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U1 Home Sweet Home - Master Vocabulary

I can: Not Yet With Yes


1. Say what activities I participate in at home and ask


2. Describe what chores are my responsibility and ask


3. Describe what my home looks like and ask others.

4. Describe the people with whom I live and ask others.

5. (Recognize) Compare my home to others’ homes.

6. (Recognize)Compare how culture impacts my

responsibilities at home.

1. Say what activities I participate in at home and ask others.

¿Qué haces? What do you do?

Yo juego... I play...

afuera Outside...

adentro Inside...

videojuegos Video games

juegos games

en... in...

con ... with...

Veo ... I watch...

películas movies

televisión television

leo I read

Escucho música I listen to music

2.Describe what chores are my responsibility and ask others.

¿Cómo ayudas en la casa? What chores do you do?

Yo saco la basura I take out the trash

Yo hago la cama I make the bed

Yo saco los platos del lavaplatos I unload the dishwasher

Limpio mi cuarto I clean my room

Guardo mi ropa I put away my clothes

Pongo la mesa I set the table

Paso la aspiradora I vacuum

Quito el polvo I dust

Le doy comida a ... I feed...

Recojo el correo I get the mail

3. Describe the people with whom I live and ask others.

¿Con quién vives? Who do you live with?

Yo vivo con... I live with...

* re-entry from 1.2 (family) and K.2 (pets)

Como es? What is he/she like?

Él/Ella es... He/She is

Simpático(a) Nice

Molesto(a) Irritating

Antipático(a) Mean

Divertido(a) Fun

Cómico(a) Funny

Bonito(a) Pretty

Atletico(a) Athletic
Guapo(a) Handsome

Inteligente Smart

4. Describe what my home looks like and ask others.

¿Cómo es tu casa? What is your home like?

Mi casa es... My house is...

Grande Big

Pequeña Small

Mediana Medium

*re entry from K.1 (colors)

Mi casa tiene... My house has...

La cocina The kitchen

El cuarto The bedroom

La sala The living room

El sótano The basement

La sala de juegos The play room

El baño The bathroom

El patio The yard

5. (R) Compare my home to others’ homes.

La casa en (España) es/tiene... The house in (Spain) is/has...

6. (R)Compare how culture impacts my responsibilities at home.

En mi casa, yo... In my house, I...

En su casa, ellos... In their house, they...

Se limpia
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