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No. 8 Mendiola St., Manila is the official

address of La Consolacion College Manila.
It is located right at the doorstep of
Malacañang Palace and occupies a
trapezoidal area of 2.8 hectares enclosed
by the streets of Arlegui, San Rafael, C.A.
Burning Heart Aguila and Mendiola. Within the vicinity
Is symbolic for the burning love for God manifested are situated other colleges and
in search for truth and love for neighbor shown in universities aptly forming the so-called
service to the poor and the needy. "university belt" of Claro M. Recto Avenue
and Legarda St., food chains, dormitories,
Staff, Mitre, and the Bible shopping and amusement centers, and
Speak well of St. Augustine’s life of searching. the living arteries of Manila pulsing with its
busy public and private transportation.
Symbolizes the writing of St. Augustine and his With the completion of the purple lane of
intellectual depth as a writer, which made him the the LRT2 with stations at Recto Avenue
Greatest Doctor of the Church. and Legarda St., La Consolacion College
Manila is only minutes away from areas up
Tolle-lege, Tolle-lege (Take and Read)
The words heard from the voice by St. Augustine north like Pasig, Marikina, and Quezon
leading to his conversion to Catholicism in the year City. From the south, buses, fxs, and
386. jeepneys find their route to the heart of
Mendiola making La Consolacion College
La Consolacion College Manila virtually accessible from any part of
An institution of learning dedicated to the education the Metro.
of the youth of the Philippines following the
Augustinian Sisters thrust of Education for Justice Although located within the heart of the
and Social Transformation. city, La Consolacion College Manila
remains ideal for academic pursuits. One
Mendiola, Manila look at the College is all it takes to realize
Is the location of the college established in 1901 the beauty and soothing atmosphere
found in the University Belt, near Malacañan Palace,
within. It is one of the Catholic schools
member of the Mendiola Consortium Schools
administered by the Augustinian Sisters of
distinguishing it from other Augustinian Sister
schools bearing the same name. Our Lady of Consolation (ASOLC). Aside
from the Administration building, Mo.
This seal is constant reminder of our Consuelo Barcelo Auditorium, Gregor
commitment to follow Christ closely in our love Mendel Science Center, and classroom
for God and our neighbor through authentic buildings - St. Augustine, Sta. Monica, Our
living of UNITY, CHARITY, and TRUTH. Lady of Consolation, Kamalayan (which
houses the college library), and the
Mother Rita Building (also known as LCCM
International Center) - La Residencia 1 and
2, (dormitories), occupy the land area.
Today, there are more 3,500 students,
faculty, and staff that make up the During the Second World War, Japanese
population of the school. soldiers occupied the school. Right after
the war in 1945, the school played host to
La Consolacion College Manila was the offices of the Catholic Welfare
founded in 1902 when His Excellency Organization (CWO) and the Catholic
Msgr. Placido Chapelle, the Papal Nuncio, Educational Association of the Philippines
offered the first ten Filipino Augustinian (CEAP). It also started conducting
Sisters a house at R. Hidalgo St., Quiapo "abridged classes". A commencement
near the Basilica of San Sebastian. exercise was held in November for the
Chapelle convinced the sisters, Agustinas graduates of 1944-45 before the Junior
Terciarias, to cease the operation of their Normal was reopened on December of the
asilo-colegio and to establish a defined same year. Also, 1945 is marked with two
school for women whose specific and important developments: 1) it was the
extraordinary objective was to provide year when the school started accepting
training and instruction to those intending boys in the elementary level and 2) the
to pass the civil service examination. The school adopted La Consolacion College as
school was named Colegio de Nuestra its official name.
Señora de la Consolacion. Sor Clara del
Santissimo Sacramento was the first The post war period was characterized by
Directress of the colegio. physical and curricular expansion of the
school. In 1947, the Junior Normal had its
It will be remembered that the first ten first set of graduates. The Music
Filipino Augustinian Sisters who founded Department was recognized to confer
the school were the same group given the diplomas and issue certificates in 1948. By
order to disband by the Father Provincial 1951, the Secretarial Department and the
of the Augustinian Order in 1899 during combined Junior Normal and Home
the Philippine-American War when the Economics were added. In 1952, the Office
remaining Catalan Sisters, Sor Rita Barcelo of the College Dean was established
y Pages and Sor Consuelo Barcelo y Pages, paving the way for bachelor degrees.
left for Spain. The Catalan Sisters were BSEEd was offered in 1962 followed by BS
founding sisters of the asilo-colegio in in Commerce as well as other courses.
Mandaluyong when they arrived in the
country in 1883. In 1974, the school's Board of Trustees
was instituted paving the way for concrete
After years of steady growth, the school and bold actions. When the school turned
caught fire in 1909 and was razed to the 75, the Mother Rita Barcelo Pastoral
ground. The following year, in 1910, a new Formation Center (MRBPFC) was
building rose to its present location. It was established as a non-formal educational
also during this period when the school unit geared towards community
received the American government's assistance. Two years after, in 1979, the
recognition and a permit to include school adopted the Catholic Schools'
secondary course. As the first among System Development (CSSD) while at the
private schools recognized in Manila, Mr. same time working on the Philippine
G.A. O'Reilly, Superintendent of Private Accrediting Association of Schools,
Schools, described it "most proficient". Colleges and Universities (PAASCU)
During its 25th year, in 1927, the school accreditation, which was eventually
started the expansion of its physical passed in 1981. The following year, Basic
facilities. In 1937 the Junior Normal was Education Scheme was also adopted.
opened. Computer Program was introduced to both
College and Basic Education Department HIS LIFE
in 1985 and 1988, respectively.
A. From Birth to Conversion (354-386)
The 1990s opened the doors of LCCM to
various foreign academic and professional Augustine was born on November 13, 354 at
linkages. On the eve of its centennial, the Thagaste where the population 'was mostly of Berber
school opened a dormitory, La Residencia, stock. His mother, Monica, was a fervent Christian.
and the Kamalayan building which houses Patricius; his father, was a pagan who was a small
the college library, the multimedia, landholder and town councilor. Despite the family's
business and case rooms, SMART rooms,
limited resources, he provided his son with all that was
the school canteen, the offices of the
Center for Technology and Curriculum needed for his good education. He had a brother,
Development (CTCD) and the School of Navigius and a sister whom tradition called Perpetua. He
Information Technology & Computer was African in descent, yet Roman in culture, education
Studies. Moreover, the school officially and language. He studied at Thagaste, Madaura and
adopted La Consolacion College Manila as Carthage. He taught rhetoric at Carthage, then at Rome
its name. In 2004, LCCM inaugurated the and Milan. He was a master of the Latin language and
Gregor Mendel Science Center where the
culture yet not fluent in Greek. He knew little or no Punic.
Research Center, Nursing Review Center,
He was brought up as a Christian. In intention, he
nursing and science laboratories, e-
learning laboratories, etc., are to be found. always remained one.
Today, La Consolacion College Manila is
composed of its College Department with At 19, reading Cicero's Hortensius, he was
its six (6) schools, namely - School of converted to the love of wisdom, which, disappointed by
Business and Accountancy, School of Arts his reading of Scripture, he sought among the
and Sciences, School of Nursing, School of Manichees to whom he adhered for 9 years. Having
HRM and Tourism, School of Information been disillusioned by the weakness of the Manichean
Technology & Computer Studies, and the system, he turned to skepticism. When in Milan, aged
School of Music - and the Basic Education
32, he began the return-journey through St. Ambrose's
Department. It endeavors to prepare its
students make better decisions in life by preachings on the Catholic interpretation of Scripture. He
providing fitting academic and social overcame skepticism by accepting the authority of the
opportunities to advance, develop and church. He overcame his materialism by discovering,
benefit themselves and the society in with the help of Platonism, the true notion of evil. He
general. To perform its educational overcame his naturalism and the problem of meditation
apostolate, LCCM strives to develop in its by reading St. Paul and recognizing Jesus Christ as
community the spirit of searching for truth Mediator of grace and Redeemer.
and passion for excellence through
research, instruction, evangelization and Thus his return to the Catholic faith was
extension services, thus providing holistic
complete. Yet his problem was how to live the Christian
training for the students in the light of
Christian Catholic teachings, and the ideals. After struggles, he chose to abandon all worldly
Augustinian ideal and tradition. aspirations including marriage and consecrated himself
totally to that ideal.

