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Types Of five-paragraph academic essays

There are many types of five paragraph essays, depending on the main goal and requirements of your tutor.
You need to get familiar with all of them before starting your work to be able to know what to write about.

Here are six main types, which you may be asked to complete:

 Argumentative to provide arguments on a topic, taken from reliable sources;

 Persuasive, which aims to persuade the reader to accept your point of view;
 Narrative to tell a story about a situation, event, location or any other issue;
 Expository. The main goal of such an essay is to explain a particular issue to make it clear for the
 Compare and contrast. This type of essay shows the main differences or similarities of two different
 Cause and effect. In such a paper you need to explain what caused a particular event or what the
consequences are. In rare cases you may be asked to write about both. We have prepar

1-st Paragraph: Introduction

It is always a good idea to start with a 5 paragraph essay outline. It is a plan of your future work, which
allows concentrating on the most important details of the topic. With its help you won’t forget about
anything and will always stick to the point of the assignment.

Then you can add a hook sentence, which aims to engage the reader and make him want to learn more.
Depending on the topic of your essay, its seriousness and target audience, a hook can be:

 A joke or an anecdote;
 An unknown information or interesting fact;
 A quote;
 Story from your own life.

Once you complete your hook sentence, engaging the reader, you should proceed with background
information on the topic. Explain why it is important for the audience. Recall recent events in the society,
economy or politics (depending on your topic) to show why your essay is relevant. Close your introduction
with a thesis statement. It should be brief, catchy and contain a concrete statement, which you will support
during the whole essay.

To sum everything up, here are the basic principles for your introduction paragraph:

 Your introduction should consist of three to five sentences not to bore the reader but still introduce him to
the subject;
 It will influence the whole structure of your future work, because you will need to enumerate all the ideas
you have included to the text;
 Start with a hook sentence. It can be an interesting fact, a quote, a rhetorical question, a joke or examples
from your own experience. Remember to stay relevant and keep in mind your target audience not to offend
 Close your introduction with a thesis. It will remain the heart of your work and all of the arguments will
simply support your thesis.

For example, if you are asked to write about racial discrimination, you can start your introduction with a
strong statement like ‘Why should people with different skin color be treated worse? They have two hands
and two legs, as anyone else”.

You don’t have to answer the question, because it is a rhetorical one. If you doubt whether your introduction
is good enough, you can get familiar with 5 paragraph examples or buy one from our professional writers.
Three Body Paragraphs

The main part of your essay should consist of three paragraphs. They contain multiple details, like quotes,
facts, statistics and examples that support your introduction and all the arguments, presented in the
beginning of the work.

All you need to do is to take all the points from your introduction, discussing them in a separate body
paragraph. Here are the main tips you may need:

 Start every paragraph with a topic sentence, which summarizes the main point. It will make up the first
sentence of every paragraph. This sentence should be strong, catchy and engaging. If it is not interesting, the
reader may not want to learn more;
 Then write down your argument and explain why it is relevant and true. Make sure you use a clear language
and simple words. Always assume that the reader doesn’t know a thing about the matter;
 Present all the evidence, like examples, facts and statistics to support the argument. It is important to
persuade the reader, providing only reliable information on the topic.

Now your body paragraph is ready. Do the same with the second and the third paragraph, which will be
much easier, because you already have an outline with a clear structure.

Make sure you choose an appropriate amount of paragraphs, because their lack may not reveal the topic and
too many arguments may bore the audience.

5-th Paragraph: Conclusion

Before discussing the conclusion you should think about the way your body paragraphs need to be built. Use
transition words, when working on your second paragraph. Try to make a list of all the ideas, when you
research the subject. Pick the strongest issues, which will then shape your arguments. Don’t forget to add
examples to every body paragraph, as they act like a great supporting point of the thesis.

Conclusion, the last section of your essay, should be a summary of the whole work. Don’t forget to use
transition words to move from body paragraphs to the last one.

Your conclusion must contain a paraphrasing of the thesis statement. You need to make conclusions on
every provided argument and body paragraph.

