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Table of Content

1.0 Introduction: Background of study

1.1 Research Problem
1.2 Objective of the Research
1.3 Research Question

2.0 Literature Review

2.1 Theoretical Framework

3.0 Research Design and Methods

3.1 Primary data sources
3.2 Secondary data sources
3.3 Sample Size and Method
3.4 Data Collection Method
3.5 Ethical Issues
3.6 Proposed Data Analyses Plan
3.7 Research Limitation

4.0 Timetable
5.0 Reference


820507- 04- 5253
Royal Malaysia Police (RMP)
Police Training Centre Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

1.0 Introduction

This chapter explains the environment of the Royal Malaysian Police (RMP) and the
importance of reward and recognition on job performance among Senior Police
Officer in Police Training Centre Kuala Lumpur (PULAPOL KL). Following that, this
chapter also explains the problem statements of the study, research questions and
research objectives also the organizations of the chapters.

Background of Study
The Royal Malaysian Police is one of the key pillars in national security to ensure
the Country is safe and secure. Malaysian police are not only work to ensure a
safe and peaceful country, but also to reduce the crime rates in the country
regardless of age, race and religion to improve public safety in Malaysia. As
police personnel, they need motivation to increase inner power and
psychological energy that could affect the fuels behavior.

Obviously, it is important to enhance and ensure motivation in each and every

member of the police is at the higher level so that they are always eager to work.
This is because the duties of a police are very heavy and they place themselves
in danger by having to resolve issues related to crime and much more issues and
their job is one of the most challenging professions (Crank, 2004).

Excellent Service Awards (Anugerah Perkhidmatan Cemerlang) are awards given

to a member regardless of whether they are under the New Remuneration System
(SSB) or the Malaysian Remuneration System (SSM) to appreciate and
acknowledge the contribution as the quality / quantity of the contributions exceeds
the normal obligations of his office. The award also aims to make the members as
an example and attraction to other members to equally improve the service level to
achieve organizational goals.

The award ceiling of award service is not more than 8% of the total number of
members in an organization on 31 December of the assessment year.

1.1 Research Problem

Reward and recognition is one of the important and primary factors in

employees’ motivation and commitment. However, the level of
dissatisfaction appears high and the reward and recognition system to
motivate the civil servants seems not up to the desired level. It is believed
that there seem to have several reasons for these circumstances.
According to Siddika (2012), recruitment, placement and, promotion
decisions are often made on the basis of political affiliation instead of
professional expertise and seniority. Hence, the civil servants are losing
their spirit of innovative idea. Many believe that whenever they do good
work, they are not evaluated and rewarded. On the other ha nd, poor
performance is not given punishment. However most of the employees
today are putting their effort to excel.

Civil servants are currently expecting a financial incentive of RM1,000

and Excellent Service Certificate through the Excellent Service A ward
(APC) once a year which is also limited to the amount. Recognition and
appreciation issues are two important things in the context of increasing
employee motivation.

Evaluation of incentives through this special scheme can be made based

on the achievement of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) of the staff and
departments concerned. The staff who achieve the target or the KPI are
brilliantly set up, are rewarded with APC.

Thus, this study is to find out if there is a significant relationship between

reward and recognition on motivation and job performance.

1.2 Research Objectives
The purpose of the study is to investigate the impact of rewards and
recognition on Excellent Service Awards (Anugerah Perkhidmatan Cemerlang) on
motivation and job performance of Senior Police Officers in Police Training
Centre Kuala Lumpur.

The specific objectives are:

• To assess the relationship between reward and recognition on motivation and job

1.4 Research questions

This research focused to answer the following questions

i. How does Excellence Service Award (APC) affect job performance of

Senior Police Officer of PULAPOL KL?

ii. How does Excellence Service Award (APC) affect motivation of Senior
Police Officer of PULAPOL KL?
iii. What are the criteria for evaluation for Excellence Service Award (APC) in
the Police force?

iv. Is the Excellence Service Award (APC) effective in the Police force?


2.0 Literature Review

Organizations in today’s environment seek to determine the reasonable balance
between employee commitment and performance of the organization. The reward
and recognition programs serve as the most contingent factor in keeping
employees’ self esteem high and passionate. Oosthuizen (2001) stated that it is
among the function of managers to motivate the employees successfully and
influence their behavior to achieve greater organizational efficiency. La Motta (1995)
is of the view that performance at job is the result of ability and motivation. Ability
formulated through education, equipment, training, experience, ease in task and two
types of capacities i.e. mental and physical. The performance evaluation and
rewards are the factors that proved to be the bonding agents of the performance
evaluation programs. According to Wilson (1994), the process of performance
management is one among the key elements of total reward system.

Entwistle (1987) is of the view that if an employee performs successfully, it leads to

organizational rewards and as a result motivational factor of employees lies in their
performance. Majority of the organizations require their employees to work
according to the rules and regulations, as well as, job requirements that comply with
full standards. The investigations that have been conducted to find the relationship
between compensation and individuals were focused to increase the performance
of employees (Ciscel, 1974). The highly motivated employees serve as the
competitive advantage for any company because their performance leads an
organization to well accomplishment of its goals. Among financial, economical and
human resources, human resources are more vital that can provide a company
competitive edge as compared to others.