St. Augustine B. From Conversion to Priesthood (386-391)

Bishop of Hippo, Doctor of the Church (354-430 A.D.) Augustine withdrew to Cassiciacum (probably
modern-day Cassago Brianza), returned to Milan the
"Late have I learned to love you, Beauty, at once following March, followed Ambrose's catechism and was
so ancient and so new! Late have I come to love baptized by him on the night of Holy Saturday, April 24-
You! You were within me, and I was in the world 25, 386.
outside myself You were with me, but I was not
with You,"
While planning to return to Africa with his family his right forearm is retained in the Cathedral of Hippo,
to carry out the "holy aim" of living together in God'spresent-day Annaba.
service, Monica died at Ostia. Thus, he returned to
Rome and spent 8-10 months interesting, himself in HIS PLACE OF ORIGIN
monastic life.
Our knowledge, understanding and appreciation of
Returning to Africa, he settled at Thagaste Augustine is immeasurably enhanced if we know
where "together with those who were united to him he something of the age in which he lived. No genius is
lived for God and instructed those present and absent wholly emancipated from his age and circumstances.
through discourses and books" (Possidius). This is particularly true of Augustine. Living as he did in
some of the most critical decades of European history –
C. From Priesthood to Episcopate (391-396) it is often said that he was a man of living on the frontiers
of two worlds, the ancient world which was passing away
Augustine went to Hippo Regius "to look for aand the medieval world which was coming into being.
place to find a monastery and live with my brother"
(Sermon 355, 2). There he was surprised by theAfter Punic wars in 146 B.C., then the area that
priesthood, which he reluctantly accepted as God's wish. constitutes four countries today was entirely part of the
As he had planned, he founded a monastery where he Roman Empire. Mauretania was the name of the Roman
lived as priest and monk, in ascesis and study, followingProvince covering Morocco and western Algeria with its
the ways and rules established at the time of the capital at Caesaria (now Cherihell). Then eastern Algeria
Apostles” (Possidius 5). and western Tunisia together formed the province of
Numidia with its capital at Circa (Constantine in
In 395/396, he was consecrated assistant contemporary Algeria). The rest-extreme eastern Tunisia
bishop. Leaving the lay monastery, which would become and Libya was the original Roman province of Africa
a "seminary" of priests and monks for the whole Africa proper, with its capital and port at Carthage (now as
(Possidius 11), he withdrew to a clerical monastery of suburb of twentieth-century Tunis).
Hippo (Sermons 355 and 356).
Today, the contemporary pilgrim who seeks to trace
D. From Episcopate to Death (396-430) Augustine’s footsteps will probably have to fly to the port
of Annaba formerly called Hippo, then drive 9or take the
Augustine's pastoral activities comprised: (1) the
train) sixty miles to Souk-Ahras, Algeria known in the
church of Hippo: preaching (2 times a week-Saturday
days of the Roman Empire as Thagaste.
and Sunday, often on several consecutive days or even
2 times a day) "audientia episcopalis", care of the poor IMPORTANTE PERSONS IN HIS LIFE:
and orphans, training of the clergy, organization of male
and female monasteries, administration of church HIS FAMILY
property (not enjoyed but submitted to), visiting the sick;Monica – his mother
(2) the church of Africa: participation in annual councils, Patricius – his father
frequent journeys in response to colleagues' invitations Navigius – his brother
or ecclesiasticals' necessity; (3) the universal church: Perpetua – his sister who became a Superior of a
dogmatic controversies against the Manichees, thereligious community for women.
Donatists and the Pelagians. Melania – mother of his son Adeodatus
Adeodatus – his son
Augustine died on August 28, 430. History tells that aHIS FRIENDS
group of African bishops took the body of Augustine with Alypius – “the brother of my heart”
them while fleeing from the Vandals. It was deposited in Evodius – member of his Cassiciacum group
Sardinia on payment of gold' equaling the weight ofSeverus – a part of his first community
Augustine's body. A king of Lombardy brought it to Pavia Possidius – his biographer
where it was buried in the Church of Ciel D'oro. A relic of Nebridius – his disciple in Italy
Romanianus – rich friend of the family
Cicero – Latin poet author of Hortensius CORE VALUES
St. Ambrose – Bishop of Mila
Victorinus – famous philosopher of the 4th century. Love of God and Neighbor
Scholarship and
Passion for Excellence
LCCM VISION-MISSION STATEMENT Compassion and Consolation
Search for Truth
La Consolacion College Manila (LCCM) is a Community of Friends
Catholic educational institution inspired by Dignity of Labor
St. Augustine’s teachings on the primacy Integrity of Creation
of love. LCCM is an academic community
of friends with compassion and
consolation especially for our people in the


Transformative education towards fullness

of life in the 21st century.

MISSION Hail LCC Alma Mater dear

Hail we sing to thee (2x)
To assume the responsibility of serving Within thy walls and social hall
and caring for God’s people regardless of We love and please to stay.
gender, race, creed and culture through Love thy view the air so bright
Augustinian formation and development of But more our dear blue and white
world-class graduates and professionals; We shall be faithful for the blue and
Pure for the white
To promote unity, charity and truth in the It's the blue and white we stand for and
transformation of learners through the blue and white we cherish
excellence in instruction, research, and The blue of the sea and nature is clear.
community extension programs; And the glory of triumph so bright
Are not half so fair
To develop a strong community outreach Are not half so fair and can't compare
program and create an eco-friendly With our own dear blue and white.
educational environment;

To provide a suitable operation through THE WORKS OF AUGUSTINE

accountability and stewardship of
Autobiographical works
To integrate modern learning technology Confessions
and student-centered pedagogy that Revisions
produce innovative and creative graduates Philosophical works
in the contemporary world; Dialogues
The Trinity
To integrate work and learning through the The City of God
dual learning system, apprenticeship, On the Christian Belief
service and reflection on industry standard Pastoral works
skills and competencies; On marriage and virginity
On morality and Christian asceticism
To provide a residential campus learning Exegetical works
Christian instruction Father and of the Son and of the Holy
On Genesis Spirit.”
On the New Testament
On the Old Testament EFFECTS OF BAPTISM
Polemical works
The Arian debate The new birth in the Holy Spirit. Baptism
The Manichean debate brings about the infusion of sanctifying
The Donatist controversy grace with the infused virtues and the
Answer to the Pelagians gifts of the Holy Spirit.
Answer to the Semipelagians The forgiveness of all sins—original and
Letters – 270 personal, mortal and venial.
Homilies – 400 The remission of all punishment due to
Expositions of the Psalms – 150 sin. This covers both the eternal
punishment (which is always remitted
when mortal sins are forgiven and
sanctifying grace is infused) and temporal
Baptismal character. This is an indelible
NATURE AND INSTITUTION sign that creates a similarity with Christ
In a strict sense, Baptism is a sacrament and gives the capacity for the reception of
instituted by Christ, in which, through the the other sacraments.
washing with water and by invoking the Sacramental grace. This, in the case of
three divine Persons, the spiritual Baptism, is sanctifying grace itself,
regeneration of humanity is achieved. The together with the right to receive special
Roman Catechism defined Baptism as “the helps to exercise the faith, lead a truly
sacrament of regeneration by water in the Christian life, and worthily receive the
word.” other sacraments.
The incorporation to the Church. Baptism
NAME makes us sharers in the common
The word baptism comes from a very priesthood of the faithful. It is also the
similar Greek term meaning “immersion, source of the following responsibilities and
bathing,” or “washing.” In the New duties: To belong to Christ, to profess
Testament, to baptize usually means “to before humanity the faith that one has
wash,” “to clean with water.” Through received from God through the Church, to
immersion, the catechumen is be submissive to others, to serve them, to
symbolically buried in the death of Christ, participate in the apostolate, and to be
and resurrected with him (cf. Rom 6:3–4; obedient and docile to the pastors of the
Col 2:12) as “a new creature” (2 Cor 5:17). Church, to show them respect
Baptism is also called the washing of NECESSITY OF BAPTISM
rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit
(cf. Ti 3:5) and illumination, because it Baptism is a necessary means for eternal
enlightens the souls of those who receive salvation. Jesus Christ affirmed this,
it. absolutely and without exception, in his
conversation with Nicodemus: “Truly, truly,
MATTER AND FORM I say to you, unless one is born of water
and the Spirit, he cannot enter the
The remote matter is true and natural kingdom of God”
water. In case of necessity, what is still
commonly called and considered water However, with regard to the infusion of
may be used, even if it is mixed with other sanctifying grace and the forgiveness of
substances. sins (but not with regard to the character),
“Baptism by water” may be replaced by:
The form of Baptism is the words:
“(Name), I baptize you in the name of the Baptism by blood or martyrdom, that is,
violent death for the sake of Christ. This
applies either to those with or without the in the universal saving will of God and the
use of reason. necessity of Baptism for salvation. [2]

