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ASK RUFUS: Haunted Landscapes, See page 2A

Established 1879 | Columbus, Mississippi

Thursday | October 31, 2019

EMCC picks Communiversity director

Taylor will assume Taylor comes a statement released Tuesday. the position,” EMCC President edge of (Taylor), but Macauley
to the job with The Communiversity, which Scott Alsobrooks said. “She Whitaker, our chief financial
position Nov. 11 experience in began classes this fall, is a col- understands the integral role officer, was on the search com-
both educational laboration among EMCC, Mis- community colleges play as mittee,” Higgins said. “Macau-
By Slim Smith work force train- sissippi State University and intermediaries between local ley spent an extensive amount
ing and econom- the Mississippi Development communities, economic devel- of time with her. (Taylor) comes
East Mississippi Community ic development, Authority focusing on the ad- opers and area industries.” with high recommendations.
College announced Tuesday it a combination of Taylor vance manufacturing skills re- Golden Triangle Develop- We think she’ll be a good part-
has hired Courtney Taylor as its experiences that quired by local industries. ment LINK CEO Joe Max Hig- ner with us on the economic de-
first executive director for the made her uniquely qualified for “Courtney brings a wealth of gins applauded the hiring. velopment side.”
$42 million Communiversity. the job, EMCC officials said in knowledge and experience to “I have no personal knowl- See Taylor, 3A

LCSD declines
‘Look, learn, discover’ to hold public
NASA’s first African-American deputy administrator recalls superintendent
experiences in Vietnam, space at ASF scholarship ceremony interviews
15 board-picked
citizens still to question,
rate candidates in
‘limited public forum’
By Slim Smith

The Lowndes Coun-
ty School District
Board of Trustees
met for an hour in
executive session
Tuesday evening to
discuss its search for
a new superintendent
of schools, but did
not change the for-
mat for conducting
interviews for the fi-
On Oct. 22, the
LCSD Board vot-
ed in a special-call Barksdale
Tess Vrbin/Dispatch Staff
meeting to limit pub-
Fred Gregory, right, NASA’s first African-American deputy administrator, presents the $10,000 Astronaut Schol-
arship to Mary Catherine Beard, left, and Jacob Easley, both seniors at Mississippi State University, Tuesday in
lic participation in the finalist in-
Griffis Hall. Beard and Easley are two of 52 students nationwide to receive the award. Gregory also shared stories terviews to 15 citizens, with each
of his military service and his time at NASA and gave the audience some life advice. board member selecting three citi-
zens to attend. Those 15 would pose
BY TESS VRBIN general in the U.S. Air Force, of- rapping on the side of the airplane, questions and rate the candidates. fered to take Gregory for a ride in and I look up and there’s my mom,” Board attorney Jeff Smith said the
his airplane, and Gregory said his he said. format, which he called a “limited
Fred Gregory’s first time in father believed in saying yes to ev- On Gregory’s mother’s orders, public forum,” is permissible under
an aircraft didn’t take him off the erything. Davis took the plane on a taxi in- the state’s Public Meetings Act.
ground. Gregory was five years old and stead of a flight. But if his mother “There was some discussion
His father was not a pilot but had to sit on two phone books in wanted him to keep his feet on the about the format, but there was not
was a fan of airplanes, and pilots order to see through the windows, ground, her plan didn’t work. Greg- a vote to change the format to a ful-
regularly visited the family home he said. ory would grow to be an Air Force ly public forum,” Smith said.
in Washington D.C. Benjamin Da- “I’m strapped in and as the pilot helicopter pilot, an astronaut and Board president Bob Barksdale
vis Jr., the first African-American is getting into the backseat, I hear a See Gregory, 10A confirmed the meeting would not
be public.
“The board just decided, you
See LCSD, 3A

Jennifer Jansz
restocks one of
Calls exceeded available
the ambulances
Tuesday morning
at Baptist Memori-
ambulances in near-drowning Sat.
al Hospital-Golden
Triangle. Jansz is
Baptist officials say average response tal-Golden Triangle’s am-
bulance service requiring
working as an EMT
to gain experience time still below the national average emergency transport in the
city during that time frame,
for physician
assistant school. for rural communities according to a hospital state-
Baptist has a fleet ment issued to media outlets
of nine ambulanc-
BY ISABELLE ALTMAN drowned in a pool in east Columbus Saturday just be- around the state Monday.
es, five of which
are in service fore 11:45 a.m., it was the Baptist has a fleet of nine
most of the time. COLUMBUS — When a seventh emergency call to ambulances, five of which
Jennifer Mosbrucker/Dispatch Staff three-year-old child nearly Baptist Memorial Hospi- See Ambulances, 3A

Weather Five Questions

1 What words does The Golden Rule
begin with — “Thou shall not”, “Do
Dispatch print production disrupted by equipment failure
unto others” or “All that glitters”?
2 Who is the only character in the Dispatch Staff Report icals to make the images ter Imes said he expects to
2008 book Garfield Minus Garfield? semi-permanent. have the processor repaired
3 Where would one find a Golgi The Dispatch’s Wednes- Two other nearby news- by Friday’s paper.
apparatus — in a cell, attached to a day print edition was can-
telescope or on a dentist’s tool tray? papers offered to help by “We apologize to all
Swayze Berry celed due to equipment
5th grade, Heritage
4 What kind of fish is an unagi roll? printing Wednesday’s edi- readers who count on The
5 Which island country did an Austra- failure in their production tion, but their production Dispatch for daily news and
55 Low 32
lian man try to sell on eBay in 2006, department.
with a starting bid of $0.01? schedule would have result- advertisements,” said Imes.
High On Wednesday morning, ed in papers being deliv- Subscribers to the paper
Falling temps Answers, 8B the paper’s plate processor
Full forecast on
ered as late as 10 p.m. will receive a two-day ex-
page 2A.
stopped functioning un- The Thursday edition of tension on their subscrip-
expectedly. In newspaper the paper will be printed by tion length due to the lost
printing, images are la- the Tuscaloosa News and production day.
Inside ser-etched onto plates. Af- should be delivered at nor- The Dispatch’s plate pro-
Classifieds 7B Food 5B terward, plate processors mal times. cessor has been in service
Comics 4B NATS 7A wash the plates with chem- Dispatch publisher Pe- for about a decade.
Crossword 8B Obituaries 4A
Dear Abby 4B Opinions 6A


2A Thursday, OCTOBER 31, 2019 The Dispatch •

Did you hear?
HBO orders 10 episodes
of ‘Game of Thrones’ prequel
‘House of the Dragon’ is set 300 Ask Rufus
years before the original series
that ended its eight-season run in May
AP Television Writer
programming president
Casey Bloys during a pre-
Haunted Landscapes
sentation for HBO Max, Editor’s Note: This column one would more likely think of a
LOS ANGELES — the streaming service originally ran in the Oct. 30, 2016 summer picnic than a ghostly tale.
HBO is green-lighting a launching in May 2020. A edition of The Dispatch. With Halloween approaching, I
new “Game of Thrones” was asked what my favorite local
spinoff of HBO megahit

prequel after reportedly
“Game of Thrones” would ississippi and Alabama ghost story was. That makes for
canceling another that
be a key attraction in the are filled with ghost a difficult choice as there are
starred Naomi Watts.
increasingly crowded stories. several. There is the legend of the
The cable channel
streaming marketplace. We usually think of the places ghost of Black Creek, the tragic
said Tuesday that it’s giv-
HBO declined com- where the stories take place as story of the Eliza Battle, the little
en a 10-episode order to
ment on reports Tuesday some dark and spooky landscape. child at Waverly and there is the
“House of the Dragon,” set
that it had dropped an- In reality, many of our area’s spooky story of Mrs. Munroe’s
300 years before the orig-
other “Game of Thrones” most haunted spots are anything crypt at Friendship Cemetery in
inal series that ended its
prequel set thousands of but dark and spooky. They are Columbus. Rufus Ward
eight-season run in May.
years before the original. actually picturesque places where Rufus Ward is a local historian.
The prequel is based on
George R.R. Martin’s “Fire A pilot episode starring
& Blood,” HBO said. The Watts had been filmed in
new drama was co-created Northern Ireland.
by Martin and Ryan Con- The straight-to-series
dal, whose credits include order for “House of the
“Colony.” Dragon,” whether a sign
It will focus on House of faith in the project or
Targaryen, made famous pressure to get it into pro-
in “Game of Thrones” by duction, avoids letting dev-
Emilia Clarke’s Daenerys otees of the fantasy saga
and her fearsome dragons. down once more.
“House of the Dragon” Casting and an air date
was announced by HBO were not announced.

Get promoted? Win an award?

Send us your business brief.
subject: Business brief Friendship Cemetery
I first heard the story of Mrs. Munroe
from my grandmother when I was a small
child. It is the local must-tell ghost story for Waverly
children, for it always happens just as the A couple of years ago, Uncle Bunky told me
CONTACTING THE DISPATCH story says. You walk up to the crypt and in of the time he had taken his daughter, Sandy, to
a loud voice ask through the wrought iron: see Waverly. Restoration work was going on at
Office hours: Main line: the house at the time, and the steps of the grand
“Mrs. Munroe, Mrs. Munroe, what are you
n 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Mon-Fri n 662-328-2424 staircase were covered with a film of white
doing?” She will without fail say; “Nothing,
nothing at all.” Every single time I have taken plaster dust. On the second floor stairs, Bunky
HOW DO I ... Email a letter to the editor?
children there, that is exactly what she has suddenly noticed a fresh set of very clear foot-
Report a missing paper? said. prints leading up four or five steps and stopping.
n 662-328-2424 ext. 100 Report a sports score? But no one was there.
n Toll-free 877-328-2430 n 662-241-5000 It was the prints of the bare feet of a small
n Operators are on duty until child. He pointed them out to Sandy, who im-
Submit a calendar item? mediately wanted to leave. Bunky said he shook
5 p.m. Mon.-Fri. n Go to his head, looked at the prints again and realized
Buy an ad? community they had no beginning and ended in thin air. He
n 662-328-2424 Submit a birth, wedding quickly agreed it was time to go.
Report a news tip? or anniversary announce-
n 662-328-2471 ment?
n n Download forms at www.

Physical address: 516 Main St., Columbus, MS 39701

Mailing address: P.O. Box 511, Columbus, MS 39703-0511
Starkville Office: 101 S. Lafayette St. #16, Starkville, MS 39759

Black Creek
HOW TO SUBSCRIBE It was here the Military Road crossed
Black Creek in 1818, and it was here that as
By phone................................. 662-328-2424 or 877-328-2430
early as 1851 the road’s crossing of the creek
was said to be haunted.
RATES In 1851, Joseph Cobb wrote a book, “Mis-
sissippi Scenes or Sketches of Southern and
Daily home delivery + unlimited online access*..........$13.50/mo. Western Life.” One of his stories was “The Tombigbee River
Sunday only delivery + unlimited online access*...........$8.50/mo. Legend of Black Creek.” It is the story of the It was here on the lower Tombigbee River
Daily home delivery only*.................................................$12/mo. haunting of the Military Road’s Black Creek that the steamboat Eliza Battle burned and sank
Online access only*.......................................................$8.95/mo. crossing. The Military Road was constructed while steaming from Columbus to Mobile in
1 month daily home delivery................................................... $12 between 1817 and 1820 under orders from 1858.
1 month Sunday only home delivery........................................ $7 Andrew Jackson to provide a direct route The steamboat carried about 100 passengers
Mail Subscription Rates....................................................$20/mo. from Nashville to New Orleans. As the story and crew when, in the middle of the night on
* EZ Pay rate requires automatic processing of credit or debit card. goes, two U.S. soldiers drowned crossing a a flooded freezing river, she caught fire and
flooded Black Creek, and their ghosts there- burned during an ice storm. Even today, fisher-
after haunted travelers along that stretch of men on that part of the river tell of nasty winter
The Commercial Dispatch (USPS 142-320)
Published daily except Saturday. Entered at the post office at Columbus, Mississippi. the Military Road. The road, now Highway nights when a glowing fog bank will drift down
Periodicals postage paid at Columbus, MS 12, has been straightened and the old cross- the river and from it come first sounds of old
POSTMASTER, Send address changes to:
ing is in the woods nearby. music followed by screams.
The Commercial Dispatch, P.O. Box 511, Columbus, MS 39703
Published by Commercial Dispatch Publishing Company Inc.,
516 Main St., Columbus, MS 39703

Air Force’s
mystery space
plane lands, ends
2-year mission
The Associated Press

Fla. — The Air Force’s
mystery space plane is
back on Earth, following a
record-breaking two-year
The X-37B landed at
NASA’s Kennedy Space
Center in Florida early
Sunday. The Air Force is
mum about what the plane
did in orbit after launching
aboard a SpaceX rocket in
2017. The 780-day mission
SOLUNAR TABLE sets a new endurance re-
The solunar period indicates
peak-feeding times for fish and game. cord for the reusable test
Thurs Fri.
Major 3:40a 4:34a vehicle.
It looks like a space
Minor 9:01p 9:50p
Courtesy of Mississippi Department
shuttle but is one-fourth
of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks
the size at 29 feet.
Thursday, OCTOBER 31, 2019 3A

For only $1.50 per month, print subscribers can get unlimited
access to story comments, extra photos, newspaper archives
and much more with an online subscription. Nonsubscribers can
purchase online access for less than $9 per month.
Go to

Continued from Page 1A
are in service “a majority The four to five ambu- ambulances to be delayed
of the time,” according to lances not in service at a arriving to a scene, it is
information Baptist mar- particular time are called uncommon for other first
keting director Megan into service when one responders to have to
Pratt provided The Dis- of the other ambulances drive patients to the hos-
patch on Tuesday, though needs maintenance. pital.
a hospital spokesperson Hospital and ambu- “I’ve been there 32
said on background Mon- lance officials also take years,” CFR Chief Mar-
day that the hospital had factors that can affect tin Andrews told The
four in service Saturday the number of emergen- Dispatch Saturday. “This
at around 11:45 a.m. when cy calls, such as inclem- is the first time I’ve ever
the child fell into the pool. ent weather, into account heard of them doing that.”
Because the ambulanc- when planning and ad- The statement Baptist
es in service were tak- justing the number of issued Monday said the
ing other patients to the staff and ambulances in firefighters taking the
hospital, EMT-trained service at a given time. child to the hospital is an
firefighters who respond- “For example, during
example of the 911 sys-
ed to the scene took the the tornado in February
tem working as it should,
child to Baptist in a Co- 2019, we called in extra
with other first respond-
lumbus Fire and Rescue ambulance personnel to
ers trained in medical
fire truck with a police staff all nine ambulances
first aid able to step in.
escort. to respond to the commu-
The child was later tak- Jennifer Mosbrucker/Dispatch Staff
nity need,” Lancaster said “In those cases when
Ambulances are lined up as they are prepped Tuesday morning at Baptist Memorial all of our ambulances are
en to Batson Children’s Hospital-Golden Triangle. Only four were in service Saturday when Baptist received in the information.
Hospital in Jackson via Typically when a 911 dispatched on 911 calls,
seven different emergency calls in which patients needed to be taken to the hospital. other first responders in
ground ambulance where call comes in, Lancaster
he is recovering. ed The Dispatch about partners, to prepare for Bureau of Emergency explained in the infor- the city and county assist
“Unfortunately, com- the hospital’s ambulance and reduce the frequency Medical Services — low- mation he sent to The those in need by respond-
munity resources are not service. “Though these of these incidents.” er than the national aver- Dispatch, it goes through ing to the scene and ad-
infinite, and there are spikes in call demand He said Baptist’s av- age of 12-15 minutes in an E-911 dispatcher who ministering life-saving
times where an unpre- cannot be totally predict- erage response time for rural communities. Each routes it to Baptist’s am- care,” the statement said.
dictably large amount of ed or eradicated, we con- responding to calls is ambulance in service is bulance service, and the “It is a testimony of how
emergency call volume duct regular analyses of nine minutes, two sec- staffed with a minimum first available ambulance the 911 system is sup-
taxes the emergency our historical call volume onds for Lowndes County of one EMT and one para- answers the call. posed to work. The fire
system,” said hospital as- and adjust our staffing over the past six months, medic, and all those staff While multiple first department’s quick ac-
sistant administrator Bill plan accordingly, as well according to a database are licensed by the state responders told The Dis- tion saved this child’s life
Lancaster in the informa- as work with our first re- managed by Mississippi of Mississippi with Emer- patch off the record that when they brought the
tion he and Pratt provid- sponder and mutual aid Department of Health gency Driver’s licenses. it’s not uncommon for child to our hospital.”

Continued from Page 1A
Taylor has served in their teachers about avail- at the Communiversi-
higher education for the able career options in the ty, Taylor will also be in
last 13 years, most recent- science, technology, en- charge of EMCC’s work-
ly as the regional director gineering and math, or force and community
of workforce and eco- STEM, fields. services, replacing Raj
nomic development for “I think one of the Shaunak, who is retiring.
the Alabama Community main reasons more stu- Higgins said filling
College System. Prior to dents aren’t coming into the director’s position at
Alsobrooks Higgins the Communiversity is
that, she served as the community colleges and
director of the Workforce workforce programs to finding these programs a major step forward for
Solutions department at ensure they are current, is because they truly have economic development
Calhoun Community Col- relevant and meet indus- no way to know about the efforts in the Golden Tri- • Firestarter
lege where she managed try needs. occupations available in angle. • Packing
open-enrollment pro- “I spend a lot of time their communities and “We want to be joined Materials
grams and customized
training for local industry.
working with the colleges
to identify new educa-
the educational path-
ways available to those
at the hip,” Higgins said.
“We needed somebody we
Extra • Shipping

She is a past assistant di-

rector at Troy University’s
tional opportunities and
meeting with industry
opportunities,” Taylor
said. “What we need to
could call at a moment’s
notice and say, ‘We have
Newsprint Materials
• Art Projects
Center for International officials to ensure our let students know is they a prospect here and you is a great, • Window
Business and Economic education programs are can come to a community have 15 minutes to show inexpensive solution for.... Cleaning
Development. cutting edge and address college and obtain train- them what you got, listen
The Magnolia Springs, necessary basic needs,” ing that will allow them to to them about what their Visit
Alabama native holds a Taylor said. “One of my find employment at home needs are and make your Office at
bachelors degree from passions is making sure while earning a good liv- pitch.’” 516 Main Street
the University of West Al- all stakeholders are on ing, or move on to a four- Taylor begins her new Columbus, MS
abama, a masters degree year degree program. role on Nov. 11.

