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Neuropathology Lessons in Vascular Dementia

Helena Chui, MD

(Alzheimer Dis Assoc Disord 2005;19:45–52) COMMON TYPES OF

Atherosclerosis affects the intimal and subintimal lining

U nlike Alzheimer disease (AD), no consensus has been

reached regarding the pathologic diagnosis of vascular
dementia (VaD). Conceptually, VaD may be regarded as severe
of blood vessels. Cholesterol deposits and associated in-
flammatory changes are noted in large arteries. These pathol-
ogies are associated with artery-to-artery thromboembolism
cognitive impairment resulting from cerebrovascular-related and large cortical-subcortical infarcts. Smaller vessels may also
brain injury (CVBI), which in turn is attributed to cerebro- or be involved. Subintimal accumulations of foam cells may be
cardio-vascular disease (CVD) (Fig. 1). Unfortunately, this observed in the proximal portions of small perforating arteries
concept has defied simple translation into practice. (200–800 mm in diameter). These are associated with small,
While there is good correlation between the severity of deep infarcts in basal ganglia, thalamus, and pons. Risk factors
cognitive impairment and the density of neurofibrillary tangles include hyperlipidemia, diabetes mellitus, smoking, hyper-
or neuritic plaques in AD, no simple metric has been homocysteinemia, and elevated C-reactive protein. Thickness
discovered for VaD. Large infarct volume (eg, .50 mL) is
of the carotid artery intima, brachial-foot ratio, and pulsatility
associated with dementia, but a small strategically placed 1-cm
index provide clinical measures of atherosclerosis.
lacune may do the same. The level of heterogeneity in the size,
Arteriolosclerosis affects the media of small arterioles.
location, and number of CVBI and the variability in behavioral
One observes onion-skin concentric proliferation of smooth
manifestations are not well suited to simple phenotypic or
muscle cells, degeneration of the tunica media and internal
categorical classification. Nonetheless, this is the state of art
elastic lamina, and replacement of smooth muscle cell
that is reviewed here.
replacement by fibroblasts, collagen, and laminin. The vessel
As the database grows, new continuous and quantitative
becomes an elongated, tortuous, narrow, and paucicellular
brain-behavior models will evolve. Meanwhile, we may
hyaline tube.1 Arteriolosclerosis is associated with lacunar
consider the lessons that neuropathology has to offer here
infarcts in deep white and gray matter structures. Fibrinoid
and now. First, neuropathology is the best method to ascertain
necrosis refers to focal segmental necrosis of small arterioles
the severity and type of underlying CVD. Second, neuropa-
(40–300 mm diameter). The media is replaced with collage-
thology is still needed to validate the use of MRI as a surrogate
nous sclerosis and mural foam cells (lipohyalinosis).1 Fibri-
marker for CVBI. Finally, neuropathology is still the best way
noid necrosis is associated with hemorrhages and lacunar
to assess the presence and severity of Alzheimer pathology and
infarcts in the basal ganglia, thalamus, pons, and cerebellum.
to address the relative contributions of AD and CVBI to
Major risk factors include hypertension and diabetes mellitus.
cognitive impairment.
Assessment of the retinal arterioles on funduscopic examina-
This review is organized as follows:
tion offers a clinical measure of arteriolosclerosis.
Common types of cerebrovascular disease (CVD) Cerebral amyloid angiopathies (CAA) comprise a group
Common types of cerebrovascular brain injury (CVBI) of disorders characterized by the deposition of amyloidogenic
Detection of CVBI by MRI proteins in the walls of cerebral blood vessels. The proteins
Categorical diagnosis of VaD deposited may differ widely in amino acid sequence, but share
Contributions of CVBI to cognitive impairment along the common propensity to form beta-pleated sheets. The 40 to
a continuum 42 amino acid a-beta protein is deposited in the CAA asso-
ciated with Alzheimer disease2 and the Dutch form of heredi-
tary cerebral hemorrhage with amyloid (HCHWA-Dutch). At
least 8 hereditary forms of CAA have been identified, includ-
ing Familial AD, HCHWA-Dutch, HCHWA-Icelandic, famil-
ial amyloid polyneuropathy/meningo-vascular amyloidoses,
Received for publication August 23, 2004; accepted September 6, 2004. familial amyloidoses Finnish type, familial prion disease,
From the Department of Neurology, University of Southern California, Los familial British dementia, and Familial Danish dementia.3
Angeles, California. CAA is associated with lobar hemorrhages, microinfarcts, and
Supported by the National Institute on Aging: P01 AG12435. leukoencephalopathy. Genetic forms may be diagnosed by
Reprints: Helena Chui, Department of Neurology, University of Southern
California, 1510 San Pablo Street, Room 643, Los Angeles, CA 90033 DNA sequencing. The sporadic forms often go unsuspected
(e-mail: until there is a clinical event and often unconfirmed until
Copyright Ó 2005 by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins neuropathological examination.

