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A study

Employee Job Satisfaction
Meneta Automotive Components Pvt. Ltd.

IndustrialTraining Project Report

Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements
For the Degree of
Master of Business Administration (BBA)

Date of Submission:6August,2015
Submitted by:Sonali
Roll No: BBA/13/913
A Study on Employee Job Satisfaction at Meneta Automotive Components Pvt. Ltd.

Faculty Comments

Name of Faculty : Ms. JuhiAhuja

Signature of Faculty :
Date of Presentation : 13.08.2015
Date of Checking :
Comments :__________________________________________________

A Study on Employee Job Satisfaction at Meneta Automotive Components Pvt. Ltd.


I have taken efforts in this project. However, it would not have been possible without the kind support
and help of many individuals. I would like to extend my sincere thanks to all of them.

I am highly indebted to my mentor, Mr. Rajender for his guidance and constant supervision as well as for
providing necessary information regarding the project & also for their support in completing the project.

I would like to express my gratitude towards my parents & members of SBIT for their kind co-operation
and encouragement which help me in completion of this project.

I would like to express my special gratitude and thanks to all for giving me such attention and time.
My thanks and appreciations also go to my colleague in developing the project who willingly helped me
out with their abilities.

SBIT iii

1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................ 1
1.1 SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY ....................................................................................................... 8
1.2 REVIEW OF EXISTING LITERATURE ............................................................................................ 10
1.3 CONCEPTUALIZATION................................................................................................................. 15
1.4 FOCUS OF THE PROBLEM ............................................................................................................ 17
1.5 OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY ........................................................................................................ 18
1.6 HYPOTHESES .............................................................................................................................. 19
2 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY .......................................................................................................20
2.1 UNIVERSE & SURVEY POPULATION ............................................................................................ 22
2.2 SAMPLE ...................................................................................................................................... 23
2.3 COLLECTION OF DATA ............................................................................................................... 24
2.4 ANALYSIS PATTERN ................................................................................................................... 25
3 ORGANIZATIONAL PROFILE .......................................................................................................26
3.1 BUSINESS OF THE ORGANIZATION .............................................................................................. 26
3.2 MANAGEMENT PROCEDURES ..................................................................................................... 29
3.3 PRODUCT & SERVICES OFFERED BY THE ORGANIZATION ........................................................... 30
3.4 STRATEGIC QUALITY PLANNING ................................................................................................ 31
4 ABOUT THE CONCEPT OF THE PROJECT................................................................................33

5 DATA ANALYSIS & INTERPRETATION .....................................................................................41

5.1 QUESTIONNAIRE ANALYSIS ........................................................................................................ 42
5.2 SWOT ANALYSIS ....................................................................................................................... 56
5.2.1 Strengths ............................................................................................................................ 56
5.2.2 Weakness ........................................................................................................................... 56
5.2.3 Opportunities ..................................................................................................................... 56
5.2.4 Threats ............................................................................................................................... 56
6 LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY .....................................................................................................57

7 CONCLUSION ....................................................................................................................................58

8 SUGGESTIONS & RECOMMENDATIONS...................................................................................61

9 BIBLIOGRAPHY................................................................................................................................62

10 ANNEXURE ........................................................................................................................................64
A Study on Employee Job Satisfaction at Meneta Automotive Components Pvt. Ltd.

1 Introduction

Human resource is considered to be the most valuable asset in any organization. It is the sum-total of
inherent abilities, acquired knowledge and skills represented by the talents and aptitudes of the
employed persons who comprise executives, supervisors and the rank and file employees. It may be
noted here that human resource should be utilized to the maximum possible extent, in order to achieve
individual and organizational goals. It is thus the employee’s performance, which ultimately
decides, and attainment of goals. However, the employee performance is to a large extent, influenced
by motivation and job satisfaction.

Satisfaction does mean the simple feeling state

Job satisfaction does mean absence of
accompanying the attainment of any goal; the end state is motivation at work.
feeling accompanying the attainment by an impulse of its
objective. Research workers differently described the
factors contributing to job satisfaction and job

The survey made regarding the job satisfaction at Meneta Automotive Components Pvt. Ltd.will
facilitate and enables the management to know the perceptions and inner feelings regarding the job they
are performing on day-to-day basis. The term job satisfaction reveals and focuses on the likes and
dislikes of the employees of Meneta Automotive Components Pvt. Ltd. In this particular study the
researchers tries to identify the causes for satisfaction and dissatisfaction among the employees. So
this is the most effective and selective instrument for diagnosing and peeping into the employee’s

A Study on Employee Job Satisfaction at Meneta Automotive Components Pvt. Ltd.

Job satisfaction survey at Meneta Automotive

Components Pvt. Ltd. can give the most valuable
information, the perceptions and causes. For
satisfaction/dissatisfaction among theemployees
attitudetowards job satisfaction may be either positive or
negative. This positive feeling can be re-in forced and
negative feelings can be rectified. This survey can be
treated as the most effective and efficient way, which
makes the workers to express their inner and real feelings

For any future course of action/ development, which involves employee’s participation, is considered.
The management will get a picture their employee’s acceptance and readiness. This survey also
enables to avoid misinterpretations and helps management in solving problems effectively. It is
observed during study some of the employees accepted the proposal survey research.

A perfectly contentment and satisfaction motivates an employees to be confident with a high morale, it is
an asset to organization as a whole. Thus the high motivation and morale of an employee make
him to remain in the organization and encourage him to face cut throat competition and gives him
enough dynamism to face challenges. Every human being possess him own unique resource, if
properly channels it by supportive and supplement, ultimately for achieving organization goals. As
proper breathing and diet is necessary to healthy human being so as is contentment to the job satisfaction.
This contentedness ultimately acts as a key factor to human resource development.

A Study on Employee Job Satisfaction at Meneta Automotive Components Pvt. Ltd.

 Definition

Job satisfaction refers to a person’s feeling of satisfaction on the job, which acts as a motivation
to work. It is not the self-satisfaction, happiness or self-contentment but the satisfaction on the job.

Hoppock describes job satisfaction as “any

Job satisfaction is defined as the, “pleasurable combination of psychological, physiological

emotional state resulting from the appraisal of one’s job and environmental circumstances that cause

as achieving of facilitating the achievement of one’s job and person truthfully to say I am satisfied

values. with my job.

 Meaning

The term job satisfaction refers to an employee’s general attitude towards his job.
 Job satisfaction is the favorableness or un-favorableness with which employees view
their work.

 In order to understand job satisfaction, perhaps the first step should be to demarcate the
boundaries among such terms as attitudes motivation and morale.

 A job is an importantpart of life. Jobsatisfaction influencesone’s general life satisfaction.

 The result is that satisfaction arises from a complex set of circumstances in the same way the
motivation does.

A Study on Employee Job Satisfaction at Meneta Automotive Components Pvt. Ltd.

 Determinants of job satisfaction at Meneta Automotive Components Pvt. Ltd.

According to Abraham A. Kumar, there are two types of variables, which determine the job
satisfaction of an individual. These are:
1. Organization Variables
2. Personal Variables

Organization variables

o Occupational Level

Higher level of jobs carries greater prestige and self-control. The relationship between occupational level
and job satisfaction stems from social reference group theory in our society values some jobs more than
others. Hence people in values like them more than those who are in no valued jobs. The relationship
may also stem from the need fulfillment theory.

o Job content

Greater the variation in job content and less the repetitiveness with which the tasks must be performed,
the greater the satisfaction of the individuals involved. Since job content in terms of variety and nature of
task known for it as the function of occupational level. The theoretical arguments given above apply here
o Considerate Leadership

People to be treated withconsideration. Hence considerate leadership results in higher job satisfaction
than in considerate leadership.

o Pay and Promotional opportunities

All other things being equal these two variables are positively related to job satisfaction.

o Interaction among Employees

Here the question is, when interaction in the work group is a source of job satisfaction and when it is not.