Baptism by desire, which is an act of love THE SACRAMENTS IN GENERAL

of God united to the desire—even implicit
—of receiving Baptism. Therefore, Baptism The sacraments are the seven great
by desire can be received only by adults means that God has given the Church so
with the use of reason, not by children or that her members may grow in the life of
the insane. grace. The first five correspond to the
different needs of the Christian’s
SUBJECT OF BAPTISM spiritual life: birth, growth, nutrition,
cure in sickness, and preparation for
“Every unbaptized person, and only such a the soul’s union with God. The other
person, can be baptized.” No special two correspond to the needs of
condition is required of children or those Christian society The Christian
who are permanently deprived of the use priesthood and the Christian family.:
of reason. [1]
Types of Baptism:
A sacrament is an external or sensible
ADULT sign, instituted by Christ, that causes the
Since the beginning of the Church, adult grace it signifies. We will study the
Baptism is the common practice where the elements of this definition in detail:
proclamation of the Gospel is still new. The
catechumenate (preparation for Baptism) It is sensible. It is known through the
therefore occupies an important place. external senses. A merely internal
This initiation into Christian faith and life perception, such as an image produced by
should dispose the catechumen to receive the imagination, would not be a
the gift of God in Baptism, Confirmation, sacrament.
and the Eucharist. It is a sign. It is something that
represents a reality (the signified thing)
INFANT distinct from the sign itself. The sign is an
The practice of infant Baptism is an intermediary between the signified thing
immemorial tradition of the Church. There and the subject who knows it. Some signs,
is explicit testimony to this practice from like the letters of the alphabet, are based
the second century on, and it is quite solely on convention. The sacramental
possible that, from the beginning of the sign, however, bears a natural
apostolic preaching, when whole resemblance to the signified reality. Thus,
"households" received baptism, infants the washing or anointing of the body
may also have been baptized. [2] signifies the cleansing or comforting of the
soul, respectively.
MINISTER OF BAPTISM It is instituted by Christ. Only God can
give grace, and, therefore, only he can
The ordinary ministers of Baptism are the decide what means or channels he will use
bishop and priest and, in the Latin Church, to communicate it to us.
also the deacon. It causes the grace it signifies. The
sacraments communicate both sanctifying
In case of necessity: grace and the specific grace of each
Anyone, even a non-baptized person, with sacrament.
the required intention, can baptize, by
using the Trinitarian baptismal formula. MATTER AND FORM
The intention required is to will to do what
the Church does when she baptizes. The God speaks to people through actions and
Church finds the reason for this possibility words—closely linked—that shed light on
each other. The sacramental sign is Confirmation, and Extreme Unction—also
composed of two elements, called matter called Anointing of the Sick).
and form by way of analogy with the
metaphysical composition of material Among the latter, two are necessary
beings. means, that is, without them (or at least,
the desire of receiving them) there is no
The matter is the material and sensible salvation. These are Baptism and, for
action or gesture; the form is the those who have committed mortal sins
accompanying words that declare the after Baptism, Penance. Some authors
special meaning of that external action or hold that the Eucharist is also necessary
gesture. For example, to wash with water for those who have reached the use of
is the matter of Baptism, and its form is reason.
the words “I baptize you in the name of
the Father and of the Son and of the Holy EFFECTS OF THE SACRAMENT
Spirit.” To baptize precisely means “to
wash.” The sacraments produce supernatural
grace. Three of them also produce
From the above-mentioned matter, which character.
is specifically called proximate matter, we
can distinguish remote matter, which is It is a dogma of faith that the sacraments
the basic material element used in the themselves communicate grace to all
action or gesture. By analogy, any those who do not obstruct their action.
equivalent element is called remote The Council of Trent defined this dogma.
matter, even if it is not material. In the Many testimonies of Scripture and
case of Baptism, the remote matter is Tradition support this definition (cf. Acts
natural water. 2:38; 22:16; 1 Cor 6:11; Eph 5:26; 2 Tm
1:6; Ti 3:5; 1 Pt 3:21).
This analysis is especially useful in
determining what is required in each case The Council of Trent’s definition
for a sacramental sign—therefore a emphasized that the sacraments
sacrament—to exist. communicate grace “by themselves” (ex
opere operato, “by the very action that is
Matter and form must be united to realized”). This was meant to refute the
constitute a sacramental sign. The type of error that the Protestants were spreading:
union needed varies with the sacrament, that they produce grace ex opere
as we will see when we study them operantis, “by the action of the minister or
individually. In the Eucharist, for example, the subject.”
the priest must say the words of the
consecration in the actual and close The sacraments are thought to cause
presence of the bread and wine. In Holy grace through physical instrumental
Orders, however, there is a certain interval causality. This means that the sacraments
between the laying of the hands (matter) have a real power of their own to produce
and the words of the consecration (form). grace. This differs from moral causality, in
Still, both are part of the same rite. which the performance of the sacramental
sign would immediately move God to
NECESSITY OF THE SACRAMENTS grant his grace. In the second case, the
physical causality of the sacraments is
The Church affirms that the sacraments merely instrumental, that is, an
are necessary for salvation for the instrument that God, supreme cause of all
believers of the New Covenant. Some graces, wants to use just as a painter uses
sacraments are necessary for the Christian his brush.
community (Holy Orders and Matrimony),
while others are necessary for the Sanctifying Grace
individual (Baptism, Penance, Eucharist,
The grace conferred by the sacraments is
sanctifying grace: a free gift of God that The minister is an icon, and
produces a supernatural participation in representative, of Christ the Priest. For this
the divine nature, thus making us children reason, in administering the sacraments,
of God. he must fully conform to the intentions of
Christ. Thus, a special power is needed to
Sacramental Grace administer them—not any minister can
administer all the sacraments. He must
Besides conferring or increasing also intend to do what the Church does,
sanctifying grace, each sacrament and properly apply the form to the matter.
produces a specific type of grace called
sacramental grace. This is one of the Only a validly consecrated man, or at least
reasons why there are multiple one lawfully chosen for this purpose by a
sacraments. Sacramental grace can be legitimate authority, can administer the
described as the right to receive the sacraments.
