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Dear Professor ,

I am ISHFAQ AHMAD from Pakistan. I have done my Masters in the field of Chemistry
my major was in Applied and Analytical Chemistry from COMSATS University
Islamabad Abbottabad Campus a well-known University in Pakistan and in the World.

I’m interested in pursuing PhD at your prestigious University. I hope you don’t mind
getting in touch, I would like to inquire if you currently accepting students in your
research group for PhD. I have gone through your profile and found that your research
interests are well matching to my interest. Specially your research area of

photochemistry and photophysics, carbon-based photocatalytic materials,

sustainable energy and material production

caught my interest. I can also work on other related topic under your kind supervision
and guidance.

I am solely interested in doing research in PhD under your supervision for spring/Fall
semester 2020 and all the expense of my research will be sponsored by available
scholarship at your university or if you have any research funding’s so kindly guide me
about those too.
I have prepared all the required documents. It will enhance my chances of scholarship if
I am able to get the acceptance from you, my* detailed CV attached herewith, and
research proposal can be prepared by our mutual understanding.

Thank you very much for your time to review my CV. I’m hopeful you will positively
consider my application.

I may request you to provide me an opportunity to pursue my higher studies under your
kind supervision and having acceptance letter from you will have positive effect on my
application. . If you need any other information please let me know, I would be glad to
furnish the same.

Best Regards,
M.S Chemistry
COMSATS University Islamabad
Abbottabad Campus Pakistan

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