Alzheimer Dis Assoc Disord  Volume 19, Number 1, January–March 2005 45

Chui Alzheimer Dis Assoc Disord  Volume 19, Number 1, January–March 2005

by definition fall below the threshold for detection by the

unaided human eye. Microinfarcts appear as round, stellate, or
barrel-shaped areas of cystic- or non-cystic necrosis sur-
rounded by reactive astrocytes (Fig. 2).
Infarction may also arise from hypoperfusion simulta-
neously affecting multiple blood vessels, due to widespread
stenosis or systemic hypotension. In these scenarios, the
terminal feeding zones of end-arterioles are most vulnerable.
Frontal and parietal border zones fall at the distal reaches of
the anterior, middle, or posterior cerebral arteries. The
periventricular white matter represents a small artery border
zone, which depends upon long-penetrating medullary end-
FIGURE 1. Conceptualization of the pathogenesis of VaD. arterioles. Parallel-arranged cortical columns represent border
zones between radially penetrating cortical arterioles.
It is worthy of note that not all tissue cavitations (so-
A genetic disorder affecting the Notch3 gene, known as called lacunes) seen in the deep white or gray matter represent
cerebral autosomal dominant arteriopathy with subcortical lacunar infarcts. Lammie1 has subdivided lacunes into 3 major
infarcts and leukoencephalopathy (CADASIL) affects the types (see Table 1, Fig. 3). Dilated perivascular spaces (PVS)
small-arteries of the brain.4,5 CADASIL is associated with are CSF-filled spaces surrounding arteries and veins. PVS are
progressive degeneration of vascular smooth muscle cell and postulated to arise from increased arterial permeability, peri-
the accumulation of granular osmiophilic deposits in the vascular inflammatory factors, and increased mechanical
vascular basal lamina. CADASIL is associated with sub- pulsatility. PVS may be particularly prominent in the infra-
cortical infarcts and leukoencephalopathy beginning in early putaminal region and just above the above the lateral portion of
adulthood. CADASIL mutations can be confirmed by com- the anterior commissure.8
mercially available DNA sequencing. The hippocampus is the key enabler of episodic mem-
Neuropathological examination sheds light on other ory. Hippocampal sclerosis (HS) refers to selective neuronal
types of cardio- or cerebro-vascular disease. These include loss in the absence of cystic cavitation or neurofibrillary
cardio-embolism, vasculitis, fibromuscular dysplasia, Moya degeneration. HS is most prominent in the CA-1 sector of the
Moya disease, vascular malformations, telangiectasias, aneur- hippocampus, extending into the subiculum. It has been
ysms, and venous thrombosis. As discussed above, neuropa- reported to be a common neuropathologic finding in persons
thology may provide the first indication and diagnosis of CAA. with dementia who are very old (80+ yrs),9 among 12% of
elderly persons with dementia10 or with cardiac disease.11 The
pathogenesis of HS is still disputed, but systemic hypoxia-
COMMON TYPES OF CEREBROVASCULAR ischemia12 and ischemia due to intrinsic cerebrovascular
BRAIN INJURY disease are hypothesized, as CA-1 neurons have a relatively
We introduce the generic term cerebrovascular brain high metabolic rate but relatively poor vascular supply (Fig. 4).
injury (CVBI) to encompass hemorrhage, infarction (both
complete and incomplete), and other types of changes in brain
parenchyma resulting from alterations in substrate delivery, DETECTION OF CEREBROVASCULAR BRAIN
metabolic clearance, or disruptions of the blood brain barrier. INJURY BY MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING
Hemorrhage refers to the rupture of the blood vessel wall and In most cases, neuropathological data only becomes
extravasation of blood into the surrounding tissue. Complete available after death. Neuroimaging has the potential to pro-
infarction refers to necrosis of all tissue elements due to is- vide an in vivo surrogate. Amyloid markers are under develop-
chemic brain injury, while incomplete infarction refers to ment for AD. Structural MRI is accepted as an excellent
selective loss of neurons, myelin, and oligodendrocytes, without
cystic necrosis. Incomplete infarction was initially used to
describe the peripheral, less involved, portion of major artery
distribution infarcts (eg, penumbra).6 But the concept has also
been applied to demyelination and astrocytosis with variable
axonal loss found in the periventricular and deep white matter.7
Infarcts usually result from occlusion of a single vessel,
with size largely determined by the dimensions of the
compromised vessel(s). Occlusion of the major cerebral arter-
ies or their branches results in large wedge-shaped infarcts
involving cortex and underlying white matter. Occlusions of
small and medium arterioles feeding the white matter, basal
ganglia, thalamus, and pons results in lacunar infarcts, which
appear as round lesions ,2 cm in diameter. Occlusion of small
cortical arteries and capillaries results in microinfarcts, which FIGURE 2. Cortical incomplete infarction: microinfarcts.

