Part B Lesson Plans

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Lesson plan 1

Date: 9/20/19

Time: 45 minutes

Subject: Reading

Grouping: whole group and small group

Title of Lesson: Lesson 1: Compare different text types
Central Focus: The students will read and comprehend informational texts.

State Learning Standard Learning Target

CC.1.R.L.5 Craft and Structure: Explain major The students will be able to list attributes of two
differences between books that tell stories and different types of text as they compare and
books that give information, drawing on a wide contrast each type of text.
reading of a range of text types.

Academic Language:
● Similarities: As you look at two or more different things you look for things that are the same.
● Differences: As you look at two or more different things you look out for things that are different.

Pre-Assessment:​ As we work on the introduction of the lesson, I will informally assess what the students
already know about the topic as we look at the two different books.
Assessments:​ I will use a rubric to score the Venn diagram in which the students will list the attributes of
two different types of text as they compare and contrast each type of text.


Introduction: During the introduction:

I will begin the lesson by having two different ● The students will receive exposure to two
types of text on display. I will first have the different types of text (literary and
students look at the cover of the books and ask informational).
them to tell me what they see. We will have a ● The students will start looking for
short discussion. I will ask guiding questions such characteristics in each of the books’
as: covers.
● What do you think the stories are ● The students will talk about their ideas as
about? they are also being guided by my
● What can you tell me about the open-ended questions.
covers of the books? ● The students will learn about the goal of
this lesson.
Then, I will explain that what we were doing was ● The students will learn that the two types
finding similarities and differences between the of books have similar characters but that
books. the books do not tell us about the same
Next, I will introduce the vocabulary words that thing.
correspond to the lesson by providing the students ● They will become aware that they will be
with visuals of things that look different and looking for similarities and differences
things that look the same. I will use a picture to during our readings.
represent each word along with the word written ● The students will create or enhance their
on it. background knowledge by learning more
● Compare (similarities) in depth about the vocabulary words
● Contrast (differences) which correlate to the purpose of the
Then, I will proceed to tell the students that today ● They will have visuals for each
we will be looking at two different types of books vocabulary word in order to support their
that have the same type of character, but the books understanding.
tell us different things. I will ask them to look for
differences and similarities as we read each book.

While I am teaching the concept:

Teaching of the Concept:
● The students will be exposed to both
I will read the first book which will be a literary literary text and informational text.
book that will tell us a story about a character who ● The students will get to hear a story from
is a giraffe. both types of text.
● We will have a short conversation about ● The students will discuss what they
the events that happened in the story. noticed in the literary book.
● I will ask questions such as: ● The students will discuss what they
○ Who were the characters? noticed in the informational text.
○ What did we learn about the ● The students will be guided by questions I
characters and what they do? will ask to help the discussion flow when
I will then read the second book which will be an
informational text that will tell us facts about
● We will have a short conversation about
the book.
● I will ask questions such as:
○ What did we read about?
○ What did we learn through this
After I have read our second book and had our
second discussion, I will proceed to ask questions
which will help us find similarities and differences
when comparing both books.
● I will ask questions such as:
○ What was the same about both
○ What did each book tells us about
the main character? ● The students will get to practice
○ What was different about the brainstorming ideas of what was different
books? and what was similar for both stories.
Next, as a group, we will come up with ideas of ● The students will receive explicit
what was similar in both books and what was instruction as to what it means to find
different. This will help us start a Venn diagram differences and similarities when
that will help us record our information. comparing two objects.
I will explain to the students that a Venn diagram ● The students will receive explicit
is used to compare and contrast two things. In this instruction as to how to fill in a Venn
case, we will be comparing two books. diagram.
● I will explicitly model how to use the
Venn diagram and teach the students
where each set of information belongs.
Application of the Learning Task:
Learning Activity - what it is and what I will
do: ● The students will receive exposure to two
● The students will partner up and work types of text.
together to talk about the similarities and ● The students will be explicitly taught how
differences they noticed in each book. to compare and contrast.
● Next, they will fill in the information on ● The students will learn from each other by
the Venn diagram. listening to one another's responses and
● The students will also have the Venn when working in pairs.
diagram we did as a whole class for

