Second Trip To Europe

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CHAPTER 8 Rizal's Second Trip Abroad He who reads much and travels much, sees a lot and

knows a lot..." --Rizal quoted Cervantes: El Quijote FEBRUARY 3, 1888

Rizal left Manila on board the ZAPIRO.

He met Varanda, the Secretary of Gov.
Gen. Terrero.
- He visited Filipinos in Hongkong.
- In Macau, he visited cathedrals, pagodas,
temples, shrines, theaters, botanical gardens and bazaars. He studied the Chinese way of life. Jose
observed the following: HONGKONG and MACAU - The Chinese New Year
- Chinese theaters
- The Marathon Lauriat Party
- The richest order in Hongkong, THE DOMINICANS.
- The cemeteries in Hongkong. February 22, 1888, Rizal left Hongkong
on board the OCEANIC. JAPAN! The Land of Cherry Blossom Rizal arrived at Yokohama on
Feb. 28, 1888.
He stayed at the Grand Hotel.
The next day he went to Tokyo and stayed there.
Upon invitation, he stayed in the Spanish Diplomat Headquarters.
He visited the provinces, studied Niponggo, Japanese art, theater, etc.
Rizal was impressed of Japan's culture:
the beauty of the country ( plants, flowers, gardens, mountains, rivers)
politeness thru bowing
few beggars on the streets; few thieves
clean houses
The Japanese are happy and industrious people. Seiko Usui or Osei-san Rizal left Yokohama on
April 13, 1888 on board
the steamer BELGIC bound for USA. There he met
Techo Suehiro. He was just disgusted with
the concept of men pulling rickshaws. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Rizal reached SAN
FRANCISCO on Apr. 28, 1888.
Dubbed America as "A motherland for the poor who wish to work".
He described America as a great country, but it has many defects too. They do not have real civil
When he was asked by Jose Alejandro about his impression of the country, he stated: AMERICA
New York on May 13,1888 on board THE CITY OF ROME bound for London. They experienced
discriminations in America upon arrival for they weren't allowed to disembark. Chinese passengers
were even quarantined much longer on board. LONDON! MAY 24, 1888, Rizal reached
QUEENSTOWN, IRELAND. He got on board a ferry boat to Liverpool and a train for London.
He lived in London from May 1888 - March 1889. He chose it for 3 reasons:
to improve his knowledge on English
to study Dr. Antonio de Morga's book SUCCESOS DE LAS ISLAS FILIPINAS, which is found
in the British Museum.
London was safe from the Spaniards.
He worked in the British Museum Library, studied, copied, and published Morga's book.
He stayed as a guest of Dr. Antonio Ma. Regidor.
by May, he moved to a boarding house owned by the Beckett family.
Because he was an excellent linguist, he became good friends with Dr. Reinhold Rost, a Sanskrit
scholar, the greatest scholar of that century. He even spent time with him.
Rost was impressed with his manners and called him "UNA PERLA DE HOMBRE" or Pearl of a
Man. NEWS FROM CALAMBA Persecution of Filipino patriots who signed "ANTI-FRIAR
PETITION of 1888".
Persecution of Calamba tenants.
Senators attacking Rizal
Manuel Hidalgo, Saturnina's husband, was exiled to Bohol.
Laureano Viado, his friend, was arrested for possesing copies of Noli.
Rev, Vicente Garcia's favorable defense of the Noli. :) Reformists in BARCELONA (Dec. 31,
President - Galicano Apacible
VP - Graciano Lopez Jaena
Honorary Pres - Rizal. FEB, 15, 1889, Jaena founded the newspaper, LA SOLIDARIDAD.
Rizal's 1st article = LOS AGRICULTORES FILIPINOS ( The Filipino Farmers)
pen names: Dimas Alang, Laong Laan He wrote a pamphlet against Fray Rodriguez, "LA VISION
Prometheus Bound
The Triumph of Science Over Death
The Triumph Death over Life.
carvings of the heads of the Beckett sisters. HE LEFT LONDON on March 19, 1889. PARIS,
FRANCE! March 1889 Universal Exposition
Too many tourists in the city, so he stayed with Valentin Ventura. He transferred from different
hotels and boarding houses.
Visited the home of Pardo de Tavera
Composed the story of THE MONKEY AND THE TORTOISE He was fascinated by the
Universal Exposition, especially the Eiffel Tower -- MAY 6, 1889.
He organized the Kidlat Club, with Filipinos who wanted to join the expo.
He finalized his copy of Morga's book which showed evidence that the Filipinos were already
civilized before the Spaniards came. He planned to establish a college in Hongkong with the help
of Mr. Mariano Cunanan who promised to help him raise Php40,000. Unfortunately it did not
succeed. But when he was exiled in Dapitan, he was able to establish a Boys School.
He wrote again another satire entitled POR TELEFONO, as a reply to Fr. Salvador Font, his
slanderer. JANUARY 28, 1890, he left for Brussels, Belgium. BRUSSELS, BELGIUM! Jose
Albert accompanied him to Brussels. He also lived with Jose Alejandro. He left Paris because:
the expensive cost of living
the gay social life hampered his literary works.
In Brussels, he made himself busy with sculpturing, shooting, going to gym, writing and reading,
and writing articles for the La Solidaridad, examples are:
A La Defensa, La verdad para Todos, Vicente Barrantes' Teatro Tagalo, Una Profanacion,
Crueldad, Ingratitudes,etc. He was the first to advocate Filipinization of orthography. He adopted
Filipinized Tagalog in his translations of SCHILLER's WILHELM TELL, ANDERSEN's
the newspaper. He was criticized by his fellow Filipinos in Madrid for reminding them not to
gamble too much for they destroy the nation's reputation. He was even called POPE instead of
PEPE. LETTERS FROM CALAMBA Calamba Agrarian Trouble
Increasing rents of the hacienda lands by the Dominicans
An order from the Dominicans to disposses the Rizal family's lands from them.
Persecution of tenants
Paciano, Antonio Lopez, Silvestre Ubaldo were deported to Mindoro.
Manuel Hidalgo was banished to Bohol again. THIS MADE RIZAL FEEL THE URGE TO GO
HOME FOR HIS PEOPLE. BUT HIS FRIENDS, Blumentritt, Basa and Ponce warned him of
danger. He changed his mind of going home because he heard from Paciano that they lost the
Agrarian case. Rizal planned to raise the case in Madrid. He plans to defend it in Spain. MADRID,
SPAIN! He arrived in Madrid on August 1890. But bad news piled as he arrived in the country. 1.
FAILURE TO GET JUSTICE FOR THE FAMILY - Calamba was in chaos. Spanish statesmen
only contributed words of sympathy.
2. THE DEATH OF JOSE MARIA PANGANIBAN, his Propaganda comrade, in Barcelona due
to illness on AUG. 19, 1890.
4. INFIDELITY OF LEONOR RIVERA, planning to get married to an English man.
SOLIDARIDAD, leading to divisions of the Filipino community in Madrid. BIARRITZ,
FRANCE! Rizal wanted to take a rest from the problems he was carrying.
He stayed in Biarritz for 1 month. He finished El Filibusterismo here. He retired from the
Propaganda movement and he wanted to focus on publishing El Fili and his medical profession.
He was deciding to settle either in the Philippines, Hongkong or Japan because Europe seemed a
banishment to him due to the conflict in La Solidaridad.
Europe Tour with Dr. Maximo Viola
Maximo Viola
- a member of a rich family of San Miguel, Bulacan- meet Rizal at Barcelona while still
a medical student
- visited by viola and rizal before embarking on theirtour- a city which Frederick the
Great made famous- was famous with a historical windmill
thatsymbolized German justice when Frederickthe Great lost his case to an ordinary ow
ner of the windmill when he decided to confiscatethe windmills-
This country unlike ours, should not thirst much for justice.For laws of this country
belong to the judges and not the friars.
May 11,1887
- at dawn, Rizal and Viola boarded a trainfrom Berlin to Dresden
- one of the best cities in Germany- their visit coincided with theREGIONAL
FLORICULTURAL EXPOSITION- Rizal studied numerous plant varieties- Rizal & Viola
visited Dr. Adolph B. Meyer and
metDr. F. Jagor who advised them to wire Blumentritt becausethe professor has nervou
s disposition and mightsuffer a shock for with their visit- Rizal was impressed with the
Prometheus Bound
attheMuseum of Art
T E S C H E N -
presently known as Decin, Czechoslovakia
- as per collection of Viola, the city has
nothingnotable in comparison to the other cities alreadyvisited- as advised by Dr. Jagor,
they wired Blumentrittregarding their upcoming visit
L E I T M E R I T Z -
a city in Bohemia, presently Czech Republic andSlovakia- at 1:30pm, May 13, 1887,
for the first time twogreat scholarsmeet and greeted each other in fluent German