actual graces needed to fulfill the
obligations born of the sacrament or to The ordinary minister is the person who,
better achieve its end. Actual grace is the by his office or position, has the
specific supernatural help that is needed responsibility of administering a certain
to perform a good action. sacrament. For example, the bishop is the
ordinary minister of the Sacrament of
Character Confirmation. The extraordinary minister
can administer it in case of need, but, at
Three of the sacraments—Baptism, times, a special delegation is also
Confirmation, and Holy Orders—confer a required. For example, the extraordinary
character. This is an indelible spiritual sign minister of Confirmation is a priest who is
impressed on the soul. Hence, these three duly delegated by the bishop.
sacraments may be received only once.
There are also particular ministries, not
St. Thomas compares the sacramental consecrated through the Sacrament of
character to the ensign or badge of a Holy Orders, whose functions are
soldier: He remains a soldier even when determined by the liturgical traditions and
he is not at war. We could think of it as an pastoral needs. Among these are the
indelible tattoo showing enlistment in an acolytes, readers, commentators, and
army. singers, all of whom perform a liturgical
Christ is always the principal minister SACRAMENTS
united to his body, the ecclesial
community. The obligation to deny the sacraments can
be summarized in the following principles:
Not all the members of his Mystical Body,
however, have the same function. God It is never lawful to administer a
calls some to render a special service to sacrament to a subject who is incapable of
the community: the ministers. receiving it such that the sacrament is
clearly wasted. For example, it is never
The minister needs special empowerment lawful to confirm or give Communion to an
or consecration to administer the unbaptized person, to give the Anointing
sacraments. He is consecrated through of the Sick to somebody who has been
the Sacrament of Holy Orders, which clearly dead for many hours, or to give
enables him to act as representative of absolution when there is certainly no
Christ, the Head. This consecration is repentance.
needed to administer all the sacraments It is not lawful to administer a sacrament
except Baptism and Marriage. to a subject who is unworthy, except for a
very serious reason. This would be
irreverence toward a sacred thing; the For me, prayer is a surge of the heart; it
minister would be unfaithful to the mission is a simple look turned toward heaven, it is
received from Christ, and greater harm a cry of recognition and of love, embracing
would be caused to the subject (cf. Mt both trial and joy (St. ThéRèse of Lisieux).
Prayer as God's gift
Those unworthy of receiving the
sacraments are: excommunicates until 2559 "Prayer is the raising of one's mind
they are absolved; heretics until they and heart to God or the requesting of good
abandon their heresy and are reconciled; things from God." But when we pray, do
public sinners until they repent, give we speak from the height of our pride and
public satisfaction, and go to Confession; will, or "out of the depths" of a humble
and—for the sacraments of the living— and contrite heart? He who humbles
those in mortal sin. himself will be exalted; humility is the
foundation of prayer, Only when we
SUBJECTS OF THE SACRAMENTS humbly acknowledge that "we do not
know how to pray as we ought," are we
Only while in this life can people receive ready to receive freely the gift of prayer.
the sacraments. Still, not everyone can "Man is a beggar before God."
receive all the sacraments: Those who are
not baptized can receive only Baptism, 2560 "If you knew the gift of God!" The
while those who are already baptized can wonder of prayer is revealed beside the
receive the others; a child cannot receive well where we come seeking water: there,
the Sacrament of Marriage. Christ comes to meet every human being.
It is he who first seeks us and asks us for a
For the valid reception of a sacrament, the drink. Jesus thirsts; his asking arises from
following conditions are required from the the depths of God's desire for us. Whether
subject: we realize it or not, prayer is the
encounter of God's thirst with ours. God
Previous reception of the Baptism of water thirsts that we may thirst for him.
for the reception of the rest of the
sacraments 2561 "You would have asked him, and he
The intention of receiving it if the subject would have given you living water."
has use of reason Paradoxically our prayer of petition is a
response to the plea of the living God:
For the lawful reception of the sacraments, "They have forsaken me, the fountain of
the following conditions are required: living waters, and hewn out cisterns for
themselves, broken cisterns that can hold
Repentance for the sacraments of the no water!" Prayer is the response of faith
dead; the state of grace for the to the free promise of salvation and also a
sacraments of the living response of love to the thirst of the only
Receiving them with reverence Son of God.
Not asking them from a minister who is
certainly unworthy, unless there is a Prayer as covenant
proportionately grave cause (for example,
in danger of death, one could ask a priest 2562 Where does prayer come from?
who is publicly living in sin for confession Whether prayer is expressed in words or
or for the Anointing of the Sick; actually, gestures, it is the whole man who prays.
these cases are explicitly permitted by But in naming the source of prayer,
law). [1] Scripture speaks sometimes of the soul or
the spirit, but most often of the heart
(more than a thousand times). According
WHAT IS PRAYER? to Scripture, it is the heart that prays. If
our heart is far from God, the words of likeness to God, man remains an image of
prayer are in vain. his Creator, and retains the desire for the
one who calls him into existence. All
2563 The heart is the dwelling-place religions bear witness to men's essential
where I am, where I live; according to the search for God.
Semitic or Biblical expression, the heart is
the place "to which I withdraw." The heart 2567 God calls man first. Man may forget
is our hidden center, beyond the grasp of his Creator or hide far from his face; he
our reason and of others; only the Spirit of may run after idols or accuse the deity of
God can fathom the human heart and having abandoned him; yet the living and
know it fully. The heart is the place of true God tirelessly calls each person to
decision, deeper than our psychic drives. that mysterious encounter known as
It is the place of truth, where we choose prayer. In prayer, the faithful God's
life or death. It is the place of encounter, initiative of love always comes first; our
because as image of God we live in own first step is always a response. As
relation: it is the place of covenant. God gradually reveals himself and reveals
man to himself, prayer appears as a
2564 Christian prayer is a covenant reciprocal call, a covenant drama. Through
relationship between God and man in words and actions, this drama engages
Christ. It is the action of God and of man, the heart. It unfolds throughout the whole
springing forth from both the Holy Spirit history of salvation.
and ourselves, wholly directed to the
Father, in union with the human will of the FORMS OF PRAYER:
Son of God made man.

