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Ingeniería de Proyectos

“Mejora Continua del Dispositivo PED01E-A19”

I T P. Sergio Alejandro Pérez Romero

Juan José Juárez Méndez

Luis Arturo Nava Del Ángel
Sergio Alejandro Valencia Ramos
Eliseo Hernández Venegas

Ingeniería en Mecatrónica

Dolores Hidalgo C.I.N., Guanajuato 8 junio 2019

Improve the device through the quality tools that we have been learning during this

Also in this project we look for optimization, which causes an immediate impact and
reduce manufacturing costs based on the needs established by the customer.

A very simple way to carry it out is by applying the Plan Do Check Adjust (or PDCA)
model. As well as changing the material with which it is manufactured, reduce the
size, weight and add new work tolos to achieve the purpose of continuous

This report shows the documentation of the base cell part in which it describes its
physical aspects which have several problems which are brominated, the
manufacturing a bit high, its portability is not 100% and it does not have a
technological advance. mentioning the following, this report will contain the
improvements mentioned above based on the ishikawua's methodology, 5 porqué
and pareto. These tools are based on each of the improvements.

Pareto refers to it constitutes a method of analysis that allows to classify and

hierarchize any problem of any kind. A properly constructed diagram reveals the
direction in which efforts should be concentrated, to reduce or eliminate the aspects
of the problem that most affect the situation being studied. The use of pareto
diagrams is very feasible when it is intended to direct attention in a systematic way
to the problems, specifically when limited means are available to solve a large
number of them. The principle is very useful to prioritize what you should work with

Ishikawa focuses on the control of quality assurance, also points out that the total
quality is a new philosophy of the administration that should become one of the main
objectives of the companies for which they should set long-term goals, putting the
quality in all decisions. Quality Control is the responsibility of all people and all areas
of the company, which should be aimed at eliminating the causes of poor quality, not
the symptoms. Its philosophy is based on the quality control in which it is necessary
that the company properly structure its Quality Training Plan; aimed at all levels of
the organization, whose objectives should be directed to the strategic objectives.
Los 5 ¿Porqués?
¿Porque El modelo es pesado y bromoso?


 Por el material con el que este fabricado cuenta con un peso

considerablemente excesivo para su tamaño.

¿Por qué cuenta con un peso considerablemente excesivo para su tamaño?

 Porque el modelo en su mayoría está fabricado es aluminio.


¿Porque El modelo es pesado y bromoso?

 Porque el personal que lo fabrico, en su diseño no considero que el peso y

sus dimensiones eran excesivas.

¿Porque el personal que lo fabrico en su diseño no considero que el peso y sus

dimensiones eran excesivos?

 Porque solo se enfocaron en lo estético.

¿Porque solo se enfocaron en lo estético?

Porque los diseñadores solo consideraron que tuviera buena presentación.

Principio de Rediseño en Solidworks

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