A Study on Employee Job Satisfaction at Meneta Automotive Components Pvt. Ltd.

o Interaction is more satisfying when

a) It results in the cognition that other persons attitudes are similar to ones own since, this permits are
ready calculability of the others behavior and constitutes a validation of one’s self.

b) It results in being accepted by other and

c) It facilitates and achievement of goals.

Personal Variables

For some people, it appears that most jobs will be dissatisfying

irrespective of the organizational conditions, where for other most
jobs will be satisfying personal variable for this difference anf the
personal variables are as follows:

 Age
 Educational Level
 Role perception
 Sex

 Factors affecting Job Satisfaction at Meneta Automotive Components Pvt. Ltd.

o Working Conditions

Because employees spend so much time in their work environment each week, it's important for
company to try to optimize working conditions. Such things as providing spacious work areas rather than
cramped ones, adequate lighting and comfortable work stations contribute to favorable work conditions.
Providing productivity tools such as upgraded information technology to help employees accomplish
tasks more efficiently contributes to job satisfaction as well.

A Study on Employee Job Satisfaction at Meneta Automotive Components Pvt. Ltd.

o Opportunity for Advancement

Employees are more satisfied with their current job if they see a path available to move up the ranks in
the company and be given more responsibility and along with it higher compensation. Meneta
Automotive Components Pvt. Ltd. encourages employees to acquire more advanced skills that will lead
to the chance of promotion. During an employee's annual performance review, a supervisor should map
out a path showing employees what they needs to accomplish and what new skills they needs to develop
in order to be on a track to advancement within the organization.

o Workload and Stress Level

Dealing with a workload that is far too heavy and deadlines that are impossible to reach can cause job
satisfaction to erode for even the most dedicated employee. Falling short of deadlines results in conflict
between employees and supervisors and raises the stress level of the workplace. Many times, this
environment is caused by ineffective management and poor planning. Meneta Automotive Components
Pvt. Ltd. operates in a crisis mode because supervisors don't allow enough time for employees to
perform their assigned tasks effectively or because staff levels are inadequate.

o Respect from Co-Workers

Employees seek to be treated with respect by those they work with. A hostile work environment -- with
rude or unpleasant coworkers -- is one that usually has lower job satisfaction. In an August 2011 survey
published by, 50 percent of those responding said they had personally experienced a
great amount of workplace incivility at Meneta Automotive Components Pvt.Ltd. Fifty percent also
believe morale is poor where they work. Managers need to step in and mediate conflicts before they
escalate into more serious problems requiring disciplinary action. Employees may need to be reminded
what behaviors are considered inappropriate when interacting with coworkers within the organization.

o Relationship with Supervisors

Effective managers know their employees need recognition and praise for their efforts and
accomplishments. Employees also need to know their supervisor's door is always open for them to
discuss any concerns they have that are affecting their ability to do their jobs effectively and impeding
their satisfaction at the office.

A Study on Employee Job Satisfaction at Meneta Automotive Components Pvt. Ltd.

o Financial Rewards

Job satisfaction is impacted by an employee's views about the fairness of the company wage scale as well
as the current compensation they may be receiving. Company need to have a mechanism in place to
evaluate employee performance and provide salary increases to top performers. Opportunities to earn
special incentives, such as bonuses, extra paid time off or vacations, also bring excitement and higher job
satisfaction to the workplace.

A Study on Employee Job Satisfaction at Meneta Automotive Components Pvt. Ltd.

1.1 Significance of the Study

Employee satisfaction is of utmost importance for employees to remain happy at Meneta Automotive
Components Pvt. Ltd. and also deliver their level best. Satisfied employees are the ones who are
extremely loyal towards their organization and stick to it even in the worst scenario. They do not work
out of any compulsion but because they dream of taking their organization to a new level. Employees
need to be passionate towards their work and passion comes only when employees are satisfied with their
job. Employee satisfaction leads to a positive ambience at the workplace. People seldom crib or complain
and concentrate more on their work.

The first benefit of employee satisfaction is that individuals hardly think of leaving their current
jobs. Employee satisfaction in a way is essential for employee retention. Meneta Automotive
Components Pvt. Ltd. need to retain deserving and talented employees for long term growth and
guaranteed success. If people just leave the organization after being trained, organization would be in a
big mess. Organization can hire new individuals but no one can deny the importance of experienced
professionals. It is essential for organization to have experienced people around who can guide freshers
or individuals who have just joined.

Employee attrition is one of the major problems faced by organization. An individual who is treated well
at the workplace, has ample opportunities to grow, is appreciated by his superiors, gets his salary on time
ever thinks of changing his job. Retaining talented employees definitely gives organization an edge over
competitors as they contribute more effectively than new joiners. Moreover, no new individual likes to
join an organization which has a high employee attrition rate. Employees who are not satisfied with
their jobs often badmouth organization and also warn friends and acquaintances to join the same.

A Study on Employee Job Satisfaction at Meneta Automotive Components Pvt. Ltd.

Employee satisfaction is essential to ensure higher revenues for the organization. No amount of
trainings or motivation would help, unless and until individuals develop a feeling of attachment and
loyalty towards organization. Employees waste half of their time fighting with their counter parts or
sorting out issues with them. Employees who are satisfied with their jobs seldom have the time to indulge
in nasty office politics. They tend to ignore things and do not even have the time to crib or fight with
others. Satisfied employees are the happy employees who willingly help their fellow workers and
cooperate with the organization even during emergency situations. Such employees do not think of
leaving their jobs during crisis but work hard together as a single unit to overcome challenges and come
out of the situation as soon as possible. For them, organization comes first, everything else later. They do
not come to office just for MONEY but because they really feel for the organization and believe in its
goals and objectives. Satisfied employees also spread positive word of mouth and always stand by each
other. Instead of wasting their time in gossiping and loitering around they believe in doing productive
work eventually benefitting the organization. They take pride in representing their respective
organizations and work hard to ensure higher revenues for the organization.

Satisfied employees tend to adjust more and handle pressure with ease as compared to frustrated
ones. Employees who are not satisfied with their jobs would find a problem in every small thing and be
too rigid. They find it extremely difficult to compromise or cope up with the changing times. On the
other hand, employees who are happy with their jobs willing participate in training programs and are
eager to learn new technologies, software’s which would eventually help employees at Meneta
Automotive Components Pvt. their professional career. Satisfied employees accept challenges
with a big smile and deliver even in the worst of circumstances.

A Study on Employee Job Satisfaction at Meneta Automotive Components Pvt. Ltd.

1.2 Review of Existing Literature

1. Employee Empowerment helps in creating a healthy working Environment.


Employee empowerment is creating a working environment where an employee is allowed to make

his own decisions in specific work-related situations. The decisions can be big or small, and the size
and effect of the decision is up to the employer. The logic behind employee empowerment is to
increase the employee's responsibility, to build employee morale and to improve the quality of the
employee's work life. Ideally, when an employee feels vested in an organization, he will be more
productive, loyal and more confident.

Empowerment has become an important issue within Contemporary organizations .There is real
supports and encouragement to give the freedom to get a job done and the authority to achieve
organizational goals. Recently, the usefulness of empowerment has started to become recognized in
the different environment of Project Management.

A Study on Employee Job Satisfaction at Meneta Automotive Components Pvt. Ltd.