Closure​: we will come together as a whole class

and share what each set of partners have come up

Instructional Resources and Materials:

● Books:
○ Giraffes Can't Dance​ by: Giles Andreae
○ Giraffes​ by: Kate Riggs
● Vocabulary/ Image cards
● Venn Diagram template

Adaptations for students with special needs: ​Students with IEPs for reading and those who are not yet
at a fluent reading level will benefit from me explicitly explaining how to perform the activities along
with the visual representation of the activity. They can also receive extended time to perform their tasks. I
will also provide my help to individually try to help the few that are not quite there yet.​ ​I will pair my IEP
students with stronger readers and writers in order to help them succeed in the lesson. Those who are
more skilled will benefit from helping these students by providing their knowledge and slowing down
their pace by helping those who are less skilled.
Lesson plan 2

Date: 9/21/19
Time: 45 minutes
Subject: Reading
Title of Lesson: Lesson 2: Text Purpose
Central Focus: The students will read and comprehend informational texts.

State Learning Standard Learning Target

CC.1.R.L.5 Craft and Structure: Explain major The students will be able to differentiate between
differences between books that tell stories and literary text and informational text.
books that give information, drawing on a wide
reading of a range of text types.

Academic Language:
● Informational Text: A type of book that gives us facts about a topic.
● Literary text: A type of book that tell us a story for entertainment.

Pre-Assessment:​ As we work on the introduction of the lesson I will informally assess what the students
already know about the topic as we look at it and differentiate between literary and informational text.

Assessments:​ I will use a checklist to note whether the students were able to differentiate between a
literary text and informational text.


Introduction: During the introduction:

● We have read various genres of books. In ● The students will recall information that
our previous lesson we read two different was previously learned in order to build
types of books and we looked at on the knowledge they have already
similarities and differences in each book. acquired.
● We will use the books we read previously
to discuss what we have learned so far.
○ Can you think of any of the
similarities we found in the
○ Can you think of any of the
differences we found in the
○ What kind of information did we ● The students will have the chance to do
get from each of the books? some turn and talk with a partner. This
● Partner share: I will have the students turn will help the students be exposed to a
and talk to someone that is sitting next to variety of ideas and two people
them and share what they remember about collaborate on what they remember.
the types of books we have been reading ● The students will get to share their
about. findings with the whole class.
● Share with the whole class: I will have the
students share the ideas they came up with
as they talked to their partner
● The students will learn new academic
language which will help them better
● Next, I will introduce the academic understand the lesson and build
language we will focus on as we do this background knowledge on the topic.
○ Informational text​: a type of
book that gives us facts about a
topic. ● The students will find out what today's
○ Literary text​: a type of book that goal is for the lesson.
tell us a story for entertainment.

● Finally, I will explain that today we will While I am teaching the concept:
be looking at the different types of books ● The students will refer to previous work
and learn more about the differences and to build on knowledge from previous
similarities. lessons to this lesson.
● The students will recall information
Teaching of the Concept: gathered about literary text.
● The students will recall information that
● I will ask the students to use the Venn was gathered about informational text.
diagram we created together as a reference ● The students will learn to fill in the
to what we have learned. I will ask them Identifying Informational text Activity
to tell me what characteristics describe a sheet.
literary text.
○ If a literary text tells us stories for
entertainment, then what
characteristics can you share from
your Venn diagram that might

● I will ask the students to use their Venn

diagrams as reference to what we have
learned. I will ask them to tell me what
characteristics describe a literary text.
○ If an informational text tells
information about a topic, then
what characteristics can you share
from your Venn diagram that
might match?

