My The Work Program To Student Exchange Abroad

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My the work Program to Student Exchange Abroad.

My name is Nur Indah Lifah, in third semester, English Education, Faculty of Teacher training and
My motivation to follow the first student exchange program to develop myself, the exchange may not be
easy for everyone, because we have to overcome ourselves to be able to deal with new culture, language,
and habits. Therefore I must adapt to that condition which will make me more familiar with tolerance,
which I have learned so much from our diverse country, and surely I want to understand a new culture.
The work program I will carry out in the destination country is:
1. I want to see how the State of destination engages in educational activities, then what makes their
education different from the education of our country, and when I know the difference, I can learn
and if things are good for adding and increase education in the our country, I will try to apply it
when returning from the destination country.
2. I will come to a university in the destination country, I will see their school culture, their habits,
and how their students learn, then what things they do besides learning.
3. I will study their culture, from the language, the habits of the people in the destination country,
which I must certainly study with the still traditional society to know more.
4. I will teach and give an understanding of our country, such as the slave, the language and also the
habits that make them interested to come to Indonesia.
5. I will visit about the historic matters in the State of destination to better understand just what the
State once was.
I really am very enthusiastic to follow this student exchange abroad, because this is one of my
goals, and also one of the reasons I was at this university, and hopefully in this opportunity can realize my
goals, because I believe God Almighty Do not make all the things by chance, by continuing to try and
pray, and if I can get this chance, I hope I am the one who can boast and emulate the name of our
University of Bengkulu and our beloved country of Indonesia.
Above is a work program plan for student exchange abroad that I make myself, thanks for the
attention to readers who have read my essay, sorry if this essay is still a lot of lack. Thank you very much.

Bengkulu, 24 Agustus 2017

Nur Indah Lifah


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