Cost: 80¢/lb.
the same page and under-
from Troy University and stand what is going on.” “One of the things that EMCC officials did not
earned her Ph.D in Hu- She is also heavily in- excites me about the Gold- provide Taylor’s salary by
man Capital Development volved in the Alabama en Triangle is you are po- press time
at University of Southern Community College Sys- sitioned for growth,” she
Mississippi. tem’s recruitment efforts added. “You have obvi-
In her current role, and has implemented a ously invested heavily in
Taylor works with Ala- variety of programs de- workforce in ways that a
bama’s 24 community col- signed to enlighten K-12 lot of places have not.”
leges to develop and align students, parents and In addition to her role

Continued from Page 1A
know, to stick with our “One of the candidates will choose an unspecified
initial decision,” he said. voluntarily withdrew,” number of finalist before
Board member Brian Smith said. “We can’t tell its regular Nov. 12 meet-
Clark, who said after the you who that was.” ing.
Oct. 22 decision he fa- Current LCSD Super- The board will conduct
vored allowing the public intendent Lynn Wright is its interview with the final-
to attend the interviews one of the six remaining ists on Nov. 12 as decided
with the finalists, did not candidates. during the Oct. 22 meet-
attend Tuesday’s meeting. Smith said the board ing.
Jane Kilgore participated
by phone. The board took
three actions, approved in
a single vote by a 3-1 mar-
gin with Jacqueline Gray
voting no.
The board voted to hold
two executive sessions
next week where it will in-
terview the six remaining

Send in your
News About Town


Subject: NATS
4A Thursday, OCTOBER 31, 2019 The Dispatch •

Area obituaries
COMMERCIAL DISPATCH made to the Memory the Rev. Willie James Sam’s Drive-Inn. She Eva Ridley Ridley; daughter, De-
OBITUARY POLICY Impairment and Neuro- Lavender officiating. was a charter member nise Davis; son, Tyrone
Obituaries with basic informa- STARKVILLE —
degenerative Dementia Visitation will be from of Fig Hill Church in Eva Louise Ridley, 71, Ridley; and brothers,
tion including visitation and
service times, are provided Center, 2500 N. State 3-5 p.m. Sunday at Hamilton. died Oct. 23, 2019, in Robert Hill and Lorenzo
free of charge. Extended St., Jackson, MS 39216 Lavender’s Funeral In addition to her Starkville. Hill.
obituaries with a photograph, or to the First Baptist Service. Lavender’s parents, she was pre- Services will be at 11
detailed biographical informa- Church Starkville Chil- Funeral Service of a.m. today at Sixteenth Leroy Davis
ceded in death by her
tion and other details families dren’s Building, 106 E. Aliceville is in charge Section M.B. Church.
may wish to include, are avail- husband, Sam Grady COLUMBUS — Le-
Lampkin St., Starkville, of arrangements. Burial will follow at the
able for a fee. Obituaries must Oliver; son, Steve roy Davis, 77, died Oct.
be submitted through funeral
MS 39759. church cemetery. Visi- 29, 2019, at Baptist Me-
Lena Oliver Oliver; sisters, Renda
homes unless the deceased’s
Stahl, Myrtle Brown tation was from 1-6 p.m. morial Hospital-Golden
body has been donated to Joan Dutro HAMILTON —
and Marie Otts; and
Wednesday at West Me- Triangle.
science. If the deceased’s PORT ST. LUCIE, Lena Mae Oliver, 92, morial Funeral Home. Arrangements are
body was donated to science,
Fla. — Joan Marie died Oct. 29, 2019, at brothers, Arvel Seely, West Memorial Funeral
the family must provide official incomplete and will be
Dutro, 87, died Oct. 24, River Place Nursing Roy Seely, Walker Home of Starkville is in
proof of death. Please submit announced by Carter’s
2019, at her residence. Center in Amory. Seely and Walter Seely charge of arrangements.
all obituaries on the form pro- Funeral Services of
vided by The Commercial Dis- Private family Services will be Jr. She is survived by
at 2 p.m. Saturday Columbus.
patch. Free notices must be memorial services will She is survived by her husband, Roger See OBITS, 5A
submitted to the newspaper be held at a later date. at Fig Hill Church, her daughters, Patsy
no later than 3 p.m. the day
Aycock Funeral Home with Ricky Kendrick, Oliver Willis a
prior for publication Tuesday
of Stuart is in charge of Terry Edwards and
through Friday; no later than 4 nd Vickie Oliver
arrangements. Don Rouse officiating.
p.m. Saturday for the Sunday
Burial will follow at Holman, both of Ham-
edition; and no later than 7:30 She was preceded in ilton; sister, Pauline
a.m. for the Monday edition. death by her husband, Center Hill Cemetery.
Visitation will be House of Hamilton;
Incomplete notices must be re- Hubert Dutro Jr.
ceived no later than 7:30 a.m. She is survived by three hours prior to three grandchildren;
for the Monday through Friday
her four children and services at the church. and eight great-grand-
editions. Paid notices must be Tisdale-Lann Memo- children.
finalized by 3 p.m. for inclusion five grandchildren.
rial Funeral Home of
the next day Monday through
Thursday; and on Friday by 3 Mary Pennington Aberdeen is in charge John Webb
p.m. for Sunday and Monday of arrangements. COLUMBUS — John
publication. For more informa- Mrs. Oliver was Webb, 67, died Oct. 26,
Mary Holliday Pen-
tion, call 662-328-2471.
nington, 79, died Oct. born Feb. 24, 1927, 2019, at the VA Medical
30, 2019, at her resi- in Hamilton, to the Center in Jackson.
Paul Lee Jr. dence. late Walter Lee Seely Arrangements are
STARKVILLE — Services will be at and Annie Mae Berry incomplete and will be
Paul Douglas “P.D.” noon Monday at Tis- Seely. She was owner announced by Carter’s
Lee Jr., 83, died Oct. dale-Lann Memorial of Oliver’s Dairy Bar, Funeral Services of
26, 2019, in Louisville. Funeral Home. Burial which later became Columbus.
A celebration of life will follow at Pleasant
service will be held at Ridge Cemetery in
3 p.m. Sunday in the Sulligent, Alabama.
Sanctuary of First Bap-
Visitation will be two
tist Church. Visitation
hours prior to services
will be from 5-7 p.m.
at the funeral home.
Friday at The Ware-
Tisdale-Lann Memo-
house of First Baptist
rial Funeral Home of
Church Starkville.
Aberdeen is in charge
Welch Funeral Home of
of arrangements.
Starkville is in charge
of arrangements.
Mr. Lee was born Jerry McGraw
Oct. 12, 1936, in CARROLLTON,
Starkville, to the late Ala. — Jerry Wayne
P.D. Lee Sr. and Olene “Peanut” McGraw, 69,
Thaxton Lee. He was a died Oct. 29, 2019, at
graduate of Starkville UAB Medical Center
High School and a 1959 in Birmingham.
graduate of Mississippi A Graveside Home
State University. He Going Celebration of
was a member of the Life service will be
Mississippi National held at 1 p.m. Monday
Guard, serving as at Community Ceme-
sergeant, and served tery in Carrollton, with
as a missionary for
the Southern Baptist
Convention in Costa
Rica, Spain and El
Paso, Texas in the
audio engineering,
business management
and accounting, and
information processing
fields. He was formerly
employed with Amer-
ican Bosch Arma in
Columbus and Red
Stone Army Missile
Command in Hunts-
ville, Alabama and was
co-owner and operator
of Lee’s of Starkville,
Inc. and was member

Sarah Junkin
of First Baptist Church
He is survived by his

Brazy Potaracke
wife, Brenda Hag- Sarah Catherine Foster Junkin passed away
gard Lee; son, Terry peacefully at her son’s residence in Vancleave,
of Atlanta, Georgia; Mississippi, on October 28, 2019.
daughter, Christy of Brazy Lee Nickoles Potaracke, 93, entered She was born in Kennedy, Alabama on
Starkville; and sib- into glory on October 25, 2019, in Perry, GA. February 8, 1932, to Emmit and Swan Wilson
lings, Jimmie Boatright Visitation will be Friday, November 1, 2019, Foster. She was the second of 10 children.
of Atlanta, O.C. Lee of from 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM at Lowndes Funeral She married James Gilbert Junkin in 1950 and
Kuna, Idaho, and Vicki Home, Columbus, MS. A funeral service will was married for 56 years before his death in May
Lee of Louisville. be held on Saturday, November 2, 2019, at 11:00 of 2006.
Memorials may be AM in the Lowndes Funeral Home Chapel, with She had three children, five grandchildren,
Bro. Charlie Whitney officiating. Interment will and 7 great-grandchildren. She was primarily a

Ronald Werner
be in Friendship Cemetery, Columbus, MS, with house wife and stay at home mother, although
Lowndes Funeral Home, Columbus, MS direct- she held multiple part time jobs over her life. She
ing. loved her family and grandchildren and instilled
COLUMBUS - Ronald James Mrs. Potaracke was born January 13, 1926, in in her family a strong belief in her Lord Jesus
Werner, age 54, of Columbus, Kennedy, Alabama, to the late Levi and Velma Christ. She was a life-long Baptist and member
MS, died October 28, 2019, at Nickoles. She married the late Leo John Pota- of Kennedy Baptist Church.
Baptist Medical Center - Golden racke, who was stationed at CAFB in Columbus, She is preceded in death by her husband,
Triangle. MS, where she later retired from United Technol- James Gilbert Junkin; parents, Emmit and Swann
Visitation will be from 6:00- ogies after 35 years. Mrs. Potaracke, her daugh- Foster; and brothers Ray Foster, Rayford Foster,
8:00 PM Friday, November 1, ter and son-in-law moved from their home in Co- and James Foster.
2019, at Skelton Funeral Home lumbus, MS to Elko, GA, to be able to enjoy her She is survived in death by her children,
in Reform, AL. remaining years with her great-grandchildren, Ronald (Linda) Junkin, Randy Junkin and
He was preceded in death by which were the joy of her life and were beside Rhonda (Thomas) Beasley; her grandchildren,
his biological parents, James her to the end. Jason (Dyana) Junkin, Jeremy (Nina) Junkin,
and Mattie Butler; his adoptive parents, Phil and She is preceded in death by husband, Leo John Emily (Jeremy) Holliman, Jana Beasley and Jarod
Phyllis Werner; and two brothers, Charlie and Potracke; son, John Woodrow; parents, Levi and (Kristen) Beasley; seven great-grandchildren;
Roger Dale Butler. Velma Nickoles; stepmother, Minnie McCarty; and siblings, Miriam (Gene) Nabors, Brenda
Survivors include six brothers, Jerry Butler and her 11 siblings. (Ronny) Pitts, Joan Myers, Bobby (Geraldine)
(Bessie), Bill Butler, Eddie Butler, Billy Butler, Mrs. Potaracke is survived her daughter, Foster, Doug (Betty) Foster and Andy (JoAnn)
Pete Floyd (April) and his twin, Donald Werner Shirlee (James) Lindauer; grandchildren, Kath- Foster; and a host of nieces and nephews.
(Gwen); five sisters, Beth Skelton (Richard), leen (Jay) Greer and Karen (Aaron) Gamblin; Funeral services will be held October 31, 2019,
Mary Mayne, Donna Coleman (Roger), Susan great-grandchildren, Devan Carroll, Kyle Carroll at Dowdle Funeral Home in Millport, AL, with
Brown and Cassandra Teem (Shannon); and and Adlyn Gamblin; brother, Johnnie Ray (Lu- visitation from 10:00 AM until 11:00 AM, with
numerous nieces and nephews. nette) Nickoles; and many beloved fur grand-ba- funeral service immediately following. There will
Ronald was born September 24, 1965, in bies. be no graveside service.Brother Mike Hall and
Columbus, Mississippi. He was a veteran of the Pallbearers will be Devan Carroll, Kyle Car- Brother Ralph Windle will officiate the service.
United States Marine Corps. roll, Wayne Ellis, Aaron Gamblin, Jay Greer and Pallbearers are Jason Junkin, Jeremy Junkin,
In lieu of flowers, the family suggests Dan Cunningham. Jarod Beasley, Bronner Junkin, Sawyer Junkin,
memorials to the Columbus/Lowndes Humane Brody Junkin and Ryker Junkin.
Compliments of
Society, 50 Airline Road, Columbus, MS 39702. Lowndes Funeral Home Interment will be in Kennedy City Cemetery.
Paid Obituary - Skelton Funeral Home Paid Obituary - Dowdle Funeral Home
The Dispatch • Thursday, OCTOBER 31, 2019 5A

Federal judge blocks

Alabama’s strict abortion ban
Law would make performing an abortion at any up to 99 years or life in prison for the
abortion provider. The only excep-
stage of pregnancy a felony punishable by up to tions would be when there is a seri-
ous health risk to the mother or the
99 years or life in prison for the provider fetus has a lethal anomaly that would
cause it to die shortly after birth.
By KIM CHANDLER choices central to personal digni- None of the state bans has tak-
The Associated Press ty and autonomy. It diminishes the en effect. Some have already been
capacity of women to act in society, blocked, and elsewhere courts are
MONTGOMERY, Ala. — A fed- and to make reproductive decisions. considering requests to put them on
eral judge on Tuesday blocked Ala- It defies the United States Constitu- hold while legal challenges play out.
bama’s near-total abortion ban from tion.” “This is not only a victory for
taking effect next month and called Energized by new conservatives the people of Alabama — it’s a vic-
the law — part of a wave of new abor- on the U.S. Supreme Court, Alabama tory for the entire nation. We said it
tion restrictions by conservative and other conservative states have from the start: This ban is blatantly
states — clearly unconstitutional. attempted to enact new restrictions unconstitutional, and we will fight
U.S. District Judge Myron Thomp- on abortion in the hopes of getting it every step of the way,” said Staci
son issued a preliminary injunction Supreme Court justices to reconsid- Fox, president and CEO of Planned
temporarily blocking Alabama from er Roe v. Wade, the landmark 1973 Parenthood Southeast. Planned Par-
enforcing the law that would make decision that legalized abortion na- enthood was one of the groups that
performing an abortion a felony in al- tionwide. sued to block the law.
most all cases. The ruling came after A number of states attempted to Randall Marshall, executive di-
abortion providers sued to block the ban abortion once a fetal heartbeat rector of the American Civil Liber-
law from taking effect Nov. 15. The is detected. The Alabama law went ties Union of Alabama, said the deci-
injunction was widely expected and further by attempting to ban almost sion was expected.
will remain in place until Thompson all abortions with no exceptions for “Abortion remains legal in Ala-
decides the full case. cases of rape and incest. bama. The state’s repeated attempts
“Alabama’s abortion ban contra- Passed by the Republican-led to push abortion out of reach by en-
venes clear Supreme Court prece- legislature, the 2019 Alabama Hu- acting unconstitutional laws restrict-
dent,” Thompson wrote in an accom- man Life Protection Act would make ing abortions has already cost tax-
panying opinion. “It violates the right performing an abortion at any stage payers nearly 2 ½ million dollars,”
of an individual to privacy, to make of pregnancy a felony punishable by Marshall said.

Continued from Page 4A

Flora Brown Sykes Funeral Home of arrangements. and brother, Hubert

COLUMBUS — Flora Columbus. Mrs. Mobley was Coggins Jr. of Hamilton.
Brown, 88, died Oct. 29, born July 15, 1955, in Memorials may be
2019. Martha Mobley West Point, to the late made to Tisdale-Lann
Arrangements are Hubert Coggins Sr. and Memorial Funeral
incomplete and will be Sadie Fairley Coggins. Home, 100 W. Washing-
tha Coggins “Tuffy” Mo-
announced by Lee- She was formerly ton St., Aberdeen, MS
bley, 64, died Oct. 29,
Sykes Funeral Home of 2019, at her residence. employed as an Avon 39730.
Columbus. Representative and with
Services will be at
2 p.m. Friday at River
Walmart. She was a Augusta Gore
member of River Bend COLUMBUS — Au-
Mary Poindexter Bend Baptist Church, Baptist Church. gusta Gore, 96, died
COLUMBUS — with Charles “Bulldog” She was preceded
Mary Helen Poindexter, Coggins, Roy McHenry Oct. 29, 2019, at Bap-
in death by James “Bo” tist Memorial Hospi-
71, died Oct. 29, 2019. and Steve Gaskin offici- Mobley.
Arrangements are ating. Burial will follow tal-Golden Triangle.
She is survived Arrangements are
incomplete and will be at Friendship Baptist by her sisters, Linda
announced by Lee- Church Cemetery. Visi- incomplete and will be
Record, Betty Spencer announced by Carter’s
Sykes Funeral Home of tation will be two hours and Mary Ann Robert-
Columbus. Funeral Services of
prior to services at the son, all of Aberdeen, Columbus.
church. Tisdale-Lann Dorothy Harris of Cedar
Debra Hunter Memorial Funeral Bluff and Diane Clardy-
COLUMBUS — Deb- Home is in charge of Malone of Hamilton;
ra Renee Hunter, 57,
died Oct. 27, 2019.
Arrangements are
incomplete and will be
announced by Lee-

Coal giant
Murray Energy
seeks bankruptcy
The Associated Press

— A major U.S. coal min-
ing company is seeking
bankruptcy protection,
despite a flurry of regula-
tory breaks that its CEO
pushed for — and received
— from the Trump admin-
Ohio-based Murray
Energy filed for Chapter
11 bankruptcy reorgani-
zation Tuesday, joining a
growing list of struggling
miners as utilities switch
away from coal to cheaper
and less-polluting renew-
able energy or natural gas.
The filing marks a sig-
nificant political failure for
Trump, who had sought to
end what he called a “war
on coal” by Democrats as
a key part of his campaign
and early presidency.
Murray Energy was the
country’s fourth largest
coal producer in 2018, ac-
counting for 6 percent of
total production, accord-
ing to the Energy Informa-
tion Administration.

Visit us
on the web at
6A Thursday, OCTOBER 31, 2019
PETER BIRNEY IMES Editor/Publisher
BIRNEY IMES III Editor/Publisher 1998-2018
BIRNEY IMES JR. Editor/Publisher 1947-2003

BIRNEY IMES SR. Editor/Publisher 1922-1947

ZACK PLAIR, Managing Editor

BETH PROFFITT Advertising Director
MICHAEL FLOYD Circulation/Production Manager

If a tree falls in Biloxi
Tony Biffle died Tony arrived at eye-shades whose encyclope- Herald for California in the And, sometimes, even when
Tuesday, which The Sun Herald dic knowledge of the people, spring of 1996, so I’ll make they feel they have achieved
probably doesn’t at about the time events and culture of the Coast no assumptions about how he that goal, even the best editori-
qualify as news I was making my empowered his editorials with came to view his work by the al writers must wonder if their
in these parts, al- exit, but in the two rare authority. time he retired. I do know, at work is in vain. Does it really
though his passing years we shared a In the story on Tony’s pass- age 63, he had not reached the make a difference? With rare
is worth noting newsroom — he in ing, The Sun Herald made note stage of decay — and certainly exceptions, it is something the
anywhere the value the office held by a of just one of the thousands of not personal wealth — that editorial writer never really
of newspaper edito- long line of stellar editorials he wrote over two- would have naturally dictated knows.
rials is appreciated. editorial writers plus decades – “The Power of an early retirement. So, what really, should the
For 21 years — before him and me Prayer...and Plywood,” a rare What I do know is that Tony death of an editorial writer in
from 1994 until his in the corner of the front-page editorial written the left the Sun Herald as it began Biloxi mean to the rest of us?
retirement in 2015 Slim Smith newsroom allot- day before Hurricane Katrina a precipitous decline, a fate It means there is one less
at the 63 — Tony ted to the sports smashed into the Coast. common to many, if not most, voice trying to speak truth
wrote editorials for The Sun department — it was easy to In many ways, that editorial newspapers, beginning around to power. One less person
Herald in Biloxi, winning see how seriously he viewed was illustrative of Tony’s body the turn of the century. trying to capture the spirit of
awards along the way, but oth- his role. of work, combining as it did Today, The Sun Herald a community. One less voice
erwise laboring in the kind of Even in his early 40s, Tony his abilities to tap into readers’ doesn’t even have an editorial hoping to make people think.
obscurity common to the job. was sort of an office curmud- emotions while appealing to page, an astounding thought One less person attempting
Editorial writers are seldom geon, taking great offense to the practical realities. It was given the newspaper’s long, to stir the conscience, inspire
credited for their work, which offenses of spelling, grammar not enough to stir emotions. long history of brilliant editori- an audience to action, sooth
appears as unsigned editorials and, most notably, Associated There had to be some practi- al writing. the sorrows and celebrate the
as the view not of the person Press style. cal way readers could — and I cannot help but wonder successes of a community.
who writes them, but as the Perhaps — and this is just should — turn those emotions if Tony, so committed to his Tony Biffle, Vietnam vet
newspaper’s official position. a guess — he felt the weight into action. craft, became disillusioned. and “ink-stained wretch,” died
The only story on his death of those who held the position In doing this, and doing it in It takes a certain amount Tuesday.
appeared in the newspaper to of editorial writer before him, plain-spoken language, Tony of ego for anyone to play the Whether you realize it or
which he devoted his career. men like Robert McHugh, who achieved the highest measure role of editorial writer — a not, that matters.
There was no mention of it on had worked with legendary of what it means to be an edito- belief that you have some- Slim Smith is a columnist
local TV channels or in any Baltimore Sun opinion writer rial writer. thing important to say and the and feature writer for The
other newspaper in the state, H.L. Mencken, or Jim Lund, My last conversation with ability to say it articulately and Dispatch. His email address is
as far as I can tell. he of the old-school green Tony came as I left The Sun effectively.

