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Menstrual Cup Experience Questionnaire

Have you used the menstrual cup?

- If you have, for how many cycles have you used it?

- Have you used it for every cycle since you started using it?

- If you haven’t used it for every period, why haven’t you?

Do you use the menstrual cup both at school and at home?

- If you only use it at home or only use it at school, why?

Will you continue to use the menstrual cup? Why or why not?

Is the menstrual cup comfortable?

- Does it slide down while you’re wearing it?

- Does it unfold properly so that it doesn’t leak?

- Does it bother you while it’s inside you?

Are you cleaning the cup every time you remove it?

Which cleaning method do you use most often: wipes or wash?

- If you use the wash, do you use the disinfectant cup or running water?

- Why do you prefer the cleaning method you use?

Have you run out of any of the cleaning products?

- If you have, which ones?

Is there anything Hannah can do to better support you in using the menstrual cup?

Is there anything else you want us to know about your experience?

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