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Alzheimer Dis Assoc Disord  Volume 19, Number 1, January–March 2005 Neuropathology Lessons in Vascular Dementia

These findings suggest that hippocampal and cortical

TABLE 1. Subtypes of Lacunes
gray matter atrophy may represent the sine qua non of the
Type I—An irregular cavity 1 to 20 mm in diameter, most commonly found dementia syndrome. Other factors, however, may help to
in putamen, caudate, thalamus, pons, internal capsule, and hemispheric
white matter (complete small infarct) differentiate specific etiologic process. The apolipoprotein e4
Type Ib—Mirror Type I lacune in size, shape, and distribution, but shows allele increases the risk of AD or Mixed AD/CVD, while high
only selective loss of vulnerable cellular elements, falling short of pan- WML increases the likelihood of CVD or Mixed AD/CVD.
necrosis (incomplete small infarcts) The pathologies that contribute to hippocampal atrophy in
Type II—Cavity with numerous hemosiderin-laden macrophages, assumed SIVD include neurofibrillary degeneration and hippocampal
to represent an old, small hemorrhage or old hemorrhagic microinfarct sclerosis, while those contributing to cortical gray matter
Type III—Dilated perivascular space atrophy in SIVD are still unknown. Candidate mechanisms
include a-beta toxicity, micro- or incomplete cortical infarcts,
and secondary deafferentation of the cortex resulting from
marker for stroke and often discloses ‘‘silent’’ infarcts (hyper- underlying subcortical pathology.
intensities presumably related to CVBI, but without recog-
nized clinical event). Gradient-echo T2*-weighted MRI allows
detection of micro-bleeds associated with hypertensive micro-
angiopathy, CAA,13 and CADASIL.14 There are few system- CATEGORICAL DIAGNOSIS OF
atic imaging-pathologic studies addressing the question: How VASCULAR DEMENTIA
good is MRI as a surrogate marker for CVBI? As VaD is currently conceptualized, its pathologic
diagnosis is problematic: not because it is difficult to make
a pathologic diagnosis of cerebrovascular injury, but because it
Ischemic Vascular Dementia Program Project is difficult to determine postmortem whether a vascular lesion
Clinical-pathologic and quantitative MRI correlations was causal, contributory, or coincidental to the dementia. No
were analyzed for the first 20 and 46 autopsies in a prospective consensus has been reached about how to make a pathologic
study of SIVD, AD, and normal aging (Table 2).15 The diagnosis of VaD. Typically, there is a requirement for vascular
apolipoprotein e4 allele was rarely found in autopsy cases of lesions, often of a certain size or volume, in the absence of
pure CVD (9%), in contrast to AD (46%) or Mixed AD/CVD degenerative lesions.16–18 Joachim et al19 considered strokes to
(44%) (P = 0.03). Conversely, hippocampal sclerosis was have contributed to the clinical dementia if sufficiently remote
found more frequently in CVD (50%) or Mixed AD/CVD or larger in size than lacune, or if the vascular lesions involved
(28%) cases, than AD (7%). Similarly, a large amount of white the hippocampus, amygdala, thalamus, or basal forebrain. In
matter signal hyperintensity was found more frequently in another schema, softening in the hippocampus and serum pro-
Mixed AD/CVD (86%) or CVD (75%) than AD (36%) (P = teins in the perivascular parenchyma were additional require-
0.08). High WML was associated with either arteriolosclerosis ments for a diagnosis of vascular dementia.17 Gold et al20,21
or CAA. On the other hand, hippocampal and cortical gray defined vascular dementia as cortical-subcortical infarcts in
matter atrophy were found in 88% and 80% of the dementia parietal, temporal, or frontal lobes—subcortical infarcts by
cases, irrespective of dementia subtype. themselves were not considered sufficient for a pathologic

