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Natalie Harris

Ms. Terry

Senior Seminar

27 September 2019

Expert Interview Summary and Reflection

Expert Interview: Smita Martinez, Rotary Club Member, Kihei Rotary Club

Thursday 26th, 2019, 3:00 pm and at Kihei Charter School Campus

For my expert interview, I interviewed Smita Martinez from the Kihei Rotary Club organization.

I chose to interview Smita Martinez because she is knowledgeable about what a rotary club does

and means, setting up big events, helping with projects and also she gave me great advice about

my project. I would say the interview went very smoothly and she helped answer my questions I

had and gave me some great advice about carrying my project through. We discussed what

happened during the first Rotary Club meeting at kihei charter school. She told me that there

were about two students, one 10th grader and a 7th grader and they discussed the important

school wide issues going on at Kihei Charter School. She also said that there were two kihei

rotary club members there to start off the first meeting and later on there will be only one. She
then asked me what issues I see in our community at school and outside of school. I said bullying

and also the issue of vaping at our school campus, she agreed with me and also said that both of

the students brought that issue up too. We later talked about how I can start my senior project

with the help of the rotary club and the members would be there to help me. They would help

with the money aspect of my senior project, if I needed to print out posters or buy buttons etc.

She also gave me some great advice about participating in holding up signs at events and being

exposed to real campaigning for my project. She also helped me see that I need a comprehensive

campaign in order for people to understand my project and being able to participate in it. She

liked my new version of my senior project and thought the advice Ms. Terry gave me was very

helpful. She helped me see that with the help of our own Kihei Charter Schools Rotary Club my

project can be very successful.

List of Questions:

1. Why/how did you start working with the Kihei Rotary club?
2. What advice would you give about working with others or large groups of people?
3. What is your favorite part of your job?
4. How many community events have you worked/volunteered on? Were there any
5. Why is the rotary club important and why should students join?
6. Do you have any advice for my project?
Please use this space to write a one-page (or more if you’d like) summary and reflection of your
interview. (What did you discuss? What major insights/advice did you receive? Are there any
adjustments or changes/additions you’d like to make to your plan? How did your interview go?)
You may erase these instructions when done.

Please include a list of questions you discussed.

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