2. MAT Holdings eyes USD 150 mn from Indian auto components business
Source: “The Hindu” -

o US-based diversified group MAT Holdings on Wednesday said, it is aiming at 66 per

cent increase in turnover to USD 150 million by next year from its auto components
business in India and will set up a new plant by 2011, to hike production in the country.

o “In 2009, we achieved a turnover of USD 90 million from the country and we are now
targeting to take it to USD 150 million by 2011,” MAT Holdings Chairman and CEO
Steve Wang told PTI.

o The company, which had commissioned a new plant here earlier this month with a
capacity to produce four crore units of brake pads annually, plans to INVESTanother
Rs. 30 crore to set up a new one to manufacture items required for brake pads.

o “We have just inaugurated our biggest Indian plant at Sonepat with an annual capacity
of four crore units of brake pads. This takes our total capacity to ten crore units in our
five plants in the country,” Wang said.

o The new plant that MAT Holdings will open early next year will be its sixth in India.

o “This plant, also at Sonepat, will be operated by our group company Meneta
Automotive Components Pvt. Ltd. Automotive. It will manufacture components for
making complete brake pads,” Wang said.

o The USD 700-million (Rs. 3,200 crore) MAT Holdings operates in India through five
companies, including one joint venture firm.

A Study on Employee Job Satisfaction at Meneta Automotive Components Pvt. Ltd.

3. Are companies with happy workers more productive companies?


One major issue regarding many of the reviewed studies relates to the causal nature of the
relationship between aggregated employee satisfaction and organizational (or unit-level)
performance. The implicit belief both in academe and practice is that the relationship runs from
employee satisfaction sentiments to organizational effectiveness and efficiency outcomes.
Moreover, this implicit assumption is apparent in the research studies reviewed here. That is, the
attitude data were typically collected at one time period and performance outcomes were
concurrently collected or at multiple time periods following the collection of the employee
attitude data.

The study suggests that collecting data in this fashion may lead researchers to draw erroneous
conclusions because their data prevent them from discovering significantly stronger
relationships for performance causing satisfaction. It could be argued, for example, that
employees who are in higher performing organizations are more likely to be satisfied than those
in lower performing organizations simply because their organizations are doing well. Indeed,
this causal pattern was found in the study.

Specifically, their data supported causal relationships between financial and market performance
outcomes and employees’ overall job satisfaction and satisfaction for security.

A Study on Employee Job Satisfaction at Meneta Automotive Components Pvt. Ltd.

4. Relationship between job satisfaction and productivity


A satisfied worker is more likely tube creative, flexible, innovative, and loyal. For the
organization, job satisfaction of its workers means a workforce that is motivated and committed
to high quality performance.

Increased productivity- the quantity and quality of output per hour worked- seems to be a
byproduct of improved quality of working life. It is important to note that the literature on the
relationship between job satisfaction and productivity is neither conclusive nor consistent.
However, studies dating back to Herzberg’s (1957) have shown at least low correlation
between high morale and high productivity and it does seem logical that more satisfied workers
will tend to add more value to an organization. Unhappy employees, who are motivated by fear
of loss of job, will not give 100 percent of their effort for very long. Though fear is powerful
motivator, it is also a temporary one, and also as soon as the threat is lifted performance will
decline. Job satisfaction benefits the organization includes reduction in complaints and
grievances, absenteeism, turnover, and termination; as well as improved punctuality and worker
morale. Job satisfaction is also linked with a healthier work force and has been found to be a
good indicator of longevity. Although only little correlation has been found between job
satisfaction and productivity, Brown (1996) notes that some employers have found that
satisfying or delighting employees is a prerequisite to satisfying or delighting customers, thus
protecting the “bottom line”

A Study on Employee Job Satisfaction at Meneta Automotive Components Pvt. Ltd.

5. Workers role in job satisfaction


If job satisfaction is a worker benefit, surely the worker must be able to contribute to his or her
own satisfaction and well being on the job.
Following suggestions can help a worker find personal job satisfaction:
Seek opportunities to demonstrate skills and talents. This often leads to more challenging work
and greater responsibilities, with attendant increases in pay and other recognition. Develop
excellent communication skills. Employer’s value and rewards excellent reading, listening,
writing and speaking skills. Know more. Acquire new job related knowledge that helps you to
perform tasks more efficiently and effectively. This will relive boredom and often gets one
noticed. Demonstrate creativity and initiative. Qualities like these are valued by most
organizations and often results in recognition as well as in increased responsibilities and
rewards. Develop teamwork and people skills. A large part of job success is the ability to work
well with others to get the job done. Accept the diversity in people. Accept people with their
differences and their imperfections and learn how to give and receive criticism constructively.
See the value in your work. Appreciating the significance of what one does can lead to
satisfaction with the work itself. This help to give meaning to one’s existence, thus playing a
vital role in job satisfaction. Learn to de-stress. Plan to avoid burn out by developing healthy
stress management techniques.

A Study on Employee Job Satisfaction at Meneta Automotive Components Pvt. Ltd.

1.3 Conceptualization

The project is about the job satisfactionatMeneta Automotive Components Pvt. Ltd. and the project is
considered under the concept of human resource management. This project obtains all those factors
which are related to the job satisfaction i.e. the introduction of job satisfaction, hypothesis related to the
job satisfaction, some research like exploratory, descriptive, correlation, experimental is there in this
project and then a survey through questionnaire and after this organization of the study is discussed and
regarding job satisfaction data is analyzed and at last conclusion is there.

This training project of human resource will facilitate and enables the management to know the
perceptions and inner feelings regarding the job they are performing on day-to-day basis.

The term job satisfaction reveals and focuses on the likes and dislikes of the employees of Meneta
Automotive Components Pvt.Ltd. In this particular study the research tries to identify the causes for
satisfaction and dissatisfaction among the employees.

This is the most effective and selective instrument for diagnosing and peeping into the employee’s
problems. And with the deep study all the basic points are discussed regarding company like transport
facilities and also those facilities which are provided within the organization like canteen facility,
working environment, and all those factors which affects the job satisfaction in the company. At last the
data analysis is done on the basis of questionnaire so that it can be prove, employees are satisfied with
their jobs.

Job satisfaction depends upon many other job attitudes like job involvement, organizational commitment
and employee engagement.

Job involvement is degree to which a person or employee identifies with a job, actively participates in it,
and considers performance importance to self worth. Job satisfaction and job involvement there is
positive correlation. Out of six dimensions of job satisfaction that is achievement, affiliation, expert
influence, control, extension and dependency, two has found significant correlation.

A Study on Employee Job Satisfaction at Meneta Automotive Components Pvt. Ltd.

The employee in which Organizational commitment level is high job satisfaction level is also high.

The term job satisfaction may be viewed as a total concept, as a social concept and as a relative concept.
The total concept is a desirable state of existence involving the physical, mental, moral and emotional
well-being. The relative concept of satisfaction implies that satisfaction is relative in time and place. It is
dynamic and flexible concept and hence its meaning and content differ from time to time, region to
region, industry to industry, level of education, social custom, and degree of industrialization and general
standard of the socio-economic development of the people.

Employee welfare is an important facet of industrial relations, the extra dimension, giving satisfaction to
the worker in a way, which even a good wage cannot. With the growth of industrialization and
mechanization, it has acquired added importance. The workers, both in industry and agriculture cannot
cope with the pace of modern life with minimum sustenance amenities. He needs an added stimulus to
keep body and soul together. Employees have also realized the importance of their role in providing these
extra amenities, and yet, they are not always able to fulfill workers demand, however reasonable they
might be.

A Study on Employee Job Satisfaction at Meneta Automotive Components Pvt. Ltd.