Prayer as communion 2626 Blessing expresses the basic

movement of Christian prayer: it is an
2565 In the New Covenant, prayer is the encounter between God and man. In
living relationship of the children of God blessing, God's gift and man's acceptance
with their Father who is good beyond of it are united in dialogue with each
measure, with his Son Jesus Christ and other. The prayer of blessing is man's
with the Holy Spirit. The grace of the response to God's gifts: because God
Kingdom is "the union of the entire holy blesses, the human heart can in return
and royal Trinity . . . with the whole human bless the One who is the source of every
spirit." Thus, the life of prayer is the habit blessing.
of being in the presence of the thrice-holy
God and in communion with him. This 2627 Two fundamental forms express this
communion of life is always possible movement: our prayer ascends in the Holy
because, through Baptism, we have Spirit through Christ to the Father - we
already been united with Christ. Prayer is bless him for having blessed us; it
Christian insofar as it is communion with implores the grace of the Holy Spirit that
Christ and extends throughout the Church, descends through Christ from the Father -
which is his Body. Its dimensions are those he blesses us.
of Christ's love.
2628 Adoration is the first attitude of man
THE UNIVERSAL CALL TO PRAYER acknowledging that he is a creature before
his Creator. It exalts the greatness of the
2566 Man is in search of God. In the act of Lord who made us and the almighty power
creation, God calls every being from of the Savior who sets us free from evil.
nothingness into existence. "Crowned with Adoration is homage of the spirit to the
glory and honor," man is, after the angels, "King of Glory," respectful silence in the
capable of acknowledging "how majestic is presence of the "ever greater" God.
the name of the Lord in all the earth." Adoration of the thrice-holy and sovereign
Even after losing through his sin his
God of love blends with humility and gives then for what is necessary to welcome it
assurance to our supplications. and cooperate with its coming. This
II. PRAYER OF PETITION collaboration with the mission of Christ
and the Holy Spirit, which is now that of
2629 The vocabulary of supplication in the the Church, is the object of the prayer of
New Testament is rich in shades of the apostolic community. It is the prayer of
meaning: ask, beseech, plead, invoke, Paul, the apostle par excellence, which
entreat, cry out, even "struggle in prayer." reveals to us how the divine solicitude for
Its most usual form, because the most all the churches ought to inspire Christian
spontaneous, is petition: by prayer of prayer. By prayer every baptized person
petition we express awareness of our works for the coming of the Kingdom.
relationship with God. We are creatures
who are not our own beginning, not the 2633 When we share in God's saving love,
masters of adversity, not our own last end. we understand that every need can
We are sinners who as Christians know become the object of petition. Christ, who
that we have turned away from our Father. assumed all things in order to redeem all
Our petition is already a turning back to things, is glorified by what we ask the
him. Father in his name. It is with this
confidence that St. James and St. Paul
2630 The New Testament contains exhort us to pray at all times.
scarcely any prayers of lamentation, so
frequent in the Old Testament. In the risen III. PRAYER OF INTERCESSION
Christ the Church's petition is buoyed by
hope, even if we still wait in a state of 2634 Intercession is a prayer of petition
expectation and must be converted anew which leads us to pray as Jesus did. He is
every day. Christian petition, what St. Paul the one intercessor with the Father on
calls {"groaning," arises from another behalf of all men, especially sinners. He is
depth, that of creation "in labor pains" and "able for all time to save those who draw
that of ourselves "as we wait for the near to God through him, since he always
redemption of our bodies. For in this hope lives to make intercession for them." The
we were saved." In the end, however, Holy Spirit "himself intercedes for us . . .
"with sighs too deep for words" the Holy and intercedes for the saints according to
Spirit "helps us in our weakness; for we do the will of God."
not know how to pray as we ought, but the
Spirit himself intercedes for us with sighs 2635 Since Abraham, intercession - asking
too deep for words." on behalf of another has been
characteristic of a heart attuned to God's
2631 The first movement of the prayer of mercy. In the age of the Church, Christian
petition is asking forgiveness, like the tax intercession participates in Christ's, as an
collector in the parable: "God, be merciful expression of the communion of saints. In
to me a sinner!" It is a prerequisite for intercession, he who prays looks "not only
righteous and pure prayer. A trusting to his own interests, but also to the
humility brings us back into the light of interests of others," even to the point of
communion between the Father and his praying for those who do him harm.
Son Jesus Christ and with one another, so
that "we receive from him whatever we 2636 The first Christian communities lived
ask." Asking forgiveness is the this form of fellowship intensely. Thus the
prerequisite for both the Eucharistic liturgy Apostle Paul gives them a share in his
and personal prayer. ministry of preaching the Gospel but also
intercedes for them. The intercession of
2632 Christian petition is centered on the Christians recognizes no boundaries: "for
desire and search for the Kingdom to all men, for kings and all who are in high
come, in keeping with the teaching of positions," for persecutors, for the
Christ. There is a hierarchy in these salvation of those who reject the Gospel.
petitions: we pray first for the Kingdom,
IV. PRAYER OF THANKSGIVING New Testament, the first Christian
communities read the Book of Psalms in a
2637 Thanksgiving characterizes the new way, singing in it the mystery of
prayer of the Church which, in celebrating Christ. In the newness of the Spirit, they
the Eucharist, reveals and becomes more also composed hymns and canticles in the
fully what she is. Indeed, in the work of light of the unheard-of event that God
salvation, Christ sets creation free from sin accomplished in his Son: his Incarnation,
and death to consecrate it anew and make his death which conquered death, his
it return to the Father, for his glory. The Resurrection, and Ascension to the right
thanksgiving of the members of the Body hand of the Father. Doxology, the praise of
participates in that of their Head. God, arises from this "marvelous work" of
the whole economy of salvation.
2638 As in the prayer of petition, every
event and need can become an offering of 2642 The Revelation of "what must soon
thanksgiving. The letters of St. Paul often take place," the Apocalypse, is borne
begin and end with thanksgiving, and the along by the songs of the heavenly liturgy
Lord Jesus is always present in it: "Give but also by the intercession of the
thanks in all circumstances; for this is the "witnesses" (martyrs). The prophets and
will of God in Christ Jesus for you"; the saints, all those who were slain on
"Continue steadfastly in prayer, being earth for their witness to Jesus, the vast
watchful in it with thanksgiving." throng of those who, having come through
the great tribulation, have gone before us
V. PRAYER OF PRAISE into the Kingdom, all sing the praise and
glory of him who sits on the throne, and of
2639 Praise is the form of prayer which the Lamb. In communion with them, the
recognizes most immediately that God is Church on earth also sings these songs
God. It lauds God for his own sake and with faith in the midst of trial. By means of
gives him glory, quite beyond what he petition and intercession, faith hopes
does, but simply because HE IS. It shares against all hope and gives thanks to the
in the blessed happiness of the pure of "Father of lights," from whom "every
heart who love God in faith before seeing perfect gift" comes down. Thus faith is
him in glory. By praise, the Spirit is joined pure praise.
to our spirits to bear witness that we are
children of God, testifying to the only Son 2643 The Eucharist contains and
in whom we are adopted and by whom we expresses all forms of prayer: it is "the
glorify the Father. Praise embraces the pure offering" of the whole Body of Christ
other forms of prayer and carries them to the glory of God's name and, according
toward him who is its source and goal: the to the traditions of East and West, it is the
"one God, the Father, from whom are all "sacrifice of praise."
things and for whom we exist."
Adoration, Contrition, Thanksgiving and
2640 St. Luke in his gospel often Supplication (ACTS)
expresses wonder and praise at the
marvels of Christ and in his Acts of the ADORATION – PRAISING GOD.
Apostles stresses them as actions of the CONTRITION – Asking God’s forgiveness.
Holy Spirit: the community of Jerusalem, THANKSGIVING – Showing God gratitude.
the invalid healed by Peter and John, the SUPPLICATION – Asking God for a favor.
crowd that gives glory to God for that, and
the pagans of Pisidia who "were glad and
glorified the word of God." EXPRESSIONS OF PRAYER

2641 "[Address] one another in psalms I. VOCAL PRAYER

and hymns and spiritual songs, singing
and making melody to the Lord with all 2700 Through his Word, God speaks to
your heart." Like the inspired writers of the man. By words, mental or vocal, our
prayer takes flesh. Yet it is most important Gospels, holy icons, liturgical texts of the
that the heart should be present to him to day or season, writings of the spiritual
whom we are speaking in prayer: fathers, works of spirituality, the great
"Whether or not our prayer is heard book of creation, and that of history the
depends not on the number of words, but page on which the "today" of God is
on the fervor of our souls." written.

