Jett Se Module3collaborationjournal 7461

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Sarah Jett

Module 3 (Analysis)
Site administrator
Dr. Cheatham, Assistant Principal of Birmingham Falls Elementary School

What are the instructional goals for your organization (e.g., school, district, company,
department, etc.)?
Some instructional goals for our school are in the areas of reading, math, and social
studies. They are specifically outlined in our school’s strategic plan, which also mirror county
wide goals and expectations. The goals are as follows:

• 3rd English Language Arts: Increase the percentage of 3rd grade students
achieving a proficient or distinguished level in ELA to the top 3% of the state
• 5th Grade Social Studies: Increase the percentage of 5th grade students
achieving a proficient or distinguished level in SS to the top 3% of the state
• Student Growth: 80% of 5th graders will show typical to high growth in math

What areas does this person see as in need of improvement within your organization?
For 5th grade specifically, we need to increase student growth in math, especially
among the special education students. Focusing on the Fulton County math priority
standards is the key to doing this. We need to focus on these foundational standards

How can your project/approach help address those above needs?

Our first math unit in 5th grade is very heavy on foundational skills that are also
identified as priority standards in math. We sat down as a PLC team and discovered from past
years that this unit is one of the most rigorous in 5th, and it is often a challenge for students
across the board, but also especially for students with disabilities. Without mastery of the
standards in unit 1, the remaining units will also be a struggle. My goal with this assignment is
to really break down the content of the curriculum and match it to the needs of my students in
a cotaught classroom. My thought is that if I can really help them master these foundational
skills early in the year, then their understanding of the content in later units will also grow.
Truly taking the time to break down the content and strategies, as well as the needs of the
students, should help students become more successful.

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