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Agric. BioI. Chern.

, 45 (11), 2497~2502, 1981 2497

PolY-L-lysine Produced by Streptomyces.

Part II. Taxonomy and Fermentation Studies

Shoji SHIMA and Heiichi SAKAI

Department of Agricultural Chemistry, College of Agriculture,
University of Osaka Prefecture, Sakai, Osaka 591, Japan
Received April 20, 1981

As a result of screening for a Dragendorff-positive substance of microbial origin, L-lysine

homopolymer (25 ~ 30 residues) with alpha and epsilon linkages was obtained from the culture
filtrate of an actinomycete identified as Streptomyces albulus. Various cultural conditions for the
favorable production of the lysine polymer were studied. The decline of pH during the fermentation
process was an essential condition for the accumulation of lysine polymer. The addition of proline
had a considerable effect.

Various reports concerning the discovery of Taxonomy of the strain. The taxonomical studies of the
a Dragendorff-positive substance of microbial strain No. 346 was carried out mainly by the methods
described by Shirling and Gottlieb. 6 ) The mycelial mor-
origin have been published. 1 ,2) However, a
phology of the strain was examined with the mycelial
substance of rather high molecular polypep- growth on sucrose nitrate agar and inorganic salt-starch
tidic nature has not yet been described. We agar media. Utilization of various carbon sources was
have obtained homopolymer of lysine consist- tested according to the method of Pridham and Gottlieb. 7 )
ing of 25 ~ 30 residues connecting with alpha The amino acid composition of the cell wall was deter-
mined by the method of Boone and Pine. S ) Type cultures
and epsilon linkage from a culture filtrate of
for comparative studies were obtained from the Institute
an actinomycete isolated as a producer of the of Fermentation, Osaka (IFO) and Research Laboratory
Dragendorff-positive substance. 3 ) Although of Kaken Chemical Co. (KCC).
detailed studies on the structure of the lysine
polymer will be discussed in the following Fermentation. The stock culture of the strain No. 346
was maintained on a modified Bennett's agar at room
paper,4) the nature of the product was estab-
temperature. A loopful of the spore from the stock culture
lished as being c-polY-L-lysine (c-PL). In this was inoculated into 100 ml of the medium in a 500 ml flask
paper, the taxonomy of the producing or- and cultured at 30°C for 24 ~ 48 hr. The seed culture was
ganism, and the cultural conditions for the transferred into 100 ml of the medium in a 500 ml shaking
accumulation of the lysine polymer will be flask and incubated on a reciprocal machine at 30°C for
described. 48hr.


Screening process. Microorganisms newly isolated from
Approximately 2000 actinomycetes were
soil samples collected in the Kansai district of Japan, were
cultured on a reciprocal shaker at 30°C for 3 ~ 4 days, tested for production of the Dragendorff-
using a medium consisting of 2% glucose, 0.5% polypep- positive substance in their culture filtrate.
tone, 0.1 % potassium diphosphate, 0.05% magnesium Several strains which have similar characteris-
sulfate and 0.5% sodium chloride. After cultivation, fil- tics of grayish mycelial formation were select-
trates were subjected to the Dragendorff test. ed through the screening process. Among
Dragendorffs reagent was prepared according to the
method of Munier and Macheboeuf. 5 ) The evaluation of
them, the strain No. 346 which was isolated
the Dragendorfl\ test were carried out by visual obser- from a soil sample collected at Hashimoto
vation of a spot test on the porcelain spot plate. City, Wakayama Prefecture, Japan was pro v-
2498 S. SHIMA and H. SAKAI

