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EIRST INFORMATION REPORT (Under Section 154 Cr.P.C.) (rer 154 woe aff eT) District (Rramj:EAST DELHI PSA): MAYUR VIMAR PH Year): 2016 FIR No(H.P.t):0279 Date (Rere:2007/2016 Atay) Sectlonsyaari)) 1+ Pc 1060 anas7 . Occurrence of offence (ater z=): (2)Day(fe=): Wednesday Date Frome &}: 20/07/2018 Date To(fetia era): 20/07/2016 Time Period (ama srafa}:Pahar4 Time From (Ha): 08:00 hrs Time To (ama a): 12:40 hrs (b)information received at PS. (erat at as FE) Date): 2010712016, Time (wa) 16:30 hrs {)General Diary Reference (arava ex) Entry No.(HF& #0208 Time (wr: 16-40 brs Type of information (sera aT} Place of Occurrence (HeATEa ) (a) Direction and Distance from PS (ar & ft atte Fear): Beat Notte #.): 08 (6) Address(tem}: FLAT NO, 129 3RD FLOOR, SAMACHAR APPTT., MAYUR VIHAR PH, DELHI (6) In case, Outside the imit of the Police Station (af rrr tr & argc ‘Name of P.S(2ra1 1 ATH): District( fer: Complainant! informant (Reeexentfigerart (@)Name(aTm): AMBILY VUAY KUMAR (CIO) SHR! MADHU BHASKAR MENON ()DaterVear of Birth (a RE fe): Nationality (exam): INDIA (c)Passport No,(arenté Date of issue (218 ct AR): Place of issue (#18 a ea) (#)0ccupation (area) (e)Address(aam):, FLAT NO. 38, SAMACHAR APPTT., MAYUR VIHAR PI :AST, DELHI, INDIA Delalls of Known/Suspected/Unknown accused with full particulars(attach separate sheet ifnecessary)(aTal are /srara aig, ‘erg Pere after eel): Reason for delay in reporting by the complainanvinformant (Freraerat/ errant grat RUE 28 @ ef wert eM: NO DELAY Particulars of properties stolenfinvolved (attach separate sheet if necessary) (ara araft ar crm) SLNo. (8) Property Type(Description) Est. Valuo(Rs.\qra(*#%)) Status ELECTRICAL AND 1 ELECTRONIC Goos a DOCUMENTS AND VALUABLE ‘SECURITIES 3 COINAND CURRENCY 10000 STOLEN 2 STOLEN Distiet: eas oeus Pssiamurvnanrii Years FIR Novas Datermonante Lr reba rte wr 10,Total value of property stolen (at RE araft a FTN: 40900.00 ‘M.Inquest Report / U.D. Case No., if any (Ha waft PORE 7st, aA HE 412.F.AR. Contents (attach separate sheet, f required warm arm Pete aay: ar Ambily Via Kumar Wo Sh. Madhu Bhaskar Menon Rio Flat No. 98, Samachar Appl, Mayur Vita Pe, Deli, Age37 Ves Mob, No. 9711188488, Sar fm Re aerate eee eA Gabe een Bh # Sr. Producer eee ef Fe joy Kumar PB, Minty of Heath & Family Wotore & Ret. fH mf 58 et PS fo Chet Commissioner income Tax Office Trump Shape Building ITO Bolt rah er ao Treas nee SHPHNo. 129, Sh Foor wren fr Fradh Renovetion ay a eer arta A ce Awe eer He Hens 9 Shit a en ot es 20.07 2016 a ea OS 00 A 8 Routine seer aan ee ae Yew ae er Meoting BTR ah eer @ aT we Bae Motng Cancel VE eh ‘RRR err que 29 as mh leu ae ae ere rH ee 1240 et Pra ee 9 eT Pc Bee ge eh a ae Bw sre Pk FP eras OZ 00 PM GER ae MT ae ge A we Po Fat a he qa gen 9 48 eae ee ee ea MU ea a mY BYTE eA | AC a re TT {aera sr ey a Responce Lobby 8 TV at Wal Stand WT eet gar eT ge a gar Rehr eng ae se age Ferrata LOO TV ated eof er ae wt Mevoss Fr Gan aA heros Wer tear wa PaaS Hee ANT San