Lesson Plan 7 - Adverbs of Frequency

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Stage of lesson Aim(s) of lesson Procedure Time and University

interaction Supervisor’s
Teacher and student activity

PRE- ACTIVITY Students will be able to Teacher will introduce the class remained students the 5 min
vocabulary about daily routines, so she will show the slides
 Remained
used the last class .
vocabulary about
daily routine

Then she will show a short video about adverbs of frequency

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VpESOerMY7I Commented [FF1]: Good video to use. Only from minute 2 on,
provide a written model of the answer to the students, so you
5 min facilitate their tasks answering the video questions.
Commented [FF2]: Although pronunciation is not the best as it
is automated, this video is good for the topic you prapare to teach

After that teacher will show slides with the percentage that
each adverb have. And she will give examples using the Commented [FF3]: No, avoid this. Students at that age don’t
need complex things like this.
adverbs of frequency.
Next, students will copy the slide in their notebooks.
WHILE-ACTIVITY  Listen and teacher will give students a copy, students will listen the 15 min
identified adverbs of frequency and then they will have to choose the
vocabulary correct one.
related to adverbs
Listening : http://chagall-col.spip.ac-
of frequency
20 min
 Talk about their
Children will fill the gaps using the correct word.
daily activities
using the adverbs
of frequency
After that, children will write a short composition about their
daily routines using the adverbs of frequency that they learnt
before. For that they will have an example in the slides

Teacher will make a performance about her daily routine and

she will show what she is telling in a slide in order show
students the 2 skills, writing and speaking. Then Students
will do a small presentation spoken about their normal daily
routine using the adverbs of frequency.

POST-ACTIVITY  Answer and make Finally, in pairs, students will talk about daily routines using 15 min
questions about questions like
daily routines
How often do you…?
using the adverbs
of frequency What time do you ….?

At the end teacher will do gestures relates to the topic in

order to motivate children and they will try to guess what she
will do .
1. 3.

2. Complete las siguientes oraciones con un adverbio de frecuencia (NEVER, ALWAYS, SOMETIMES, FRQUENTLY, RARELY)
1) Carlos is an excellent student. He ___________ goes to class
2) They _________ drive. They don´t have a car.
3) I _______ eat hamburger. (Only Saturdays and Sundays )
4) She ________ watch television because she doesn’t have TV.
5) We __________ get up at 8:00, except Saturdays and Sundays.

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