- Blumetritt immediately took him as a son
- Rizal meet the Burgomaster (townmayor)
of Leitmeritz and was amazed with Rizal's fluencyin German in just 11months- May 17,
at 9:45 pm, Rizal an Viola left by train
P R A G U E -
on May 19, 1887, they arrived by train- carried letters of recommendation from
Dr.Blumentritt to Dr. Wellkomm, professor of naturalhistory in the University of Prague a
nd state adviser
- nothing of importance happen in this city
- May 20,1887 at 2:30 pm, Rizal and Viola arrived- dubbed as the 'Queen of Danube'-
they stayed Hotel Metropole for 4 days- meet Mr. Norfenfals, one of the greatest
novelist inEurope at that time and Dr. Masner and Dr.Nordmann, Austrian scholars- on
May 25, Rizal and Viola left for Lintz in a
boatthrough the Danube River and took a trainSalzburg and to Munich, Germany where
theydrank beer
- passed through the big Leman Lake

-on June 19, 1887, he celebrated his 26

birthday-on June 23, Rizal and Viola parted ways. Rizal
wentto Italy while Viola went back to Barcelona

-on June 19, 1887, he celebrated his 26thbirthday

-on June 23, Rizal and Viola parted ways. Rizal went
to Italy while Viola went back to Barcelona
- on June 27, 1887, he reached Rome, the city of Caesar.- he stayed there for one week
- on June 29, 1887, the Feast day of St. Peter and
St.Paul, he visited the Vatican City which was knownas 'the city of Popes' and 'a city wit
hin a city'

Reasons why Rizal was determined to return to the Philippines:

To operate on his mother’s eyes

To serve his people who had long been oppressed by Spanish tyrants

To find out for himself how the Noli and his other writings were affectingFilipinos and
Spaniards in the Philippines

To find out why Leonor Rivera had remained silent

June 29, 1887- he wrote his father informing him of his homecoming.

