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RAVE in Color

Authors: Brhyn Stewart, Alice Benedict, Kristen Eissmann

Sensory Activities
o Primary Colors Squishy Bag Painting
 Supplies needed: Paint & Ziplock Bags
 Instructions: Fill each Ziplock bag with two primary colors in
opposite corners. Use hands and fingers to mix colors together
while identifying what color is now created.
o Rice & Ice
 Supplies needed: Ice cube tray, food coloring, & rice
 Instructions: Before session, make ice cubes dyed with the food
coloring. Place the colored ice cubes and plain white rice in a dish.
Have kids mix ice and rice and watch it change colors!
o Rainbow Jelly
 Supplies needed: Ice cube tray & multiple colors of Jell-O
 Instructions: Before session, make Jell-O using the ice cube trays.
Place the Jell-O cubes in a container and allow the children to
o Squirt Gun Painting
 Supplies needed: Squirt gun, paint, butcher paper
 Instructions: Fill each squirt gun with one color of paint. Have the
child squirt the colors of paint onto the white paper in order to
create a piece of art!
o DIY playdough with essential oils
 Supplies needed: Conditioner/cornstarch or flour, food coloring, &

Gross motor
o -Color Scavenger Hunt
 *Supplies needed: Different colors of tape
 Instructions: Place boxes made of tape along the hallway. Have
everyone meet up and explain that the instructor will announce the
color and that they are to go and find an object that is that color
and place it in the appropriate matching colored square. Have
them look anywhere in the center for the objects.
o -What time is it Mr. Fox?
 *Supplies needed: n/a
 Instructions: Mr. Fox then calls out a time that is on the even hour
(1 o'clock - 12 o'clock). The group then takes that many steps.
When the group gets to where the fox is, but not past him, and asks
the time, the fox can yell "Midnight!" They then turn and chase the
o -Popcorn
 *Supplies needed: Colored plastic balls & colorful giant parachute
 Instructions: Place multiple different plastic balls on top of the
parachute and then have each child grab an edge of the parachute.
Put on some music and try to keep all the balls on the parachute!

Art/Fine motor
 Tie Dye Coffee Filters
o Supplies needed: Markers, coffee filters, & spray bottle of water
o Begin by folding the filter in half. Have the children color one half
any way they prefer. Try to not overlap the colors by leaving a
small amount of white between colors. Once completed with the
coloring, fold the filter in half and then half again. Spray lightly
with water, unfold, and hand to dry. (Wear gloves when spraying
them as to not stain your hands with the ink from the markers.)
 Color Matching Car Painting
o Supplies needed: Small toy cars, white butcher paper, paint
 Instructions: Place white butcher paper on table and tape it down. Add a
small amount of paint on each side of the table in a different order. Next,
place one car on each on the piles of paint on ONE side of the table.
Have children drive the car from one side of the table across the white
paper to the matching color on the other side.
 Sorting popsicle sticks by color
o Supplies needed: Popsicle sticks, food coloring, sorting jars/buckets/containers
o Instructions: Have children place matching colored popsicle sticks
into the correct corresponding container. Provide praise for
participating and making the correct choice. Use this as a learning
opportunity to help teach them how to differentiate between colors.
 Color changing milk
o Supplies needed: Milk, dish soap, cotton balls/Q-tips & food coloring
o Instructions: Add some milk to a shallow dish. Place different
colors of food coloring in small amounts in the milk. Dip a cotton
ball or Q-tip in dish soap, and then place the cotton ball/Q-tip
slowly in the milk. Repeat when milk stops moving.
o Rainbow paper chain
o Supplies needed: Multiple colors of construction paper & stapler/tape
o Before session, cut out many different strips of construction paper
and create links to hang around the center.

Circle Time activities

o A Color Chorus
o Five Little Crayons
o The Color Song
o Brown Bear, Brown Bear, what do you see?
 Look up the book on YouTube and play the video either on the projector
with the kids
o Rainbow Song
o What color are you wearing?

Language Development
o Brown Bear color card activity

o Stacking colored rings
o Mirrors with transparent tokens and cups on top
o Any of the above art/sensory activities.
 Make sure the children do not eat the smaller parts of the activity
o Place colored plastic balls in containers sorted by color

o Balloons and streamers of all colors
o Use construction paper to create rainbow paper chains

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