FIGURE 3. Subtypes of Lacunes.

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FIGURE 4. CA1 Hippocampal Sclerosis.

diagnosis of VaD. A pathologic diagnosis of Binswanger’s Slightly larger LR+ of 6.2 to 10.1 was reported by Gold et al,20
subcortical arteriosclerotic encephalopathy can be made in the with similar specificity (88–97%), but far lower sensitivity
presence of severe white matter changes with demyelination (30–43%). It is difficult to understand the source of these
and axonal loss plus severe and widespread changes of differences, because the pathologic definitions of VaD in the
arteriolosclerosis.19 Knopman et al22 defined VaD by the two studies were not comparable.
presence of multiple, bilateral gray matter lesions rostral to the
thalamus. The need to develop standardized pathologic DSM Criteria
methods and descriptors for CVBI was highlighted in a recent In a larger retrospective study of 677 autopsied cases, an
review.23 LR+ of 7.3 to 12.0 was reported for a DSM-III diagnosis of
In evidence-based medicine, the positive likelihood ratio MID.26 These cases were compiled from three different
(LR+) provides a measure of the power of a diagnostic test. In hospitals. But aside from citing DSM-III criteria, little detail is
the following section, we consider various clinical criteria for provided about the reliability of the clinical diagnosis. Similar
VaD as ‘‘diagnostic tests’’ and use the pathologic diagnosis of LR+ values (4.0 to 11.5) were reported in a much smaller
VaD as the reference standard for VaD. In this context, the LR+ study of 27 MID, 5 AD, and 5 other dementias.27 In this study,
is defined as the likelihood that the criteria for a clinical the same neurologist made all of the clinical diagnoses, but the
diagnosis of VaD will be met among persons with VaD divided number of non-MID cases was small. Based on this limited
by the likelihood that the clinical criteria will be met by data, the LR+ associated with DSM-III criteria for MID would
persons without VaD. The LR+ is calculated by dividing generate moderate shifts in pre- to post-test probability. In
sensitivity by 1 minus the specificity. A LR+ .10 is desirable, a recent study by Gold et al,21 the DSM-IV criteria for VaD had
as it will generate large and often conclusive changes in the a sensitivity of 50% and a specificity of 84% (LR+ = 3.1).
pre- to post-test probability of having VaD.24
The NINDS-AIREN criteria are used most frequently in
Hachinski Ischemia Score clinical pharmacological trials. The accuracy of the NINDS-
A meta-analysis of the Hachinski Ischemia Score (HIS) AIREN criteria for VaD was partially addressed in an earlier
was reported by Moroney et al.25 In this multicenter study, study by Gold et al.20 In this study where only 20% of cases
clinical and pathologic data were retrospectively analyzed for had neuroimaging studies, the NINDS-AIREN and ADDTC
312 cases (165 AD, 109 MID, 38 MIX). MID was defined by criteria performed virtually identically: LR = 1.7 to 4.8; low
HIS $ 7, MIX by a score of 5 to 6, and AD by HIS $ 4. The sensitivity (43–58%), and higher specificity (79–91%). In an
LR+ was 4.6 for a clinical diagnosis of MID (84% sensitive, independent sample of autopsied patients from a geriatric and
82% specific). LR+ was 3.5 for a diagnosis of MIX (sensitivity psychiatric hospital, all 89 cases had neuroimaging.21 A
83%, specificity 76%). Several subsets of items were found clinical diagnosis of probable VaD had a sensitivity of 20%
either more commonly in MID than AD, or explained a and specificity of 93% (LR+ = 2.8) A clinical diagnosis of
significant portion of the variance in a logistic regression. possible VaD had a sensitivity of 55% and a specificity of 84%