July 3, 1887- he left Marseilles and he boarded the steamer Djemnah.

August 6, 1887- he arrived in Manila. He stayed in the city for a short timeto visit his friends.

August 8, 1887- he was in Calamba, Laguna where he was
w e l c o m e affectionately and with tears of joy by his family.

During his early stay in Calamba the family was very protective to him.

He opened a medical clinic with his mother being his first patient andbecame
popular so much so patients from Manila and neighboring areas flockedto Calamba.

Rizal was called “Doctor Uliman” for he came from Germany.

He established gymnasium and introduced German sport
s l i k e gymnastics, fencing and shooting to discourage the youths from cockfights

A few weeks after his arrival, a storm broke over his no
v e l . T h e Permanent Commission of Censorship prohibited the circulation
or publication of Noli and reported that the context contains subversive ideas.

Governor-General assigned a bodyguard of Rizal in the person of DonJose
Taviel de Andrade-who belong to a noble family and his own right also alinguist.

Reasons that convinced Rizal to go abroad:

His presence in Calamba would eventually jeopardize the safety of hisfamily and

He could fight better his enemies and serve his country’s cause with
greater efficacy by writing in foreign countries.
RIZAL AND HIS SECOND TOURRizal in Hongkong and Macao

Rizal boarded vessel “Zafiro” and left Manila for Hongkong on February 3,1888.

On February 7, 1888 they made stop over at Amoy, China but he did notdisembarkThree
reasons why Rizal did not disembark:

He was not feeling well

It was raining hard

He got previous information that the place was dirty

February 8, 1888 he arrived at Hongkong, a British colony.

Rizal stayed at Victoria Hotel and some Filipino residents visited andwelcomed
Rizal. They are Jose Maria Basa(the one who accompanied him
whenhe visits Macau), Balbino Mauricio, Manuel Yriarte, son of alcalde
mayor of Laguna, Francisco Yiarte.

Jose Sainz de Varada- former secretary of Governor General Terrero andthe one who was
tasked to monitor Rizal’s movement.

He wrote his friend Blumentritt of his bitterness during his stay in thePhilippines.

Rizal described Hongkong as “small but clean city” while in Hongkong hestudied Chinese
way of life-their customs and traditions, language and theatrearts.

He left Hongkong on February 22, 1888 on board the S.S. Oceania, anAmerican
streamer bound for Japan.
Rizal in Japan

February 28, 1888- Rizal arrived at Yokohama and stayed at Grand Hotel.

Mr. Juan Perez Caballero- secretary of the Spanish Legation in Japan andthe one who invited
Rizal to live in the Spanish Legation which invitation wasreadily accepted by Rizal.The
invitation was accepted for the following reasons:

by reason of economy and minimize expenses

to prove he had nothing to hide from the prying eyes of the
S p a n i s h authorities

He learned Japanese, and dedicated himself to the study of the Japanesetheatre, art and

Rizal felt in love with O-Sei-San (Seiko Usui), he saw the qualities of anideal woman,
beauty, charm, modesty and intelligence [she spoke French andEnglish].

Rizal boarded Belgic, an English steamer in the port of Yokohama for histrip to United States.

He left Japan on April 13, 1888 with heavy heart for leaving his beloved O-Sei-San but his 45 days
in Japan was considered by him the most happiest andmemorable of his life.
Rizal in America

He met the family of Reinaldo Turner as well as Mr. Tetcho Suehiro, afighting
Japanese journalist, novelist, and champion of human rights who wasforced to leave Japan
because of his activities.

S/S Belgic docked San Francisco port. Rizal and the other passengerswere not
allowed to disembark for they were placed on quarantine because of reported cholera
outbreak in Asia.

Rizal discovered that the ship was placed under quarantine because of racial
prejudice. The ship was carrying 643 Chinese coolies and these cooliestend to displace the
white laborers.

He stayed at Palace Hotel, a first class hotel in the city.

He stayed three days in the New York City visiting scenic and historicplaces and
among others the memorial to George Washington.

Rizal had good and bad impressions on the Americans.The good impressions were:

The material progress of the country as shown in the great cities, hugefarms,
flourishing industries, and busy factories.

The drive and energy of the American people

The natural beauty of the land

The high standard of living

The opportunities for better life offered to poor immigrantsThe bad impression was:

Lack of racial equality

Rizal left New York City for Liverpool, England on May 16, 1888 on boardS/S Steamer.

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