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The cause of forest fires in general can be due to natural conditions or human behavior.

The earth is said

to be a fundamentally flammable planet due to the presence of vegetation that is rich in carbon, dry
climate, oxygen in the atmosphere, lightning, and volcanic activity.

Forest fires cause various losses. The loss of native wildlife habitat, smog, respiratory diseases, and even
damage to settlements around the forest can damage the ecosystem of living things.

The cause of forest fires can actually be avoided. Both the cause of forest fires by nature or humans,
both can be prevented through certain preventive measures and regulations.

The importance of forests for the balance of ecosystems makes the cause of forest fires to be minimized
as possible. The cause of forest fires can indeed arise from natural conditions.

However, almost all of the causes of forest fires are caused by humans. The following is an explanation of
the causes of successful forest fires summarized from various sources, Tuesday

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The cause of forest fires by natural conditions

illustration of forest fire (source: iStockophoto)

illustration of forest fire (source: iStockophoto)

Lightning is the biggest natural cause of forest fires. Lightning strikes that are different from varying
electrical voltages cause fires through vegetation that directly ignite with high current. Lightning fires can
appear in the dry season when vegetation is still dry.

Lightning that causes fires also occurs in rough terrain and dangerous places which make it difficult for
fire prevention equipment and personnel to reach the fire on time.

In addition, volcanic activity such as eruptions and lava flows can cause fires that are difficult to
extinguish. The long dry season that causes drought is one of the major factors triggering forest fires

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