LEtters to the editor

Voice of the people

Feels columnist is unfairly picking on children
Mr. Slim Smith, shame on you!
Is there so little to write about in Columbus that
you have to pick on children’s art work? Children
learn by doing. Sure their first efforts might not
be perfect but to the child, he/she is working on a
Did you think that one of these children might
be handicapped or disabled? They do the best they
can and are so happy to accomplish anything. So
are their parents and grandparents.
I am sorry that you can’t tell that the flower is
bigger than the house is because the child loves
flowers. I am sorry that the drab color combina-
tions explains how he/she is feeling today. They
like sunshine too.
You say “a good community newspaper is built
on its relationship with its readers.” This relation-
ship won’t last long if you pick on the community’s
budding artists.
Finally, I want you to know that this 87 year old
great grandmother has the most beautiful artwork
on her refrigerator!
Elaine Hegwood

Concerned about refugees

I am concerned about the wall. These people
need to stay in their own country, not in the USA.
They come here, they get food stamps, housing,
plus much more. Our military should be consid- State of the nation
ered for more health care plus better salaries.
Take care of our military and their families, not
these people trying to get in the USA. They keep
Americans safe.
God bless America.
Too many of us have not courage, but cowardice
When, at Mamie all bringing this up? conscience, the blemish on the
Trenton Sheffield Till’s insistence, the Why don’t y’all let that mythology of white virtue and
Columbus coffin was opened, she die?’” innocence. They feel indicted by
saw her son’s right John Whitten memory, so they try to kill it. “It’s
A letter to the editor is an excellent way to partic- eyeball sitting on his would agree. A former hard not to be embarrassed,” a
ipate in your community. We request the tone of your cheek, dangling by the county prosecutor, he then-20-year-old white guy named
letters be constructive and respectful and the length optic nerve. was 7 years old when Ryan Price told me in 2011. We
be limited to 450 words. We welcome all letters Let that single grisly his namesake father had just sat through a documenta-
emailed to or mailed to The detail stand in for all defended the killers ry, “The Murder of Emmett Till.”
Dispatch, Attn: Letters to the Editor, PO Box 511, the rest. Let it speak to in court. Till, he told In watching the movie, he said,
Columbus, MS 39703-0511. the savagery two white NPR, “came down here “You get to the point where you
men unleashed upon and got in trouble — almost want to change your skin
the body of a 14-year- Leonard Pitts overstepped his bounds color so you can show how much
THE STAFF OF THE DISPATCH old black boy named to a degree some folks you care about issues of race, how
Emmett Till. thought. And they much you care about the overt ha-
On Oct. 19, a new marker was cured him of his problems. I think tred and vitriolic discrimination of
EDITOR/PUBLISHER NEWS dedicated at the Tallahatchie Riv- all these folks are stirring crap up. the past and today. Of course, you
Peter Imes Isabelle Altman er in Mississippi, from which his Every day, somebody’s dragging can’t change your skin color, but
Theo DeRosa body was fished in August of 1955. up the race card. Somebody say- you can be an ally to those who
This is the fourth such memorial ing we have racial disparity here. are marginalized in society, and
Birney Imes Garrick Hodge
Jennifer Mosbrucker to Till, a Chicago boy who was kid- If nobody would stir that damn that’s something it really spurs me
Zack Plair napped, tortured and murdered pile of stuff up, it wouldn’t stink.” to do.”
ADVERTISING Mary Pollitz for supposedly getting fresh with It is, yes, a crude and atavistic That young man’s words in-
Amber Dumas
Ben Portnoy a white woman at a local store. assessment. But, though others spired me — not only his willing-
Kelly Ervin Slim Smith
Melissa Johnson The first marker wasn’t in- would likely use more oblique ness to grapple honestly with his
Jan Swoope
Beth Proffitt stalled until 2008. It disappeared. language, Whitten speaks the feelings, but his determination
Tess Vrbin
Mary Jane Runnels The next two were shot full of hearts of many white people to use those feelings for good. If
Luther Shields holes. The new one is said to be when he says these are things we more of us had courage like his, a
Jackie Taylor MAILROOM
Christina Boyd bulletproof, with protective glass shouldn’t “stir.” For example, he simple commemorative sign would
Evie Vidrine and reinforced steel. It weighs speaks for Newt Gingrich who, in not have to be bulletproof or weigh
Bridget Walters Joseph Ellis
Jeffrey Gore 500 pounds and will reportedly August, denounced a New York 500 pounds. And history would
Katrina Guyton be monitored by video cameras Times project on the history of not be a threat but, as he puts it, a
BUSINESS OFFICE Doris Hill transmitting to the internet. slavery as “a lie.” And for the spur. Unfortunately, too many of
Lindsey Beck Quaylon Jones
Debbie Foster Even so, one wonders how long Montgomery, Alabama, nurse who us have not courage, but coward-
Marquisto Miller
Mary Ann Hardy Bobby Williams it will last. Where race is con- complained last year to Britain’s ice. They seek to murder memory.
Eddie Johnson Timothy Wilson cerned, after all, white resistance Guardian newspaper that a new But you see, memory fights back.
to memory is often mulish. Black lynching memorial is “just stirring So maybe they should make
CIRCULATION resistance too, sometimes. As up something.” peace with it instead.
Christopher Dumas PRODUCTION
William Hudson Jessie Jaynes-Diming, a member If some African Americans Leonard Pitts Jr., winner of the
Michael Floyd
Courtney Laury Jamie Morrison of the Emmett Till Memorial resist these stories because of 2004 Pulitzer Prize for commen-
Lisa Oswalt Anne Murphy Commission, recently told NPR, the pain, many whites resist tary, is a columnist for the Miami
Deanna Tina Perry “Whites and blacks came to our them because of the stain — the Herald. Email him at lpitts@
Robinson-Pugh Rodney Shows meetings and [said] ‘Why are you smudge on self-image, the blot on
The Dispatch • Thursday, OCTOBER 31, 2019 7A

News About Town

CLUBS free interactive training “Stop
the Bleed, Save a Life: What
CPR classes for the community
at 6 p.m. in the Patient Tower.
you want to stop drinking, that
is our business. For informa-
n OKTIBBEHA MASTER Everyone Should Know to Preregistration required. Call tion, call 662-327-8941.
GARDENERS Stop Bleeding After an Injury” the Education Department, n AL-ANON MEETING
Oktibbeha Master Gardeners presented by Dr. Beckham 662-244-2498. The Columbus Al-Anon Family
present a workshop with Jim from 6-7 p.m. Nov. 5 at the n CHILDBIRTH CLASSES Groups meet Mondays and
DelPrince at 10 a.m. Oct. 31 Outpatient Pavilion. Class size Baptist Golden Triangle offers Thursdays at 5:30 p.m. When
at the Oktibbeha Extension limited to 25. To register by Childbirth and Breastfeeding you don’t know where to turn
Service, 106 Felix Long Build- Nov. 1 or for more information, classes each month, 6 p.m., because someone drinks too
ing, Starkville, on creating call 662-244-2008. in room 6, near the Gift Shop, much, we can help. For infor-
holiday decorations, includ- n FREE DIABETES $20. For information or to reg- mation, call 888-425-2666 or
ing swags using plants and SCREENING ister, call 662-386-5592. go to
materials from the garden. For Baptist Golden Triangle hosts n CHILDBIRTH CLASSES
information, 662-323-5916.
free diabetes screenings 6:30-
9:30 a.m. Nov. 7 in the Outpa-
Emerson Family Center in
Starkville offers Childbirth
Hic-A-Sha-Ba-Ha DAR chapter tient Pavilion in honor of Diabe- classes from 5:30-7:30 p.m. TRAINING
of Starkville meets Nov. 7 at tes Awareness Month. Do not every Tuesday. For more infor- A high tunnel construction
Cadence Bank in Starkville. eat or drink before blood finger mation, call 662-320-4907. training class is 8 a.m.-5
Speker Rufus Ward will share stick test. Nutritional counsel-
n CANCER SUPPORT p.m. Nov. 1 and 9 a.m.-3
stories of local veterans. ing and free vision screenings
p.m. Nov. 2 at the Willie Mae
Go behind the scenes and
offered. Refreshments and a Baptist Cancer Center hosts
n AARP COLUMBUS a support group for cancer Johnson Farm, 20524 White
free gift for each attendee. No Rock Road, Aberdeen. For
AARP meets the first Wednes-
see what it takes to put out
registration required. survivors and their families,
day of each month at 10 a.m. noon-1 p.m. the third Friday of more information, call Carolyn
in the Community Room of n EDUCATION LUNCHEON Jones, 662-213-2433 or email
a daily newspaper!
every month. Lunch provided.
Regions Bank, Main Street, Baptist Golden Triangle hosts For information and location,
Columbus. Programs are a community education call 662-244-2923. n FREE LEGAL
luncheon “How to Lose Those
Call 662-328-2424 today
geared to the needs and ASSISTANCE
interests of seniors 50 and Holiday Blues” presented ■ DIABETES SUPPORT
Baptist Golden Triangle hosts The Young Lawyers Division

to schedule a tour for your

up. For more information, call by Director of Pastoral Care Disaster Legal Services
Steve Brown, from noon-1 day classes for Diabetes
662-889-9496. Committee of The Mississippi
Support on third Wednesdays
AARP Starkville meets the first
p.m. Nov. 12, in rooms 4 & 5
of the Patient Towers. Lunch of each month, 10-11 a.m. Bar, in conjunction with FEMA,
American Bar Association
group or organization.
provided. To register by Nov. in Patient Tower room 6. For
Thursday of each month at 10 information, call Lacy Smith, Young Lawyers Division, Mis-
a.m. in the Community Room 6 or for more information, call sissippi Emergency Manage-
662-244-2008. 662-244-1392.
of Cadence Bank, West Main ment Agency and Mississippi
Street, Starkville. Speaker n CPAP EDUCATION n CARING FOR THE Center for Legal Services,
will be Richard Harkness with LUNCHEON CAREGIVER provides free disaster legal
Baptist Golden Triangle This group meets at 11:30 assistance efforts to those
MSU Department of Plant and
hosts a community educa- a.m. the last Thursday of affected by recent storms in
Soil Science. For information,
call Eileen Carr-Tabb, 662- tion luncheon “Struggling each month at First United Clay, Humphreys, Issaquena,
312-3431. with CPAP? Learn About the Methodist Church, 602 Main Lowndes, Monroe, Sharkey,
n EAST LIONS CLUB Latest Treatment for Sleep St., Columbus. A study on the Warren and Yazoo Counties
The Columbus East Lions Apea” presented by Dr. John book “No Act of Love is Ever from Feb. 22-March 29. Call
Club meets every second and Griffin, DMD, from noon-1 Wasted: The Spirituality of Car- 1-877-691-6185 Monday-Fri-
fourth Monday of the month at p.m. Nov. 13, in rooms 4 & 5 ing for Persons with Dementia” day, 9 a.m.-4 p.m.
65 Airline Road. For more in- of the Patient Towers. Lunch is underway.
formation, call 662-549-3421 provided. To register by Nov. n ABUSE RECOVERY The Friends of the Starkville
or 662-574-7552. 7 or for more information, call GROUP Library Book Sale is the first
n HOST LIONS CLUB 662-244-2008. A Domestic Abuse Recovery Monday of each month at the
The Columbus Host Lions Club n FREE MAMMOGRAMS Group meets Thursdays at 6 Starkville Public Library, 326
meets every Friday at noon Baptist Golden Triangle offers p.m. through Safe Haven Inc. University Drive.
Group counseling for rape
at EMCC Lion Hills Center for free mammogram screenings n ENVIRONMENTAL
a buffet lunch and business recovery is available. For infor-
to area women 35 or above, MEETING
gathering. For more informa- have no insurance coverage, mation, call 662-327-6118 or Memphis Town Community
tion, call John Michael, 601- or live in Lowndes, Oktibbeha, 662-889-2067. Action Group meets fourth
955-2176. Clay, Monroe or Chickasaw n BAPTIST VOLUNTEERS Tuesdays at 6 p.m. to discuss
n POSSUM TOWN counties. Walk-ins accepted. Baptist Golden Triangle issues related to the Kerr-Mc-
TOASTMASTERS To see if you qualify or for seeks caring, compassion- Gee site. For information,
Possum Town Toastmasters more information, call 662- ate volunteers to help in a contact Leon Hines, 662-574-
meet every Friday at 7 a.m. at 244-2979. variety of hospital settings. 6109.
the Church of Christ, Co- n FREE PSA For information, call Lisa Bow- n 50 DRESSES MINISTRY
lumbus. To become a better SCREENINGS ers,662-244-1165. Reach1 Teach1 Ministries’ 50
communicator and leader, call Baptist Golden Triangle offers n DRUG/ALCOHOL Dresses Ministry Program to
662-549-3483. free prostate PSA screenings INTERVENTION the Golden Triangle area helps
n POSSUM TOWN for men over 40. Screenings Narconon offers drug and those in need of a dress or
QUILTERS are every other month. No alcohol interventions. For free suit for a job search. Dona-
Possum Town Quilters meet screenings for November screenings or referrals, call tions accepted. Call Regional
at 9:30 a.m. the second and or December. To make an 1-800-431-1754. Coordinator Cequeila Bigbee,
fourth Saturdays of each appointment or for more infor- n GOLDEN TRIANGLE AA 870-627-2859 or e-mail, 1de-
month at the Rosenzweig mation, call 662-244-4673. Golden Triangle AA meets
Arts Center (lower level), 501 n CPR CLASSES daily for support. If you want to
Main St., Columbus. Check us Baptist Golden Triangle offers drink, that is your business. If
out at possumtownquilters.
Lowndes County Republican
Women meets the second
Tuesday of each month at the
Lion Hills Center, 2331 Mili-
tary Road. Buffet line opens at
11:15 a.m., with call to order
at noon.
The Golden Triangle Quilters
Guild meets at 5:30 p.m.
every third Thursday at the
Starkville Sportsplex Activities
MSU alumni, friends are
invited to Breakfast with the
Bulldogs on second Thursdays
each month at Starkville Café.
Dutch treat breakfast 7:30
a.m. Contact Carol Moss Read
at or
Friendly City Strummers meet
twice monthly to practice and
teach others to play dulci-
mers. Join for $10/year for
the whole family. Dulcimers
available to borrow. Contact
David Saum, 662-386-6836
or, or
the Switzers, 662-312-6025.
Take Off Pounds Sensibly
No. 288 meets Tuesdays at
Community Baptist Church,
Yorkville Road East, Colum-
bus. Weigh-in begins at 5:30
p.m. Contact Pat Harris, 662-
Take Off Pounds Sensibly No.
270 meets Thursdays at 4370
Cal-Kolola Road, Caledonia.
Weigh-in begins at 5-5:30
p.m. Contact Michelle Holli-
man, 662-386-3650.
Senior Crafts meets at the
Starkville Sportsplex Tues-
days, 10-11:30 a.m. Crafts
provided by the parks depart-
ment. For information, call
Lisa Cox, 662-323-2294.
Quilting Club meets in the
activities room adjacent to
the multi-purpose facility
at the Starkville Sportsplex
Thursdays 10 a.m.-noon. Bring
your own project to work on.
For information, call Lisa Cox,

Health Notes
Baptist Golden Triangle offers
8A Thursday, October 31, 2019 The Dispatch •

Twitter bans all political advertisements

Social media companies give advertisers an Dorsey said the company is rec-
ognizing that advertising on social
unfair advantage in proliferating highly targeted, media offers an unfair level of tar-
geting compared to other mediums.
misleading messages It is not about free expression, he
BY RACHEL LERMAN AND remove a misleading video ad from “This is about paying for reach.
BARBARA ORTUTAY President Donald Trump’s cam- And paying to increase the reach
The Associated Press paign that targeted former Vice of political speech has significant
President Joe Biden, a leading ramifications that today’s demo-
SAN FRANCISCO — Twitter Democratic presidential candidate. cratic infrastructure may not be
is banning all political advertising In response, Democratic Sen. prepared to handle,” he tweeted.
from its service, saying social me- Elizabeth Warren, another presi- “It’s worth stepping back in order
dia companies give advertisers an dential hopeful, ran her own ad on to address.”
unfair advantage in proliferating Facebook taking aim at Zucker- Twitter currently only allows
highly targeted, misleading mes- berg. The ad falsely claimed that certified campaigns and organiza-
sages. Zuckerberg endorsed President
tions to run political ads for candi-
“While internet advertising is Donald Trump for re-election, ac-
dates and issues. The latter tend to
incredibly powerful and very ef- knowledging the deliberate false-
advocate on broader issues such as
fective for commercial advertisers, hood as necessary to make a point.
climate change, abortion rights and
that power brings significant risks Critics have called on Facebook
to politics, where it can be used to to ban all political ads. These in- immigration.
influence votes to affect the lives of clude CNN chief Jeff Zucker, who The company said it will make
millions,” Twitter CEO Jack Dors- recently called the company’s poli- some exceptions, such as allowing
ey said Wednesday in a series of cy of allowing lies “absolutely ludi- ads that encourage voter turnout.
tweets announcing the new policy. crous” and advised the social media It will describe those in a detailed
Facebook has taken fire since giant to sit out the 2020 election policy it plans to release on Nov. 15.
it disclosed earlier in October that until it can figure out something Federal campaigns are expected
it will not fact-check ads by politi- better. to spend the majority of advertis-
cians or their campaigns, which Google and Facebook did not ing dollars on broadcast and cable
could allow them to lie freely. CEO have immediate comments on Twit- channels during the 2020 election,
Mark Zuckerberg told Congress ter’s policy change. according to advertising research
last week that politicians have the Montana Gov. Steve Bullock, an- firm Kantar, and about 20% of the
right to free speech on Facebook. other Democratic 2020 contender, total $6 billion in spending on dig-
The issue suddenly arose in Sep- retweeted Dorsey’s announcement, ital ads.
tember when Twitter, along with adding the comment, “Good. Your Twitter’s policy will start on Nov.
Facebook and Google, refused to turn, Facebook.” 22.

Building permits
17th St. N.; Handicap ramp; Way, Lot 14; Construct s/f
City of Columbus Petty Construction, Inc.
n Columbus Municipal School
District; 1425 10th Ave. N.; residence; Andrew Hill Con-
Oct. 21-24, 2019 n Willie Perkins; 901 Railroad Plumbing permit; Roto Rooter struction
n Courtney Norville, Agent; St.; Fence; Same n Ngoc Mai Nguyen; 703 n Kevin Gallop; 1872 Cale-
Military Road at 9th Avenue n David Knoop; 114 Sand Hwy. 45 N.; Plumbing permit;
North; Utility permit; Atmos donia-Vernon Rd.; Construct
Rd.; Electrical permit; Same Mangum Electric
Energy n Synergos Investment, LLC; storage/shop; Owner
n Scorpion Oil & Gas; 116
n BH Properties, LLC; 1014 2406 Hwy. 45 N., Ste. B; Elec- Lawrence Dr., Ste. 3; Plumbing
n Main Gate Mini Storage;
13th St. S.; Demolition; Ex- trical permit; Nickoles Electric 775 Land R.; Construct mini
permit; Rushing Plumbing
pansions, LLC of Columbus storage; Kevin Clark Construc-
n Nicole Clinkscales; 409
n Patricia H. Wheeler; 1406 n Carol Ebenthal; 16 Fendley 17th St. S.; Plumbing permit; tion
13th Ave. N.; Demolition; Dr.; Electrical permit; Guerry
Doug Wheeler Roofing, Inc.
Tabor Plumbing n Albert Jethrow; 242 Wilson
Electric n Ricky Browder; 115 Brown
n Rent-A-Space-Columbus, Dr.; Construct storage/shop;
n Alton Ray Gray; 1114 Ridge St.; Plumbing permit; Tabor
LLC; 216 Lincoln Rd.; New Rd.; Electrical permit; Guerry Owner
storage unit building; T & M Electric n BH Properties, LLC; n Alto Towers; 368 Old New
Steel Erectors, Inc. n Advanced Air Systems; Hope Rd.; Construct cell tow-
n Synergos Investment, LLC: 1006 14th St. S., Apts. A &
2013 Hwy. 45 N., Ste. 1; B; Plumbing permit; Tabor er; Mid South Communications
2406 Hwy. 45 N., Ste. B; Re- Mechanical permit; Advanced
model; West Remodeling, LLC Pluming n Rachel Harris; Hughes
Air Systems n Tommy Southerland; 3207 Road, Lot 2; Construct s/f
n Castle Columbus III, LLC; n Ben Shelton; 2424 7th Ave.
1719 Hwy. 45 N.; Install ATM; 5th St. N.; Plumbing permit; residence; Owner
N.; Plumbing permit; P & H Titus Bowen
B & N Bank Solutions, Inc.
Plumbing n Tiquanna Phillips; Hughes
n Robin Conner; 1513 21st n Court Square Tower, LLC; Road, Lot 1; Construct s/f
St. N.; Demolition; Columbus
605 2nd Ave. N., 2nd Fl.; Lowndes County residence; Owner
Public Works
Plumbing permit; Southern Oct. 30, 2019
n Ables Investments, LLC; 47
Eagle Cv.; New single-family
Pluming n Andrew Hill; Hillbrooke
residence; RDI Corporation
n Scorpion Oil & Gas; 116
Lawrence St., Ste. 3; Remod-
el; Cornerstone Alliance, LLC
n RVFM 7, LLC; 725 18th
St. N.; Demolition; Columbus
Public Works
n Mattee T. Cox, et al; 808
17th St. N.; Demolition; Co-
lumbus Public Works
n Donald & Marie Davis;
809 17th St. N.; Demolition;
Columbus Public Works
n Major Andrews, et al; 2412
11th Ave. N.; Demolition;
Columbus Public Works
n Dill & Mary Randall; 707
18th St. N.; Demolition; Co-
lumbus Public Works
n Gregory Mixon; 1109 1/2

Business brief
McDill joins K.S.
Phillips PLLC
Cha n -
tel McDill
joined K.S.
Manager in
M c D i l l McDill
earned her
Bachelor of Accountancy
degree from Mississippi
University for Women in
2007 and her Master of
Taxation degree from Mis-
sissippi State University in
2008. She has eight years
of accounting experience.
McDill resides in Co-
lumbus, along with her
husband, Chris. They
have five sons and she en-
joys spending time with
her family.

Get promoted?
Win an award?
Send us your
business brief.
subject: Business brief
The Dispatch • Thursday, October 31, 2019 9A

Wildfires outside L.A. threaten homes, spare Reagan library

By BRIAN MELLEY and MARCIO The blaze near the Reagan li- frantically hosed down fires in the
JOSE SANCHEZ brary in Simi Valley was driven surrounding subdivisions and open
The Associated Press by strong Santa Ana winds that ranchland.
are the bane of Southern Califor- Armed with just a garden hose
SIMI VALLEY, Calif. — A wind- nia in the fall and have historically and wearing a mask, Beth Rive-
whipped outbreak of wildfires out- fanned the most destructive fires in ra watered down the perimeter
side Los Angeles on Wednesday the region. of her large home to prevent em-
threatened thousands of homes The library, which holds the bers from igniting the dry grass.
and horse ranches, forced the presidential archives and whose Friends helped evacuate 11 hors-
smoky evacuation of elderly pa- grounds include the graves of Rea- es from the property. The fire was
tients in wheelchairs and narrowly gan and his wife, Nancy, was well- only 30 yards (27 meters) away and
bypassed the Ronald Reagan Pres- equipped when flames surrounded blowing toward her house, with no
idential Library, protected in part it. It relies on a combination of high- firetrucks in sight.
by a buffer zone chewed by goats. tech defenses such as fireproof The brush fire broke out before
With California tinder dry and vaults and a low-tech measure tak- dawn between the cities of Simi
fires burning in both the north and en every year, when hundreds of Valley and Moorpark north of Los
south, the state was at the mercy of goats are brought in to feed on the Angeles and exploded to more than
gusty winds, on high alert for any brush and create a firebreak. 1,300 acres (526 hectares), Ventura
new flames that could run wild, and An army of firefighters helped County officials said. About 7,000
weary from intentional blackouts protect the hilltop museum, and homes, or around 26,000 people,
aimed at preventing power lines helicopters hit the flames, leaving were ordered evacuated, authori-
from sparking more destruction. some neighbors resentful as they ties said.