1.4 Focus of the Problem

In this project the main focus is to analyze the level of job satisfaction among the employees working in
the Meneta Automotive Components Pvt. Ltd. To understand that employees are really satisfied with
their jobs or not (if not, why???)
Other focuses of problem will be on:-

1. What benefits and facilities job is providing to the employees?

2. To find out the relationship between career development and employee loyalty.

3. To find out the relationship between compensation and rewards, and employee loyalty.

4. To find out the relationship between working environment and employee loyalty.

A Study on Employee Job Satisfaction at Meneta Automotive Components Pvt. Ltd.

1.5 Objectives of the Study

The main aim of the study is to analyze and examine level of job satisfaction among the Meneta
Automotive Components Pvt. Ltd.Employees.

The specific objectives are as follows:

 To observe the level of satisfaction among employees relating to the nature of the job and other

 To identify impact on the job performance of the employees.

 To examine satisfaction regarding the salary and other benefits of its employees.

 To suggest suitable measures to improve the overall satisfaction of the employees in the

 To know the current problems of the company facing due to lack of job satisfaction.

A Study on Employee Job Satisfaction at Meneta Automotive Components Pvt. Ltd.

1.6 Hypotheses

A hypothesis (plural hypotheses) is a proposed explanation There are two kinds of hypotheses,
for a phenomenon. For a hypothesis to be a scientific one is null hypotheses and another
hypothesis, the scientific method requires that one can test it. one is alternative hypotheses which
Scientists generally base scientific hypotheses on previous the researcher has to prove is
observations that cannot satisfactorily be explained with the alternative hypothesis and which is
available scientific theories. Even though the words already proved in the universe is null
"hypothesis" and "theory" are often used synonymously, a hypothesis.
scientific hypothesis is not the same as a scientific theory. A
working hypothesis is a provisionally accepted hypothesis
proposed for further research.

It is known fact to all that keeping a employee happy is management’s responsibility as to get the work
done perfectly. But, to feel happy is employee’s perception.

So satisfied employees are essential element for improving efficiency and effectiveness.
 Job satisfaction is great motivator, which keeps the employees always in high morale.

 Job satisfaction among employees result in increasing the perception of the organization.

 Job satisfaction reduces the resistance among employees for the new implementations.

 Null Hypothesis

Employees working at Meneta Automotive ComponentsPvt. Ltd are not satisfied.

 Alternative Hypothesis

Employees working at Meneta Automotive ComponentsPvt. Ltd are satisfied.

In this study the Alternative Hypothesis is adopted so that is can be proved that Employees
working at Meneta Automotive Components Pvt. Ltd are satisfied.

A Study on Employee Job Satisfaction at Meneta Automotive Components Pvt. Ltd.

2 Research Methodology


Methodology is the systematic, theoretical analysis of the

The process used to collect
methods applied to a field of study. It comprises the
information and data for the purpose
theoretical analysis of the body of methods and principles
of making business decisions. The
associated with a branch of knowledge. Typically, it
methodology may include publication
encompasses concepts such as paradigm, theoretical model,
research, interviews, surveys and
phases and quantitative or qualitative techniques.
other research techniques, and could
include both present and historical
A methodology does not set out to provide solutions - it is,
therefore, not the same thing as a method. Instead, it offers
the theoretical underpinning for understanding which
method, set of methods or so called “best practices” can be
applied to specific case, for example, to calculate a specific

Research is the systematic process of collecting and It has been defined also as follows:
analyzing information to increase our understanding of the
phenomenon under study. "The analysis of the principles of
methods, rules, and postulates
Research is academic activity and the term is used in a
employed by a discipline"
technical sense, According to Clifford, research comprises
"The systematic study of methods that
defining problems, formulating hypothesis or suggested
are, can be, or have been applied
solution, collecting, organizing and evaluating data making
within a discipline"
deductions and reaching conclusion, and at least carefully
"The study or description of methods"
testing the conclusions to determine whether they fit the
formulating hypothesis.

A research design is pattern or an outline of a research project is working. It is a statement of only the
essential elements of a study, which provide the basic guidelines for the detail of the project. It comprises
a series of prior decisions that taken together provide a master plan for executing a research project.
A research design serves as a bridge between what has been established i.e. the research objective and
what done, in conduct of the study to realize those objectives. If there were no research design, the
research would have only foggy notion about what is to be done. There are numerous specific designs,
which can classify into three broad categories.
Research design is the conceptual structure within which the research would conduct.

A Study on Employee Job Satisfaction at Meneta Automotive Components Pvt. Ltd.

In fact, it is the general blueprint for the collection, measurement, and analysis of data.
As far as the project is concerned, our study focuses on the following design:

Exploratory Research Design:

The objective of our exploratory research is to find new ideas of relationships between several facts.
The exploratory research includes the expert’s opinion with the help of the company personnel and an
interview with customers.

Descriptive Research Design:

Descriptive design is a sound basis for making predictions pertaining to the specific marketing practices,
which is a part of the conclusive research. Its main aim is to collect data with a definite purpose, which
makes the facts practical and valuable.
The descriptive research data would collected by secondary data sources like books, websites.

A Study on Employee Job Satisfaction at Meneta Automotive Components Pvt. Ltd.

2.1 Universe & Survey Population

The research is totally based on the population i.e. employees working in a Meneta Automotive
Components Pvt. Ltd. Automotive components Pvt. Ltd. The research contains some questionnaire, on
that basis we analyze about the working condition in India that on which level employees gets job

Universe size: Employees working in Meneta Automotive Components Pvt. Ltd.

Universe Size: 65

A Study on Employee Job Satisfaction at Meneta Automotive Components Pvt. Ltd.

2.2 Sample

A sample is a smaller representation of a large whole. A Sampling is the selection of certain

sample is composed of some fraction or part of the total percentage of a group of items
number of elements or units in a defined population. according to a predetermined plan.
Sampling, therefore is a method of selecting some fraction of
a population.

In this study, the Probability Sampling type is used for the Every item of the universe has an
research because in probability sampling each unit of the equal chance of being included in the
universe has a known chance of being selected. In probability sample. It is a lottery method in which
sampling design, the population must be clearly defined and individual units are picked up from
list of target population must be available. The errors of the whole group by some mechanical
estimation or the significance of results obtained can be process.

 Sample unit

The sampling units are Employees at Meneta Automotive Components Pvt. Ltd., which have
approached to collect data.

 Sampling method

Sampling method used in this research is simple random sampling. Under this sampling design, every
item of universe has a known chance of being selected. It is say to a lottery method.

 Sample size
The size of the sample was restricted to 20.

A Study on Employee Job Satisfaction at Meneta Automotive Components Pvt. Ltd.

2.3 Collection of Data

Data collection is an important aspect of any type of research study. Inaccurate data collection can impact
the results of a study and ultimately lead to invalid results. Data can be defined as the quantitative or
qualitative values of a variable. Data can be numbers, images, words, figures, facts or ideas. Data in itself
cannot be understood and to get information from the data one must interpret it into meaningful
information. There are various methods of interpreting data. Data sources are broadly classified into
primary and secondary data.

 Primary data

Primary data is the data observed or collected directly from first-hand experience. Primary data has not
been published yet and is more reliable, authentic and objective. Primary data has not been changed or
altered by human beings; therefore its validity is greater than secondary data.

This data is gathered from first-hand information source i.e. through a Questionnaire by the researcher,
this data collection from
 employees,
 managers,
 clerks etc.,

 Secondary data

Secondary Data is the data collected from a source that has already been published in any form. The
review of literature in any research is based on secondary data mostly from websites.

In this study, both the primary and secondary data is collected with the help of some files, books and

A Study on Employee Job Satisfaction at Meneta Automotive Components Pvt. Ltd.

