Lesson Plan in Science VI Vertebrates and Invertebrates Objectives

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Lesson Plan in science VI


I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson students should be able
A. Give the different characteristics of vertebrates
and invertebrates
B. Differentiate the vertebrates and invertebrates
C. Classify animals as a vertebrates and
II. Subject Matter
A. Topic: vertebrates and invertebrates
B. Materials: Pictures: animal illustration, paper
and ball pen, laptop
C. Process skills: observing and classifying
D.Reference: science 6 book and internet
III. Methodology
A. Preliminary activities
1. Prayer: our father
2. Greetings: Good morning class!
You may now take your seat.
3. Checking of attendance:
Is there anyone absent today?
4. Motivation: so, before we go on to our
lesson, lets us sing first a song.
*baa baa black sheep

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