Sudoku is a number-
placing puzzle based on
Yesterday’s answer
a 9x9 gridis a several
with num- 9 8 1 3 5 7 4 2 6
given numbers.puzzle
The object 2 6 5 9 1 4 7 8 3

2019 Conceptis Puzzles, Dist. by King Features Syndicate, Inc.

based onthe
is to place a 9x9
numbers 3 7 4 2 8 6 9 1 5
1 to 9with
in theseveral
empty spaces 6 3 8 5 4 1 2 9 7
so that numbers. The
each row, each 7 1 2 6 9 8 3 5 4
column is andtoeach
3x3 the
numbers 4 5 9 7 3 2 1 6 8
contains the1sameto 9 number
1 9 7 4 6 5 8 3 2
the empty spaces so
only once. The difficulty 5 4 3 8 2 9 6 7 1
that each row, each
level increases from
column and each 8 2 6 1 7 3 5 4 9
3x3 boxtocontains
Sunday. Difficulty Level 10/29

the same number only once. The difficulty level

increases from Monday to Sunday.

The Dispatch did not publish a Wednesday, October 30, 2019, newspaper, due to equipment failure. The Jumble,
Word Warp, Crossword, Sudoku and Cryptquote puzzles that would have appeared in that edition are printed below.

1 Folks
7 A long time
11 Severe trial
12 Persian leader
13 Counterpart of
14 In need of a
15 Ancient city on
the Nile
17 Minus
20 Stylishly quaint
23 Phone down-
24 Specter
26 Letter before
27 Blood color 4 Moss materials letter
28 Low digit 5 Wood strip 24 Iron
29 Warlock’s forte 6 Different 25 That woman
31 Costume part 7 “— on TV” 30 Like ghouls
32 Dubai rulers 8 Tumbleweed 33 Wise words
33 Visitor to Siam locale, stereotyp- 35 Some cats
34 Did lab work ically 36 Rocker
37 Border 9 Corn unit Clapton
39 Halloween hue 10 That woman 37 Conceit
43 Rise 16 Civil War 38 Cry from
44 Author Cer- photographer Homer
vantes Mathew 40 Convent
45 “Dear me!” 17 Oversight resident
46 Fragrances 18 Derby town 41 Acquire
19 False beard 42 Overhead
DOWN attacher trains
1 Poker prize 21 1998 De Niro
2 Goof movie
3 Lyric poem 22 Last Greek

Tuesday’s Answer
Sudoku 9 8 1 3 5 7 4 2 6
Sudoku is a number-plac- 2 6 5 9 1 4 7 8 3
2019 Conceptis Puzzles, Dist. by King Features Syndicate, Inc.

ing puzzle based on a 9x9 grid

with several given numbers. 3 7 4 2 8 6 9 1 5
The object is to place the 6 3 8 5 4 1 2 9 7
numbers 1 to 9 in the empty 7 1 2 6 9 8 3 5 4
squares so that each row,
each column and each 3x3 4 5 9 7 3 2 1 6 8
box contains the same num- 1 9 7 4 6 5 8 3 2
ber only once. The difficulty 5 4 3 8 2 9 6 7 1
level increases from Monday
to Sunday. 8 2 6 1 7 3 5 4 9
Difficulty Level 10/29
10A Thursday, OCTOBER 31, 2019 The Dispatch •

Continued from Page 1A
the National Aeronautics day before Gregory gave Space Shuttle “Discov- States Air Force Academy and minorities to work at medicine,” he said. “We
and Space Administra- a speech about his life ery,” which is now at the and was a member of the NASA. talked about those other
tion (NASA’s) first Af- and career to a crowd Air and Space Museum at sixth graduating class. Gregory was one of things, and this group be-
rican-American deputy with few empty seats in Dulles International Air- His grandson and grand- a class of 35 new astro- came kind of like a family
administrator. the Honors Forum Room port in Virginia — some- daughter were in the nauts, including Guion up there.”
Gregory travels to in Griffis Hall. thing that makes him feel 53rd and 54th graduating Bluford, the first African Before he served as
a few universities ev- The scholarships came his age, he joked. classes, respectively, and American in space; Sally deputy administrator
ery year to present the from a donation from the “Everything that I he has two great-nieces Ride, the youngest Amer- from 2002 to 2005, he flew
$10,000 Astronaut Schol- family of Ray Gildea, an have done up to this point who will graduate in the ican in space; and most of on several missions and
arship on behalf of the MSU graduate and for- has been like a journey or next few years. the crew of the doomed told the audience about
Astronaut Scholars Foun- mer assistant director of a vacation,” he said. “In Gregory’s classmates Space Shuttle “Challeng- one in particular, when
dation. The program the John C. Stennis Insti- many cases, you think all wanted to be Thunder- er.” he was orbiting Earth
recognizes outstanding tute of Government. Fif- you know what you’re go- bird jet pilots, so he de- Everyone thought with three fellow Amer-
junior and senior college teen students applied and ing to see and what the cided to be different from they knew someone more icans, an astronaut from
students in the areas four were selected as fi- outcome is going to be, the rest of them and be-
qualified to be astronauts China and one from The
of science, technology, nalists before Beard and but as you will find out, come a helicopter pilot.
than they were, Gregory Netherlands. Early in the
engineering and math- Easley were chosen, said many things you thought His classmates taunted
said, but as they talked mission, they would look
ematics (STEM). Mis- Tommy Anderson, MSU were the truth are not him for his decision until
among themselves, they out the window at the
sissippi State University director of Prestigious the truth at all. That this he saved three of them
was the first university was just a best guess. So during his 550 combat realized what mattered countries each of them
External Scholarships. more to them was every- came from, he said.
in the state to partner Beard is from Lufkin, you can’t hang onto those rescue missions in Viet-
with the program in 2017 best guesses. You’ve got nam, he said. one else’s hobbies and in- “By probably the fifth
Texas and studying bio- terests, like their favorite or sixth day, we were
and is one of 40 universi- medical engineering, to have your mind open “Every night I went to
ties affiliated with ASF and be willing to look bed with a big smile on sports. all looking down at the
and Easley is a Starkville “We didn’t talk about world, saying, ‘That’s our
nationwide. This year native and a mechanical and learn and discover my face because that day
52 students at those 40 things.” I had saved people,” he astrophysics or math or home,’” Gregory said.
engineering major. Both
institutions received the said they have had oppor- Gregory also advised said.
award. tunities for research at everyone to have a men- He applied for NA-
MSU students Mary MSU that they could not tor — his was his father SA’s astronaut program
Catherine Beard and Ja- have had elsewhere. — and to take chances on in 1977, partly inspired,
cob Easley, both seniors interests rather than wor- he said, by an ad he saw
in the Judy and Bobby rying about qualification on TV in which actress
Shackouls Honors Col- ‘You’ve got to have levels. Nichelle Nichols, famous
lege and the Bagley your mind open’ He received an aero- for portraying Nyota
College of Engineering, Gregory was one of space engineering de- Uhura in the show Star
received the award Tues- the first to fly on the gree from the United Trek, encouraged women

Around the state

With Fred’s closed, rural themselves without any pharmacy in be an issue for some of the state’s
the entire county. most critical patients. He says pa-
Mississippi county has no The Clarion Ledger reports resi- tients on multiple prescriptions also
pharmacy dents will have to place and pick up usually have a huge hurdle of having
JACKSON — With the nationwide prescriptions at pharmacies in Merid- access to reliable transportation.
closure of Fred’s Pharmacy, one Mis- ian or Philadelphia — about a 30-min- Fred’s closed Oct. 18. It was lo-
sissippi county is taking it really hard. ute drive to each one. cated in the county seat of Dekalb,
The residents of Kemper County Mississippi Board of Pharmacy which had a population of just over
in east-central Mississippi now find President Ryan Harper says that will 1,000 residents.
Editor’s note:
Due to a press issue, the World Series
Game 7 recap was not available at
press time. For a full-game story with
results, visit


‘No more flying

MSU soundS off on new NCAA legislation under the radar’
for Heritage boys
By Theo DeRosa

Heritage Academy boys bas-

ketball coach Russ Whiteside
knows how difficult it will be for
the Patriots to follow up on last
year’s success.
“It’s hard to be as good, be-
cause last year we did about as
well as we could do,” Whiteside
His team capped off the 2018-
19 campaign with its second
straight state title and won its
first-ever MAIS overall cham-
pionship. That’ll do a lot to set
expectations high — and leave
the top-ranked Patriots with a
target on their back.
“We’ve just gotta get in here
and work and understand that
we’re more of the hunted now
than we are the hunter,” Wh-
iteside said. “There’s no more
flying under the radar.”
If Heritage Academy aims
to repeat an unprecedented
season, the talent the Patriots
have is a strong start. The team
returns nine seniors, including
Matt Bush/USA TODAY Sports
Mississippi State running back Kylin Hill reacts after the game against Kentucky on Sept. 21 at Davis Wade Stadium in Starkville.
first-team all-state selections
Eli Acker and Jared Long.
But Acker, Long, two other
BY BEN PORTNOY NCAA’s ruling Tuesday that statement regarding the new quarterback Garrett Shrader starters and a couple key bench it will allow players to profit legislation: said of whether paying players players will have a late start to
from their names, images and “As a national governing is a common topic of discus- the season. They’re on the foot-
STARKVILLE — It’s been likenesses stands to change body, the NCAA is uniquely sion in the locker room.
over six years since EA Sports ball team, which is gearing up
the framework of college ath- positioned to modify its rules “They just tell me I’m ugly,” for next Friday’s home playoff
released its last NCAA football letics. to ensure fairness and a level he added through a smirk. game, and they won’t rejoin the
video game. Following a lengthy debate playing field for student-ath- “I’m sure guys probably basketball team until the foot-
While the series of con- that was expedited with the letes. The board’s action today love it, but right now I’m just ball season is over — “hopefully
sole-based games has been passing of California law SB creates a new path to enhance not focused on it,” senior cen- after the state championship,”
snagged by legal hurdles, a 206 — a bill that prohibited ath- opportunities for student-ath- ter and team captain Darryl senior point guard Reid Hus-
new edition may be on shelves letic associations, conferences letes while ensuring they com- Williams said. “I’m focused on kison said.
soon — and if Mississippi or other groups from prevent- pete against students and not getting our second SEC win.” “As long as we get out of
State junior running back ing collegiate athletes in Cali- professionals.” MSU athletic director John football season healthy and get
Kylin Hill has his way, an im- fornia from profiting off their While the ruling was set- Cohen also issued the follow- everybody going, we feel pretty
age of him hurdling a defender name, image, or likeness — on tled far from Starkville, a ing statement on the matter: good about it,” Whiteside said.
would grace the cover. Sept. 11, the NCAA Board of handful of MSU football play- “We recognize the import- Until then, the remainder of
“I’d have to frame that one,” Governors voted unanimously ers were asked about the deci- ant actions taken today by the Pats will have to hold down
Hill said through a laugh. to allow such profits. sion during Tuesday’s media the NCAA Board of Gover- the fort, and Huskison is confi-
Though video games are NCAA president Mark availability. nors to enhance name, image dent they can.
just the tip of the iceberg, the Emmert issued the following “Not really,” freshman See MSU, 2B “I don’t think they should
have a problem with too many
of the teams,” he said. “I think
PREP BASKETBALL they’ll do good.”
Senior Steele Altmyer, who

Columbus boys still going through rebuild

broke his foot in the second
game of last season and missed
most of the year, will play a big
role for Heritage Academy.
By Theo DeRosa Class 6A. “He can do a ton,” Huskison Morris said those kinds of said. “He’s a great shooter that
opponents will put pressure on we have, and he’s gotten really
The Columbus High School a Falcons team that still needs tall, so he can help us out on de-
boys basketball team isn’t to bulk up. In fact, it’s already fense.”
afraid to acknowledge it: Last been done — in Columbus’ re- With the shooting Altmyer
season was rough. cent scrimmage with Center and freshman Mack Howard
The Falcons finished with
Hill bring, Long’s leaping ability
a losing record just one year
“They just out-toughed us and talent in transition, Acker’s
after winning the state cham-
in a lot of situations,” Morris post presence and the strong
pionship, as the title-winning
said. on-ball defense Huskison and
team had largely departed and
Morris noted that the tough- senior Carter Putt offer, the
left inexperienced players in
ness he expects from his play- Patriots check seemingly every
its wake.
ers extends to the mental side box. They also play with con-
That put Columbus in a re-
building stage from which the of things, too, and his young siderable familiarity after years
Falcons haven’t quite emerged team is still getting there. and years together on the court.
yet. Coach Phillip Morris “I’m expecting to start off “Most of these guys have
knows his team is still young, the season, we’re gonna have a been playing together since
with only four players who saw lot of growing pains,” he said. sixth grade, so the chemistry’s
minutes last season back for “I think by the time we get to really huge on this team,” Acker
more. But with two returning district time we should be OK. said.
starters — a luxury Columbus I’ve got a good group.” The Ole Miss football com-
didn’t have last year — Morris Apart from Gabe Williams mit knows well that Heritage
thinks his team can get back and Burnett, the Falcons’ core Academy will need to start
on the right track. includes senior Antwan Bran- games with a bang to put away
“We’re gonna surprise a dy, who’s poised for a big min- upset-minded opponents.
lot of teams,” the second-year utes increase, and junior Eric “This year, the target’s on
head coach said. “I don’t think Caldwell. our back,” Acker said. “Every-
a lot of people are expecting a Sophomores Jaquarius Wil- body’s gonna want to beat us.”
David Miller/Dispatch file photo
lot from us, but I think down liams and Tre Dismuke are Whiteside acknowledged as
Columbus’s Gabe Williams drives against Tupelo on Jan. 18. The
the line we’re definitely gonna also expected to contribute. senior is one of the Falcons’ key returners this season.
much, but he said the Pats re-
surprise some people.” “They’re two very coach- main confident in their talent.
Led by senior Gabriel Wil- able kids: hard nosed, tough, bus’ football season ends and “If you’ve got good guards, As long as his team works its
liams and junior Blake Bur- do anything you ask,” Morris should crack the starting line- you can make a lot of stuff hap- hardest, Whiteside said, Heri-
nett, Columbus will face a said of his 10th graders. up as soon as he’s up to speed. pen,” he said. tage Academy will be at the top
tough schedule again. The Fal- With the departures of big “I’m hoping he’s gonna be And while it may still be a again.
cons may have moved down to men Jemarcus Moore and Rod able to help us out a lot,” Mor- rebuilding year for Columbus, “We feel like we can make
Class 5A, but they’ll still face Grays, Morris turned to the ris said. Morris is confident it won’t be another run at it, but you’ve still
a top team from each of the Falcons’ football team for a But as long as his team’s anything like last year. gotta get in here and put in the
state’s upper classes: Ponto- post presence. Junior quarter- guard play remains solid, Mor- “We should be solid,” he work and put in the hours that
toc in Class 4A, Center Hill back Ethan Conner will join ris knows the Falcons are ca- said. “I really feel like we will it takes to do something special
in Class 5A and Starkville in the team as soon as Colum- pable of plenty. be.” like that,” he said.
2B Thursday, OCTOBER 31, 2019 The Dispatch •

MSU Are You Ready

Continued from Page 1B
and likeness opportunities for
student-athletes. We take pride
infancy, the ramifications of the
NCA A’s ruling remains to be seen.
of Governors chair Michael V.
Drake said in a news release. “Ad-
to Discuss Your
in the student-athlete experience
we currently provide at Mississip-
So while maroon and white-clad
fans may be anxious to purchase a
ditional flexibility in this area can
and must continue to support col- Long Term
pi State. We will continue to sup- Kylin Hill-covered video game or a lege sports as a part of higher edu-
port the best interests of our stu- Garrett Shrader-sponsored beard cation. This modernization for the Care Options?
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With the new legislation in its State president and NCA A Board and guaranteed scholarships.” Are you confused by Medicare and Medicaid
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Geoff Burke/USA TODAY Sports

Washington Redskins offensive tackle Trent Williams stands in the tunnel prior to the Redskins’ game against the
Philadelphia Eagles on Dec. 30, 2018, at FedEx Field in Landover, Md.
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS keep piling up losses to fourth-rounders. “That’s why we got
fast-track their rebound — And Michael Ben- him. Make plays like
Trent Williams stayed after this year’s player nett, who bolstered Dal- that,” Baltimore running
put, as did Josh Norman, purge and could also net las’ pass rush after wear- back Mark Ingram said.
Chris Harris Jr. and them a compensatory ing out his welcome in “He has a knack for get-
Le’Veon Bell. Jamal Ad- draft pick. New England. ting the ball, a knack for
ams, Melvin Gordon and The Rams (5-3) have Also, the Eagles ac- getting in the end zone.
Patrick Peterson aren’t traded both of their start- quired edge rusher Ge- Shout out to our GM for
going anywhere, either. ing cornerbacks this nard Avery from the getting him because that
The NFL trade dead- month and the trade of Browns, the Cardinals paid dividends today in
line was a dud this year Talib clears salary cap added running back Ken- getting this victory.”
but only because teams space for them to sign yan Drake from Miami
didn’t wait for the cutoff recently acquired corner- and Seattle propped up
to swap draft picks and back Jalen Ramsey to a its secondary by getting
established stars, some- contract extension. safety Quandre Diggs
thing they’d been doing For years, the NFL from Detroit in a move
since August. trade deadline was pret- that upset several players
The big news Tuesday ty much the most anticli- on the Lions (3-3-1), who
was Williams returning to mactic date on the sport’s aren’t ready to give up on
the Washington Redskins. calendar, coming and go- the season.
A person with knowledge ing without general man- Last month, the Steel-
of the situation told The agers parting with any ers acquired safety
Associated Press that the
draft picks and coaches Minkah Fitzpatrick along
left tackle ended his sea-
relieved at not having to with two draft picks from
son-long holdout after not
teach newcomers their Miami for three picks, in-
getting traded.
offensive or defensive cluding a first in 2020.
During Cleveland’s
schemes on the fly. The Dolphins and Tex-
recent bye week, Browns
Minor midseason deals ans were busy dealing
general manager John
neither shook up the play- on the eve of the season.
Dorsey said he’s spoken
off races nor excited the Miami sent left tackle
with Redskins president
public. Laremy Tunsil and wide
Bruce Allen about acquir-
That all changed two receiver Kenny Stills to
ing Williams. But when
years ago when Bill Beli- Houston for a package of
asked if there would be
chick called John Lynch high picks and players.
a deal, Dorsey said, “it
and offered him Tom The Dolphins also traded
takes two to tango.”
Dorsey, who pulled Brady’s backup, Jimmy Kiko Alonso to the Saints
off a blockbuster trade Garoppolo. The 49ers for linebacker Vince Bie-
for Odell Beckham Jr. in were 0-8 when they gel, and the Texans trad-
March, couldn’t get the grabbed Garoppolo from ed Jadeveon Clowney to
Redskins to dance, leav- the Patriots for a sec- Seattle for a 2020 third-
ing the Browns to solve ond-round pick and two round pick and lineback-
their left tackle situation years later they’re 7-0, ers Barkevious Mingo
in the offseason. the only undefeated team and Jacob Martin.
The only big name besides Brady’s Patriots Some of those swaps
traded at the deadline was (8-0). could prove crucial come
Aqib Talib , but unlike sev- Belichick sent more playoff time as in 2017,
en years ago when he was shockwaves through the when the Eagles added
dealt from Tampa Bay to league this month by trad- running back Jay Ajayi
New England at midsea- ing a second-round pick from Miami in a deadline
son, Talib is no longer in to Atlanta for Mohamed deal that helped them
his prime or headed to a Sanu, a steep price for a beat New England in Su-
contender. 30-year-old receiver who per Bowl 52.
The Rams traded the has never had a 1,000- The Rams made a
33-year-old cornerback to yard receiving season, splash at the deadline a
Miami along with a fifth- but the Patriots wanted to year ago when they land-
round pick in 2020 for an take pressure off top tar- ed Dante Fowler from
undisclosed draft choice. get Julian Edelman. Jacksonville, who bol-
But the 12-year veteran The Patriots’ move was stered an already formi-
is on IR with a rib injury another example of how dable front and helped
and likely won’t play again this year teams didn’t them reach Super Bowl
this season. wait for Tuesday’s cutoff 53, where they lost to the
Talib will be an unre- to upgrade their roster or Patriots.
stricted free agent this stockpile draft picks. Teams got a jump-start
winter after playing out Other stars who on those types of benefits
the six-year, $57 million changed teams before this time around.
deal he signed with the Tuesday’s deadline: Sanders caught a
Denver Broncos, with — Marcus Peters, touchdown pass in his
whom he won the Super whom the Rams shipped first game for the 49ers
Bowl four seasons ago. to Baltimore to make last week.
That makes this dead- room for Ramsey, who Ramsey’s impact in
line deal akin to the ones forced his way out of Jack- L.A. was immediate as
seen so often in the NBA sonville. he forced a fumble and
when a tanking team ab- — Leonard Williams, affected almost every
sorbs a contract from an- who went from the Jets passing down in a 37-10
other team in exchange to the Giants for a pair of rout at Atlanta two weeks
for draft capital. picks. ago that ended the Rams’
The Dolphins (0-7) — Emmanuel Sanders, three-game losing streak.
could keep Talib on IR who gave the 49ers anoth- And Peters had a 67-yard
before letting him walk in er playmaker along with pick-6 of Russell Wilson
free agency, an approach a fifth-round pick from in sparking the Ravens’
that would allow them to Denver for third- and 30-16 victory over Seattle.
The Dispatch • THURSDAY, OCTOBER 31, 2019 3B