ed to be the most potent strain for abundant the results of the carbon utilization test are
and stable production of the Dragendorff- shown in Tables II and III, respectively. The
positive substance. Thus, strain No. 346 was hydrolyzate of the cell wall contained LL-
subjected to further investigation. diaminopimelic acid.
Comparison with other related species. On
Taxonomy of the strain No. 346 the basis of its morphological features and
Morphological characteristics. The vege- presence of LL-diaminopimelic acid in its cell
tative mycelium grew well on all media tested wall, strain No. 346 seemed to belong to the
except for sucrose-nitrate agar. Color of the genus Streptomyces. Among the species of
substrate mycelium was generally pale yellow Streptomyces described in the 8th edition of
but was yellowish brown on tyrosine agar and Bergey's manual 9 ) and Shirling's ISP re-
glycerin-asparagine agar. The aerial mycelium ports/Oj strain No. 346 was identified as the
was found abundantly on tyrosine agar and species related to St. albulus and St. noursei.
nutrient agar but it showed only poor or no Comparative examination of strain No. 346
growth at all on glucose-asparagine agar, with type cultures of those related species was
glycerin-asparagine agar and oatmeal agar. carried out under the same cultural conditions.
Mature sporulated aerial mycelium was gray The distinguishable characteristics are sum-
or grayish brown in color. The spore chain marized in Table IV. The characters of the
was of a closed spiral formation. Sporangia strain No. 346 are thought to be more similar
were not observed on the tested media, neither to those of St. albulus than St. noursei.
fragmentation nor formation of spores on the Although strain No. 346 has some slightly
vegetative mycelium was found. The cultural different properties from St. albulus in aerial
characteristics on various media are shown in mycelium and melanoid formation, these dif-
Table I. Electron microscopy showed that a ferences were not sufficient for us to conclude
mature spore was ellipsoidal (1.2 ~ 1.5 micron) that strain No. 346 was a different species.
with spiny surface (Plate 1). Thus, strain No. 346 was classified as St.
Physiological properties. The strain pro- albulus.
duced melanoid pigment only on tyrosine agar
and not on peptone yeast extract iron agar nor Fermentation
on nutrient agar. Physiological properties and In preliminary fermentation studies to find


Medium Vegetative mycelium Aerial mycelium Soluble pigment

Sucrose-nitrate agar Poor Poor, brown None

(Waksman medium No. I)
Glucose-asparagine agar Moderate, white None None
(Waksman medium No.5)
Glycerin-asparagine agar Moderate, partly thick None None
(ISP No.5) brownish wrinkled growth
Tyrosine agar Good, ,yellowish brown Abundant, grayish Brown
brown with white patches
Nutrient agar Moderate, light yellow Abundant, white None
(rSp No.7)
Yeast malt ext. agar Good, light yellow Abundant, grayish brown, None
(ISP No.2) powdery
Oatmeal agar Moderate, light yellow Poor, brown None
(rSp No.3)
Peptone yeast ext. agar Good, light yellow Abundant, brown, powdery None
(rSp No.6)
Poly-lysine Produced by Streptomyces 2499

PLATE 1. Electron Micrograph of Spores of Strain No. 346.

Spiny surface ( x 10000).


reagent for comparison with purified e-PL as
the standard.
Liquefaction of gelatin Positive Medium composition and fermentation proc-
Peptonization of milk Positive ess. Comparative studies for suitable carbon
Coagulation of milk Negative
and nitrogen sources were carried out. The
Hydrolysis of starch Positive
Production of melanoid Positive (on tyrosine agar) results are shown in Tables V and VI, re-
pigment spectively. No accumulation of e-PL was ob-
Temperature for growth served in the medium which lacked additional
carbon sources in spite of the good growth
(Table V). Despite the good growth, sole use
of organic nitrogen source was not suitable for
No. 346 e-PL production (Table VI). Glycerol and
glucose were proved to be the best carbon
L-Arabinose sources, and the combined use of ammonium
sulfate and yeast extract was preferable for e-
o-Glucose +
o-Fructose + PL production. Consequently, the medium
L-Rhamnose composition for further cultivation was deter-
o-Galactose + mined as follows: 5% glycerol, 1% ammonium
sulfate, 0.05% magnesium sulfate, 0.5% yeast
o-Mannitol + extract, 0.003% ferrous sulfate and 0.004%
i-Inositol + zinc sulfate in M/50 phosphate buffer (pH
Salicin 6.8). The typical fermentation process is
+, assimilation positive; -, assimilation negative.
shown in Fig. 1. After the mycelial growth had
reached its maximum, accumulation of e-PL in
culture broth was observed accompanied by a
suitable cultural conditions for e-PL produc- rapid decrease of mycelial weight. Lowering
tion, various tests were carried out. The pres- the pH value of the medium seemed to be an
ence of e-PL in the culture broth was moni- essential cultural condition for the production
tored by coloring reaction using Dragendorff's of the e-PL. The significant decrease of the
2500 S. SHIMA and H. SAKAI


St. albulus St. noursei

No. 346
(IFO 13410) (KCC-S-922)