2.4 Analysis Pattern

Job satisfaction of the employees has been analyzed on the basis of the following job related
 Salary and monetary benefits
 Job security
 Promotion policy
 Employees participation in management
 Freedom of expressions
 Nature of job
 Interest taken by superiors
 Superiors and sub-ordinate relationship

Analysis of data refers to the analyzing and interpreting the data collected. The primary data is collected
through questionnaire, personal observation and the collected data is analyzed through graphical
representation with the help of:-

 Bar Diagrams-A bar chart or bar graph is a chart that presents Grouped data with rectangular
bars with lengths proportional to the values that they represent. The bars can be plotted
vertically or horizontally. A vertical bar chart is sometimes called a column bar chart.

A bar graph is a chart that uses either horizontal or vertical bars to show comparisons among
categories. One axis of the chart shows the specific categories being compared, and the other
axis represents a discrete value. Some bar graphs present bars clustered in groups of more than
one (grouped bar graphs), and others show the bars divided into subparts to show cumulative
effect (stacked bar graphs).

 Graphs -Graph may refer to:

o Chart, a graphical representation of data also called a "graph"
o Infographic, a graph intermixing data and visual or textual information

A Study on Employee Job Satisfaction at Meneta Automotive Components Pvt. Ltd.

3 Organizational Profile

3.1 Business of the Organization


established in Odense Denmark in year 1953, over the years it has
established itself to be a good quality manufacturer of fine blanked
back plates, noise reduction shim and shim materials. MENETA
in year 2007, as a 100% subsidiary of MENETA AUTOMOTIVE


in research and development for anti-noise shims & back plates
facilitating manufacturer of disk brake lining in OE and aftermarket.
Its customers recognize it as a highly qualified manufacturer and
development partner


professional consulting on the right choice of products providing total
services to customers. Motivated & committed professionals human
resource contributes the development & production of new products.


optimizing its products to meet the automotive industry requirement
of efficiency, reliability and innovation. The quality is a primary focus
in design, development methods of production, supply chain
management to achieve the stakeholder’s values.

A Study on Employee Job Satisfaction at Meneta Automotive Components Pvt. Ltd.

Meneta Automotive Components Pvt. Ltd. is a worldwide organization with sales and production
facilities in India, Denmark, US and China.
1. The company produces back plates and shims to be sold locally in India, Europe and to the US
MARKET. We expect to reach a capacity of 80 million Back plates and 100 million Shims at
the end of this year.

2. The Kundli plant has gone up stream and producing shims at 8-9 Million per month capacity,
and steel service center is fully commissioned.

3. Magna Awarded Meneta Automotive Components Pvt. Ltd. as "Best Engineering Support"
company for year 2012 on 19th Oc. 2012

4. On 29th October His Excellency Mr. Freddy Svane Ambassador of Denmark , visited both
Meneta Automotive Components Pvt. Ltd. plants and appreciated the state of the art facilities

A Study on Employee Job Satisfaction at Meneta Automotive Components Pvt. Ltd.

Company Profile
Business Type : Exporter / Manufacturer / Supplier

Year Established : 2007

Products Exporter, Supplier and Automotive components, wear indicators, back plates window
Manufacturer enclosures, seat belt, clutches

Contact Information
Name Ltd
PLOT NO. 49 & 66, PHASE-V, HSIIDC, KUNDLI, Sonipat - 131028,
Address 3
Haryana, India
Contact Person Mr. Lokesh Gupta MARKETING Manager

A Study on Employee Job Satisfaction at Meneta Automotive Components Pvt. Ltd.

3.2 Management Procedures

 Research & Developments

Besides using advanced Denmark & U.S Technology, MENETA AUTOMOTIVE

COMPONENTS PVT. LTD. India has built & developed its own center for in-house research &
development activities, thereby providing it with a solid foundation. R&D centre also conducts
the rigorous tests to ensure that the highest standards are maintained in raw material & during
the entire manufacturing process.

 Quality Assurance

Well-equipped in-house Quality Control meets the calibration & inspection requirements as per
India has the quality certification of ISO/TS 16949:2009

 Production Facilities

With top technology & equipment & modern production facilities company offer its customers
punched parts with a capacity of up to 800 Tons.

A Study on Employee Job Satisfaction at Meneta Automotive Components Pvt. Ltd.

3.3 Product & Services offered by the Organization

Meneta Automotive Components Pvt. Ltd.'s products are manufactured based

on many years of development and testing. Anti-noise shims are produced in
a high quality damping material which meets individual requirements for
insulation, compressibility, and cold noise damping ability. Back plates -
manufactured in steel - comply with the stringent requirements for the OEM
and OES market.

Also providing with accessories and HR and HRPO slitted coils and window

With top technology and equipment and modern production facilities we

offer punched back plates and shims with a pressure of up to 630 tons. Fine
blanking is a specially developed production method within punching.

Meneta Automotive Components Pvt. Ltd. India have a prototype section to

develop any part in its range in a very short period of time, thus cutting short
product development cycle of the customer. The Laser cutting machine along
with CNCs , VMCs and other sophisticated SPMS are used for this purpose.

MENETA AUTOMOTIVE COMPONENTS PVT. LTD. improves the Process and Product Performance
through Continuous improvement, Optimum utilization of Process and Total Employee involvementto
meet Competitive Global Reequirement and Ensure Customer Satisfaction.

A Study on Employee Job Satisfaction at Meneta Automotive Components Pvt. Ltd.

3.4 Strategic Quality Planning

The Strategic Planning has been deployed since three years as a measure to improve the organization’s
capability to meet long and short term goals and to enhance cost competitiveness, operational efficiency,
quality consistency and customer satisfaction.

 Vision of Meneta Automotive Component Pvt. Ltd.

 Customerization

Customerization is the customization of products or services through personal interaction

between a company and its customers. A company is customerized when it is able to
establish a dialogue with individual customers and respond by customizing its products,
services, and messages on a one-to-one basis.

 Product range

A product range is a set of variations on a specific product made to appeal to different

market segments. A product mix is a blend of related products that can be marketed
together to similar market segments.

 Cost competitiveness

Competitive Pricing' Setting the price of a product or service based on what the
competition is charging. Competitive pricing is used more often by businesses selling
similar products, since services can vary from business to business while the attributes of a
product remain similar.

A Study on Employee Job Satisfaction at Meneta Automotive Components Pvt. Ltd.

 Mission of Meneta Automotive Components Pvt. Ltd.

 To become the best production unit in the country through human and technical excellence.

 To achieve excellence in all effort and activities by each one of us.

 To produce a premium quality product and extend best service to its customers.

 To establish a neat clean and pollution free environment.

 Community should perceive us a progressive well professional organization.

A Study on Employee Job Satisfaction at Meneta Automotive Components Pvt. Ltd.

4 About the concept of the project

The meaning of ‘Job’ as a post or appointment is of primary importance. Every job is an instance of the
employment relationship, embodying a contract (substantive or implied) to exchange an ability to work
(labor, provide service, exercise ingenuity, direct efforts of others, etc) for rewards (both material and
symbolic). True, performing work tasks provides a stream of experiences, technical and social, those can
energies psychosocial responses; any resulting data summarizing these reactions are indispensable.
However, such data must not be weighted higher than those concerning experience of the overt (or
ostensible) contractual terms - above all, those concerning pay and job security. (Rose,)

Job satisfaction is simply how people feel about their jobs and different aspects of their jobs. It is the
extent to which people like (satisfaction) or dislike (dissatisfaction) their jobs. (Spector)

Job satisfaction can be defined as a positive feeling about one’s job resulting from an evaluation of its
characteristics. A person with a high level of job satisfaction holds positive feeling about the job, while a
person who is dissatisfied holds negative feeling about the job.

