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A Research Paper

Presented to the Faculty of the

Department of Teacher Education and Liberal Arts

Saint Louis University

Baguio City

In Partial Fulfilment

Of the Requirements of the Subject

Living in the IT Era








June 2019

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It is the researchers’ greatest concession to extend their utmost gratitude to several people for
their kind and invaluable assistance in making this study. The researcher expresses an ocean of
gratitude particularly to:

God Almighty, for making all things possible and for helping the researcher to finish the race.

The researchers’ parents, for the motivations.

The researchers friends, for the understandings, advices and encouragements which motivated
the researcher overcome the hardships and sacrifices that came along the way.

The students, who tried their very best to answer accurately the online survey and permitted the
researchers to know more about them through floating the survey questionnaires.

And anyone whom the researchers may have failed to mention but who nevertheless
contributed to the success of the study, their deepest appreciation from the bottom of their hearts.

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For our parents.

Thank you, for your unending support


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TITLE PAGE .................................................................................................................................. 0
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .............................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
ENDORSEMENT ........................................................................................................................... 2
LIST OF TABLES .......................................................................................................................... 4
LIST OF FIGURES ........................................................................................................................ 5
CHAPTER I INDOTUCTION ....................................................................................................... 6
1.1 Background of the Study .................................................................................................. 6
1.2 Company Profile .............................................................................................................. 9
1.2.1 Vision and Mission ....................................................................................................... 10
1.3 Importance of the Study ...................................................................................................... 11
1.4. Statement of the Problem ............................................................................................... 11
1.5 Objectives of the Study .................................................................................................. 12
1.6 Scope and Delimitation of the Study.............................................................................. 12
1.7.0 Definition of Terms .................................................................................................... 13
CHAPTER II RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ........................................................................... 15
2.2 Assessment Areas In Planning Web- Based Learning: .............................................. 15
ASSESSMENT AT THE PROGRAM PLANNING LEVEL: ................................................. 17
CHAPTER III EXISTING AND PROPOSED SYSTEM ............................................................ 18
3.1 Overview of the Existing system ................................................................................... 18
3.2 Problems of the existing System .................................................................................... 19
3.3 Overview of the proposed system .................................................................................. 19
3.4 . System Workflow ....................................................................................................... 19
3.4 .1 Context Diagram ..................................................................................................... 20
3.4.3 Diagram O .............................................................................................................. 20
3.5.0 Cost Benefit Analysis ..................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
4.1.0 SUMMARY OF FINDINGS ...................................................................................... 22
4.2.0 CONCLUSION .......................................................................................................... 23
4.3.0 RECOMMENDATIONS .............................................................................................. 23

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1.1 Background of the Study

Students struggle from academic pressure coming from high standards set by their
teachers and parents. Academic pressure does not begin in college. The nervous breakdowns,
panic attacks, burnouts, and depression are also apparent in many younger students. The same
situation is not always stressful for all students and all students do not undergo the same feelings
of off-putting thoughts when stressed (McPherson, 2009).

To address this problem, the researchers sought to run a study on how to assess the needs
of the students through an online platform.

Online platforms cover activities including online marketplaces, social media,

creative content outlets, applications, and websites. These are used to share information and
communication technologies which facilitate interactions between users, collection and use of
data on the made interaction inside the system, and this also includes the effects of network
which makes the use of the active users and the inactive users. Online platforms are mainly
strong drivers of innovation and play an important role in the digital society and economy
(Karuppan, 2001). According to Henderlein (2018), online platforms heavily rely on automated
algorithm-based decision-making to process transactions and data. This fact supports the claim
of the researchers that manual works can be made easier than usual through creating a system
which does the processing of data gathered in every transaction.

Online platforms have in many ways enabled the Single Market to work more smoothly
and efficiently, for example by creating Europe-wide online comparison websites for goods and
services. Small businesses like E-commerce traders have many more possibilities to sell across
the Single Market thanks to easier transactions via online platforms (Henderlein, 2018). But
instead of business ideas, the researchers have come up to a platform that can help the students of

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Saint Louis University in terms of mental awareness. Thus, the researchers’ propose a Utility
platform where utility platforms like Google search were created to provide a useful and
typically free service (Sameer, 2004). It is also a platform with interaction networks, which
indicates interaction between participants specifically teachers, school counsellors and students.

