Kelompok C - Filler and Fiber

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Filler & Fiber

Kelompok C
Adella Djoniarti(1606871096)
Dimas Arya Thayeb (1606871165)
Hanna Ovelia (1606906963)
Hasyim Aidilichsan M (1606906793)
Muammar Hawary (1606904882)
Rizka Hanifa (1606871045)
1. Particulate Filler
Classification based on type 2. Rubbery Filler
3. Fibrous Filler

Particulate Filler Rubbery Filler Fibrous Filler

Divided into two types : Rubbery fillers are often Fibrous fillers are often
1. Inert Filler incorporated into rigid embedded in the laminar form.
2. Reinforcing Filler thermoplastics to improve The fibers have higher modulus
The finer the particle sizes the their toughness. The increase than the resin in which they are
higher the values of the tensile in toughness of the material embedded so that when the
strength, modulus and hardness. lead to significant increase the composite of resin plus the
This phenomenon is called as fracture resistance of the fiber is strained in the plane of
reinforcement. The other one, materials fibrous layer the bulk of the
coarse particles will tend to give stres is taken up the fiber. As a
less strong compounds then the result of this, both the strength
virgin material. and the modulus are enhanced
when compared to the unfilled
Parameter Penguat
Rule of Mixtures
Rule of Mixtures
Syarat fiber
● Mempunyai diameter yang lebih kecil dari matriksnya
● Mempunyai tensile strength yang tinggi

Fiber akan dipadukan dengan matrix yang berfungsi sebagai :

● Penjepit fiber
● Pemisah antar sesama fiber dan mencegah perambatan crack dari satu
fiber ke fiber lain
● Melindungi fiber dari kerusakan
● Medium dimana eksternal stress diaplikasikan, ditransmisikan dan
didistribusikan ke fiber
Jenis-jenis fiber
❏ Short fiber (discontinuous)

❏ Long fiber (continuous)

Influence of Fiber Length

Under an applied stress, this fiber–matrix bond ceases at the fiber ends,
yielding a matrix deformation pattern as shown schematically in Figure 16.6;
in other words, there is no load transmittance from the matrix at each fiber
Influence of Fiber Length
● Some critical fiber length is necessary for effective strengthening and
stiffening of the composite material.
● This critical length “lc” is dependent on the fiber diameter d and its
ultimate (or tensile) strength σ*f and on the fiber–matrix bond strength
(or the shear yield strength of the matrix, whichever is smaller) τc
according to
Influence of Fiber Length
● When a stress equal to σ * f is applied to a fiber having just this critical
length, the stress–position profile shown in Figure 16.7a results; that is,
the maximum fiber load is achieved only at the axial center of the fiber.
● As fiber length l increases, the fiber reinforcement becomes more
effective; this is demonstrated in Figure 16.7b, a stress– axial position
profile for l > l c when the applied stress is equal to the fiber strength.
Figure 16.7c shows the stress–position profile for l < l c
Influence of Fiber Length
Tensile Stress–Strain Behavior—Longitudinal Loading
Tensile Stress–Strain Behavior—Longitudinal Loading
● In the initial Stage I region, both fibers and matrix deform elastically;
normally this portion of the curve is linear.
● Typically, for a composite of this type, the matrix yields and deforms
plastically while the fibers continue to stretch elastically, in as much as the
tensile strength of the fibers is significantly higher than the yield strength
of the matrix. This process constitutes Stage II as noted in the figure.
● This stage is ordinarily very nearly linear, but of diminished slope relative
to Stage I. Furthermore, in passing from Stage I to Stage II, the proportion
of the applied load that is borne by the fibers increases.
Polymer Matrix Composites
Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer (GFRP)
The composition of the glass that is most commonly drawninto fibers (sometimes referred to as E-
glass); fiberdiameters normally range between 3 and 20 μm.

Glass is popular as a fiber reinforcement material for several reasons:

1.It is easily drawn into high-strength fibers from the molten state.

2.It is readily available and may be fabricated into a glass-reinforced plastic economically using a
wide variety of composite-manufacturing techniques.

3.As a fiber it is relatively strong, and when embedded in a plastic matrix, it produces a composite
having a very high specific strength.

4.When coupled with the various plastics, it possesses a chemical inertness that renders the
composite useful in a variety of corrosive environments.
Other Types of Glass Fiber in GFRP
A-glass fiber, containing high alkali metal oxides;

C-glass fiber, resistant to chemical attack;

D-glass fiber, with a high dielectric property;

E-glass fiber, with high electric insulation;

M-glass fiber, with a high Young’s modulus;

S-glass fiber, with a high tensile strength;

AR-glass fiber, alkaline resistant and suitable for reinforcing cement matrix composites.
Carbon Fiber-Reinforced Polymer (CFRP)
The reasons for why carbon fiber is commonly used are as follows:

1.Carbon fibers have the highest specific modulus and specific strength of all
reinforcing fiber materials.

2.They retain their high tensile modulus and high strength at elevated
temperatures; high-temperature oxidation, however, may be a problem.

3.At room temperature, carbon fibers are not affected by moisture or a wide
variety of solvents, acids, and bases.
Aramid Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Com[posites
Interface & Interphase
Adsorption & Wetting

Liquids that form contact angles greater and less than 90°are
respectively called ‘non-wetting’ and ‘wetting’.
Micro-mechanical Interface Measurement –Fiber
Fragmentation Test
dog-bone shaped specimen is prepared such that a single fiber of finite length
is embedded entirely in the middle of a matrix
Micro-mechanical Interface Measurement –Fiber
Push-out Test
a force is applied continuously using a Vickers microhardness indenter to
compress the fiber into the specimen surface
Fracture surface observation

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