Humanities Cat Revision: Long Term Causes of The War

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Long Term Causes of the war

Militarism Alliances Imperialism Nationalism
As the world entered the 20th Before World War 1, the following Imperialism is when a Much of the origin of the war was based on
century, an arms race had alliances existed: country increases their the desire of the Slavic peoples in Bosnia
begun. By 1914, Germany  Russia and Serbia power and wealth by and Herzegovina to no longer be part of
had the greatest increase in  Germany and Austria-Hungary bringing additional Austria Hungary but instead be part of
military build-up. Great  France and Russia territories under their Serbia. In this way, nationalism led directly
Britain and Germany both  Britain and France and Belgium control. Before World War to the War.
greatly increased their navies  Japan and Britain I, Africa and parts of Asia
in this time period. Further, in were points of contention
Germany and Russia among the European Assassination of Franz Fernandez
1.Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia
particularly, the military 2.Russia got involved to defend Serbia. countries. This was The assassination of Archduke Franz
establishment began to have a 3.Germany seeing Russia mobilizing, especially because of the Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary. In June
greater influence on public declared war on Russia. raw materials these areas 1914, a Serbian-nationalist terrorist group
policy. This increase in 4.France was then drawn in against could provide. The called the Black Hand sent groups to
militarism helped push the Germany and Austria-Hungary. increasing competition and assassinate the Archduke. First attempt
countries involved into war 5.Germany attacked France through desire for greater empires failed but Gravialo Principe assassinated
Belgium pulling Britain into war. led to an increase in him in Sarajevo. Austria Hungary was angry
confrontation that helped and declared war on Serbia (because the
Glorifying War push the world into WW I. black hand was a Serbian group)

People didn’t understand wars to be bad in

1914. At school and books, it was
presented as a heroic adventure. It was
mostly thought as a short, exciting and
noble fight

Triple Alliances Triple Entente
Germany Russia
Austria-Hungary France
Italy Europe

Alliances Central Powers

British Empire German Empire
French Empire Austria-Hungary
Russian Empire Bulgaria
Serbia Ottoman Empire

The Main Battlefronts

Western Front Eastern Front Italian Front
The German Army opened the Western Front by On the Eastern Front, Russian forces had Italy attacked Austria- Hungary to conquer
invading Luxembourg and Belgium, then gaining military some early successes but they were poorly territory from them which failed
control of important industrial regions in France. led and equipped, and the Germans soon Developments
Germans thought it’s be easy but Belgium had a strong gained the advantage. Russia’s military was
resistance, which slowed them down. British came to collapsing by early 1917 and the Revolution Britain encouraged the Turks to enter the war
rescue Belgium, but both dug trenches to prevent from of November 1917 ended Russia’s by saying they will have independent
get killed involvement in the war kingdoms. But this was a lie.
The navy was involved
Australia in The War
When Britain declared war on Germany on 4 August 1914, Australia was part of the British Empire and therefore was also at
war. Andrew Fisher, expressed a popular view when he pledged that Australia would back Britain ‘to the last man and the
last shilling’. Australia was the only combatant and did not impose conscription, so individual Australians still had the
choice of whether or not they would fight. But enthusiastic volunteers from all over the country rushed to enlist. This is
because of personal reasons such as to escape unemployment, to travel or to seek adventure. But most joined believing that
Britain’s cause was right. They had been brought up to believe that men should be willing to die for their country and the
empire, and that Australia needed to prove to Britain that Australians were heroic and worthy of being regarded as true

Australia quickly recruited a volunteer army it called the Australian Imperial Force (AIF). By September 1914, 20 000
soldiers had been selected and organised. By December they were training in Egypt. There the AIF was joined by New
Zealand troops to form the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps (ANZAC).

Why Gallipoli? Landing Turk Counter Life on Gallipoli Lone Pine The Nek Withdrawal
-Turkey was -Beaches of -18-19th May— -Killed rather -Anzac target: -Target: move -British
Germany’s ally Gallipoli Turks were than held as break deadlock Turks and accepted
-Supplies could be (Cape Helles) ordered to send prisoners and claim high troops make defeat after
shipped through on 25th April the Anzacs -Respected other grounds bayonet changes battling for
Dardanelles 1915 back to the sea people’s courage -Land and on a strip of 7 months
-Greece, Bulgaria -Both sides -Death of -Continuous advance to narrow ground -The
and Romania suffered major Turks and attacks and capture high -Although past Anzacs
would be losses but the Anzacs--- battles lands attacks failed evacuated
persuaded to join landing was Truce arranged -Mine under -Divert troops they still secretly
allies not a success on both sides enemy trenches -fierce attack proceeded during the
-Turkey could be because the so they can to blow them up where 2000 -Turk's navel night so
defeated and Turks were at bury the dead, -Disease and Anzacs dies and bumping seized when the
Austria-Hungary a higher then let the death from flies 6000 Turks dies -Anzacs charged Turks came
would be position fight resume but they were down, they
threatened cut down by had already
gunfire, some left on the
died while 20th of
others were December
injured but no
one succeeded.
Trenches Toilets Cooks Sandbags Guns Fire step and Equipment
Trenches were Trench toilets The British army Sandbags Machine Fire steps and Each soldier was
generally designed were called employed 300 filled with guns were scaling issued with a kit
in a zigzag pattern; latrines. They 000 field earth were one of the ladders were containing nearly 30
this helped to protect were usually 1.5 workers to cook used to most needed to kilograms of
the trench against metres-deep pits, and supply the shore up deadly enable the equipment. This
enemy attack. Each dug at the end of food for the the edges weapons. troops to go included a rifle, two
bend could be a short gangway. troops.. Rations of the They were ‘over the top’ grenades, 220 rounds
defended separately Each company were regularly trenches; able to fire of the of ammunition, a
if necessary and had two sanitary cut and of a poor they also 400–500 trenches. steel helmet, wire
personnel whose standard. The helped to bullets Going ‘over cutters, The weight
explosions could be job it was to bulk of the diet absorb every the top’ refers made it very difficult
contained. keep the latrines in the trenches bullets minute. to the orders to move quickly, and
in good was bully beef and shell given to many men chose to
condition. (canned corned fragments. troops to share gear to
Officers gave out beef), bread and leave the minimise their load.
sanitary duty as a biscuits. trenches and
punishment for head out into
breaking army no man’s
regulations. land in an
attempt to
attack the

