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Ultrasonic Device for Foam Destruction

Vladimir N. Khmelev, Senior Member, IEEE, Roman V. Barsukov, Dmitry V. Genne, Member, IEEE,
Maxim V. Khmelev, Member, IEEE
Biysk Technological Institute (branch) of Altay State Technical University named after I.I. Polzunov,
Biysk, Russia
Due to lines of the technical and economic reasons in the
Abstract — In article the brief review of ways of destruction food-processing industry the greatest distribution was
of foam, as bad factor of some technological processes is received with mechanical methods as more universal and not
submitted. To consideration the ultrasonic device with the disk having negative consequences.
radiator, specially developed for research of process of clearing A mechanical defoaming method - one of the traditional
of beer foam is submitted.
and widely widespread receptions of division and destruction
Index Terms— Defoamers, ultrasound, radiation ultrasound
of the foam, occuring due to creation in the foam difference of
in gas mediums. hydrostatic pressure or influence on foam of working bodies
as firm surfaces, liquids, gas, pair at their relative movement
I.INTRODUCTION or reciprocal mixture.

The principle of action rotor deformation defoamers will
HE determining role in an intensification of the basic consist in destruction of initial foam by creation of critical
technological processes of biochemical, food and pressure and deformations at relative movement of a stream
chemical manufactures is played with the hydromechanical of foam in a vicinity of working bodies initiating these
phenomena at interaction of gases with the liquids, movement as blades, disks, plates, drums.
underlying convective of mass transfer and heat exchange in Complexity of a problem defoamers and its insufficient
heterogeneous systems. Many biotechnological and the developmental work till now did not allow to create the
productions proceeding in system "gas - liquid", are uniform methodical approach for various kinds and types
accompanied by intensive foaming [1]. mechanical defoamers. Therefore, in the majority, existing
Intensive foaming in the majority of technological design procedures of key parameters and characteristics
processes has the negative consequences expressing in mechanical defoamers are received by empirical way in the
decrease use of useful volume of the technological equipment, limited interval of change of skilled factors and sizes.
infringement of the rules of manufacture and sterility of The institute of chemistry of oil of the Siberian Branch of
biotechnological processes, in increase in losses of products the Russian Academy of Science, receives the patent « THE
and decline of productivity of the equipment, pollution of the WAY OF DESTRUCTION OF FOAM IN THE ELECTRIC
environment. FIELD ». This way concerns to electrophysical ways of
With foaming in technological volumes as associate with clearing of foams. The way consists in creation above a
the following problems: incorrect work of the control and surface of foam of the volumetric electric category with
measuring equipment (measurement of temperature, density of a current (0,5-50) 10-3А/m2. The category create
measurement of a level e.t.c.), bad mixing of chemical
by accommodation above this surface multielectrode system.
reagents in a reactionary vessel and keeping of products in
The invention solves a problem increase power efficiency of
foam, and, at last, presence of foaming can have a negative
destruction foam use electrodes.
effect on opinion of the customer on work of process.
This way is applicable only to nonflammable
Thus, the questions connected to reduction of foaming and
environments, with explosion-proof pairs. The electric
destruction of foam are now actual.
categories penetrating a zone of formation of foam, in some
cases can lead to initiation of additional reactions, that as is
not always allowable.
Problems and tasks of restriction and regulation of Besides the questions connected to destruction of foam to
intensive foaming frequently are solved at a level of intuitive technologists it is necessary to take measures for the
approaches and practical experience without taking into prevention of its formation. With this purpose in system
account a modern level of scientific knowledge and technical usually enter such substances which, possessing high
achievements in this area. superficial activity, do not give some proof foam. These
Till now in full the task of creation of rational and substances supersede foam former from a surface of a liquid
optimum designs defoaming devices is solved, thus and by it do impossible existence of foam. As similar
calculation and creation defoaming devices were carried out antifoam, apply various substances, for example, spirits,
basically by empirical way that reduces their efficiency and complex ethers. From spirits to destruction foam apply