ares erg ave ee he a4 aN eae HB ee Rh re wate Fat #Knowk om AUT we sree 3 ets Kumat Upachyy 3 rane fe rr er ee 2A ee se eT 2 ae 2 Inch LCD TY Mae Sony, Bank of Baroda ey ATM Card Re. 10000) St fl rae ee erat & Bt se te 9 ar ements Rr er ee a, ee Fer St iS Engish Ambly Vay Kumar, (AMILY VIJAY KUMAR) dated 20.07.2016, Atested spr. Rajonder Singh, PS Mayor Vihar, De, Ars Duty Offenr es aa ee ee a Pe Te Uae BPH D.D No, 2A Bares Marder Eee et Inspr Cl, Virender, No, 7r/E = Ck Satya Narain, No. 21591 sa Flat No. 128, rd Foor Samachar Appt. Mayor Vihar Dl egret qt sft fa Si Banga Babu, Complainant Amb Vay Kumar “Seve Machu Menon & ett Vasundre Dov he abe ar Let Bed Room # sree far eer st Single Bed Hot te ‘ee Fer wes agra Designs & Bod Gat Sica # era we Vay Kutna PB. Sere we gag Fe TE, Ae OT sf gre fee en RTC et we ee fe Fe roa Cor Vi Frente BER ae ce he weed Ta Aw MT Ter, Te eT a eee OTA Ae we $i, Body se Olive Green Colour Bed Sheet fe er TE er a& Het & a Body tere fea Oct Cream Colour Hand Towel) agar we gan Bath ert Ambly Vay Kumar ear ee Pt eat et @ rr fe sor were US 2027097 TPo on Sexe Serer sr rr ete en ard eh pea Cx. aly Narn, No, Z15she See re kee Tat acm 8 earn ma Crna Team East Dist ga Pre ete Inspr. amare Qe vee aw gan -20.07 2016 al between 6000 AM to 1240 PM, tet apa Flt No, 129, 2d Foor, Samachar Apartment MV Ph, Dei, asta rater i= 20.07 2016 at 430 a, Engin rap Rader gh No D721, PS Mayu var Dah ne 20.07 200, fe nee eT {ream No, 279/2016 US 9027907 [PCa ere ger erat Ck. Sun Kumar, No O1S/E ge Rem a se TACT sterqeaga a FIR ae Ct. Sate Neran, No. 2158 7 Inspr. Render Singh ATOIMayur Vino reo sh wees “nt § Computere Copy FIR se Special Messenger set ern Cycle No DL-TSN-0960 gr Ct. Sajan, No. 24601 ts Mga Senior Otcors ees rer eae" HCIDO. {.Action Taken Since the above Information reveals commission of oflence(s) ls as mentioned at em No.2: (Bt mel wre: ees eben ser & we eer @ FH aeerer ave a Be we, w.2.8| esha er ar): (Registered the case and took up the investigation (wave za var ra eat Fr Fara: orem (Directed (Name of L0.yae aftr ora): RAJENDER SINGH Rank (we: (INSPECTOR) ofa): 16960110 to take up the Investigation (xt ers? ure a Fy PAE Rear a) orf) (ipRefused investigation due tofatia% fe): cor mre ke Pre a) (iv) Transferred to P:8(name)(=7) District a ‘on point of jurisdiction (wt Asafa & orem gece) F.LR read over to the complainanvinformant,admitted to be correctly recorded and a copy given to the complainanvinformant, free of cost : (Farrar I aaranat at wren gee GATE Ah, GE GE MTT ea aT ego rt I a): ROAC Kasi.) Distt eas eu PS:wmnnvianes — Yearz16 44 Signature J Thumb impression ‘of the complainant informant. (Pence 1erareva eae / a er Pre): 15.Date and Time of despatch to the court (eer ort Rett re FIR No:a279 Date:ancrane LFA recipe afer ere Signature of Officer (are awe Eee) [Name(aTay: SUJEET KUMAR Rank (8): HC (HEAD CONSTABLE) Nose) Distiet: eas oeus Pssiamurvnanrii Years FIR Nosoz —Date:zneraove Med reeitger fe cert

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