According to Andrew (2004), commitment of all employees is based on rewards and

recognition. Lawler (2003) argued that prosperity and survival of the organizations is
determined through the human resources how they are treated. Most of
organizations have gained the immense progress by fully complying with their
business strategy through a well balanced reward and recognition programs for

Deeprose (1994) argued that the motivation of employees and their productivity can
be enhanced through providing them effective recognition which ultimately results in
improved performance of organizations. The entire success of an organization is
based on how an organization keeps its employees motivated and in what way they
evaluate the performance of employees for job compensation. Managing the
performance of employees forms an integral part of any organizational strategy and
how they deal with their human capital (Drucker as cited in Meyer & Kirsten, 2005).
Today where every organization has to meet its obligations; the performance of
employees has a very crucial impact on overall organizational achievement. In a
demotivated environment, low or courage less employees can not practice their
skills, abilities, innovation and full commitment to the extent an organization needs.
Freedman (1978) is of the view that when effective rewards and recognition are
implemented within an organization, favorable working environment is produced
which motivates employees to excel in their performance. Employees take
recognition as their feelings of value and appreciation and as a result it boosts up
morale of employee which ultimately increases productivity of organizations.
Csikszentmihalyi (1990) posits a view that the state of satisfaction and happiness is
achieved by the employees only when they maximally put their abilities in
performing the activities and functions at work. In this way motivated employees are
retained with the organizations thus reducing extra costs of hiring.

Flynn (1998) argued that rewards and recognition programs keep high spirits among
employees, boosts up their morale and create a linkage between performance and
motivation of the employees. The basic purpose of recognition and reward program
is to define a system to pay and communicate it to the employees so that they can
link their reward to their performance which ultimately leads to employee’s job
satisfaction. Where job satisfaction, as defined by Lock (cited in Gruneberg, 1979, p.
3), is a pleasurable positive emotional state as a result of work appraisal from one’s
job experiences. The rewards include the financial rewards, pay and benefits,
promotions and incentives that satisfy employees to some extent but for committed
employees, recognition must be given to keep them motivated, appreciated and

Baron (1983) argued that when we recognize and acknowledge the employees in
terms of their identification, their working capacity and performance is very high.
Recognition today is highest need according to most of the experts whereas a
reward which includes all the monetary and compensative benefits cannot be the
sole motivator for employees’ motivation program. Employees are motivated fully
when their needs are met. The level of motivation of employees increases when
employees get an unexpected increase in recognition, praise and pay (La Motta,
1995). In today’s dynamic environment the highly motivated employees serve as a
synergy for accomplishment of company’s goals, business plans, high efficiency,
growth and performance. Motivation is also required when the organizational
workforce has not a good relationship pattern. Employees’ relation with employees
and with supervisor is a key ingredient of the inner strength of the organization. The
ability of supervisors to provide strong leadership has an effect on job satisfaction of
employees (Morris, 2004). The study relates how the impact of incentives, rewards
and recognition programs drives employee motivation.

2.1 Conceptual framework
The conceptual framework illustrates how the independent variable relates to the
dependent variable. The dependent variable of the study is Job performance while
the independent variable is employee rewards

Figure 2.1: Conceptual Framework



3.0 Research Design and Methods

When carrying out research, two approaches that are often used are induction and
deduction. The inductive approach mostly consists of gathering data, analyzing
them then developing theories. On the contrary deductive approach is testing a
theory or hypothesis, analyzing the data and then come to the conclusion that the
hypothesis is supported or not. In research an author can adopt both the deductive
and inductive (Kananen 2011).

3.1 Primary data sources

It comprises of the data which was collected through the questionnaires filled
by the respondents.

3.2 Secondary data sources

It comprises of the data which was collected through books, journals, articles,
magazines and website.

3.3 Sample Size and methods

A total of 72 respondents will be taking part of in this study. The respondents
are from Senior Police Officer ranking from Inspector to SAC on a base of ease
of access with which he was comfortable.

3.4 Data collection methods

This survey will adopt the use of questionnaire, and academic journals as sources of
primary and secondary data respectively. Questionnaire seems very fitting for this
study because it explores perceptions, review of literature and evaluates programs
such as interviews and observations. Above all it tends to intensively examine real
life context and situations, which makes it appropriate for this thesis. The study

intends to use structured questionnaire as instrument of primary data collection. The
questionnaire will be structured in the Likert scale of five options ranging from Strongly
Agreed to Strongly Disagreed in order to avoid bias by respondents and to enhance
validity of response.

3.5 Ethical consideration

For this research the ethical issue is not a problem because the research topic is
not sensitive and would not harm the mental or the psychological wellbeing of the
participants. However in this research, subjects were informed of the purpose
and objective of the research so as to make sure that they have no objection in
answering the questions. This will also act as an informed consent, meaning that
they agree with our terms and the researcher is responsible if any complication
happens in the future. In the first place, they were informed that the research is
solely for academic purpose and their words will not be disclosed in the public
sphere or shall remain in the academic paper and not in any other purposes. In
order to get correct answers, questions related to personal identification were

3.6 Proposed Data Analysis Plan

The obtained data were organized as per research questions and both qualitative and
quantitative methods of data analysis were applied according to the nature of data
obtained preferably the analysis was done by using Statistical Package for Social
Science (SPSS). The analysis was done quantitatively and qualitatively. The
Quantitative data analysis included tabulation and percentage. On the other side
qualitative data analysis included explanations and comparison of data and

3.7 Limitations
The scope of study is being limited to Police Officer working in Police Training
Centre Kuala Lumpur. Therefore, a total of 72 respondents of Senior Police Officer
rank from Inspector to SAC and this study may not represent the whole group of
RMP in Malaysia, and the result cannot be generalized at present.

4.0 Timetable and Referencing

Activities May Jun 19 July 19 Aug 19 Oct 19 Nov 19 Dec19

Submit proposal
Submit ethical
documents for
Fixed supervisor
Develop literature
Pilot testing
Distribute the
Collect the
Analyze the data
Write up
Write up Analysis
Write up
Conclusion and
Submit the Major


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