According to Rowan (2016), causes of pressure on students include both positive and
negative. Stress buy common leading causes are due to time management, parental pressure or
expectation, fear of failure, environmental, workload and extra-curricular activities. With the
increased academic pressure on high school, many teens start to worry that they won't succeed.
Even if they study hard, they may have the fear of mental blocks on the information while taking
a test. They may also have a fear of rejection from their teachers and that they might have no
chance of entering a good University for college.

So in order to address these problems, the researchers have proposed an online Needs
assessment system to easily monitor the needs of the students. This platform ensures a strong
confidentiality of data running in the entire system including every student’s information,
backgrounds, questions and answers. These users are able to have faster access on needs
assessment, while the administrator will easily assess the possible solutions for the students’

The school environment itself can be a cause of pressure on students. Students moving
into secondary education find it challenging to constantly move around to classes. High school
workloads are heavy for many students. For secondary students planning on tertiary studies, high
school grades are important. As result, students may overload their schedules. Students may
overwork to reach their goals and benefit from the money spent and suffer this situation because
of the overload works and projects given by their subject teacher which makes them feel
pressure. A lack of time management also causes pressure on students. Balancing academic per
activities and home life is difficult. Many of the students can’t manage their time wisely and
properly. They preferred doing other matters than their first priorities. Colleges pressure high
school students to engage in extracurricular activities such as choir, clubs, sports, or volunteer
work. The presence of these is the student application can go far toward acceptance. Once in
college, extracurricular activities still cause stress on students, since their presence in a job
application is also an asset.

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To address this problem, needs assessment should be implemented, and doing this
through online platform will make it easier for both students and teachers to do so, and there are
serious reasons why there should be an assessment to monitor the needs of the students.
According to Weisinger (2015), pressure downgrades our behavioural skills, adversely impacts
our cognitive success. There are many tools that make us successful, but at the top of the list our
judgment, decision making, memory and attention. Academic pressure leads the students feel
stressed, harried, and overly anxious for the future. Academic pressure can also lead to
depression, anxiety and even suicide. Pressure disrupts what we value most, our relationships,
careers, our parenting effectiveness and our core ethical and moral decision-making. Students
may experience nightmares or exhibit difficult behaviours. They can refuse to attend school,
struggling to concentrate in lessons, loss of interest in their day-to-day activities and hobbies can
lead to withdrawal and social isolation.

Therefore, the researchers conducted the study in order to know the effects of academic
pressure and assess the students in terms of using online platforms and found this selection
precise since most of the youth today experience lack of self-esteem when it comes to the fact
that they are pressured to do well. The researchers found out that dealing with certain problems
among the students open may concern of what might be the possible effects, causes and solutions
to the problem.

The researchers have eased some benefits to enlighten the students toward the perspective
of learning to every learner. Manual needs assessment might not be as quick as the online needs
assessment system. This platform was designed to give a better service to the students, like
ensuring confidentiality, having easier ways to answer the questions by clicking aside from doing
the traditional way of answering like using test papers and answer sheets. This allows the school
to monitor the students and provide them their needs in terms of academic purposes and mental
awareness. This is an internet based-application service which uses system software and is easier
to access than the traditional way of needs assessment which requires a lot of work.

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A.Bonifacio St., Baguio City

1.2 Company Profile

Saint Louis University traces its roots to the one-room school founded on December 1,
1911 by Rev. Fr. Seraphin Devesse, CICM for 10 local boys in the City of Baguio. It was then
located at what is now known as Cathedral Hill. In 1907, eight CICM missionaries arrived in the
Philippines, mandated by the Holy Seeto Christianize the northern part of the country. Divided
into two groups, one set out for Baguio City. They settled in Baguio because of its proximity to
Manila and the mountain province of Benguet beyond the Cordillera mountain range, which was
home to numerous indigenous tribes. In 1908, Fr. Seraphin Devesse, CICM, built the first
Catholic Church in Baguio City, naming it St. Patrick Church, in honor of St. Patrick, who was
then patron saint of Baguio.

It was in 1911 that Fr. Séraphin Devesse, CICM, along with his relocated St. Patrick
Church, founded a one-room elementary school in Baguio at what is now Cathedral Hill for ten
local boys, naming it the Saint Louis School. St. Patrick Church would later on be consecrated in
1919 as the Our Lady of Atonement Cathedral.

