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Face Reading (Face Analysis)

In any communication the person who has more information about interlocutor has an
advantage. This advantage gives self confidence and control over situation. Thus many people would
like to know a little bit more about their interlocutor. The science which allows to find out more
information about any person get the advantage is called “Face Reading”.

Face Reading is a science which originated from Eastern doctrines. Researches in Face Reading
field have clearly proved that human character is in a close connection with human face proportions.
Thus Face Reading allows to recognize main characters of a person. Based on the information one can
predict behavior of the person and find best approach to the person.

Results of Face Reading answer to the following questions:

• What character has the person.

• What behavior can be expected from the person.
• How to organize cooperation with the person.

As you can see there is a great need of this kind of information in business relations. This
information may be effectively used in the following cases:

• Customer Service
• Negotiations
• New Employee Hiring Process

Face Reading Rules

There are 3 rules that should be kept while doing face reading:
• Attention should be paid only on dominating characters
• Not dominating face aspects should be skipped
• Correlation of dominating characters should be found out and the final character will be clear

There are no bad characters. Any character can be useful in some cases and may be worthless in other

Use of the Knowledge

This knowledge is being used in Financial Banking College Foundation since 1999 in the course of
communication skills for financial system employees.
In 2003 a book titled “Business Communication” authored by Aghasi Petrosyan was published by
Financial Banking College Foundation which had chapter devoted to Face Reading.
This knowledge was also used in the following trainings:
“Service Quality Improvement”
“Personnel Audit”
As a result of the trainings more than 150 people learned face reading skills.

Face Reading example:

Face Reading is being done by analyzing over 35 characters that can be seen on the face. However in
the following example we will discuss only 8 dominating characteristics for the pictured person.

The following characters can be seen in this person:

1. Criticism / edges of eyes are curved down /

2. Natural uncertainty / long shape of the face /
3. Pretension / high placed eyebrows /
4. Persistence / long chin /
5. Idealism / ears are positioned lower than the nose /
6. Pessimism / mouth edges are curved down /
7. Credulity / edge of the nose is higher than the bottom of nose /
8. Indecision / “wings” of the nose are weakly seen /

As main characters of the person were found out we can pass to discussing a case when the higher
mentioned person is a customer(steps are numbered according to characters of the pictured person).

1. Customer would like to tell his opinion about the product or service(usually bad opinion).
2. Customer is not self confident and needs to hear some expressions from the employee like “You can”
or “You have an opportunity”.
3. Customer may bring additional pretensions.
4. Customer is not going to buy the service or product easily if he doesn't get everything he expected.
Employee should be patient.
5. Customer will be glad to hear about social campaign, about vision and priorities of the company.
6. Customer would not be excited to hear about the projects that haven't been realized yet.
7. Customer would become trustful to the employee after first effective purchase.
8. Customer would have some questions that should be heard and clearly answered. Customer also
needs time to think about answers of the questions.

Keeping to this advice employee can fully satisfy the customer and make long term connection.

Now, we can discuss the case when higher mentioned person was hired as an employee.
There are a few aspects that may be important and motivating for the higher mentioned person:

• The job should contain serious idea: Employee will be glad to do that kind of job he is
idealistic, credulous. On the other hand the idea should be well thought as the employee is
pessimistic and criticizing.
• The job should contain research: Research will allow the employee to use a bunch of abilities
such as lean to criticism, persistence and pretension.
• Being appreciated: Employee would like to be appreciated and that may low uncertainty and
heighten quality of done work of the employee.

If employer keeps to all 3 steps than he/she will have an employee with high productivity and high


1. A. Petrosyan, “Business Communications” Yerevan, 2003

2. Henry B. Lin “What Your Face Reveals: Chinese Secrets of Face Reading”, USA, 1999
3. Mac Fulfer “Amazing Face Reading - 2nd edition”, USA, 1996
4. T. Belikova “Face and Personality”, Saint Petersburg, 2007

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