College Football
Robertson to speak at Starkville QB Club
Steve Robertson, who covers Mississippi State for, will speak at
NCAA tries to kick pay-for-play farther down road
this week’s meeting of the Starkville Quarterback Club on Thursday at the Starkville The Associated Press tion, room and room, plus come up with rules that the Drake Group, which
Country Club.
Robertson’s talk will be at 7 p.m. and is sponsored by Sullivan’s Office Supply
a small stipend — but that would be in place no later advocates for student-ath-
and Crosland Wealth Management. Mississippi State cornerbacks coach Terrell
ATLANTA — The is a pittance when com- than January 2021. letes. “I think Congress
Buckley will deliver the Scouting Report. NCAA just doesn’t get it. pared to the revenue that “An athlete would have and other state legisla-
A dinner of fried/grilled pork chops, macaroni and cheese, cabbage and rolls will Under pressure from schools such as Georgia the ability to monetize tures will wait and see
be served at 6:30 p.m. with a salad bar and dessert. all sides — legislators, and Texas and Ohio State their name or their image what this evolves into. If
advocates, athletes, pret- are generating with their in commercial ways that it’s something still not fair
Women’s College Golf ty much anyone who can athletic programs. are apart from playing,” or frees up the athlete like
MSU tied for eighth at White Sands Invite spot an injustice when Take Georgia, which said Big East Commis- a regular student, then
The Mississippi State women’s golf team was tied for eighth place at the White they see it — the group has committed some $174 sioner Val Ackerman, who you might see more states
Sands Invitational in the Bahamas after Tuesday’s second round of play. that governs college ath- million to upgrading and led the NCAA”s working or at the federal level.
With a team score of 293 on Tuesday, MSU sat at 11-over par for the tourna- letics revealed a fierce
ment. building facilities just group along with Smith. “There are going to be
Freshman Ashley Gilliam shot 2-under 70 to lead the Bulldogs, and she’s tied determination to keep since Kirby Smart took “Just as an example, if I a lot of people pushing.”
for fifth place in the overall standings. Junior Aubree Jones bounced back with a an iron grip on the two over as football coach in started my own business And pushing back.
1-under 71 on the day. things it cares about most. 2016, on top of spending while I was a student and U.S. Sen. Richard Burr,
Freshman Abbey Daniel shot 3-over 75, senior Clara Moyano shot 5-over Money and power.
77, and junior Blair Stockett had a 6-over 78. Playing as an individual, sophomore more on recruiting than I wanted to use my name Republican from North
Lauren Miller shot 75 for the second straight round. A much-ballyhooed any other program, not to to promote my business Carolina, stepped in out
MSU’s final round of the fall season was Wednesday, when the Bulldogs announcement Tuesday, mention doling out some — I have a type of service of nowhere to defend the
concluded the three-day invitational. supposedly the first sig- $13 million in annual pay I offer — or I write a book, indefensible.
nificant step toward com- to Smart and his coaching or I compose a song and I He tweeted Tuesday
Prep Basketball ing up with a way to fairly staff. want to monetize that us- that “if college athletes are
Caledonia Tip Off Classic set for Saturday compensate those who The Bulldogs will tell ing my name or image to going to make money off
The boys and girls basketball teams from several local high schools will open bring in the Benjamins,
you it’s just the cost of promote it, that right now their likenesses while in
their season on Saturday at the Caledonia Tip Off Classic. was really nothing more
doing business in the cut- is not permitted under school, their scholarships
Columbus High School, Starkville High School and West Point will join the host than a blatant attempt to
Confederates at the event. throat Southeastern Con- NCAA rules. Under this should be treated like in-
kick the pay-for-play can
The schedule for Saturday’s tournament, with home teams listed last: ference. They’ll point to modernized model, those come. I’ll be introducing
1 p.m. -- Neshoba Central vs. West Point (girls) farther down the road.
South Carolina and Flor- NIL (name/image/like- legislation that subjects
1 p.m. -- Hamilton vs. Caledonia (girls) The NCAA essentially
ida recently completing ness) rights would come scholarships given to ath-
2:30 p.m. -- West Point vs. Caledonia (boys) wants to give its players
4 p.m. -- Philadelphia vs. Columbus (boys) $50 million facilities, or to the student-athlete.” letes who choose to ‘cash
a chance to set up some
5:30 p.m. -- Horn Lake vs. Starkville (boys) LSU spending $28 million To some, this was a in’ to income taxes.”
inconsequential side hus-
on a renovation of its foot- significant concession We already know the
tles that might generate
just enough money to ball locker room. by an organization that NCAA won’t give in easily.
keep everyone at bay, all To add some perspec- has fought to keep the The group is essential-
CALENDAR while ensuring that noth- tive, if LSU doled out
$25,000 a year to 100 play-
labor force totally under
its heel, but it came only
ly sticking its pinkie in a
giant hole in the dam —
ing interferes with those
Today billions of dollars that its ers, it would take more in the face of withering and hoping that it some-
Women’s College Soccer member schools rake in than 11 years to spend $28 criticism and a threatened how holds off the flood.
Mississippi State at Missouri, 7 p.m. because of those highly million. onslaught of state and fed- “This is another at-
“If only there was eral laws allowing college tempt by the NCAA at
Friday talented athletes.
enough money ...” ESPN athletes to be compensat- stalling on this issue,” said
Prep Football “One of our principles
is not to move to a model analyst and frequent ed for their work. Califor- Ramogi Huma, executive
Lafayette at Columbus, 7 p.m.
where we turn athletes NCAA critic Jay Bilas nia already approved a law director of the National
Noxubee County at Aberdeen, 7 p.m.
into employees,” Ohio wrote sarcastically while that would allow college College Players Associa-
New Hope at West Point, 7 p.m.
State athletic director retweeting a video show- athletes in its state to hire tion.
Starkville at Warren Central, 7 p.m.
Gene Smith said. “What- ing the elaborate facilities agents and make mon- Bilas is equally skepti-
IAHS at Caledonia, 7 p.m.
ever we come up with will in Baton Rouge, which ey from endorsements, cal.
Starkville Academy at Magnolia Heights, 7 p.m.
not be something where look like something out of though it won’t go into As he tweeted not long
Hebron Christian at Kemper Academy, 7 p.m.
College Volleyball we actually pay players. a Star Wars movie. effect until 2023. Other after the NCAA issued its
Mississippi State at Auburn, TBA That’s just not going to Under a plan unani- states are threatening to press release: “From the
Women’s College Basketball happen for us. We believe mously approved by the follow suit, with laws that NCAA Board of Gover-
Clark Atlanta at Ole Miss, 7 p.m. (exh.) in the collegiate model, NCAA Board of Gover- would hit the books even nors (what it’s REALLY
Men’s College Basketball not the professional mod- nors during its meeting sooner. saying): We shall strive to
Mid South Prep at East Mississippi Community College, 1 el.” at Emory University in “This working group allow athletes the right to
p.m. It’s easy to see why. Atlanta, college athletes wouldn’t even be together name image and likeness
Those in charge are would be allowed to cash if it weren’t for California opportunities, but only in
Saturday perfectly content with a in on “their name, image and other states, or Mark a manner that does not al-
College Football
labor system that essen- and likeness” — a concept Walker (a Republican con- low them to monetize their
Mississippi State at Arkansas, 3 p.m.
tially allows them to set the governing body has gressman from North Car- name image and likeness
Ole Miss at Auburn, 6 p.m.
the maximum wage at fought against for years. olina) filing federal legisla- opportunities.”
Prep Soccer
zero. Sure, the athletes But no one is quite sure tion,” said Dave Ridpath, There’s plenty of mon-
New Hope Classic, 8 a.m.
are getting something of what that means, so each an associate professor of ey to go around.
Prep Boys Basketball
value for holding down of the NCAA’s three di- sports business at Ohio If only the NCAA would
Columbus, Starkville, West Point at Caledonia Tip Off Clas-
their full-time jobs — tui- visions were ordered to University who heads up play fair.
sic, All Day
Prep Girls Basketball
West Point at Caledonia Tip Off Classic, All Day
Columbus at Choctaw Central Tournament, All Day

MSU women ranked 10th in first AP poll

on the air
The Associated Press time overall in program The Associated Press poll five; the Huskies have
Today history. for the first time in school been ranked in the top
COLLEGE FOOTBALL NEW YORK — Mis- Mississippi State is history. Oregon, led by five for 239 consecutive
7 p.m. — West Virginia at Baylor, ESPN sissippi State retained its
7 p.m. — Georgia Southern at Appalachian State, ESPNU coming off a 2018-19 sensational guard Sabri- weeks, since January
COLLEGE HOCKEY (MEN’S) reputation as one of the campaign that saw the na Ionescu, received 25 2007.
6 p.m. — Wisconsin at Penn State, BTN top teams in the country Bulldogs post a 15-1 con- of the 28 first-place votes “That’s nuts,” Graves
COLLEGE SOCCER (WOMEN’S) heading into the 2019- ference record to clinch from the national media said of UConn’s streak. “I
6 p.m. — TCU at West Virginia, FS1 20 season, being tabbed
GOLF the second title in pro- panel to grab the top spot think I’d be in my mid 70s
No. 10 in the Associated gram history. State fol- in the preseason rankings by the time we reached
11:30 a.m. — PGA Tour: The Bermuda Championship, first
Press’ Preseason Top 25
round, Southampton, Bermuda, GOLF lowed that up by winning released Wednesday. that.”
4 p.m. — LPGA Tour: The Swinging Skirts Taiwan Champion- Poll Wednesday.
the team’s first ever SEC “I think it validates our No. 6 Texas A&M has
ship, first round, Yangmei, Taiwan, GOLF Dating back to Nov. 24,
Tournament Champion- vision that we had going its best ranking since the
9 p.m. — PGA Tour: The HSBC Champions, second round, 2014, the Bulldogs have
Shanghai, GOLF ship with a commanding in here,” Graves told the Aggies were fifth on Dec.
now spent 95 consecutive
weeks inside the AP Top 101-70 victory over Arkan- AP. “It validates the hard 29, 2014. Oregon State,
7 p.m. — PFL Playoffs: Heavyweight and Light Heavyweight, sas and then earning a work from my staff that’s South Carolina, Louis-
Las Vegas, ESPN2 25, marking the longest
NBA BASKETBALL streak in program history. third straight Elite Eight been with me the whole ville and Mississippi State
6 p.m. — Miami at Atlanta, TNT During the stretch, State appearance. journey. On this stage we complete the top 10.
8:30 p.m. — Denver at New Orleans, TNT has been ranked inside Meanwhile, when he had a better opportunity Graves knows no one
NFL FOOTBALL took over in 2014, Kelly to be in position we now tends to remember who
7:20 p.m. — San Francisco at Arizona, FOX the top 10 for 59 straight
RUGBY weeks, a streak that re- Graves set out to establish are.” was ranked first in Oc-
4 a.m. (Friday) — World Cup 2019: New Zealand vs. Wales, mains active heading into Oregon as one of the elite No. 2 Baylor, the de- tober. He also feels his
Bronze-medal match, Tokyo, NBCSN this season. This is the teams in women’s college fending national cham- team, which was ranked
SOCCER (MEN’S) fifth consecutive season basketball. pion, received the other third in the preseason last
2:50 p.m. — FIFA U-17 World Cup: Spain vs. Tajikistan, Fresh off their first Fi- three first-place votes. year, is mature enough to
Group E, Espírito Santo, Brazil, FS2 that MSU has started the
season ranked inside the nal Four appearance, the Stanford, Maryland and handle the pressures of
top 25 and just the eighth Ducks are ranked No. 1 in UConn round out the top being No. 1.
4B Thursday, OCTOBER 31, 2019 The Dispatch •


Starkville holds onto top spot in new Mississippi poll

By Theo DeRosa Commercial Dispatch, one first-place vote apiece Friday in Vicksburg. this week before hosting 5) is no longer receiving were polled on the top five in the overall poll. a second-round playoff votes in Class 3A after
teams in each class and Starkville got 10 first- In other polls matchup on Nov. 8. Thursday’s loss at Choc-
The Starkville High the top 10 overall. place votes in Class 6A, West Lowndes (8-2)
Heritage Academy (11- taw County (7-3). But the
School football team The Yellow Jackets and the other went to received the most points
0) kept the No. 1 among Tigers are locked in as
held off West Point again (8-2) received six of the South Panola. Both the of any Class 1A team out-
to keep the No. 1 spot in Mississippi private the No. 2 team in Region
11 first-place votes in the Jackets and the Tigers side the top five, but the
Mississippi’s overall rank- schools, though the vote 4, and Friday’s game at
overall standings, edg- recently pulled off wins Panthers remain on the
ings when the new Asso- was still not unanimous. Aberdeen (1-9) can’t af-
ing the Green Wave (9- over former No. 1 Madi- outside. They’ll have a
ciated Press high school 1), which got three. West son Central, which fell to The Patriots received 10 bye week before closing fect their playoff seeding.
football poll was released Point hosts New Hope (3- No. 5 in Class 6A and No. first-place votes, and No. out the season on Nov. 8 The ballot Theo DeRosa
Tuesday. 7) on Friday. 6 overall. 3 Madison-Ridgeland at Tupelo Christian Prep submitted for The Dispatch
Eleven Mississippi me- South Panola (9-1) and Starkville travels to Academy (9-2) got the (6-3). is below. For the full AP
dia outlets, including The Picayune (9-0) received face Warren Central on other. The Patriots are off Noxubee County (5- poll, please see page 3B.

Class 1A Class 2A Class 3A Class 4A Class 5A Class 6A

1. Nanih Waiya (8-2) 1. Philadelphia (9-1) 1. Columbia (9-0) 1. Greenwood (9-0) 1. West Point (9-1) 1. Starkville (8-2)
2. Noxapater (8-2) 2. Taylorsville (9-1) 2. West Marion (9-1) 2. South Pike (10-0) 2. Picayune (9-0) 2. South Panola (9-1)
3. Smithville (7-2) 3. East Webster (8-1) 3. Senatobia (7-2) 3. Louisville (8-2) 3. West Jones (9-0) 3. Madison Cen. (7-2)
4. Lumberton (8-2) 4. Bay Springs (8-1) 4. Magee (8-2) 4. Corinth (8-1) 4. Lafayette (7-2) 4. Petal (8-1)
5. West Lowndes (8-2) 5. Scott Central (7-2) 5. Winona (7-2) 5. Itawamba AHS (10-0) 5. Laurel (7-2) 5. Oxford (8-1)

Comics & Puzzles

Dear Abby
EAR ABBY: try to “kill” the the patient her name in English.
This letter is marriage and Once the receptionist realized
for wom- take over. I have she knew the patient and the
en who have experienced the patient spoke Spanish, the
stepchildren or ups and downs remainder of the conversation
are considering that go along was in Spanish despite the fact
marriage to a man with abandon- that the woman spoke clear
with children. My ment, depression English.
second marriage and absence of Another time, one of the
of 20 years is closure. I am staff pointed to something on
in limbo with no grateful for my the receptionist’s computer
closure. My three family and friends screen and spoke in Spanish
adult stepchildren for their love and to the receptionist, and I could
ZITS took my husband support. With see she was showing the recep-
away from our God’s help and tionist how to do something on
home two years prayers, I am still the computer. In addition, if any
ago. He was hav- hanging in there. of the staff needs to speak with
ing some cognitive Ladies, beware! the doctor during my treatment,
dementia, but we Dear Abby — SURVIVING Spanish is spoken.
were doing well in ALONE I feel the only time the staff
our home. After a DEAR should speak Spanish is when
fall, everything came apart. To SURVIVING: Please accept my a patient doesn’t speak or
make a long story short, I was sympathy for the loss of your understand English. What do
naive about legal issues and husband. It is tragic. Sadly, you you think about this? — DON’T
discovered he had named his are not the only woman I have UNDERSTAND IN FLORIDA
children as powers of attorney heard of this happening to; I DEAR DON’T: What I think
with no plans for me. know one personally. This is is that you should address
I have not had a visit or why I, too, urge anyone, female your concerns to the person
phone call in months because or male, who is going into a sec- whose acupuncture practice it
GARFIELD his kids will not allow it unless
they are present. Our home was
ond marriage to be conscious
of the legal ramifications and
is. Explain that it makes you
feel uncomfortable and isolated
jointly shared and the court has end-of-life planning and to do it when his or her employees
ordered me to maintain it with with the help of an attorney. do this in front of you. And if
no financial assistance from my DEAR ABBY: My acupunc- you are not satisfied with the
husband as I live here. He has turist and staff are all bilingual, response you receive, change
been shuttling back and forth speaking both English and acupuncturists.
between his son and daughter Spanish. Almost always while A GENTLE REMINDER TO
and is presently living in anoth- I’m sitting in the waiting room, PARENTS OF YOUNG CHIL-
er state. the staff will converse with one DREN: Tonight wee witches and
Abby, I encourage any another in Spanish like they’re goblins will be out trick-or-treat-
woman who is considering the only ones in the room. ing. Please supervise them
remarriage to take great care of Once, a patient came in, closely so they’ll be safe. Happy
important legal matters for their and the receptionist didn’t rec- Halloween, everyone! — Love,
well-being in case stepchildren ognize the person. She asked ABBY

TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (Oct. TAURUS (April 20-May 20). chances. TREAT: What was lost
31). You make friends so easily. TRICK: Those who are much will be found.
The wonderful part about that older or younger than you will LEO (July 23-Aug. 22).
is that you don’t have to be teach you something you can TRICK: It seems like it should
too choosy this solar year — immediately put to rewarding be obvious, and maybe this is
the universe acts as a skilled use in your life. TREAT: Hugs why people often forget that
matchmaker, pairing you with and laughter are coming your the No. 1 way to connect with
people (in business, friendship, way. others is to show interest in
love and more) who will benefit GEMINI (May 21-June them. You come by this honest-
your life in ways that speak to 21). TRICK: The last thing you ly. TREAT: Sensory delight is all
your values and lighten your thought would happen will be yours.
heart. Sagittarius and Capricorn the first thing that does. TREAT: VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22).
adore you. Your lucky numbers You’ll understand a loved one’s TRICK: You master natural
BABY BLUES are: 3, 38, 11, 22 and 45. beautiful intentions and be ways to relax and send out an
ARIES (March 21-April 19). delighted by them regardless of easy vibe. It’s why you handle
TRICK: Make the decision. Once execution. You are loved! much more than other people
you decide, all the uncomfort- CANCER (June 22-July 22). can. TREAT: Because you’re
able energy that comes with TRICK: Your warmth radiates so calm and capable, you’ll be
worry, doubt and uncertainty will and boomerangs. You give a promoted.
melt away. You’ll commit and smile and get a smile. Charisma LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23).
take action. TREAT: Confidence doesn’t mean you get every TRICK: You ask for help, not
resumes. deal, but it doubles up on your because you particularly need
it but because it’s a way to
involve people and understand
their talents. TREAT: You’ll be
surprised by what people want
to contribute to your life.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov.
BEETLE BAILEY 21). TRICK: The more public you
are about what you need and
want, the more likely you’ll be
to get it. TREAT: The admiration
of your peers will feel pretty
21). TRICK: You can’t help but
be a little mysterious, as you’re
not exactly in the mood to give
your whole story. This works in
your favor. TREAT: You’ll have a
rapt audience for anything you
care to impart.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan.
19). TRICK: People behave
MALLARD FILLMORE according to the role you cast
them in. Whatever your expec-
tation, it will be met, though
perhaps in an unexpected way.
TREAT: You’ll love how you’re
reflected in another person’s
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb.
18). TRICK: This day seems
like one ominous locked door.
TREAT: Yes, it’s locked, but you
have the key, and you’ll never
lose it, because you actually
are the key. All you have to do is
show up like you own the place
FAMILY CIRCUS and go in.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March
20). TRICK: Redress that past
issue. Look it straight in the
face. You let it go thinking that
was the cool thing to do, but it
turns out what’s cooler is hold-
ing someone accountable to
making it right. TREAT: Balance
will be restored.