In 1912, he opened a second church and school along Naguilian Rd., then named the St.
Louis Campo Filipino. It currently houses the high school department of St. Louis School
Center, which is under the stewardship of the ICM sisters. St. Louis Campo Filipino, later
renamed Holy Family College in 1935, would later relocate to San Fernando, La Union in 1952.
It is now known as Saint Louis College of San Fernando, one of the CICM-PSN Schools. In

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1915, under the stewardship of Fr. Florimond Carlu, CICM, the St. Louis School expanded,
becoming a vocational and trade school, training students in silver smiting, carpentry, hat-
making, weaving, and shoe-making. In 1921, Saint Louis High School opened.

As World War II broke out in 1939, St. Louis School resumed classes in 1942, until it
became impossible to do so. Classes were then suspended until 1945. Due to the carpet bombing
of Baguio, the school's buildings were destroyed. Tents were thus used as temporary classrooms.
In 1952, the combined efforts of Msgr. William Brasseur, Rev. Fr. Rafael Desmedt, CICM, and
Rev Fr. Karel Pieters, CICM, founded Saint Louis College, then consisting of three departments:
Education, Liberal Arts, and Commerce and Secretarial. The school started with only 75 students
with Rev. Fr. Gerard Decaestecker, CICM, as its first rector. In 1955, the graduate-level
programs of Saint Louis College were granted recognition.

On 13 May 1963, Saint Louis College was conferred university status by the Philippine
government, becoming the first private university north of Manila with Rev. Fr. Gerard Linssen,
CICM transitioning from its third rector to become its first president. From its Gonzaga Campus
along General Luna Rd, which was then SLU's main campus, it transferred to its current main
campus, the Mount Mary Campus, in 1969, which is located along Andres Bonifacio St. SLU
now uses the Gonzaga campus for its elementary department.

During the term of Rev. Fr. Paul Van Parijs, CICM, which was from 1996 to 2005, SLU
was able to acquire two additional campuses, one in Navy Base and another in Bakakeng. Its
Navy Base Campus now houses the University's high school departments, and the Bakakeng
Campus houses the School of Accountancy, Management, Computing and Information Studies.

In 2011, Saint Louis University celebrated one-hundred years as an educational

institution, with multiple activities and programs lined-up, for its employees, students and the
citizens of Baguio.

1.2.1 Vision and Mission

“Saint Louis University is an excellent, missionary, and transformative educational
institution that is zealous in developing human resources to be creative, competent, socially
involved, and imbued with the Christian Spirit.”

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1.3 Importance of the Study

Things today are digitized, and the age where things have to go with the flow of digital
technologies. While students are pressured because of academic responsibilities, the higher is the
need to assess and address their needs to prevent any other problems that can be caused by stress
and pressure. There is no need for hours of answering forms rather there is a well-tested and
easier questions online, there is no shading, no manual process because they can access these
needs online through an improved and efficient technology. Privacy and confidentiality is also
well monitored and the well-being of the students is the main priority of this system. The
importance of this study is to improve the services of the needs assessment through the use of
digital technology. This study is important for the students’ welfare, knowing it is for their own
advantage, especially the students who are prone to mental illnesses, this study can as well help
them in the future as a source of knowledge. The study is also significant for Saint Louis
University because this does not only improve the standards of the school, but also will help in
preventing negative effects of mental illnesses such as suicide, this will also search as an existing
research which future researchers will use in improving the school educational qualities, but can
build a more advanced and better systems if available in the future.

1.4. Statement of the Problem

Students nowadays are prone to mental problems caused by academic pressure. When the
student first visits the website, it requires a username and password that supposed to be given by
the Guidance counsellors. This include some private information that can be obtain from the
learners identity account such as name, ID number, age, gender, date of birth, contact
information and address. The researchers aimed to study the Needs Assessment System to
determine the following answer to the problems:

Students sometimes click dishonest answers among themselves for a reason that shyness
strikes them. The current system uses an all-paper based system where answers and
names are open to any readers no matter how safe the administrators consider their
storage is. The more papers needed to be worked on, the more persons are needed to
complete the tasks in the current system, which means it lacks confidentiality.

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Students might forget to answer the entire given question which results in needless
additional questions.
The current system requires answering of two to four sets of questionnaires and requires
shading as the means of answering. The assessment can even reach five to six hours to be
finished. Tallying can also take longer time than a computer based system.