cyclohexanol, amyl and octyl spirits, and also mixes of the The laboratory of acoustic processes and devices, at Biysk
supreme spirits. institute of technology, had been developed the equipment for
In practice application of this way as has a line of the acoustic destruction of foam (see figure 1), consisting of the
restrictions connected to inadmissibility of used in an initial disk radiator intended for radiation of an acoustic wave in gas
product of additional components which can lead to change of environments and the electronic generator, the radiator
its qualitative structure. intended for a feed [3].
Other defoamers method consists in "burning" a film of
foam by influence on it of high temperatures. The basic lack
of this way is loss of a product as there is its intensive The developed acoustic complex have the following
evaporation from a surface films of foams. In some cases it is characteristics:
not of great importance, or demands accommodation - working frequency of a disk radiator makes 21500 Hz;
additional condensers. Besides influence of high - piezoelectric type of the converter of electric energy in
temperatures, limited use of this way. mechanical;
For destruction of proof foams other mechanical and power - consumed electric capacity 200Watt;
influences can be used. The most interesting and perspective - presence of a control system and stabilization of capacity of
is the acoustic way of destruction of the foam, deprived the radiation.
lacks inherent in existing ways of defoamers. Feature of the developed radiator is presence of a focal
point on an axis, a perpendicular plane of a disk and taking
III.ACOUSTIC WAY DESTRUCTION OF FOAM place through its center. Force of a sound in this point
The acoustic way destruction of foam [2] consists in achieves to 181 dB.
formation of an acoustic beam of the certain intensity directed The developed equipment has been used at carrying out of
to a zone of formation education of foam. The sign-variable experiments connected with destruction of beer foam that is
sound field most actively influences the open layers of foam actual at packing a product in plastic or aluminium container.
as deep into the acoustic beam will penetrate poorly because Speed of destruction of foam, during carrying out of
of the big attenuation. Thus, destruction of foam by acoustic experiments has made 20 cm3 per second, and the following
way occurs, since an open surface of a layer of foam. features have been revealed:
At certain intensity a sound wave sign-variable forces - for processing great volumes of foam it is necessary to move
achieve such values at which there is a break films of foams. a disk radiator along a plane of foam, and as vertically in
For various foams there is a threshold intensity of a sound process of her destruction that is connected to presence of a
wave at which there is its destruction. focal point where speed of destruction of foam is maximal;
Resistance of foam sound influence depends in many - speed of destruction of foam eventually is slowed down, that
respects on structure of foam. The foams consisting of large is connected to saturation of the top layers by a liquid formed
bubbles, as a rule, easily and quickly collapse at low intensity during destruction of foam;
a sound wave. The foams consisting of fine bubbles more of - at influence on thin layers of foam (less than 0.5 сm),
the rack to influence of acoustic fields also demand the process of defoaming stops, as the acoustic beam will
greater intensity. penetrate deep into a liquid phase, and because of origin
The structure of foam defines not only effective intensity of cavitation, again there is a formation of foam;
a sound wave, but also its optimum frequency. For destruction Acoustic destruction of foam has a line of advantages in
of foams, their consisting fine bubbles, use more high- comparison with known ways, namely:
frequency fluctuations. In any case frequency of a sound wave - absence of contact to destroyed foam that provides sterility
gets out outside of a range of audibility of a human ear as at of an end-product;
high intensity a sound wave use acoustic defoamers would be - an opportunity of use for clearing foam of easily
inflammable liquids;
- absence of account materials (in comparison with chemical
- prompt development and availability of the ultrasonic

The device is created, allowing to form ultrasonic
fluctuations of high intensity (more than 180 dB) providing
in contactless mode destruction of foams with a speed not less
than 20 cm3 due to its destruction in a powerful sign-variable
Fig. 1. The ultrasonic generator with a disk radiator for work in gas
ultrasonic field. The received experience of creation of the
device of acoustic clearing of foam can be used for creation of
dangerous, and demanded special sound insulation.
more powerful installations, with the greater productivity.

The device has passed successful check in laboratory

conditions and can be recommended for industrial use.

[1] A.G. Kasatkin The basic processes and devices of chemical technology .-
M.: Chemistry, 1973.-800p.
[2] Gallego Juares, Juan, Antonio [ES/ES] and other, “Ultrasonic defoaming
system using emitters comprising a stepped vibrating plate,” ES Patent WO
2004/024317 A1
[3] Ultrasonic technological apparatus «Afrodita»

Vladimir N. Khmelev (SM’04)— dean

of information technologies and
automation faculty at Biysk
technological institute, professor, Ph.D
(ultrasound). Honored inventor of
Russia. Laureate of Russian Government
premium for achievements in science and
engineering. Area of scientific interests is
application of ultrasound for an
intensification of technological processes.
IEEE member since 2000, IEEE Senior
Member since 2004. His biography
published in 7th issue of book “Who is
who in scientific and engineering”

Roman V Barsukov Ph.D (ultrasound),

was born in Biysk, Russia, 1975. He
received degree on information
measuring engineering and technologies
from Altay State Technical University,
key specialist of electronics. Laureate of
Russian Government premium for
achievements in science and engineering.
His main research interest are
development of high -power electronic
generators for ultrasonic technological

Genne V. Dmitry (S’06) was born in

Biysk, Russia in 1982. He received
degree on information measuring
engineering and technologies from
Biysk Technological Institute of
AltSTU. He is post-graduate student of
Biysk Technological Institute. His
main research interest are development
of high -power electronic generators for
ultrasonic technological devices.

Maxim V. Khmelev (S'03) was born

in Biysk, Russia in 1982. He received
degree on information measuring
engineering and technologies from
Biysk Technological Institute of
AltSTU. He is post-graduate student of
Biysk Technological Institute.

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