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Santa Cruz, Laguna

Character Education 1
Introduction to Character Education

Dr. Enrique C. Sobrepeña : His life and Works

Prepared by: Camille M. Gamas

BSED 4-English

Submitted to: Ms. Olive May D. Lebria

First Semester
Academic Year: 2019-2020

Prelim Learning Task

1. Define Character Education

2. Importance of Character Education
3. Summarize the history of Union College of Laguna
I. Character Education

Character education is at the heart of what we do

In simple words, character education is education that nurtures and promotes the ethical,
intellectual, social and emotional development of individuals. It is a continuous learning process
that enables young people and adults to become moral, caring, critical, responsible individuals.
Character education represents a relationship between knowledge, values and skills necessary
for success in life. By knowledge, we refer to two kinds of knowledge: a) general knowledge;
that is, knowledge that encompasses a wide subject range and b) specialized knowledge
obtained via extensive reading and training in a particular area or field of studies. Values, on the
other hand, are the beliefs and moral codes of a person or a society about what is good and bad
which tend to influence attitudes and behaviors. Lastly, skills – or better life skills – are the
abilities that individuals possess acquired via teaching, training, or direct experience that enable
them to cope with the demands and challenges of everyday life.

II. Importance of Character Education

Character development in children is becomingly increasingly fractured as various technologies

compete for their time and attention. Parental care and guidance is significantly lower than
ever, as increasing work and financial burdens mean that parents are working longer, and have
less time to spend with their children.

It is no coincidence then that we are simultaneously seeing a rise in suicides, mental health
issues, self-esteem and image concerns, cyber-bullying and narcissism (selfie-culture) in young
people. This is a direct result of not bolstering their defenses to help them navigate difficult
issues and times in their lives.

Character education is far richer and more nuanced, moving beyond aspects like civic-
mindedness and good behaviour. It helps children tap into their social and emotional growth,
builds resilience, develops moral reasoning, builds ethical and critical thinking skills, as well as
conflict resolution and mediation abilities. These are undeniably useful life skills that will be
valued and used throughout a lifetime. It is these skills which will help them maneuver through
life’s sometimes turbulent waters, giving them the internal strength to face difficulties with
grace, selflessness, dignity and courage.

Research has found that character education also significantly helps students in academic
subjects, by instilling diligence and responsibility and enabling them to focus and stay
motivated in their studies. Evidence shows there are fewer incidences of suspensions, truancy
and disciplinary referrals, higher attendance, better self-esteem and academic performance
when character education is integrated into a school’s curriculum. Building character also
enables children to interact well with their teachers and peers, ensuring a more productive and
engaging learning environment. As children grow, this transforms into engaging interaction
with other people in society.

The development of our children’s character cannot be taken lightly for it signifies the type of
community and society we will have in the future. Character education provides them with the
very tools necessary to face the opportunities, pressures and challenges of the 21st century in a
way that will allow them to thrive and be successful.

The need for character education lies in the ‘moral crisis’ found in today’s societies.
Character education is important and necessary as modern societies are struggling
with disturbing trends such as racism, xenophobia, violence, to name a few. Character
education can help people build good character that in turn can help build good
societies. Thomas Lickona, a leading expert in character education, has written
extensively about the need for character education today, citing several reasons for its
importance, such as:

 There is a clear and urgent need. Young people are increasingly hurting
themselves and others and are decreasingly concerned about contributing to
the welfare of others.

 Transmitting values is and always has been the work of civilization. A society
needs values education to survive and thrive. Historically, this is a role shared
by home, school, and faith communities.

 There is common, ethical ground, even in our value-conflicted society.

 Democracies have a special need for moral education because democracy is

government by the people themselves.

 The great questions facing both the individual person and the human race are
moral questions. Of utmost importance: How should I live my life? How can we
live with one another?

 Character education is a doable job.

III. History of Union College of Laguna


I. Core Values

Core values are the fundamental beliefs of a person or organization. These guiding principles
dictate behavior and can help people understand the difference between right and wrong. Core
values also help companies to determine if they are on the right path and fulfilling their goals
by creating an unwavering guide. There are many different examples of core values in the
world, depending upon the context

II. Union College Core Values

 Union College was envisioned to be as educational institution established to prepare young men
and women to search for truth and to develop a purposeful and wholesome life.
 LIBERAL MINDS. The college serves to widen its student’s worldview as they pursue truth and
wisdom. It is also a venue for students to learn about different customs, attitudes and way of life
so that they may recognize their self-worth and develop respect for the worth of others.
 DEVELOPED TALENTS. The College provides personalized education, both inside and outside the
classroom, where a student may realize his personhood as he discovers enriches his

III. Student Decalogue of Union College of Laguna

IV. Mission and Vision of Union College of Laguna


Union College was established to bring education to the countryside; to effectively mold the youth for
character development; to strive for excellence in knowledge, wisdom, and skills, to nurture talents for
cultural fullfilment, and to produce graduates imbued with a deep sense of consecrated service to God
and community.


In the pursuit of truth, Union College envisions itself as a provider of knowledge, espertise, wisdom,
and goodness of character, developing excellent graduates of sterling character, God fearing, and
responsive to the needs of the global community.


I. Dr. Enrique C. Sobrepena

II. Mission Statement of Union College
UNION COLLEGE OF LAGUNA, a learning institution with a Christian outlook and an ecumenical
perspective was founded in 1947 in Santa, Cruz, Laguna by Dr. Enrique Calica Sobrepreña,
minister, educator, soldier, and constitutionalist.

The school was established to bring education to the student in the countryside; to effectively
mold the youth for character development; to strive for excellence in knowledge, wisdom, and
skills; to nurture talents for cultural fulfillment and to produce graduates imbued with
consecrated serice to God and Community.

In pursuing its mission, the College is guided by the following objectives:

 To provide in the Integrated Preparatory School ( early learning, elementary, and

secondary ) an education that aspires for academic excellence through; (1) an initial
process of selective admission;(2) and an innovative and holistic education approach to
academic learning.
 To provide education through open admission for high school graduates regardless of
creed, gender, age, race and socio-economic status for the college level.
 To strengthen research skills and administrative leadership through the graduate school;
 To enhance moral and spiritual values though the required character education courses;
 To stress the importance of liberal arts tradition that encompasses philosophy, arts and
science as a groundwork for specialized studies in any colligiate program;
 To provide trained high-level, amn power for the development and support of local,
regional, and national government programs for nation building.
 To promote the love for research as an integral part of educational thrust of the college;
 To encourage concern foe others, the search for the truth and the development of a
purposeful sharing and a wholesome life.

The UNION COLLEGE of LAGUNA, stands for and is commited to the tri-stars of cultured life,

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