1.5 Objectives of the Study

The study looks forward to the implementation of an online platform that improves the
needs assessments process for the students of Saint Louis University. This online platform
addresses the mental health of students and makes it easier for the system to collect data. The
main function of proposed needs assessment system is to provide guidance counselling and
encouragement to all the learners through an on-going day-to-day motivational quotes and bible
verses. To achieve this function effectively, the system should strive to find a sweet spot between
too much and too little, without ever running out of words. This will allow the company to
hasten up counselling.

In addition, the system should always be available during the hours it is prone to
customers. Any maintenance where the system needs to be taken offline should be done outside
these times. Finally, the system will provide updated information for it to be available anytime.

1.6 Scope and Delimitation of the Study

This study covers the process of checking, which is according to Cambridge University
Press, checking is to make certain that something or correct, safe, or suitable by examining it;
monitoring or checking the data and information process in the system; this also looks forward to
recording every data which flows between every store, students, administrators and the guidance
office; as well as keeping or taking care of and updating the Online Needs Assessment System. It
contains the solutions of the said problems in the form of an Information System. Moreover, it

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only tries to identify the solutions of the said problems but is still subject to some changes and
developments. The whole system contains of the students, their access, passwords, and personal
details, they the main focus of the tests stored in the system; there’s the assessment which needs
to be answered by the student, then the results, where the answers are stored on the system itself.
After the results come out, there are advices or wise quotes that will be displayed in the monitor,
and afterwards, the evaluation of answers which is done by the counsellors who serve as the last
to check on the students after the results of the assessment comes out. If the form was not
completed then the student has to re-take the test.

This study is limited to all students of Saint Louis University and the staff needed in
performing the implementation of the system. This study will also cover and will be limited to all
school in Saint Louis University and does not cover any outside organizations. To keep the
business confidentiality, the system can be access by the owner and other operational staffs and
each of them have different username and password.

1.7 Definition of Terms

The following terms or major keywords are conceptually or operationally defined in the
purpose of understanding and clarity in the context of the research.

Online Platform: is a specially developed platform using Internet technology for the design and
development of teaching and learning purposes.

Learning Tools: are included in online learning environments for managing the course, and are
geared to facilitating student learning in the environment.

Assessment of Learning: can be diagnostic, formative, or summative. Diagnostic assessment

takes place prior to teaching. Formative assessment means following students’ progress during
the teaching and learning process, while summative assessment is used to describe the teaching
and learning outcomes. (Born, 2003).

Continuous Education: refers to education after professional education, and is a tool to support
professional development in changing working life. It is based on the principle of lifelong

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Academic Pressure. It is a mental distress with respect to some anticipated frustration
associated with academic failure or even unawareness to the possibility of such failure. Students
have to face many academic demands, for example, school examination, answering questions in
the class, showing progress in school subjects. Understanding what the teacher is teaching,
competing with other class mates, fulfilling teachers and parents academic expectations.

Academic Progress- it is the measure of an individual's academic advancement.

Course- a direction or route taken or to be taken.

Depression. It is a mood disorder that causes a persistent feeling of sadness and loss of
interest. Also called major depressive disorder or clinical depression, it affects how you feel,
think and behave and can lead to a variety of emotional and physical problems. You may have
trouble doing normal day-to-day activities, and sometimes you may feel as if life isn't worth

Disrupts. An interrupt (an event, activity, or process) by causing a disturbance or problem.

Downgrades. It is a reduce to a lower grade, rank, or level of importance

Factors- one of the element contributing to a particular result or situation.

Gut Reaction- a basic and immediate response to something.

Harried. To bothered by many problems or worries: very worried or anxious.

Interventions. It is the act or fact of becoming involved intentionally in a difficult situation

Isolation. It is the act of isolating something; setting something apart from others.

Meditating. It is a think deeply or focuses one's mind for a period of time, in silence or with the
aid of chanting, for religious or spiritual purposes or as a method of relaxation.

Precipitated. To cause (an event or situation, typically one that is bad or undesirable) to
happen suddenly, unexpectedly, or prematurely

Relieve. It is a cause (pain, distress, or difficulty) to become less severe or serious.

