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COURSE 1. Personal Presentation 4th August 1st class 1:30 hours.


30 Speaking Teacher is going to say hello, write the name of the course on the board and
minutes introduce herserlf. Then, she is going to write parts of sentences to encourage ss to
introduce themselves: My name is… / My last name is … /I study at…/ I work in…/ I
live in … After all of them introduce themselves, teacher is going to ask ss to do it
again, but this time, they need to do it in one minute. The first ss that does it in 1
minutes is the winner. Then, teacher is going to encourage ss to introduce the
partner on his right. This is… Her/His last name is… / She/He studies or works in …,
She/He lives in …
Then introduce the questions: What’s your name? what’s your last name? What’s
your middle name? what’s your full name? what’s your second last name? Ask ss to
mingle and ask this questions to their partners. They have 5 minutes to ask all of
them to the three partners.
15 Reading Teacher is going to paste a reading outside the classroom. She is going to ask ss to go
minutes out and read. Then, they’re going to go back to the classroom, they’re going to listen
to a question and they write the answer. The first ss that writes it shouts stop. If the
answer is correct she/he wins a point. Game #251.
15 Writing Ask ss to write something similar to what they read about themselves.
20 Speaking The alphabet Teacher is going to introduce the alphabet: The teacher writes these groups of letters on
minutes the board: L M N S F B C D T P LETTERS WE MIGHT

Then, she is going to choose different letter and they’re going to repeat the name for
them to get familiar. Then, we’re going to play to sell letter. Teacher is going to ask ss
to say different words in English, she writes them on the board. Then, she puts
letters of the alphabet outside the classroom. Ss need to go out and ask for a letter
until one of them form a word. When it happens, she/he says stop, teacher checks
and then they start again.
10 Listening Listen to a conversation and answer the following questions: What’s her name?
minutes what’s her last name? Touchstone 1. Unit 1, Page 4. (Catherine Ravelli)

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