2701 Vocal prayer is an essential element 2706 To meditate on what we read helps
of the Christian life. To his disciples, drawn us to make it our own by confronting it
by their Master's silent prayer, Jesus with ourselves. Here, another book is
teaches a vocal prayer, the Our Father. He opened: the book of life. We pass from
not only prayed aloud the liturgical thoughts to reality. To the extent that we
prayers of the synagogue but, as the are humble and faithful, we discover in
Gospels show, he raised his voice to meditation the movements that stir the
express his personal prayer, from exultant heart and we are able to discern them. It
blessing of the Father to the agony of is a question of acting truthfully in order to
Gesthemani. come into the light: "Lord, what do you
want me to do?"
2702 The need to involve the senses in
interior prayer corresponds to a 2707 There are as many and varied
requirement of our human nature. We are methods of meditation as there are
body and spirit, and we experience the spiritual masters. Christians owe it to
need to translate our feelings externally. themselves to develop the desire to
We must pray with our whole being to give meditate regularly, lest they come to
all power possible to our supplication. resemble the three first kinds of soil in the
parable of the sower. But a method is only
2703 This need also corresponds to a a guide; the important thing is to advance,
divine requirement. God seeks with the Holy Spirit, along the one way of
worshippers in Spirit and in Truth, and prayer: Christ Jesus.
consequently living prayer that rises from
the depths of the soul. He also wants the 2708 Meditation engages thought,
external expression that associates the imagination, emotion, and desire. This
body with interior prayer, for it renders mobilization of faculties is necessary in
him that perfect homage which is his due. order to deepen our convictions of faith,
prompt the conversion of our heart, and
2704 Because it is external and so strengthen our will to follow Christ.
thoroughly human, vocal prayer is the Christian prayer tries above all to
form of prayer most readily accessible to meditate on the mysteries of Christ, as in
groups. Even interior prayer, however, lectio divina or the rosary. This form of
cannot neglect vocal prayer. Prayer is prayerful reflection is of great value, but
internalized to the extent that we become Christian prayer should go further: to the
aware of him "to whom we speak;" Thus knowledge of the love of the Lord Jesus, to
vocal prayer becomes an initial form of union with him.
contemplative prayer.
2709 What is contemplative prayer? St.
2705 Meditation is above all a quest. The Teresa answers: "Contemplative prayer
mind seeks to understand the why and [oracion mental] in my opinion is nothing
how of the Christian life, in order to adhere else than a close sharing between friends;
and respond to what the Lord is asking. it means taking time frequently to be
The required attentiveness is difficult to alone with him who we know loves us."
sustain. We are usually helped by books, Contemplative prayer seeks him "whom
and Christians do not want for them: the my soul loves." It is Jesus, and in him, the
Sacred Scriptures, particularly the Father. We seek him, because to desire
him is always the beginning of love, and
we seek him in that pure faith which 2714 Contemplative prayer is also the pre-
causes us to be born of him and to live in eminently intense time of prayer. In it the
him. In this inner prayer we can still Father strengthens our inner being with
meditate, but our attention is fixed on the power through his Spirit "that Christ may
Lord himself. dwell in [our] hearts through faith" and we
may be "grounded in love."
2710 The choice of the time and duration
of the prayer arises from a determined 2715 Contemplation is a gaze of faith,
will, revealing the secrets of the heart. fixed on Jesus. "I look at him and he looks
One does not undertake contemplative at me": this is what a certain peasant of
prayer only when one has the time: one Ars in the time of his holy curé used to say
makes time for the Lord, with the firm while praying before the tabernacle. This
determination not to give up, no matter focus on Jesus is a renunciation of self. His
what trials and dryness one may gaze purifies our heart; the light of the
encounter. One cannot always meditate, countenance of Jesus illumines the eyes of
but one can always enter into inner our heart and teaches us to see
prayer, independently of the conditions of everything in the light of his truth and his
health, work, or emotional state. The heart compassion for all men. Contemplation
is the place of this quest and encounter, in also turns its gaze on the mysteries of the
poverty ant in faith. life of Christ. Thus it learns the "interior
knowledge of our Lord," the more to love
2711 Entering into contemplative prayer is him and follow him.
like entering into the Eucharistic liturgy:
we "gather up:" the heart, recollect our 2716 Contemplative prayer is hearing the
whole being under the prompting of the Word of God. Far from being passive, such
Holy Spirit, abide in the dwelling place of attentiveness is the obedience of faith, the
the Lord which we are, awaken our faith in unconditional acceptance of a servant,
order to enter into the presence of him and the loving commitment of a child. It
who awaits us. We let our masks fall and participates in the "Yes" of the Son
turn our hearts back to the Lord who loves become servant and the Fiat of God's
us, so as to hand ourselves over to him as lowly handmaid.
an offering to be purified and transformed.
2717 Contemplative prayer is silence, the
2712 Contemplative prayer is the prayer "symbol of the world to come" or "silent
of the child of God, of the forgiven sinner love." Words in this kind of prayer are not
who agrees to welcome the love by which speeches; they are like kindling that feeds
he is loved and who wants to respond to it the fire of love. In this silence, unbearable
by loving even more. But he knows that to the "outer" man, the Father speaks to
the love he is returning is poured out by us his incarnate Word, who suffered, died,
the Spirit in his heart, for everything is and rose; in this silence the Spirit of
grace from God. Contemplative prayer is adoption enables us to share in the prayer
the poor and humble surrender to the of Jesus.
loving will of the Father in ever deeper
union with his beloved Son. 2718 Contemplative prayer is a union with
the prayer of Christ insofar as it makes us
2713 Contemplative prayer is the simplest participate in his mystery. The mystery of
expression of the mystery of prayer. It is a Christ is celebrated by the Church in the
gift, a grace; it can be accepted only in Eucharist, and the Holy Spirit makes it
humility and poverty. Contemplative come alive in contemplative prayer so that
prayer is a covenant relationship our charity will manifest it in our acts.
established by God within our hearts.
Contemplative prayer is a communion in 2719 Contemplative prayer is a
which the Holy Trinity conforms man, the communion of love bearing Life for the
image of God, "to his likeness." multitude, to the extent that it consents to
abide in the night of faith. The Paschal We give Thee thanks, Almighty God, for all
night of the Resurrection passes through thy benefits, who lives and reigns for ever
the night of the agony and the tomb - the and ever. Amen. [4]
three intense moments of the Hour of
Jesus which his Spirit (and not "the flesh APOSTLE CREED
[which] is weak") brings to life in prayer.
We must be willing to "keep watch with I believe in God the Father Almighty,
[him] one hour." [1] Creator of Heaven and earth; I believe in
Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord, He
BASIC CHRISTIAN PRAYER was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born
of the Virgin Mary. He suffered under
Sign of the Cross Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was
Lord’s Prayer buried. He descended to the dead. On the
Hail Mary third day He rose again. He ascended into
Glory Be Heaven and is seated at the right hand of
Prayer to the Guardian Angel the Father. He will come again to judge the
Prayer to St. Michael living and the dead. I believe in the Holy
Grace before and after meals Spirit, the Holy Catholic Church, the
Apostles Creed communion of Saints, the forgiveness of
Hail Holy Queen sins, the resurrection of the body, and the
Angelus life everlasting. Amen. [5]
3 O’clock Prayer
Act of Contrition Hail, holy Queen, Mother of Mercy! our life,
The Holy Rosary our sweetness, and our hope! To thee do
we cry, poor banished children of Eve; to
PRAYER TO THE GUARDIAN ANGEL thee do we send up our sighs, mourning
and weeping in this valley, of tears. Turn,
Angel of God, my guardian dear, then, most gracious Advocate, thine eyes
To whom God's love commits me here, of mercy toward us; and after this our
Ever this day be at my side exile show unto us the blessed fruit of thy
To light and guard, womb, Jesus; O clement, O loving, O sweet
To rule and guide. Amen. [2] Virgin Mary.


Let Us Pray:
Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in "O God whose only begotten Son by His
battle, be our protection against the Life has purchased for us the rewards of
wickedness and snares of the devil; may eternal life, Grant that we beseech Thee
God rebuke him, we humbly pray; and do while meditating upon these mysteries of
thou, O Prince of the heavenly host, by the the Most Holy Rosary of the Blessed Virgin
power of God, cast into hell Satan and all Mary, we may both imitate what they
the evil spirits who prowl through the contain and obtain what they promise,
world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen. [3] through the same Christ our Lord Amen."
(Before Eating)
Bless us, O Lord, and these, thy gifts, The Angel of the Lord declared to Mary:
which we are about to receive from Thy And she conceived of the Holy Spirit.
bounty. Through Christ, our Lord. Amen.
Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with
(After Eating) thee; blessed art thou among women and
blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us mercy opened up for the whole world. O
sinners, now and at the hour of Fountain of life, Immeasurable Divine
our death. Amen. Mercy, cover the whole world and empty
Yourself out upon us.
Behold the handmaid of the Lord:
Be it done unto me according to Thy word. O Blood and Water which flowed out from
the heart of Jesus as a Fountain of mercy
Hail Mary . . . for us, I trust in You!

And the Word was made Flesh: Holy God, Holy Mighty One, Holy Immortal
And dwelt among us. One, have mercy on us and the whole
world (3x).
Hail Mary . . .
Jesus, King of Mercy we trust in You! [10]

Pray for us, O Holy Mother of God, ACT OF CONTRITION

that we may be made worthy of the
promises of Christ. O my God, I am heartily sorry for having
offended Thee, and I detest all my sins
Let us pray: because of Thy just punishments, but
most of all because they offend Thee, my
Pour forth, we beseech Thee, O Lord, Thy God, Who art all-good and deserving of all
grace into our hearts; that we, to whom my love. I firmly resolve, with the help of
the incarnation of Christ, Thy Son, was Thy grace, to sin no more and to avoid the
made known by the message of an angel, near occasions of sin. Amen. [11]
may by His Passion and Cross be brought
to the glory of His Resurrection, through THE HOLY ROSARY
the same Christ Our Lord. Amen. [7]
How to pray the Rosary:
On the crucifix, make the sign of the cross
Remember, O most gracious Virgin Mary, and then pray the Apostles' Creed. ...
that never was it known that anyone who On the next large bead, say the Our
fled to thy protection, implored thy help, Father. ...
or sought thine intercession was left On the following three small beads, pray
unaided. three Hail Marys. ...
On the chain, pray the Glory Be. ...
Inspired by this confidence, I fly unto thee, On the large bead, meditate on the first
O Virgin of virgins, my mother; to thee do I mystery and pray the Our Father. [12]
come, before thee I stand, sinful and
sorrowful. O Mother of the Word Incarnate,
despise not my petitions, but in thy mercy
hear and answer me. [8] MYSTERIES OF THE ROSARY [13]
FATIMA PRAYER Joyful Mystery of the Rosary (Monday &
O My Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us
from the fires of Hell and lead all souls to The Annunciation of the Lord to Mary
Heaven, especially those who are in most The Visitation of Mary to Elizabeth
need of Thy mercy. [9] The Nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ
The Presentation of our Lord
3 O’CLOCK PRAYER Finding Jesus in the Temple at age 12