Stress. It is a physical, mental, or emotional factor that causes bodily or mental tension.
Stresses can be external (from the environment, psychological, or social situations) or internal

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(illness, or from a medical procedure). Stress can initiate the "fight or flight" response, a complex
reaction of neurologic and endocrinology systems.


The researchers used a qualitative research methodology in processing the study. According to
Qualitative research is a scientific research which seeks answers, systematically uses a
predefined set of procedures in answering a question, collects evidence, produces findings that
were not found in advance, and gouge out findings that are applicable above the immediate
limitations of the study. A qualitative research focuses on the personal, subjective and
experiential basis of knowledge; this study holistically situates the meaning of particular
behaviours and ways of doing things in a given context as well as explains more than to merely
describe and look forward to studying things in a non-experimental setting (Kielman, 2012).
This method was used by the researchers in further studying the system. Using this methodology,
the researchers have come to observations first on the currents needs assessment process at Saint
Louis University. With direct observations, the researchers managed a hypotheses about how to
help identify the needs of the students and what can be done to make things easier for them.

2.2 Assessment Areas In Planning Web- Based Learning:

Computer Skills
To succeed in web-based courses students must have adequate computer skills. These computers
skills include basic computer operation, file management, web browsing, and email operation.

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Computer needs must be identified so that students may be provided with options for improving
their skills prior to or during the course. “Researchers have indicated that early intervention to
compensate for limited technical skills is important” (Sharma, 2003). There are a number of
methods for assessing students’ computer needs. Introductory email observations, focus groups,
student interviews, and survey instruments are available to assess computer skills. A variety of
instruments related to specific platforms and software can be found on the Internet.

Learning Styles

Assessing student learning styles can be a valuable tool in planning course activities that
complement student learning needs. According to Anderson (2004) suggests that “developing
quality education systems requires that educators have a deep understanding of how individuals
and groups of students learn”. Although “learning style characteristics do not typically predict
whether the student will succeed or fail in a distance environment” (Hannafin, et al., 2003, p.
249), assessing learning styles can help instructors recognize that each student learns in a variety
of ways. Consequently the learning style assessments can help instructors integrate an assortment
of activities that match various learning styles.

Available Resources

As obvious as it may sound, students must have access to the Internet and must have
appropriate computer hardware and software to successfully complete a web-based course. Yet,
since web-based learning is a new experience for most students, these access requirements may
be unclear to many prospective students. (Perkins, 1991) suggests that resources are an important
component of all learning environments. Therefore, instructors should undertake a student needs
assessment related to available resources prior to the course. Once technological deficiencies are
identified, students can be notified and assisted in obtaining necessary resources. Assisting
students in this area will help break down barriers to learning and will diffuse a potential learning
environment rife with frustration. Data can be easily collected with a survey including questions
related to availability of hardware and software resources.

Learner’s Desired Outcomes

Understanding what a learner desires as an educational outcome gives the instructor the
needed information to ensure congruency between course goals and student goals. Instructors

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should seek to find out why learners have elected to participate, what they want to learn from the
course, and how willing they are to be parts of the learning process. Of all the student assessment
areas, understanding learners’ desired outcomes is pivotal to student success and learning.

When privy to this information, the instructor can match course objectives with those of
the students. Within the constraints of higher education settings, it is understandable that specific
objectives must be taught; however, these mandated course outcomes can match the desired
learning outcomes of the learners. Web-based courses can incorporate activities that will help
students achieve both institutional mandated outcomes and the general learning outcomes
identified by the majority of the students in the course. This inclusion gives the learner
responsibility and allows the learner to help set course objectives, which can lead to deep

Prior Learning Experiences

Prior experience and success in the use of computer-based applications is important to

success in technologically mediated learning environments (Hannafin, et al., 2003). Assessing a
student’s prior learning experiences with web-based distance education will result in the
collection of valuable information. If the students are novices to the web-based process,
demands, and technology requirements, instructors can begin the course with activities that
address preliminary issues in order to build a foundation for success.



Define the Purpose

As long as an instructor can justify the purposefulness of an assessment, there is a high

probability that the assessment will benefit the instructor, the learning environment, and in turn
the learner.

Choose the Assessment Methods

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Whether conducting a needs assessment with qualitative methodology, quantitative
methodology, or a combination of both, it is imperative that the methods result in valid and
reliable data.