Cultural characteristics
Glucose-asparagine A.M.; none A.M.; none A.M.; thin, white
agar S.P.; none S.P.; none S.P.; none
Tyrosine agar A.M.; abundant, gray A.M.; none A.M.; abundant, gray
S.P.; brown S.P.; none S.P.; brown
Nutrient agar A.M.; white A.M.; light gray A.M.; white
S.P.; none S.P.; none S.P.; none
Yeast malt ext. A.M.; abundunt, A.M.; abundant, A.M.; abundant,
agar grayish-brown grayish-brown grayish-brown
S.P.; none S.P.; none S.P.; none
Oatmeal agar A.M.; poor, brown A.M.; poor, white A.M.; poor, brown
to brown
S.P.; none S.P.; none S.P.; none
Physiological properties
± + +
Liquefaction of gelatin
Hydrolysis of starch + + +
Coagulation of milk +
Utilization of sugar
D-Galactose + +
D-Mannitol + + +
i-Inositol + + +
A.M.; aerial mycelium; S.P., soluble pigment.

TABLE V. COMPARISON OF ADDITIONAL CARBON amount of the c-PL produced in the broth was
not noticeable in prolonged cultivation.
E-PL Other Jactors affecting e-PL production. The
Carbon source b Growth' Final pH ( 11' )
mg Iter effect of cultural temperature on the pro-
duction of the c-PL is shown in Fig. 2.
None +++ 5.5 0 Excellent accumulation was obtained at
Glucose +++ 3.3 300
Glycerin +++ 3.3 300 25 ~ 30°C. The strain could not grow well
Mannitol +++ 3.3 250 under the initial pH 4.0. The maximum accu-
Starch +++ 6.4 5 mulation of the c-PL was attained by fermen-
tation initiated at pH 6.0. When the sole
" Shaking flask culture for 48 hr at 30°C.
Basal medium: Yeast extract 5 g, (NH4)2S04 109, organic nitrogen source was used, the pH
MgS04 · 7H2 0 0.5 g, ZnS04 · 7H20 0.04 g, FeS04 · values of the culture were kept higher than in
7H 20 0.03 g in 1000 ml of MI50 phosphate butTer the case of inorganic nitrogen sources. This
(pH 6.8).
resulted in poor accumulation of c-PL. In the
b Five % of each carbon source was added.
, Estimated by packed cell volume. medium containing calcium carbonate, the pH
value of the culture broth was maintained at 5
to 6 throughout the culture and the pro-
Poly-lysine Produced by Streptomyces 2501


Nitrogen source Concn. (%) Growth b Final pH 8-PL (mg/liter)

(NH4)2 S04 0.5 + 3.3 180

NH4N0 3 0.5 + 3.6 0
NfI4 CI 0.5 + 3.3 90
NaN0 3 0.5 7.1 0
Urea 0.5 7.7 0
Polypeptone 1.0 +++ 5.8 0
Casamino acid 1.0 +++ 4.7 0
Yeast extract 1.0 +++ 5.4 0
Soybean meal 1.0 +++ 5.4 0
Pharmamedia 1.0 +++ 5.8 0
(NH4}zS04 1.0 }
Yeast extract 0.5
+++ 3.2 400

(NH4h S04 1.0 }

Polypeptone 0.5
+++ 4.0 200

a Shaking flask culture for 48 hr at 30°e.

Basal medium: Glycerin 50 g, MgS04 · 7H2 0 0.5 g, ZnS04 · 7H 2 0 0.04 g, FeS04 · 7H 2 0 0.03 g, yeast extract 0.5 g
in 1000mi of M/50 phosphate buffer (pH 6.8).
b Estimated by packed cell volume.



