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No: #41863
National Diagnostic Distributors
Date: 24/09/19

Supported Detail Ticket Instrument Customer Detail

Support Name Ticket Type: Instrument Type: Customer Name:

Ahmad Other - Visit Easy Lyte Plus H A.Wahab Sjahranie - Samarinda,
Nurianto Code: Serial No: RSUD
Division: E/201909/0585 48173CNKC Customer Address:
Application Login Call Time: Contract Type: Jl. Palang Merah Indonesia No.1,
Rating: 12:39 - 24/09/19 Sold Sidodadi, Samarinda Ulu, Sidodadi,
5 Start: Samarinda Ulu, Kota Samarinda,
Comment: 15:11 - 24/09/19 Kalimantan Timur 75123
End: Doctor / PJ Lab:
15:57 - 24/09/19 RSUD AW SJAHRANIE
Customer Number:
Easyliteplus oleh Ahmad

Checklist Visit Notes

A) Discussion on Patient Results

☑ 1) Check Results on Patient & Instrument Flagging donw

☑ 2) Check complaints from Doctor or spv lab done

B) Check the Instrument

☑ 1) Check Error Log done

☑ 2) Check the reagent : open reagent date, reagent expired date, lot Reagent, Reagent
Storage, Physically of Reagent.

☑ 3) Checking QC Material : open QC date, QC expired date, QC lot, QC Storage, Physically

of QC.

☑ 4) Check the graph of daily QC results from instrument done

☑ 5) Check hygiene Instrument. Crosscheck with maintenance log done

☑ 6) Do Sequence Maintenance Program wash, sol n purge, calibration,

flush probe

☑ 7) Run QC after maintenance done

C) Others

☑ 1) Checks if there is any other problem complained done

☑ 2) Follow up to Technician (if there is technical problem) need replace the Cl electrode
Checklist Visit Notes

☑ 3) Report the condition of the Instrument and search the cause of the complaint submitted
from the Doctor / spv lab. Follow up to Technician also convey that will be followed up if donw

instrument is ready to use

Engineer Approved By

Started By: Ahmad Nurianto Closed By: Ratnawaty

Ended By: Ahmad Nurianto Closed At: 10:37 - 27/09/19

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