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The Definitive Inventory List for The New Dungeon Game (Version 1.

1) *

1 Rulebook
1 Game Board
2 6 sided dice

6 Plastic Miniatures
1 Warrior
1 Elf
1 Dwarf
1 Wizard
1 Paladin
1 Thief

250 Cards

18 Hero cards:
1 Princilla
1 Keenya
1 Nook
1 Krind
1 Thugg
1 Flind
1 Abrana
1 Rast
1 Kasira
1 Longbranch
1 Flennentar
1 Kador
1 Thosia
1 Devon
1 Madelyne
1 Floid
1 Zinda
1 Alonzo

36 Spell cards:
12 Lightning Bolts
12 Teleport
12 12 Fireball

9 Level One Treasure cards:

2 sacks gold 250 GP
2 sacks gold 500 GP
2 sacks gold 750 GP
1 sacks gold 1000 GP
1 secret door card
1 magic sword "Goblinblade" +1

9 level Two Treasure cards:

2 Sack of Gold 1,000 GP
1 Sack of Gold 750 GP
1 Sack of Gold 500 GP
2 Silver Cup 1,000 GP
1 Silver Ring 2,000 GP
1 Magic Sword "Orcslayer"
1 Secret Door Card

16 Level Three Treasure cards:

2 Sack of Gold 1,000 GP
1 Sack of Gold 750 GP
3 Silver Cup 1,000 GP
3 Silver Ring 2,000 GP
2 Gold Ring 3,000 GP
3 Gold Cup 2,500 GP
1 Secret Door Card
1 ESP Medallion

18 Level Four Treasure cards:

1 Sack of Gold 1,000 GP
1 Secret Door Card
1 Magic Sword "Dragonbane" +1
1 Magic Sword "the Weresword" +1
2 Gold Cup 2,500 GP
1 Huge Emerald
2 Sliver Ring
1 Huge Sapphire
1 Silver Cup
2 Gold Ring
1 Crystal Ball
2 Jade Idol
2 Silver Coffer

16 Level Five Treasure cards:

2 Silver Coffer
2 Huge Emerald
2 Huge Sapphire
2 Gold Cup
1 Silver Ring
1 Silver Necklace
2 Jade Idol
2 Gold Ring
1 ESP Medallion
1 Huge Ruby

12 Level Six Treasure cards:

2 Jade Idol
2 Huge Emerald
1 Silver Necklace
1 Gold Necklace
1 Silver Coffer
1 Magic Sword "Hillcleaver" +2
1 Huge Sapphire
1 Huge Diamond
1 Crystal Ball
1 Huge Ruby
9 Level One Monster cards:
2 Skeletons
1 Hobgoblins
1 Kobolds
1 Giant Lizard
2 Goblins
1 Giant Rats
1 Zombies

15 Level Two Monster cards:

2 Ghouls
2 Hobgoblins
2 Orcs
1 Lizard Man
1 Water Weird
1 Giant Spider
1 Giant Lizard
1 Wererat
1 Troglodytes
1 Orkash the Dark Elf
1 Karth Evil Warrior of Zhentil Keep
1 Level Two Cage

22 Level Three Monster cards:

3 Ogre
2 Mummy
1 Orcs
2 Gargoyle
1 Weretiger
2 Giant Spider
2 Giant Snake
2 Werewolf
1 Wight
1 Owlbear
1 Ochre Jelly
1 Ebon Thunderhorse, Wild Barbarian
1 Wizardhunter Evil Warrior
1 Level Three Cage!
1 Level Three Slide!

24 Level Four Monster cards:

1 Phase Spider
1 Plitz Gnomebasher
1 White Dragon
1 Chimera
2 Werewolf
1 Ettin
2 Troll
1 Wyvern
3 Mummy
1 Level 4 Cage
2 Green Slime
1 Zond the Bandit King
1 Level 4 Slide
2 Hill Giant
1 Displacer Beast
2 Giant Snake
1 Wraith

28 Level Five Monster cards:

3 Troll
2 Stone Giant
1 Stone Golem
2 Hill Giant
3 Black Pudding
2 Green Dragon
2 Vampire
2 Green Slime
1 Black Dragon
2 Umber Hulk
3 Purple Worm
2 Mind Flayer
1 Frost Giant
1 Ghost
1 Slide

18 Level Six Monster cards:

1 Fire Giant
1 Magenta of Thay, Evil Wizrdess
2 Blue Dragon
2 Purple Worm
1 Dragonlich
2 Lich
2 Vampire
2 Beholder
1 Black Pudding
1 Cassana of Westgate Evil Wizardess
1 Ebon Doom
2 Red Dragon

6 Blank cards

* It appears that many copies of this game have more than 250 cards. This list is based on a comparison of the game
I own (ibdsnake) with copies owned by two other BGG members (dimwitflathead and Vanderdecken). This appears
to be a definitive list of the “factory default” list of 250 cards.

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