Next, I will introduce the Identifying

Informational and Literary Text Activity
● This sheet will help the students make
note of what books are literary and what
books are informational. Application of the Learning Task:
I will explicitly teach the students what each
category is and what type of books belong there. ● The students will have hands-on
They will use their book sort to find books that opportunity to interact with the two target
will go in each category. They will then write the text types in order to better understand the
title of the book on one side and why it belongs. lessons goal.
● The students will learn from each other by
Learning Activity - what it is and what I will listening to one another's responses and
do: when working in groups.
● The student will learn how to record their
● The students will be divided into three findings on paper.
● There will be three different topics
○ Plants
○ The rainforest
○ Sharks
● Each topic represents three different
reading levels:
○ Beginner
○ Intermediate
○ Advanced
● Each child will be grouped in accordance
to their reading level or as close as
● In these groups, the students will be
exposed to various texts in the category of
informational texts and literary text.
● The students will look together at the
books, discuss the books, and then sort
them out into two different piles to
represent each text type.

Each group will present their findings using the
Identifying Informational and Literary Text
Activity Sheet.
Instructional Resources and Materials:
● Books:
○ Giraffes Can't Dance​ by: Giles Andreae
○ Giraffes​ by Kate Riggs
● Venn Diagram from lesson 1
● Various text types about 30 books
○ Topics include:
■ Plants
■ Rainforest
■ Sharks
● Identifying Informational and Literary Text Activity Sheet

Adaptations for students with special needs:

Students with IEPs for reading and those who are not yet at a fluent reading level will benefit from me
explicitly explaining how to perform the activities along with the visual representation of the activity.
They can also receive extended time to perform their tasks. I will also provide my help to individually try
to help the few that are not quite there yet.​ ​I will pair my IEP students with stronger readers and writers in
order to help them succeed in the lesson. Those who are more skilled will benefit from helping these
students by providing their knowledge and slowing down their pace by helping those who are less skilled.

Lesson plan 3

Date: 9/22/19
Time: 45 minutes
Subject: Reading
Title of Lesson: Lesson 3: Text Features
Central Focus: The students will read and comprehend informational texts.

State Learning Standard Learning Target

CC.1.R.L.5 Craft and Structure: Explain major The students will be able to identify text features
differences between books that tell stories and in an informational book.
books that give information, drawing on a wide
reading of a range of text types.

Academic Language:
● Title: Tells you what the book is about.
● Table of contents: Tells what is in the book and the page it is on.
● Headings: Tell us what we are going to read about.
● Captions: Tell us about the picture.
● Labels: Tell us about a part of the picture.
● Diagram: Tells what something is and names its parts.
● Photographs: Are real so you know what things really look like.
● Glossary: Tells us what words mean.

Assessments: ​I will use a checklist to assess whether the students were able to identify text features in an
informational book or not.


Introduction: During the introduction:

I will start with a quick review of lesson 1 and 2.
● Finding characteristics in books that can ● The students will recall information that
be used to compare and contrast two was previously learned in order to build
different types of text. on the knowledge they have already
● The different types of text acquired.
(informational/literary) and what is the ● The students will build background
purpose of the text. information for today's lesson.
Now that we know the difference between literary ● The students will learn new academic
text and informational text, we can focus on language and build background
learning more about an informational text. knowledge on the topic.
Today we will look at all the different text
features we come across as we do a book walk of
an informational text.
● But first we will talk about each text
feature to let us better understand when
we come across it.
○ Table of contents
○ Headings
○ Captions
○ Labels
○ Diagram
○ Pictures
○ Glossary

Teaching of the Concept: While I am teaching the concept:

● As a whole group we will do a book walk
to look at the text features we come ● Look at text features as I do a book walk.
across. ● The students will look out for text features
● I will use a large paper to create an anchor as we do the book walk.
chart as we come across each text feature ● The students will use their observations to
that will help the students remember what contribute new information about text
we have learned. features found throughout our book walk
to create our own anchor chart.
Learning Activity - what it is and what I will
do: Application of the Learning Task:

● The students will work in partners to do ● The students will learn from each other by
their own informational book walk and listening to one another's responses.
talk about each one and what purpose it ● The students will help create a visual that
serves. will help learn the lessons target.
● Each child will complete a text feature ● The students will have hands-on
matching activity​. opportunity to interact with an
informational text in order to better
Closure: understand the lessons goal.
● The students will compare answers with a
partner and talk about their answers with
one another.