How to apply empowerment at Meneta Automotive Components Pvt. Ltd. to increase job
satisfaction and productivity among employee

In order to empower employees, four different factors are Important. That different factor work
as an element to empower employee, which will give the employees space to act more
independently in accomplishing their jobs those are: information, knowledge, power and

• Information

In Meneta Automotive Components Pvt. Ltd where the employees are fully empowered, no
information about the company is held secret for employee. That's why employees must receive
information about the performance of the company.

• Knowledge

Before and after empowering employees the company needs to give training for increasing
knowledge and skills of employee. Which build up their problem solving decision-making
capability? As by having power of knowledge and skills, an employee can be able to contribute
to the goals of the company.

A Study on Employee Job Satisfaction at Meneta Automotive Components Pvt. Ltd.


To make substantial decisions, employees must have the power by giving upsome of the
traditionally held by management, which means managers also must take on new roles,
knowledge and responsibilities.

• Rewarding

The employees need to get bonus on the basis their performances and company's performance.
The employees can be more committed towards the company by having good
appreciation,engagement with growth, recognition and trust

A Study on Employee Job Satisfaction at Meneta Automotive Components Pvt. Ltd.

 Benefits of Job Satisfaction

There are some great business benefits if Meneta Automotive Components Pvt. Ltd. increases
employee job satisfaction

If Meneta Automotive Components Pvt. Ltd. manage to increase employee job satisfaction it is
not only going to benefit them, but it will also benefit the business as a whole. Many studies
have shown how management strategies that increase employee job satisfaction lead to a more
productive workforce and a more success business overall. Huge modern enterprises like
Google are a fine example of how looking after staff will lead to fantastic gains; in fact if
Meneta Automotive Components Pvt. Ltd. investigate Meneta Automotive Components Pvt.
Ltd. will discover that almost all the most successful companies around the world take their
ability to increase employee job satisfaction seriously.

If company want to avoid all the hassle that comes with replacing staff, and the poor image this
creates for customers, then company will need to do, to increase employee job satisfaction.
There are quite a few ways of doing this, and it may be a case of experimenting with different
approaches until company finds what works with company. It should be something a bit more
significant then picking an ‘employee of the month’ though.

One cause of complaint among staff is often concerned with scheduling. Workers have home
lives as well as work lives, and this should always be factored into scheduling decisions. One
way of increasing employee job satisfaction is by introducing a self-scheduling scheme. This
will put the control of schedule in the hands of the staff themselves, and they will be able to
choose their time off as they see fit; it will be up to them to ensure that each shift is fully staffed
and that they work their contract hours. If the staff member is unable to get the time off they
want then they will understand why and this will increase employee job satisfaction because of
their feelings of control over the process.

Giving staff more responsibility and autonomy is a great way to increase employee job
satisfaction. If Meneta Automotive Components Pvt. Ltd trust their employees to do the tasks
assigned to them without constantly looking over their shoulder then this will make them feel
like they are trusted and they will likely reward this trust; a task goes from being something that
they are expected to do to being something that is “their” responsibility.

A Study on Employee Job Satisfaction at Meneta Automotive Components Pvt. Ltd.


Under the factories Act, 1948 it is statutory requirement of the employer to provide the necessary
canteen facilities where more than 250 workers ordinarily employed in any one day of the proceeding
12 month in the factory. The canteen has to be run on No loss and No profits basis.

o Eligibility for canteen facility

In Meneta Automotive Components Pvt. Ltd. Canteen is running under Contract at the subsidized
rate. The canteen facilities are for workers working Meneta Automotive Components Pvt.Ltd.

All employees will get coupon worth Rs.120/- and some will get the coupon depending upon their

o Procedure for issue of coupon

Coupon will be issued twice in a month to all eligible employees. For the permanent employees
coupons will be issued on credit basis and others will be on cash.

A Study on Employee Job Satisfaction at Meneta Automotive Components Pvt. Ltd.

o Menu

Day Breakfast Rate in Rs. Evening Snacks Rate

Monday Paratha& Tea 80+40 Bajji + Tea 90+40
Tuesday Bread & Tea 40+40 Pakoda + Tea 90+40
Wednesday Puri& Tea 40+40 Mixture + Tea 90+40
Thursday Biscuit& Tea 80+40 Bajji + Tea 90+40
Friday Wada & Tea 40+40 Pakoda + Tea 90+40
Saturday Puri& Tea 40+40 Avalakki + Tea 90+40

 Breakfast will be served morning 08.30 am to 09.30 am every day.

 Lunch will be served at 12.30 to 2.30 p.m

 Evening snacks will be served between 7:00 pm and 10.30 pm.


 As a statutory requirement under the Factories Act, Meneta Automotive Components Pvt. Ltd.
provide Rest room/ Lunch Room for the employees.


 To take care of the health of employees and their families members, the hospital is well
equipped with X – Ray, Laboratory facilities with 2 Medical Officers and 7 paramedical staffs
are providing service to the employees and their families.

 Ambulance service is provided during the emergencies.


 Conducting various cultural programs.

 Conducting various sports and games

 Library facilities

 Facilities for playing indoor and outdoor games.

 Celebration of National & State festivals.`

A Study on Employee Job Satisfaction at Meneta Automotive Components Pvt. Ltd.


On the occasion of employees birthday as a token of love and affection management is

presenting a gift with greeting card for the employees.


 As a statutory requirement all the employees should undergo medical examination once in a
year. Accordingly a detailed schedule is chalked out and advised the employees to go for a
medical examination in our dispensary.

During the course of medical examination if any employee found to be suffering from any
disease/ ailment will be advised to go for proper treatment.

 This helps the employees to take preventive care on certain health problems.


a) Uniform
 The company will provide every year two pairs of uniforms to all permanent and
contractor’s workmen who are working in packing plant & gypsum unloading.

 All the employees are provided similar quality of uniforms.

b) Safety shoes
 A pair of safety shoes is provided to the employees every year.

c) Helmet
 Once in two years helmet is issued to the employees. As an exceptional cases helmet
will be provided after the certification of the Safety Department.

A Study on Employee Job Satisfaction at Meneta Automotive Components Pvt. Ltd.


Meneta Automotive Components Pvt. Ltd. has a separate wing to look after the transport
convenience of the colony residents, students and guests.
a) To facilitate the residents company is operating bus service from Sonipat to Kundli,

b) Taxi facilities also available on chargeable basis for the employees.

There are some points showing the benefits of job satisfaction at Meneta
Automotive Components Pvt. Ltd.

o Job Satisfaction and Absenteeism

It has been conclusively proved that there is an inverse relationship between job satisfaction and
absenteeism. When satisfaction is high, absenteeism is low and when satisfaction is low, absenteeism is
high. Less satisfied employees are more likely to be absent from work due to avoidable reasons. This is
known as voluntary absenteeism as against unavoidable absenteeism which is due to illness or other
emergency reasons. Management must be concerned with voluntary absenteeism, because it is related to
job satisfaction. Absenteeism can be modified by certain factors. Research has found that people who
believe that their work is important have lower absenteeism as compared to those who do not feel that
way. Moreover, it is important to remember that while high job satisfaction will not necessarily result in
low absenteeism (because of unavoidable absenteeism), but low job satisfaction will definitely bring
about high absenteeism.

o Job Satisfaction and Union Activities

It has been proved that satisfied employees are generally not interested in unions and they do not
perceive them as necessary. Job satisfaction has proved to be the major cause of unionization. The
employees join the unions because they feel that individually they are unable to influence changes which
would eliminate the causes of job dissatisfaction. The level of union activities is related to the level of job
dissatisfaction. Low level of dissatisfaction results in only grievances while higher levels of
dissatisfaction will result in employee strikes.

o Job Satisfaction and Safety

When people are dissatisfied with their jobs, company and supervisors, they are more prone to
experience accidents. An underlying reason for this is that dissatisfaction lakes one’s attention away from
the task at hand and leads directly to accidents. A satisfied worker will always be careful and attentive
towards his job, and the chances of accidents will be less.

