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Contention, Debates and Policies about Social Inequality in Chile Today

Contention, Debates and Policies about Social

Inequality in Chile Today

Vicente Espinoza

Universidad de Santiago de Chile
COES Center for the Study of Conflict and Cohesion

Contention, Debates and Policies about Social Inequality in Chile Today
Colloque International et Pluridisciplinaire. PACTE. Grenoble. 10-12 juin 2015


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The Chilean policy puzzle

How could successful social inclusion yield protest and rejection of
the social policy and the model of development?
Contention, Debates and Policies about Social Inequality in Chile Today
Colloque International et Pluridisciplinaire. PACTE. Grenoble. 10-12 juin 2015

Interest for comparison

I Reduction of poverty and improvement in the living conditions

of the population with almost no distribution of income.
I Limits to the operation of a system of social protection based
on "ciblage" (target efficiency, means-tested policies).
I Limits of legitimation based on an equal opportunity discourse
I The end of the road for "the neoliberal model"?
Contention, Debates and Policies about Social Inequality in Chile Today
Colloque International et Pluridisciplinaire. PACTE. Grenoble. 10-12 juin 2015

The paradox of social inclusion in Chile

I Gross National Income per-capita about $20.000.-US
I Government expects to reach Portugal’s level of income within
the next five years
I Unemployment rate under 10% for the last 20 years
I Massive inclusion in higher education
I Top Human Development Index of Latin America and the
However, the population rejects the social policy and the
model of development
I outcomes and discourses about social policy
I legitimation crisis?
Contention, Debates and Policies about Social Inequality in Chile Today
Colloque International et Pluridisciplinaire. PACTE. Grenoble. 10-12 juin 2015

Human development in Latin America and the Caribbean

Evolution of the Human Development Index
Latin−America & Caribe (1980−−2013)

0.8 Argentina

HDI level



Very High

1981 1991 2001 2011

Data series from UNDP−HDI

Contention, Debates and Policies about Social Inequality in Chile Today
Colloque International et Pluridisciplinaire. PACTE. Grenoble. 10-12 juin 2015

Human development in Chile

Composition of Chilean HDI 1980−2013
HDI normalized values


HDI Global

Life Expectancy
Mean Schooling
Expected Schooling

1981 1991 2001 2011

Data series from UNDP−HDI

Contention, Debates and Policies about Social Inequality in Chile Today
Colloque International et Pluridisciplinaire. PACTE. Grenoble. 10-12 juin 2015

Reduction of poverty under different policy models

Contention, Debates and Policies about Social Inequality in Chile Today
Colloque International et Pluridisciplinaire. PACTE. Grenoble. 10-12 juin 2015

A closer look to poverty in Chile. . .

Contention, Debates and Policies about Social Inequality in Chile Today
Colloque International et Pluridisciplinaire. PACTE. Grenoble. 10-12 juin 2015

Access to consumption and services in Chilean households

1992, 2002 y 2013

Items 1992 Census 2002 Census 2013 (CASEN)

Permanent houses / Households 86,3% 90,4% -.-
Drinking water 82,8% 91,8% 96.0%
Energy 91,1% 96,9% 98,0%
Automatic washing machine 48,2% 78,8% 89,0%
Fridge 54,6% 82,1% 82,2%
Car or truck 20,3% 30,7% 32,7%
Line phone 23,6% 51,5% 35,6%
Mobile phone 1,0% 51,0% 90,0%
Computer - 20,5% 51,2%
Home Internet connection - 10,2% 62,0%
Higher education 9,0% 16,0% 23,7%
Contention, Debates and Policies about Social Inequality in Chile Today
Colloque International et Pluridisciplinaire. PACTE. Grenoble. 10-12 juin 2015

Inclusion in the higher educational system

Number of undergraduate students. Chile 1983−2013

1000 Technical

Thousands of undergraduates




1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010

Source: SIES. Elaboration by author
Contention, Debates and Policies about Social Inequality in Chile Today
Colloque International et Pluridisciplinaire. PACTE. Grenoble. 10-12 juin 2015

Decreasing income inequality in Chile. . .

Distribution of per−capita monetary income
Chilean households 1992, 2003, 2013



density (kernel estimation)


0 72 241 965 2171 6000

Equivalent per−capita income USD december 2009
Fuente: Author elaboration from CASEN survey
Contention, Debates and Policies about Social Inequality in Chile Today
Colloque International et Pluridisciplinaire. PACTE. Grenoble. 10-12 juin 2015

Let’s take another look on the income distribution

Income distribution in Chile by percentiles 2013 (in bars), 2003, 1992


per−capita income level (USD)





0 20 40 60 80 100

percentiles of income
Contention, Debates and Policies about Social Inequality in Chile Today
Colloque International et Pluridisciplinaire. PACTE. Grenoble. 10-12 juin 2015