Public Enemy Number One

Jan Swoope: 328-2471
Still stumped a last minute Halloween
goodies? A quick fix is this harvest snack

Need last

alloween calls for candies and
treats of all kinds as trick-or-treat-
ers roam neighborhoods, but don’t
forget to stock your own snack supply
with homemade goodies. Skip the store- bought sweets this year and instead opt
Canned foods can be a “secret weapon” in the kitchen. Read on for the recipe for this hearty chickpea for ideas from like these that
vegetable soup as well as pumpkin mac and cheese. can be whipped up in the comfort of your

Quick dishes with canned

own kitchen.
n Party Mix — As one of the easiest
recipes you could imagine, a Hallow-
een-themed party mix simply calls for

foods handy in the pantry

your favorite snack-type foods tossed
together in a group-sized bowl or indi-
vidual containers. You can try just about
anything from candy corns and minia-
FAMILY FEATURES ture chocolates to pretzels, popcorn and

his season means busy n Spooky cupcakes — Kid-friendly
schedules filled with treats are the name of the game when it
extracurricular activities, comes to Halloween, and there’s almost
homework and holidays. It can no better way to get children involved in
be challenging to find quality the kitchen than with some personalized
time to spend with loved ones, let decorations. Bake your preferred cup-
alone get a wholesome, home- cakes — chocolate or vanilla — then call
made meal on the table. A simple on the kiddos to use icing and toppings
way to create more moments for creepy custom creations.
with your family and still serve n Creepy cookies — Whether your
up nutritious and delicious family craves chocolate chip or prefers
dinners is to make sure you have the sweetness of sugar cookies, lay out
canned foods on-hand. your favorite dough and use seasonal
According to a study pub- cookie cutters — Frankenstein, witches,
lished in “Nutrients,” a pantry ghosts, spiders – for a frightful bite.
stocked with canned produce n Caramel-dipped apples — Skip out
helps adults and kids eat more on bobbing for apples and instead dip
nutrient-rich foods, leading to yours in caramel for a traditional Hallow-
healthier overall diets. Canned een treat. Just insert wooden skewers
foods also help cut down on meal in the tops of your apples, dip the oppo-
prep, so you spend less time site end into melted caramel and enjoy.
To add a bit of fun and flavor, sprinkle
in the kitchen and more time
chopped nuts or crushed candies on the
together with your family doing
caramel end of each apple.
the things you love.
“As a busy mom, canned foods
are my secret weapon in the
kitchen and ensure that I always
have the makings of a nutritious
meal for my family all year long,
and especially when the kids
Mac and cheese gets an autumn twist when you add canned pumpkin.
Build a better
are back in school,” said Holley tables right in my pantry.” cans after they’re used; in fact,
Grainger, registered dietitian Canned foods also make it cans are the most recycled food
and mother of two. “Fresh fruits easy to get the kids involved in and beverage containers in
and vegetables are harvested at the kitchen, with recipes like America.
the peak of ripeness and canned pumpkin mac and cheese or For more flavorful recipes,

within only four hours after be- hearty chickpea vegetable soup, and to learn more about the ad diets come and go, and as many
ing picked, sealing in their nutri- so you can help build a positive benefits of cooking with canned Americans find, so do the pounds
tion and flavor. So, I know I have connection to healthy eating for foods, visit CansGetYouCooking. they lose. Most experts agree that
year-round access to my family’s your children. Plus, the family com. eliminating, or drastically reducing,
favorite seasonal fruits and vege- can “go green” and recycle the See Canned foods, 6B major foods groups from your diet can be
detrimental to your health and prevent
you from achieving long-term healthy
eating goals.
Each of the food groups plays a dis-

Five tips for tackling leftover Halloween treats

tinct role in fueling your body and provid-
ing it with the vitamins and nutrients it
needs. Attempt a well-rounded approach
to eating, such as one that includes more
have coworkers without and small chocolate pieces, island or anywhere guests nutritious choices for popular dishes like
FAMILY FEATURES kids who may not be as but you can take matters often gather and would feel sandwiches.
tired of treats as parents. into your own hands with invited to take one. Consider these ideas for creating a

oing door to door for a creative hodgepodge of balanced diet and a nutritious sandwich
candy and treats is just about anything you’re
part of many fami-
Freeze it left with after Hallow-
Create a sweet pairing to help ensure you get enough of each
food group:
Certain candies like Although it’s (probably)
lies’ Halloween traditions, een passes. Candy corn,
and the routine almost chocolates freeze bet- your kids’ hard work that
always ends with a kitchen ter than others, so be
pretzels, chocolates and
other sweets are perfect led to an abundance of Start from the outside
conscious of what you’re candies, you can enjoy the There are two groups of grains: whole
loaded with treats. When for mixing up as a snack to grains and refined grains. Whole grains
the spooky season comes putting in the freezer. This put in baggies for work or fruits of their labor. For
method keeps your sweets contain the entire grain kernel, while re-
to a close, consider these school – just choose your adults who enjoy a sweet
better longer and allows fined grains have been milled for a finer
ways from to family’s favorites and toss chocolate treat (even if it
you to use them as ingre- texture and are required to be enriched
use up those extra goodies. together. isn’t fancy) with a glass per government mandate to help make
dients in baking desserts of red wine or spiked hot up for nutrient shortfalls. Grains should
throughout the year, or you
Take some to work can simply thaw a few at a
Set it out for guests chocolate, there are few account for about one quarter of each
A tried and true classic. Leftover goodies don’t better ways to wind down meal, but at least half of them should be
It’s likely you won’t be the time for snacking. have to be hidden in the after Halloween than with a whole grains — a fact that may surprise
only person in your office pantry. Grab a small glass boozy pairing. some people.
bringing in leftovers a few Make trail mix dish, fill it with wrapped Visit for The ingredients inside a sandwich, not
days after Halloween, but The traditional recipe fun-size candies and place more Halloween treats and the bread itself, are the most significant
there’s a good chance you calls for peanuts, raisins it on an end table, kitchen recipe ideas.
See Sandwich, 6B
6B Thursday, OCTOBER 31, 2019 The Dispatch •
When it comes to calories, fat and sodium, give more thought to bread, protein and
other ingredients when assembling a sandwich.

Continued from Page 5B
drivers of calories, fat lettuce leaves and a slice density in meat.
and sodium, according to of tomato. The prepared meats
research from Nutrition Try a different take on category is diverse and of-
Strategies Inc. A separate a lunchtime favorite by fers choices to meet nutri-
study published in the adding spicy horseradish tion needs, tastes, budgets
journal “Nutrients” shows to this roast beef and and personal preferences.
grain foods contribute arugula sandwich. Thousands of products
less than 15 percent of are available in the meat
case, including low- and
all calories, while deliv- Protein reduced-sodium prod-
ering greater than 20 According to the
percent of three shortfall ucts, low- and reduced-fat
USDA, most Americans
nutrients — dietary fiber, products, American Heart
get about the right amount Association-certified,
folate and iron — and of protein in their diets,
greater than 10 percent of organic, Kosher grass-fed
but could do better at options and more. Learn
calcium, magnesium and choosing leaner options
vitamin A. more at meatpoultrynutri-
and adding more variety
Find more information to their menus.
about the role of grains in Incorporating more
a healthy diet at Grain- variety doesn’t have to ROAST BEEF AND mean sacrificing con- ARUGULA SANDWICH
venience. For example, Prep time: 5 minutes
Rethink the ingredients while prepared meats like Servings: 2
Making more nutri- deli meats, hot dogs and
1 tablespoon low-fat mayon-
tious choices with sand- jerky are sometimes a naise
wiches and positively target of critics, numerous 2 teaspoons horseradish
impacting your con- studies and the Dietary 4 slices whole-wheat bread
sumption of calories, fat Guidelines for Americans 4 slices tomato
4 ounces lean roast beef,
and sodium is oftentimes affirm they can be part of thinly sliced
a matter of changing the a healthy, balanced diet. 1 cup arugula or wild greens
way you stack ingredi- Prepared beef products
ents between the bread. provide a convenient n Spread mayonnaise and
horseradish evenly over two
Consider this sample source of protein, vitamins bread slices. Layer tomato,
sandwich: two slices of and minerals. Because roast beef and arugula on top
whole-grain or enriched most prepared meats are of mayonnaise and horserad-
bread, 2-3 slices of pre-cooked, they offer ish. Top with remaining bread
lunchmeat, two slices of consumers easy, on-the- (Source: Grain Foods Foun-
cheese, a few spinach or go access to the nutrient dation)

Continued from Page 5B

1 tablespoon olive oil
1 medium onion, chopped
1 large garlic clove, minced
2 teaspoons ground cumin
2 cans (14 3/4 ounces each)
low-sodium vegetable or chick-
en broth
1 cup water
4 cups cubed butternut squash
(about 1 medium squash)
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 can (15 1/2 ounces) garban-
zo beans (chickpeas), drained
and rinsed
1 can (14 1/2 ounces) sliced
carrots, drained
3 cups kale, coarsely chopped

n In 4-quart saucepan over

medium-high heat, heat oil.
Cook onion and garlic until just
softened, stirring frequently.
Stir in cumin; cook 1 minute.
n Add broth, water, butternut
squash and salt. Over high
heat, heat to boil.
n Reduce heat to low; cover
and simmer 20 minutes until
squash is tender.
n Add garbanzo beans, carrots
and kale. Continue to simmer
about 5 minutes until vegeta-
bles are tender.

8 ounces rotini or medium shell
5 tablespoons butter, divided
1/4 cup all-purpose flour
1 can (12 ounces) evaporated
1 cup milk
1/2 cup canned pumpkin
1 1/2 teaspoons salt
1/4 teaspoon ground black
1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg
2 cups shredded Swiss or
Gruyere cheese
1 cup shredded cheddar cheese
1/4 cup breadcrumbs

n Cook pasta according to

package directions; drain and
set aside.
n Heat oven to 375 F.
n Grease 1 1/2-quart baking
dish. In 4-quart saucepan over
medium heat, melt 3 table-
spoons butter. Stir in flour;
cook 1 minute. Gradually stir in
evaporated milk and milk; cook
until mixture is thickened and
smooth. Stir in pumpkin, salt,
pepper and nutmeg.
n Remove from heat; whisk in
cheeses until smooth. Stir in
cooked pasta; toss to mix well.
Spoon into baking dish.
n Melt remaining butter; stir
in breadcrumbs to coat well.
Sprinkle on top of casserole.
Bake 30 minutes, or until sauce
is bubbly and mixture is golden.
The Dispatch • Thursday, OCTOBER 31, 2019 7B

Business moves with Mary

Piano bar coming to Columbus

to turn, you added he hopes to have
New food truck takes know what the truck making stops
happened. throughout Starkville five
to Starkville Streets You decide to
go ahead and
days a week in the coming
BY MARY POLLITZ laugh along. pull off the Also, if you’re hoping
With a lot of band-aid and to add a little something

or years myths have room to work it’s just as you extra to your private
circulated of the ori- with — nearly suspected: parties, you can hit up
gin of piano burning. 4,000 square a shattered Riley J’s on its social media
These stories range feet — the sib- screen. accounts. Stay up to date
from honoring fallen pilots ling duo started If that on Facebook, Twitter and
to celebrating an end renovating Mary Pollitz scary sto- Instagram to see when
to music lessons. After the building ry sounds and where you can grab
hearing of the folk tales, into a New Orleans vibe. all-too-familiar, you have something to eat while you
Ben Sala, construction Hoping to add a Big Easy probably stopped at one hit the streets.
manager for Columbus Air and beachy flair, Sala said of many cell phone repair Got business tips? Email
Force Base, knew he found he plans to remodel an shops across the country. them to mpollitz@cdispatch.
the perfect name for a upstairs room into a cigar Speaking of, Cell Phone com.
“new type of bar” he plans lounge for patrons. The Repair at 1803 Hwy. 45,
to open early next year in owners are currently look- formerly known as Repair
Columbus: The Burning ing for bartenders, a mix- Geeks, has rebranded af-
Piano. ologist and local musical ter joining CPR Cell Phone
Sala, along with his artists interested in testing Repair Franchise Network.
sister and brother-in-law, their skills at the keys. CPR started in Orlando
Lisa and Stephen Sims are Moving to Main Street, Florida in 1997, when my
in the midst of renovating Mira Mira boutique will dad had a bag phone for
the former Catfish and celebrate its two year his car, and has expanded
Chords building at 2222 anniversary Friday, but in to hundreds of stores na-
Military Road, into a 21 a new building. After two tionwide, including dozens
and up piano bar. years of fruitful business, in Mississippi and one in
The idea first came to owners Margaret Ann Bor- Starkville. If you drop your
fruition when siblings Sala land and Tami McBryde phone and you’re scared,
and Sims watched a duel- moved from 511 Main St. check out CPR Monday
ing piano show at Dock on to 504 Main St., the former through Friday from 9
the Island in Fort Walton Purple Elephant location. a.m.-6 p.m. and Saturdays
Beach, Florida. With more space to boot, from 10 a.m.-5 p.m.
“The whole way back Borland and McBryde Moving over to
home we just kept saying decided to expand the Starkville, we’ve got food
Columbus needs some- store’s merchandise, now on the go now. Riley J.
thing like this,” Sims said. adding garland, wreaths, StrEATery, a Mexican
“Everything just kind of bath products, candles and food truck, made its first
started falling into place.” more. Check out Mira Mi- Starkville stop in down-
Once opened, The ra’s new location Monday town on Monday. Cameron
through Friday from 10 Parker, of Parker-McGill
Burning Piano will offer
a.m.-5:30 p.m. and Satur- car dealership, opened
customers high-end cock-
days from 10 a.m. -3 p.m. the food truck offering
tails and fresh food. But
With Halloween upon customers tacos, tama-
on weekends, the bar will
us, it’s also time for the les, burritos, salads and
host a dueling piano show nachos. Named after his
scariest tale of all time.
with two pianists facing daughter Riley, Parker
There you are, at a restau-
each other, taking song said the food truck will
rant laughing with your
requests from the crowd hit Main Street Monday,
friends and your pricey
and encouraging those in phone falls off the table Wednesday and Friday
the audience to sing and face down. Your gut starts from 10:30 a.m.-2 p.m. He


Ads appear in The Commercial Dispatch,
CHILD The Starkville Dispatch and Online
PLAINTIFF To place ads starting at only $12,
VS. call 662-328-2424 or visit


Legal Notices Legal Notices Legal Notices Legal Notices Legal Notices Legal Notices

East Mississippi Community SIPPI
Call us: 662-328-2424 TO: THE UNKNOWN FATHER OF
WHEREAS, on August 13,
2008, James Siegle, individu-
East Mississippi Community
College Board of Trustees is re-
College Board of Trustees is
now accepting sealed bids for IN THE MATTER OF THE ES-

ally unmarried executed a cer- ceiving un-priced solicitations the following: Center for Manu- TATE DEANNA L. CLARK, DE- WHEREAS, the following ten-
Legal Notices You have been made a defend- tain deed of trust to First Amer- for the following: Automotive facturing Technology Excel- CEASED ants entered into leases with
ant in the suit filed in this ican Title Insurance Company, Technology Items lence Re-Roof Project MAIN STREET MINI STORAGE
State of Mississippi County Of Court by Chester Keith Maxey, Trustee for the benefit of Wells CAUSE NO. 2019-0126-F for storage space in which to
Lowndes Plaintiff, on an Adoption of your Fargo Financial MIssissippi 2, Solicitations will be received Sealed bids will be accepted in store personal property and
minor child, E.R.M., the Un- Inc. which deed of trust is of re- until 10:00 a.m. on Tuesday, the Administration Office, Stu- SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION
NOTICE OF SALE LIQUIDATION known Father, as a Defendant. cord in the office of the Chan- November 19, 2019, at the Ad- dent Services Building, Golden WHEREAS, default has been
cery Clerk of Lowndes County, ministration Office, Student Triangle Campus, 8731 S. THE STATE OF MISSISSIPPI made in the payment of rent
WHEREAS, the following ten- You are required to mail or State of Mississippi in Book Union Building, P.O. Box 100, Frontage Road, P.O. Box 100, and MAIN STREET MINI STOR-
ants entered into leases with hand-deliver a copy of a writ- 2008 at Page 21214; and Mayhew, MS 39753 (Attn: Mayhew, MS, 39753, or by TO: All Unknown Heirs-at-Law or AGE pursuant to said Leases is
The Grove Mini Warehouses for ten response to the Complaint Dana Mordecai) or by electron- electronic submission at Wrongful Death Beneficiaries of authorized to sell personal
storage space in which to store or Petition to MOSE LEE SUD- WHEREAS, Wells Fargo Bank, ic submission at www.cent- DEANNA L. CLARK deceased; property to satisfy the past due
personal property and DUTH, JR., ATTORNEY FOR N.A. has heretofore substi- Submis- until 10:00 a.m., Friday, and All Other Interested and any other charges owed.
PLAINTIFF, whose address is P. tuted Shapiro & Brown, LLC as sions will be evaluated, and November 22, 2019, at which Parties.
WHEREAS, default has been O. BOX 369, VERNON, Trustee by instrument dated vendors submitting acceptable time all properly submitted bids NOW THEREFORE, notice is
made in the payment for rent ALABAMA, 35592. November 2, 2017 and recor- proposals will be invited to par- shall be opened. A complete You have been made a defend- hereby given that MAIN STREET
and The Grove Mini Ware- ded in the aforesaid Chancery ticipate in the Electronic Re- list of specifications and bid in- ant in the Petition to Determ- MINI STORAGE will offer for
houses pursuant to said YOUR RESPONSE MUST BE Clerk's Office in Book 2017 at verse Auction to be held on structions may be requested by ine Wrongful Death Beneficiar- sale, and will sale at auction to
leases is authorized to sell the MAILED OR DELIVERED NOT Page 25106; and Wednesday, November 20, contacting Dana Mordecai at ies, for Adjudication of Heir- the highest bidder for cash all
personal property to satisfy the LATER THAN THIRTY (30) DAYS 2019, at www.centralauction- or by ship of Deanna L. Clark, and personal property in storage
past due rent and other AFTER THE24TH DAY OF OCTO- WHEREAS, default having been calling 662.243.1956. This in- Other Relief, seeking a determ- units leased by the following
charges owed to it by the fol- BER, 2019, WHICH IS THE made in the terms and condi- formation will also be made ination of wrongful death bene- tenants at MAIN STREET MINI
lowing tenants: DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICA- tions of said deed of trust and Information about the specific available online by visiting our ficiaries, adjudication of heir- STORAGE, 1702 Main Street,
TION OF THIS SUMMONS. IF the entire debt secured thereby items in the reverse auction website at ship of Deanna L. Clark, and Columbus Ms., on November
Sandreike Mitchell YOUR RESPONSE IS NOT SO having been declared to be due may be obtained by contacting other relief to which Petitioner 9th at 9:00 am. All auction are
A5 MAILE OR DELIVERED, A and payable in accordance with Dale Henry at (662) 243-1983, /policies/bid- may be entitled. Other than with reserve and therefor all
$156.70 JUDGEMENT BY DEFAULT WILL the terms of said deed of trust, or This in- advertisements.html or you, the only other interested units can be withdrawn from
BE ENTERED AGAINST YOU Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., the leg- formation will also be made parties in this action are De'Ta- the sale at any time by the auc-
Asia Meady FOR THE MONEY OR OTHER al holder of said indebtedness, available online by visiting our vion Deshawn Terry-Clark, Cour- tioneer/manager.
A44 RELIEF DEMANDED IN THE MO- having requested the under- website at For questions relating to the tavien Terry Dashawn Clark,
$296.85 TION FOR CITATION FOR CON- signed Substituted Trustee to electronic bidding process, Jarvier Clark-Thompson and Ja- Property to be sold is believed
TEMPT. execute the trust and sell said or please contact Central Bidding nah Lorine Clark-Thompson. to be good, but at such sale,
Barbara Anderson land and property in accord- at 225-810-4814. MAIN STREET MINI STORAGE
B4 You must also file the original ance with the terms of said For questions relating to the re- You are summoned to appear will convey only such title as is
$286.85 of your Response with the clerk deed of trust and for the pur- verse auction process, please The East Mississippi Com- and defend against the Peti- vested in it pursuant to its
of this Court within a reason- pose of raising the sums due contact Central Bidding at 225- munity College Board of Trust- tion filed against you in this ac- lease with the following and al-
Edwin Summerville able time afterward. thereunder, together with attor- 810-4814. ees reserves the right to reject tion at 9:00 o’clock a.m. on lowed under Mississippi Code
B10 ney's fees, trustee's fees and any or all bids and to negoti- the 21st day of November, Annotated Section 85-7-121 et
$160.55 Issues under my hand and the expense of sale. The East Mississippi Com- ate with the lowest/best bid- A.D., 2019, in the Courtroom seq (Supp 1988).
seal of said Court, this the munity College Board of Trust- der. EMCC reserves the right to of the Clay County Courthouse
Cyretha Ball 22nd day of October, A. D., NOW, THEREFORE, I, Shapiro & ees reserves the right to reject award the bid as a whole or by at West Point, Mississippi, and Joshua Hendrick H-2
B25 2019. Brown, LLC, Substituted Trust- any or all bids and to negoti- individual line item. in case of your failure to ap-
$166.85 ee in said deed of trust, will on ate with the lowest/best bid- pear and defend a judgment Frank Loper G-3
LISA YOUNGER NEESE November 6, 2019 offer for der. EMCC reserves the right to East Mississippi Community will be entered granting the re-
Thomas Bailey CHANCERY CLERK OF sale at public outcry and sell award the bid as a whole or by College is committed to assur- lief sought in the Petition. Tanzania Rupert D-3
B35 LOWNDES COUNTY, MISSIS- within legal hours (being individual line item. ing that the College and its pro-
$156.80 SIPPI between the hours of 11:00 grams are free from discrimina- You are not required to file an Angela Spencer F-1
(SEAL) a.m. and 4:00 p.m.), at the East Mississippi Community tion and harassment based answer or other pleading, but
Walter Smith Jr. BY: Tina Fisher, D. C. Southeast Door of the County College is committed to assur- upon race, color, ethnicity, sex, may do so if you desire. Michael Strong A-16
C5 Courthouse of Lowndes ing that the College and its pro- pregnancy, religion, national
$326.10 OF COUNSEL: County, located at 505 2nd Av- grams are free from discrimina- origin, disability, age, sexual Issued under my hand and seal Michael Sykes E-11
enue North, Columbus, MS tion and harassment based orientation, gender identity, ge- of said Court, this the 14th day
NOW, THEREFORE, notice is MOSE LEE SUDDUTH, JR. 39701, to the highest and best upon race, color, ethnicity, sex, netic information, status as a of October, A.D., 2019. WITNESS MY SIGNATURE on
hereby given that The Grove ATTORNEY FOR PLAINTIFF bidder for cash or certified pregnancy, religion, national U.S. veteran, or any other the October 14, 2019.
Mini Warehouses liquidation P. O. BOX 369 funds the following described origin, disability, age, sexual status protected by state or LISA YOUNGER NEESE, CHAN-
sale will take place at 510 VERNON, ALABAMA 35592 property situated in Lowndes orientation, gender identity, ge- federal law. The following per- CERY CLERK MAIN STREET MINI STORAGE
Lehmberg Road, Columbus, MS OFFICE: 205-695-0053 County, State of Mississippi, netic information, status as a son has been designated to OF LOWNDES COUNTY, MIS- MKT
39702 on November 8, 2019 FAX: 205-695-8352 to-wit: U.S. veteran, or any other handle inquiries regarding the SISSIPPI
at 10:00 A.M. MISSISSIPPI BAR NUMBER: status protected by state or non-discrimination policies: PUBLISH: 10/16, 10/23, &
#8039 The land referred to in this federal law. The following per- Theresa Harpole, Director of BY: /s/ Shantrell W. Grander- 10/31/2019
PUBLISH: 10/24, 10/31 & EMAIL: policy is situated in the Stale son has been designated to Human Resources, P.O. Box son DEPUTY CLERK
11/7/2019 of Mississippi, County of handle inquiries regarding the 158, Scooba, MS 39358, Tele- Buy, sell, trade,
PUBLISH: 10/24, 10/31, & Lowndes, and described as fol- non-discrimination policies: phone: (662)-476-5274, E- PUBLISH: 10/16, 10/23, &
11/7/2019 lows: Theresa Harpole, Director of mail: 10/31/2019 or rent.
The following vehicles have
been abandoned at Atlas Re- Human Resources, P.O. Box
covery & Towing, 4009 HWY 4-County Electric Power Associ- The following described real 158, Scooba, MS 39358, Tele- Publication Dates: October 23,
373, Columbus, MS 39705: ation property lying and being situ-
ate in Lowndes County, Missis-
phone: (662)-476-5274, E-
& October 31, 2019
Classified ads are a great form of
2017 JEEP PATRIOT SILVER Sale of Surplus Vehicles sippi, to wit:
Lot Number 112 in Chilcutt Publication Dates: October 31, person-to-person advertising.
4-County Electric Power Associ- Subdivision, Fourth Extension, 2019 & November 7, 2019
2013 TOYOTA TACOMA SILVER ation is accepting sealed bids a subdivision of Lowndes
Vin#3TMLU4EN5DM132610 for surplus vehicles/equip- County, Mississippi, as shown
by plat recorded in Plal Book 2,