Barbed Wire No Man’s Duckboard Chemical armoury Weather

Barbed wire was No man’s land was Duckboards were The use of mustard gas Long, cold, wet winters and
used extensively the space between the wooden planks and other chemical hot, dry summers would
throughout the two opposing placed across the weapons meant that all have made life in the
trench system. trenches; it was bottom of trenches soldiers needed to have trenches horrendous. Snow,
While it helped to protected by rows of and other areas of gas masks near at hand.. rain and freezing
protect the barbed wire. It could muddy ground. temperatures drastically
trenches, it made it be anywhere from 50 They enabled slowed combat during the
very difficult to metres to one soldiers to stand winter months.
attack the kilometre wide. out of the mud.
opposing trench.

8.9 Analysing photographs

What questions should we ask about the photo?

1. The photographer. Who took the photograph (if known)? What is the source (if stated)?
2. Location. Where is the location? When was the photograph taken?
3. Editing. Has the photograph been posed or has the photographer simply recorded a scene? Has the photograph been cropped
and, if so, has this changed its meaning at all? Has the photograph been changed by adding or removing any details?
4. Composition. Is the photograph taken from close up or from a distance and does this affect our reaction to it?
5. Subject. What is the main subject? What background and minor details are shown? What extra information do the minor
details add?
6. Motive Why. was the photograph taken (if known)?
7. Evidence. For what does the photograph provide evidence?
8.13 Peace and Commemoration
 The Armistice of 11 November 1918 ended the fighting in World War I
 The German, Austro-Hungarian, Turkish and Russian empires had been shattered.
 returning troops brought with them the ‘Spanish’ influenza, a deadly pandemic. It caused deaths in Australia, and
many men had to be quarantined before being reunited with their families
 local committees built memorials in towns, cities and suburbs to display the names of the fallen
 Anzac Day was first observed in 1916 to commemorate the landings at Gallipoli
 However, Anzac Day would continue to reflect divisions in Australia as much as it expressed national pride.
 Some Australians resented what they saw as its use by conservatives to glorify war.
 Political parties are groups of people who band together because they share the same
views about issues they think are important.

 People join a political party because they support the party’s views.

 The main aim of a political party is to get its candidates elected so it can control

All political parties must be registered with the Australian Electoral Commission. There are two
requirements for this registration:

 the aims of the party must be submitted

 the party must have at least 500 eligible voters unless the party already has a member in
parliament at the time it is formed.
 Our political parties:
Labour Liberal National Palmar Greens
 Ensure wealth and  A lean  Provide strong  Increased growth  Look after the
power is more government that representation of in the mining environment and
evenly and fairly minimises local communities industry preserve the Earth’s
shared in society interference in  Ensure security for  Regional self- resources for the future
 Make sure everyone daily life and families through government; for  Ensure that everyone in
who wants to work minimises taxes decent health, safety, example, through our society is treated
can find a job  A government that social and economic the division of fairly and with respect
 Abolish poverty and encourages private welfare standards Queensland into  Create a safe,
improve the living businesses and  Promote individual two states by harmonious world in
standards of all does not compete achievement, free establishing the which force is not used
Australians with them choice and a fair go new state of north to solve differences
 Ensure that all  A just and humane  Encourage Queensland  Ensure that society is
Australians can society in which investment, wealth  Removal of all governed by the people,
obtain the education, the family and the generation and fees for tertiary and not run by the
housing and role of law and reward for private education wealthy and powerful.
community services justice are enterprise.  A closer
they need. maintained economic
relationship with
Asian countries.

Influencing your votes

The key aim of the major political parties is to win government. In order to achieve this, the
parties devote a lot of effort and resources to convincing voters to support their candidates.
Ways to advertise:
Debates Television Newspaper Radio Opinion Poll Advertising Interest groups
During an election During an election Leaders also try During an
campaign, campaign the two to have their
representatives of the leaders travel around message put
parties will often seek the country, before voters in campaign,
opportunities to debate accompanied by daily large
issues with journalists and newspapers. portions of
representatives of camera crew from all Political parties
different parties. Such the television stations. provide these
debates can take a Each day they attempt detailed programs
number of formats. to make a significant documentation are given
announcement or to journalists on over to
promise that they every policy
hope will be and promise
broadcast on that political
evening’s television issues.
news. Talkback
also give
leaders a
chance to
with the

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