Poverty and inequality are not the same

I poverty symbolized inequality in the 1990s

I reducing poverty was allegedly defeating inequality
I pro-poor economic growth
I economic growth correlates positively with the reduction of
I lowest income moved up, toward the median of the
distribution, while highest income continued to grow
I Redistribution: From social minima to living standards
Contention, Debates and Policies about Social Inequality in Chile Today
Colloque International et Pluridisciplinaire. PACTE. Grenoble. 10-12 juin 2015

The working poor

Does labor market participation keep workers away from

I No. 20% of the current poor are gainfully employed
I 2.447.354 total poor 2011 (15.1%)
I 497.331 poor with an occupation
I 329.162 poor with an occupation working 35 or more hours a
I 73.541 poor with labor contract in a firm larger than 200
I Comercial activity comprises the largest number of poor
workers, amounting for 35% of them.
Contention, Debates and Policies about Social Inequality in Chile Today
Colloque International et Pluridisciplinaire. PACTE. Grenoble. 10-12 juin 2015

Discrimination in the labor market

Contention, Debates and Policies about Social Inequality in Chile Today
Colloque International et Pluridisciplinaire. PACTE. Grenoble. 10-12 juin 2015

Regresive educational system

Figure: OCDE. Informe Económico sobre Chile. 2010

Contention, Debates and Policies about Social Inequality in Chile Today
Colloque International et Pluridisciplinaire. PACTE. Grenoble. 10-12 juin 2015

Existential inequality

I An experience of abuse or powerlessness that expresses the

asymmetry of power in social life,
I money is one among other elements.
I "disrespect", "outrage" (pasados a llevar), "injustice"
I feelings of humilliation and shame
I Some instances of abuse
I uncareful treatment in public services,
I concealing the addresses to dodge discrimination,
I unfairness in personal selection,
I bosses shouting at their personnel,
I people awaiting long hours to be received,
I responsibles who never show up. . .
Contention, Debates and Policies about Social Inequality in Chile Today
Colloque International et Pluridisciplinaire. PACTE. Grenoble. 10-12 juin 2015

From perfect domination to criticism

Agreement on income differences (percentages). ISSP 2000


Income differences necessary for development


● CHILE.2009


● ●

● ● ●●


● ●
● ● ● ●

● ● ●

● ●


65 70 75 80 85 90 95

Income differences too large

Contention, Debates and Policies about Social Inequality in Chile Today
Colloque International et Pluridisciplinaire. PACTE. Grenoble. 10-12 juin 2015

Awareness of inequality

Table: Is it fair or unfair, correct or incorrect that people with higher

income can pay for better education and health services than people with
lower income? (ISSP)
Year ABC1 C2 C3 D E Total
2000 61.0% 51.3% 36.4% 35.5% 34.1% 35%
2009 Health 27.0% 23.6% 22.8% 19.9% 17.1% 20%
2009 Education 24.6% 22.7% 21.3% 19.7% 19.2% 20%
Contention, Debates and Policies about Social Inequality in Chile Today
Colloque International et Pluridisciplinaire. PACTE. Grenoble. 10-12 juin 2015

Students Mobilization 2011–2015. . .

Contention, Debates and Policies about Social Inequality in Chile Today
Colloque International et Pluridisciplinaire. PACTE. Grenoble. 10-12 juin 2015

Inequality debates

I Opportunities
I Shocking difference in the quality of schools
I Access to college was not meeting promises of upward social
I Positions (outcome)
I Social protection
I Unions
Contention, Debates and Policies about Social Inequality in Chile Today
Colloque International et Pluridisciplinaire. PACTE. Grenoble. 10-12 juin 2015

Social policy and political legitimacy

Chileans were abandoning the public arena for a long time now
I "exit" instead of "voice"
I example: registration as voter

Public policy fuels disaffection

I voluntary voting:
I result: since it was enacted in 2012 the highest turn out has
been 52%
I even the proponents accept it was an error
Contention, Debates and Policies about Social Inequality in Chile Today
Colloque International et Pluridisciplinaire. PACTE. Grenoble. 10-12 juin 2015

Contradictory demands

I Is Chilean society at the end of a cycle of neoliberal

I I want to pay for my children education
I I don’t want my children in socially mixed schools
I I want schools that select their students
Contention, Debates and Policies about Social Inequality in Chile Today
Colloque International et Pluridisciplinaire. PACTE. Grenoble. 10-12 juin 2015

Inequality and elites

I In Chile the population tried to keep the economic elite was at
bay by balancing its power with a state run by allies.
I Recent episodes of political corruption affecting the whole
political spectrum deepens the legitimacy crisis of political
I irregular funding of political campaigns,
I taking advantage of their authority in business deals,
I conflicts of interest.
I Whether legal or illegal they all have in common the collusion
with the economic powers.
I Political authorities were found to receive funds from the very
people they were supposed to restrain.
I For the plain citizen, this kind of deals is a betrayal to their

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