
4. Appendix

First and foremost, the issue in the article has caught my attention because it has
happened inside the campus, where it should be a peaceful place to have open discourse and
free flow of ideas. Everything in the campus is fine and normal until one of the student groups has
invited a controversial scholar to talk in the campus, who later turns the campus into a “war place”.
He is asked to talk in the discussion of free speech yet he is being attacked for “talking”.

Firstly, I am wondering of whether the right to free speak and give opinions are still exist
nowadays. We are living in a world full of colours, even the rainbows, flowers and all kinds of
things around us are made with colours. Same goes to us as humans, we live in a world with
different people, cultures, races, and even beliefs. In my opinion, we should accept each other’s
opinions and thoughts even if ours are different from them. However, there are also some things
that need to be take into consideration and also respect, such as religion belief, race, class, etc.

Secondly, I am quite disagreed with the writers for only showing how all the bad sides of
the students for making the chaos. Indeed, students have the right to invite speakers of all kinds
to campus, but the university itself must also be responsible and academically honest when giving
such event a show of approval through consensus of all parties. As we know, much of Murray’s
works are irrelevant assertions are not scientifically proven. The university itself should be more
selective in giving the right person a platform to speak, while also recognizing critical matters of
race, class, sexual, religion belief, etc before allowing it to be openly discussed.

I understand the righteous anger of many of those students. I know that those students
have felt they like are standing up to protect marginalized people who have been demeaned or
even threatened under the guise of free speech. But for us to engage with one another as fellow
human beings, even on issues where we passionately disagree, we need reason, not just
emotions. Middlebury students could have challenged him in the Q. and A sessions. If the ways
in which his misinterpreted ideas have been weaponized precluded hearing him out, students
also had the option of protesting outside, walking out of the talk or simply refusing to attend.

Furthermore, a flawed notion of free speech has allowed individuals in positions of power
to spread their racism, dehumanizing and stereotyping people of colour and gender minorities.
While I defend Murray’s right to speak his mind, the fact that the college has provided a platform
for him, has done more harm than good. To that effect, I do not think Middlebury make sufficient
effort in selectively choosing the right role model to talk. After I have read the article, it makes me
realize that stereotypes are still existing in today’s society.


Beinard, P. (2017, March 6). A Violent Attack on Free Speech at Middlebury. Retrieved from
The Atlantic:

Conti, A. (2017, March 9). College Protesters Explain Why They Shut Down Charles Murray's
Speech. Retrieved from Vice:

Gans, F., Arnold, O., & Geanous, J. (2017, March 4). Protesters Aggressively Confront
Controversial Scholar At Middlebury College. Retrieved from Bostonglobe:

Holley, P. (2017, March 4). A Conservative Author Tried To Speak At A Liberal Arts College. He
Left Fleeing An Angry Mob. Retrieved from The Washington Post:

Stanger, A. (2017, March 13). Understanding the Angry Mob at Middlebury That Gave Me a
Concussion. Retrieved from The New York Times:

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