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Alzheimer Dis Assoc Disord  Volume 19, Number 1, January–March 2005 Neuropathology Lessons in Vascular Dementia

TABLE 2. Clinical-Pathological Correlation in VaD (Class I and II Evidence)

Pathological Criteria for
Erkinjuntti 37 hospital DSM-III Presence of multiple MID 0.89 0.56 0.68 0.83 4.0
(1988) 5 AD, 27 MID, 5 ischemic lesions in MID + MIX 0.96 0.85 0.92 0.92 11.5
Class I B Other dementia cortical or
subcortical areas
(or both), without
AD-type changes
Jellinger 675 convenience DSM-III-R 1. One or more large MID 0.57 0.96 0.80 0.89 7.3
(1990) hospital cerebral infarcts or MID + MIX, PD 0.79 0.95 0.84 0.93 12.0
Class II B Autopsy extensive cortical
diagnoses: 400 granular atrophy
AD, 146 MID, 21 2. Diffuse or
MIX, 108 multiple focal
PD+other white matter
damage with small
infarcts or lacunes
3. Multiple small
lesions or lacunes
in basal ganglia or
mixed cortical and
vascular lesions
Moroney 312 from 6 centers HIS: MID $ 7 Multiple ischemic MID 0.61 0.94 0.84 0.82 4.6
(1997) Autopsy diagnoses: lesions in cortex or MID + MIX
Class II B 165 AD, 109 HIS MIX = 5–6 subcortical regions MID+MIX 0.69 0.88 0.83 0.76 3.5
MID 38 MIX without marked
AD changes
Gold 113 hospital HIS $ 7 Multiple MID 0.68 0.71 0.43 0.88 6.2
(1997) macroscopic and MID + MIX 0.96 0.34 0.30 0.97 10.1
Class II B NINDS-AIREN microscopic MID 0.61 0.77 0.58 0.79 2.7
Possible VaD cortical infarct
or lacunar MID + MIX 0.92 0.39 0.43 0.91 4.8
ADDTC Possible IVD state, which MID 0.49 0.76 0.63 0.64 1.7
involved the MID + MI 0.92 0.45 0.58 0.88 4.8
hippocampus and
3 or more
neocortical areas
except primary
and secondary
visual cortex*
Gold 89 hospital (CT or DSM-IV Multiple MID 0.48 0.85 0.50 0.84 3.1
(2002) MRI) ICD-10 macroscopic and MID 0.5 0.80 0.20 0.94 3.3
Class IIB NINDS ps VaD microscopic MID 0.50 0.87 0.55 0.84 3.4
cortical infarcts,
NINDS PrVaD which involved 3 MID 0.44 0.80 0.20 0.91 2.2
ADDTC ps IVD or more MID 0.48 0.90 0.70 0.78 3.2
ADDTC pr IVD neocortical areas, MID 0.45 0.81 0.25 0.91 2.8
exclusive of
primary and
secondary visual
Knopman 89 autopsied NINDS including Multiple and Pure VaD 0.25 0.96 6.4
(2003) dementia cases WML bilateral VaD+ 0.22 0.98 11.0
from 482 incident DSM-IV infarctions in gray VaD 0.75 0.64 2.1
cases of dementia matter structures
(18% met Mayo Pure VaD: Braak VaD+ 0.74 0.70 2.5
criteria and 4% ICD-10 # II and sparse VaD 0.75 0.74 2.9
NINDS-AIREN neuritic plaques VaD+ 0.70 0.80 3.5
criteria or VaD ADDTC (not blinded to VaD 0.67 0.79 3.2
VaD+ 0.57 0.83 3.3
Mayo Clinic VaD 0.75 0.73 2.8
VaD+ 0.70 0.79 3.3
*Vascular lesions confined to the subcortical structures were not considered for the diagnosis of vascular dementia.