Service Directory
ment. Vehicles/equipment
2011 HONDA PILOT GREY shall be sold in “AS IS, WHERE page 78, in the Office of the
Vin#5FNYF3H96BB023602 IS” condition without war- Chancery Clerk of Lowndes
ranties or guarantees either ex- County, Mississippi.
2005 MALIBU MAX pressed or implied. Vehicles APN ft: 62W060209900
Vin#1G1ZU64835F102761 can be viewed at the 4-County Being the same property con-
Corporate Center in Mayhew, veyed to James Siegle, indi-
IF THESE VEHICLES ARE NOT MS or online at vidually by deed from James Interested in- Siegle, as beneficiary of the Es-
UP FOR SALE ON THE 15TH dividuals shall submit sealed tate of Agnes H. Siegle, as Promote your small business starting at only $25
DAY OF NOVEMBER, 2019 AT bids to 4-County, ATTN: filed in probate proceedings in
6:00 A.M. AT ATLAS RECOV- Vehicle/Equipment Sealed Bid, probate case no. 2000-0060.
P.O. Box 351, Columbus, MS dated 4-2-07, filed 4-11-07 and Carpet & Flooring Excavating General Services Lawn Care / Landscaping
373, COLUMBUS, MS 39705. 39703 or deliver by hand to 4- recorded in Deed as Inst. No.
County Corporate Center, 5265 20072846 in Lowndes County WORK WANTED: LET ME HELP MAKE YOUR
Witnessed under my hand on South Frontage Road, Colum- Records. CLAY GRAVEL, fill clay, Licensed & Bonded− PROPERTY BEAUTIFUL
this the 21st day of October, bus, MS 39701, no later than & top soil for sale! carpentry, painting, & FOR THE HOLIDAYS!
2019. Close of Business November 1, I WILL CONVEY only such title Easy access off 82 East demolition. Landscaping, Commercial Bush−Hogging.
2019. The bids should include as vested in me as Substi- Can load & deliver.
the vehicle/equipment tuted Trustee. gutters cleaned, bush We level parking areas &
/s/Frank Stump Stokes Excavation: hogging, clean−up work, driveways. Free estimates.
number(s), amount of bid(s) 662−689−0089.
and contact information for the WITNESS MY SIGNATURE on pressure washing, moving Quote: per job, not acre.
PUBLISH: 10/24 &
10/31/2019 bidder. this 8th day of October, 2019. help & furniture repair. Owner operated. Licensed
662−242−3608. & Insured. 21 years exp.
The sealed bids will be opened Shapiro & Brown, LLC General Services 662−242−8809.
LOWNDES COUNTY, MISSIS- ners will be notified. Success-
HALLOWEEN SPECIAL: Lawn Care / Landscaping
SIPPI Shapiro & Brown, LLC $99 WHOLE HOUSE Painting & Papering
ful bidders must remove A & T TREE SERVICES
vehicle(s)/equipment from 4- 1080 River Oaks Drive, Suite DAVID’S CARPET & Cutting Edge Lawn Service
IN RE: THE ADOPTION OF B-202 UPHOLSTERY Bucket truck & stump
County by November 8, 2019. removal. Free est. Residential & Commercial SULLIVAN’S PAINT
E.R.M., A MINOR FEMALE 4-County reserves the right to Flowood, MS 39232 CLEANING
CHILD Serving Columbus Mowing, Edging, Trimming, SERVICE. Special Prices.
accept or reject any or all bids, (601) 981-9299 1 Room − $40
since 1987. Senior Blowing, Mulching, Clean Interior and Exterior
to waive technicalities and to 2 Rooms − $70 Ups, Leaf Removal, Bush
CHESTER KEITH MAXEY accept any bid that it may 513 Cypress St citizen disc. Call Alvin @ Painting. 662−435−6528
3+ Rooms − $30 EA Hogging, Pruning.
deem to be in the best in- Columbus, MS 39702 Rugs−Must Be Seen 242−0324/241−4447
terest of the cooperative. 19-024503 "We’ll go out on a limb for Weekly/Bi−Weekly. Free
VS. Car Upholstery
Cleaning Available you!" Estimates. Licensed & Planning a remodel?
Publication Dates:
PUBLISH: 10/21, 10/23,
10/27, & 10/31/2019 October 16, 23 and 31, 2019 662−722−1758
Insured. 662−386−9559. Need home repairs?

Grow your business.

Slag − $350 LAWN SERVICE.
CIVIL ACTION NUMBER; 2019- If you don’t advertise Clay Gravel − $250 Mowing, cleanup,
20DE your business, Driveway & Trailer Park landscaping, sodding,
how are they gonna know? Grating. Columbus. Call & tree cutting.
SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION Walter, 662−251−8664. 662−356−6525 Make classifieds your first stop.

Just a click away!




You have been made a defend-

ant in the suit filed in this
Court by Chester Keith Maxey,
Plaintiff, on an Adoption of your
minor child, E.R.M., the Un-
known Father, as a Defendant.

You are required to mail or

hand-deliver a copy of a writ-
ten response to the Complaint
or Petition to MOSE LEE SUD-

The best place for personalized

PLAINTIFF, whose address is P.
ALABAMA, 35592.


advertising in your community.

You must also file the original


of your Response with the clerk
of this Court within a reason-
able time afterward.

Featured ads $5 Sponsored ads $3

Issues under my hand and the
seal of said Court, this the
22nd day of October, A. D.,


Premium placement Preferred placement in search
on classifieds home page. results and highlighted online.

Highlight $3 Graphic $10.50

BY: Tina Fisher, D. C.



Highlight your ad Enhance your ad with
P. O. BOX 369
VERNON, ALABAMA 35592 with a dash of color. an attention getter.
OFFICE: 205-695-0053
FAX: 205-695-8352


PUBLISH: 10/24, 10/31, &

The Dispatch • THURSDAY, OCTOBER 31, 2019 9B1

Legal Notices Legal Notices Legal Notices Legal Notices Legal Notices Restaurant / Hotel Apts For Rent: West


male executed a certain deed WALLACE HENLEY, SR., DE- ROUNSAVILLE, DECEASED
of trust to Real Estate Closing CEASED COLUMBUS REDEVELOPMENT WHEREAS, default has oc- Apartments & Houses
Services Inc., Trustee for the AUTHORITY PLAINTIFF curred in the performance of BY: DOROTHY RHOADES, PETI-
benefit of JTS & COMPANY
which deed of trust is of re-
the covenants, terms and con-
ditions of a Deed of Trust
1 Bedrooms
cord in the office of the Chan-
cery Clerk of Lowndes County, NO. 2019-0173 MELODY BARRY WILSON AND
dated August 27, 2012, ex-
CAUSE NO.: 2017-0133-RPF
2 Bedroooms
State of Mississippi in Book
MORT 2012 at Page 3643; and NOTICE TO CREDITORS
ARI, conveying certain real
OWEN, DECEASED, AND ALL property therein described to THE STATE OF MISSISSIPPI
WHEREAS, J.P. Morgan Mort- Letters of Administration hav- PERSONS OR ENTITIES HAV- MICHAEL LYON, as Trustee, for Furnished & Unfurnished
1, 2, & 3 Baths
gage Acquisition Corp. has ing been granted on the 15th ING OR CLAIMING A LEGAL OR MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC RE- TO: MARIE LNU, child of
heretofore substituted Shapiro day of October, 2019 by the EQUITABLE INTEREST IN CER- GISTRATION SYSTEMS INC AS Frances Drumm;
& Brown, LLC as Trustee by in-
strument dated July 2, 2019
Chancery Court of Lowndes TAIN REAL PROPERTY LOC-
County, Mississippi, to the un- ATED IN SECTION 16, TOWN-
MORTGAGE LLC, Original Bene- You have been made a Re-
Lease, Deposit
and recorded in the aforesaid dersigned, upon the Estate of SHIP 18 SOUTH, RANGE 18 ficiary, to secure the indebted- spondent in the suit filed in & Credit Check
Chancery Clerk's Office in Book Charles Wallace Henley, Sr., WEST, LOWNDES COUNTY, ness therein described, as this Court by Dorothy Rhoades,
2019 at Page 12989; and deceased, in Cause No. 2019- MISSISSIPPI, BEING TAX PAR- same appears of record in the in a Petition for First and Final
WHEREAS, default having been
made in the terms and condi-
0173 of said Court, notice is

ing claims against the Estate

CEL NO. 61W080008800,
hereby given to all persons hav- LOCATED AT 311 5TH AVENUE
office of the Chancery Clerk of
Lowndes County, Mississippi
filed and recorded September
Accounting, Discharge of Ad-
ministratrix, Etc. in the Estate
of Mary Rounsaville.
tions of said deed of trust and of Charles Wallace Henley Sr., SIPPI DEFENDANTS 12, 2012, in Deed Book 2012, Apts For Rent: Starkville
the entire debt secured thereby deceased, to present the same Page 21582 ; and You are summoned to appear
having been declared to be due to the Clerk of said Court for NO. 2019-0002-ED2 and defend against the com- LOOKING TO SUBLEASE
and payable in accordance with probate and registration ac- WHEREAS, the beneficial in- plaint or petition filed against FORM JAN−JUL, MAY
the terms of said deed of trust, cording to law within ninety SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION terest of said Deed of Trust you in this action at 9:00 A.M.
J.P. Morgan Mortgage Acquisi- (90) days from the date of first was transferred and assigned on the 29th day of January, MOVE IN MID DEC IF NEED
tion Corp., the legal holder of publication hereof, or they will TO: THE UNKNOWN HEIRS-AT- to Reverse Mortgage Solutions, 2020, in the courtroom of the TO. TOWNHOUSE IN POLOS

said indebtedness, having re- be forever barred. LAW AND DEVISEES OF FRANK Inc.; and Lowndes County Courthouse at APARTMENT, NOW KNOWN
quested the undersigned Sub- OWEN, DECEASED, AND ALL Columbus, Mississippi, and in AS SOCIAL BLOCK,CAN
stituted Trustee to execute the This the 7th day of October, PERSONS OR ENTITIES HAV- WHEREAS, the undersigned, case of your failure to appear HAVE ROOMMATE IF
trust and sell said land and 2019. ING OR CLAIMING A LEGAL OR Rubin Lublin, LLC has been ap- and defend a judgment will be DESIRED. 2 BEDROOM ,
property in accordance with the EQUITABLE INTEREST IN CER- pointed as Substitute Trustee; entered against you for the Ads starting at $25 1.5 BATHROOM, $720.00
terms of said deed of trust and /s/ David Henley TAIN REAL PROPERTY LOC- and money or other things deman- 662−684−9408
for the purpose of raising the David S. Henley, Sr., Adminis- ATED IN SECTION 16, TOWN- ded in the complaint or peti-
sums due thereunder, togeth- trator of the Estate of Charles SHIP 18 SOUTH, RANGE 18 NOW, THEREFORE, the holder tion. Apts For Rent: North Apts For Rent: Other
er with attorney's fees, Wallace Henley, Sr., WEST, LOWNDES COUNTY, of said Deed of Trust, having
trustee's fees and expense of deceased MISSISSIPPI, BEING TAX PAR- requested the undersigned so You are not required to file anFOX RUN APARTMENTS
sale. CEL NO. 61W080008800, to do, as Substitute Trustee or answer or other pleading, but 1ST MONTH − Rent Free!
1 & 2 BR near hospital. 1BR Apt − $350−$385
PUBLISHED: 10/23/2019, LOCATED AT 311 5TH AVENUE his duly appointed agent, by vir- you may do so if you desire. $595−$645 monthly.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, Shapiro & 10/31/2019, 11/06/2019 NORTH, COLUMBUS, MISSIS- tue of the power, duty and au- 2BR Apt − $395−$495
Brown, LLC, Substituted Trust- SIPPI thority vested and imposed ISSUED UNDER MY HAND AND Military discount, pet area, 2BR TwnHome − $625
ee in said deed of trust, will on IN THE SPECIAL COURT OF EM- upon said Substitute Trustee THE SEAL OF SAID COURT¸ this pet friendly, and furnished Lease, Dep & Credit Check.
November 6, 2019 offer for INENT DOMAIN You have been made Defend- shall, on November 21, 2019 the 21st day of October, 2019. corporate apts. Coleman Realty
sale at public outcry and sell ants in a lawsuit filed in this within the lawful hours of sale 24−HOUR PROFESSIONAL 662−329−2323.
within legal hours (being LOWNDES COUNTY, MISSIS- Court by the Columbus Re- between 11:00AM and 4:00PM /s/ Lisa Younger Neese by GYM. ON SITE SECURITY.
between the hours of 11:00 SIPPI development Authority to con- at the southeast front door of Tina Fisher, D.C. ON SITE MAINTENANCE.
a.m. and 4:00 p.m.), at the demn by eminent domain cer- Courthouse proceed to sell at LISA YOUNGER NEESE, Chan- ON SITE MANAGEMENT.
Southeast Door of the County COLUMBUS REDEVELOPMENT tain real property located in public outcry to the highest and cery Clerk Lowndes County, 24−HOUR CAMERA
Courthouse of Lowndes AUTHORITY PLAINTIFF Block 22 North of Main, Colum- best bidder for cash or certi- Mississippi
County, located at 505 2nd Av- bus, Mississippi, and being fied funds ONLY, the following SURVEILLANCE. Benji &
enue North, Columbus, MS Lowndes tax parcel described property situated in PUBLISH: 10/24, 10/31, & Ashleigh, 662−386−4446.
39701, to the highest and best 61W080008800. The property Lowndes County, Mississippi, 11/7/2019
bidder for cash or certified MELODY BARRY WILSON, ET is necessary to renew and re- to wit: PEAR ORCHARD
funds the following described AL. DEFENDANTS develop blighted conditions in TOWNHOUSES:
property situated in Lowndes accordance with the Urban Re- LAND SITUATED IN THE CITY 2BR starting @ $620
County, State of Mississippi, NO. 2019-0001-ED2 newal Plan (Burns Bottom) of OF CALEDONIA IN THE COUNTY
to-wit: the City of Columbus, Missis- OF LOWNDES IN THE STATE OF
3BR starting @ $680
sippi. MS INDEX AS FOLLOWS: 1.53 W/D incl. Great location.
SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION $200 processing fee &
A survey of Lot No. 1 of an un- ACRE, MORE OR LESS, LYING
recorded plat, located in the TO: THE UNKNOWN HEIRS-AT- You are summoned to appear IN THE NORTHEAST QUARTER Call us: 662-328-2424 $50 application fee.
Southwest Quarter of Section LAW AND DEVISEES OF HENRY and defend against the com- OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER On−site Management.
33, Township 18 South, Range WILLIAMS, DECEASED, THE plaint or petition filed against OF SECTION 26, TOWNSHIP 16 Onsite Security.
17 West, Lowndes County, Mis- UNKNOWN HEIRS-AT-LAW AND you in this action at 9:30 SOUTH, RANGE 17 WEST, General Help Wanted 662−328−9471 or
sissippi, and being particularly DEVISEES OF CARRIE WILLI- o’clock a. m. on the 10th day LOWNDES COUNTY. MISSIS- 662−889−7565.
described as follows: AMS, DECEASED, AND ALL of December, 2019, in the SIPPI, BEING DESCRIBED AS GENERAL LABORER
PERSONS OR ENTITIES HAV- County Court courtroom of the FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT needed. Valid driver's
Beginning at the Southeast ING OR CLAIMING A LEGAL OR Lowndes County Courthouse in THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF Studio apartment for rent.
corner of the Southwest Columbus, Mississippi, and in THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF license, transportation & Hwy 45 between Columbus
EQUITABLE INTEREST IN CER- experience required. Call
Quarter of Section 33, Town- TAIN REAL PROPERTY LOC- case of your failure to appear SAID SECTION 26 (IN THE and CAFB. No pets. No
ship 18 South, Range 17 West, ATED IN SECTION 16, TOWN- and defend, a judgment will be CENTERLINE OF A PUBLIC Jesse & Beverly's Lawn smoking. $400 rent and
Lowndes County, Mississippi; SHIP 18 SOUTH, RANGE 18 entered against you for the ROAD KNOWN AS DODSON Service at 662-356-6525. $400 deposit.
thence North 681 feet to an WEST, LOWNDES COUNTY, money or other things deman- ROAD); RUN THENCE NORTH 662−328−2340
iron pin; said iron being the MISSISSIPPI, BEING TAX PAR- ded in the complaint or peti- 87 DEGREES 30 MINUTES DOWNTOWN: 2BR/1BA
Northeast corner of the CEL NO. 61W090004700, tion. WEST, ALONG THE NORTH DEPENDABLE CAREGIVER CH&A, 1 story, W/D,
Lowndes County Board of Edu- LOCATED ON 5TH AVENUE SIDE OF SAID SECTION 26 FOR needed for a senior in historic district, 1 block
cation property (Deed Book NORTH, COLUMBUS, MISSIS- You are hereby further given 20 FEET TO THE INTERSEC- Columbus area. MUST
416 at Page 286 in the land re- notice that not less than ten TION OF THE NORTH SIDE OF from downtown.
SIPPI HAVE 5+ YEARS EXPERI- Find the perfect home. $575/mo. + $575 dep.
cords of Lowndes County, Mis- (10) days prior to the date of SAID SECTION 26 WITH THE
sissippi); thence North 87 de- the trial on December 10, WEST RIGHT OF WAY OF SAID ENCE. Must have refer- NO PETS. 662−574−8789.
You have been made Defend- ences and reliable trans-
grees 29 minutes West along ants in a lawsuit filed in this 2019, you are required to file DODSON ROAD; THENCE Peaceful & Quiet area.
the North line of said Board of Court by the Columbus Re- the Statement of Values pursu- SOUTH 02 DEGREES 41 portation. Mostly am work,
Education property a distance development Authority to con- ant to Miss. Code Ann. §11-27- MINUTES WEST, ALONG THE other shifts available.
of 1154 feet to an iron pin; demn by eminent domain cer- 7, which shall be treated as WEST RIGHT OF WAY OF SAID Call 630-698-6049. Transportation
thence North 02 degrees 01 tain real property located in pleadings in this action. The DODSON ROAD AND ALONG
minute West a distance of 534 Block 22 North of Main, Colum- date of the filing of the Com- THE EAST LINE OF THE 3-ACRE
feet to an iron pipe and the ini- bus, Mississippi, and being plaint herein is the 10th day of TRACT CONVEYED TO WALTER THE COMMERCIAL
tial point of this description; Lowndes tax parcel September, 2019, and the AND MARGARET GUENTHER Dispatch is seeking a
thence North 02 degrees 01 61W090004700. The property name and address of the attor- (RECORDED IN DEED BOOK mechanically-minded
minute West a distance of 138 is necessary to renew and re- ney for the Plaintiff is Martha 1216 AT PAGE 253 IN THE individual to work in its
feet to a point on the South develop blighted conditions in Bost Stegall, P. O. Box 7120, CHANCERY CLERK`S OFFICE
side of Old Yorkville Road; Tupelo, Mississippi 38802. OF SAID COUNTY), FOR 210 pressroom. Applicants
accordance with the Urban Re- must be comfortable work-
thence North 87 degrees 10 newal Plan (Burns Bottom) of Other than the Statement of FEET TO THE SOUTHEAST
minutes West along the South the City of Columbus, Missis- Values you are not required to CORNER THEREOF; THENCE ing around heavy ma-
side of said road a distance of sippi. file an Answer or other plead- SOUTH 02 DEGREES 11 chinery, adhering to tight
53.2 feet; thence North 73 de- ing but you may do so if you de- MINUTES WEST FOR 228.8 deadlines and must have
grees 07 minutes West along You are summoned to appear sire. FEET; THENCE SOUTH 02 DE- an eye for detail & quality.
the South side of said road a and defend against the com- GREES 44 MINUTES WEST FOR Flexible hours are a must.
distance of 97 feet to a point plaint or petition filed against Issued under my hand and the 340 FEET TO THE POINT OF BE-
on the East right of way line of seal of said Court, this 15th GINNING: THENCE SOUTH 01 Must pass drug test. Email
you in this action at 9:30 resume to
New Hope Road; thence South- o’clock a. m. on the 21st day day of October, 2019. DEGREE 38 MINUTES WEST,
easterly along said East right of of January, 2020, in the County ALONG SAID WEST RIGHT OF or
way line a distance of 165 Court courtroom of the TERESA BARKSDALE, CLERK WAY (20 FEET FROM CENTER- drop resumes off at 516
feet; thence South 87 degrees Lowndes County Courthouse in SPECIAL COURT OF EMINENT LINE) FOR 325 FEET; THENCE Main St,
29 minutes East a distance of Columbus, Mississippi, and in DOMAIN, NORTH 88 DEGREES 31 Columbus, MS 39701.
134.2 feet to the initial point of case of your failure to appear LOWNDES COUNTY, MS MINUTES WEST FOR 150 No phone calls please.
this description and containing and defend, a judgment will be FEET;THENCE NORTH 17 DE-
0.46 acres, more or less. entered against you for the BY: Ann Marie Langford, D.C. GREES 05 MINUTES WEST FOR
money or other things deman- 342.8 FEET; THENCE SOUTH THE COMMERCIAL DIS-
SUBJECT TO the restrictive cov- ded in the complaint or peti- Publish: October 17, 24 and 88 DEGREES 31 MINUTES
enants and conditions con- 31, 2019 EAST FOR 260 FEET TO THE PATCH seeks a motivated,
tion. contracted carrier for the
tained in instrument dated POINT OF BEGINNING.
November 7, 1975 and recor- You are hereby further given SUBSTITUTED TRUSTEE'S NO- Brooksville & Macon area.
ded in Deed Book 525 at Page notice that not less than ten TICE OF SALE PROPERTY ADDRESS: The Excellent opportunity to
611 in the office of the Chan- (10) days prior to the date of street address of the property earn money for college.
cery Clerk of Lowndes County, the trial on January 21, 2020, WHEREAS, on March 19, is believed to be 51 DODSON Must have good transporta-
Mississippi. you are required to file the 2008, Roosevelt Latham, a RD, CALEDONIA , MS 39740. tion, valid driver's license
Statement of Values pursuant single man and Darcellia Wind- In the event of any discrep- & insurance. Delivers on
I WILL CONVEY only such title to Miss. Code Ann. §11-27-7, ham, a single woman ex- ancy between this street ad-
as vested in me as Substi- which shall be treated as dress and the legal description Sunday morning and Mon.-
ecuted a certain deed of trust
tuted Trustee. pleadings in this action. The to Jay Morris, Trustee for the of the property, the legal de- Fri. afternoons. Apply at
date of the filing of the Com- benefit of JPMorgan Chase scription shall control. The Commercial Dispatch,
WITNESS MY SIGNATURE on plaint herein is the 10th day of Bank, N.A. which deed of trust 516 Main Street in Colum-
this 2nd day of October, 2019. September, 2019, and the is of record in the office of the Title to the above described bus. No phone calls
name and address of the attor- Chancery Clerk of Lowndes property is believed to be good, please.
Shapiro & Brown, LLC ney for the Plaintiff is Martha County, State of Mississippi in but I will convey only such title
SUBSTITUTED TRUSTEE Bost Stegall, P. O. Box 7120, Book 2008 at Page 7635; and as is vested in me as Substi-
Tupelo, Mississippi 38802. tute Trustee. Medical / Dental
Shapiro & Brown, LLC Other than the Statement of WHEREAS, Carrington Mort-
1080 River Oaks Drive, Suite Values you are not required to gage Services, LLC has hereto- THIS LAW FIRM IS ATTEMPT-
B-202 file an Answer or other plead- fore substituted Shapiro & ING TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY
Flowood, MS 39232 ing but you may do so if you de- Brown, LLC as Trustee by in- INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL
(601) 981-9299 sire. strument dated August 14, BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE.
2019 and recorded in the
3187 New Hope Road Issued under my hand and the aforesaid Chancery Clerk's Of- 428 North Lamar Blvd, Suite
Columbus, MS 39702 seal of said Court, this 15th fice in Book 2019 at Page 107
18-022024 day of October, 2019. 16794; and Oxford, MS 38655
Publication Dates: TERESA BARKSDALE, CLERK WHEREAS, default having been Tel: (877) 813-0992
October 9, 16, 23 and 31, SPECIAL COURT OF EMINENT made in the terms and condi- Fax: (404) 601-5846
2019 DOMAIN, tions of said deed of trust and
LOWNDES COUNTY, MS the entire debt secured thereby PUBLISH: 10/31/2019,
IN THE CHANCERY COURT OF having been declared to be due 11/07/2019, 11/14/2019
LOWNDES COUNTY, MISSIS- BY: Ann Marie Langford, D.C. and payable in accordance with
SIPPI the terms of said deed of trust, IN THE CHANCERY COURT OF
Publish: October 17, 24 and Carrington Mortgage Services, LOWNDES COUNTY, MISSIS-
IN THE MATTER OF THE ADOP- 31, 2019 LLC, the legal holder of said in- SIPPI
TION OF THE HEREINAFTER debtedness, having requested
KIMBERLY DAVIS SANDLIN SIPPI and sell said land and property SEY, DECEASED
AND JONATHAN SANDLIN, PETI- in accordance with the terms of
TIONERS RE: THE ESTATE OF MARY said deed of trust and for the CAUSE NO. 2019-0208-DE
ROUNSAVILLE, DECEASED purpose of raising the sums
CAUSE NO.: 2019-0006 due thereunder, together with LAUREN MASSEY, PETITIONER
BY: DOROTHY RHOADES, PETI- attorney's fees, trustee's fees