A Study on Employee Job Satisfaction at Meneta Automotive Components Pvt. Ltd.

o Other effects of Job Satisfaction

In addition, there are a number of other effects brought about by high job satisfaction. Highly satisfied
employees tend to have better physical and mental health, learn the new job related tasks easily, and have
less job stress and unrest. Such employees will become more cooperative such as helping coworkers,
helping customers etc. Such behavior will improve unit performance and organizational effectiveness.

Job satisfaction results from the employee’s perception that the job content and context actually provide
what an employee values in the work situation. Organizationally speaking, high level of job satisfaction
reflects a highly favorable organizational climate resulting in attracting and retaining better workers.

If MenetaAutomoive Components Pvt. Ltd wants to increase employee job satisfaction then
they need to have good communication in place. Staff should be allowed to be critical and to
feel they can raise concerns in a non-threatening environment. If employees are afraid to speak
then they are unlikely to put much effort into the job and they will probably want to leave as
soon as possible. If the employee has an idea it should be listened to respectfully; this way
company will increase employee job satisfaction and if it is a good idea it will benefit the

One thing that company must avoid if they want to increase employee job satisfaction is
constant change or uncertainty in regards to what is expected of the employee. The staff
member should always know what they need to do to keep the business successful, and if they
don’t they can easily stop trying.

A Study on Employee Job Satisfaction at Meneta Automotive Components Pvt. Ltd.

5 Data Analysis & Interpretation

Data, which is gathered by administering questionnaires, was processed in simple manner to
determine the level of satisfaction among employees. Every response was assigned some score based on
this overall satisfaction level was determined.

Data collected is carefully tabulated and analyzed by using satisfaction methods and also various graphs
are used.

A Study on Employee Job Satisfaction at Meneta Automotive Components Pvt. Ltd.

5.1 Questionnaire Analysis

1. What do you think about the present working conditions and environment?
Good 4
Bad 0
Clean 6
Hygienic 10
Unhygienic 0


No. of Respondents

6 Bad
2 Unhygienic


Figure 1: Working conditions & Environment

Interpretation: The working condition of Meneta Automotive Components Pvt. Ltd is safe good and

A Study on Employee Job Satisfaction at Meneta Automotive Components Pvt. Ltd.

2. Are employees free to express their views?

Yes 20
No 0

No. of Respondents

10 Yes

Figure 2: Employees are free to express their views

Interpretation: All the employees are free to express their feelings.

A Study on Employee Job Satisfaction at Meneta Automotive Components Pvt. Ltd.

3. How the company provide any training to improve your performance

Annually 8
Quarterly 4
Semi-annually 2
Monthly 6

No. of Respondents

5 Annually
4 Quarterly
3 Semi-annually

Figure 5: Time period of giving training

Interpretation: As per the skills and knowledge of the employees the company provides training

A Study on Employee Job Satisfaction at Meneta Automotive Components Pvt. Ltd.

4. How do you rate the quality of food provided in the canteen?

Highly satisfied 16
Satisfied 3
Dissatisfied 1

No. of Respondents

Highly satisfied
6 Dissatisfied

Figure 6: Quality of food provided

Interpretation: 16 employees are highly satisfied with the quality provided in the canteen of Meneta
Automotive Components Pvt. Ltd. And 1 employee is satisfied and rest is dissatisfied.

A Study on Employee Job Satisfaction at Meneta Automotive Components Pvt. Ltd.

5. Rank the facilities you are satisfied most-

Medical facility 1
Transport facility 3
Canteen facility 4
Loan facility 2

No. of Respondents

2.5 Medical facility

2 Transport facility
1.5 Canteen facility
1 Loan facility


Figure 7: Ranking of the facilities.

Interpretation: As per the satisfaction level of the employees the rank is given to the facilities.

A Study on Employee Job Satisfaction at Meneta Automotive Components Pvt. Ltd.

6. How do you feel when the company protects your interests?

Highly satisfied 15
Satisfied 2
Dissatisfied 3

No. of Respondents

Highly satisfied
6 Dissatisfied

Figure 8: Interests of the employees

Interpretation: 60% of the employees feel safe regarding the interests.

A Study on Employee Job Satisfaction at Meneta Automotive Components Pvt. Ltd.

7. How do you feel about the policies of company?

Highly satisfied 15

Satisfied 1

Dissatisfied 4

No. of Respondents

Highly satisfied
6 Dissatisfied

Figure 9: Policies of the company

Interpretation: 15 employees are highly satisfied with the policies of the company and 4 employees are

A Study on Employee Job Satisfaction at Meneta Automotive Components Pvt. Ltd.

8. Do you feel that the company policies should be changed?

Yes 15
No 5

No. of Respondents

8 Yes

Figure 10: Policies should be changed

Interpretation: 15 employees feel that the policies of the company should be changed and 5 feel that
policies can remain constant.

A Study on Employee Job Satisfaction at Meneta Automotive Components Pvt. Ltd.

9. Does the management have good relation with the employees?

Yes 16
No 4

No. of Respondents


Figure 9: Relation between company and employees

Interpretation: 16 employees have good relation with the management and rest 4 have average relation.

A Study on Employee Job Satisfaction at Meneta Automotive Components Pvt. Ltd.

10. Does the company have performance based wage system?

(Data in percentage)

Yes 14
No 6

No. of Respondents



Figure 10: Performance based wage system

Interpretation: 70 percent of the employees feel that there should be an incentive wage scheme for
efficient work in the organization.

A Study on Employee Job Satisfaction at Meneta Automotive Components Pvt. Ltd.

11. Are you a permanent employee of the company?

(Data in percentage)

Yes 18
No 2

No. of Respondents

10 Yes
8 No

Figure 11: Permanent job or not?

Interpretation:90 percent of the employees have permanent job.

A Study on Employee Job Satisfaction at Meneta Automotive Components Pvt. Ltd.

12. Is the management helpful and sympathetic to your problems in workstation?

(Data in percentage)

To some extent 70
To large extent 30



No. of Respondents

To some extent
30 To large extent




Figure 12: Problem faced at Workstation

Interpretation: 70% of the employees feel that the management is sympathetic to some extent in their
problems faced at workstation

A Study on Employee Job Satisfaction at Meneta Automotive Components Pvt. Ltd.

13. Do you have any problems with the present management setup?
(Data in percentage)

To some extent 50
To large extent 50


No. of Respondents


To some extent
To large extent



Figure 3: Problems with management

Interpretation: Only 50% of the employees are satisfied with the present management setup and the
other 50% is not satisfied and feel that there should be change in the setup.

A Study on Employee Job Satisfaction at Meneta Automotive Components Pvt. Ltd.

14. Does the company provide any training to improve your performance? if yes, are you satisfied
with the training provided?
(Data in percentage)

To some extent 90
To large extent 10

Figure 14: Level of job satisfaction

Interpretation: Almost all the employees are satisfied with the training provided by the company
to improve their performance.
No. of Respondents


A Study on Employee Job Satisfaction at Meneta Automotive Components Pvt. Ltd.

5.2 SWOT Analysis

5.2.1 Strengths

 Investment by the foreign manufacturers

 Increase in the export levels.
 Low cost and cheap labor.
 Rise in the working and middle class income.
 Large pool of engineers.

5.2.2 Weakness

 Low quality compared to other automotive companies.

 Low labor productivity.
 High interest rate.
 Low investment in research and development area.

5.2.3 Opportunities

 Growing population in the country.