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Chui Alzheimer Dis Assoc Disord  Volume 19, Number 1, January–March 2005

(LR+ = 3.4). Similar results were reported by Knopman et al22 Sixty-one cases met pathologic criteria for AD (defined as
in a community-based, incident-dementia autopsy series. abundant cortical senile plaques .= 16/mm2 and NFT in at
least 1 lobe); 41 cases did not. Of the 61 AD cases, 24 (39%)
ADDTC Criteria had at least 1 infarct (12 at least 1 large infarct; 15 had at least 1
In a recent study,21 a clinical diagnosis of probable IVD lacunar infarct); 37 cases had no infarcts. Among the 45
had a sensitivity of 25% and a specificity of 91% (LR+ = 2.9); dementia cases, 47% (n = 21) had both AD and at least 1
a diagnosis of possible IVD had a sensitivity of 70% and infarct, so Mixed AD/CVD was a common occurrence. The
a specificity of 78% (LR+ = 3.2). In a community-based, study did not conduct an examination for microinfarcts.
incident-dementia autopsy series, similar positive likelihood Among non-AD cases, the presence of infarction was
ratios were found.22 associated lower scores on constructional praxis, but not for
It is difficult to compare the accuracy of different criteria MMSE or 5 other cognitive tests. Among the AD cases, the
for clinical diagnosis of VaD, given the multiplicity of prevalence of dementia was 57% for those without infarcts,
pathologic reference standards. In 2 studies, the LR+ for the 75% for those with a large infarct (OR 6.7 [95% CI = 0.9 to
DSM-III criteria fell in the 5 to 10 range, which is associated 48.3]), and 93% for those with at least 1 lacunar infarct (OR
with moderate changes in pre-and post-test probability. In 20.7 [95% CI = 1.5 to 288.0]). AD cases with lacunar infarcts
general, however, the LR+ associated with the Hachinski had significantly lower MMSE and CERAD test scores
Ischemic Score, as well as the NINDS-AIREN and ADDTC compared with those with large infarcts. These findings
criteria, fall in the 2 to 5 range—where small, but sometimes suggest that CVD may result in mild cognitive impairment. For
important, changes can be expected between pre- and post-test cases with AD pathology, the presence of small infarcts (more
probability. These values are similar as those found for the so than large infarcts) was associated with greater cognitive
NINCDS-ADRDA and DSM-III diagnoses of AD.28 Clearly, impairment. It is unclear whether the additional burden on
better diagnostic methods are still needed for VaD, as well as AD. cognitive function is imposed by the lacune itself, or whether
In general, the NINDS-AIREN and ADDTC criteria for the lacune serves as a marker for more widespread pathologic
probable VaD/IVD show a very high specificity (91–93%), but changes associated with small-vessel disease.
very low sensitivity (20–25%). The corresponding criteria for
possible VaD/IVD achieve gains in sensitivity (55–70%), Honolulu Asia Aging Study
without too much loss of specificity (78–84%). The newer The Honolulu-Asia Aging Study (HAAS) is a supple-
clinical criteria for VaD miss a substantial number of cases that mentary study to the Honolulu Heart Program (HHP). The
have pathologically defined CVD. On the other hand, HHP sample comprised Japanese-American men born 1900 to
a diagnosis of VaD by these criteria usually means that CVBI 1919 who were living on the island of Oahu in 1965 (n =
will indeed be found at autopsy. 8006). Beginning in 1991 and every 3 years thereafter, the
surviving participants (n = 3734 men in 1991) were admin-
CONTRIBUTIONS OF CEREBROVASCULAR istered the Cognitive Abilities Screening Instrument (CASI).31
BRAIN INJURY TO COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT Petrovitch et al,32 reported 220 consecutive autopsies
ALONG A CONTINUUM from the HAAS. Among 79 cases with dementia, 34 cases
Cerebrovascular brain injury, Alzheimer-changes (ie, were diagnosed pathologically as pure CVD. In a later study,
NFT and NP; tauopathy and beta-amyloidosis) and Parkinson- 285 autopsies were classified using an algorithm among 4
changes (Lewy bodies, alpha-synucleinopathy) often co-exist, primary pathologic processes (IVD, AD, Lewy bodies, and
particularly in an aging population. In a large unselected, HS).33 Substantial overlap was found among the 4 pathologic
community-based neuropathology study (70–103 years old), processes and mixed pathologies appeared to be associated
cerebrovascular (78%) and Alzheimer-type pathology (70%) with a higher prevalence of dementia. Among 118 decedents
were common.29 The following question may be posed. How identified as demented or cognitively impaired, 36% were
do these pathologies interact to impact behavior and cogni- attributed to AD and 30% were attributed at least in part to
tion? Relevant data are emerging from several longitudinal microinfarcts. This study suggests that microinfarcts may play
autopsy series. an important role in dementia.