You died Jesus, but the source of life Sorrowful Mystery of the Rosary (Tuesday
flowed out for souls and the ocean of & Friday)
The Agony of Jesus in the Garden during his Baptism in the Jordan was the
The Scourging at the Pillar sign that he was the expected Messiah.
Jesus is Crowned with Thorns But the fullness of the Spirit was not to
Jesus Carried the Cross remain in the Messiah alone; it was to be
The Crucifixion of our Lord communicated to the entire Messianic
people (cf. Ez 36:25–27; Jl 3:1–2). The
Glorious Mystery of the Rosary apostles received the same Spirit, first on
(Wednesday & Sunday) Easter (cf. Jn 20:22) and again on
Pentecost day (cf. Acts 2:1–4).
The Resurrection of Jesus Christ
The Ascension of Jesus to Heaven There is a very clear and direct reference
The Descent of the Holy Ghost to the existence and administration of this
The Assumption of Mary into Heaven sacrament in the Acts of the Apostles.
Mary is Crowned as Queen of Heaven and First, we learn that the deacon Philip had
Earth baptized many persons in Samaria.

Luminous Mystery of the Rosary When the apostles in Jerusalem heard that
(Thursday) Samaria had accepted the word of God,
they sent Peter and John to them. When
The Baptism in the Jordan they arrived, they prayed for them that
The Wedding at Cana they might receive the Holy Spirit,
The Proclamation of the Kingdom because the Holy Spirit had not yet come
The Transfiguration upon any of them; they had simply been
The Institution of the Eucharist baptized into the name of the Lord Jesus.
Then Peter and John placed their hands on
them, and they received the Holy Spirit (cf.
Acts 8:12–17).

Henceforward, the Apostles—following the

will of Christ—communicated to the newly
baptized Christians the gift of the Holy
Spirit by laying on the hands. This gift was
to complete the grace of Baptism (cf. Acts
8:15–17; 19:5–6). This explains why, in the
letter to the Hebrews (cf. Heb 6:2), the
doctrine on Baptism and the laying on the
hands are mentioned among the first
elements of Christian formation. Catholic
Tradition has always considered this laying
on the hands as the origin of the
sacrament of Confirmation; a sacrament
that perpetuates the grace of Pentecost in
the Church.
Very soon, to better signify the gift of the
NATURE AND INSTITUTION Holy Spirit, an anointing with perfumed oil
(chrism) was added to the imposition of
The Sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist, the hands. This anointing illustrates the
and Confirmation constitute the set called name of “Christian,” which means
“the sacraments of Christian initiation.” “anointed.” The name comes from Christ,
whom “God anointed … with the Holy
In the Old Testament, the prophets Spirit” (Acts 10:38).
announced that the Spirit of the Lord
would be upon the Messiah (cf. Is 11:2). There are abundant testimonies of the
The descent of the Holy Spirit upon Jesus Fathers of the Church from the times of
Tertullian and St. Cyprian, and of other John 7:39: ‘As yet the Spirit was not given,
ecclesiastical writers, proving the early because Jesus was not yet glorified.’”
addition of oil to the rite.
The Sacrament of Confirmation has been
given different names: laying on of hands The remote matter is the chrism. This is
(a name that was also applied to Holy one of the oils consecrated by the bishop
Orders), sacrament of chrism, and in the Chrism Mass of Holy Thursday (the
sacrament of fullness. It seems that St. others are the oil of catechumens used in
Ambrose of Milan was the first to use the the pre-baptismal anointing, and the oil of
term confirmation: “You have received the the sick used in the Anointing of the Sick).
spiritual sign, the sign of wisdom; God the The chrism is olive oil mixed with a small
Father has sealed you, Christ the Lord has amount of balsam.
confirmed you and has given you the gift
of the Spirit in your heart.” The form is the words accompanying this
anointing: “Be sealed with the Gift of the
Confirmation can be defined as the Holy Spirit.”
sacrament instituted by Christ in which
the baptized—through the laying on of EFFECTS OF CONFIRMATION
hands and the anointing with chrism,
together with some sacred words—receive Increase of sanctifying grace, specifically,
the Holy Spirit in order to publicly confess of the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
the faith with fortitude, by word and deed. Sacramental grace, which is the right to
receive the special help needed to
The Council of Florence taught the exercise the virtue of fortitude in the
Catholic doctrine on Confirmation, public profession of one’s faith. This also
extensively quoting from the above- includes the help that is required for the
mentioned text of the Acts of the Apostles. spiritual or interior struggle.
Against the Protestant errors, the Council Because of this, it is said to be a certain
of Trent defined, “If anyone says that the consecration to serve Christ as a soldier,
Confirmation of baptized persons is a to be miles Christi, “to spread the faith by
useless ceremony and not rather a true word and deed” and not to be ashamed of
and proper sacrament; or that at one time the cross.
it meant nothing other than a certain Confirmation strengthens our bond with
catechesis by which those nearing the Church.
adolescence gave an account of their faith Even more, this sacrament introduces us
before the Church: let him be anathema.” deeply in divine filiation that make us say,
“Abba, Father” (cf. Rom 8:15).
It is not known when the institution of Character is proper to this sacrament,
Confirmation by Christ took place. Some which is an indelible sign creating a new
think that it was instituted in the Last kind of relation with the priesthood of
Supper. This would explain the custom of Christ.
consecrating the chrism on Holy Thursday,
documented as early as the third century. Confirmation includes the renewal of the
Others hold that it was instituted after the promises of Baptism. But this does not
Resurrection but was not in force until mean that it is a mere personal
after Pentecost Sunday. What we know for assumption of these obligations by the
certain is that Christ instituted this adolescent before the community. This is
sacrament, and that it was not shown by the practice of administering
administered until after the descent of the Confirmation to children before the age of
Holy Spirit over the apostles on Pentecost reason if they are seriously ill.
Sunday, “because in this sacrament the
fullness of the Holy Ghost is bestowed, NECESSITY OF CONFIRMATION
which was not to be given before Christ’s
Resurrection and Ascension; according to
Confirmation is not necessary as a means reasons. For example, if the subject would
for salvation. It is not certain whether it is otherwise have to wait for many years
necessary by strict precept. There is no (after reaching the age of reason) before
doubt, however, that Confirmation is very being able to receive it, it is appropriate to
advantageous for the development of administer the sacrament sooner.
Christian life and completing the work of
salvation. Otherwise, Christ would not Under normal conditions, Confirmation
have instituted it. should be administered to the faithful “at
about the age of discretion.” However, the
Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist form bishops’ conferences have the power to
a unit. Without Confirmation, the set a more suitable age so that, as the
Sacrament of Baptism is valid, but present Ritual says, the children receive
Christian initiation remains incomplete. the sacrament when they are more
The present law specifies that “the faithful mature and have received the necessary
are obliged to receive this sacrament at formation. [1]
the appropriate time.”


“(The bishops) are the original ministers of

Confirmation” Thus, the Acts of the THE HOLY EUCHARIST
Apostles explains that two apostles were
sent for the confirmation of the converts
The holy Eucharist completes Christian
of Philip the deacon (cf. Acts 8:14–17). The
initiation. Those who have been raised to
apostles enjoyed the fullness of the
the dignity of the royal priesthood by
priesthood that all bishops have.
Baptism and configured more deeply to
Christ by Confirmation participate with the
The extraordinary minister is the priest. A
whole community in the Lord's own
presbyter who has this faculty by virtue of
sacrifice by means of the Eucharist.
either the universal law or a special
concession of competent authority also
"At the Last Supper, on the night he was
confers this sacrament validly.
betrayed, our Savior instituted the
Eucharistic sacrifice of his Body and Blood.
This he did in order to perpetuate the
sacrifice of the cross throughout the ages
Every baptized person who is not
until he should come again, and so to
confirmed, and only such a person, is
entrust to his beloved Spouse, the Church,
capable of receiving confirmation.”
a memorial of his death and resurrection:
a sacrament of love, a sign of unity, a
In order to receive Confirmation validly, a bond of charity, a Paschal banquet 'in
baptized person with the use of reason which Christ is consumed, the mind is
must also have the intention (at least filled with grace, and a pledge of future
habitual) to receive it. glory is given to us.” [1]
In order to receive it lawfully, a baptized NATURE OF THE EUCHARIST
person with the use of reason should also
be in the state of grace (since it is a
The name Eucharist has been chosen to
sacrament of the living), and should have
refer to this sacrament since the times of
had the necessary instruction.
St. Ignatius of Antioch (early second
century). It is a Greek term (eucharistein)
Regarding the age of the subject, the meaning “act of thanksgiving,” and it
general practice of the Latin Church is to refers to Jesus’ act of thanksgiving when
not confirm children before the age of he instituted it, as both the Gospels and
reason. It can be done before this age if
there is danger of death or for other just
St. Paul relate (cf. Mt 26:27; Mk 14:23; Lk impossible in nature. It can happen only
22:17, 19; 1 Cor 11:24). through divine intervention, and actually
happens only in the Eucharist, in which
The other names that emphasize one the whole substance—not just the
aspect or another of this sacrament: substantial form—changes.