Develop a Timeline

The timeline should take into account the time it will take to distribute the assessment,

the time it will take students to complete the assessment, the time for receipt of the assessment,
and finally, the time to analyze the data and match it to the course methods.

Conduct the Needs Assessment

The instructor may combine various assessment areas into a general assessment or may
simply choose to conduct each area as an individual assessment. Common collection methods for
both general and individual assessments include telephone, email, and web-based surveys.

Analyze the Data

Instructors should follow their intuition when analysing the data and should note both
specific group needs and individual needs in their analysis.

Match the Students Needs with the Learning Environment

The instructor has two main tasks related to matching student needs. The first is to create
a plan that meets group needs and the second is to verify that the plan embraces the individual
student needs within the web-based distance education environment.


3.1 Overview of the Existing system

Saint Louis University main campus was the chosen institution to work on. Needs
assessments are done manually. The students are required to go to the library in groups; there are
watchers around with provided questionnaires, pencils and answer sheets. The answers are
manually tallied and results are given using the students’ portal or acquiring it personally from
the guidance office. The needs assessment is implemented five to six hours a day; utilizing the
use of the library.P

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3.2 Problems of the existing System

Saint Louis University needs assessment is done manually through a paper based system
which is This process is time consuming and might take weeks just by tallying the results
consider the number of students who took the assessment. This is a problem considering that
some students might want the results faster. Some files might get lost and mixed up resulting to
loss of data and re-assessment. On the other hand, some students might have other things to do
during the consumed hours and might end up procrastinating afterwards. The answers are
manually tallied and results are given either online or having it from the guidance office means
this creates more work to do which is inconvenient on the students’ part knowing that these
students are also busy with their academic responsibilities.

3.3 Overview of the proposed system

SLU Online Needs Assessment System (SLU-ONA) is a system that helps students and
administrators save time in taking needs assessments. ONA aims to maintain good records of
mental health awareness within SLU campus using faster and more secure services. This system
contains all information and data about the students who have accessed it. This system is also
able to give counselling services online and provides reliable process of data processing starting
from log in to answering of questions until the result of the assessment comes out.

Each student will have its own username and password whenever they log in to the online
assessment system. The data which has been received from the student’s unique form will be
stored in the receiver buffer. The data is then compared with the pre-assigned data in the
database and based on that the answered online needs assessment form. The transmitter will hold
a unique address which will be transmitted by the means of the radio frequency to a particular
region. The system will continuously respond to the incoming data and will gather the data from
the transmitter. The data will then be stored in the computer system. This unique username will
be displayed in the student portal. Then this data will be sent to the database.

3.4 .0 System Workflow

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3.4 .1 Context Diagram

3.4.3 Diagram O

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Online assessments are capable of providing significantly improved feedback to teaching

and learning that is both beneficial to teacher and student. Online assessments are most useful to
teaching and learning when they are designed to reveal where students are in their learning. This
usually means establishing where individuals are in relation to a ‘learning progression’ – the
sequence in which knowledge, skills and understandings typically develop in a learning area.

Online assessments also make it easier to explore the details of students’ performances.
Teachers can analyse, summarise and display data, identify items on which entire classes
experience difficulty and inspect the details of individuals’ performances. Easier electronic

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access to diagnostic detail is a significant advantage of online assessments over traditional test
booklets. Lastly, online assessments introduce the possibility of collecting new kinds of
information about student learning using novel computer-based activities. Work is underway on
innovative forms of online assessment in a range of learning areas they begin with a deep
understanding of the learning domain itself and are designed to establish and understand where
students are in their long-term progress through that domain – for the purpose of improving
teaching and learning.


Saint Louis University: ONAS is a digitized needs assessment especially created for students of
SLU. It simplifies the process of the needs assessment for students, by using the system with
stored information and data in it, there will be an easier process of tallying, checking, and
monitoring the needs of the students. SLU:ONA doesn’t have only one service but it helps
introduce students who are in need of counseling to professional counselors. Since students
nowadays as stated above are prone to academic pressure, then it is a reason that drove the
researchers to conduct this study, not only to propose a faster service, but to address the mental
awareness among the students of Saint Louis University.


Given the scopes of this system; Saint Louis University can integrate it into an improved
system in the future. This study can have a wider scope if deeply looked into. Anyhow, this study
is still useful in terms of accessibility and its use for the generation z, which is an internet linked

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