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Ww OWNER’S MANUAL MODEL 2900 WET STONE MACHINE WET STONE AIGUISOIR ELECTRIQUE Modeéle 2900 SAFETY RULES PRECAUTIONS A PRENDRE 3.00 not overtghten whee! nut, 4. Use only flanges turished with grinder. 5. Always use guards and eye ahlelds. 6. Keep guards in place and in working order 5. Ayer toujours des grdes ot visa doa tne {te scours (6. Gare os gure em place et en tonne cond ‘fonds trove 7 Enlever ion ci de giane Proves Muteide Jo roe Hs le de age (Toul avant eee sree | ener propre te eu deraval ‘Des bares Go favo ercobrés favors fog kere. 9. tar oe miler do aval cangereus Nitacez pas doute Sociavs sara dos tou Fave impact rita lenses, they safety lasses 16,Dont overreach ‘Koop prope loting and balance al a times 17.Maintain tools with care ‘Keep ols sharp and clean for best anc Select pertomance. Foo insructons for Lubricating and changing accessones. 18.Disconnect tools ‘When not use, belove servicing, whon ‘changing accesso. 419. Avoid accidental stating ‘Be ure sich sof whan plugging in tn 18. Déteancher es ote ‘Gao ne sever pas marks retoner ‘tomer to oer empacenors darce=ore CSPSi Rancher ao tage, veer & co ‘teeta gchune nasa pu rons recom | 20, utiser te accesso commands _21.Never stand on toot ‘Serious inary could oocut the tol i #P- ed ori the esting to fs acedority con acted, 22.Check damaged parts ‘Bele furor use of the tol, a guard of ‘ther pat a is damaged shoud be caret 4s operation. A guard or oter pat that is ‘damaged should be property repaired oF r= placed 22.AAdjust distance between wheel and work ‘Maintain 1/16" inch or less separation 23 he ameter ofthe whee! decreases wih Use. 24, Secure work ‘Use clamps ora vise to roid work I's sar than using yourhand and toes both hands to operate oo, 25.Never leave too! running unattended. “Turn power off 26.Use grinding wheets suitable for speed ‘of grinder 27.Use grinding wheels Intended for use ‘with 172" dia Arbor 28 Save these instruction. nonce reconmandes, Ce reas 4 SS 3 Escoves mappopnts) pow 'éee cause oe anger 27, Wutiiger que don movies deatindes 4 Meenas: Srmaiie de v2 deems 28, Garde des instructions en bonne place, 3 GENERALE FEATURES 1 CARACTERISTIQUES GENERAL ‘GROUND INSTRUCTIONS. INSTRUCTIONS POUR LA PRISE DE TERRE FIG. 2 noe] | gnouo means ‘ADAPTER 0) FIG. 48 ARRIERE POWER CORD ASSEMBLY & ADJUSTMENT ASSEMBI ET REGLAGE LAGE Porcoz quatre tous de selon fa Fig 8 {6 8.32 (non fouries) pour 8/16" Ge diambve ee vs sora Geter. ‘oven RUBBER SUCTION FOOT Peowewrouse —, | ee fe 0 ays —} (GUARD HOUSING ADJUSTMENT Faq ‘TOOL REST ADJUSTMENT Foo ‘Tho too rests uly adjustable andhas a grad ated age scale rom 0°10 45% To adjust, loosen the lock knob located on the sight si, Move the tol resto the sid angle by aig ing the graduation and the index mark. Securely tighten the lok knob, For shampening snes, oF for lager grinding jobs, such as lawn mower blades, the guard may be moved completely out of tho way. A ways remember to secutely tighten the lock eb, WATER RESERVOIR Fig. 10 ‘The Wet Stone contains i's own reckculating waler system which is supplied to the gence wheel This allows the usor to sharpen 10 8 REGLAGE DU BOER DE GARDE Fig. 8 ct | Soulover ou abaisser Io bolter rele te jou ‘entre a mae et Fappui-o, Pour votre propre sécurité, nous ram 18 | mandons que vous matenez un jeu do 1/16" 178" erie ia meule et Fappstout | Toumez le