Explain the reader how all the arguments are related and think of possible solutions for the future. Here are
simple and effective tips you can use:

 Last sentences of the paragraph must reflect the whole point of your essay;
 Remind all of the arguments, paraphrasing them;
 Don’t use citations in this section;
 Join arguments that are alike into a single sentence.
How to Outline a Five Paragraph Essay
The outline of a 5 paragraph essay has three major sections. These are the introduction, three body paragraphs
followed by a conclusion. When it comes to the formatting style, you are required to refer to your faculty requirements
or the specific instructions of the paper.
While writing the introduction, you need to begin with a hook. The hook aims at capturing the reader’s attention.
Therefore, you ought to select a creative method to introduce the topic to the audience. This particular sentence
needs to be a generalized idea about the main topic and gives the reader some background information. Anecdotes
quips and quotes all make suitable hooks for an essay.
Next, you need to include a topic sentence that offers additional information. The following sentence should enlighten
the reader more about the topic, while still retaining a generalized outlook. Provide the relevant background
information and write a well-defined topic idea. At this point, do not reveal key points yet.
Subsequently, write one more sentence based on the topic that steers towards the thesis. A reader should now begin
to see the essay’s ideas taking shape. Complete the introductory section with the thesis as the last statement that
contains your stance or the theme for the major points. Each paragraph should resonate with the thesis. The
introduction sets the mood for the essay. Therefore, it should be captivating, brief, and straight to the point.
The Three Body Paragraphs
You need to have three strong points supported by arguments. Begin by discussing the strongest point and end with
the second strongest one. The weakest topic idea needs to be sandwiched between two strong ideas. This will
enhance good support for the thesis statement. Each point needs to be within its paragraph.
Begin writing each paragraph by introduction a topic sentence. This sentence will state the main point and correlate it
back to the thesis. In essence, it informs the reader why the point supports ideas presented within the thesis. Topic
sentences control the remainder of the paragraph. Think of the topic sentence as a mini-thesis for that particular
Provide examples or evidence to back up the discussions. You can get evidence from sources you referenced during
research. Every paragraph needs to have two or three examples or evidence. In the case of research, cite all sources
in the appropriate style.
Add your personal opinion to inform the reader of how the examples and evidence support your ideas and correlate to
the thesis. Typically, two to three commentary sentences are ideal for each example or piece of evidence. A good
method of inserting commentaries is to alternate them with each evidence all across the paper. End the paragraph by
referring back to the thesis. Make a summary of all points you made within the paragraph. Showcase to the reader
how the points provide support.
Writing the Conclusion
Restate the thesis through reinforcing the major ideas. Create a summary of how the main points gave support to the
thesis to reinforce your arguments in the reader’s mind. Do this in around two to three sentences. Write authoritatively
while restating arguments to convince the reader fully.
Do not introduce new information in this paragraph. This might result in you losing points for the essay. The reader
might walk away with more questions rather than satisfaction with your arguments. Only restate what you had
discussed earlier on. Sum up everything with a concluding remark to leave the readers with a lasting impression about
the topic. A reader needs to keep meditating about the paper long after they have read it. The following are amazing
ideas on good concluding sentences.
 A call to action
 A warning on the consequence of ignoring your stance
 Creating an impression in the reader’s mind
 A quote
 A general statement about reality or life

The Merits of Regular Exercise

As of late numerous individuals have turned out to be progressively mindful of the requirement
for physical fitness. Whenever people turn to a magazine, TV or bulletin, they are constantly
bombarded with guidance on health and fitness. Though some of this information is commercially
driven, advice on regular exercise should be considered. Ordinary exercise discharges strain,
enhances appearance and adds stamina.
Firstly, the release of tension during exercise can be felt immediately. Tension is generally
caused by anxiety stress or fear that results in excessive adrenaline accumulation. Whenever an
individual rides a bicycle, jogs or swims for at least 15 minutes a day, he or she is likely to have a
good night’s rest and in a good mood the following day. Furthermore, after discharging excessive
tension, small annoyances and frustrations should become less of a problem.
The second benefit to exercise is a better appearance. Though not immediate, exercising for at
least one-month results in a firm and trim figure. An overweight individual, for instance, can burn
up excessive fats and increase muscle mass thus reshaping his or her physique. With enhanced
muscle tone and balanced posture, the individual can wear more attractive clothes and feel
Next, enhanced physical strength boosts stamina. A strong and healthy person can work
harder and can cope with normal fatigue better than a weak and tensed individual. Someone who
exercises regularly can go through a forty-hour work week and retain extra energy for household
tasks. Also important, stamina assists in warding off diseases the likes of influenza and colds.
In conclusion, quick fixes to losing weight and achieving enhanced muscle tone as well as
energy saturate media outlets. However, gaining such benefits requires a lot of dedication and
effort. In the end, the rewards are worth every effort put into a regular exercise that enhances
relaxation, good health, and energy for both tedious and routine activities.
314 words

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