 Rising standard of living.
 Increase in income level.
 Better technology is demanded.

5.2.4 Threats

 Less skilled labor.

 Lack of technologies for Indian company.
 Smaller player that do not fulfill international standards.

A Study on Employee Job Satisfaction at Meneta Automotive Components Pvt. Ltd.

6 Limitations of the Study

There are some limitations also in research. These limitations are as following:

 The accuracy of indications given by the respondents may not consider


 Due to the limitation of the time the research could not be made more detailed.

 Due to confidentiality of some information accurate response was not revealed by some of the

 Some of the replies of the respondents may be biased. Respondents had marked the answers in
questionnaires which may be socially incorrect irrespective of their actual feelings.

 It was not possible to cover every aspect. This poses to be a serious limitation.

 The cost of carrying project is very high, so a small-scale study is being conducted.

 Problem of communication with all the peoples, as there was heavy noise pollution in the bank
and other area.

 There was also lack of time and peoples also were hesitant in responding in the working hours.

A Study on Employee Job Satisfaction at Meneta Automotive Components Pvt. Ltd.

7 Conclusion

Research has concluded that there is a relationship between job satisfaction and performance of the
employees. Thus, job satisfaction or job dissatisfaction is an important concern of the management. High
job satisfaction may lead to improved productivity, decreased turnover, and improved attendance,
reduced accidents, less job stress and less unionization. Job dissatisfaction produces low morale among
workers and low morale at work is highly undesirable. In examining the outcomes of job satisfaction

All the statutory and non-statutory measures are provided to employees as per the standard measures,
which improves employee’s satisfaction and increase productivity.

Any organization success and growth depends on employees. The company may have rich resources of
capital, material, infrastructure, machines and technology but if the quality of manpower is not good, the
organization cannot succeed. Employee welfare plays a vital role in every organization. And the quality
and productivity of manpower depends on the welfare measures provided by the organization.

By conducting this study I have acquired and in-depth knowledge regarding employee welfare and how it
contributes towards organizations success. I would like to conduct a further deep study in employee
welfare if I get an opportunity. This study is very helpful for my career in HR field.

Besides several other factors the economic development of a country depends upon the effective
functioning of employees. In order to achieve this the superiors and the state should take
necessary steps for the satisfaction of employees in their respective jobs.

A Study on Employee Job Satisfaction at Meneta Automotive Components Pvt. Ltd.

 Findings

 Employees are satisfied with the training provided to them in improving their

 Medical, educational and housing loans are the financial benefits provided to the
employees by the organization.

 Expenses for the injured workers are borne by the organization.

 Medical compensation is also provided to the injured workers.

 12 employees are highly satisfied while 6 are satisfied and rest of the 2 employees are

 16 employees are highly satisfied with the quality provided in the canteen of Meneta
Automotive Components Pvt. Ltd. And 1 employee is satisfied and rest is dissatisfied.

 All the employees are free to express their feelings.

 15 employees are highly satisfied with the policies of the company and 4 employees are

 15 employees feel that the policies of the company should be changed and 5 feel that policies
can remain constant.

 70% of the employees feel that the management is sympathetic to some extent in their problems
faced at workstation

 Only 50% of the employees are satisfied with the present management setup and the other 50%
is not satisfied and feel that there should be change in the setup.

 Almost all the employees are satisfied with the training provided by the company to
improve their performance.

A Study on Employee Job Satisfaction at Meneta Automotive Components Pvt. Ltd.

 70 percent of the employees feel that there should be an incentive wage scheme for efficient
work in the organization.

 90 percent of the employees have permanent job.

 16 employees have good relation with the management and rest 4 have average relation.

 The working condition of Meneta Automotive Components Pvt. Ltd is safe good and hygienic.

 60% of the employees feel safe regarding the interests.

As per the satisfaction level of the employees the rank is given to the facilities

Overall the employees ofMeneta Automotive Components Pvt. Ltd. are having a very high
job satisfaction and hence they are working with great enthusiasm and zeal to achieve their
organizations goal.

A Study on Employee Job Satisfaction at Meneta Automotive Components Pvt. Ltd.

8 Suggestions & Recommendations

1. The present management should be changed.

2. The company policies should be changed.

3. There should be an incentive wage scheme for efficient work in the organization.

4. The management should be more helpful and sympathetic towards the problemsfaced by the
workers at the workstation.

5. Company can also set up more sports, cultural activities which improve employee satisfaction
and productivity.

6. Provide a chance to employees to express their views.

7. Extra hours worked can be rewarded with over time.

8. Proper care should be taken when employee working in dangerous machine.

9. The facility of washroom must be improved.

A Study on Employee Job Satisfaction at Meneta Automotive Components Pvt. Ltd.

9 Bibliography
 Website

2. http://Meneta Automotive Components Pvt.
3. http://Meneta Automotive Components Pvt.
15. Jobs in Meneta Automotive Components Pvt. Ltd., Submit Resume to Meneta Automotive
Components Pvt. Ltd., Meneta Automotive Components Pvt. Ltd. careers, Meneta Automotive
Components Pvt. Ltd. Job Openings
16. article of meneta automotive components pvt ltd - Google Search
17. Job Satisfaction Mba Thesis Chapter 2 - Literature Review - College Essay - Rajishwary
18. Literature Review On Job Satisfaction Free Essays
20. literature review on employee job satisfaction - Google Search

A Study on Employee Job Satisfaction at Meneta Automotive Components Pvt. Ltd.

 Books

1. Ashwathappa. K Human Resource Management

2. Tata McGraw Hill Publications
3. Deith Davis Human Relation at Work
4. Tripathi Personnel management & industrial Relations
5. P. SubbaRao Essentials of Human Resources and Industrial Relations
6. C.B. Mamoria Human Resource Management

 Newspaper

1. The Hindu-


A Study on Employee Job Satisfaction at Meneta Automotive Components Pvt. Ltd.

10 Annexure

I am the student of BBA(SBIT), Sonepat. As I am doing my summer project on

‘Emplyoee Job Satisfaction”, I solicit your response to fill up my questionnaire. Your
response shall be keeping confidential and shall be use foracademic purpose only. It
shall take 5 to 10 minutes.

Profile: Name :
Age : Income :
Qualification : Designation :
Date of Joining:

1. What do you think about the present working conditions and environment?

a. Good
b. Bad
c. Clean
d. Hygienic
e. unhygienic

2. Are employees free to express their views?

a. Yes
b. No

3. How the company provide any training to improve your performance

a. Annually
b. Quarterly
c. Semi annually
d. monthly

4. How do you rate the quality of food provided in the canteen?

a. Highly satisfied
b. Satisfied
c. Dissatisfied

5. Rank the facilities you are satisfied most-

a. Medical facility [

b. Transport facility [

c. Canteen facility [

d. Loan facility [

6. How do you feel when the company protects your interests?

a. Highly satisfied
b. Satisfied
c. Dissatisfied

A Study on Employee Job Satisfaction at Meneta Automotive Components Pvt. Ltd.

7. How do you feel about the policies of company?

a. Highly satisfied
b. Satisfied
c. Dissatisfied

8. Do you feel that the company policies should be changed?

a. Yes
b. No

9. Does the management have good relation with the employees?

a. Yes
b. No

10. Does the company have performance based wage system?

a. Yes
b. No
11. Are you a permanent employee of the company?
a. Yes
b. No

12. Is the management helpful and sympathetic to your problems in workstation?

a. To some extent
b. To large extent

13. Do you have any problems with the present management setup?
a. To some extent
b. To large extent

14. Does the company provide any training toimprove your performance? if yes, are you satisfied
with the training provided?
a. To some extent
b. To large extent


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