bouton de réglage ov otter de garde dans la direction sounaiée selon ta Fig. 8. Tounor le bouton dans la roetion“UP* ‘augment tu, REGLAGE DE L’APPUL-OUTIL Fig. 9 LLangle de appuoutt est complétoment réglable et a une échelle graduse de O° a _ Pour régler, desseror le bouton de calage ‘tue a ert, ‘Amnene2 lappu-out la postion de, ‘Serez termement le bouton de calage. Pour Taiguisage des coutesux ou fo meulage {e grosses pisces, te que ls ames des tond- leuses a gazon, vous pouver retiez compléte- ‘ment ia garde. Noubtez pas de bien sete le bouton de calage. RESERVOIR D'EAU Fig. 10 LLaiguisor possido son propre syste de ci culation deau, Ceci permet obtenr dos meut- ‘ages mallous ot de conserver la duets des "GUARD HOUSING ADJUSTMENT KNOB INCREASE WHEEL CLEARANCE Se / Sy Toot rest ve Ye = fo Wee wren] fi TOOL REST ADJUSTMENT KNOB — ANGLE SCALE arm «/ ym Sram a Y ') 60 FIG. 10 pléons en acir temps. WATER RESERVOIR. ry nesenvom eau = DIRECTIVES DE FONCTIONNEMENT Please take time to read these along with the rest of your manual before attempting to Lisez les directives suvantes avec te reste du manuel avant de procéder & slguia- 1. Portes toujours des vores protectours. ‘eau de la canue dit tre uni et constant. | totaloment découmt le guide daigusage do AIGUISAGE DE COUTEAUX Figures 14,15, 16 éolez Fappuroutl tout vers fe haut, Coc va ‘couteaus ‘Soulever le botier de gordo usqu'’ ebteir un Jeu de" enrol boter et is mou ‘AWay FROM TIP OF WORKPIECE | FIG.13, FIG.16 SHARPENING GUIDE GUIDE y AIGUISAGE TRIGUIGAGE DES GSEAUX D'AIGUIS) Tee we enntes oer wot ‘farpend on your at Sone se some o seo fret conned sapenrg sie Use tn a a gt ny. Caain pected may vr shy. me THRE [AGUISAGE DE FORETS 4 Fioures 190120 e Pacer as ge coment do ; ronan | PeqnenBuAne TED | roceeTon carer c 2 rasor | Conno Kure un :> ~~ Seg ee é - aoa TRITCHEN KNIFE GOUTEA | wood GHISEL SEAT or Ouse WoLp ScRSSORS ART . Moanerime cwoe " scissons aLaoe| seurciire Wr eeateas.e reer ceun unt ' gre ORL aT i cys ANGLE i a TIP ANGLE = CUTTING eae Lup neuer ANGLE Meu oe sous ie we CUTTING EDGE a 20 MAINTENANCE Fig. 23 CANIVEAUX “The water drains may pestadcaly become | Faure 29 the housing up and alow tio hang byte con: | oumant fe bouton complement vers "UP anaraigiee ‘Soulevez le boitier en le laissant branché au ang twee or fia, oan he deo ary | aya eat eananenamel A .Vaide d'un fil de fer, nettoyez les caniveaux. SeRENOAER HOSE. ruren NUT (Loft hand thread) name mn Slee my ~ 55'9F| ‘orr| aN A wees, uanceror =e. [REMPLACEMENT DE LA MEULE ~ gnwone | WHEEL mmsrecion or uae Pewee! BoE erewsiver st Tournez le bouton de réglage du botier vers: perneneie henner ene Ci nama co au core Gomer oe WHEEL FLANGE 20TTOM eda rst yas dene bance pice eee HAS A LEFT HAND THREAD, 3eoranci PARTS LIST LISTE DES PIECES wo] DESCRIPTION Erna DESCRIPTION No. DESCRIPTION Sotoee DESCRIPTION 2|enemensornn| aan |Site ||| Be E oe | eee |e) oe |guemean., | ges] Eikaeene||2) Be ; | Sti | Eos eremceeer |e) S feos | S| 3] Boe esi | Baa) 2/ Ese i Eas 3] Eee Saat 3] Ene » | ears ae 10 | Purp dsaphragm a era wae 3) Ee iis 3| Bee ie, re oar 3/8 | Se 2 | ee 160 | Suction eet set 4) "2900435 | Presverious iu de 4) 2 | Sone 63 | Knob 2300873 | Bovion 26 | Weel range lop 3| Sse B | Soon” 3|ece onto sin nin ESS s3et 3|Ea, S| | rover RAT SOG ACRE TENOR EXPLODED VIEW VUE EXPLOSEE dado s Sadie

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