The Nun Study Oxford Project to Investigate Memory and

The Nun Study is a prospective longitudinal study of Ageing (OPTIMA) Study
aging and AD.30 Participants are highly educated and have Serial mental status examinations were performed among
history of homogenous environment and lifestyle. The autopsy a population-based sample of elderly persons living in
rate of 88% is high (146 of 161 deaths). Cases with hippo- Cambridge, England (n = 2616). Among the first 101 con-
campal sclerosis, and other non-AD, non-CVD dementias/le- secutive autopsy cases,34,35 over 80% were older than 85 years
sions were excluded. at the time of death, and approximately half were considered to
The final autopsy sample comprised 102 college- be at least minimally demented. Considerable overlap was
educated women aged 76 to 100 years. Of these 44% (n = observed in the types of pathology found in the demented and
45) had dementia. (Dementia defined as scores , 5th percentile non-demented cases, with dementia cases showing signifi-
on CERAD neuropsychological battery); 39 had infarcts cantly greater numbers of tangles and plaques as expected. A
(based on gross examination of 1.5-cm thick coronal brain weaker but non-statistically significant association was found
sections; lacunes were defined as small infarcts , 1.5 cm). between dementia and the presence of Lewy bodies.

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Alzheimer Dis Assoc Disord  Volume 19, Number 1, January–March 2005 Neuropathology Lessons in Vascular Dementia

impairment. An emerging database suggests that CVBI contri-

butes significantly to mild cognitive impairment and can
precipitate the appearance of dementia in early stages of AD
pathology. However, the effects of CVBI may become
submerged once AD-pathology arrives at the isocortical
stages. The traditional categorical approach, which seeks a
unifying definition for VaD to place subjects into finite boxes,
may be over simplistic and futile. Standardized methods of
describing the severity and distribution of CVD and CVBI are
essential to enable the development of new quantitative and
continuous brain-behavior models. Pathologic validation of
in vivo digital neuroimaging markers may greatly accelerate
this endeavor.

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