;,0\ 0--. - 0 - - - 0 - 0 -

.s 0.3
~ 0.1


/0-0 0- /.20 \
~3 03
15 25 30 35 40
>- Temp ('C)
/ FIG. 2. Effect of Temperature on e-PoIY-L-lysine
0 0 20 40 60 130 Cultural conditions were the same as in the legend for Fig.
Time(hr) 1 except temperature.
FIG. 1. Time Course Changes of e-PoIY-L-lysine
Fermentation Process.
0-0, mycelia; e-e, e-poIY-L-lysine (e-PL); 0-0, study on the effects of the addition of amino
pH. acids on the production of the e-PL, various
Medium: Glycerol 5%, (NH4)2S04 1%, yeast extract 0.5% amino acids were solely added to the medium.
MgS04 · 7H 2 0 0.05%, FeS04 · 7H 2 0 0.003%, ZnS04 ·
7H 2 0 0.004%, KH 2 P04 0.136% Na2 HP04 ·12H 2 0
The results are shown in Table VII. Proline,
0.358%, pH 6.8. phenylalanine, diaminopimelic acid, 6-amino-
One % seed culture was added. The organism was culti- caproic acid, arginine and isoleucine seemed
vated at 30°C with shaking. to be effective for e-PL production. While
lysine, the unit amino acid of this polymer, did
duction of e-PL was entirely inhibited (Fig. 3). not show a favorable effect. Among those
To investigate the effect of the aeration, vari- tested, proline was the most effective amino
ous volumes of the culture medium were acid. Murao et al. demonstrated that the
placed into a flask and cultured in the same proline was a stimulatory additive in y-polY-D-
manner as described above. The accumulation glutamate production by Bacillus subtilisY)
of e-PL was in proportion to the increase in Although the mechanism of proline effect on
aeration efficiency. To make a comparative the favorable production of amino acid poly-
2502 S. SHIMA and H. SAKAI


". .
.... D ...... ----··

Amino acid b B-PL (g/Iiter)

E 0-0 _ _ 0 _ _ 0_ 3

E05 • _______ 0-
L-Valine 0.63
L-Leucine 1.00
0:0.3 / L-Isoleucine 1.67
0 0 .1 •
L-Proline 2.83
.. ~.~
.. ~
.. ~L=~~~~
50 100 L-Phenylalanine 1.17
Time(hr) L-Tyrosine 0.42
FIG. 3. Effect of CaC0 3 on B-PolY-L-lysine Production. Yeast extract 0.40
L-Methionine 0.55
0-0, pH; e-e, B-PL in the absence of CaC03 .
L-Arginine 1.22
0-0, pH; . - . , B-PL in the presence of CaC03 .
L-Lysine 0.33
Basal medium was the same as in the legend for Fig. I.
Diamino pimelic acid 1.93
e-Aminocaproic acid 1.67
None 0.27
mer remains uncertain, this phenomena was
thought to be worthy of further investigation. a Shaking flask culture for 48 hr at 30°C.
Basal medium: Glycerin 50 g, (NH4)2S04 109,
yeast extract I g, MgS04 · 7H 20 0.5 g, ZnS04 ' 7H 20
Acknowledgrnerlt. The authors wish to thank Dr. A. 0.04g, FeS04 ·7H20 0.03g in 1000ml OfM/50 phos-
Seino of Kaken Chemical Co. Ltd. for the reference phate buffer (pH 6.8).
culture of actinomycetes. Thanks are also due to Miss E. bOne % of each amino acid was added in the basal
Iguchi of Fujisawa Pharmaceutical Industry Ltd. for her medium.
assistance in the electron photomicrography.

REFERENCES Bacteriol., 16, 313 (1966).

7) T. G. Pridham and D. Gottlieb, J. Bacteriol., 56, 107
I) Y. Kaneko, T. Terashima and Y. Kuroda, Agric. (1948).
Bioi. Chern., 32, 783 (1968). 8) C. J. Boone and L. Pine, Appl. Microbial., 16, 279
2) S. Omura and Y. Iwai, Hakko to Kogyo, 37, 223 (1968).
(1979). 9) R. E. Buchanan and N. E. Gibbons (ed.), "Bergey's
3) S. Shima and H. Sakai, Agric. Bioi. Chern., 41, 1807 Mannual of Determinative Bacteriology" 8th Ed.,
(1977). The Williams and Wilkins Co., Baltimore, 1974, pp.
4) S. Shima and H. Sakai, Agric. Bioi. Chern., 45,2503 782, 783, 785.
(1981). 10) E. B. Shirling and D. Gottlieb, Intern. J. Bacteriol.,
5) R. Munier and M. Macheboeuf, Bull. Soc. Chirn. 18, 69 (1968); 19, 391 (1969); 22, 265 (1972).
Bioi., 33, 846 (1951). II) S. Murao, S. Sawa, T. Murakawa and S. Ornata,
6) E. B. Shirling and D. Gottlieb, Intern. J. Syst. Nippon N6geikagaku Kaishi, 45, 118 (1971).

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