Banquet of the Lord (cf. 1 Cor 11:20): It is The term transubstantiation was
the supper that the Lord celebrated with introduced in the twelfth century and was
his disciples on the eve of his Passion and used by the Fourth Lateran Council. The
the anticipation of the “marriage supper of Council of Trent also used it and declared
the Lamb” (Rv 19:9). that the word was particularly suitable to
Breaking of the Bread (cf. Acts 2:42, 46; describe this admirable conversion.
20:7, 11): The early Christians—forming
one body—called it the breaking of the THE EFFECTS OF HOLY COMMUNION
one bread in which all participated.
Synaxis, or Eucharistic Assembly: The Upon receiving the Eucharist, an intimate
Eucharist is the visible expression of the union is established between God and the
Church (cf. 1 Cor 11:17-34). receiver: “He who eats my flesh and drinks
Memorial of the Passion and Resurrection my blood abides in me, and I in him” (Jn
of the Lord. 6:56). That is why this sacrament is
Holy Sacrifice: It enacts the only sacrifice usually called Communion (“to receive
of Christ and includes the offering of the Communion,” “to communicate”). Through
Church. this union with Christ, Christian
Holy and Divine Liturgy, Holy Mysteries, participants in the Eucharist are also
and Holy Sacrament: It is the center of all united among themselves.
liturgical celebration.
Holy Communion: In it, we are united to The Eucharist is the sacred banquet to
Christ, forming one body. which all Christians are invited. “O sacred
Holy Mass: It ends by sending the faithful banquet, in which Christ is received, the
(missio) to fulfill God’s will in their daily memory of his Passion is renewed, the
lives. mind is filled with grace, and a pledge of
future glory is given to us,” says an
In the Sacrament of the Eucharist, “Christ ancient and well-known liturgical prayer.
the Lord himself is contained, offered and
received,” with his body, blood, soul, and The Eucharist is the perfect food for the
divinity. supernatural life of the soul. The Holy
Eucharist nourishes the soul in the same
way that ordinary food nourishes the body:
It sustains the spiritual life just as material
Christ becomes really present in the food maintains corporal life. It increases
Eucharist through transubstantiation, by the infused virtues—especially charity—
which all the substance of the bread while it increases sanctifying grace.
becomes the body of Christ, and all the Accordingly, the Eucharist increases our
substance of the wine becomes his blood union with Christ.
without altering the appearances By strengthening our spiritual life, the
(accidents or species) of bread and wine. Eucharist drives away the danger of
committing mortal and venial sins.
The term transubstantiation (change of It forgives venial sins and reduces
substance while the accidents remain) is temporal punishments.
linguistically parallel to the more usual The union with Christ makes it a bond of
transformation (change of form while the unity with all Christians. It strengthens the
matter remains). The latter describes unity of the Mystical Body of Christ: The
natural changes whereas the former refers Eucharist makes the Church.
to a supernatural change that is absolutely
It is a pledge of eternal life and, in a Only a priest can validly consecrate the
certain way, the beginning of eternal life. Eucharist.38 The conditions for a lawful
consecration will be discussed in the next
In a special way, the Eucharist represents chapter.
the Passion and Resurrection of Christ: it
contains the same Christ who suffered, With respect to the distribution of the
died, rose from the dead, and is now Eucharist, “the ordinary minister of holy
glorious in heaven with the marks of his communion is a Bishop, a priest or a
Passion. This same passion is carried out deacon.”
in the Mass in a special, real way, since, as
we will see, the Mass is the renewal of the The extraordinary minister for the
sacrifice of the cross. distribution of the Eucharist is the
(permanent) acolyte or another faithful
Like the rest of the sacraments, the (the so-called lay minister) who, “where
Eucharist produces its effects by itself (ex the needs of the Church require and
opere operato), but the individual benefit ministers are not available,” has been
depends on the quality of the recipient’s legitimately delegated as prescribed by
personal dispositions. the law.


THE NECESSITY OF RECEIVING THE Any living and baptized person who does
EUCHARIST not obstruct grace by mortal sin can
The Lord encouraged all to receive him in fruitfully receive the Eucharist.
the Sacrament of the Eucharist. Actual
reception of the Eucharist is not a Since the twelfth century, the policy of the
necessary means for salvation. Catholic Church in the Latin Rite has been
However, the desire to receive it to not give Communion to children before
(reception in voto) is a necessary means. the age of reason. Also, it is not given to
For baptized persons with use of reason those who lack the use of reason due to
who know of this sacrament, the desire sickness or those who are unconscious.
must be explicit (cf. Jn 6:54).
By divine precept, it is necessary for all Those who have only partial use of reason
baptized persons with use of reason to can receive Communion at the moment of
receive the Eucharist several times in their death, provided there is no danger of
life and when death is imminent. irreverence.
By ecclesiastical precept, it is
necessary for all Catholics to receive the PREPARATION BEFORE RECEIVING THE
Eucharist at least once a year after their EUCHARIST
first Communion and, if possible, during
Easter time.37 Receiving the Eucharist in DISPOSITIONS OF THE SOUL
this season should usually be possible,
since the time allowed for the fulfillment The dispositions required to fruitfully
of this precept is quite long. Depending on receive the Eucharist are:
the particular place, it may extend from
Ash Wednesday to Trinity Sunday. not to be aware of any mortal sin that is
Frequent or daily reception of the not yet absolved,
Eucharist is, of course, most useful to all not to be under excommunication or
Christians. The faithful with the necessary interdict (these penalties will be discussed
dispositions are encouraged to take later on), and
Communion when they participate in a to approach the sacrament with devotion.
Mass. Spiritual communions are useful too.
If one is aware of having committed a
THE MINISTER OF THE EUCHARIST mortal sin, making an act of perfect
contrition is not enough to receive
communion in good conscience. While
perfect contrition certainly forgives the sin
and recovers sanctifying grace, no one can
be sure of having attained it. Whoever is
aware of having committed a mortal sin
should not approach the Eucharist without
having received absolution in the
Sacrament of Penance first. Only when
there is no available confessor combined
with the grave necessity to receive
Communion could an exception be made,
but this very seldom occurs.


The Eucharistic fast must be kept. One

must abstain from all food or drink at least
an hour before receiving Communion.
Water and medicines do not break this
fast. The sick, the elderly, and those
taking care of them can receive
Communion even if they have taken
something during the preceding hour.
Out of respect for the sacrament, it is
advisable to be clean, groomed, and
properly dressed when going to



The ordinary practice is to receive

Communion only once a day. However,
one can receive communion for a second
time in the same day, provided it is done
within the context of Holy Mass. This is the
case of a person who, having received
Communion in the morning as is his
practice, later in the day attends a Mass
on the occasion of some special
celebration (matrimony, funeral, etc.). This
is also the case of a person who receives
communion during the midnight Mass at
Christmas or Easter and receives
communion again at the next morning’s

Logically, one can receive Communion

again to consume the Eucharist in
exceptional cases (to prevent its
profanation, in case of a fire, etc.).
Additionally, in danger of death, it is highly
recommended to receive the Viaticum
even if one has already received
Communion that day. [2]

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