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The 27 Celestial Portals: The Real Secret Behind

the 12 Star-Signs Revealed

Prash Trivedi // The 27 Celestial Portals: The Real Secret Behind the 12
Star-Signs Revealed // 2005 // Lotus Press, 2005 // 471 pages //
0940985845, 9780940985841 // It is common knowledge that the 12
star-signs map the sky and set the stage for the drama of life. This book
expands this awareness manifold by revealing that it is the 27
constellations, and not the 12 signs, which truly map the ecliptic and
provide the celestial backdrop for affairs on earth. Instead of taking away
from the widely recognized meanings and significations of the 12 signs,
they enrich them with a whole new depth of perspective and
interpretation. file download bedu.pdf

Astrologia Vedica // Oct 1, 2011 // Uncovering the mysteries of the

Zodiac with Astrologia Vedica: A Treatise on the Predictive Astrology of
Rishi Parashara. The existence of cultural differences are implicit in //
Body, Mind & Spirit // Dean Dominic De Lucia // A Treatise on the
Predictive Astrology of Rishi Parashara // ISBN:9781452461328 pdf file
This book shows you how to access the wisdom of the Nakshatras in your
personal life and for society. Through it the modern reader can
understand the energies of their stars // 183 pages // 1999 // Body, Mind
& Spirit // The Lunar Mansions of Vedic Astrology // The Nakshatras //
ISBN:9780914955832 // Dennis M. Harness The 27 Celestial Portals:
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ISBN:9780970963628 // Classical Muhurta download
Light on Life brings the insight and wisdom of Indian astrology to the
Western reader. Jyotish or Indian astrology is an ancient and complex
method of exploring the nature of // Literary Collections // An
Introduction to the Astrology of India // Oct 14, 2000 // Light On Life //
Hart Defouw // 464 pages // ISBN:9789351181231 12 Star-Signs
Hindu astrology // Prashant Trivedi // Astrology of the Lunar Nodes // Dr.
David Frawley, the well known Vedic scholar, writes of Mr. Trivedi -
"India's most insightful young astrologer offers what is probably the
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2003 // The Key of Life The the
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ISBN:9781609254247 // Oct 15, 2000 // Hart de Fouw, Robert E.
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Bepin Behari // Body, Mind & Spirit // ISBN:0940985519 // 280 pages //
2003 // Myths & Symbols of Vedic Astrology // Many of the secrets of
life and consciousness can be discovered through Vedic Astrology.
Mythology students will find it helpful in unlocking the astrological keys
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Jan 27, 2014 // 396 pages // (ASTROLOGY SIMPLIFIED) // Religion //
Astrology has stood the test of times ever since it revealed the mystery
and the mastery of the ancient wisdom of forecasting the influence of the
stars on human bodies. A // ISBN:9781482818154 // BALDEV BHATIA
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