Instructional Resources and Materials:

● Large piece of paper
● Text feature labels
● Various informational books
○ Topics include:
■ Plants
■ Rainforest
■ Sharks

● Text feature matching activity sheets

Adaptations for students with special needs: ​Students with IEPs for reading and those who are not yet
at a fluent reading level will benefit from me explicitly explaining how to perform the activities along
with the visual representation of the activity. They can also receive extended time to perform their tasks. I
will also provide my help to individually try to help the few that are not quite there yet.​ ​I will pair my IEP
students with stronger readers and writers in order to help them succeed in the lesson. Those who are
more skilled will benefit from helping these students by providing their knowledge and slowing down
their pace by helping those who are less skilled.
Lesson plan 4

Date: 9/22/19
Time: 45 minutes
Subject: Reading
Grouping: Whole group, Partner, and individual.
Title of Lesson: Lesson 3: Read and gather information from an informational text
Central Focus: The students will read and comprehend informational texts.

State Learning Standard Learning Target

CC.1.R.L.5 Craft and Structure: Explain major The students will be able to read an informational
differences between books that tell stories and text and write about it.
books that give information, drawing on a wide
reading of a range of text types.

Academic Language​:
● Main idea​: The big idea or the most important message in a piece of text. It is what the author is
trying to tell his readers through his words.
● Supporting Details​: Give additional information that explains, defines or proves the Main idea.

Assessments:​ I will use a rubric to identify up to what degree have the students been able to read a
non-fiction book and write about it.


Introduction: During the introduction:

● Quick review of past lessons: ● The students will recall skills that have
○ In the past few days we have been learned in the past lessons.
compared books and learned the ● The students will learn what today's goal
difference between informational is.
text and literary text. ● The students will learn supporting
○ We have learned about text academic language.
features and what is the purpose
of each one.

● Today we will use all the skills we have

learned to read an informational book and
write all about it.
● Next, I will introduce the academic
language we will focus on as we do this
○ Main idea:​ The big idea or the
most important message in a
piece of text. It is what the author
is trying to tell his readers through
his words.
○ Supporting detail:​ Give
additional information that
explains, defines or proves the
Main idea.
While I am teaching the concept, the students
Teaching of the Concept: will:
● I will explicitly demonstrate how to look ● The students will recall how to find and
at an informational text. use text features in an informational text.
● I will think aloud what I am learning in ● The students will use their newly learned
each page. skills to provide information about what is
● I will ask for volunteers here to help me being learned as we read the text.
describe what is being learned. ● The students will get to participate as I
● I will them proceed to think out loud what explicitly model and think out loud how
the main idea of this information book to gather information from an
was. informational text.
● Next, I will ask the students to help me ● The students will help find the main idea
think of supporting ideas that go with the of the text. The students will help find
main idea we have established. supporting details in the text.

Learning Activity - what it is and what I will Application of the Learning Task:
● The students are explicitly taught how to
● Each child will work with a partner to read and understand an informational text.
read an Informational book ● The students will learn from each other
● Next, they will each complete a book by listening to one another's responses.
summary where they will write down the ● The students will have hands-on
main idea of the book and three opportunity to interact with an
supporting details that help confirm that informational text in order to find the
the main idea is. main idea and supporting details.

● The students will share their findings.

Instructional Resources and Materials:

● Various different informational books.
○ Topics include:
■ Plants
■ Rainforest
■ Sharks

● Summary activity sheet.

● Text feature chart created in lesson 3

Adaptations for students with special needs: ​Students with IEPs for reading and those who are not yet
at a fluent reading level will benefit from me explicitly explaining how to perform the activities along
with the visual representation of the activity. They can also receive extended time to perform their tasks. I
will also provide my help to individually try to help the few that are not quite there yet.​ ​I will pair my IEP
students with stronger readers and writers in order to help them succeed in the lesson. Those who are
more skilled will benefit from helping these students by providing their knowledge and slowing down
their pace by helping those who are less skilled.

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