Brown, LLC, Substituted Trust- COUNTY OF LOWNDES
TO: Unknown SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION ee in said deed of trust, will on
November 6, 2019 offer for Letters Testamentary have
You have been made a Defend- THE STATE OF MISSISSIPPI sale at public outcry and sell been granted and issued to the
ant in the suit filed in this within legal hours (being undersigned upon the Estate of
Court by Kimberly Davis Sand- TO: FNU LNU, child of Charles between the hours of 11:00 Gene Grayson Massey, De-
lin and Jonathan Sandlin, Peti- Bean; a.m. and 4:00 p.m.), at the ceased, by the Chancery Court
tioner(s), seeking the Adoption Southeast Door of the County of Lowndes County, Missis-
of JWE. You are summoned to You have been made a Re- Courthouse of Lowndes sippi, on the 17th day of Octo-
appear and defend against spondent in the suit filed in County, located at 505 2nd Av- ber 2019. This is to give no-
said Complaint or Petition at this Court by Dorothy Rhoades, enue North, Columbus, MS tice to all persons having
9:00 o'clock a.m., on in a Petition for First and Final 39701, to the highest and best claims against said estate to
Thursday, the 16th dat of Janu- Accounting, Discharge of Ad- bidder for cash or certified probate and register same with
ary, 2020, in the Chancery ministratrix, Etc. in the Estate funds the following described the Chancery Clerk of Lowndes
courtroom of the Lowndes of Mary Rounsaville. property situated in Lowndes County, Mississippi, within
County Courthouse in Colum- County, State of Mississippi, ninety (90) days from the first
bus, Mississippi, and in case You are summoned to appear to-wit: publication date of this Notice
of your failure to appear and and defend against the com- to Creditors. A failure to so pro-
defend, a judgment will be plaint or petition filed against Lot 72 of Chilcutt Subdivision, bate and register said claim
entered against you for the you in this action at 9:00 A.M. Columbus, Mississippi, as re- will forever bar the same.
money or other things deman- on the 29th day of January, corded in Plat Book 2 at Page
ded in the Complaint or Peti- 2020, in the courtroom of the 4 on file in the Chancery This the 22nd day of October
tion. Lowndes County Courthouse at Clerk's Office of Lowndes 2019.
Columbus, Mississippi, and in County, Mississippi.
You are not required to file an case of your failure to appear /s/ Lauren Massey
Answer or other pleading, but and defend a judgment will be I WILL CONVEY only such title LAUREN MASSEY, Executrix
you may do so if you desire. entered against you for the as vested in me as Substi-
money or other things deman- tuted Trustee. PUBLISH: 10/31, 11/7, &
Issued under my hand and seal ded in the complaint or peti- 11/14/2019
of said Court, this the 11th day tion. WITNESS MY SIGNATURE on
of October, 2019. this 2nd day of October, 2019.
You are not required to file an
(Seal) answer or other pleading, but Shapiro & Brown, LLC
you may do so if you desire. SUBSTITUTED TRUSTEE
Chancery Clerk of Lowndes
County, Mississippi ISSUED UNDER MY HAND AND Shapiro & Brown, LLC
Lisa Younger Neese THE SEAL OF SAID COURT¸ this 1080 River Oaks Drive, Suite
the 21st day of October, 2019. B-202
By: Tina Fisher Flowood, MS 39232
Deputy Clerk /s/ Lisa Younger Neese by (601) 981-9299
Tina Fisher, D.C.
PUBLISH: 10/31, 11/7 & LISA YOUNGER NEESE, Chan- 117 Beech St You’ll find the best deals
11/14/2019 cery Clerk Lowndes County, Columbus, MS 39702
19-024579 when you advertise
and shop here!
PUBLISH: 10/24, 10/31, & Publication Dates:
Find the best deals. October 9, 16, 23 and 31,
B10B THURSDAY, OCTOBER 31, 2019 The Dispatch •
Apts For Rent: Other Houses For Rent: Other Garage Sales: North


This large 1 bedroom LONG & LONG
(Off of Ridge Rd.) Sat. Nov. ON THE WEB
apartment has been 2 from 7a−1p. Lots of kids
recently renovated. It 662−328−0770 toys, including an electric Visit
features great natural light, 2−seater jeep, h/h items,
hardwood floors, tall LEASE/PURCHASE:
3BR/1BA, Just
books & much more. for a printable copy of
ceilings and access
to a shared laundry room. renovated. Like new,
brick house with Central
Garage Sales: New Hope these puzzles.
$750 rent and $750
deposit. Utilities included. H&A, No Pets. ESTATE−RUMMAGE SALE
No pets please. Call Peter, Sat, Nov. 2nd. 7am−Noon.
662−574−1561. 3BR/1BA, clean and Indoors @ 1426 6th Street
move−in ready, Central North, Columbus, MS.
H&A, $600/mo. No
COLEMAN Pets. 107 King Street. Garage Sales: Caledonia


TOWNHOUSES & APARTMENTS apartment, Central Caledonia United
H&A. Walk to MUW, Pentecostal Church,
1 BEDROOM church, shops. $675/ Inside Gym Yard Sale.
2 BEDROOMS mo. No Pets, No HUD. Friday, Nov. 1, 7am− 4pm.
Sat, Nov. 2, 7am− 12pm.
spacious apartment. Liquidation Estate Sale @
© The Dispatch

Appliances and water 127 Lee Road, Columbus,

DEPOSIT furnished. $375/mo. MS. Everything must go!
No Pets, No HUD. Oak table & chairs,
AND entertainment center,
CREDIT CHECK STARKVILLE: 2BR/1.5 household items, furn,
BA, Central H&A, new fridge, linens, home decor
662-329-2323 appliances. $550/mo.
No Pets. 104 Womack.
& lots more! Deals to get it
gone! November 2, 8−5.
127 Lee Road, Columbus.
2411 HWY 45 N Mobile Homes for Rent Garage Sales: Other
Commercial Property For Rent mo./$400 dep. In between BROOKSVILLE (off of Lynn
West Point & Columbus on Creek Rd). Hardware, h/h,
Hwy. 50. 662−275−0666.
heater, fireplace insert, Sudoku
plumbing/electrical, mantle Sudoku is a number-
placing puzzle based on
Yesterday’s answer
sq. ft. truck terminal, RENT A CAMPER! wall unit heater, door, Sudoku
a 9x9 gridis a several
with num- 4 9 3 6 8 1 5 2 7
9,500 sq. ft. shop & 3,200 CHEAPER THAN A MOTEL! screen, headboards &
ber-placing puzzle
given numbers. The object 5 6 8 2 3 7 1 4 9

2019 Conceptis Puzzles, Dist. by King Features Syndicate, Inc.

sq. ft. office/shop. Utilities & cable included, more! Everything must go!
Buildings can be rented from $145/wk − $535/ SAT & SUN: 8a−4p. based onthe
is to place a 9x9
numbers 2 1 7 4 5 9 8 6 3
together or separately. All month. Columbus & County grid
1 to 9with
in theseveral
empty spaces 7 2 9 5 4 6 3 1 8
w/ excellent access & Hwy.
82 visibility. 662−327−
School locations. 662−242 592 ROBINSON RD. (Off of
−7653 or 601−940−1397. Hwy. 45 S.). Sat. Nov. 2
so thatnumbers.
each row, eachThe 1 3 5 8 9 2 4 7 6
9559. object
column isandtoeach
3x3 the
from 8a−until. H/h items,
numbers 8 4 6 7 1 3 2 9 5
contains the1same
to 9 number
Office Spaces For Rent
construction tools & more.
RESTAURANT SPACE the empty spaces so 9 5 2 1 6 8 7 3 4
GREAT, CONVENIENT only once. The difficulty 3 7 4 9 2 5 6 8 1
AVAILABLE. 1200 sq. ft.
LOCATION! Office space for that each row, each
$1100/mo. Serious level increases from
inquiries only. 662−328−
8655 or 662−574−7879.
lease at 822 2nd Ave. N.
662−574−3970. 662−570
Merchandise column and each
3x3 boxtocontains
6 8
Difficulty Level
1 3 7 4 9 5 2

Houses For Rent: North the same number only once. The difficulty level
OFFICE SPACE FOR Ads starting at $12 increases from Monday to Sunday.
RD. $900/mo. No pets. Ste. 5. 3700 sq. ft. Plenty Bargain Column
No HUD. 662−549−2302. of private parking. 662−
Leave message. 327−9559. BLUE SAPPHIRE necklace
in sterling silver. 18 in. Still
3 OR 4BR/2BA. Fresh Storage & Garages in box. $30. Call 662−497
paint, new carpet, fenced −2025. Leave message.
yard & appl furn. 662−251 MINI WAREHOUSES
−9696. Four convenient self LIGHT−UP GRADIENT
storage locations in the Color Angel. 55 in. tall. Still
3BR/2BA CH/A, Hwy 45 N. Columbus & New Hope in box. Indoor/outdoor.
Caledonia Schools. No areas for household & $30. Blue swivel rocking
pets. $800/mo. $800 dep. commercial storage. chair. $25. Call 662−497−
1 yr lease. Weathers Rent online at 2025. Leave message.
Rentals, 662−574−0345.
Open Mon−Fri, 8a−4p. Firewood / Fuel
or call 662−327−4236.
2 & 3 bedroom w/ 662−295−2274.

Real Estate
2−3 bath townhouses.
$600 to $750. Furniture
Ask for Glenn or text. EXCELLENT CONDITION.
Ads starting at $25 READY TO PICK UP!
Houses For Rent: East
1−sofa, 90"L x 34"W,
4BR/2.5BA BRICK HOME Houses For Sale: Other teal/cream/grey, $325.
1−Lane recliner, cream,
located on large lot w/ 2 low back, $75. 1−Leather,
car garage. Fresh paint & 3BR/1BA HOUSE w/ 1.5
ACRES IN ACKERMAN. Lg burgundy wingback recliner,
tile floors in kitchen & $75. Glass−top coffee
bathrooms. $1,200/mo + yard. Investors welcome,
potential residential & table, 40" x 40", $75.
dep. 770−658−7726. 2−Cream, wooden bar−
commercial. $45,000 obo.
Houses For Rent: New Hope 205−310−3783. stools, bar height, $40ea.
2BR/1BA, BRICK home Lots & Acreage
CH/A, New Hope Schools. Two Piece Living Room Set
$550/mo. 1 year lease & A loveseat and chaise for
200 ACRES sale. Brown and blue.
dep. Weathers Rentals, TIMBERLAND
Open: Mon−Fri, 8am−4pm. − Monroe County, MS −
New!!! Leave a message.
662−574−0345. Abundance of wildlife $300.00 662−242−2884
Houses For Rent: Caledonia $300,000.00 at General Merchandise
Call: 615−719−8329
Starkville Habitat ReStore
2BR/1BA. Caledonia area.
1 yr lease. $650 rent plus ReStore is a thrift store
dep. No pets. No smoking. benefiting Starkville Area
662−574−0227 or FALL SPECIAL. 1.75 acre Habitat for Humanity. 206
662−356−4958. lots. Good/bad credit. 10% South Jackson Street in
down, as low as $299/mo. Starkville. 662−324−7008
Eaton Land.
IMMACULATE 3BR/2BA 662−361−7711.
HOME. 2−car garage, WANTED FREON R12.
fenced yard. Caledonia We pay CA$H.
School District. $1200 mo. LOWNDES CO. 72 ACRES R12 R500 R11.
$1200 dep. Absolutely no On Sobley Rd. Part in cut Convenient. ACROSS
over. Part in timber.
pets. Year lease. Call or
Excellent hunting tract.
Certified professionals. 1 Snatch
text 662−630−0774.
$1475/acre. For more info, 312−291−9169 5 Mating game
call 205−799−9846 or 10 Yoga position
Looking for 205−695−2248. Sporting Goods

12 Coniferous

a new pet? Garage Sales

9−5: Tues−Fri &
9−12: Sat.
Over 50 years experience!
13 “... — man
who wasn’t
Two free signs Repairs, cleaning, 14 Knight wear
refinishing, scopes
mounted & zeroed, 15 Pot brew
Garage Sales: East 16 Halloween
handmade knives.
Located: Hwy 45 Alt, North costume choice
of West Point, turn right on
REDUCED PRICES! Yokahama Blvd, 8mi & turn 18 Halloween
Pictures, houseware, left on Darracott Rd, see costume choice
Christmas items & more!
801 Skylark Dr. Saturday
sign, 2.5mi ahead, shop on 20 Original
left. 662−494−6218.
Nov. 2nd from 6 am until. 21 Olden days
23 Hosp. sec- 46 Custom 19 Tourney pass
Too much tions 22 Dominions
Sell idle items
24 Berth place DOWN 24 One released
with a quick action 26 Overlook 1 Extravagant early
classified ad. 28 Shoe hue showiness 25 Tangled
29 Easy targets 2 Lover of drama 27 Syr. neighbor
Houses For Sale: Other 31 Place of 3 First-string 28 Least wild
refuge players 30 King Kong,
32 Halloween 4 Except e.g.
costume choice 5 Chowder bit 33 — acids
36 Halloween 6 Plucked instru- 34 Moon of
costume choice ment Saturn
39 Blend 7 Royal furs 35 Use, as force
Start your 40 Wed in secret 8 Game officials 37 Set eyes on
de-cluttering by 41 Chosen few 9 Moles’ cousins 38 Addition
43 Attack 11 Rescuers column
placing a garage 44 Sub system 17 Oxygen: 42 Near the
sale ad today! 45 Lab work Prefix ground
Ads starting at...
1 day $10
3 day $18
6 day $34
Price includes 4 lines of text;
$1/line after base cost.

Five Questions

1 Do unto others

2 Jon

3 In a cell

4 Eel

5 New Zealand

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